Key Benefits:
Law 27.043
Declare of National Interest the integral and interdisciplinary approach of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA). Sanctioned: November 19, 2014 Enacted in Fact: December 15, 2014
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Article 1 °-State of national interest the integral and interdisciplinary approach of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA); clinical and epidemiological research in the field, as well as professional training in their research, early detection, diagnosis and treatment; their dissemination and access to benefits.
ARTICLE 2 °-The implementing authority determined by the national executive branch shall be responsible for the following actions, without prejudice to those measures to be established by the regulations: a) Understand all aspects of research, teaching, research, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA), taking as a premise the need for an integral and interdisciplinary approach; b) Coordinate with the health and educational authorities of the provinces that adhere to the present and, where appropriate, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, awareness campaigns on Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA); procedures for research, early detection and diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA) according to the advancement of science and technology; d) Plan the formation of the human resource in research practices, early detection, diagnosis and treatment; and) Determine the necessary benefits for the comprehensive approach and interdisciplinary in people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA), which will be updated as soon as the advancement of science warrants it; f) Conduct epidemiological studies with the aim of knowing the prevalence of disorders The Autistic Spectrum (TEA) in the different regions and provinces; g) Conduct statistical studies To cover the entire country in order to assess the impact of the application of this law; h) To push, through the Federal Health Council, the progressive and uniform implementation in the different jurisdictions of a comprehensive approach and interdisciplinary of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA) according to the present, through the public health effectors; i) Establish, through the National Program of Quality Assurance of Medical Care, the
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research protocols, early detection, diagnosis and treatment for Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA); j) Coordinate with the authorities in the health, education, labor and social development of the provinces that adhere to the present and, where appropriate, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the actions necessary for the purposes of the complete inclusion of persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA) at the different levels of education, employment and social, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, approved by law 26.378.
ARTICLE 3-Without prejudice to the foregoing article, the participation of the National Advisory Commission for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in the formulation of any public policy linked to the Autism Spectrum Disorders (TEA).
Article 4 °-Health agents covered by laws 23,660 and 23,661; social security organizations; prepay medical entities; the social work of the judicial branch, national universities, civil and military personnel Armed forces, security forces, Federal Police Argentina; the Directorate of Social Aid for the National Congress Staff and the health agents who provide medical-care services, regardless of the legal status they have, they shall be required, on a compulsory basis, to provide the services necessary for the investigation; Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (TEA), as set out in points (c), (e) and (j) of Article 2. The benefits referred to in points (c) and (e) of Article 2 of this Regulation shall be fully incorporated into the compulsory medical programme (PMO).
ARTICLE 5-The expenses that the compliance of this law requires, with the exception of those that are left by the entities mentioned in Article 4 °, will be financed with the credits assigned by the national executive branch in the budget of the National Public Administration.
Article 6-Invite the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the guidelines of this law.
ARTICLE 7 °-Commune to the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.
Date of publication: 07/01/2015
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