Key Benefits:
286. Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which sets the minimum wage rate for home carers for Austria
The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in accordance with Section 22 (1) of the German Labour Constitution Act, BGBl. No. 22/1974, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 71/2013 authorises the minimum wage rate to be fixed at the request of a collective contractual body if no collective contract is effective for the sector concerned.
The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection has set the following minimum wage rate with a decision of 11 November 2014 following the implementation of a senate negotiation:
Minimum wage rate
for home carers for Austria
M 2/2014/XXVI/99/1
Section I
General provisions
§ 1.
a) |
Spatial: This minimum wage is valid for the federal territory of the Republic of Austria. |
b) |
Personal: This minimum wage is applicable to employed persons who are responsible for one or more of the following tasks: |
1. |
Maintenance |
2. |
Maintenance |
3. |
Supervision |
4. |
Maintenance and operation of facilities and facilities on real estate |
and for their employers, who, in their capacity as employers, are neither members of a legal representation of interests nor of a voluntary collective contract-capable professional association. |
c) |
Technical: For the under lit. b Z 1 to 4, regardless of whether the activities are carried out by a worker on a property or on a number of properties. |
Remuneration systems
§ 2. The workers subject to this minimum wage are, in accordance with Section II (remuneration scheme A) and/or Section III (remuneration scheme B) to be paid. The remuneration of each agreed activity is to be agreed in writing either in accordance with Section II (remuneration scheme A) or in Section III (remuneration scheme B).
§ 3. (1) In order to carry out the work referred to in Section III, the worker shall be entitled to the following hourly wage:
- |
Wage Group 1: 9,48 € |
- |
Wage group 2: 10,54 € |
- |
Wage group 3: 13,82 €. |
(2) For the purposes of carrying out the work referred to in Section II, unless otherwise specified below, an hourly wage in the amount of the hourly wage for the wage group in question as referred to in paragraph 1, plus a surcharge of 7%, shall be paid.
(3) For each hour of agreed call-up fees, 25% of the hourly wage of the wage group 2.
Payroll Period
§ 4. The wage/salary shall be paid monthly in retrospect up to the third party of the following month.
Special payments
§ 5. In addition, in each year, the worker (s) shall pay a holiday grant equal to the remuneration due for the month of May and a Christmas remuneration in the amount of the remuneration due for the month of November; at least, however, Holiday grant and a Christmas Remuneration in the amount of one twelfth of the annual cover. The holiday grant is to be paid at the time of the arrival of the holiday, but at the latest with the payment of the salary due for the June. The Christmas Remuneration shall be paid no later than 30 November of each year. If the service starts or ends during the calendar year, the employee/s/in the holiday grant and Christmas remuneration shall be pro rata proportionally in accordance with the period of service completed in that calendar year.
Work Material
§ 6. The material required for the performance of the activities (e.g. (b) Putzmittel, Streumittel) and necessary factual requirements (e.g. Work equipment, tools) as well as protective clothing must be made available by the employer/employer.
Travel expenses and other expenses
§ 7. (1) All journey times which are necessary in connection with the provision of the service are, with the exception of the daily distance from the place of residence to the place of service and back, to be paid as working hours and the fare-cheapest travel costs to Remuneration.
(2) If the accessibility of the employee/employee is agreed by a mobile telephone, the worker is to be provided with either a mobile telephone or if he/she is to reimbursethe expenses.
entry into force
§ 8. (1) This minimum wage is valid for service contracts concluded after 30 September 2005. Existing more favourable agreements shall remain unaffected by this minimum wage.
(2) This minimum wage rate changes the minimum wage rate of 12 November 2013, M 2/2013/XXVI/99/1, BGBl. II No 343/2013, and 1. Jänner 2015 in force.
Section II
Remuneration Scheme A
§ 9. The application of this section is subject to the agreement of the beginning and end of the daily and weekly normal working hours between the employee and the employer in accordance with the agreed working time distribution (such as: B. Sliding time, Enforcement).
§ 10. (1) Employees who are solely responsible for cleaning activities shall be entitled to an hourly wage according to salary group 1 (§ 3 para. 2 iVm para. 1).
(2) All other workers should be given the right to do so, unless special training or training is provided for their activities. Qualification is necessary, an hourly wage according to salary group 2 (§ 3 para. 2 iVm para. 1).
(3) Workers with special training or training Qualification is due to an hourly wage according to salary group 3 (§ 3 para. 2 iVm para. 1).
§ 11. (1) A supplement of 100% of the hourly wage is due for activities in the night period (22.00 to 5.00).
(2) A surcharge of 100% of the hourly wage is due for activities on Sundays and public holidays.
(3) Employees with an amount of working time under the statutory normal working hours are entitled to a multi-job surcharge of 25% of the hourly wage for activities outside the working time agreement.
(4) For overtime, an overtime surcharge of 50% of the hourly wage is due.
(5) An additional fee of € 56.10 per cleaning shall be charged for an agreed cleaning of disgusting pollution (in particular blood, urine, feces, erbrochenes) in generally accessible rooms.
(6) A surcharge of 50% of the surcharge in accordance with paragraph 5 is to be paid per cleaning for an agreed cleaning of oil-causing pollution in generally accessible outdoor facilities (lawn, sidewalk, etc.).
(7) In the case of work which, in comparison with normal working conditions, inevitably causes the body and clothing of the workers to be polluted, a pollution allowance of 15% of the hourly wage should be paid.
(8) For work carried out as a result of the adverse effects of substances or radiation, heat, gases, vapours, acids, alkalis, dust or vibrations, or as a result of the harmful effects of substances which are hazardous to health, as a result of the adverse effects of such conditions. a fall or other risk necessarily poses a higher risk to the life, health or physical safety of the workers (e.g. B. Working on ladders and scaffold, roofs, ornamentals and facades), a risk supplement is due in the amount of 15% of the hourly wage.
(9) For work which, in comparison with normal working conditions, has an exceptional degree of difficulty (e.g. B. Working in an exposed position), a heirloth allowance should be paid in the amount of 15% of the hourly wage.
(10) For each working time outside the agreed normal working hours and any surcharge, a half-hour shall be calculated for each half-hour of work. Surcharges are next to each other.
Section III
Remuneration Scheme B
§ 12. The prerequisite for the application of this section is that the employee can set the start and end of the normal working hours unilaterally within the period from Monday 6.00 to Saturday 13.00 clock.
§ 13. (1) An additional fee of € 56.10 per cleaning shall be charged for an agreed cleaning of disgusting pollution (in particular blood, urine, feces, erbrochenes) in generally accessible rooms.
(2) A surcharge of 50% of the surcharge according to para. 1 shall be charged per cleaning for an agreed cleaning of oil-causing pollution in generally accessible outdoor facilities (lawn area, sidewalk, etc.).
(3) In the case of work which, in comparison with the usual working conditions, inevitably causes the body and clothing of the workers to be polluted, a dirt allowance of 15% of the hourly wage is due.
(4) For work which, in comparison with normal working conditions, brings with it an extraordinary difficulty (e.g. B. Working in an exposed position), a heirloth allowance should be paid in the amount of 15% of the hourly wage.
(5) For work carried out as a result of the adverse effects of substances or radiation, heat, gases, vapours, acids, alkalis, dust or vibrations, or as a result of the harmful effects of substances which are hazardous to health, as a result of the adverse effects of such conditions. a fall or other risk necessarily poses a higher risk to the life, health or physical safety of the workers (e.g. B. Working on ladders and scaffold, roofs, ornamentals and facades), a risk supplement is due in the amount of 15% of the hourly wage.
(6) A surcharge of 100% of the hourly wage is due for extraordinary necessary work on Sundays and public holidays or during night hours between 22.00 and 5.00 o'clock.
§ 14. The time spent for the individual activities is to be calculated in accordance with § 15 and to be paid in accordance with Section 3 (1). The annual fee for the agreed salary-or In-depth coverage is to be divided up to 12 monthly amounts and to be paid monthly.
Appropriate working environment
§ 15. The appropriate working environment shall be defined as follows:
Multiplier |
Compute Factor Per Month |
Payroll |
1x weekly Kehren & Wash of the House of Stiegenhaus and the Gänge |
per inventory unit |
0.38 |
LG 1 |
1x weekly Kehren des Stiegenhaus und der Gänge |
per inventory unit |
0.15 |
LG 1 |
Dust-free holding of the staircase and the aisles as required |
per inventory unit |
0.13 |
LG 1 |
Dust free from doors as required |
per inventory unit |
0.13 |
LG 1 |
Monthly Kehren of the cellars |
per inventory unit |
0.08 |
LG 1 |
months. Holding of various storage rooms |
per inventory unit |
0.03 |
LG 1 |
Monthly return of the attic |
per inventory unit |
0.03 |
LG 1 |
clean weekly elevator car |
per inventory unit |
0.20 |
LG 1 |
Monthly washing kitchen cleaning |
per inventory unit |
0.08 |
LG 1 |
Stairway to the staircase from the second staircase |
per Stiegenhaus |
0.33 |
LG 1 |
Surcharge on premises with customer traffic, which must be entered through the staircase |
per Stiegenhaus |
2.5 |
LG 1 |
Support and monthly cleaning (manual) of low-and pallet garages |
per pitch |
0.5 |
LG 2 |
Support and monthly cleaning (machine) of low-and pallet garages |
per pitch |
0.25 |
LG 2 |
Control and/or supervision activities |
per inventory unit |
0.4 |
LG 2 |
Small repairs as required |
per inventory unit |
0.03 |
LG 3 |
Weekly elevator care |
per inventory unit |
0.15 |
LG 3 |
monthly elevator care |
per inventory unit |
0.10 |
LG 3 |
Laundry service including washing machines and dryers |
per inventory unit |
0.03 |
LG 2 |
Assistance for the first 300 m from 16.10. to 15.4. for the first 300 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.10 |
LG 2 |
Mindset care as required from 16.10. to 15.4. for the further 301 m 2 up to 1 100 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.07 |
LG 2 |
Mindset assistance as required from 16.10. to 15.4. for the above m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.03 |
LG 2 |
Mindset care as required from 16.4. to 15.10. |
per m 2 |
0.02 |
LG 2 |
Multiplier |
Calculation factor per year |
Payroll |
Cleaning windows twice a year incl. Window stock |
per m 2 window wing to be cleaned |
0.16 |
LG 1 |
for any further window cleaning incl. Window stock |
per m 2 window wing to be cleaned |
0.05 |
LG 1 |
Green area support as required (cleaning and irrigation) for the first 500 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.05 |
LG 2 |
Green area support as required (cleaning and irrigation) for the further 501 m 2 up to 4 000 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.03 |
LG 2 |
Green-area support as required (cleaning and irrigation) for the m above 2 |
per m 2 |
0.02 |
LG 2 |
Green area support as required (mowing and cutting) for the first 500 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.10 |
LG 2 |
Green area support according to demand (mowing and cutting) for the further 501 m 2 up to 4 000 m 2 |
per m 2 |
0.05 |
LG 2 |
Green area support as required (mowing and cutting edges) for the m above 2 |
per m 2 |
0.03 |
LG 2 |
Other activities
§ 16. All additional activities which have not been taken into consideration in § 15 are to be classified under the appropriate application of § 10 and are to be paid in accordance with § 3 (1).