Law 27548
Health Personnel Protection Program in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Health Personnel Protection Program in the face of COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
Article 1 °-Declaration of National Interest. Declare priority for the national interest to protect the life and health of the staff of the Argentine health system and workers and volunteers who comply with essential activities and services during the health emergency for the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Article 2 °-Creation. Create the Health Personnel Protection Program in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, subject to the provisions of this law and any regulations drawn up by the implementing authority establishing the national executive branch, whose Primary objective is to prevent the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 among health personnel working in public or private management health facilities, and among workers and volunteers providing essential services during the period. health emergency.
Article 3-Scope. The Program shall be mandatory for all medical, nursing, management and administration, logistics, cleaning, gastronomic, outpatient and other personnel who provide services in health facilities where they are carried out. practices for the care of suspected cases, testing and/or testing, and/or treatment and treatment of COVID-19, regardless of the responsibility and the legal form of the establishment.
Article 4 °-Principle of Biosafety. Health facilities should ensure biosecurity measures. Priority should be given to areas of establishments specifically dedicated to the care and sampling of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, as well as in those areas where there is a higher risk of contagion.
Article 5 °-Authority of application. The implementing authority of this standard shall be defined by the national executive branch in the regulation.
Article 6-Faculties and obligations. It corresponds to the implementing authority:
a) Establish mandatory protocols for the protection of health personnel, guidelines for the management and use of inputs, and any other regulations that it deems necessary, that aims to minimize the risks of contagion in the event of cases suspects, sampling and testing, care and treatment of COVID-19 patients;
b) Coordinate with the provincial, municipal and Superintendency of Health Services the realization of compulsory training for all the personnel reached by this law;
(c) Coordinate with undertakings, universities, trade unions and civil organizations the conduct of compulsory training in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Law;
(d) to establish a permanent digital advisory team on the protection of health personnel, to the establishments that require it in the face of the health emergency;
e) Implement a continuous and systematic diagnostic protocol focused on the health personnel who provide services in establishments where the attention of suspected cases is carried out, samples or tests, attention and treatment of patients with COVID-19, or who are within community circulation zones of the virus. The analysis of the diagnostic tests of the health personnel shall have absolute priority in their performance and notification by the approved laboratories;
f) Carry the Single Register of Health Personnel infected by COVID-19 under the National Health Surveillance System's orbit, with the aim of keeping the information on the infections in the health staff up to date in real time. It should indicate the activity of the infected personnel, detailing services and guards, type of establishment where he provided services and other information of utility to identify epidemiological nexus and possible contacts;
g) To collaborate with the purchase of personal protective equipment and critical inputs according to the epidemiological situation of each jurisdiction.
Article 7-Protocols for workers and volunteers who do not belong to the health sector. The implementing authority, in coordination with the other ministries and government bodies, trade unions, companies, universities and social organisations, should establish protection protocols and training for the prevention of infection. of persons who comply with essential activities and services that involve exposure to the contagion of COVID-19.
Article 8-Financing. The expenses required by this law during the financial year in force at the time of its promulgation, will be met with the resources of the national budget, to which the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers will carry out the Budgetary restructurings which are necessary. In subsequent budgets, the resources necessary to comply with the objectives of this law must be provided, through the inclusion of the respective program in the respective jurisdiction.
The implementing authority may receive donations of financial and material resources from national and international non-governmental organisations, international or cooperation bodies and organisations or entities with or without ends. For profit with activities in our country.
Article 9 °-Vigency. This law shall be in force for the duration of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Decree of Need and Urgency 260/2020 or the rule that in the future replace it.
Article 10.-The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are invited to adhere to this law.
Article 11.-Commune to the national executive branch.
ê 08/06/2020 N ° 22557/20 v. 08/06/2020