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Change The Basic Training Regulation-Bka

Original Language Title: Änderung der Grundausbildungsverordnung-BKA

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123. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor, amending the Regulation on basic training for staff of the department of portfolios (Basic Training Regulation (KA)).

On the basis of § § 25 to 31 of the Civil Service Act 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. No. 333, in the current version and § 67 of the Contract Order Act 1948 (VBG 1948), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 86, in the current version:

The Federal Chancellor's Regulation on basic training for staff of the department of the department of training (Grundausbildungsverordnung-BKA), BGBl. II No 248/2009, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 216/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (1) is accompanied by the title:

" Scope

§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down the basic training for staff members in the department of the Federal Chancellery, who are obliged to complete a basic training in accordance with the provisions of the contract law of 1948 or the contractual agreements, or for which, in accordance with the Staff Regulations Act 1979, the successful completion of a basic training is provided for as a requirement for appointment or definitive employment.

Within the meaning of this Regulation, the area of the portfolio shall include the following training areas:


Central management of the Federal Chancellery (including the equal treatment attorney, permanent representation at the OECD, KommAustria, Hofmusikkapelle and Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde).


Austrian State Archives


Federal Administrative Court


Data Protection Authority


Federal Monuments Office. "

Section 3 (1) is accompanied by the title:

" Training Director/Training Manager, Mentor, Lecturer

§ 3. (1) Training Manager/Training Manager is


In the area of training of the central management of the Federal Chancellery, the Head of the Personnel Department of the Federal Chancellery or the representative/representative of the Federal Chancellery responsible for this task,


In the training area of the Austrian State Archives, the Head of the Directorate of Personnel and Administration,


In the training area of the Federal Administrative Court, the Head of the Presidential Department,


in the area of training of the data protection authority, the head of the data protection authority or the representative/representative of the data protection authority (s) responsible for this task,


in the training area of the Federal Monuments Office, the Executive Director/Executive Director. "

3. § 5 (5) reads:

" (5) Content, objectives and the minimum hours of theoretical training of the respective subjects are regulated in annexes 1 to 4. By way of derogation, one of the defined compulsory modules in the area of law or administrative organisation and administrative economics can be replaced if the training courses are to be completed in replacement form


comply with the requirements and the time-scale of the subject to be replaced within the meaning of the relevant installation;


Part of the educational programme offered by the Federal Administration Academy, and


in the sense of a more targeted coordination of the learning content on the needs of the workplace. "

(4) The following paragraph 7 is added to § 5:

"(7) Staff in accordance with § 1 (1), who are active in the arts and culture sector, must complete at least one training module in the field of art and culture within the framework of the theoretical training."

5. The following paragraph 6 is added to § 12:

" (6) § 1 (1), § 3 (1), § 5 (5), § 5 (7) and the Annex 4 in the version BGBl. II No. 123/2014 shall enter into force on 1 July 2014. "

6. The Annex 4 reads:

" Annex 4: Content, objectives and minimum hours of theoretical training according to § 5 (5) for the area of the Federal Monuments Office

I. For the purposes of employment of the use or Pay groups A1 and v1

The subareas 1. Law and 2. Administrative Organization and Administrative Economics In relation to content, objectives and minimum hours of Appendix 1 of the Basic Training Regulation.

3. Other specific subjects for the training sector Bundesdenkmalamt

Minimum Hours

The Department of the Federal Chancellery

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the position of the Federal Chancellery in the Austrian administration


Knowledge of the tasks and organizational structure of the central management as well as basic knowledge of the post-ordered service authorities and departments of the Federal Chancellery


EDV applications, support, internal policies and BDA-specific laws

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of general and BDA-specific EDP applications, in particular with regard to office regulations


Knowledge of the internal organizational processes and the internal work organization of the Federal Monument Office


Basic knowledge of the monument protection law, the conservation-specific regulations and international conventions


Gender mainstreaming

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the strategy for gender equality in all areas of public and private life, in particular the federal budget, cultural policy and the focus of action in the federal administration


Knowledge of the Federal Chancellery's Women's Development Plan


Heritage preservation and Austrian art and cultural history

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Basic knowledge of the conservation of monuments


Basic knowledge of Austrian history, in particular the history of art and culture


Public Management

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the basic concept of public management


Basic knowledge of the central design elements and instruments of public management (controlling, quality management, cost-and performance accounting, etc.)


II. For jobs of the use or Pay groups A2 and v2

The subareas 1. Law and 2. Administrative organization and management economy In relation to content, objectives and minimum hours of Appendix 1 of the Basic Training Regulation.

3. Other specific subjects for the training sector Bundesdenkmalamt

Minimum Hours

The Department of the Federal Chancellery

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the historical and current position of the Federal Chancellery in the Austrian administration


Knowledge of the tasks and organizational structure of the central management as well as basic knowledge of the post-ordered service authorities and departments of the Federal Chancellery


EDV applications, support, internal policies and BDA-specific laws

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of general and BDA-specific EDP applications, in particular with regard to office regulations


Knowledge of the internal organizational processes and the internal work organization of the Federal Monument Office


Basic knowledge of the Monument Protection Act, the landmark regulations and international conventions


Gender mainstreaming

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the strategy for gender equality in all areas of public and private life, in particular the federal budget, cultural policy and the focus of action in the federal administration


Knowledge of the Federal Chancellery's Women's Development Plan


Heritage preservation and Austrian art and cultural history

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Basic knowledge of the conservation of monuments


Basic knowledge of Austrian history, in particular the history of art and culture


Public Management

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the basic concept of public management


Basic knowledge of the central design elements and instruments of public management (controlling, quality management, cost-and performance accounting, etc.)


III. For jobs of the use or Pay groups A3 to A5 or v3 and v4

The subregions 1. Law and 2nd Administrative Organization and Administrative Economics correspond to the content, objectives and minimum hours of Annex 1 of the Basic Education Regulation.

3. Other specific subjects for the training sector Bundesdenkmalamt

Minimum Hours

The Department of the Federal Chancellery

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the historical and current position of the Federal Chancellery in the Austrian administration


Knowledge of the tasks and organizational structure of the central management as well as basic knowledge of the post-ordered service authorities and departments of the Federal Chancellery


EDV applications, support, internal policies and BDA-specific laws

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of general and BDA-specific EDP applications, in particular with regard to office regulations


Knowledge of the internal organizational processes and the internal work organization of the Federal Monument Office


Basic knowledge of the Monument Protection Act, the landmark regulations and international conventions


Gender mainstreaming

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the strategy for gender equality in all areas of public and private life, in particular the federal budget, cultural policy and the focus of action in the federal administration


Knowledge of the Federal Chancellery's Women's Development Plan


European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) or equivalent training equivalent to the service requirements of the workplace

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Knowledge of the basics of information technology


Knowledge of computer use and file management, word processing in Word, spreadsheets in Excel, basic editing in Access, the creation of presentation slides in Powerpoint, information and communication in the Web or using e-mailing and IT security


Heritage preservation and Austrian art and cultural history

Target based on the minimum number of hours


Basic knowledge of the conservation of monuments


Basic knowledge of Austrian history, in particular the history of art and culture


Customer orientation in the administration

Target based on minimum number of hours


Knowledge of customer and service-oriented discussions and their applications in their professional life


IV. For jobs of the use or Pay groups h1, h2 and h3

The subareas 1. Law and 2. Other subjects specific to the training sector , in relation to content, objectives and minimum hours of Appendix 1, point V. of the Basic Training Regulation. "
