Law 27552
Fight against Cystic Fibrosis of Pancreas or Mucoviscidose.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Article 1-State of national interest the fight against Cystic Fibrosis of Pancreas or Mucoviscidose, being understood as such to the detection and investigation of its causative agents, the diagnosis, treatment, its prevention, assistance and rehabilitation, including that of their associated pathologies, as well as the education of the population with respect to it.
Art. 2 °-This law aims to establish the legal regime for protection, health care, work, education, rehabilitation, social security and prevention, so that people with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucoviscus achieve their social, economic and cultural development and inclusion, as provided for in the national constitution.
Also, because it is a visceral disability that has no cure, they will have comprehensive protection not only at the diagnosis and medical treatment from birth, but at all levels to achieve their proper social integration.
Art. 3 °-The provisions of this law shall apply throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic. The implementing authority shall be the one that the Executive Branch establishes in the regulations of this law, which shall coordinate with the provinces the effective compliance with this law. Their implementation in each jurisdiction shall be carried out by the respective health authorities for which they may lay down additional rules which they consider necessary for the best fulfilment of the same and their rules.
Art. 4 °-The implementing authority shall establish rules for the provision of medicinal products and inputs, which must be reviewed and updated at least every two years (2) years, in order to include, in coverage, pharmacological and technological advances The invention also provides an application in cystic fibrosis therapy and promotes an improvement in the quality of life of patients.
Art. 5 °-The social works, comprising by such concept the entities enunciated in article 1 ° of the law 23,660, those framed in law 23,661, the Social Work of the Judiciary of the Nation, the Directorate of Social Aid for the Personnel of the Congress of the Nation, the prepaid medical entities and the entities that provide care to the staff of the universities, as well as all those agents that provide medical care services to their affiliates, regardless of the The legal figure they hold, they shall have a compulsory charge, the total coverage of 100% (100%) of the benefits indicated by the
doctors professionals and who need people with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucovistidose, and should provide comprehensive coverage of medicines, dietary and nutritional supplements, medical equipment, treatment kit, rehabilitation therapies and all the services provided by the professionals
doctors , within a maximum period of thirty (30) days, for those cases that are not urgent and for the latter immediately.
Art. 6 °-Comprehensive coverage of one hundred percent (100%) of the medications, dietary and nutritional supplements, medical equipment, treatment kit, rehabilitation therapies, transfers and all the benefits that are indicated by the Professional
doctors , intended for people with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucoviscidose, should be provided in the necessary conditions and quantities
as prescribed by the doctor, it is forbidden to replace and/or modify by the social work, prepay medicine company and the public health sector.
They will also have 100% coverage (100%) of all diagnostic, treatment and control studies that relate to or derive from cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucovistidose, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of the organs that will be affected by the progression of the disease. These pathologies will have the same coverage for psychological and/or psychiatric treatments that are necessary.
Art. 7 °-Confirmed the diagnosis of the person with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucoviscdose by competent authority, it will be up to the Ministry of Health of the Nation in the terms of the law 25.504 the immediate granting of the Single Disability Certificate to the person diagnosed,
which will be for life.
Confirmed the diagnosis and indistinctly of the city in which the patient resides, the competent authority must coordinate the immediate referral to the multidisciplinary centers specialized in the pathology, guaranteeing an adequate monitoring, as well as relevant transfers whenever they are required.
Art. 8 °-cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucoviscidose will not be a cause of impediment to the work income, both in the public sphere, and in the private sector. The lack of knowledge of this right will be considered discriminatory in the terms of Law 23,592 and its amendments.
Art. 9 °-In any judicial or administrative dispute in which the character of a fibrocystic or patient of mucovistidose is invoked to deny, modify or extinguish the rights of the worker, the opinion of the respective area of the Ministry of Health
and Social Action by means of specialised medical boards which shall conform to the effect, as established by the implementing authority.
Art. 10.-The Ministry of Health of the Nation must establish a direct relationship of support with the scientific entities, civil associations and O.N. Gs that to the date of the sanction of the present are developing activities inherent to the objective of the same, in the national territory, or internationally. It should also support the training of both paediatric and adult specialists.
The implementing authority must carry out national information campaigns for the detection and awareness of the disease in order to obtain adequate knowledge in the society of this disease, which will allow for greater social integration of the patients.
Art. 11. The implementing authority shall agree with the Ministry of Education of the Nation, promote with local jurisdictions and educational institutions at all levels, educational and training programs that allow access for students and teachers to an adequate knowledge of the problem, especially in those establishments where students attend with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucovistidose, as well as to arbitrate the necessary means to guarantee a correct dissemination and awareness of the pathology mentioned.
Art. 12. The neonatal investigation pursuant to the provisions of Law 26.279 shall be implemented as a compulsory practice in all public or private clinics, institutions or hospitals. If the diagnosis of a person with cystic fibrosis is confirmed, his or her siblings or direct descendants must also be included in the investigation to control the occurrence of new cases because they are a congenital disease. studies to have 100 percent comprehensive coverage of the cost that they demand.
Article 13.-All these procedures and practices, such as diagnostic, medicinal products and support therapies, as provided for in Articles 1, 3, 4 and 5 of this Law, with the criteria and criteria, are included in the Mandatory Medical Program (PMO). the coverage modalities to be established by the implementing authority.
Art. 14. Patients whose pulmonary impairment justifies it, may be subjected to lung transplantation, or pulmonary cardio, when the treating physician considers it more appropriate prior to agreement with family and/or patients, not being able to discuss the The opportunity of the transplant, being the professional, the only one authorized to decide it according to the patient's condition. The aforementioned practice will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Law 26,066 of organ transplantation.
Art. 15. All public and private health care institutions must draw up a unified statistical register of persons suffering from the disease, as well as a report on actions carried out at national level. and jointly with the provincial authorities.
Article 16.-The implementing authority shall establish a single national drug bank for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas or mucovistidose, for the purpose of the distribution of the necessary medicinal products for each patient. The bank will also be able to manage the purchase of drugs produced abroad for specific treatments that require it.
Art. 17. The expenses that are required to comply with this law will be dealt with with the items that the General Budget of the Public Administration for the Ministry of Health of the Nation will allocate to the effect annually.
Art. 18. This law is of public order, so the implementing authority must conclude the necessary agreements with the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in order to guarantee the implementation of this law in all the national territory.
Art. 19. This law shall be regulated within the ninety (90) days of its publication, not being able to introduce the application authority criteria and modalities of coverage that restrict the rights recognized by this law.
Art. 20.-Commune to the national executive branch.
e. 11/08/2020 N ° 31748/20 v. 11/08/2020
( Note Infoleg : The bold texts were observed by the Decree No 662/2020 B.O. 11/08/2020)