Key Benefits:
Law 27148
Organic Law of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Functions. Sanctioned: June 10, 2015 Enacted: June 17, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Title I
General functions and principles
Chapter 1
ARTICLE 1-General Mission. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation is the body responsible for promoting justice in defense of the law and the general interests of society. In particular, it has the task of ensuring the effective implementation of the National Constitution and the international human rights instruments in which the Republic is a party and seeking access to the justice of all inhabitants.
ARTICLE 2-Functions in defense of the Constitution and the general interests of society. In order to guarantee the effective validity of the National Constitution and the international human rights instruments in which the Republic is a party, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation shall: a) Dictate on the causes that come to the attention of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, provided that there is controversy over the interpretation or direct application of a rule of the National Constitution or of the instruments international human rights in which the Republic is a party; this will be determined by the Attorney General of the Nation based on the analysis of normative provisions or the circumstances and particularities of the cause. (b) Dictate in any other case in which the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation requires its opinion, founded in reasons of institutional gravity or because of the importance of the legal norms questioned. Likewise, the Public Prosecutor's Office may intervene, depending on the circumstances and importance of the case, in cases filed in any federal court of the country or national court.
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with jurisdiction over the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in cases where such competence has not been transferred, provided that the validity of the Constitution or international human rights instruments in the the Republic is a party, or is concerned with: (c) Conflicts in which collective or diffuse interests are affected. (d) Conflicts in which the general interest of society or a transcendent public policy is affected. (e) Conflicts in which access to justice is seriously affected by the particular vulnerability of one of the parties or by the notorious asymmetry between them. (f) Conflicts of jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the courts. (g) Cases in which a special rule determines it.
ARTICLE 3-Duties in criminal matters. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation is responsible for setting the policy of criminal prosecution and exercising public criminal action, as established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation and the complementary laws, in all federal crimes and in those ordinary crimes committed in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires while its competence has not been transferred to the local jurisdiction. It also intervenes and manages in the country all extradition requests made by other states.
Chapter 2
Principles of action
ARTICLE 4-Functional autonomy and independence. The Public Prosecutor's Office exercises its functions with functional autonomy, without any instruction or directives emanating from organs outside its structure.
ARTICLE 5-Relations with the Executive Branch. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will relate to the national executive branch through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation or the one that performs these functions. The representation of the State or the Fisco in trial, as well as the permanent advice to the national executive branch, are excluded from the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Nevertheless, the national executive branch, through the minister concerned, may address the Attorney General to coordinate efforts to make the defense of the general interests of society more effective. criminal prosecution.
ARTICLE 6-Relations with the Legislative Branch. In the opportunity of the inauguration of the regular session of the National Congress, the Attorney General will forward to the Bicameral Commission, whose composition and functions will be established by the National Congress, a detailed report of the actions taken. by the bodies under its competence, which shall contain an assessment of the work carried out in the exercise, an analysis of the efficiency of the service and specific proposals on the legislative changes or improvements required. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be consulted in an opportunity to analyze and discuss bills or regulations for their business.
ARTICLE 7 °-Requirement for collaboration. The members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may require reports from the national, provincial, municipal and municipal agencies.
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Autonomous of Buenos Aires, private organizations and private individuals. They may also cite persons in order to make a statement, which shall be obliged to attend and may be conducted by the public in the event of an unjustified absence. The public authorities and the security forces must provide the necessary collaboration and the necessary measures, in accordance with the directives given by the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and for this purpose. personnel and the necessary means at their disposal.
ARTICLE 8 °-Generic investigations. The members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be able to carry out the generic investigations provided for in Article 213 of the Penal Code of the Nation. To this end, the owners of the district fiscalas, specialized procuratorates and specialized tax units must inform the Attorney General of the Nation of their commencement, in accordance with the regulations that are being made in this regard. In generic investigations, information may be requested and produced for the identification of criminal phenomena that guide the finding of a criminal hypothesis based on one or several preliminary investigations. The application of measures of personal coercion shall not proceed.
ARTICLE 9-Functional principles. The Public Prosecutor's Office will exercise its functions according to the following principles: a) Unit of action: the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation is a hierarchical organization whose highest authority is the Attorney General the Nation. In his performance he is unique and indivisible and will be fully represented in the performance of each of his officials. Each official will monitor the performance of those who attend and will be responsible for the management of the officials in charge. They shall act in accordance with the instructions given by their superiors and in accordance with the provisions of this law. b) Dynamic organization: the organization and structure of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be governed by criteria of flexibility and dynamism, in order to address the needs that the complexity and social conflict demand. c) Respect for human rights: it will develop its action in accordance with the principles, rights and guarantees established in the National Constitution, international treaties and conventions, respecting human rights and guaranteeing its Full validity. (d) Objectivity: it will require the fair application of the law, seeking the balanced protection of all the legal values and principles in force and the rational and weighted exercise of the State's criminal power. (e) Management of conflicts: seek the solution of conflicts in order to restore harmony between their protagonists and social peace. (f) Guidance to the victim: he/she should direct his/her actions taking into account the interests of the victim, to whom he/she should provide ample assistance and respect. It shall inform the Commission of the outcome of the investigations and shall notify it of the decision ending the case, even if it has not been constituted as a plaintiff, in accordance with the procedural rules in force. It will seek maximum cooperation with the plaintiffs. g) Accessibility and gratuitousness: it will promote the rights recognized by the law victim, facilitating their access to the justice system free of charge. (h) Efficiency and deformalisation: it will ensure the efficient and appropriate administration of information, resources and public goods. It will ensure that procedures are agile and simple without more formalities than those laid down by law. (i) Transparency: it will subject its activity to transparency guidelines, informing the criteria that guide the prosecution and the criminal selectivity, the proposed annual objectives and the results of its management, in such a way that the performance can be evaluated of its officials and of the institution as a whole. j) Responsibility: the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be subject to the
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administrative and criminal liability.
Title II
Chapter 1
ARTICLE 10. -Permanent organs. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be made up of the following bodies on a permanent basis, without prejudice to those who believe in the resolution of the Attorney General to deal with a set of cases or a phenomenon. Criminal in particular: a) Attorney General of the Nation. b) General Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (c) District Fiscalis. d) Fiscalas in non-criminal matters in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. (e) District Attorney's Office. (f) Specialized procuratorates. (g) specialised tax units. (h) General addresses.
Chapter 2
National Attorney General's Office
ARTICLE 11. -Attorney General of the Nation. Designation. The Attorney General of the Nation is the head of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and is responsible for its proper functioning. Its authority extends to the entire national territory. The Attorney General of the Nation will be appointed by the national executive branch with the agreement of the Senate by two thirds (2/ 3) of its members present. To be Attorney General of the Nation, it is required to be an Argentine citizen with a national validity lawyer, with eight (8) years of exercise, and to gather the other qualities required to be a national senator. The Attorney General's Office is the National Attorney General's office.
ARTICLE 12. -Functions and attributions. The functions and duties of the Attorney General are: a) Designing and fixing the general policy of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, and in particular the policy of criminal prosecution that allows the effective exercise of criminal action public. b) Develop and implement the necessary regulations for the organization of the various agencies of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and conclude the contracts that are required for its operation, through the organs of administration. (c) Establish the structure, establish the headquarters and the territorial scope of the district fiscalis. d) Dispose the joint or alternative action of two (2) or more members of the Public Prosecutor's Office when the importance or difficulty of a criminal case or phenomenon makes it advisable. The members
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of the work team may be of equal or different hierarchy and belong to the same or different district attorney. e) Dispose the actions of the attorneys general necessary to fulfill the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation before the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation and the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation, according to the selection criteria, the time limit and the organisation setting up the respective regulations. f) To exercise the general superintendence on all the members of the body, to administer the material and human resources and to make the budget of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (g) Organize, regulate and direct the human resources area and the financial administrative department of the agency, through the corresponding agencies, and arrange the expenditure in accordance with the budget allocated. (h) To provide general instructions that allow the best development of the service, optimizing the results of the management with respect to the principles that govern the operation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. i) Elevate to the Legislative Branch the opinion of the Public Prosecutor's Office on the appropriateness of certain legislative reforms and the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, if it is regulatory reforms or the design of public policies of their competence. (j) Represent the body in its relations with other branches of the State, and coordinate activities and conclude agreements with national, provincial, municipal and other public or private institutions; as well as with Ministries Prosecutors from other nations. k) Grant licenses to the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation when it does not correspond to another body, in accordance with the provisions of this law and the regulations that are issued in this respect. (l) Elevate the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the candidates of the candidates who are the judges of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (m) Impose sanctions against the magistrates, officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in cases and in accordance with the provisions of this law and the regulations that are issued in this respect. n) Promote the prosecution of the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, in accordance with the provisions of this law and the regulations that are made in this regard, and request the prosecution of the judges before the courts competent when they are held incourses in the causals provided for in Article 53 of the National Constitution. (o) Approve and give publicity to the annual management report provided for in this law. (p) The other functions set out in this law. The Attorney General of the Nation may make specific delegations regarding the functions and duties mentioned in this Article in magistrates or officials of the Attorney General's Office, in accordance with the regulations to be dictated about it. In the case of a license, recusal, excuse, impediment or vacancy of the Attorney General of the Nation, the functions and attributions mentioned in this Article shall be exercised by a district attorney, in accordance with the regulations to be dictated about it. In the absence of a designation, the oldest person in such a position shall intervene.
ARTICLE 13. -Intervention before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. The Attorney General of the Nation will intervene directly or through the prosecutors in the cases before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. In the case of a license, recusal, excuse, impediment or vacancy of the Attorney General of the Nation, his duties before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will be exercised by a prosecutor
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(i) the Commission's proposal for a Council Directive on the protection of the environment. In the absence of a designation, the oldest person in the position will intervene.
ARTICLE 14. -General Secretariat of the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General of the Nation will be assisted by a General Secretariat of the Attorney General's Office, which will have the following functions: (a) To provide assistance and advice in all matters pertaining to the powers of the Attorney General of the Nation and in which participation has been assumed. b) Coordinate the functioning of all the organs of the Attorney General's Office and keep the Attorney General of the Nation informed of the progress or difficulties of the affairs in particular. c) Keep track of the compliance with the general instructions or regulations dictated by the Attorney General of the Nation. d) To organize the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, to give course to the requests for a report, to deal with the issues that need to be resolved in the field of the Attorney General's Office, and to supervise the work of all the officials and employees of that office. The secretaries-general will be appointed and replaced in that role directly by the Attorney General of the Nation.
Chapter 3
General Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation
ARTICLE 15. -General Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. The General Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will have the following functions: a) To advise the Attorney General of the Nation on the design of the criminal prosecution policy and on other issues that the Attorney General asks. (b) Propose corrective measures or general instructions for the best functioning of the institution. (c) Call on persons and institutions who, by their professional experience or technical capacity, consider it appropriate to listen to the best functioning of the institution. d) Dictate when a general instruction of the Attorney General of the Nation or a regulatory provision is objected to by a magistrate of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in accordance with the rules that are dictated in this respect. (e) the other powers conferred upon it by this law or regulations.
ARTICLE 16. -Integration and sessions. The General Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be composed of the Attorney General of the Nation, who will preside over it, and for six (6) vowels with the office of attorney general. Their vowels will last two (2) years in this function and will be elected by direct suffrage of the magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in accordance with the regulations that are dictated in this respect. They may be re-elected for one (1) consecutive period. The Council will ordinarily sesionate at least two (2) times a year and, extraordinarily, when it is called by the Attorney General of the Nation. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of its members.
Chapter 4
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District fiscalis
ARTICLE 17. -District Fiscalas. The District Attorney's Office is the body responsible for carrying out the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in a given territorial area, through the decentralized offices and fiscal units that integrate it, in coordination with specialised procuratorates, specialised units and general directorates, in accordance with the provisions of this law and the rules governing them.
ARTICLE 18. -District coordinator for the district. The district attorney coordinator shall be directly responsible for the proper functioning of the institution in the respective area. He exercises the public criminal action and the privileges that the law grants to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. The district attorney coordinator shall be appointed for a period of two (2) years. Only the attorneys general of the respective fiscal district will be able to aspire to that function, and to do so they must present a work plan before the Attorney General of the Nation, who will elect them according to their proposal and personal suitability for the (i) a proposal for a regulation to be adopted in this field. If no work plan is presented, the Attorney General should expand the call for attorneys general from other fiscal districts. It may proceed in the same way when a single work plan is presented. In the case of a license, recusal, excusement, impairment or vacancy of the district attorney, the functions and duties referred to in this article shall be exercised by the person designated by the district attorney to be among the prosecutors. The Commission has been asked to make a decision on the matter.
ARTICLE 19. -Functions. The district attorney coordinator has as a function: a) Coordinate and organize the fiscal units according to criteria that avoid watertight compartments and isolated performances, prioritizing the distribution of the work by the flow of income and cases. b) Conform temporary teams for the execution of generic or complex investigations. c) administratively organize the distribution of cases that enter the district attorney, by means of general and objective rules, among the different tax units, according to their functions, specialty and performance criteria. Where a tax unit is integrated by more than one magistrate, the work among them shall be distributed by a system of shifts or sweepstakes, except that together with the district coordinating prosecutor, another criterion for the allocation of cases is agreed. d) Centralize information for research purposes and examine the links between the different cases. (e) Establish joint action and exchange of information with the other district procuratorates in their region. (f) Establish relationships of coordination, action, exchange of information, assistance and support with the Directorates-General. (g) Dispose the joint intervention of tax units and specialized procuratorates in one or more cases. (h) To assign specialized procuratorates to cases requiring centralized action by virtue of their complexity, territorial extension, diversity of phenomena involved, connection with other cases, and other issues that do so advisable for greater effectiveness of criminal prosecution. The prosecutor of the relevant district attorney's office must be informed and will be able to collaborate in the case. i) Interact with the provincial, municipal and municipal authorities and agencies for the investigation of federal criminal acts that have connection or effects with local crimes or infractions.
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(j) to resolve administrative matters relating to the licenses and transfers of district fiscalis personnel, with the scope to set the regulations that the Attorney General of the Nation will dictate.
ARTICLE 20. -Duties. The District Attorney General has the duty to: (a) Respond to the requests for reports issued to them by the Attorney General of the Nation. b) To carry out any other function that the Attorney General of the Nation entrusts to him, in accordance with the regulations that are dictated in this regard. (c) To periodically check the prisons and other places of detention, temporary or permanent, to take knowledge and control the situation of the persons there, to promote or advise measures aimed at the correction of the system penitentiary and comply with the provisions of article 18 of the National Constitution and international human rights instruments. (d) Coordinate the performance of the tax units with specialized procuratorates, specialized units and general directions, and ensure the participation of these units in their district when appropriate. e) Designate the fiscal reviewer for all the cases provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation that correspond territorially to the district, including those in which they are acting either procuratorates or specialized tax units. The designation shall be made by drawing or a shift system that ensures an equitable distribution of the workload among all the district magistrates, unless otherwise agreed by consensus. f) To make sure that the investigation of the cases is carried out in an agile and formalized manner.
ARTICLE 21. -District Attorney's Office. The fiscal units will have a dynamic and flexible composition and will be integrated by attorneys general, prosecutors, tax assistants, tax assistants, officials, and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office. They will carry out criminal action and carry out the investigation of crimes committed in their territorial scope and the management of alternative solutions to criminal proceedings. The staff of the tax unit shall be appointed by the Attorney General on the proposal of its holder. District attorney tax units will be organized by prioritizing the following functions: a) Care for victims. b) Attention to the public. c) Common services for the entry, registration and distribution of cases. (d) Management of research and communications legislation. e) Outcomes alternatives to early criminal proceedings and agreements. (f) Research. (g) Complex investigations. (h) Litigation, judgment and challenges. (i) Criminal enforcement. (j) Litigation of cases in federal non-criminal matters with a seat in the provinces. Where a tax unit is integrated by more than one magistrate, the work among them shall be distributed by lot, except that together with the district district attorney they agree to another criterion for the allocation of cases. The criminal execution function will be carried out by a fiscal unit of the Attorney General's Office regarding the ordinary crimes committed in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Chapter 5
Specialised procuratorates
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ARTICLE 22. -specialized procuratorias. The Attorney General's Office will have the following specialized procuratorates in a permanent manner: a) Office of Administrative Investigations. b) Procurator of Defense of the Constitution. c) Procuratorate of Crimes against Humanity. d) Procurator of Economic Criminality and Asset Laundering. e) Procurator of Narcocriminality. f) Attorney General's Office for Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons. g) Procuratorate of Institutional Violence. The Attorney General of the Nation shall establish by resolution the scope and internal organization of specialized procuratorates. It may also provide for the creation of other specialised agencies where the policy of public criminal prosecution or the general interest of the company so requires. The Office of Crimes Against Humanity will have a Specialized Fiscal Unit for cases of appropriation of children during state terrorism with powers to carry out generic and preliminary investigations, as well as to investigate or collaborate in the cases provided by the district coordinators.
ARTICLE 23. -Holder of procuratorate. The Attorney General of the Nation will appoint the holders of the specialized procuratorates among the attorneys general, who will act throughout the national territory with respect to the cases and phenomena referred to their subject matter, in coordination with district coordinators when the needs of the case so require.
ARTICLE 24. -Functions of specialized procuratorates. Specialised procuratorates shall have the following functions: (a) Investigate cases of their competence assigned by district district attorneys or assist in investigations where required, exercising all functions and Powers of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation provided for in the Criminal Procedure Code and special criminal laws. b) Design research strategies for complex cases and coordinate with the federal security forces and other institutions with preventive action the articulation of criminal prosecution with preventive activities. c) Plan, together with the owners of the district fiscalas and the corresponding general directions, the policy of criminal prosecution, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Attorney General of the Nation. (d) To provide links and inter-institutional actions with specialized agencies, both national and regional or international. e) Propose to the Attorney General of the Nation trainings, legislative and regulatory projects, as well as the conclusion of agreements. f) Propose to the Attorney General of the Nation the creation of dependencies in the regions. g) To raise the report of its management and the state of the process to the Attorney General of the Nation and to put in its knowledge the preliminary or generic investigations that carry forward. h) To respond to requests for reports from the Attorney General of the Nation. (i) The other functions provided for in this law.
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ARTICLE 25. -Office of Administrative Investigations. The Office of Administrative Investigations will be made up of the National Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations and the other attorneys general, prosecutors, tax assistants, tax assistants, and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office. the Nation.
ARTICLE 26. -Designation. The National Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations shall be appointed by contest for that office and shall not be separated from him except for the reasons provided for in this law.
ARTICLE 27. -Functions. The National Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations will have the following duties and powers: (a) To promote the investigation of the administrative conduct of the members of the centralized and decentralized national administration and of the companies, companies and any other entity in which the State has a stake. In all cases, the investigations will be carried out solely by the Office of Administrative Investigations and without the need for any other state authority to do so, without prejudice to any adjustments to the instructions. The General Prosecutor of the Nation will be the one to be delivered. (b) to carry out investigations in any institution or association that has as its principal source of resources the state contribution, whether it is borrowed directly or indirectly, in the event of a reasonable suspicion of irregularities in the investment given to the mentioned resources. (c) to exercise in the entire territory of the Republic the public criminal action and all the powers provided for by the criminal and procedural laws in those cases where the main object of investigation is the irregularity of the conduct (d) Submit to the approval of the Attorney General of the Nation the rules of procedure of the Office of Administrative Investigations. e) To respond to requests for reports from the Attorney General of the Nation. f) Raise the Attorney General's Office with an annual report on the management of the Office of Administrative Investigations.
ARTICLE 28. -Disciplinary investigations. When in the investigation carried out by the Office of Administrative Investigations, the National Prosecutor of Administrative Investigations will pass the actions with an informed opinion to the Administrative Investigations Office. The Office of the Treasury of the Nation or the official of the highest administrative hierarchy of the distribution in question, in accordance with the powers assigned by the regulation of administrative investigations. In both circumstances, the proceedings shall serve as the head of the summary to be instructed by the authorities concerned. In all these actions, which will be governed by the rules of administrative investigations, the Attorney General's Office will necessarily be held as an accuser, with equal rights to the submariade, in particular, the powers to offer, produce, and to incorporate evidence, as well as the use of any adverse resolution to its claims; all this, under the penalty of absolute and insalable nullity of the actions or resolved according to the case.
ARTICLE 29. -Defense Attorney's Office of the Constitution. The Defense Attorney's Office of the Constitution will have the following functions: a) Coordinate the action of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in cases involving constitutional issues relevant to the body.
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b) Conduct research on the state of compliance with the norms of the National Constitution and international human rights instruments in which the Republic is a party and propose the formulation of recommendations to the Attorney General General of the Nation. c) To respond to requests for reports from the Attorney General of the Nation. (d) the other functions provided for in this law or in the rules governing it.
Chapter 6
Action in non-criminal matters
ARTICLE 30. -Fiscal units in non-criminal matters with seat in the provinces. The action of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in non-criminal matters in the field of federal justice with seat in the provinces will be in charge of a fiscal unit that will be part of each district attorney.
ARTICLE 31. -Non-criminal action in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in Civil, Commercial, Civil and Commercial Federal, Federal Administrative, Labor, Social Security and Consumer Relations of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be in charge. of the attorneys and attorneys general with competence in these matters. These magistrates and the holders of the tax units in non-criminal matters with a seat in the provinces will have as a function: a) Velar for due legal process. b) Petition in the cases in which the defense of the legality and the general interests of the society is involved, in particular, in the conflicts in which collective interests are affected, an interest and/or a policy public order, public order rules and laws not available by private individuals, due process, access to justice, as well as when there is a manifest asymmetry between the parties or are threatened or violated human rights, constitutional guarantees or observance of the National Constitution. c) To request the recusal with the cause of the intervening judges, to produce, to offer and to request the incorporation of proof, petitioning the dictation of precautionary measures or to rule on its origin, to raise nullity, to raise The Court of Justice of the Republic of Mexico is a member of the Ministry of Public Prosecutor's Office. It is an inconstitutionality, an interposing of appeals, the actions provided for in Law 24.240, and any other request for the fulfillment of the mission of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation (d) to intervene in cases where damage caused or which may be caused to the social heritage, to public health and to the environment, to the consumer, to goods or rights of artistic, historical or scenic value, in cases and by means of the procedures laid down by law. (e) to intervene in matters of jurisdiction, authorisation of instance and in all cases where rules or principles of public order are at stake. f) To intervene in the processes of annulment of marriage and divorce, of affiliation and in all matters relating to the marital status and names of persons, supletories and declarations of poverty. g) To intervene in all judicial processes in which Argentine citizenship is requested. (h) conduct investigations in relation to the cases in which it intervenes in order to clarify whether there are any effects on legality, on the general interests of society and/or on human rights and constitutional guarantees. (i) To promote joint action with district procuratorates and specialized procuratorates. (j) To respond to requests for reports submitted to them by the Attorney General of the Nation.
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(k) Organize the work and supervise the performance of the duties of the officials and the staff in charge. (l) exercising the other functions provided for by special laws.
Chapter 7
Specialised Tax Units
ARTICLE 32. -Specialized Tax Units. The Attorney General of the Nation may create specialized fiscal units to investigate and address general phenomena that, due to their public or institutional significance or reasons of specialization or efficiency, require it. He will name the headlines among the attorneys general and prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. The creation resolution shall establish its functions, organisation, integration and scope of action, as well as its temporary or permanent existence.
Chapter 8
Directorates General
ARTICLE 33. -Directorates-general. The Directorates-General are the organs responsible for carrying out the auxiliary and support tasks indispensable for the development of the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. The following permanent general addresses will exist, without prejudice to those that are created by resolution of the Attorney General of the Nation to provide new services or auxiliary in matters in a specialized manner: a) Accompanying, Orientation and Protection of Victims. (b) Directorate-General for Access to Justice. (c) Directorate-General for Research and Technological Support for Criminal Investigation. d) General Directorate of Gender Policies. (e) Directorate-General for Regional and International Cooperation. (f) Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Advice for Research. (g) General Directorate for the Recovery of Assets and Disposal of Goods. h) Directorate General of Criminal Analysis and Strategic Planning of Criminal Persecution. (i) Directorate-General for Institutional Performance. (j) Directorate-General for Organizational Development and New Technologies. k) General Directorate of Training and School of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation.
ARTICLE 34. -Directors-general. Appointment and function. The Directors-General shall be appointed by the Attorney General of the Nation and shall be directly responsible for the performance of the functions of the management and for the supervision of the work of the officials and employees in their position.
ARTICLE 35. -Functions. The Directorates-General shall carry out the following tasks, without prejudice to other tasks assigned to them by means of instruction or regulation of the Attorney General: (a) The Directorate-General for Accompanying, Guidance and Protection of Victims shall have the following functions: as a function to guarantee the victims of any crime the rights of accompaniment, guidance, protection and general information provided in the Code of Criminal Procedure, from the first contact of the victim with the institution and throughout the criminal process, through an interdisciplinary approach or
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the necessary referral to ensure their technical assistance. b) The General Directorate of Access to Justice will have the function to install and manage decentralized agencies of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the vulnerable territories for the purpose of receiving and deriving complaints, to evacuate consultations, provide access to judicial information, facilitate alternative conflict resolution, generate crime prevention mechanisms, and develop rights promotion actions to strengthen community ties and consolidate channels of communication between the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and the community. (c) The Directorate-General for Research and Technological Support for Criminal Investigation shall be responsible for forensic laboratories, the body of researchers and the carrying out of technical measures or for the use of technological means. of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, for the purpose of assisting the prosecutors in the investigations that they carry out. d) The General Directorate of Gender Policies will have the function of providing advice and technical assistance on gender issues when required by any magistrate of the Public Prosecutor's Office. It will also be responsible for the dissemination, awareness-raising and training on gender issues and women's rights and the intra-and inter-ministerial articulation with bodies responsible for matters relevant to them. (e) The Directorate-General for Regional and International Cooperation will have the task of monitoring the administrative cases of extradition, intervention in active and passive international assistance, with the consequent advice and In addition, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Affairs have been involved in the work of the Prosecutor General's Office, advising the prosecutors on the cases concerning extradition requests, and the interrelation with the regional and international institutions of institutional collaboration. (f) The Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Advice in the Investigations will have the task of advising, producing reports and suggesting measures of investigation, at the request of the prosecutors, in cases involving the investigation of related maneuvers. This is the case for complex crime and organized crime, as well as acting as the expert of the Public Prosecutor's Office in those causes that are considered to be of institutional relevance. (g) The General Directorate for the Recovery of Assets and Neglect of Goods will have the function of developing an active policy aimed at detecting, prudential, identifying and seizing assets and funds from criminal offences and phenomena, especially those linked to complex criminality and organized crime. h) The Criminal Analysis and Strategic Planning Directorate of Criminal Persecution will have the function of requesting, producing, organizing, processing, analyzing and communicating relevant information for the strategic criminal prosecution of phenomena and criminal organisations. It will also intervene in the design and planning of criminal prosecution in conjunction with the respective areas of specialized procuratorates and district prosecutors. i) The General Directorate of Institutional Performance will have the function of producing information on the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, based on the development of indicators that will allow the measurement of institutional performance. It will also monitor and diagnose the body permanently in order to identify good practices, contribute to promote them, detect critical processes that compromise the implementation of institutional tasks and collaborate with its exceeding. (j) The Directorate-General for Organizational Development and New Technologies will have the role of designing, developing and coordinating the information and communication systems in order to achieve greater efficiency in relation to the activities of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. k) The General Directorate of Training and School of the Public Prosecutor's Office will have the function of proposing and implementing training models and strategies to improve the institutional performance and strengthen the work of the prosecutors and your work team.
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Title III
Relations with the community
ARTICLE 36. -Relations with the community. The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in its role of promoting general interests in the administration of justice, will seek to know the demands and needs of the various social sectors, will keep the community informed and promote access to justice, in particular for persons with fewer resources to do so.
ARTICLE 37. -Cooperation agreements. The Public Prosecutor's Office will be able to conclude agreements with public institutions, academics and non-profit organizations, in order to carry out investigations into criminal phenomena, to prepare a case or a set of cases, to strengthen technical assistance to victims or to develop any other service of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. It will also be able to conclude agreements with universities so that students of higher courses can develop voluntary activities within the Public Prosecutor's Office as part of their professional practice.
Title IV
Financial autarquia and economic and financial management
ARTICLE 38. -Financial autarquia. In order to ensure its financial autarquia, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will have a budget of resources and expenses that will be attended by the national treasury and with its own resources.
ARTICLE 39. -National Treasury resources. National Treasury resources will be made up of the equivalent of ninety-five cents per cent (0.95%) of the central administration's tax and non-tax resources. This aliquot will be added to the contribution that the national executive branch includes annually in the general budget of the National Administration, for the item 4 °, goods of use, according to the budget prepared by the Public Ministry. Prosecutor of the Nation. The Banco de la Nacion Argentina will transfer daily and automatically to a specific account the amount of the collection of the resources that correspond to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation according to the percentage established in the Previous paragraph. The Bank of the Argentine Nation shall not receive any remuneration of any kind for the services it provides under this law.
ARTICLE 40. -Own resources. The following are the resources of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation: (a) Donations. (b) Aranceles, coasts, fines the application of which he has in charge and other income to be established to finance the budget of resources and expenses of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. c) Transfers of resources with or without specific allocation from jurisdictions and entities of the national public sector or international organizations, in the framework of the implementation of policies of collaboration in charge of these linked to the action of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (d) Any income from financial operations and investments made from the remaining resources which have not been applied to expenditure.
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e) The product of the sale or location of movable or immovable property affected to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. The resources listed shall be exempt from any national contribution or tax.
ARTICLE 41. -Preparation of the budget. The General Administration of the Nation will prepare annually, on the basis of the technical guidelines established for the jurisdictions and entities of the national public sector and observing the principles of transparency in the management and efficiency of the use of the resources, the general budget of resources and expenses of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation for the following year. The draft budget of the agency will be referred to the national executive branch for incorporation into the General Budget Project of the National Administration, which is presented annually to the Honorable Congress of the Nation. The Attorney General is entitled to have the restructuring and compensation that it deems necessary, within the total sum corresponding to the Public Prosecutor's Office, in the General Budget of the National administration to which the principles of transparency in the management and efficiency of the use of resources must be observed.
ARTICLE 42. -Budget implementation. In the administration and financial implementation of the budget allocated, the provisions of the financial management rules of the State shall be observed, with the privileges and exceptions conferred by Articles 9, 34 and 117 of Law 24.156. The Executive Branch may only have modifications in the offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in so far as they are the product of modifications in the estimate of the resources that finance it. The Attorney General's Office will regulate the implementation of the system established in Law 24.156 in relation to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, based on criteria of transparency in the management and efficient use of resources.
ARTICLE 43. -New structures and functions. Any increase in the structure or charges of the Public Prosecutor's Office should be accompanied by the corresponding allocation of resources from the national treasury. Likewise, the transfer of new functions to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will have to be financed.
Title V
Chapter 1
Members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation
ARTICLE 44. -Members. They are magistrates and career officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation who hold the following charges: (a) Tax prosecutors. (b) General prosecutors. c) General Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. (d) National Public Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations.
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(e) Prosecutors. f) Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. (g) Tax aid. (h) Tax assistants. Likewise, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be composed of the officials and employees in accordance with the work career that will be established in the regulations that will be dictated in this regard.
ARTICLE 45. -Tax prosecutors. In order to be a prosecutor, the same conditions are required as for the position of Attorney General of the Nation.
ARTICLE 46. -General prosecutors and attorneys general of the Attorney General's Office. In order to be attorney general and attorney general of the Attorney General's Office, it is necessary to be an Argentine citizen, to be thirty (30) years old and to have six (6) years of effective exercise in the country of the profession of attorney or a compliance, in the same term, of functions in the Public Ministry or in the Judiciary, with at least six (6) years of seniority in the title of lawyer.
ARTICLE 47. -Prosecutors and prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. In order to be a prosecutor and prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office, it is necessary to be an Argentine citizen, to be twenty-five (25) years old and to have four (4) years of effective exercise in the country of the profession of lawyer or of a compliance, by the same term, of functions in the Public Ministry or in the Judiciary, with at least four (4) years of seniority in the title of lawyer.
ARTICLE 48. -Procedure for the appointment of magistrates. For the designation of the prosecutors, the National Prosecutor of Administrative Investigations, attorneys general, attorneys general of the Attorney General, prosecutors and prosecutors of the Attorney General, will carry out public contests of opposition and antecedents, from which the third candidates will emerge that the Attorney General of the Nation will present to the Executive Branch who will elect one of them, whose appointment will require the agreement of the simple majority of the members Present at the Senate. The Attorney General of the Nation may take the charge in question until the final designation of the holder.
ARTICLE 49. -Public opposition competition and background. The contest of opposition and antecedents shall be substantiated before a court convened by the Attorney General of the Nation in accordance with the regulations that are dictated in this respect. The written opposition test will deal with issues and/or cases chosen by prior drawing and will be evaluated by the court through a system that ensures anonymity. The oral opposition test will be public and will deal with issues and/or cases, the latter chosen by prior draw. The procedure shall in no case include personal interviews, and shall be governed by the principles of objectivity, equal opportunities and transparency.
ARTICLE 50. -Integration of the court. The court will be presided over by the Attorney General of the Nation or by a magistrate of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in accordance with the regulations that will be made in this regard. The court will also be composed of three (3) magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation and one (1) guest jurist. The jurists invited from each contest will be chosen from a list of academics or jurists of recognized trajectory previously established in accordance with the regulations that
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dicte about it. The composition of the court will seek to ensure the geographical, functional and gender diversity of those who integrate it.
ARTICLE 51. -Tax auxiliaries. The tax auxiliaries are officials who will collaborate with the magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office and will always act under the instructions, supervision and responsibility of them. In particular, the tax auxiliaries will have the following functions: a) To carry out the activity assigned to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation in the investigation of the cases, when the prosecutor so has. (b) Attend to the hearings that the prosecutor gives to him and litigate with the scope and claims that the prosecutor has.
ARTICLE 52. -Designation of tax auxiliaries. Tax auxiliaries must meet the requirements to be tax. The designation will be the responsibility of the Attorney General, at the proposal of the district attorney general and the head of the fiscal units, specialized attorneys and specialized tax units, as appropriate, according to the with the regulation that will be adopted in this respect. Tax auxiliaries shall receive a salary increase for the performance of their duties in accordance with the rules governing them.
ARTICLE 53. -Tax assistants. The tax assistants shall be appointed by the prosecutors to whom they must attend and shall act under the instructions, supervision and responsibility of the prosecutors, in accordance with the respective regulations. They will have by function: a) Receive statements, practice interviews or place orders for reports. (b) Comappear to the place of the facts. c) Coordinate the work of officials and employees.
ARTICLE 54. -Oath. The prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, when taking office, will have to take the oath to perform them well and legally and to enforce and enforce the National Constitution, the human rights treaties and the laws of the Republic. The Attorney General of the Nation will be sworn in before the President of the Nation as Supreme Chief of the Nation. The prosecutors will do so before the Attorney General of the Nation or before the magistrate appointed to this effect.
Chapter 2
ARTICLE 55. -Carrera. Members of the Public Prosecutor's Office are entitled to the development of a career. It is understood as such to the set of opportunities for advancement and expectations of progress according to the principles of equality, suitability and capacity that define the work and professional trajectory of the different members.
ARTICLE 56. -Training. Training is an essential condition of performance and as such constitutes a right and a duty of all agents of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation.
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It includes access to training and/or updating activities, both to improve performance in the respective job market and to access other positions within the body. The training that will be provided will be comprehensive, permanent and free. It will be implemented through own resources or through agreements with public or private institutions, all in line with the specific regulations that are available for this subject.
ARTICLE 57. -Scale structure. The officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be integrated into three groups: a) Legal technician. (b) Administrative technician. (c) Auxiliary services. These groups will be formed based on a scale that will give priority to a higher level of professionalization and specialization of the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, with the objective of expanding the institutional capacity of the body. To this end, account shall be taken of the hierarchy of the functions performed, the merit and the suitability checked, the level of remuneration and the achievement of results in their function. In all cases, the progress in the race will operate according to the selection systems and performance evaluation procedures to be established.
ARTICLE 58. -Incompatibilities. The members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may not exercise the law or the representation of third parties in the trial, except in matters of their own or in their spouse, ascendants or descendants, or when they do so in compliance with a legal duty. They reach out to them the incompatibilities that the laws establish with respect to the judges of the Nation. They may exercise their teaching only with simple dedication, in a way that does not interfere with the development of their functions and never in working hours of operation of the institution, except cases expressly authorized by resolution of the agency.
ARTICLE 59. -Excuse and recusal. The members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may excuse themselves or be challenged by the causes that provide for the procedural and regulatory norms.
ARTICLE 60. -Replacement. In the case of recusal, excuse, impediment, absence, license or vacancy, the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be replaced in the form that they establish the corresponding laws or regulations.
ARTICLE 61. -Remuneration and social benefits. The remuneration of the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be determined as follows: (a) The Attorney General of the Nation will receive equal pay to that of the Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. (b) Tax prosecutors shall receive 20% (20%) more of the remuneration corresponding to the judges of the chamber, which can be computed only on the basic salary items, supplement, remuneration agreed by C.S.J.N. No 71/93, compensation hierarchical and functional compensation. c) The attorneys general acting before the Federal Criminal Court and the National Criminal Court and the attorneys general who perform as district attorneys will receive a remuneration equivalent to that of the judge on appeal.
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(d) The Administrative Investigations Prosecutor and the attorneys general shall receive a remuneration equivalent to that of a judge of the chamber. (e) Prosecutors shall receive a remuneration equivalent to that of the court of first instance. f) The rest of the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will receive salaries equivalent to or higher than those conferred on officials and agents of the Judicial Branch of the Nation. The preceding equivalences extend to all the economic, pre-visionary and tax effects, as well as to hierarchy, protocol and treatment. All members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation are natural affiliates of the Social Work of the Judicial Branch of the Nation. They are entitled to the same medical and loan coverage as the agents of the Judicial Branch of the Nation, because their contributions and contributions will not be subject to a differentiated treatment. Any transfer of officials or employees between the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, the Public Ministry of Defense, and the Judicial Branch of the Nation shall not affect the rights acquired during their stay in one or other regime, which understand the recognition of their hierarchy, seniority and the benefits derived from the permanence in the position or category and other analogues.
ARTICLE 62. -Stability. The Attorney General of the Nation, the prosecutors, the national prosecutor for administrative investigations, the attorneys general, the attorneys general of the Attorney General's Office, the prosecutors and the prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. General of the Nation enjoys stability for the duration of his good conduct and until the seventies and five (75) years of age. Magistrates who reach the age referred to in the first subparagraph shall be subject to the requirement of a new appointment, preceded by the same agreement. These designations shall be carried out at the end of five (5) years, and may be repeated by the same procedure. Officials and employees enjoy stability for the duration of their good conduct and until they have met the legal requirements to obtain the maximum percentages of the respective pension schemes. They may be removed because of ineptitude or misconduct, prior to administrative summary with the person concerned, in accordance with the procedure laid down.
ARTICLE 63. -Immunities. The magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office enjoy the following immunities: (a) They may not be arrested, except if they are caught in flagrant crime; in such cases, the Attorney General of the Nation will be given an account, with the summary information of the event. (b) They shall be exempt from the duty of appearing to testify as witnesses before the courts, in which case they shall reply in writing, under oath and with the relevant specifications. (c) They shall not be disturbed in the performance of their duties. (d) Members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may not be ordered to pay the costs in the cases in which they intervene as such.
ARTICLE 64. -Transfers. The magistrates, officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will not be able to be transferred without their conformity outside their provinces or the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Chapter 3
Disciplinary scheme
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ARTICLE 65. -Subjects understood. The magistrates who make up the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be subject to the disciplinary regime established in this chapter.
ARTICLE 66. -Disciplinary corrections in the process. The judges and courts will only be able to impose on the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office the same disciplinary sanctions that determine the laws of the litigants for crimes committed against their authority, except for the punishment of arrest. These penalties will be brought before the higher immediate court. The judge or tribunal shall inform the Attorney General of the Nation of the measure imposed and any failure to observe in the exercise of the functions inherent in the position that he performs.
ARTICLE 67. -Disciplinary power. In the event of non-compliance with his duties, the Attorney General of the Nation may impose on the magistrates the disciplinary sanctions established in this chapter.
ARTICLE 68. -Serious fouls. The following are considered as serious misconduct: (a) Abandon their work in a prolonged or repeated manner and without justification. b) To fulfill in a repeated manner the assigned tasks or functions in the area where they are performed, in accordance with the mission of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (c) To comply repeatedly with general instructions, where the non-compliance is unfounded and no objection has been expressed or when the latter has been expressed, the nature of the instruction does not allow for dilations. d) Violate the rules of confidentiality with respect to the matters that require it and in which the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation acts, or extract, duplicate, display or transmit documentation that should remain reserved. the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (e) Act with gross negligence in the care of matters entrusted to it or in compliance with the obligations assumed. (f) Not to report or refuse to report unjustifiably to the victim or to his or her represented, as appropriate, where they so require in respect of the circumstances of the proceedings and affect their right of defence in judgment. (g) To execute acts or to incur omissions that result in the loss of actions or the obstruction of the proceedings or the service of justice. (h) Not to be excused within the time it corresponds to knowing that there are grounds for its appearance. (i) to interfere in judicial proceedings in which he has no official intervention. (j) Unjustified and repeated application of procedural time limits. (k) to pursue the law or the representation of third parties in judgment, except in matters of his own or his spouse, ascending or descending, or when he does so in accordance with a legal duty. (l) To pursue a profession, public or private employment, even in an interim manner, without prior authorization from the Attorney General of the Nation except for the exercise of teaching and commissions of research and academic study, provided that the does not hinder the performance of their duties. (m) Advising or evacuating consultations outside the cases inherent in the exercise of its function. (n) Receive gifts, concessions or rewards of any kind for the performance of their duties, in so far as they are of an entity in their material valuation. n) Do not present in time and form the estate affidavit and its update. o) Accumulate more than five (5) minor faults committed in the same year.
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(p) Exercise physical, psychological or verbal abuse in the exercise of their duties.
ARTICLE 69. -Mild fouls. The following are considered minor faults: (a) To comply with the assigned tasks or functions in the area where they are performed, in accordance with the mission of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. (b) Failure to comply with general instructions, where the non-compliance is unfounded and no objection has been expressed or where it has been expressed, the nature of the instruction does not allow for delays. (c) False to work without notice or justified cause, arrive at regular late or absent without authorization. d) To act in an disrespectful manner regarding the parties or any person involved in a diligence in which the magistrate acts or who goes to the respective offices. (e) neglecting the use of the furniture and other elements provided for the exercise of the function.
ARTICLE 70. -Sanctions. The judges who make up the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may be able to make the following disciplinary sanctions: (a) Perception. b) Multa of up to twenty per cent (20%) of their monthly remuneration. c) Suspension for up to thirty (30) days without pay. (d) Emotion.
ARTICLE 71. -Determination of penalties and assessment criteria. Minor faults may be sanctioned with warning. Penalty penalties of up to twenty per cent (20 per cent) of monthly remuneration, suspension and removal will only proceed by the commission of serious misconduct. Any disciplinary sanction shall be graduated taking into account the seriousness of the fault, the background in the function, the reincidences in which it has incurred, the circumstances of time, place, mode and occasion, the damage actually caused, (i) special attention should be paid to the service of justice, the attitude after the event, which is repudiated as a lack of sanction and reparation for the damage, if any. In all cases, there must be a proportionality between the offence committed and the sanction actually imposed.
ARTICLE 72. -Start of the performances. The disciplinary procedure will be initiated by communication, complaint or denunciation of individuals, judges, defenders or other members of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation.
ARTICLE 73. -Intervention by the Evaluator Council. When the content of the communication, complaint or complaint, will be manifestly inconducive, the Attorney General of the Nation will be able to file it without further processing. In other cases, it shall act as an integrated evaluator, in accordance with the rules laid down for this purpose, in order to give a non-binding opinion on the subject-matter of the proceedings.
ARTICLE 74. -Procedure. The cases of disciplinary misconduct will be resolved through the procedure provided for in the respective regulations, which will guarantee due process and the right of defense in judgment. In the cases in which the Attorney General understands that the magistrate is liable for the removal penalty, he must raise the case to the Court of Justice of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
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the Nation in order to evaluate the reproachable conduct and determine the origin of its removal or the application of other sanctions. The disciplinary sanctions to be applied will be used administratively, in the form that the regulation establishes. The administrative body shall be exhausted, such measures shall be liable to challenge at the judicial seat.
ARTICLE 75. -Prescription. The disciplinary authority prescribes the year if it is a minor offence and three (3) years if it is serious misconduct. Such terms shall begin to run on the basis of the absence of such terms by the competent authority. In all cases, the sanctioning authority is extinguished if five (5) years have elapsed since the date of the commission of the fault. The prescription is interrupted by the commission of a new fault or the initiation and development of the procedure and will not run when the corresponding procedure is suspended pending a definitive criminal sentence. The provisions of this Article shall not apply where the conduct of the magistrate may set up a cause for removal.
ARTICLE 76. -Mechanisms for removal. The Attorney General of the Nation can only be removed by the causes and through the procedure laid down in Articles 53 and 59 of the National Constitution. The magistrates who make up the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation may be removed from their posts only by the Tribunal of Prosecution of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, for the reasons provided for in this law.
ARTICLE 77. -Court of Procedure. The Court of Justice of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be composed of seven (7) members: (a) Three (3) vowels must comply with the constitutionally required requirements to be Attorney General of the Nation and will be One of the most popular members of the Senate, one of whom is appointed by the executive branch, another by the majority of the Senate and the other by the National Interuniversity Council b) Two (2) vowels must be attorneys of the federal registry and comply with the constitutionally required requirements to be Attorney General of the Nation, and they will be designated one by the Argentine Federation of Bar and another by the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital. (c) Two (2) vowels shall be chosen by lot among the magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, one of the attorneys general and one of the prosecutors. The same number of alternate members shall be chosen for the purposes of subrogation. The Court of Justice will be convened by the Attorney General of the Nation or its president in the event of a complaint filed against a complaint dismissed by the Attorney General. It will have its seat in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and it will be able to be in the most convenient place to fulfill its task. The members of the Court of Procedure shall last three (3) years in their duties, counted from their appointment. Even if the time limits for their designations have expired, the mandates shall be deemed to be extended in full right in each case in which the court has taken cognizance until its completion. Once integrated, the court will appoint its president by lot. The presidency will rotate every six (6) months, according to the order of the draw.
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Before this court they will act as magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, appointed by the Attorney General of the Nation, according to the functional quality of the defendant. As defenders of trade, official defenders will act if necessary and at the option of the accused. The intervention as a member of the court, accuser or defender of trade shall constitute a public charge.
ARTICLE 78. -Instance before the Court of Justice. The Court of Procedure shall be opened by a decision founded by the Attorney General of the Nation, either on its own initiative or on a complaint, based on the invocation of facts that set out the causals of removal provided for in this law.
ARTICLE 79. -Complaint to the Court of Justice. Any complaint requiring the opening of an application before the Court of Justice shall be filed with the Attorney General of the Nation, who may give it a course in accordance with Article 78 or dismiss it as provided for in the article. 73.
ARTICLE 80. -Procedure before the Court of Justice. The procedure before the Court of Justice shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Attorney General of the Nation, which shall respect due process and the right of defense in judgment, as well as the principles enshrined in law The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation. In particular, the rules must comply with the following rules: (a) The judgment shall be oral, public, contradictory and continuous. (b) The proof shall be wholly produced in the debate or incorporated in the debate, if any documentary or instrument, without prejudice to the completion of a brief summary prevention in the event of an urgent need for the verification of the facts; safeguarding in any case the right of defence of the parties. c) The Court of Justice has a maximum period of one hundred and eighty (180) working days from the receipt of the proceedings to issue a judgment. d) During the debate, the accuser must hold the action and maintain the complaint or accusation, without prejudice to requesting the acquittal when he understands that it corresponds. The order for acquittal will be mandatory for the Court of Impeachment. (e) The judgment must be given within a period of no more than 15 (15) days to be fixed by the President of the Court of Justice when the debate is closed. (f) Under the circumstances of the case, the Court of Justice may suspend the defendant in the performance of his duties and, if necessary, take other preventive security measures which he considers to be relevant. For the duration of the suspension, the person charged shall receive 70% (70%) of his assets and the rest shall be placed on the remainder of the trial; if he is acquitted and has been suspended, he shall immediately return him to his/her (a) the total amount of the charge, taking into account the principle of the intangibility of the remuneration. (g) The Court of Justice shall hold a meeting with all its members. Their decisions will be taken by a simple majority, but in the case of a conviction, five (5) of their members will be required to vote. h) The sentence shall be absolute or damning. If the judgment of the Court of Justice is damning, it shall have no other effect than to dispose of the sentenced person. If it is based on facts which may or may have been initiated by the test or which has already been initiated, action shall be taken in the form corresponding to the competent authority.
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(i) The sentence may be challenged by the magistrate sentenced before the National Appeals Chamber in the Federal Administrative Court. The appeal must be filed in writing before the Court of Justice, within thirty (30) days of notification of the judgment; the Court of Procedure must raise the appeal with the actions to the Chamber mentioned above. within five (5) days of interposed. (j) The sentence shall be immediately executed without prejudice to the possibility of judicial review through the relevant administrative litigation.
Title VI
Implementing rules
ARTICLE 81. -Progressive adequacy. The Attorney General of the Nation, by way of regulation, will be able to take all necessary measures for the adequacy of the current organization of the institution to the guidelines provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation (law 27,063) and the the organizational system provided for in the present and complementary rules, in accordance with the progressive system provided for in the relevant implementing law. Without prejudice to this, all the provisions of this law that do not depend on the effective application of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation (Law 27,063) will have full operational effect from its entry into force.
ARTICLE 82. -Tax Map. The territory of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be organized in a single federal fiscal district and in the national fiscal districts necessary for the proper implementation of the system. In the provincial territories, as many federal fiscal districts will be organized as provinces, unless the Attorney General considers it advisable to subdivision and create more fiscal districts in accordance with the powers of the federal government. provided for in Article 11 of this Regulation. Each Fiscal District will have a headseat and as many decentralised venues as are necessary according to objective criteria based on the extension of its territorial scope and distance with other venues, infrastructure and communication channels. available, population density and levels, types and markets of crime. The Attorney General's Office will have to produce and keep up to date a fiscal map with the organization of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which will contain the organs, areas, and other issues that will facilitate access to its services and functions.
ARTICLE 83. -Conformation of the new organs. At the time of the assignment of functions of the magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in the different fiscal units, the functions that they currently provide in the field of investigation, oral judgment and impeachment will be respected, except for The applicant's claim to the contrary. The National Fiscalas in the Correctional and the Criminal of Instruction, the District Decentralized Fiscalas and the Federal Fiscalas in the Criminal and Correctional will be converted into Fiscal Units of Investigation of the Fiscalas District; the General Fiscalis in the Criminal Courts and the Federal Oral Courts will become the Fiscal Units of Trial of the District Fiscalas; the General Fiscalas before the Chambers of Appeals and Cassation will become District Fiscalas Impeachment Tax Units. Officials and employees shall continue to carry out duties with the holders of the present premises, unless the person concerned claims otherwise.
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ARTICLE 84. -Denomination of charges. The current positions of the Public Prosecutor's Office will modify its name according to the following matches: (a) The Attorney General before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as provided for in Article 44 (a) of the present. (b) the General Prosecutors before the collegiate courts of Cassation in accordance with Article 44 (b) of the present. c) The General Prosecutors before the collegiate courts of the Second Instance and of the Single Instance, and the General Prosecutors of Administrative Investigations in accordance with Article 44 (b) of the present. (d) The General Prosecutors of the General Administration of the Nation as provided for in Article 44 (c) of the present. e) The Adjunto General Prosecutors, Adjuntos Adjuntos de Investigaciones Administrativas, Prosecutors before the Judges of First Instance and Prosecutors of Administrative Investigations, as provided for in Article 44 (e) of the present. (f) The Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office in accordance with Article 44 (f) of the present. (g) The National Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations shall retain its current name.
ARTICLE 85. -Functional compensation and acquired rights. The charges of the magistrates of first instance that, in accordance with the progressive system provided for in the law of implementation corresponding, pass to intervene in cases governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation approved by law 27,063, They shall be paid equally and shall have the same powers and obligations as are recognised by this law to the General Prosecutors. The rights acquired by the magistrates, officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation prior to the validity of this law may not be altered or affected to their detriment in any way.
ARTICLE 86. -Transfer of officials and employees of the judicial branch of the nation. The officials and employees of the courts and tribunals involved in the progressive implementation of the new Penal Code of the Nation will be able to request their transfer to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation, in accordance with the regulations that the Attorney General of the Nation will dictate. The officials and employees of the Judicial Branch of the Nation will be on an equal footing with the officials and employees of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation for the purposes of access to the new charges that are created, the promotion and the assignment of functions. In all cases their hierarchies, professional backgrounds and technical expertise will be respected.
ARTICLE 87. -Creation of charges for Federal Districts with seats in the provinces. As the progressive implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation in the Federal Districts with a seat in the provinces is available, the charges of magistrates, officials and employees that are necessary for the compliance with the functions of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation in criminal matters.
ARTICLE 88. -Implementation of the financial autarquia. The financial autarquia of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation will be implemented from the financial year beginning on January 1, 2016.
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ARTICLE 89. -Repeal of provisions contrary to the present. Repeal any rule, agreement, resolution or any partial or partial regulatory provision contrary to this law. The contrary provisions shall not be valid and shall not be relied upon from their entry into force. Within the ninety (90) days following the enactment of this law, the Attorney General of the Nation will dictate the regulations and general instructions necessary for the functioning of the institution.
ARTICLE 90. -Contact the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.
Date of publication: 18/06/2015
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