Key Benefits:
Law 26,879
Create the National Register of Genetic Data. Sanctioned: July 3, 2013 Enacted: July 23, 2013
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1-Create the National Register of Genetic Data related to Sexual Integrity Crimes, which will work in the field of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation.
ARTICLE 2-The Registry shall have the exclusive purpose of facilitating the clarification of the facts which are the subject of a judicial investigation in criminal matters related to crimes against sexual integrity provided for in the Second Book, Title III, Chapter II of the Criminal Code, with the aim of making individuals responsible for the individual.
ARTICLE 3-The Registry shall store and systematize the genetic information associated with a biological sample or evidence that has been obtained in the course of a criminal investigation and of any person convicted with a firm sentence for the crimes as set out in Article 2 of this Law. In addition, in respect of any person convicted, a) Names and names shall be entered in the case of possession of the corresponding nicknames, pseudonyms or supernatants; (b) Updated photograph; (c) Date and place of birth; (d) Nationality; (e) Number of identity document and authority that issued it; (f) Current address, for which the sentenced person shall, once at liberty, inform the authority of the changes of domicile he makes.
ARTICLE 4 °-The genetic information recorded shall consist of the personal alphanumeric register drawn up exclusively on the basis of genotypes that are independently segmented, are polymorphic in the population, lack direct association in the gene expression and provide only identifying information suitable to be systematized and encoded in a computerized database.
ARTICLE 5-The register shall have a section for persons sentenced with a firm sentence for the commission of the offences referred to in Article 2 of this Law. Once the
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Sentence is firm, the judge or tribunal will order the exams to obtain the genetic identification of the condemned person and their registration in the Register.
ARTICLE 6-The Registry shall have a special section for non-individualised authors of the offences provided for in Article 2, in which the genetic information identified in the victims of such offences and of any evidence biological obtained in the course of their research that presumably corresponded to the author. Their incorporation shall be ordered by the judge of trade, or at the request of a party.
ARTICLE 7 °-The constances in the Register will be considered sensitive and reserved data, so they will only be provided to members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, judges and courts throughout the country in the framework of a the case in which one of the offences referred to in Article 2 of this Law is investigated.
Article 8 °-Genetic examinations shall be carried out in laboratories duly accredited by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation or by certified bodies duly recognized by that Ministry.
Article 9 °-The Registry shall have the necessary for the preservation of an inviolable and unalterable mode of the files of genetic information and of the samples obtained.
ARTICLE 10. -The information in the Register shall only be given out of a hundred (100) years from the initiation of the cause in which its incorporation or by a court order has been arranged. The time limits laid down in Article 51 of the Criminal Code do not apply in this respect.
ARTICLE 11. -The use of samples of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for any purpose other than the identification of persons for the purposes of this law is prohibited.
ARTICLE 12. -This law is complementary to the Penal Code.
ARTICLE 13. -Contact the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Gervasio Bozzano. -Juan H. Estrada.
Date of publication: 24/07/2013
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