Key Benefits:
41. Presentation by the President of the Court of Auditors concerning the Court of Auditors ' Women's Development Plan
According to § 41 paragraph 1 of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GBG), BGBl. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 119/2002, will be announced:
The Court of Auditors ' Women's Development Plan
Section 1
Representation of the actual condition (deadline of 1 July 2003)
Representation of staff members by sex, as well as use and function groups:
Comparison of female and male employees in the Court of Auditors
§ 1. The proportion of women and men in the use groups A1 to A7 is as follows:
Usage |
% Share |
% Share |
Total |
Group |
Share of women |
Total |
Male share |
Total |
juices |
Workforce |
Workforce |
A1 |
40 |
22.60 |
137 |
77.40 |
177 |
A2 |
22 |
37,29 |
37 |
62.71 |
59 |
A3 |
34 |
85.00 |
6 |
15,00 |
40 |
A4 |
16 |
94.12 |
1 |
5.88 |
17 |
A5 |
0 |
0.00 |
5 |
100.00 |
5 |
A6 |
0 |
0.00 |
1 |
100.00 |
1 |
A7 |
5 |
71.43 |
2 |
28.57 |
7 |
Total |
117 |
38.24 |
189 |
61.76 |
306 |
Representation of the women's quota
§ 2. As can be seen from the comparison, the women's quota is less than 40% in particular for the categories A1 and A2. However, compared with the 2002/03 women's support plan, an increase of 19.66% to 22.60% in the A1 usage group and 37.29% in the A2 usage group is from 35.29% to 37.29%.
Use in the Examination Service
§ 3. Since the core task of the Court of Auditors is the audit activity, the proportion of women in the examination service will be shown separately below.
Of 306 staff employed in the Court of Auditors, 236 work in the audit service; 62 female examiners (26.27%) are faced with 174 examiners (73.73%) (women's promotion plan 2002/03: 23.98%). 76.02%).
The following table shows the development of the women's quota in the examination service, in particular the constant increase in the proportion of women and the fact that the women's quota in the examination service has been in place since the presentation of the The 1994/95 women's promotion plan more than doubled.
Women's förde- |
% Share |
% Share |
Total |
rplan |
Examiners |
to Sum |
Reviewer |
to Sum |
Reviewers |
Reviewers |
Reviewers |
1994/95 |
28 |
11.48 |
216 |
88.52 |
244 |
1996/97 |
35 |
14.71 |
203 |
85.29 |
238 |
1998/99 |
46 |
19.01 |
196 |
80.99 |
242 |
2000/01 |
53 |
21,46 |
194 |
78.54 |
247 |
2002/03 |
59 |
23.98 |
187 |
76.02 |
246 |
2004/05 |
62 |
26.27 |
174 |
73.73 |
236 |
Of the 117 women employed in the Court of Auditors, 52.99% are employed in the audit service, whereas of the 189 men employed in the Court of Auditors, 92.06% (women's promotion plan 2002/03: 51.75%, respectively). 93.03%).
Presentation of the functions of the Court of Auditors, taking account of the proportion of women
§ 4. The gender-specific occupation of the functions of the Court of Auditors is as follows:
(1) Use Group A1:
- |
Section line: 4 men; 1 unoccupied; |
- |
Section guidance: 2 men; 3 unoccupied; |
- |
Department line (without section guidance): 29 men, 4 women; |
- |
Deputy head of department as well as head of department and head of department: 61 men, 15 women; 4 unoccupied. |
In total, there are 115 occupied (and 8 vacant) functions, 19 of which are occupied by women, 16.52% (women's promotion plan 2002/03: 10.19%). |
(2) Use group A2:
- |
Management of the library: 1 man; |
- |
Head of the economic unit: 1 woman. |
In total, there are 2 functions; one is carried out by a woman, 50% (women's promotion plan 2002/03: 100%). |
(3) Use Group A3:
- |
Deputy Head of Economic Unit: 1 man; |
- |
Head of the Department of National Directorate: 1 man; |
- |
Deputy Directorate-General Directorate: 1 woman; |
- |
Director of the general law firm: 1 woman; |
- |
Management of the administrative support points of the sections: 5 women. |
In total, there are 9 functions, 7 of which are occupied by women, 77.78% (women's promotion plan 2002/03: 87.50%). |
Education and training
§ 5. In the period from 1 July 2001 to 1 July 2003, the following course reports and/or Attended seminar days for staff members in the examination service:
Login |
Seminar days attended by |
Course type |
Women |
Men |
Women |
Men |
Basic training |
8 |
3 |
237 |
90 |
other courses |
44 |
90 |
131 |
250 |
external seminars |
71 |
256 |
165 |
571 |
internal seminars |
410 |
528 |
701 |
1 016 |
Total |
533 |
877 |
1 234 |
1 927 |
This results in an average number of seminar days per participant of 2.32 days and per participant of 2.20 days.
§ 6. In the period from 1 July 2001 to 1 July 2003, a total of 1 063 men and 642 women, of whom 994 men and 520 women, applied for the examination service, as well as 69 men and 122 women for other areas (central services). It included 14 women and 11 men for the examination service, as well as 3 women and 1 man for central services. This corresponds to a proportion of women recorded in the examination service of 56% to 44% men and a proportion of 75% women and 25% men recorded on the central services.
Working Time
§ 7 . The legal possibility of flexible working time arrangements is already being implemented in the Court of Auditors and, in individual cases, it is already being used. This will promote the reconciliation of family and work.
§ 8. While women are under-represented in the Court of Auditors in categories A1 and A2 and in all the functions relating to categories A1 and A2 according to § 40 B-GBG, the success of the efforts to attract women to the Court of Auditors shows itself however, the increase in the number of women in the examination service.
Commissions and working groups
§ 9. In accordance with Section 9 (1) B-GBG, the composition of commissions is to be taken into account for the numerical ratio of female and male employees. The participation of women in working groups is to be made possible. Women are represented in Commissions as follows:
- |
Reception Commission (7 women); |
- |
Commission of the Court of Auditors (3 women); |
- |
Commission for the proposal system (1 woman); |
- |
Performance Commission (5 women). |
Section 2
Representation of the target state (longer term) for the elimination of the under-representation of women
§ 10. (1) A 40% quota for women in the examination service is to be sought. The target state would be reached if the exam service
- |
in the A1 use group, an increase of 40 to 79 women (+ 98%) and |
- |
in the A2 use group, an increase of 22 to 26 women (+ 20%) |
would have been recorded. |
(2) A rapprochement with the 40% female participation rate in the area of functions will only be possible in the long term. This would be achieved if:
- |
2 women the management of a section, |
- |
2 women, the deputy head of a section, |
- |
15 women who lead a department and |
- |
32 women the deputy head of a department or the examination board |
exercise. |
(3) Since the preparation of the 1994/95 Women's Development Plan, an increase in the number of examiners by 34 has been recorded in the examination service, while the number of examiners has decreased by 42.
Section 3
Fluctuation, forecast up to and including 2009 and binding targets
Fluctuation and prognosis
§ 11. (1) The fluctuation was established on the basis of the data obtained for the period 1 July 2001 to 1 July 2003, with the target up to and including 2009, based on the following assumptions:
Officials who were retired from 1 July 2001 to 1 July 2003:
Women |
Men |
in total |
- |
Termination of active service: |
6 |
15 |
21 |
- |
Extra-service according to § 19 BDG 1979 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
- |
Termination of the service according to § 20 |
4 |
2 |
6 |
- |
Offset according to § 38 BDG 1979 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
- |
Service allocation according to § 39 BDG 1979 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
- |
Time-lapse according to § 30 of the Contract Law Act 1948 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
- |
Total |
11 |
18 |
29 |
(2) From the date of 1 July 2003 to the end of 2009, a further 3 women and 59 men may be counted as a result of the attainment of the statutory retirement age, namely:
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
Women |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
Men |
29 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
1 |
5 |
(3) The Court of Auditors is interested in an increased application of women in the vacancy notice and thus expresses the fact that it particularly invites women in its calls for tenders to apply.
Objectives of the Court of Auditors to increase the proportion of women
in certain functions until 31 December 2005 in accordance with § 41 (3) B-GBG
§ 12. The Court of Auditors aims to continue to reduce the under-representation of women and, in the longer term, to achieve the 40% women's quota in all uses and functions, and sets out the following binding guidelines: Increase in the proportion of women.
These binding targets refer to women who are at least equally suitable as the best-suited male candidate (deadline of 1 July 2003).
Function |
Men |
Women |
Total |
Percentage of women in% |
Binding targets in% |
Section Line |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
- |
Section guidance-deputy |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
- |
Department Line |
29 |
4 |
33 |
12.1 |
15.2 |
Department Management-Deputy, Examination and Division Management |
61 |
15 |
76 |
18.8 |
21.3 |
Two sections of the section have already reached the earliest possible retirement age. Experience has shown, however, that the actual retirement age in the functions of section managers and section managers is hardly before the completion of the 65. This is why it is not possible to set a binding target for these functions for the period up to 2005.
Section 4
Special binding support measures for women
pursuant to § 41 (3) B-GBG
§ 13. (1) The Court of Auditors is committed to the principle of equivalence between women's and men's work and equal opportunities for all staff. All the holders of functions in the Court of Auditors shall have the necessary support for the promotion of women.
(2) Women's promotion activities should be taken into account in the overall planning, in personnel planning and in organisational changes.
(3) The transparency of the decision-making structures and the implementation of the promotion of women are to be ensured, in particular, by the following measures in the case of the file flow:
1. |
The Equal Treatment Officer shall be involved: |
- |
in the case of the approval of the women's subsidy plan, |
- |
in the case of organisational changes in the Court |
- |
for the composition of commissions and working groups, and |
- |
in the survey of educational needs. |
2. |
Prior to the intended implementation of the following staff measures, the Equal Treatment Officer shall have the right to a written opinion: |
- |
the setting of calls for tenders, |
- |
in the call for tenders for functions and in the case of functional orders, |
- |
in the case of the rejection of the carence and part-time employment of female service workers, |
- |
in case of changes in the use of staff |
3. |
The Equal Treatment Officer shall be informed of the following staffing and organisational measures: |
- |
Rejection of female and female host workers, |
- |
Termination of the trial use of employees, |
- |
Non-admission of employees to education and training, |
- |
Granting of Karenzurlauben and changes in the use thereof, |
- |
Invitation to tender for training seminars and |
- |
general staff decisions concerning female staff with regard to compliance with the B-GBG. |
Admission and career advancement
§ 14. (1) The invitation to tender or Publication of posts and functions which have been submitted for occupation has to be carried out with the aim of attracting, in particular, women to the audit service in the Court of Auditors.
(2) After the recording, the staff are to be introduced into the organisation of the Court of Auditors in the course of integration modules, with the participation of the equal treatment officers.
(3) The professional advancement of staff is to be promoted through priority admission to external educational events, in particular to the training of managers.
Education and training
§ 15. Education and training must be carried out in accordance with the approach developed by the Court of Auditors. The concept regulates the vocational education and training of the staff of the Court of Auditors by means of individual advice, the collection of educational needs and the preparation of the educational provision, as well as the development of Leadership in the field of women's promotion.
Reentry for charmed staff
§ 16. Women must be given any support to facilitate their re-entry into the profession. In particular, they can be offered the opportunity to participate in the integration modules, which constitute an essential part of the initial and further training concept, after the end of their carence.
Support for equal treatment officers
§ 17. The Equal Treatment Officer is to be supported in order to carry out their duties according to the B-GBG. The necessary resources and information are to be made available to it.