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Law No. 25.188. Modification.

Original Language Title: Ley Nº 25.188. Modificación.

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Law 26,857

Law No. 25,188. Amendment. Sanctioned: May 8, 2013 Enacted: May 21, 2013

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:


ARTICLE 1-Establishment of the integral legal declarations made by persons who are obliged under the rules of ethics in the exercise of the public service, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 5 of Law 25.188 are of a public nature, of free accessibility and may be consulted by any person interested in free of charge through the Internet, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the regulations.

ARTICLE 2-Substitute Article 5 of Law 25.188 by the following: " Article 5: The following are included in the obligation to present the affidavit: a) The president and vice president of the nation; b) the senators and deputies of the nation; c) the magistrates of the judicial branch of the nation; d) the magistrates of the public ministry of the nation; e) the ombudsman of the nation and the deputies (f) The Chief of Staff of Ministers, Ministers, Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of the National Executive; (g) Federal Financial Controller; (h) The General Secretariat of the Nation and the Deputy General Unions of the Trade Union General of the Nation, the president and the general auditors of the National Audit Office, the senior authorities of the regulatory bodies and other bodies which comprise the national public sector control systems, and the members of administrative courts; (i) the members of the Council of the Magistrature and of the (j) The ambassadors, consuls, and officials seconded on a permanent official mission abroad; (k) The armed forces personnel of the Argentine Federal Police, the Airport Security Police, the National Gendarmerie, of the Argentine Naval Prefecture and of the Service

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Federal penitentiary, with a hierarchy of no less than a colonel or equivalent; (l) Chancellors, secretaries of national universities; (m) Officials or employees with a category or function not less than that of a director or equivalent service in the National Public Administration, centralized or decentralized, the autarquic entities, banks and financial institutions of the official system, the social works administered by the State, the enterprises of the State, the companies of the State and personnel with similar category or function, designated on a proposal of the State in mixed-economy companies, in public limited companies with state participation and in other public sector entities; (n) officials working with federal auditors, with a category or function not less than that of a director or (o) the staff of the bodies referred to in point (h) of this Article, with a category not less than that of a director or equivalent; (p) Any official or public employee responsible for granting administrative ratings for the exercise of any activity, as well as any official or public employee in charge of controlling the operation of such activities or to exercise any other control under a police power; (q) The officials who make up the control bodies of the privatised public services, with a category not less than that of a director; (r) The personnel who perform in the Legislative Branch, with a category not inferior to that of director; s) The personnel who serve in the Judicial Branch of the Nation and in the Public Ministry of the Nation, with a category not less than secretary or (t) Any official or public employee who includes commissions for the award of invitations to tender, purchase or receipt of goods, or take part in the taking of decisions on invitations to tender or purchases; (u) Any public official who has the function of administering a public or private estate, or controlling or supervising revenue (v) The directors and administrators of the entities subject to the external control of the Congress of the Nation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of Law 24.156. "

ARTICLE 3-The candidates to exercise national elective public office also fall within the scope of this law.

Article 4 °-The public sworn statements referred to in this law shall be equal to those presented to the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, not governing the tax secrecy established by the law for such cases. tax, with the exception of the reserved annex provided for in the following Article. The persons referred to in Article 5 (2) of Law 25.188 who do not make the declarations sworn to the date before the tax body, arising from the exercise of the public service or any other activity, shall submit a declaration of content equivalent to that of the Income Tax, to that of the Tax on Personal Goods and if it corresponds to a similar one that they present in any concept, for the purposes of the fulfillment of the obligations established in the law, in addition to the corresponding reserved annex.

ARTICLE 5-Public sworn statements shall have a reserved annex which shall contain all the personal and property data exempt from advertising corresponding to each of the persons required for the filing, of their spouse, Non-emancipated minor children and children, in accordance with the provisions of Law 25.188 and their supplementary legislation.

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ARTICLE 6-Establish that all the affidavits received, with the exception of the reserved annex, shall be published on the website of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, which shall to be updated. The public sworn statements and the reserved annex shall be submitted by the officials referred to in Article 2 of this Law before the Anti-Corruption Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the case of Power National executive and persons covered by Article 3 of the present, and in the dependency which the legislative and judicial powers determine, respectively, which shall refer them to that office. Until such time as the said dependency is not designated, the presentation must be made directly before the Anti-Corruption Office.

ARTICLE 7 °-Persons who access an affidavit through the Internet are subject to the provisions and penalties provided for in laws 25.188 and 25.326.

ARTICLE 8 °-Repeal Chapter VIII of Law 25.188.

Article 9 °-The provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the municipalities are invited to adhere to this law.

ARTICLE 10. -Contact the national executive branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Gervasio Bozzano. -Juan H. Estrada.

Date of publication: 23/05/2013

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