Key Benefits:
4. Customer of the Federal Minister of Arts and Culture, Constitution and Media, concerning the scope of the Protocol against the illicit manufacture of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition and against the illicit manufacture of firearms Trade in addition to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
According to the Communications of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the following States have ratified their instruments of ratification or ratification. Instruments of accession and the following superstate organization of their acceptance of the Protocol against the illicit manufacture of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, and against the illicit trade, in addition to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (BGBl. III No 296/2013, last proclamation of the BGBl area. III n ° 40/2014):
States or Organization: |
Date of deposit of the Ratifications, acceptance or Certificate of Accession: |
Angola |
19 September 2014 |
Barbados |
11 November 2014 |
European Union |
21 March 2014 |
Sierra Leone |
12 August 2014 |
On the occasion of the deposit of the instrument of acceptance, the European Union has made the following statement:
" Article 17 (3) of the Protocol against the illicit manufacture of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, and against illicit trafficking, provides that the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be: Organisation of regional economic integration shall include a declaration indicating the matters covered by the Protocol in respect of which the Member States of the Organisation which are party to the Protocol shall be responsible for the organisation of the Organization Powers conferred on them.
The European Union has exclusive competence with regard to trade policy. It also has a shared responsibility for rules on the establishment of the internal market and exclusive competence with regard to provisions of the Protocol which affect the common rules of the European Union, or could change their scope. Whereas the Union has adopted legislation, in particular in order to combat the illicit production and trafficking of firearms, by means of the standards and procedures in the field of the commercial policy of the Member States, and in particular in the field of trade policy; Reference to the collection, marking and uncovering of firearms, as well as the requirements for export, import and transit approval systems, which are designed to strengthen the control of export offices and brokering activities, ,
The Protocol against the illicit manufacture of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition and against illicit trafficking shall apply with regard to the powers conferred on the European Union for the territories, in to which the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union shall apply, in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.
The scope and exercise of these Union powers will, of course, continue to be further developed, and the Union will therefore, if necessary, supplement or amend this declaration in accordance with Article 17 (3) of the Protocol. "