Key Benefits:
412. Presentation of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection with regard to the list of standards for the general safety of consumer products
Due to § 5 (1) of the Product Safety Act 2004, BGBl. I n ° 16/2005, shall be made known:
The references and titles of European standards listed below have been published by the Commission in the framework of the implementation of Directive 2001 /95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on general product safety in the Official Journal. of the European Union (2013/C 254/03 of 4.9.2013).
The standards ÖNORM EN, ÖVE/ÖNORM EN and ÖVE EN are to be obtained from the Austrian Standards Institute, Heinestraße 38, A-1021 Wien, Telefon: (01) 213 00-0,
The ÖVE/ÖNORM EN and ÖVE EN standards are also to be obtained from the Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering (ÖVE), A-1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9, Telefon: (01) 587 63 73,
The Revelation of 23 November 2011, BGBl. II No 384/2011, is hereby unfounded.
6., extended list of standards for the general safety of consumer products 1
ÖNORM EN 581-1:2006 04 01
Outdoor furniture-Seat furniture and tables for camping, living and object areas-Part 1: General safety requirements
ÖNORM EN 913:1996 06 01
Gymnastic equipment-General safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 916:2003 06 01
Gymnastic Equipment-Jump boxes-Requirements and test procedures, including safety
ÖNORM EN 957-1:2005 10 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 1: General safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-2:2003 08 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 2: Force training equipment, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-4:1996 08 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 4: Force training benches, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-5:1996 08 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 5: Tretkurbel training equipment, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-6:2001 11 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 6: treadmills, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-7:1998 11 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 7: Rudder equipment, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-8:1998 09 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 8: Stepper, stair climbing equipment and climber-Additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-9:2003 08 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 9: Ellipsen-Trainer, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 957-10:2005 10 01
Stationary training equipment-Part 10: Training bicycles with rigid drive or without freewheel, additional special safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 1129-1:1995 08 01
Furniture-Foldable beds-Safety requirements and test procedures-Part 1: Safety and safety requirements
ÖNORM EN 1129-2:1995 08 01
Furniture-folding beds-Safety and safety requirements and test methods-Part 2: Testing procedure
ÖNORM EN 1130-1:1996 06 01
Furniture-Cribs and weighing for the living area-Part 1: Safety and safety requirements
ÖNORM EN 1130-2:1996 06 01
Furniture-Cribs and weighing for the living area-Part 2: Testing method
ÖNORM EN 1273 :2005-08-01
Articles for infants and infants-Children's walking aids-Safety engineering requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 1400-1:2002 12 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-Schnuller for infants and toddlers-Part 1: General safety requirements and product information
ÖNORM EN 1400-2:2002 12 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-Schnuller for infants and toddlers-Part 2: Mechanical requirements and tests
ÖNORM EN 1400-3:2002 12 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-Schnuller for infants and toddlers-Part 3: Chemical requirements and tests
ÖNORM EN 1466:2004 05 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-carrying bags and stands-Safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 1651:1999 11 01
Equipment for paragliding-harness-Safety and safety requirements and testing of strength
ÖNORM EN 1860-1:2003 06 01
Equipment, solid fuels and ignition aids for grilling-Part 1: Barbecue equipment for solid fuels-Requirements and test methods
ÖNORM EN ISO 9994:2006 08 01
Lighters-Safety specifications (ISO 9994:2005)
ÖNORM EN 12196:2003 05 01
Gymnastic equipment-Horses and bocks-Functional and safety requirements, Test methods
ÖNORM EN 12197:1997 09 01
Turngeräte-Reck-Safety and safety engineering requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 12346:1998 09 01
Gymnastic equipment-Sprosy walls, lattice ladders and climbing frames-Safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 12432:1999 04 01
Turngeräte-Schwebebeams-Functional and safety-related requirements, Test methods
ÖNORM EN 12491:2001 10 01
Equipment for paragliding-rescue parachute safety and safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 12586:2000 03 01, ÖNORM EN 12586/AC: 2002 10 01
Articles for infants and infants-Schnullerhalter-Safety engineering requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 12655:1998 11 01
Gymnastic equipment-Ringefacilities-Functional and safety requirements, Test methods
ÖNORM EN ISO 12863: 2011-03-15
Test procedure for the assessment of the ignition tendency of cigarettes
ÖNORM EN 13138-2:2003 02 01
Lifting aids for swimming-part 2: Safety and safety requirements and test procedures for buoyantion aids which are kept
ÖNORM EN 13209-1:2004 11 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-Child wear-Safety engineering requirements and test procedures-Part 1: back collar with frame
ÖNORM EN 13319:2000 07 01
Immersion accessories-depth gauge and combined depth and time measuring instruments-Functional and safety requirements, test methods
ÖNORM EN 13899:2003 05 01
Roller sports equipment-Rolling shoes-Safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14059:2003 02 01
Decorative oil lamps-Safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14344:2004 11 01
Articles for infants and infants-Children's seats for bicycles-Safety and safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14350-1:2004 10 01
Articles for infants and toddlers-Articles for liquid children's food-Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests
ÖNORM EN 14682: 2008-02-01
Safety of children's clothing-cords and drawstrings for children's clothing-requirements
ÖNORM EN 14764:2006 02 01
City and trekking bicycles-Safety and safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14766:2006 02 01
Terrain bicycles (mountain bikes)-Safety engineering requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14781:2006 03 01
Racing wheels-Safety requirements and test procedures
ÖNORM EN 14872:2006 04 01
Bicycles-Accessories for Bicycles-Luggage Racks
ÖNORM EN 15649-1:2012 02 15
Floating leisure articles for use on and in water-Part 1: Classification, materials, general requirements and test methods
ÖNORM EN 15649-2:2013 06 01
Floating leisure items for use on and in water-Part 2: Consumer information
ÖNORM EN 15649-3:2012 02 15
Floating leisure items for use on and in water-Part 3: Additional special safety requirements and test procedures for Class A articles
ÖNORM EN 15649-4:2012-02-15
Floating leisure articles for use on and in water-Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test procedures for class B-equipment
ÖNORM EN 15649-5:2010 04 01
Floating leisure articles for use on and in water-Part 5: Additional special safety requirements and test methods for Class C articles
ÖNORM EN 15649-6:2010 04 01
Floating leisure articles for use on and in water-Part 6: Additional special safety requirements and test procedures for articles of class D
ÖNORM EN 15649-7:2010 04 01
Floating leisure articles for use on and in water-Part 7: Additional special safety requirements and test procedures for articles of class E
ÖNORM EN 16156 :2010-12-15
Cigarettes-Assessment of the ignition tendency-Safety requirement
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 60065 :2011-11-01
Audio, video and similar electronic devices-security requirements
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 60950-1:2011-09-01
Information technology-Security-Part 1: General requirements
With regard to the standards ÖNORM EN 1400:2002 Part 1 to 3-Buckler for infants and young children-the regulation of the Federal Minister for Health and Consumer Protection on the release of N-nitrosamines and N-nitrolizable substances Bottles and calming absorbers made of elastomers or rubber, BGBl. No 104/1995.
With regard to the Önorm en 14344, Önorm en 14764, Önorm en 14766, Önorm en 14781 and ÖNORM EN 14872, the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology (Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology) will be responsible for the regulation on bicycles, bicycle trailers and related equipment. (bicycle regulation), BGBl. II No 146/2001, as amended by BGBl. II No 297/2013.
With regard to ÖNORM EN 1273 :2005-08-01, the regulation of the Federal Minister for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Federal Minister for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection), with which an ÖNORM for children's running aids is declared binding (Kinderlaufhilfenverordnung 2007), is BGBl. II No 285/2008.
With regard to the ÖNORM EN 15649-2:2013 06 01: This standard already includes Amendment A2:2013, in addition to the standard published in the Commission's Communication 2013 /C 254/03 of 4.9.2013.