Key Benefits:
24. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour on the Apprenticeship Examinations in the Commercial-Administrative Teaching Professions
On the basis of § § 8 and 24 of the Vocational Training Act, BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law, BGBl. I No 79/2003, shall be ordered:
Rejecting Audit
§ 1. This examination regulations apply to the professions:
1. |
Bankkaufmann/Bankkauffrau |
2. |
Accounting |
3. |
Office clerk/office clerk |
4. |
Buyer |
5. |
Wholesale trader/wholesale trader |
6. |
Hotel and hospitality assistant/hotel and hospitality assistant |
7. |
Immobilizaufmann/Immobilienkauffrau |
8. |
Industrial clerk/industrial clerk |
9. |
Registrar's assistant/law assistant |
10. |
Warehouse logistics |
11. |
Speditionslogistik |
12. |
Mobility Service |
13. |
Personnel service |
14. |
Travel Agency Assistant/Travel Agent Assistant |
15. |
Speditionskaufmann/Speditionskauffrau |
16. |
Insurance clerk/Insurance |
17. |
Administrative Assistant/Administrative Assistant |
18. |
Book and Media Economy-Book and Music Trade |
19. |
Book and media economy-book and press wholesalers |
20. |
Buch-und Medienwirtschaft-Verlag |
§ 2. (1) The final examination shall be divided into a practical and theoretical examination.
(2) The practical test shall include the following items:
a) |
Office, communication and organisation (in writing and verbal) |
b) |
Business case (in writing and verbal) |
c) |
Expert discussion (oral). |
(3) The theoretical test shall include the following items:
a) |
Commercial calculation, accounting and accounting |
b) |
Economic customer, business organization and administration |
(4) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate for examination has reached the teaching objective of the last grade of the professional vocational school or the successful completion of a vocational middle or higher school which replaces the teaching period has proven.
Practical examination
Office, Communication and Organization
§ 3. (1) The examination shall consist of a written part and an oral part. It is to be assessed with a note.
(2) The written part of the examination shall include the purchase or sale of material and/or goods and/or services, including the related written and payment transactions, and the associated buzings, and shall also include: To extend the completion of notice of defects and complaints.
(3) The Examination Committee shall, on the basis of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice, place a written task on each test subject, which can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.
(4) The test shall be terminated after 75 minutes.
(5) The examination can also be carried out in a computerised form, although all essential steps must be taken into account for the examination board. When evaluating the performance of the test piece, it is also possible to pay attention to the external form, which is appropriate for the chosen medium, to the correct choice of words and to the targeted expressiveness according to the recipient.
(6) In addition, § 23 shall apply to written work.
(7) The oral examination part shall extend from the written examination part to various related practical questions. In this connection, the service area of the teaching establishment and the special features of the economic sector, to which the teaching establishment belongs, must be taken into consideration.
(8) The test shall take at least ten minutes for each test item. She's after 20 minutes to finish. An extension of not more than ten minutes shall be carried out on a case-by-case basis if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the test specimen without a doubt.
Business case and expert discussion-common provisions
§ 4 (1) The examination in the event of business shall be carried out in writing and orally.
(2) For the written part, the Examination Committee has to provide for the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice of each examinee a task which can usually be carried out in 75 minutes. She's to finish after 90 minutes. The written work can also be carried out in a computer-aided form, although all the essential steps for the examination board must be comprehensible.
(3) The oral part must be submitted before the entire examination board and, in any event, it has to extend from the written work to the practical evaluation of various issues related to this work. The topic has to be in accordance with the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice. The examination is in the form of a conversation that is as lively as possible (discussion by depicting situations and/or situations). problems).
(4) The oral part shall last at least ten minutes for each test item. He's to finish after 15 minutes. An extension of not more than ten minutes shall be carried out on a case-by-case basis if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the test specimen without a doubt.
§ 5 (1) The expert discussion is to be submitted before the entire examination board.
(2) The expert discussion has to be developed from the practical activity. The topic has to be in accordance with the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice. The examination is in the form of a conversation that is as lively as possible, with calls for discussion by means of signs of situations or problems.
(3) In the expert discussion, the practical knowledge of the test specimen is to be determined by using technical expressions. The purpose of the test is to show that it is a problem with subject-related problems and their solutions, that it can identify the technical background relevant to an order, and that it can justify the procedure in the execution of this contract.
(4) The test shall take at least 15 minutes for each test item. She's after 20 minutes to finish. An extension of not more than ten minutes shall be carried out on a case-by-case basis if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the test specimen without a doubt.
Business case and expert discussion-provisions for individual teaching professions
§ 6. The following provisions shall apply to the teaching profession referred to in § 1 for the business case and the expert discussion:
1. Bankkaufmann/Bankkaufmannfrau
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the business has to include the areas of account management and payment transactions, as well as deposit business, including the associated correspondence.
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. In particular, it is necessary to examine the accounting, financial and financial transactions, securities business, advertising and the organisation of a credit institution.
2. Accounting
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the business case has to include the areas of listing of receipts, accounting of current business cases, preparatory work for the annual financial statements, taxes and charges as well as correspondence (form) with authorities. In addition, the Examination Committee has to select a task from the following areas:
a) |
Wage and salary-related taxes (employers 'and employees' levies), |
b) |
Payroll accounting, taking into account the billing of overtime, |
c) |
Payroll and payroll accounting taking into account the invoicing of special payments (holiday allowance, Christmas pay). |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion.
3. Office businessman/office businessman
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the business case has to be extended to a letter and/or correspondence relating to a topic selected by the Examination Committee from one of the following areas.
a) |
advertising, |
b) |
sales promotion, |
c) |
Customer advice and information, |
d) |
Sales preparation. |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion.
4. Buyers
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the business case has to be extended to the following subject areas, with the corresponding correspondence and/or the electronic information gathering, the offer test and a procurement case of material, Goods or services, as well as a correspondence related to performance defects/eco-logic measures, should be included:
a) |
the processing of the purchase requisition, |
b) |
supplier selection, |
c) |
the issuing of questions, |
d) |
offer comparison, |
e) |
Cancel and award decision, together with the justification, |
f) |
Order. |
In the context of the correspondence relating to performance defects/eco-logic measures, two of the following skills are to be proven after the selection of the examination board:
a) |
Measures in the event of a derogation from the contract, |
b) |
Measures in the case of delivery and/or performance, |
c) |
Measures in respect of quality and/or performance defects, |
d) |
Measures relating to ecology (such as packaging, disposal). |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination has to be extended to four of the following areas, following the selection of the examination board, with questions relating to the optimisation of purchasing processes to be included:
a) |
In-company computer applications in purchasing, |
b) |
Measures of controlling in purchasing, |
c) |
Work processes in sector-specific and business-specific purchasing, |
d) |
business purchase planning, |
e) |
Operations in inventory, |
f) |
Operational measures relating to ecology, |
g) |
Operational processes and measures of purchasing on imports, |
h) |
Goods and occupancy flow (internal and non-operational logistics). |
5. wholesale clerk/wholesale coh-woman
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the business case shall include a task, including the related written and payment transactions, and shall cover the following areas:
a) |
Needs assessment, |
b) |
Procurement of goods, |
c) |
Acceptance of the goods and the acceptance of goods, |
d) |
Defect determination and reclamation. |
(2) The oral examination part shall cover the following areas:
a) |
the storage of goods, |
b) |
storage organization and storage design, |
c) |
advertising, |
d) |
Product presentation and sales promotion, |
e) |
Sales preparation. |
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination shall cover the following areas, taking into account the product range and the sales-related legal provisions, as well as the professional rules:
a) |
Quality and use-related knowledge of the goods of the department, |
b) |
Category-specific particularities of goods of the department, |
c) |
Customer advice and information, |
d) |
sales processing, |
e) |
the initiation of additional sales, |
f) |
sales accounting, |
g) |
Treatment of complaints, |
h) |
Goods delivery and dispatch. |
6. Hotel and hospitality assistant/hotel and hospitality assistant
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written examination section shall cover the following areas:
a) |
Menu items, including calculation and accounting, |
b) |
Creation and design of food and beverage cards, including calculation, |
c) |
Preparation of proposals for events, including the "function sheet" for the handling, service division and the schedule with all the important information for the employees. |
(2) The oral examination part shall also include questions concerning the following areas:
a) |
professional information sharing on regional and local attractions, works of art and/or events, |
b) |
Transport and timetables, |
c) |
Procurement of tickets, flight tickets and tickets for events and |
d) |
Professional advice and expert advice on hotel and additional services. |
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. This includes also questions about food and food customers, drinks dogs, barn dogs, HACCP and occupational hygiene.
7. Immobilienkaufmann/Immobilienkaufmannfrau
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination shall cover two of the following subjects:
a) |
the rental of an object, |
b) |
the creation of a settlement, |
c) |
Uncover an insurance case, |
d) |
Procedure for external stands, |
e) |
Approach to the maintenance of real estate. |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination has to relate in particular to customer advice and support.
8. Industriekaufmann/Industriekaufmannfrau
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination shall cover trade in the industrial sector, including the related writing and payment transactions, and shall cover the following areas:
a) |
Identification of materials and goods, |
b) |
materials and goods procurement, |
c) |
Acceptance and adoption of materials and goods, |
d) |
Customer offer, |
d) |
Sales statement. |
(2) The oral part of the business case shall extend to the following areas:
a) |
advertising and sales promotion, |
b) |
sales organization, |
c) |
sales processing, |
e) |
Initiation of additional sales. |
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination has to cover the following areas, taking into account the sales-related legal provisions and professional regulations of the department as well as special storage requirements:
a) |
Quality and use-related knowledge of the goods of the department, |
b) |
Category-specific particularities of goods of the department (also with regard to the storage of goods), |
c) |
Customer advice and information. |
9. Registrar's assistant/law assistant
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. In particular, the written part of the examination shall cover the treatment of relevant documents (such as coursework, certificates), including the corresponding correspondence and the corresponding fees and charges.
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination shall cover the following areas:
a) |
Preparation of discussions and professional exchange of information, |
b) |
Preparation of documents for courts, authorities, clients, other parties or their party representatives. |
10. Storage logistics
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination is based on the preparation of a part of a warehouse logistics concept-concerning acceptance, storage, warehousing or outsourcing-for concrete goods, including work planning, security measures and on health protection at work and quality control measures.
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. Questions on relevant environmental protection and disposal measures should be included.
11. Speditionslogistik
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination shall cover the processing (manually or computer-based) of logistical tasks, with the following areas to be examined:
a) |
Developing a logistical concept, |
b) |
Calculation of logistical services. |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. Issues relating to quality management, relevant safety regulations, protection measures and accident prevention should be included.
12. Mobility Service
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written examination section shall cover the development of customer-specific offers:
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. It is possible to simulate a situation from the practical activity of the test specimen in the form of a sales or consultation interview.
13. Personnel Service
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination is based on the choice of the test item on a task from the specialist area of the Labour Force, the Department of Employment Services or the Department of Human Resources Advice, including the corresponding font and Payments to be extended:
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion.
14. Travel Agent Assistant/Travel Agent Assistant
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination has to cover the offer, order, booking and billing, including the related written and payment transactions. The preparation of a simple single flat-rate travel is to be included.
(2) The oral examination part shall extend to the following areas. On sales-related legal provisions and Conditions of sale are to be taken into consideration. Catalogues, tables and/or timetables are to be used as examination material.
a) |
advertising, marketing and sales promotion, |
b) |
General travel conditions, |
c) |
Customer advice and information, |
d) |
sales processing, |
e) |
the initiation of the sale of additional services; |
f) |
Treatment of complaints. |
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination shall cover the following areas:
a) |
Transport geography (major domestic holiday destinations in summer and/or summer) Winter tourism, essential foreign holiday destinations, essential flight and ship routes, main axes of European rail and road transport, city tourism and international business travel, Tourist Attractions in Austria), |
b) |
Organization and travel forms as well as specific contract types and systems of the course and tariff system. |
15. Speditionskaufmann/Speditionskaufmannfrau
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination shall cover the processing (manually or computerised) of speditional tasks, with the following areas to be examined:
a) |
Develop a customer-specific offer, |
b) |
Work of the accounting in connection with this customer order (calculation invoicing, unwinding of customs and insurance modalities). |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination shall cover the following areas, including issues relating to quality management, relevant safety rules, protective measures and prevention of accidents:
a) |
customs clearance, |
b) |
essential import provisions and export provisions, including tariff customs and goods, |
c) |
important domestic and foreign transport routes, |
d) |
customs crossings, |
e) |
important transshipment sites. |
16. Versicherungskaufmann/Versicherungskaufmannfrau
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination has to be carried out in the areas of application verification and application processing, inventory management and change service as well as performance examination and performance processing, including the related writing and payment transactions. .
(2) The oral examination part shall include questions from the following areas:
a) |
Legal bases and insurance conditions, |
b) |
Insurance savings, |
c) |
Rate design. |
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. In particular, the areas of accounting, debt collection, reminder and legal action, customer advice, advertising and customer service, as well as the organisation of an insurance company are to be examined.
17. Administrative Assistant/Administrative Assistant
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination has to cover the operational services, the performance test and the complaint, the inventory management of business items, including the related writing and payment transactions.
(2) The oral examination part shall include questions relating to the accounting of the public authorities and the legal bases of the administration:
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. The examination has to cover the subject of customer and party support and has to include the following question areas.
a) |
Preparation of discussions and professional exchange of information, |
b) |
Preparation of documents for visitors, customers, parties, |
c) |
Evaluation of statistics, protocols. |
18. Book and Media Economy-Book and Music Trade
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination has to cover the preparation of a project work related to the book and media industry (manual or computer-based), including the related writing and payment transactions. The subjects shall relate to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice, in which case the following areas shall be considered:
a) |
Product presentation and sales promotion, |
b) |
literature and preparation for the oral part; |
(2) The oral examination section 02shall include questions from the following areas: basic features of the literature-art and cultural history, literary basic concepts, current literature flows.
(3) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. This has to be done through the management of a sales or consultation process in the most lively form possible and with a call for discussion by means of signs of situations or problems. Within the scope of the task, the following knowledge and skills are to be checked in a integrated way:
a) |
Quality and use-related knowledge of the goods of the department, |
b) |
Specific professional rules, |
c) |
Customer advice and information, |
d) |
sales processing, |
e) |
Bibliography. |
19. Book and Media Economy-Book and Press wholesalers
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination is based on the preparation of a project work related to the book and media industry (manual or computer-based), including the related written and payment transactions for the presentation and further processing of the work orders in the oral examination part. The subjects shall relate to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice, in which case the following areas shall be considered:
a) |
Procurement of goods, |
b) |
Acceptance of the goods and the acceptance of goods, |
c) |
Subscriptions and sales promotions. |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. This has to be done through the management of a sales or consultation process in the most lively form possible and with a call for discussion by means of signs of situations or problems. Within the scope of the task, the following knowledge and skills are to be checked in a integrated way:
a) |
Quality and use-related knowledge of the goods of the department, |
b) |
Specific professional rules, |
c) |
Customer advice and information, |
d) |
Sales processing. |
20. Buch-und Medienwirtschaft-Verlag
(1) § 4 shall apply to the business case. The written part of the examination is based on the preparation of a project work related to the book and media industry (manual or computer-based), including the related written and payment transactions for the presentation and further processing of the work orders in the oral examination part. The subjects shall relate to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice, in which case the following areas shall be considered:
a) |
Calculation, |
b) |
Production, |
c) |
sales promotion, |
d) |
Literature. |
(2) § 5 shall apply to the expert discussion. This has to be done through the management of a sales or consultation process in the most lively form possible and with a call for discussion by means of signs of situations or problems. Within the scope of the task, the following knowledge and skills are to be checked in a integrated way:
a) |
publishing products; |
b) |
Specific professional rules, |
c) |
sales channels, |
d) |
Sales processing. |
Theoretical examination
General provisions
§ 7. (1) The theoretical examination shall be carried out in writing. It can be carried out jointly for a larger number of examinees, including the written work of the subject "Office, Communication and Organization", if this is possible without impairment of the examination process. The theoretical examination can also be carried out in a computerised form, although all the essential steps for the examination board must be comprehensible.
(2) The theoretical test shall in principle be held prior to the practical examination.
(3) The tasks shall be in accordance with the scope and level of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice. They are to be explained separately to the examinees on the occasion of the task.
(4) The written work of the test specimen shall be marked accordingly.
(5) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate for the examination is to achieve the teaching objective of the last class of the professional vocational school or the successful completion of the vocational middle and higher school which replaces the apprenticeship period has proven.
Commercial calculation, accounting and accounting
§ 8. (1) The examination shall include one task in each of the following areas:
a) |
Percentage invoice |
b) |
Cost accounting or calculation |
c) |
Accounting, but at least five bookings of business cases |
d) |
Calculation of an operating result. |
(2) Use of calculation instructions, formulas and tables is allowed.
(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 90 minutes.
(4) The test shall be terminated after 120 minutes.
Economic customer, business organization and administration
§ 9. (1) The examination shall include one task in each of the following areas:
a) |
Economic customer |
b) |
Legal and organisational forms of companies |
c) |
Forms and contents of sales contracts. |
(2) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.
(3) The test shall be terminated after 75 minutes.
Additional Check
§ 10 (1) After successfully completed examination of a teaching profession in one of the teaching professions mentioned in § 1 or the replacement of the teaching qualification examination of one of these teaching professions, another teaching qualification referred to in § 1 may be completed by the filing of an additional examination is acquired.
(2) The scope of the additional examination consists of the examination parts referred to in § § 4 to 6 for the respective teaching profession.
Repeat Review
§ 11. (1) The final examination of the Lehrabate can be repeated. If up to two items have been rated "Not enough", the repeat test shall be limited to the items rated "Not enough". If more than two items have been rated "Not enough", the entire test is to be repeated.
In-force pedals
§ 12. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2004 in force.
(2) The examination regulations as well as the examination regulations for the examination of the teaching profession Bankkaufmann in accordance with Regulation BGBl. II No 151/1998, accounting in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II No 304/2000, office clerk in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. No 320/1991, Purchasing in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II N ° 264/2002, wholesale business unit pursuant to the BGBl Regulation. No. 324/1991, Hotel and hospitality assistant in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. No 1089/1994, real estate clerk in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II No 159/1998, industrial clerk in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. No 326/1991, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 268/2002, Registrar's Office in the Law of the Registrar pursuant to the BGBl Regulation. II No. 291/1998, Law Firm of the Law Firm pursuant to the BGBl Regulation. II No 291/1998, warehouse logistics in accordance with Regulation II No 105/101, personnel service in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II No 270/2002, travel agency assistant in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. No 328/1991, freight forwarder in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II No 161/1998, Insurance merchant pursuant to the BGBl Regulation. No 345/1990, as well as administrative assistant in accordance with the BGBl Regulation. II No 330/1997 will expire at the end of 31 December 2003.
(3) Apprentices who are trained on 31 December 2003 in the teaching professions referred to in paragraph 2 may, up to one year after the end of the apprenticeship period, take part in the final examination on the basis of the examination regulations and examination regulations referred to in paragraph 2 above.