Key Benefits:
270. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Health, with which the Pharmaceutical Skilled Labour Regulation will be amended
Due to § 5 of the pharmacy law, RGBl. No. 5/1907, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I No 32/2014, shall be arranged:
The Pharmaceutical Skilled Labour Regulation, BGBl. N ° 40/1930, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 360/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 4 (3) reads:
" (3) Only one aspirantin/aspirant may be trained in one operation. The training of a second aspirant/aspirant is, however, permissible if one aspirant/aspirant has interrupted his/her training or the training period has been extended by the examination board in accordance with Section 15 (1). The training of two aspirants is permissible even if at least one of them is trained in the half-service according to § 5 (2). "
2. § 5 (2) reads:
" (2) The Federal Minister for Health, after hearing the Austrian Pharmacists ' Chamber, may, for reasons worthy of consideration, such as, for example, the care of an infant, the longer-term care of one/a close relatives or the constitution of a dissertation, which grant training in half-service in the duration of two years. A one-time change of the training service extent is permissible. "
3. In § 10 (3), § 11 (1) and (3) as well as in Section 12 (2), the word "oral" in each case by the word "theoretical" replaced.
4. § 13 (2) reads:
"(2) The total duration of the theoretical examination of an aspirantin/aspirant shall not exceed three hours."
5. § 17 (3) reads:
" (3) After the loss of the right of management, an activity lasting at least six months is to be completed in full service for the purpose of regaining it. Periods completed in part-service shall be counted only in proportion to their relative share. In addition to the legally or collectively contractually stipulated leave, a period of illness or accident which is not exceeding two weeks and which is proven by a medical certificate shall be taken into account. "
6. The following paragraph 4 is added to § 17:
" (4) interruptions of activity which are not credited in accordance with paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 shall remain in the calculation of the duration of the pharmaceutical activity required for obtaining or regaining the right of management in accordance with paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3 is not taken into account. Periods of service use which are actually completed are to be reckless with such interruptions. "