Key Benefits:
516. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor on the amount of compensation for the professional lay judges and the substitute judges for the performance of their duties at the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG-Compensation Ordinance-BVwG-EV)
On the basis of Section 12 (9) of the Federal Administrative Court Act-BVwGG, BGBl. I No 10/2013 shall be arranged:
§ 1. The compensation of the expert lay judge or the replacement judge shall include the replacement of the necessary costs, which through the journey to the place of (continued) negotiation or the meeting of a Senate of the Federal Administrative Court, by the stay in this place and by the return journey is caused.
§ 2. The replacement of the necessary travel expenses shall include the cost of the carriage of the professional lay judge. the replacement judge by means of a mass transport means or by another means of transport and the compensation for distance travelled by foot (mileage); it relates to the distance between the place of (continued) negotiation or the meeting of a Senate of the Federal Administrative Court and the dwelling or the workplace, whichever is the case, where the professional lay judge or the replacement judge has to start or finish the trip.
§ 3. § § 7 to 15 of the Fees Claims Act-GebAG, BGBl. No 136/1975, it is appropriate to apply it.
§ 4. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force.