Key Benefits:
Law 26,940
Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions. Creation. Sanctioned: May 21, 2014 Enacted: May 26, 2014
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Law on the Promotion of Registered Work and Prevention of Labor Fraud
Title I
Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL)
Chapter I
General conditions
ARTICLE 1-Create the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL), in the field of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, which will include and publish the firm sanctions detailed in the articles following, applied by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, by the provincial authorities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, by the National Register of Workers and Agricultural Employers (RENATEA), and by the Superintendence of Work Risks (SRT).
ARTICLE 2 °-The sanctions listed in this article, once firm, will be included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL): (a) Those imposed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security for lack of registration of the employer in the terms of Article 12 of Law 24.241 and its amendments; b) Those imposed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Security Social for lack of registration of the workers in the terms of article 7 ° of Law 24,013 and of the article added without number following Article 40 of Law 11.683 (t.o. 1998) and its modifications;
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(c) Those imposed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security for obstruction of the work of the Labour Inspectorate provided for in Article 8 of Annex II to the Federal Labour Pact, ratified by law 25.212; d) Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) in the terms of Article 15 (1) (a) and (b) of Law 17.250, and the aggregate article without a number following Article 40 of Law 11.683 (t.o. 1998) and its amendments; imposed by the provincial authorities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for non-compliance with the Article 7 (1) of Law 24.013; (f) Those imposed by the provincial labor authorities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and by the Superintendence of Labor Risks (SRT) for obstruction of the work of the planned inspection Article 8 of Annex II to the Federal Labor Pact, ratified by law 25.212; g) Those imposed in the framework of laws 25.191 and 26.727 by the National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers (RENAATEA) on the occasion of the lack of registration of employers or employees; (h) the firm or enforceable judgments in which it was established that the actor is a dependent worker with an unknown employment relationship by the employer, or with an income date that differs from the claim in his or her registration, that the secretaries of the courts of the National Labor Justice must submit to the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, as set out in Article 132 of Law 18.345 (t.o. by decree 106/98).
ARTICLE 3-The penalties imposed for violations of the Law on the Prohibition of Child Labour and the Protection of Adolescent Work 26.390 and Law 26,847, once firm, must be informed by the court acting to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, to be incorporated into the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL).
ARTICLE 4 °-Sentences for infringement of the Law 26.364 on the Prevention and Sanction of Trafficking in Persons and Assistance to their Victims, once firm, shall be reported to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security by the Court of Justice for incorporation into the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Penalties (REPSAL).
ARTICLE 5 °-The Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) shall be freely and publicly accessible from a domain under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and shall be updated regularly.
ARTICLE 6-The Under-Secretary for Taxation of Work and Social Security under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, will be responsible for the administration of the Public Registry of Employers with Labor sanctions (REPSAL), in the terms of Law 25.326 and its modification, and before it the rights that the law agrees may be exercised. In all cases it will be the responsibility of the sanctioning body to act on the burden of the corresponding data in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL), with the exceptions of the court judgments mentioned in the Articles 3 and 4, which shall be incorporated by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, and those of Article 2 (h) of the present, which shall be incorporated by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue.
ARTICLE 7 °-The basis for the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL) will contain the following data: C.U.I.T., social reason, location of the tax or legal domicile according to the procedural rule that has governed the actions, province of detection, activity, type of
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infringement, sanctioning body, date of finding of the infringement, date of the summary decision, date of the notification of the infringement, date of regularisation of the detected infringement, date of payment of the fine, and date and time of entry in the Register. For their part, the search parameters will be the following: C.U.I.T., social reason, branch of activity and locality of the tax or legal domicile, according to the procedural rule that has governed the performances and the province of detection.
ARTICLE 8 °-The sanction shall be published in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Penalties (REPSAL), in accordance with the assumptions provided for in Chapter II of this Title, in equal terms and time, whichever is the competent authority which would have applied it in accordance with the procedural rules governing their respective sanctioning regimes. The duration of the stay shall be three (3) years. In cases of judicial penalties for crimes punishable under laws 26.364 and 26,847, the deadlines determined by the Criminal Code of the Nation will apply. In cases where the employer accredits the fact that it is not feasible or legal to comply with the regularization of the conduct that generated the sanction, the infringer will remain in the Register for the period of ninety (90) days counted from the date of payment. of the fine.
Chapter II
Scope of inclusion in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL)
ARTICLE 9-For the purposes of the sanctions imposed for violation of the provisions of Article 15 (1) (a) or (b) of Law 17.250, for lack of registration as an employer or for the occupation of workers by means of a relationship or contract of work not registered or poorly registered, respectively, and in the aggregate article without a number following Article 40 of Law 11.683 (t.o. 1998) and its amendments; and by the penalties of Article 15 of Law 25.191 and their amendment, applied for non-compliance with the obligations laid down in those rules legal, the following measures shall be adopted: 1. When the employer regulates his or her registration or the working relationship prior to the discharge hearing or in his or her defect before the expiration of the time limit for making objections, as provided for in the procedures he applies the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security or the National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers (RENATEA) as appropriate, or prior to the notification of the infringement act by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP); and pay the fines and their accessories, will be included in the Public Registry of Employers with Industrial sanctions (REPSAL) for sixty (60) days. 2. When the employer regulates his or her registration or the working relationship prior to the discharge hearing or in his or her defect before the expiration of the time limit for making objections, as provided for in the procedures he applies the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security or the National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers (RENATEA) as appropriate, or prior to the notification of the infringement act by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) and not pay the fines will be included in the Public Register of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) until the date on which you paid the fine and one hundred and twenty (120) more days. 3. Where the employer does not regulate his registration or the working relationship and pays the fines and his or her accessories, in the event of a corresponding one, it shall be included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL) until the date on which the employer has regularised their registration or the working relationship and one hundred and twenty (120) days more.
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4. Where the employer does not regulate its registration or the working relationship and does not pay the fines it shall be included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL) until the date on which it regulates its registration or the relationship of work, pay the fine and a hundred and twenty (120) more days. 5. When the employer regulates his or her registration as an employer or the working relationship in part and pays the fine and his or her accessories, in case of a corresponding one, will be included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Penalties (REPSAL) until the date on which it is registered and up to the total regularisation of workers and by ninety (90) days.
ARTICLE 10. -In the case of obstruction to the work of the Labour Inspectorate provided for in Article 8 ° of Annex II of the Federal Labour Pact, ratified by law 25.212, the employer shall be included in the Public Register of Employers with Sanctions Labor (REPSAL) until the date of payment of the penalty and one hundred and eighty (180) days more.
ARTICLE 11. -In the case of damning sentences for violations of laws 26.390, 26,847 and 26,364, offenders will remain in the Public Register of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) for the period of one hundred and eighty (180) days counted from the compliance with the criminal conviction. In the case of the sentences referred to in Article 2 (h) of the present, the employers shall remain in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) for the period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, counted from their inclusion in the abovementioned register.
ARTICLE 12. -The time limits laid down in this Chapter shall be counted in days.
Chapter III
Effects of the publication of the sanction in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL)
ARTICLE 13. -Employers sanctioned for the violations indicated in this law, while they are incorporated in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL), will not be able to: (a) Access to programmes, assistance or promotion actions, benefits or subsidies administered, implemented or financed by the national State; (b) Access to credit lines granted by public banking institutions; (c) contracts for sale, supplies, services, locations, consultancy, rentals with option to purchase, permutas, concessions for the use of public and private domain goods of the national State, which conclude jurisdictions and entities included in its scope. They shall also not participate in public works, public works concessions, public service concessions and licences; (d) Access to the benefits provided for in Articles 19 and 24 et seq. of this Law. For reasons of public interest duly justified, the competent bodies may derogate from the provisions of paragraph (c) of this Article. The provincial states, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the municipalities may apply sanctions equivalent to points (a), (b) and (c) of this article in the field of their jurisdictions.
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ARTICLE 14. -In the cases provided for in the previous article, if the infringer reincited in the same infringement that produced his inclusion in the Register created by this law, in a span of three (3) years counted from the first sanction resolution The following shall be signed: (a) Exclude from the full right of the Simplified Scheme for Small Contributors to the employers attached to it, from the time that their sanction is signed as a repeat; b) To impose that those responsible for the taxes included in the the General Regime, while they are incorporated in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL) for having incurred in recidivism, deducted in the income tax the expenses inherent to the staff-employees, dependents or workers-in accordance with Article 87 (a) and (g) of the law of the Tribute. In the case of a declaration of regional emergency, the Executive Branch may, in each specific case, exempt the application of the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of this Law.
ARTICLE 15. -For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Article 13, the public bodies or entities involved shall verify the absence of any penalties published in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL), as exclusive prior requirement to give course to what is requested.
ARTICLE 16. -The Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions (REPSAL) will include and publish the firm sanctions that have been imposed due to legal violations committed from the 1990s (90) days after the entry into force of the the present law.
ARTICLE 17. -At the request of a party, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security shall issue a certificate stating that the absence, at the date of issue, of sanctions in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Sanctions shall be recorded. (REPSAL) for a given employer.
Title II
Special schemes for the Promotion of Registered Work
Chapter I
Permanent System of Contributions to Social Security for Microemployers
ARTICLE 18. -persons of visible existence, companies of fact and limited liability companies employing up to five (5) employees are covered by the special scheme of this Chapter, provided that their annual turnover is not exceed the amounts laid down by the rules. That maximum payroll shall be raised to seven (7) workers, where the employer who is a member of the preceding paragraph produces an increase in the existing staff to the date of his inclusion in the present scheme. On the basis of the worker number six (6), the employer must, however, only pay the employer contributions provided for under the general social security scheme.
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ARTICLE 19. -The employer in this scheme must enter for each of its employees hired for an indefinite period, with the exception of the contractual modality provided for in Article 18 of Law 26,727, 50% (50%) of the employer contributions established under the general scheme for the following social security schemes: (a) Integrated Contingency System Argentino, Laws 24.241 and 26.425; b) National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, Law 19,032 and its Amending; (c) National Employment Fund, Law 24,013 and its Amending Modifiers; (d) Regime National of Family Allowances, law 24,714 and its amendments; and) National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers, laws 25.191 and 26.727. In the case of part-time contract workers under the terms of Article 92 ter of the Employment Contract Scheme approved by law 20,744 (t.o. 1976) the employer must enter the seventy five percent (75%) of the said workers. contributions. The reductions mentioned above may not affect the financing of social security, nor the rights conferred on workers by social security schemes. The national executive branch shall adopt the necessary budgetary revenue to compensate for the implementation of the reduction indicated. The contributions provided for in Law 23,660 and its amendments, for the purpose of social works, as well as the contributions to the Occupational Risk Insurers, are not included within the provisions of this Article. provided for in Law 24,557 and its amendments.
ARTICLE 20. -the maximum amount of the quota corresponding to the Work Risk Scheme applicable to the entire payroll of the employers under this Chapter shall be less than the average value of the total contributions to that scheme in the various sectors of activity, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the regulation. The maximum amounts referred to in this Article shall not apply to contracts concluded before the date of entry into force of this Article.
ARTICLE 21. -The employers who fall under Article 18 for producing casualties in the staff will be excluded from this scheme by the end of twelve (12) months, counted from the last dismissal. They shall also be excluded for as long as they remain in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) instituted by Title I of this Law. Employers who fall within the scope of Article 18 may remain in the scheme of this Chapter, provided that they do not register high claims in the establishments or places of employment, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the regulations.
ARTICLE 22. -In the case of services carried out in differential or special pre-viewing schemes, the amount corresponding to the quota shall be added to the levy corresponding to the provisions of Article 19 of this Law. which in each case is established.
ARTICLE 23. -Workers covered by the Special Employment Contract Scheme for the Personal Homes Staff, Law 26,844, are excluded from this scheme.
Chapter II
Scheme for the Promotion of the Recruitment of Registered Work
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ARTICLE 24. -Employers with up to eighty (80) employees, for the term of twenty-four (24) months from the month of the start of a new employment relationship for an indefinite period, with the exception of the contractual modality regulated in the Article 18 of Law No 26,727 shall be entitled to a reduction in the employer's contributions laid down in the general scheme for the following social security schemes: (a) Integrated Contingency System Argentino, Laws 24.241 and 26.425; b) National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, Law 19,032 and its Amending; (c) National Employment Fund, Law 24,013 and its Amending Modifiers; (d) Regime National of Family Allowances, law 24,714 and its amendments; and) National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers, laws 25.191 and 26.727. The benefit will consist, for employers with a staff of up to fifteen (15) employees, in which, during the first twelve (12) months of the employment relationship, the aforementioned contributions will not be entered and, by the second twelve (12) months, 25% (25%) of the same will be paid. For employers who have between 16 (16) and 80 (80) workers, the benefit will be that during the first twenty-four (24) months of the employment relationship, fifty percent (50%) of the above contributions will be paid. The above reductions may not affect the financing of social security, nor the rights conferred on workers by social security schemes. The national executive branch shall adopt the necessary budgetary revenue to compensate for the application of the reduction in question. The contributions provided for in Law 23,660 and its amendments, for the purpose of social works, as well as the contributions to the Occupational Risk Insurers, are not included within the provisions of this Article. provided for in Law 24,557 and its amendments.
ARTICLE 25. -The scheme of this chapter is applicable to private sector employers registered with the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), in the National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers (RENAATEA) or in the the Institute of Statistics and Registration of the Construction Industry (IERIC) as appropriate, including those covered by Chapter I of Title II of this Law. In the latter case, the reduction of contributions shall apply to the aliquots provided for by the general social security scheme.
ARTICLE 26. -The employer will enjoy this benefit for each new dependent, provided that this worker produces an increase in the payroll of staff with respect to the period to be determined in the regulations.
ARTICLE 27. -the employer may not make use of the benefit provided for in Article 24, in relation to the following workers: (a) Those who have been declared in the general social security system prior to the entry into force of this law until the date on which the provisions have effect and continue to work for the same employer; which have been declared in the general social security scheme and after the work of the distract, whatever their cause, are reinstated by the same employer within the twelve (12) months, counted from the date of the (c) The new dependent which is contracted within the twelve (12) months from the date of the the loss of the employment relationship of a worker who has been included in the general scheme of
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social security.
ARTICLE 28. -are excluded from the benefit provided for in Article 24 employers when: (a) They appear in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Penalties (REPSAL) instituted by Title I of this Law, for the time they remain in the itself. (b) Incurran in practices of abusive use of the benefit established in this law, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the regulations. The exclusion shall be automatically produced from the same time as any of the causals indicated in the preceding paragraphs.
ARTICLE 29. -Failure to comply with the provisions of Articles 26, 27 and 28 will result in a decline in the benefits granted, with employers having to enter the proportion of the social security contributions that have resulted exempt, plus interest and corresponding fines. This scheme is optional for the employer, so the lack of exercise of that option from the start of the new employment relationship for an indeterminate period of time will prevent the employer from making retroactive use of the new employment relationship for him or for periods of time. that I would not have enjoyed the benefit.
ARTICLE 30. -The present benefit will be governed by twelve (12) months from the date on which the provisions of this law have an effect, and may be extended by the national executive branch.
ARTICLE 31. -The additional aliquots provided for in the special and differential social security schemes are excluded from the exemptions provided for in this Act.
ARTICLE 32. -Workers covered by the Special Employment Contract Scheme for the Personal Homes Staff, Law 26,844, are excluded from this scheme.
Chapter III
Social Security Agreements on Social Security Corresponsability
ARTICLE 33. -as the second paragraph of Article 2 of Decree 1.370/08, the following: In those other activities which, due to their special characteristics similar to those provided for in the preceding paragraph, justify the inclusion within this The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, after intervention in the field of its responsibilities of the Secretariat of Social Security, of the Secretariat of Economic Policy and Planning Development and the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), respectively, may by joint resolution authorising the conclusion of the Gremic Corresponsibility Conventions.
ARTICLE 34. -The employers included in the system of substitution of contributions and emerging contributions of Corresponsino Gremio Conventions subscribed under the law 26.377, will enjoy a reduction of their contributions in force to the following social security subsystems: (a) the Argentine Contingency System, laws 24.241 and 26.425;
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(b) National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, Law 19,032 and its Modifiers; (c) National Employment Fund, Law 24,013 and its Modifiers; (d) National System of Family Allowances, Law 24,714 and its Amending Regulations; National Register of Agricultural Workers and Employers, laws 25.191 and 26.727. During the first period of validity of a Gremic Corresponsibility Convention, for the calculation of the replacement rate to be paid by the employers, a reduction of 50% (50%) of the above contributions and for the The second period of validity of this reduction will be 25% (25%). In duly substantiated critical cases, the national executive branch may extend the application of the latter reduction to subsequent periods. The above reductions may not affect the financing of social security, nor the rights conferred on workers by social security schemes. The national executive branch shall adopt the necessary budgetary revenue to compensate for the application of the reduction in question. The contributions provided for in Law 23,660 and its amendments, for the purposes of social works, and also the quotas for the Insurance of Work Risks, are not included within the provisions of this Article. provided for in Law 24,557 and its amendments.
Chapter IV
Advice and dissemination of benefits
ARTICLE 35. -The national executive branch, through the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, will provide information, advice and training on registration, registration and social security, and other labour rights employers and workers covered by the arrangements set out in this Title.
Title III
Administration of Labour
Chapter I
Inspection of Work
ARTICLE 36. -Substitute Article 29 of Law 25,877, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 29: The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security shall be the Authority for the Application of the Comprehensive System of Labour and Social Security Inspection and, throughout the national territory, shall exercise the functions of audit of work and of the labor regulations, articulating with the provincial labor administrations and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. It is also in this nature that it is for the various services of the system to comply with the rules governing them and, in particular, with the requirements of Conventions 81 and 129 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO); Coordinate the action of all the services, making recommendations and drawing up plans
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(c) To exercise the other functions assigned to the central authority by Conventions 81 and 129 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), its complementary recommendations and those which contribute to the best performance of the (d) Detect non-registered working cores, by means of complementary inspection actions, by linking with the local service; and) to collect and promote, in particular with a view to the detection of unregistered work, coordinated participation and the collaboration of the representative bodies of workers and employers; (f) Apply the penalties provided for in Annex II of the Federal Labor Pact, ratified by law 25.212, or those that replace them in the future, when they verify breaches or violations.
ARTICLE 37. -Substitute Article 30 of Law 25,877, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 30: Where a local Labour Inspection Service does not comply with the requirements of Conventions 81 and 129 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) or with the requirements of this Chapter, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security will exercise in coordination with the Federal Labor Council in contest with the provincial jurisdictions and, where appropriate, with the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the corresponding faculties.
ARTICLE 38. -Substitute Article 35 of Law 25,877, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 35: Without prejudice to the powers of the provincial governments, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the latter shall carry out in the entire territory national actions aimed at the eradication of child labour. The actions to be carried out by the Ministry in which violations of the child labour ban will be verified shall be dealt with in the field of the respective local authorities.
Chapter II
Special Unit for the Taxation of Irregular Work
ARTICLE 39. -The Special Unit for the Taxation of Irregular Work (UEFTI), with the aim of analysing, investigating and evaluating situations of non-registered work in complex sectors, was created by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. audit, as well as all forms of illegal subcontracting and labour fraud and social security. It is entrusted to the national executive branch so that within ninety (90) days from the promulgation of the present, it will execute the necessary actions for the implementation and operation of the Unit created in this article.
Chapter III
Follow-up Committee for the Permanent Regime of Contributions to Social Security and the Regime for the Promotion of the Contracting of Labor
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ARTICLE 40. -Create the Follow-up Committee of the Permanent Regime of Contributions to Social Security and the Regime for the Promotion of the Contracting of Registered Work. The Committee shall be composed of one (1) representative representative and one (1) alternate representative of: (a) The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security; (b) The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance; (c) The Federal Administration of Public Revenue; d) The National Administration of Social Security. Each of the representatives shall be appointed by the holder of the respective body.
ARTICLE 41. -The Follow-up Committee shall have the functions and powers to be established by the rules of this law, which shall include monitoring the application of the Permanent Regime of Contributions to Social Security and the Regime of Promotion of the Registration of Registered Labour, the analysis of its operation and any abusive uses of the benefits provided for in these schemes.
ARTICLE 42. -The Follow-up Committee, within thirty (30) days of forming, will dictate its own Rules of Procedure.
Title IV
Supplementary and transitional provisions
ARTICLE 43. -The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES) and the National Register of Workers. Agricultural Employers (RENATEA) will, in the field of their respective competences, dictate the complementary rules that are necessary to implement the provisions contained in this law.
ARTICLE 44. -Article 20 (1) of the Annex to Law 24,977, replaced by Law 26,565, the following: 1) Result included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labor Penalties (REPSAL) since the enforcement of the applied sanction in his condition of reincident.
ARTICLE 45. -Incorporation as point (h) of Article 28 of Decree 1,023 of 13 August 2001, the following: h) Employers included in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL) for as long as they remain on that register.
ARTICLE 46. -Entrust to the national executive branch so that within ninety (90) days since the promulgation of this law, execute the necessary actions for the implementation and operation of the Register created by the article 1 °.
ARTICLE 47. -The provisions of Title II shall apply from the first day of the second month following that of their publication in the Official Gazette. From that date they shall be deemed to be repealed.
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the provisions of Chapter II, Title II of Law 26,476.
ARTICLE 48. -Employers who have produced redundancies without cause in the course of the six (6) months preceding the entry into force of this Law shall be excluded from the provisions of Chapter I of Title II by the end of one (1) year to be counted from the date of that validity.
ARTICLE 49. -Contact the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -BELOVED BOUDOU. -Lucas Chedrese. -Juan H. Estrada.
Date of publication: 02/06/2014
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