Key Benefits:
193. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, with which the Electrical Equipment Ordinance is amended (EAG-VO-Novelle 2014)
On the basis of § § 13, 13a, 13b, 14, 19, 23 (1) and 3, 28a and 36 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), BGBl. I n ° 102/2002, as last amended by Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 193/2013, is assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economy:
The Electrical Equipment Ordinance, BGBl. II No 121/2005, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 397/2012, shall be amended as follows:
1. The following entries are added to § § 4a and 4b in the table of contents after the entry to § 4:
" § 4a. |
Market surveillance |
§ 4b. |
CE marking and presumption of conformity " |
2. The following entry to § 7a is inserted in the table of contents in accordance with § 7:
" § 7a. |
Collection Targets " |
3. In the table of contents the entry is to § 11:
" § 11. |
Treatment " |
4. In the table of contents, after the entry to § 11 the following entry to § 11a is inserted:
" § 11a. |
Cross-border movement of used electrical and electronic equipment " |
5. The following entries are inserted in the table of contents according to § 21 to § § 21a to 21c:
" § 21a. |
Authorized representative for foreign manufacturers |
§ 21b. and § 21c. |
Authorized representative for Distance Sellers " |
6. In the table of contents, the following entry to § 27a shall be inserted after the entry in section 27:
" § 27a. |
Transitional provision " |
7. In the table of contents, the entry to Annex 1 is:
" Annex 1. |
Equipment categories (until 14 August 2018) " |
In the table of contents, the following entry to Annex 1a shall be inserted after the entry in Annex 1:
" Annex 1a. |
Equipment categories (from 15 August 2018) " |
9. In the table of contents, the entry to Annex 2 is:
" Annex 2. |
Uses excluded from the restriction of section 4 (1) " |
In the table of contents, following the entry to Annex 2, the following entries shall be added to Annexes 2a and 2b:
" Annex 2a. |
Uses excluded from the restriction in accordance with § 4 (1) in relation to medical equipment and monitoring and control instruments |
Annex 2b. |
EU Declaration of Conformity " |
11. In the table of contents, the entry to Annex 3 is:
" Annex 3. |
Classification of equipment, recycling targets and volume thresholds for collection " |
12. In the table of contents, the following entry to Annex 6 shall be added after the entry to Annex 5:
" Annex 6. |
Minimum requirements for transboundary movements of used electrical and electronic equipment " |
13. § 1 Z 2 reads:
" 2. |
the reduction of the overall impact of resource use and the improvement of the efficiency of resource use, which should contribute to sustainable development and " |
14. § 2 (1) and (2) are:
" (1) This Regulation shall apply until 14 August 2018 for electrical and electronic equipment which shall be placed under one of the following: Annex 1 shall fall and, if not,
1. |
Electrical and electronic equipment which are parts of equipment which do not fall under any of the equipment categories listed in Annex 1, or |
2. |
electric incandescent bulbs |
. To electrical and electronic equipment, which shall not be included in Annex 1 , and shall apply to electric incandescent lamps by the end of 14 August 2018 § 4 (1) to (2b) and § § 4a and 4b. |
(2) This Regulation shall apply from 15 August 2018 for all electrical and electronic equipment which shall be subject to the equipment categories of the Annex 1a as long as it is not
1. |
Equipment specially designed and incorporated as part of another type of equipment which is excluded from the scope of this Regulation or which falls outside the scope of this Regulation, and which is intended to function only as part of that other The equipment can be fulfilled; |
2. |
Equipment for use in space; |
3. |
stationary industrial large-scale tools; |
4. |
fixed large-scale installations, other than equipment which are not specifically designed and installed as part of these installations; |
5. |
means of transport for the carriage of passengers or goods, with the exception of two-wheel electric vehicles, which are not type-approved; |
6. |
mobile machinery which is not intended for road transport and which is made available exclusively for professional use; |
7. |
equipment specifically designed for research and development purposes and provided only at an inter-company level; |
8. |
medical devices, including their accessories, if it is to be expected that these will become infectious and active implantable medical devices before the end of their lifespan; |
9. |
In vitro diagnostic medical devices, including their accessories, if it is to be expected that these will become infectious before the end of their service life, or |
10. |
electric incandescent bulbs |
. § 4 (1) to (2b) and § § 4a and 4b shall apply to electric incandescent lamps and in-vitro diagnostic medical devices as of 15 August 2018. " |
15. In § 3 the Z 3 and 4 are deleted; the Z 7 is added to the following closing part:
"Photovoltaic modules shall not be considered as electrical and electronic equipment for private households," |
16. § 3 Z 9 shall be the order of the word "and photovoltaic modules," attached:
17. In § 3 Z 17, after the word "Place" the phrase ", as in particular as part of a building or building," inserted; the phrase "and can only be replaced by the same specially designed devices," is added.
18. In § 3 Z 23 the word order is deleted "device category 8 of Annex 1" .
19. In § 3 Z 25 the word sequence shall be deleted "Equipment category 9 of Annex 1" .
20. The following Z 27 shall be added to § 3:
" 27. |
"mobile machinery" means machines with their own energy supply, which must either be mobile during operation or have to be continuously or semi-continuously moved to different fixed types of operations. " |
21. § 5 (2) and (3) are:
" (2) The last distributor is obliged, at the request of the last consumer, to use an electrical and electronic equipment from private households by train at least free of charge when submitting an electrical and electronic appliance for private households. if the returned device is of an equivalent type and has performed the same function as the device that has been delivered. The final distributor shall be exempted from the obligation, provided that the sales area of the latter is less than 150 m2, and the final distributor is the final consumer of the exemption from the obligation to take back, in particular by means of clear information in the Office area of the business location is informed. The latter, who take back WEEE from private households free of charge, have to inform the final consumer of this by means of clear information, particularly in the cash register area of the business premises.
(3) In the case of transactions in which the last distributor sells electrical and electronic equipment for private households in the context of the mail order trade, including the electronic mail order trade, the latter distributor may be responsible for: Train-by-train withdrawal in accordance with paragraph 2 by setting up at least two publicly available posts per policy district where WEEE can be delivered from private households by the latter. These bodies and their opening hours shall be disclosed to the final consumer by means of clear information, in particular in advertising materials and on the website of the mail-order retailer. "
(22) The following paragraph 6 is added to § 6:
" (6) Operators of the collection points according to § 3 Z 13 lit. a and b shall record, at least twice a year, all WEEE which is intended to be used for re-use in accordance with Article 11 (1) (1) of a preparation for re-use, and either to collect them separately and either:
1. |
prepare for re-use, or |
2. |
on the basis of an agreement to a re-use operation for electrical and electronic equipment which satisfies the conditions set out in Article 11 (3), to be handed over at least twice a year; community-based re-use establishments, such as, for example, socio-economic holdings, shall be taken into account as a priority. The handover shall be made free of charge if it is ensured that such equipment is actually supplied for re-use. " |
23. In § 7 para. 1 the word order is deleted "which will be collected after 12 August 2005." .
Section 7 (4) is deleted.
25. In accordance with § 7, the following § 7a with headline is inserted:
" Collection Objectives
§ 7a. Manufacturers, final distributors, self-importers of electrical and electronic equipment as well as collectors of electrical and electronic waste equipment shall achieve the following collection targets per calendar year:
1. |
until 31 December 2015, the separate collection of, on average, at least 4 kg of WEEE from private households per inhabitated and year; |
2. |
from 1. Jänner 2016 the separate collection of at least 45% of the mass of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, calculated as a percentage of the average weight of electrical and electronic equipment in each of the three previous years in circulation have been brought; |
3. |
from 1. Jänner 2019 the separate collection of |
a) |
at least 65% of the mass of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, calculated as a percentage of the average weight of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market in each of the three previous years, or |
b) |
at least 85% of the mass of electrical and electronic waste produced. " |
26. In § 8 (1), first sentence, before the word order "In-Traffic-Set" the word "Initial" inserted and the phrase "after 12 August 2005" No.
27. § 9 together with the title is:
" Designation of treatment fees by the manufacturer
§ 9. Manufacturers and distributors shall not be allowed to dismiss the cost of collecting and treating WEEE from private households separately for the sale of a new device to the final consumer. "
28. § 10 (1) and (2) are:
" § 10. (1) Manufacturers who: |
1. |
Electrical and electronic equipment for commercial purposes, other than electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category of photovoltaic modules, placed on the market before 13 August 2005, or |
2. |
Electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category Photovoltaic modules placed on the market before 1 July 2014, |
shall be able to withdraw these devices at least free of charge if they replace them with a new device which fulfils the same function. |
(2) Manufacturers
1. |
Electrical and electronic equipment for commercial purposes-excluding electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category of photovoltaic modules-placed on the market after 12 August 2005, or |
2. |
Placing on the market electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category of photovoltaic modules after 30 June 2014, |
shall take back these devices at least free of charge. " |
29. § 11 together with the headline is:
" Treatment
§ 11. (1) Manufacturers shall be shown to ensure that WEEE which they have withdrawn in accordance with § § 7 or 10 has been proven to ensure that:
1. |
all WEEE is supplied to a preparation for re-use, provided that the equipment is suitable for use in terms of its technical condition, it is environmentally sound and economically reasonable; |
2. |
be treated in accordance with the state of the art in preparation for re-use of WEEE supplied; |
3. |
requirements according to the Waste Treatment Ordinance, BGBl. Regulation (EC) No 459/2004, in its current version; |
4. |
for waste electrical and electronic equipment according to Z 1 Annex 3 shall be achieved in accordance with the timetable set out therein, and |
5. |
with a view to the calculation of the targets set out in Z 2, records of the mass of WEEE, its components, materials and substances shall be kept, provided that such records are |
a) |
a preparation for re-use, or |
b) |
are supplied to a treatment plant or leave it, or |
c) |
of a recovery facility. |
The first and third sentences of Section 17 (5) of the AWG 2002 shall apply mutatily to the records in accordance with Z 4. |
(2) Waste electrical and electronic equipment exported from the European Union may only be taken into account in the calculation of the recovery objectives set out in Annex 3, if:
1. |
the manufacturer must show that the requirements laid down in paragraph 1 are complied with, and |
2. |
the export is properly carried out in accordance with European Union legislation on waste shipments. |
(3) Anyone who prepares entire WEEE for re-use (re-use) shall have qualified personnel, such as trained personnel, for the inspection, repair and repair of electrical and electronic equipment. Mechatronics technician, to ensure a conscientious implementation of the preparation for re-use.
(4) Each waste collector (in particular municipalities or associations of municipalities) who takes care of WEEE from a final consumer and does not return such equipment to the manufacturer shall comply with the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3. "
30. In accordance with § 11, the following section 11a and title shall be inserted:
" Cross-border movements of used electrical and electronic equipment
§ 11a. Anyone who wants to spend or spend used electrical and electronic equipment on a cross-border basis, which is likely to be WEEE, has the minimum requirements in Annex 6 , in order to demonstrate that the items in question are not WEEE. "
31. In § 12, the sales designation shall be deleted "(1)" as well as (2) and (3), the phrase "after 12 August 2005" No.
32. § 14 together with the headline is:
" Information for owners of treatment plants
§ 14. Manufacturers shall provide the necessary information for the preparation of re-use and treatment for each type of new electrical and electronic equipment within one year of the placing on the market of the relevant type. This information shall specify the various components and materials contained in the electrical and electronic equipment and the location where dangerous substances and mixtures are present in the electrical and electronic equipment, as far as this is applicable to the electrical and electronic equipment. Means of preparation for re-use, which are necessary for owners of repair shops and treatment plants, in order to comply with the provisions of this Regulation. This information shall be provided to the holders of equipment for the preparation of re-use, repair and treatment facilities by the producers of electrical and electronic equipment in the form of manuals or in electronic form (e.g. CD-ROM, online services) free of charge. "
(33) In § 15, the following paragraph 1a is inserted after paragraph 1:
" (1a) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, for a manufacturer pursuant to Article 13a (1) (3) of the AWG 2002, the obligation to participate in a collection and recycling system for those electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market may be omitted, for which an authorized representative In accordance with § 21a, the obligations have been accepted and duly fulfilled. "
34. In § 15 para. 2, first sentence, after the word order "for commercial purposes" the phrase "or the Plenipotentiaries appointed by them in accordance with § 21a" inserted.
Article 15 (3) is deleted and the following paragraph 3a is inserted:
" (3a) An authorized representative pursuant to § 21a has to participate in a collection and recycling system separately for each manufacturer who is authorized to empower him in accordance with Section 13a (1) Z 4 of the AWG 2002. An authorized representative in accordance with § 21b has to take part in a collection and recycling system separately for each manufacturer by delegation in accordance with Section 13a (1) Z 5 of the AWG 2002. "
Article 16 (2a) and (3) shall be replaced by the following paragraphs (2a), (3) and (3a):
' (2a) The collection of appropriations shall be carried out in accordance with the following principles:
1. |
Generally applicable tariffs are to be provided in respect of a category of collection and treatment; sub-groups are permitted, all contracting parties to be treated in accordance with the same principles. |
2. |
The tariffs shall be designed in such a way as to ensure that the costs to be expected for the WEEE collected in the calendar year, including WEEE, of a collection and treatment category, including those collected in the calendar year, shall be calculated in such a way as to ensure that the costs are to be calculated. the recovery costs and the costs of the coordination body to the total mass of the corresponding collection and treatment category, which is expected to be placed on the market in the same calendar year, in respect of which the participation in the System is relocated. |
3. |
Collection and recovery systems shall have the appropriate participation of the system participating producers or their authorised agents with a view to controlling the collection of funds, in particular a full notification of the total in the calendar quarter in Transport of electrical and electronic equipment for each collection and treatment category for which the respective system is to be included, including an allocation to the respective tariffs, to be contractually ensured. |
(3) Sammel and recovery systems shall offer flat-rate solutions which the participants may take as an alternative to the tariffs referred to in paragraph 2a. These flat-rate solutions have to correspond to representative mass parts.
(3a) Sammel and recovery systems shall reimburse manufacturers or their authorised agents for amounts reimbursed if they can demonstrate that electrical and electronic equipment already placed on the market in Austria is already carried out by a subsequent The trade level was exported. "
Section 16 (5) reads as follows:
" (5) collecting and recycling systems for WEEE from private households shall, as a prerequisite for the operation of their system, have to be verified annually by the notification in accordance with § 18 (1) Z 1, that either:
1. |
a mass fraction of at least 5% of the total annual traffic of electrical and electronic equipment of the respective collection and treatment category is achieved, or |
2. |
in all categories of collection and treatment for which the collection and recovery system is approved, the mass shares in the electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market in the respective category of collection and treatment in each category of collection and treatment in Sum of at least 12 percentage points. |
If the mass shares are not reached even after a reasonable grace period has been set, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, according to § 31 paragraph 2 Z 5 lit. b AWG 2002 shall restrict or withdraw the authorisation for the operation of the collection and recovery system at the end of the current calendar quarter. " |
38. In § 17, the word order is omitted. "reuse or".
39. § 17 (3) Z 5 reads:
" 5. |
the date of collection. " |
40. In § 18 (1) (1) (1), after the phrase "the manufacturer" the phrase "and, if necessary, their authorised representative" inserted.
41. § 19 (2) 2 (2) (2) lit b sublit. bb is:
" bb) |
the costs of any necessary cover measures and structural measures for WEEE from private households, provided that they are based on the Waste Treatment Ordinance, BGBl. II No 459/2004, idgF is required; " |
42. In paragraph 19, the following Z 2a is inserted after Z 2:
" 2a. |
Establishment of a flat rate for the additional costs of the required collection infrastructure of the municipalities or municipal associations for the preparation for re-use in accordance with § 6 (6), provided that a flat rate is granted after Z 2, and electronic waste equipment from private households is actually used for re-use, and provided that such costs are not already covered by the flat-rate unit according to Z 2. Z 2 lit. b sublit. aa and bb and lit. c shall apply mutatily to this lump sum. " |
43. § 21 (1) reads:
" (1) Manufacturers who fulfil the obligation to withdraw pursuant to § 7 para. 2 or 3 Z 2 or § 10 have to register the following data electronically in the register pursuant to section 22 (1) AWG 2002:
1. |
Names, addresses (e.g. registered office)-including the indication of the district and the federal state-of the person and a domestic business address relevant to the service, |
2. |
company book numbers, club register numbers or supplementary register numbers, |
2a. |
control number, |
3. |
Industry code according to § 2 paragraph 8 Z 6 AWG 2002, |
4. |
contact addresses, including existing e-mail addresses, and contact persons, |
5. |
the electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, indicating the category of collection and treatment, |
5a. |
The brand names of the electrical and electronic equipment for the first time placed on the market, |
6. |
Indication of whether electrical and electronic equipment is placed on the market for private households or for commercial purposes, |
7. |
For electrical and electronic equipment for private households, the collection points according to § 3 Z 13 lit. b by indication of the GLN, |
8. |
Indication of the respective collection and recovery system, and |
9. |
for electrical and electronic equipment for private households indication of whether devices are being distributed within the scope of distance sales (in the sense of Section 5a of the KSchG). |
Manufacturers shall submit the data in accordance with Z 1 to 9 to the register within one month after the start of the activity. Changes to the data in accordance with Z 1 to 9 shall be sent to the register within one month. " |
44. In Article 21 (3), the following Z 1a is inserted after Z 1:
" 1a. |
The brand names of the electrical and electronic equipment and tax number placed on the market, " |
45. In Section 21 (3) (4), the word order shall be deleted "in other Member States of the European Union" .
46. In § 21 (4) the word sequence shall be deleted "by 31 July 2005 at the latest" .
47. In § 21 (4) closing part the phrase "after 12 August 2005" .
48. According to § 21, the following § § 21a to 21c shall be inserted together with the headings:
" Authorised Representative for Foreign Manufacturers
§ 21a. (1) Where use is made of the possibility of appointing an authorised representative responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations of the manufacturers pursuant to Article 13a (1) (4) of the AWG 2002 pursuant to this Regulation, the following shall apply:
The following conditions must be fulfilled for the registration as an authorized representative:
1. |
The authorised representative is a natural or legal person established in Germany; |
2. |
the existence of a domestic delivery address; |
3. |
the responsibility for compliance with the Austrian administrative regulations is given (§ 9 VStG) and |
4. |
the order is made by a certified full power in German or English, in which the extent of the authorization, such as in particular the respective collection and treatment category, the express consent of the authorized representative, the to fulfil the obligation of the manufacturer which orders the manufacturer, and to ensure that the authorised representative is granted the right to conclude contracts which are binding on the manufacturer and that all parties to the performance of his duties shall be shall be made available to the public, can be seen. |
Any changes to the data shall be sent to the register by the authorised representative within one month. |
(2) An authorised representative for foreign manufacturers shall assume all obligations of the manufacturer in accordance with Section 13a (1) (4) of the AWG 2002 for those electrical and electronic equipment which he distributes in Austria to others as the last consumer. In order to carry out his duties, the Plenipotentiary shall, in particular:
1. |
registration as authorised representative in the register pursuant to section 22 (1) of the AWG 2002, specifying the data in accordance with § 21 (1) (1) (1) (1) to (9); |
2. |
Transmission of the data in accordance with section 21 (1) (1) (1) to (9) separately for each manufacturer who empowers him/her to the register in accordance with Section 22 (1) AWG 2002; |
3. |
Information of each producer concerned in accordance with Article 13a (1) (3) of the AWG 2002 on the nature and scope of an authorisation and on any changes thereto and on the respective masses of electrical and electronic equipment concerned, for which the manufacturer the manufacturer is responsible in accordance with Section 13a (1) (4) of the AWG 2002; |
4. |
Transmission of a list of the manufacturers concerned pursuant to Section 13a (1) Z 3 of the AWG 2002 to the Register pursuant to Section 22 (1) AWG 2002 and |
5. |
Transmission of the notification in accordance with § 23 (1) or (4) and § 24 (1) separately for each authorised manufacturer pursuant to Section 13a (1) Z 4 AWG 2002 to the Register pursuant to Section 22 (1) AWG 2002. |
Changes in the data referred to in Z 1, 2 and 4 shall be sent to the register within one month. |
(3) Only if the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 are fulfilled, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management shall present the marking as an authorized representative in the register in accordance with Section 22 (1) AWG 2002. If one of the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 is omitted, he shall delete the marking as an authorized representative. If the marking is refused or deleted, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management will be able to agree on this on request with a communication.
(4) In order to fulfil the obligations of this Regulation, a manufacturer may appoint only one authorised representative in accordance with Section 13a (1) (4) of the AWG 2002. The appointment of an authorized representative as well as changes or termination of an authorization can only take effect at the end of a calendar quarter.
(5) The obligations of the manufacturers in accordance with § 13a Abs.1 Z 3 AWG 2002 are only applicable to electrical and electronic equipment for which the obligations of a manufacturer pursuant to Section 13a (1) (1) (4) of the AWG (AWG) in 2002 have been taken over and by the manufacturer or his authorised representative in accordance with The provisions of paragraph 1 have been duly complied with.
Authorized representative for Distance Sellers
§ 21b. (1) Manufacturers pursuant to Section 13a (1) (5) of the AWG 2002 have to appoint an authorised representative for foreign distance dealers who is responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations of a manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment in Austria. A manufacturer can only order one authorized representative for foreign distance sales dealers. The appointment of an authorized representative as well as changes or termination of an authorization can only take effect at the end of a calendar quarter. Should the authorization fall within a calendar quarter, the manufacturer must ensure, in accordance with Section 13 (a) (1) (5) AWG 2002, a complete continuation of the fulfilment of the obligations by a new authorized representative.
(2) The following conditions must be fulfilled for the registration as an authorised representative for foreign distance sales dealers:
1. |
The authorised representative is a natural or legal person established in Germany; |
2. |
the existence of a domestic delivery address; |
3. |
the responsibility for compliance with the Austrian administrative regulations is given (§ 9 VStG) and |
4. |
the order is made by a certified full power in German or English, in which the extent of the authorization, such as in particular the respective collection and treatment category, the express consent of the authorized representative, the to fulfil the obligation of the manufacturer which orders the manufacturer, and to ensure that the authorised representative is granted the right to conclude contracts which are binding on the manufacturer and that all parties to the performance of his duties shall be shall be made available to the public, can be seen. |
Any changes to the data shall be sent to the register by the authorised representative within one month. |
(3) An authorised representative for foreign distance sales dealers shall assume all obligations of the manufacturer in accordance with Section 13a (1) Z 5 AWG 2002 for electrical and electronic equipment sold to the last consumer in Austria. Furthermore, an authorized representative for foreign distance sales dealers has the following conditions to fulfil:
1. |
Registration as authorised representative for foreign distance sales agents in the register pursuant to section 22 (1) of the AWG 2002, specifying the data in accordance with § 21 (1) Z 1 to 9, |
2. |
Transmission of the data in accordance with § 21 (1) (1) (1) to (9) separately for each manufacturer who empowers him/her to the register in accordance with Section 22 (1) AWG 2002 and |
3. |
Transmission of the notification in accordance with Section 23 (1) or (4) and Section 24 (1) separately for each manufacturer who empowers him in accordance with Section 13a (1) Z 5 of the AWG 2002 separately to the Register pursuant to Section 22 (1) AWG 2002. |
Changes to the data in accordance with Z 1 and 2 shall be sent to the register within one month. |
(4) Only if the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 are fulfilled, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management shall present the marking as an authorized representative in the register in accordance with Section 22 (1) AWG 2002. If one of the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 is omitted, he shall delete the marking as an authorized representative. If the marking is refused or deleted, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management will be able to agree on this on request with a communication.
§ 21c. Manufacturers in accordance with Article 13a (1) (3) of the AWG 2002, which export electrical and electronic equipment to other Member States of the European Union, have an authorised representative in the respective Member States as the person concerned. , which shall be responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations of the manufacturer in the Member State in which the final consumer of the equipment is located. "
49. § 22 Final part reads:
"to be published in the register pursuant to section 22 (1) AWG 2002 and to update quarterly." |
50. The last sentence is deleted in § 23 (1).
51. § 23 (2).
52. In § 23 (3), the last sentence is deleted.
53. In § 24 (1) (1) (b) (b) the word shall be "reused" through the phrase "prepared for reuse" replaced.
§ 24 (1) Z 1 lit d reads:
" (d) |
have been recycled, " |
55. In § 24 (1) (2), the word order shall be "the recycling of materials for components, materials and substances" through the phrase "the recycling shall be replaced in accordance with the requirements of Tables 1 to 3 in Annex 3".
56. In § 24 (2) the expression of the staples is:
"(in particular municipalities or municipal associations and re-use establishments)"
Article 24 (3) reads as follows:
" (3) Each waste treatment treatment treated with WEEE shall have the data referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (1) (1). (c) to make available to the respective reporting obligation pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2, also by means of the register, by 10 March at the latest, of each calendar year for the preceding calendar year. "
58. § 24 (4) is deleted.
59. § 25 together with headline reads:
" Obligations of the self-importer
§ 25. Final consumers purchasing electrical and electronic equipment for the operation of their company shall be obliged to take part in a collection and recovery system where they do not participate in such electrical and electronic equipment; demonstrably at the cost of such equipment to an authorized waste collector or handler; the free supply of these WEEE to a collection point pursuant to § 3 Z 13 or to a final distributor pursuant to § 5 (3) (b) of the German law. 2 or 3 is not allowed. "
60. In § 27, the Z 1 and 2 as well as the word "and" at the end of the Z 12; after the Z 13, the following Z 14 to 40 inserted:
" 14. |
Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electrical equipment, OJ L 206, 22.7.2010, p. No. OJ L 197 of 24.07.2012 S 38, |
15. |
the delegated directive 2012/50/EU amending Annex III to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for use of lead for adaptation to technical progress, OJ L 327, 22.12.2011, p. No. OJ L 348 of 18 December 2012, S 16, |
16. |
the delegated directive 2012/51/EU amending Annex III to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for uses of cadmium for the purpose of adapting to technical progress, OJ L 327, 22.12.2011, p. No. OJ L 348, 18 December 2012, p. 18, |
17. |
the delegated directive 2014 /14/EU amending Annex III to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for the use of 3.5 mg mercury per lamp in compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes on one side < 30 W with a service life of 20 000 hours or more, OJ L 327, 28.4.2002, No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 71, |
18. |
the delegated directive 2014 /9/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead and cadmium in metallic bonds for the production of superconducting magnetic circuits in MRI detectors, SQUID detectors, NMR detectors (nuclear spin resonance) or FTMS detectors (Fourier Transform mass spectrometers), OJ L 327, 22.7.1999, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 61, |
19. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /2/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for cadmium in fluorescent coatings in image intensities for x-rays up to 31 December 2019 and in spare parts for 1 January 2020 in the EU-X-ray equipment placed on the market, OJ L 124, 20.4.2020, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 47, |
20. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /3/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead-acetate markers for use in sterotactic head frames in computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and in Positioning systems for gamma-ray and particle therapy equipment, OJ L 327, 28.4.2002, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 49, |
21. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /1/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead as an alloying element for ionising radiation bearings and wear surfaces in medical equipment, OJ L 327, 28.11.2014, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 45, |
22. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /4/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead for the production of vacuum-tight connections between aluminium and steel in X-ray intensifiers, OJ L 206, 22.7.2011, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 51, |
23. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /6/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in surface coatings of plug-in press connectors, which require non-magnetic connectors and permanently in the case of a Temperature of less than 20 °C under normal operating conditions and storage conditions, OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 55, |
24. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /5/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in soles on printed circuit boards, in the coating of terminals of electrical and electronic components, and in Coatings of printed circuit boards, in solders for the connection of wires and cables, in solders for the connection of transducers and sensors, which are used permanently at a temperature below -20 °C under normal operating conditions and storage conditions, OJ C 327, 22.4.1997, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 53, |
25. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /7/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in soles, in the coating of terminals of electrical and electronic components and of printed circuit boards, in Connections of electrical cables, in shields and sheathed connectors for use a) in magnetic fields within a radius of 1 meter around the isocenter of the magnet of medical devices for magnetic resonance imaging, including the patienmonitors designed for use within this area, or (b) in magnetic fields at a distance of not more than 1 metre from the external surfaces of cyclotron magnets or magnets for beam transport and radiation deflection in particle therapy, OJ L 327, 28.1.2002, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 57, |
26. |
the delegated directive 2014 /8/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in solders for the fixing of digital cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc cell urid array detectors on printed circuit boards, OJ L 206, 22.7.2011, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 59, |
27. |
the delegated directive 2014 /10/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exception for lead in alloys as superconductors and heat conductors for use in cooling heads of cryogenic coolers and/or cryogenic refrigerated Refrigerated probes and/or cryogenic potential equalisation systems, in medical equipment (category 8) and/or in monitoring and control instruments in industry, OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 63, |
28. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /11/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for hexavalent chromium in alkali dispensers for use in the manufacture of photocathodes in X-ray intensities up to 31. OJ L 327, 27.12.2010, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 65, |
29. |
the delegated directive 2014 /15/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead, cadmium and hexavalent chromium in reused spare parts, which were placed on the market before 22 July 2014 medical equipment, and used in equipment of category 8 placed on the market prior to 22 July 2021, provided that the re-use is carried out in a verifiable, closed, inter-company system, and consumers are informed that parts have been re-used, OJ No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 73, |
30. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /12/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in solutes on printed circuit boards of detectors and data acquisition units for magnetic resonance tomograph Positron emission tomographs, OJ L 327, 30.4.2004 No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 67, |
31. |
the delegated Directive 2014 /13/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in lotions on fitted circuit boards for use in mobile medical devices of classes IIa and IIb of the Directive 93 /43/EEC with the exception of portable emergency defibrillators, OJ L 206, 22.7.1993. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 69, |
32. |
the delegated directive 2014 /16/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exception for lead as an activator in phosphor powder of gas discharge lamps, which are used as barium silicate phosphors (BaSi 2 O 5 (Pb) containing lamps for extracorporeal photopheresis, OJ C 327, 28.1.2002, p. No. L 4 of 9 Jänner 2014, S 75, |
33. |
the delegated directive 2014 /76/EU amending Annex III to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for mercury in hand-made fluorescent tubes for use in advertisements, decoration, architecture and Special illuminations and in artworks, OJ C 327, 30.4.2004 No. OJ L 148, 20 May 2014, p. 86, |
34. |
the delegated directive 2014 /75/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for mercury in cold cathodes fluorescent lamps (CCF-lamps) for backlit liquid crystal displays with no more than 5 mg per lamp for use in industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market prior to 22 July 2017, OJ L 124, 20.4.2017, p. No. OJ L 148, 20 May 2014, p. 84, |
35. |
the delegated directive 2014 /74/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead for use in a flexible zone press-fit connectors (other than those of the "C-Press" type) for industrial monitoring and control instruments, OJ L 327, 28.4.2002, p. No. OJ L 148, 20 May 2014, p. 82, |
36. |
the delegated directive 2014 /73/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in platinum plated platinum electrodes for use in conductivity measurements, OJ L 327, 28.11.2014, p. No. L 148 of 20 May 2014, S 80, |
37. |
the delegated directive 2014 /71/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in soles in an interface of large-area Stacked-The elements, OJ L 327, 28.11.2014, p. No. OJ L 148, 20 May 2014, p. 76, |
38. |
the delegated directive 2014 /70/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in microchannel plates (MCP), OJ L 206, 22.7.2011, p. No. OJ L 148 of 20 May 2014, p. 74, |
39. |
the delegated directive 2014 /69/EU amending Annex IV to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in dielectric ceramics in capacitors for a nominal voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 V DC for industrial Surveillance and control instruments, OJ C 327, 28.4.2002, p No. L 148 of 20 May 2014, S 72 and |
40. |
the delegated directive 2014 /72/EU amending Annex III to Directive 2011 /65/EU with regard to an exemption for lead in solders and connection coatings of electrical and electronic components and coatings of printed circuit boards Use in ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems, OJ L 327, 31.12.2002, p. No. L 148 of 20 May 2014, S 78. " |
61. In accordance with § 27, the following § 27a and heading is inserted:
" Transitional provision
§ 27a. (1) By way of derogation from § 21, manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category photovoltaic modules have only become available as of 1. January 2016 in the Register pursuant to Section 22 (1) of the AWG 2002.
(2) By way of derogation from § 23 (4) and § 24 (1), the reporting requirements concerning electrical and electronic equipment of the collection and treatment category shall be no longer applicable for the calendar years 2014 and 2015. "
(62) The following paragraph 11 is added to § 28:
" (11) The table of contents, § 1 Z 2, § 2 para. 1 and 2, § 3, para. 2, § 6 para. 6, § 7, § 7a, § 8 para. 1, § 9, § 10 para. 1 and 2, § 11, § 11a, § 12, § 14, § 15, § 16 para. 2a, 3, 3a and 5, § 17 para. 1, 2 and 3, § 18 para. 1 Z 1, § 19 para. 2 Z 2 lit. b and Z 2a, § 21 para. 1, 3 and 4, § 21a, § 21b, § 21c, § 22, § 23, § 24, § 25, § 27, § 27a, the annexes 1, 1a, 2, 3, annex 5 and annex 6, as amended by the Ordination BGBl. II No. 193/2014 will enter into force on 1 July 2014. "
63. The heading to Annex 1 is:
"Equipment categories (until 14 August 2018)"
64. The heading to Annex 1 Pct 4 reads:
" 4. Appliances of consumer electronics and photovoltaic modules "
(65) In Annex 1, at the end of point 4, a supplement shall be set and the word shall be: "Photovoltaic modules" .
66. In Annex 1, the word order shall be deleted at the end of point 5. "zB control equipment" .
The following Annex 1a, together with the heading, shall be inserted after Annex 1:
" Annex 1a
Equipment categories (from 15 August 2018)
1. Heat transfer
Refrigerators, freezers, equipment for the automatic delivery of cold products, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, heat pumps, oil-filled radiators and other heat transfer devices, in which other liquids are used as water for heat transfer.
2. screens, monitors and devices containing screens with a surface area of more than 100 cm 2
TB screens, TVs, LCD photo frames, monitors, laptops, notebooks.
3. Lamps
tB rod-shaped fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps (including high-pressure sodium vapour lamps and metal vapor lamps), low-pressure sodium vapour lamps, LED lamps
4. Large appliances (one of the external dimensions is more than 50 cm), including inter alia:
Household appliances; IT and telecommunications equipment; consumer electronics equipment; luminaires, sound or image reproduction equipment, music equipment; electrical and electronic tools; toys and sports and leisure equipment; medical equipment; Monitoring and control instruments; automatic dispensing machines; equipment for generating electric currents. In this category do not fall within the equipment covered by categories 1 to 3.
Washing machines, tumble driers, dishwashers, electric cookers and ovens, electric hotplates, lights, sound or image reproduction equipment, music equipment (with the exception of church organs), equipment for knitting and weaving, mainframe computers, large printers, Photocopiers, large cash slot machines, large medical devices, large monitoring and control instruments, large product and money dispensing machines, photovoltaic modules.
5. Small appliances (no external dimension is more than 50 cm), including inter alia:
Household appliances; consumer electronics equipment; luminaires; sound or image reproduction equipment, music equipment; electrical and electronic tools; toys, sports and recreational equipment; medical equipment; monitoring and control instruments; Vending machines; equipment for generating electric currents. In this category do not fall within the equipment covered by categories 1 to 3 and 6.
ZB vacuum cleaners, carpet sweepers, sewing equipment, lights, microwave equipment, ventilation equipment, iron, toaster, electric knives, water cookers, watches, electric shavers, scales, hair and body care equipment, calculator, Radio equipment, video cameras, video recorders, hi-fi systems, musical instruments, sound or image reproduction equipment, electrical and electronic toys, sports equipment, bicycle, smoke, running, rowing computers, etc., smoke detectors, heating regulators, thermostats, electrical and electronic small tools, medical Small appliances, small monitoring and control instruments, small automatic product dispensing machines, small appliances with installed photovoltaic modules.
6. Small IT and telecommunications equipment (no external dimension is more than 50 cm)
tB mobile phones, GPS devices, calculators, routers, PCs, printers, telephones. "
68. Annex 2 is:
" Annex 2
Uses excluded from the restriction of § 4 (1)
Exception |
Scope and validity dates |
1. |
Mercury in single-sided (compact) fluorescent lamps, which do not exceed the following values (per focal point): |
1a. |
For general illumination purposes < 30 W: 2.5 mg |
1b. |
For general illumination purposes ≥ 30 W and < 50 W: 3.5 mg |
1c. |
For general illumination purposes ≥ 50 W and < 150 W: 5 mg |
1d. |
For general illumination purposes ≥ 150 W: 15 mg |
1e. |
For general illumination purposes with round or square construction and a tube diameter of ≤ 17 mm: 7 mg |
1f. |
For special purposes: 5 mg |
1g. |
For general illumination purposes < 30W with a lifetime of 20 000 hours or more: 3.5 mg |
Expires on 31 December 2017. |
2a. |
Mercury in linear fluorescent lamps on both sides for general illumination purposes, not exceeding the following values (per lamp): |
2a. |
Tri-phosphorus lamps with a normal life span and a tube diameter of < 9 mm (eg T2): 4 mg |
2a. II |
Tri-phosphorus lamps with a normal life span and a tube diameter of ≥ 9 mm and ≤ 17 mm (eg T5): 3 mg |
2a. III |
Tri-phosphorus lamps with a normal life span and a tube diameter of > 17 mm and ≤ 28 mm (e.g. T8): 3.5 mg |
2a. IV |
Tri-phosphorus lamps with a normal life span and a tube diameter of > 28 mm (e.g. T12): 3.5 mg |
2a. |
Tri-phosphorus lamps with a long service life (≥ 25 000 hours): 5 mg |
2b. |
Mercury in other fluorescent lamps, which do not exceed the following values (per lamp): |
2b. I |
Linear halophosphate lamps with a tube diameter of > 28 mm (e.g. T10 and T12): 10 mg |
Expired on 13 April 2012. |
2b. II |
Nonlinear halophosphate lamps (all diameters): 15 mg |
Expires on 13 April 2016. |
2b. III |
Nonlinear Tri-phosphorus lamps with a tube diameter of > 17 mm (e.g. T9): 15 mg |
2b. IV |
Lamps for other general lighting purposes and for special purposes (e.g. induction lamps): 15 mg |
3. |
Mercury in CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamps) and EEFL lamps (external electrode fluorescent lamps) for special uses not exceeding the following values (per lamp) |
3a. |
Short lamps (≤ 500 mm): 3.5 mg |
3b. |
Center ange lamps (> 500 mm and ≤ 1 500 mm): 5 mg |
3c. |
Long lamps (> 1 500 mm): 13 mg |
4a. |
Mercury in other low-pressure discharge lamps (each lamp): 15 mg |
4b. |
Mercury in high-pressure sodium (vapour) lamps for general lighting purposes, which do not exceed the following values (per focal point) for lamps with an improved colour rendering index Ra > 60: |
4b. I |
P ≤ 155 W: 30 mg |
4b. II |
155 W < P ≤ 405 W: 40 mg |
4b. III |
P > 405 W: 40 mg |
4c. |
Mercury in other high-pressure sodium (vapour) lamps for general lighting purposes, not exceeding the following values (per focal point): |
4c. I |
P ≤ 155 W: 25 mg |
4c. II |
155 W < P ≤ 405 W: 30 mg |
4c. III |
P > 405 W: 40 mg |
4d. |
Mercury in high-pressure mercury (steam) lamps (HPMV) |
Expires on 13 April 2015. |
4e. |
Mercury in metal halide lamps (MH) |
4f. |
Mercury in other discharge lamps for particular uses not listed separately in this Annex |
4g. |
Mercury in handmade fluorescent tubes for use in displays, decoration, architectural and special lighting and in lighting artworks, the mercury content of which may not exceed the following quantities: (a) 20 mg per pair of electrodes + 0.3 mg per cm of tube length, but not more than 80 mg, for outdoor applications and for indoor applications at temperatures below 20 °C; (b) 15 mg per pair of electrodes + 0.24 mg per cm of tube length, but not more than 80 mg, for all other indoor applications |
Expires on 31 December 2018. |
5a. |
Lead in the glass of cathode ray tubes |
5b. |
Lead in the glass of fluorescent tubes with a mass fraction of not more than 0.2% lead |
6a. |
Lead as an alloying element in steel for processing purposes and in galvanized steel with a mass fraction of not more than 0.35% lead |
6b. |
Lead as alloying element in aluminium with a mass fraction of not more than 0.4% lead |
6c. |
Copper alloy with a mass fraction of up to 4% lead |
7a. |
Lead in high melting loths (ie. Lead-based solder alloys with a mass fraction of at least 85% lead) |
7b. |
Lead in Lots for servers, storage systems and storage arrays as well as network infrastructure equipment for switching, signal forwarding, transmission and network management in the telecommunications sector |
7c. I |
Lead-containing electrical and electronic components in glass or ceramic materials other than dielectric ceramic in capacitors, e.g. piezo-electronic devices, or in a glass or ceramic matrix connection |
7c. II |
Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a nominal voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or above |
7c. III |
Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a nominal voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 V DC |
1. Jänner 2013 expired. Subsequently used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment, which are before the 1. Jänner 2013 was placed on the market. |
7c IV |
Lead in PZT-based dielectric ceramic materials for capacitors, which are part of integrated circuits or discrete semiconductors. |
Expires on 21 July 2016. |
8a. |
Cadmium and cadmium compounds in thermofuses of type 'one shot pellet' |
1. Jänner 2012 expired. Subsequently used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment, which are before the 1. Jänner 2012 was placed on the market. |
8b. |
Cadmium and cadmium compounds in electrical contacts |
9. |
Hexavalent chromium as corrosion inhibitor of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators up to a mass fraction of 0.75% in the cooling solution |
9b. |
Lead in bearing shells and bushings for refrigerants containing compressors for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling applications (HVACR) |
11a. |
Lead in 'C-Press' press-fit connectors with flexible zone |
May be used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment put on the market prior to 24 September 2010 |
11b. |
Lead in other than 'C-Press' press-fit connectors with flexible zone |
1. Jänner 2013 expired. Subsequently used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment, which are before the 1. Jänner 2013 was placed on the market. |
12. |
Lead as a coating material for a heat-conducting C-ring module. |
May be used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment which were placed on the market before 24 September 2010. |
13a. |
Lead in white glass for optical applications |
13b. |
Cadmium and lead in filter glass and glass for reflection standards |
14. |
Lead in loths consisting of more than two elements for connection between the terminal pins and the microprocessor assembly, with a mass fraction of more than 80% and less than 85% lead |
1. Jänner 2011 expired. Subsequently used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment, which are before the 1. Jänner 2011 was placed on the market. |
15. |
Lead in Loten for establishing a stable electrical connection between the semiconductor chip and the circuit carrier in integrated flip-chip assemblies |
16. |
Lead in rod-shaped incandescent lamps with a molten inner coating of the piston |
Expired on 1 September 2013. |
17. |
Lead halides as radiation additive in high-pressure gas discharge lamps (HID lamps) for professional reprographic applications |
18a. |
Lead as activator in the phosphor powder (of which mass fraction lead of 1% or less) of gas discharge lamps when used as special lamps for reprography on the basis of the light pausing method, lithography, insect traps, photochemical and Exposure processes with phosphors such as magnesium silicate ((Sr, Ba) 2 MgSi 2 O 7 :Pb) |
1. Jänner 2011 expired. |
18b. |
Lead as activator in the phosphor powder (of which mass fraction lead of 1% or less) of gas discharge lamps when used as tanning lamps with phosphors such as barium silicate (BaSi) 2 O 5 :Pb) |
19. |
Lead with PbBiSn-Hg and PbInSn-Hg in special compounds as main tamalgam and with PbSn-Hg as additional amalgam in super compact energy-saving lamps |
Expired on 1 June 2011. |
20. |
Lead oxide in glass soles for the connection of the front and rear glass panes of flat fluorescent lamps for liquid crystal displays (LCD) |
Expired on 1 June 2011. |
21. |
Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on glass such as borosilicate glass and lime-Natron-Glass |
23. |
Lead in the coating of fine pitch components-other than plug connectors-with a pitch of 0.65 mm or less |
May be used in spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment which were placed on the market before 24 September 2010. |
24. |
Lead in solders for discoidale and planar array-multilayer ceramic capacitors with metallized holes |
25. |
Lead oxide in structural elements of SED displays (surface conduction electron emitter displays (SED), particularly in the glass frit for the fastening (seal frit) and the glass frittering (frit ring) |
26. |
Lead oxide in the glass jacket of BLB lamps (black light bulbs) |
Expired on 1 June 2011. |
27. |
Lead alloys as Lote for converters in high-power loudspeakers (for multi-hour operation at a sound pressure of 125 dB/SPL and above) |
Expired on 24 September 2010. |
29. |
Bound lead in crystal glass according to Annex I (crystal glass types 1, 2, 3 and 4) of Directive 69 /493/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to crystal glass, OJ L 206, 22.7.1969, p. No. OJ L 326, 29.12.1969 p. 36, as last amended by Directive 2006 /96/EC, OJ L 327, 30.12.2006, p. No. OJ L 363, 20.12.2006 p. 81 |
30. |
Cadmium alloys as electrical/mechanical solder for electrical conductors, which are used directly on the voice coil in transducers in high-power loudspeakers with sound pressure of 100 dB (A) and above |
31. |
Lead in solder in mercury-free flat fluorescent lamps (e.g. for liquid crystal displays, design or industrial lighting) |
32. |
Lead oxide in glass frits for the fastening of glass panes for argon and krypton laser tubes |
33. |
Lead in solders for the soldering of thin copper wires with a diameter of at most 100 μm in power transformers |
34. |
Lead in trimming potentiometers on Cermet-Basis |
36. |
Mercury as an inhibitor for avoiding cathode sputtering in DC plasma displays with a content of up to 30 mg per display |
Expired on 1 July 2010. |
37. |
Lead in the coating of high-voltage diodes on the basis of a zinc borate glass housing |
38. |
Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick-film pastes which are used on aluminium-bound beryllium oxide |
39. |
Cadmium in colour-converting II-VI-based LEDs (< 10 μg Cd per mm 2 Light emitting area) for use in semiconductor lighting or display systems |
Expires on 1 July 2014. |
40. |
Cadmium in photoresistances for analogue optocouplers in professional audio systems |
Expired on 31 December 2013. |
41. |
Lead in solders and connection coatings of electrical and electronic components and coatings of printed circuit boards for use in ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems, for technical reasons directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand-held internal combustion engines (classes SH: 1, SH: 2, SH: 3 of Directive 97 /68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council) |
Expires on 31 December 2018. " |
69. In Annex 2a, the Z 12 is:
" 12. |
Lead and cadmium in metallic bonds for the production of superconducting magnetic circuits in MRI detectors, SQUID detectors, NMR detectors (nuclear spin resonance) or FTMS detectors (Fourier Transform mass spectrometers). Expires on 30 June 2021. " |
The following points shall be added to Annex 2a to Annex 2a:
" 21. |
Cadmium in fluorescent coatings in image intensities for X-ray images until 31 December 2019 as well as in spare parts for X-ray equipment placed on the market in the EU before 1 January 2020. |
22. |
Lead acetate markers for use in sterotactic head frames in computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as in positioning systems for gamma ray and particle therapy devices. Expires on 30 June 2021. |
23. |
Lead as an alloying element for ionizing radiation exposed bearings and wear surfaces in medical devices. Expires on 30 June 2021. |
24. |
Lead for the production of vacuum-tight connections between aluminium and steel in X-ray intensifiers. Expires on 31 December 2019. |
25. |
Lead in surface coatings of push-fit connectors, which do not require magnetic connectors and are permanently used at a temperature below 20 °C under normal operating and storage conditions. Expires on 30 June 2021. |
26. |
Lead |
- |
in Lots on printed circuit boards, |
- |
In the coating of connections of electrical and electronic components and in coatings of printed circuit boards, |
- |
in soles for the connection of wires and cables, |
- |
in Loten for the connection of transducers and sensors, |
which are used permanently at a temperature below -20 °C under normal operating conditions and storage conditions. Expires on 30 June 2021. |
27. |
Lead |
- |
in Loten, |
- |
in the coating of terminals of electrical and electronic components and of printed circuit boards, |
- |
in connections of electrical cables, in shields and sheathed connectors |
for use |
a) |
in magnetic fields within a radius of 1 metre around the isocenter of the magnet of medical devices for magnetic resonance imaging, including the patient's monitors designed for use within this area, or |
b) |
in magnetic fields with a distance of at most 1 meter from the outer surfaces of cyclotron magnets or magnets for beam transport and the beam steering in the particle therapy. |
Expires on 30 June 2020. |
28. |
Lead in solders for the fixing of digital cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc cell urid array detectors on printed circuit boards. Expires on 31 December 2017. |
29. |
Lead in alloys as superconductors and heat conductors for use in cooling heads of cryogenic coolers and/or in cryogenic refrigerated refrigerators and/or in cryogen-cooled potential equalization systems, in medical equipment (category 8) and/or in Monitoring and control instruments in industry. Expires on 30 June 2021. |
30. |
Hexavalent chromium in alkali dispensers for use in the production of photocathodes in X-ray intensities up to 31 December 2019 and in spare parts for X-ray equipment placed on the market in the EU before 1 January 2020. |
31. |
Lead, cadmium and hexavalent chromium in re-used spare parts, which are removed from medical equipment placed on the market prior to 22 July 2014 and placed on the market before 22 July 2021 category 8 shall be used, provided that the re-use is carried out in a verifiable closed interim system and that the consumer is informed that parts have been re-used. Expires on 21 July 2021. |
32. |
Lead in soles and printed circuit boards of detectors and data acquisition units for Poitron Emission stomographs integrated in magnetic resonance tomographs. Expires on 31 December 2019. |
33. |
Lead in solders on fitted printed circuit boards for use in mobile medical devices of classes IIa and IIb of Directive 93 /43/EEC, with the exception of portable emergency defibrillators. Expires for Class IIa on 30 June 2016 and for Class IIb on 31 December 2020. |
34. |
Lead as an activator in phosphor powder of gas discharge lamps, which are used as barium silicate phosphors (BaSi 2 O 5 Pb) containing lamps for the extracorporeal photopheresis are used. Expires on 22 July 2021. |
35. |
Mercury in cold cathodes fluorescent lamps for backlit liquid crystal displays with no more than 5 mg per lamp for use in industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 22 July 2017. Expires on 21 July 2024. |
36. |
Lead for use in press-fit connectors in flexible zone (other than those of type "C-Press") for industrial monitoring and control instruments. Expires on 31 December 2020. Use after that date shall be permitted in spare parts for prior to the 1. Jänner 2021 industrial monitoring and control instruments put on the market. |
37. |
Lead in platinum-plated platinum electrodes for the use of conductivity measurements, provided that at least one of the following conditions is met: |
a) |
Measurements in a wide measuring range with a conductivity range of more than one order of magnitude (e.g. range between 0.1 mS/m and 5 mS/m) in laboratory applications for unknown concentrations; |
b) |
Measurements of solutions requiring an accuracy of +/-1% of the sample area as well as a high corrosion resistance of the electrode with respect to the following solutions: |
i) |
Solutions with an acidity < pH 1; |
ii) |
Solutions with an alkalinity > pH 13; |
iii) |
corrosive, halogen-containing solutions; |
c) |
Measurements of conductivities above 100 mS/m, which must be carried out using portable instruments. |
Expires on 31 December 2018. |
38. |
Lead in Loten in an interface of large-area Staked-Die elements with more than 500 contact elements per interface for use in X-ray detectors of computer tomography and X-ray systems. Expires on 31 December 2019. Use after that date shall be permitted in spare parts for prior to the 1. Computer tomography and X-ray systems placed on the market in January 2020. |
39. |
Lead in microchannel plates (MCPs) for use in devices that have at least one of the following properties: |
a) |
a compact size of the electron or ion detector, provided that the space for the detector is limited to a maximum of 3 mm/MCP (detector thickness + space for the installation of the MCP) and a total of 6mm is limited and an alternative design in which more space is available for the detector Detector is not practicable, scientifically and technically impracticable; |
b) |
a two-dimensional spatial resolution for the detection of electrons or ions, provided that at least one of the following properties is given: |
i) |
a response time of less than 25 ns, |
ii) |
a sample coverage area of more than 149 mm², |
iii) |
a multiplication factor of more than 1.3 x 10³, |
c) |
a response time of less than 5 ns for the detection of electrons or ions; |
d) |
a sample coverage area of more than 314 mm² for the detection of electrons or ions; |
e) |
a distortion factor of more than 4.0 x 10 7 . |
The exception will expire on |
a) |
21 July 2021 for medical equipment and monitoring and control instruments; |
b) |
21 July 2023 for medical in vitro diagnostics; |
c) |
21 July 2024 for industrial monitoring and control instruments. |
40. |
Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a nominal voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 V DC for industrial monitoring and control instruments. Expires on 31 December 2020. Use after that date shall be permitted in spare parts for prior to the 1. Jänner 2021 industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market. " |
71. Annex 3 is:
" Annex 3
Classification of equipment, recycling targets and volume thresholds for collection
Table 1: Division of equipment and recovery targets until 14 August 2015
Collection and treatment categories |
Device categories |
Recovery objectives of the average weight per device |
Volume thresholds in kg for the reporting of a pick-up demand |
Recovery rate in% |
Rate of reuse and recycling of components, materials and substances in% |
Large appliances * |
Large-scale household appliances |
80 |
75 |
3000 |
IT&T devices (excl. Display devices) |
75 |
65 |
Consumer electronics (excl. Display devices) |
75 |
65 |
Lighting fixture-large (excl. Gas discharge lamps) |
70 |
50 |
Electrical and electronic tools-large |
70 |
50 |
Game, sports and leisure equipment-large |
70 |
50 |
Automatic output devices without cooling device |
80 |
75 |
Medical equipment-large |
70 |
50 |
Monitoring and control instruments-large |
70 |
50 |
Refrigerators and freezers |
Refrigerators and freezers and air conditioners |
80 |
75 |
2000 |
Automatic output devices with cooling device |
80 |
75 |
Visual display devices including picture tube devices |
IT&T devices-monitors (cathode ray tube, LCD and plasma monitors) |
75 |
65 |
1500 |
Consumer electronics-TV sets (cathode ray tube, LCD and plasma monitors) |
75 |
65 |
Monitoring and control instruments-monitors |
70 |
50 |
Small electrical appliances * |
Small household appliances |
70 |
50 |
1500 |
IT&T devices (excl. Display devices) |
75 |
65 |
Consumer electronics (excl. Display devices) |
75 |
65 |
Lighting body-small (excl. Gas discharge lamps) |
70 |
50 |
Electrical and electronic tools-small |
70 |
50 |
Games, sports and leisure equipment-small |
70 |
50 |
Medical equipment-small |
70 |
50 |
Monitoring and control instruments-small |
70 |
50 |
Gas discharge lamps |
Light fittings (gas discharge lamps) |
- |
80 |
300 |
Lighting fixtures-small (LED lamps with standard version) |
70 |
50 |
Photovoltaic modules |
Photovoltaic modules |
75 |
65 |
- |
"Large appliances" are considered to be equipment with the largest edge length greater than 50 cm, as "small appliances", the largest edge length of which is less than or equal to 50 cm.
Table 2: The classification of equipment and recovery targets from 15 August 2015 to 14 August 2018:
Collection and treatment categories |
Device categories |
Recovery objectives of the average weight per device |
Volume thresholds in kg for the reporting of a pick-up demand |
Recovery rate in% |
Re-use and recycling rate and preparation for re-use of whole appliances in% |
Large appliances * |
Large-scale household appliances |
85 |
80 |
3000 |
IT&T devices (excl. Display devices) |
80 |
70 |
Consumer electronics (excl. Display devices) |
80 |
70 |
Lighting fixture-large (excl. Gas discharge lamps) |
75 |
55 |
Electrical and electronic tools-large |
75 |
55 |
Game, sports and leisure equipment-large |
75 |
55 |
Automatic output devices without cooling device |
85 |
80 |
Medical equipment-large |
75 |
55 |
Monitoring and control instruments-large |
75 |
55 |
Refrigerators and freezers |
Refrigerators and freezers and air conditioners |
85 |
80 |
2000 |
Automatic output devices with cooling device |
85 |
80 |
Visual display devices including picture tube devices |
IT&T devices-monitors (cathode ray tube, LCD and plasma monitors) |
80 |
70 |
1500 |
Consumer electronics-TV sets (cathode ray tube, LCD and plasma monitors) |
80 |
70 |
Monitoring and control instruments-monitors |
75 |
55 |
Small electrical appliances * |
Small household appliances |
75 |
55 |
1500 |
IT&T devices (excl. Display devices) |
80 |
70 |
Consumer electronics (excl. Display devices) |
80 |
70 |
Lighting body-small (excl. Gas discharge lamps) |
75 |
55 |
Electrical and electronic tools-small |
75 |
55 |
Games, sports and leisure equipment-small |
75 |
55 |
Medical equipment-small |
75 |
55 |
Monitoring and control instruments-small |
75 |
55 |
Gas discharge lamps |
Light fittings (gas discharge lamps) |
- |
80 |
300 |
Lighting fixtures-small (LED lamps with standard version) |
75 |
55 |
Photovoltaic modules |
Photovoltaic modules |
80 |
70 |
- |
"Large appliances" are considered to be equipment with the largest edge length greater than 50 cm, as "small appliances", the largest edge length of which is less than or equal to 50 cm.
Table 3: The classification of equipment and recycling targets as of 15 August 2018:
Collection and treatment categories |
Device categories |
Recovery objectives of the average weight per device |
Volume thresholds in kg for the reporting of a pick-up demand |
Recovery rate in% |
Re-use and recycling rate and preparation for re-use of whole appliances in% |
Large appliances * |
Heat transfer |
85 |
80 |
3000 |
Large appliances |
85 |
80 |
Refrigerators and freezers |
Heat transfer |
85 |
80 |
2000 |
Visual display devices including picture tube devices |
Screens, monitors and devices containing screens with a surface area of more than 100 cm 2 |
80 |
70 |
1500 |
Small electrical appliances * |
Small appliances |
75 |
55 |
1500 |
Small IT and telecommunications equipment |
75 |
55 |
Gas discharge lamps |
Lamps |
- |
80 |
300 |
Lighting fixtures-small (LED lamps with standard version) |
75 |
55 |
Photovoltaic modules |
Photovoltaic modules |
85 |
80 |
- |
"Large appliances" shall be regarded as appliances with the largest edge length greater than 50 cm, as "small appliances", the largest edge length of which is less than or equal to 50 cm. "
72. Annex 5, first paragraph reads:
" For the calculation of the mass fraction, the masses of electrical and electronic equipment for private households, which have been placed on the market since the beginning of a calendar quarter of collection and recovery systems, or are imported for their own use, are each Collection and treatment category to be used. "
73. Annex 5, point 3 is deleted.
74. In the second paragraph of Annex 5, point 4.2. the word order is deleted "on 1 April 2007 and in the wake of" .
75. In Annex 5, Item 6. the phrase "End of second quarter" through the phrase "30th April" replaced.
76. In Annex 5, point 6.5., the phrase "at the beginning of the third quarter" through the phrase "with 1 May" replaced.
77. In Annex 5, point 6.6. the word sequence shall be "The beginning of the third quarter" through the phrase "1 May" replaced.
78. In accordance with Annex 5, the following Annex 6 is added:
" Annex 6
Minimum requirements for transboundary movements of
used electrical and electronic equipment
Anyone who wishes to spend or spend used electrical and electronic equipment shall ensure that, during transport, the following documents are carried out for the purpose of distinguishing between WEEE and WEEE and submitted to the Authority upon request:
a) |
a copy of the invoice and of the contract for the sale of electrical and electronic equipment and/or the transfer of ownership to the effect that the devices are intended for direct re-use and are fully operational; |
b) |
Documents relating to an evaluation or verification of each instrument (certificate of verification, proof of functionality), together with a record containing all records in accordance with Z 4, and |
c) |
a declaration by the person responsible for the transport of electrical and electronic equipment, stating that none of the equipment is waste according to § 2 AWG 2002. |
Anyone who wishes to spend or spend used electrical and electronic equipment shall ensure that adequate protection against damage during transport and loading and unloading, in particular through adequate packaging and appropriate packaging, is properly carried out. Stacking of the load is ensured.
3. Z 1 letters a and b and Z 4 shall not apply if conclusive documents prove that the shipment is carried out as part of an inter-company transfer agreement and that:
a) |
Electrical and electronic equipment shall be returned to the manufacturer or to a third party acting on his behalf, as an error for repair in the context of the guarantee, with the intention of re-using it; or |
b) |
used electrical and electronic equipment for commercial use for overhauling or repairing under a valid contract with the intention of re-use to the manufacturer or a third party acting on its behalf, or a facility by third parties in States, for which Decision C (2001) 107 final. of the OECD Council amending Decision C (92) 39 final. on the control of transboundary movements of waste destined for recovery, shall be dispatched, or |
c) |
Defective used electrical and electronic equipment for commercial use, such as medical equipment or parts thereof, as part of a valid contract for error-causes analysis-if such analysis is only available from the manufacturer or from may be carried out on behalf of third parties acting on his behalf, or sent to the manufacturer or to a third party acting on his behalf. |
4. Proof that the items spent are used electrical and electronic equipment, which are fully functional or only minor repairs, the cost of which is likely to be the replacement value of the appliance. , and not WEEE, the person who spends or intends to spend used electrical and electronic equipment shall comply with the following requirements:
a) |
Testing of the operability and evaluation of the presence of dangerous substances. The tests carried out on a case-by-case basis depend on the type of electrical or electronic equipment. Electronic equipment. In any case, the functional capability of the main functions must be checked. |
b) |
The results of the test (in particular with the designation of defective parts and the defect) and the evaluation (confirmation of the unrestricted functional capability or confirmation of the general traffic fit, or confirmation that the defect is caused by a minor defect). Repair can be corrected). |
c) |
The notes referred to in (b) are either on the electrical or electronic equipment, or Electronic equipment itself (if without packaging) or on the packaging. |
d) |
The records referred to in (b) shall contain the following information: |
- |
the name of the item (name of the device and the equipment category referred to in Annex 1 or 1a); |
- |
Identification number of the item (type number) (where available); |
- |
the year of manufacture (as far as is known); |
- |
the name and address of the undertaking responsible for the verification of the functioning of the undertaking; |
- |
the nature and results of the tests described in accordance with lit a (including the date of the performance test); |
5. In addition to the documents required under Z 1, 3 and 4, each charge (e.g. B. shipping containers, lorries) used electrical and electronic equipment:
a) |
a relevant transport document, such as a CMR freight letter; |
b) |
a declaration by the person who spends or intends to spend used electrical and electronic equipment in order to ensure compliance with the requirements laid down in this Annex. |
6. A lack of the relevant documents in accordance with Z 1, 3, 4 and 5 to demonstrate that an item is a used electrical or electronic device and not an electrical or electronic equipment or is missing an appropriate one Protection against damage during transport according to Z 2, this object shall be regarded as an electrical or electronic waste device and can be considered as a waste shipment. In this case, in accordance with Articles 24 and 25 of the EC Treaty (Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste), OJ L 327, 30.12.2006, p. No. OJ L 190 of 12.07.2006 p. 1).