Key Benefits:
Law 27.118
He declared of public interest Family, Peasant And Indigenous Agriculture. Historical Repair Regime. Creation. Sanctioned: December 17, 2014 Enacted in Fact: January 20, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Of the aims, objectives, definitions and scope
Article 1-Declaration of public interest: family, peasant and indigenous agriculture for their contribution to the security and food sovereignty of the people, for practicing and promoting systems of life and production that preserve biodiversity and sustainable processes of productive transformation.
ARTICLE 2-Create the Family Farming Historical Repair Regime for the farmer and family agriculture and family farming businesses that develop agricultural activity in the rural environment according to the scope of the are established in this law, with the priority aim of increasing productivity, security and food sovereignty and to enhance and protect the essential subject of a productive system linked to the radication of the family in the field on the basis of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
ARTICLE 3-The general objectives of this law are: a) Promote integral human development, social and economic well-being of producers, their communities, field workers and, in general, rural agents, through diversification and employment generation in the medium rural, as well as the increase of income, diversity and harmony with nature to achieve good living; b) Correct disparities of regional development through differentiated attention to regions with greater backwardness, through an action integral to the national executive branch that promotes its transformation and productive reconversion and (c) Contribute to the sovereignty and food security of the nation through the promotion of agricultural production;
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d) Promote the conservation of biodiversity and the improvement of the quality of natural resources through its sustainable use; and) Value the various economic, environmental, social and cultural functions of the different (f) Valorizing family farming in all its diversity, as a priority subject to public policies implemented in the various spheres of the national executive branch; g) Promoting development of rural areas throughout the country, recognizing and consolidating agriculture family as a social subject in the rural area. To this end, it is understood by rural development, the process of transformation and organization of the territory, through public policies with the active participation of the rural communities and the interaction with the society as a whole; To explicitly recognize the practices of life and production of the original communities.
Article 4 °-These are specific objectives of this law: a) To strengthen the population that inhabits the rural territories in pursuit of the harmonious occupation of the territory, generating favorable conditions for the radication and permanence of the family and the youth in the field, in the field of habitat, income and quality of life, fair and integrated with urban areas; b) Promoting the use of specific attributes of each territory to generate primary goods, industrialized goods and services differentiated by their ecological particularities, Cultural, processing procedures, respect for health requirements, uniqueness landscape and/or any other characteristic that differentiates it; c) Contribute to eliminating gender gaps and stereotypes, ensuring equal access between men and women to the rights and benefits enshrined in this law, adapting concrete actions and implementing specific policies for recognition in favour of women in family farming; d) Strengthening the organization and upward social mobility of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture, with special attention to the conditions and needs of women and rural youth; and supply of healthy and fair prices by strategically contributing to energy sustainability and the preservation of income; f) Support the generation of agricultural, craft, industrial and service activities, oriented to the value added of primary production and local development generation; (g) to recover, conserve and disseminate the natural, historical and cultural heritage of family farming in its various territories and expressions; organisation of family producers and the defence of their rights and possibilities promoting partnership and cooperation; (i) Ensuring access rights and management of land, water and natural resources in general, seeds, livestock and biodiversity are in the hands of those who produce the (j) Implement specific actions for indigenous peoples and their communities; (k) Develop and strengthen participatory institutional structures at all levels aimed at planning, monitoring and evaluating policies; (l) Development of marketing policies to ensure the development of the environment the placement of local production in broader markets; m) Generation and strengthening of economic and productive poles in rural areas and in small localities, promoting local development and the preservation of values, cultural identities regional and local.
ARTICLE 5-It is defined as a farmer and family farmer to the one who carries out activities
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agricultural, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture production in rural areas and meets the following requirements: (a) The management of the productive enterprise is exercised directly by the producer and/or any member of his/her family; (b) he/she owns the whole or part of the means of production; (c) the requirements of the work are covered (d) The family of the farmer and farmer resides in the field or in the locality closest to him; (e) Having as the principal economic income of his family the farmer's family is the main source of the family's income. (f) Small producers, small farmers, farmers, farmers, farmers, farmers, (a) settlers, medieros, artisanal fishermen, family producers and, also, landless farmers and rural producers, peri-urban producers and communities of indigenous peoples falling within the meaning of (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).
ARTICLE 6-Registration in RENAF. Establish the obligation on the part of the family farmers and farmers to register individually and associatively, for the purposes of being included in the benefits of this law. Ratifiese the creation of the National Register of Family Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of resolution 255/07 of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Nation, on the basis of the sanction of resolution 25/07 of Mercosur which is deemed to be incorporated into this law. In case of other national, provincial or municipal registers of farmers and family farmers, they will have to share the information with the RENAF in order to form a single database at national level.
ARTICLE 7 °-Beneficiaries of the scheme. The farmers and family farmers who develop productive activities registered in the National Register of Family Farming are included in the benefits of this law.
Article 8 °-This law will apply in all the territory of the Argentine Nation, inviting the provinces to adhere to it or to adapt their legislation, sanctioning norms that have a main object similar to that of the present law.
Article 9 °-The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in the field of the national executive branch shall be the body of application of this law. The implementing authority shall give participation to the Council of Family Agriculture, Peasant, Indigenous created by resolution 571 of MAGyP.
ARTICLE 10. -The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries will promote the conditions for comprehensive and sustainable rural development, in order to generate employment and guarantee the welfare and participation and incorporation into national development by promoting the agricultural and forestry activities for the optimal use of land, with infrastructure, inputs, credits, training services and technical assistance, generating legislation to plan and organize rural development and production agriculture, its industrialization and marketing, promoting actions in the following Topics: 1. Natural assets and environment.
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2. Technological development, technical assistance and research. 3. Production and marketing processes. 4. Education, training and training. 5. Infrastructure and rural equipment. 6. Social policies. 7. Promotion instruments.
ARTICLE 11. -The implementing authority shall promote the dissemination, with the institutions linked to family, peasant and indigenous agriculture and rural development, of the scope and characteristics of the instruments of this law, to facilitate access and the benefits established for all farmers and family farmers in the country.
ARTICLE 12. -The National Council for the Coordination of Public Policies for Family Farming, made up of the ministers of the national executive branch, will be created in the field of the Cabinet of Ministers. Its functions will be to articulate, coordinate, organize, inform and relieve from the integrality of the actions implemented by the different areas of government for the fulfillment of the objectives of this law.
ARTICLE 13. -All policies, plans, programs, projects implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, deconcentrated or decentralized entities of the national executive branch aimed at favoring production, industrialization The marketing of agricultural products should include in their implementation of family agriculture and improve their living conditions. Representative organisations in the sector must be integrated into existing advisory councils or set up. Producers of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture shall be characterized by the implementing authority for their priority inclusion in the actions and policies derived from this law, taking into account the following factors: (a) Producers of self-consumption, marginal and subsistence; (b) production and destination levels of production; (c) place of residence; (d) Net and extra-standard income; (e) Capitalization Level; (f) Family work force. Additional manpower; g) Other items of interest.
ARTICLE 14. -The present regime recognizes a first stage of three (3) years for its implementation, which will have to be evaluated its functioning and results and the programs and instruments to be adapted to the advances and achievements achieved by the sector.
Natural goods and environment
ARTICLE 15. -Access to the land. The implementing authority will articulate with the competent agencies of the national executive branch and the provinces for access to land for family, peasant and indigenous agriculture, considering the land as a social good.
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ARTICLE 16. -Land Bank for Family Farming. Create in the scope of the implementing authority the Bank of Lands for Family Farming, with the objective of having suitable and available lands for the development of productive enterprises of family agriculture, peasant and (a) in the framework of the provisions of this Standard. Provinces are invited to take initiatives of the same kind in their jurisdictions. The Land Bank shall be made up of: (a) Land owned by the Nation which the national State by decree affects the purposes of this law; (b) lands which are donated or bequeathed to the State in order to be affected by the Bank created by this rule; (c) Land transferring the provincial and municipal states to the Nation at the end indicated in this law; (d) All rural lands that enter the national state's patrimony through different judicial mechanisms, administrative, tax or any other nature. The implementing authority shall promote the necessary agreements with the competent agencies of the national executive branch for the purposes of the relief, registration and determination of the lands that will integrate the same. The holders of real estate that make them available to the Bank will access tax and tax benefits in terms of the regulations. The National Register of Rural Lands in coordination with the implementing authority shall record the real estate of the Land Bank, in accordance with the information provided by the provinces and by the Agency for Administration of State assets.
ARTICLE 17. -Award. The land to be integrated by the Bank will be gradually awarded to farmers and family farmers registered in the RENAF, and/or urbanized inhabitants who, for various reasons, demonstrate a willingness to fine tune and work in agriculture. family, peasant and indigenous, according to the procedure to be established by the implementing authority, by means of a sale, lease or donation. Awards shall be made in family economic units, which shall be determined by taking into account at least the following parameters: (a) Ecological regions; (b) Types of exploitation; (c) Regional, zonal and local infrastructure; Productive capacity of the land; e) Capacity of the productive, financial and economic condition of the applicant in the cases of public offering; f) Quantity of members of the family group; g) Legal security with respect to the tenure of the land that they currently inhabit and work, or lack of access to it.
ARTICLE 18. -Dominial regularization. The ministry will implement a specific and permanent program for the relief, analysis, and comprehensive approach to the Dominican lands situation of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture. To this end, a National Permanent Commission on Dominial Land Regularization of the Rural Land will be constituted by: the implementing authority, the National Register of Rural Lands, the National Secretariat for Access to Habitat, the National Institute I
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Indigenous and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology. The Federation of Agri-Sensors and the Lawyers ' Federation and the Federal Council of the Argentine Notary will be invited to promote social qualifications.
ARTICLE 19. -For three (3) years, all execution of a sentence and a procedural law or in fact that have as their object the eviction of family farmers are suspended for three (3) years. the rural lands they own. The enforcement authority in accordance with the preceding articles will prioritize immediate solutions to ensure the permanence and access to the land.
ARTICLE 20. -The ministry will design and implement programs of incentives to environmental services that provide family, peasant and indigenous agriculture with productive processes that preserve the ecosystem base of their respective territories. These incentives will consist of direct subsidies; multiplication of the amount of microcredit and revolving funds, tax relief, and loans from the Bank of the Nation and subsidized rates. Plans for prevention, mitigation and restitution in the face of emergencies and disasters, such as droughts, floods, others, will be designed and implemented, taking the forecasts that the RENAF will ensure priority attention of the farmer and family farmer in this situation. The processes of soil deterioration that advance towards desertification will be treated as emergencies and catastrophes.
Production and marketing processes
ARTICLE 21. -The actions and programs to be established will be oriented to increase productivity and competitiveness in rural areas in order to strengthen employment, raise the income of family farmers, generate favorable conditions for expanding the markets, increase the natural capital for production and the constitution and consolidation of rural enterprises. The provisions shall be provided by: (a) the conservation and improvement of soils and other natural resources. Active and participatory policies will be used for this purpose, with sustainable methods, prioritizing agroecological practices in order to preserve, recover and/or improve the conditions of the land, especially the productive ones. The maps of soils that already exist at national and provincial level will be complemented, with emphasis on the needs of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture; b) Preservation and recovery, artisanal and scale multiplication, provision and access to native seeds will have priority in the ministry's productive plans and programs, which will articulate with all state and non-state, national, Latin American and global institutions; (c) Production processes and cultural tasks: production processes traditional and/or diversification processes that are embodied in each zone will be strengthened with technical, logistic, financial and input support when justified, for sowing, cultural tasks that they demand and harvest They will be evaluated periodically in a participatory manner from an economic, social and environmental sustainability approach; d) Crop preservation, collection and cold chains: maintenance by finished product, or post harvest and/or respective acopios, the ministry search
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the maximum associative articulation by zone and by product, for the state or mixed investment in the socio-productive infrastructure necessary for this purpose: deposits, forest playons, faena and cold infrastructure, among others; Local industrialization: all secondary transformation processes and value added processes will be promoted and strengthened in order to develop the productive, organizational and logistic potential of each zone; Marketing: Comprehensive and sustained policies regarding fractionation will be implemented, packaging ("packaging") , transport, the network of own or agreed local, regional and national stations, the pedagogical dissemination by all the existing means or by existing of the products of the family agriculture, as well as the articulation with groups of consumers, who will have permanent access to a database with nutritional information; and they will have a conceptual unit of policies in this regard, even if they have a huge variety of implementing units for territories and for thematic.
ARTICLE 22. -The ministry will promote: 1. The realization of local, zonal and national fairs, and will place special emphasis on the conformation of a national marketing chain, articulating own structures, cooperatives of producers or instances mixed when necessary. 2. The promotion of trademarks and designations of origin and other certification mechanisms, as a strategy for the recovery of family farming products. 3. The purchase of food, products, supplies and services from productive establishments of the farmers and family farmers registered in the National Register of Family Agriculture (RENAF) will have absolute priority in the Direct hiring by the State for the provision of food in hospitals, schools, community canteens, institutions dependent on the National Penitentiary System, armed forces and other public institutions dependent on the national state. To this end, management agreements should be concluded with the different jurisdictions in order to set goals and objectives to be met.
Technological development, technical assistance and research
ARTICLE 23. -The ministry will support the diversification and productive innovation focused on the installation of demonstration units of experimentation. It will support the technical advice and input of materials and inputs; the development of innovative experiences in production and consumption; the diffusion of organic and organic production and technological research.
ARTICLE 24. -The implementing authority shall contribute to: a) Ensuring the preservation, promotion, validation and dissemination of the practices and technologies of families organized in family, peasant and indigenous agriculture, in order to strengthen cultural identity, the transmission of knowledge and recovery of good practices on production, taking care of everything inherent in logistics and public services; communication; rural educational services; distributed renewable energies; water management, harvesting and recovery; bioarchitecture for housing and productive infrastructure; value added at source; certification (b) Preserving natural goods for future generations, promoting integral productive development for good living, in harmony with nature and preserving genetic diversity, respecting
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uses and customs, recognizing the family as the core of production and productive sustainability over time; c) Promoting healthy eating habits and their mass spread.
ARTICLE 25. -The framework of the priorities of public policies, the ministry, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the National System of Science and Technology, will prioritize productive research for the development of agriculture family and its diversified products. Universities, technical and technological institutes, technological higher schools and other public, private and community institutions developing innovation will carry out research covering socio-cultural, productive and In order to strengthen family, peasant and indigenous agriculture, in the framework of the state priorities in coordination and following the guidelines of the governing body of the National System of Science and Technology.
ARTICLE 26. -The Center for the Production of Native Seeds (CEPROSENA), with collaboration from the National Institute of Agricultural Technology and the National Seed Institute, will be created in the ministry. security and food sovereignty, with the aim of registering, producing and supplying native and creole seeds; (a) Take stock of the native seeds for the purposes of their registration; b) Promote: use of native seed and creole for food, agriculture, afforestation, ornamental fitness and industrial application; c) Organize the collection, production and marketing of native seed and creole in order to guarantee their existence in quantity and quality for their use; d) To carry out and promote the research of the use and preservation of native seed and creole. To this end, it may conclude agreements with public or private entities; and) Develop actions aimed at preventing illegitimate appropriation and the lack of recognition of native seed and criolla; f) Coordinating actions with the comptroller's agencies in order to make effective the protection of native seed legislation; (g) Take action to ensure variety and diversity of agriculture and promote the exchange between producers and producers; (h) Propose and strengthen forms of Agroecological production; i) Advising in politics to the areas of the national executive branch that they are required to give their opinion in advance and precept to the dictation of rules related to the seed activity.
Education, training and training
ARTICLE 27. -The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries will prepare proposals to the Ministry of Education on topics related to rural education, at all levels that are mandatory, thus entrenching an education that revalues its immediate context, facilitating the construction of children and young people in rural areas; at the same time, it will develop programmes to acquire the values, skills and skills of the family farming sector. The national executive branch will promote higher technical training and training in the rural area, recognizing the sector's own ways of learning and transmitting knowledge.
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ARTICLE 28. -The Ministry of Education, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, will incorporate into the curriculum of the Educational System, rural education, nutritional food education, the importance of the consumption of products of national origin, including those of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture, healthy, nutritious and culturally appropriate.
Rural infrastructure and equipment
ARTICLE 29. -The national executive branch, through the Ministry and its Rural Change Unit, will prioritize policies for the provision and improvement of rural infrastructure in all its dimensions, such as: transport infrastructure, road network, housing, Rural electrification, pre-dial infrastructure according to productive activity, information and communication technologies, water and irrigation in all its variants according to the territory's potential, social infrastructure, basic sanitation rural development, the roots and the harmonious occupation of the territory. The following guidelines will be recommended to the provinces and municipalities: (a) To allocate at least fifty percent (50%) of the rural population in provinces and municipalities, rural housing programs (construction, enlargement, and improvements). to recover the chronic deficit in this area. Special care will also be taken to ensure that housing design is carried out in a participatory manner and with a bioclimatic approach; b) Organise an area-based sanitation system, including the solid waste process and the (c) Instrumentation, in the framework of the government's general plan, the construction and maintenance of the trunk road network of each province, and to promote the system of road consortia for the maintenance and improvement of rural roads in the secondary network in each area and province; (d) Ensure the provision of water for irrigation, for animals and drinking water for humans in each family nucleus and in each of the family farmers, through plans, programs and projects that will implement the most appropriate system of provision in each area. The plans will not be suspended until all rural families have water for their needs, and territorial modifications that mean some water deficit risk will have to be monitored continuously.
ARTICLE 30. -The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in this regard will proceed to: (a) Implement all the necessary measures so that no family farming premises will result in an energy deficit, according to the production plan that will be used in the same. It will have a real-time survey of short, medium and long-term planning by territory and will arbitrate the necessary plans to guarantee the energy requirements that will be derived, with special promotion of those that come from renewable sources; b) Design a permanent programme to improve and increase the equipment and the pre-dial and community infrastructure for the productive or social aspects of the population; the type of need for equipment or infrastructure the characteristics of the financing, ranging from direct subsidies, micro-credit systems, revolving funds, rural banks, credit banks and/or bank loans at subsidized rates; c) Promoting priority public or type transport services cooperative, giving special consideration to rural transport, both for passengers and for the transport of production, in the analysis, design appropriate to each area, frequencies, rhythms and costs that will be the result of the territorial debate; communications, whether of a traditional type or of the new Information Technologies and
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Communication (ICT), they will serve the social, educational and cultural needs of each area; and therefore the ministry will implement a permanent plan in articulation with the competent structures, so that no zone nor The family is in isolation, the digital divide is overcome and the best service can be provided that the country or province can provide in each historical period according to the requirements of the farmers and family farmers in each territory.
Social policies
ARTICLE 31. -The national executive branch, through its respective agencies, should: a) Ensure the access and functioning of all social services (education, health, sports, culture, disability, development and social promotion, as well as the direct social assistance) for the entire rural population in the territory, depending on their existence, continuity and quality that ensure the roots of rural families. The management processes and the administration of public services should consider mechanisms for the participation of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture organizations in each territory; b) Rural education will be declared a service essential public. The method of alternance shall be implemented in all areas which are justified, and in the public education system it shall have the participation of the community in the management and monitoring of the operation of the establishment; primary health care systems through a network of health care workers who will have a continuous training system, and integrated into the health system at their different levels; d) To sponsor a rural and zonal rural sport programme, which promote the reencounter with traditional sports practices in each place, as well as activities (b) Cultural policies will encourage the creation of cultural settings, goods and services that promote the promotion of the values of the rurality, and will be enhanced in national policies in their formulation, design, execution and evaluation from the corresponding rural territory, encouraging their development from the bottom up; f) The social development of the communities and the social or generational subsectors In the case of women, young people, young people, children, the elderly, Disabled, and/or existing minorities) will be optimized with comprehensive policies, in conjunction with specific jurisdictions, and/or directly by their own policies in the areas that need to be promoted.
Instruments of promotion
ARTICLE 32. -The Family Farming Historical Repair Regime contemplates promotional instruments linked to: 1. Agricultural Health: The ministry will implement plans, programs and projects to strengthen the capacity to comply with current national health legislation; and the bromoological regulations that are required in each territory. It will work on the appropriate actions for the development of logistics, infrastructure and management according to the compliance with the requirements of agricultural and livestock health. 2. Tax benefits: Family, peasant and indigenous agriculture and their actors will be beneficiaries
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of progressive tax rebates when the implementing authority certifies practices that involve value added in origin and environmental services in its various manifestations. 3. Pension: A special pension scheme will be promoted for farmers and family farmers, in accordance with the provisions of Law 26,727 on the Agrarian Work Regime. 4. Certifications: The national executive branch through its authorized technical bodies, will guarantee quality certification or other requirements of the international market, when sectors of family, peasant and indigenous agriculture need export. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, through a System of Participatory Certification, will ensure certification in processes and products of national circulation. 5. Promote the creation of comprehensive insurance for family farming to mitigate the damage and losses suffered by emergencies or disasters, accidents at work, loss or theft of animals, forest products, agricultural products, rural machines and implements. 6. Credits: The ministry will have to agree with the Banco de la Nacion Argentina, the creation of specific credit lines, with subsidized interest rates and guarantees compatible with the characteristics of the activity, which will finance the purchase of buildings, machinery, vehicles, and in the short term the purchase of inputs, marketing costs, transport, etc. Credits of up to ten (10) basic baskets, will have as requirements to the producer to be registered in the RENAF, in the social monotributo and to have an investment plan endorsed technically by some national agency or The Ministry of Agriculture, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) or the Ministry of Family Agriculture.
Of the necessary resources
ARTICLE 33. -The resources demanded by the implementation of this law will be allocated by the budgetary adequacy that the national executive branch has.
ARTICLE 34. -Article 4 (e) of Law 23.843 Federal Agricultural Council, the following text:
Article 4 °: [...] point (e) With specific policies, the problem of family farming and small rural producers will be ensured, in order to guarantee the effective participation of the representative organisations of the sector.
ARTICLE 35. -amend Article 1 of Law 24.374, as amended by laws 25.797 and 26.493, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 1 °: The benefits of this law shall be granted by the occupants who, with lawful cause, credit the public, peaceful and continuous possession for three (3) years prior to 1 January 2009, with respect to urban buildings which they have as the main destination of the single and permanent house, and meet the characteristics foreseen in the regulations. Under the same conditions, family farmers will be able to access these benefits.
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rural building where they live and produce.
ARTICLE 36. -Amend article 18 of Law 26.509, "Create the National System for the Prevention and Mitigation of Emergency and Agricultural Disasters", which will be worded as follows:
Article 18: The resources of the National Fund for the Mitigation of Emergencies and Agricultural Disasters shall be exclusively intended to finance the programs, projects and actions of the National System for the Prevention and Mitigation of Emergencies Agricultural Disasters and Disasters to mitigate and reward damage caused by the emergency and/or agricultural disaster, by means of isolated or programmatic actions, arranged on a concomitant and later basis, as the case may be, to the occurrence of emergency and/or agricultural disaster. Twenty percent (20%) of the entire fund will be affected by actions aimed at the prevention of damages for emergencies and/or agricultural disasters on family farming.
General/transitional considerations
ARTICLE 37. -The national executive branch must regulate this law within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of its enactment.
ARTICLE 38. -Contact the national executive branch.
JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -GERARDO ZAMORA. -Lucas Chedrese. -Juan H. Estrada.
Date of publication: 28/01/2015
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