Key Benefits:
153. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Home Affairs, which amalds the supervision of the Childcare Provisions of 2005.
On the basis of Section 5 (1) of the Basic Supply Act-Federal Government 2005 (GVG-B 2005), BGBl. No. 405/1991, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 144/2013, shall be arranged:
The ordinance of the Federal Minister of the Interior, with which the unauthorised entry and unauthorised stay in the care facilities of the federal government is prohibited in 2005 (supervision-establishment-regulation 2005-BEBV 2005), BGBl. II No 2/2005, as last amended by BGBl. II No 455/2013, shall be amended as follows:
1. In Section 1 (1), the point in Z 6 is replaced by a line-point and the following Z 7 is added:
" 7. |
"Care center Tirol"-municipality Fieberbrunn (Postcode 6391), Trixlegg 12. " |
2. In § 3, the word order is given in paragraph 2. "30th June 2014" through the phrase "31 December 2014" replaced and the following paragraph 3 added:
"(3) § 1 para. 1 Z 7 shall enter into force on 1 July 2014."