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National Institute Of Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment And Research Of Cardiovascular Disease. Creation.

Original Language Title: Instituto Nacional de Prevención, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento e Investigación de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares. Creación.

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Law 27177

National Institute for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Research of Cardiovascular Diseases. Creation. Sanctioned: August 26, 2015 Enacted in Fact: September 22, 2015

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:

Article 1 °-The National Institute for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Research of Cardiovascular Diseases is created within the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

ARTICLE 2-The functions of the National Institute of Diagnosis, Treatment and Research of Cardiovascular Diseases: a) Plan, develop and coordinate in the whole national territory cardiovascular disease prevention policies; b) Develop multi-sectoral policies in coordination with other areas of the State for the reduction of risk factors c) Develop content for the promotion of healthy behaviors in schools and universities aimed at educators, parents and students; d) Develop guidelines, consensus and protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases (e) Coordinate with the jurisdictional authorities strategies of regionalization of health and referral resources among the different levels of care; f) Establishing referral centers for the derivation and attention of high-complexity cases; g) Promoting and coordinating research on the cardiovascular diseases with all those who demonstrate a special capacity for programmatic research; (h) Promote research in the area through scholarship and stimulus programmes; (i) Foster training and updating of the knowledge of health professionals at all levels of care; j) Create the Register National of Cardiovascular Diseases, in order to collect data, develop statistics and strategies of surveillance in the field, requesting the collaboration of the public and private sector that is dedicated to the investigation of the diseases (k) Issue recommendations for the adequacy of the care of cardiovascular diseases at different levels according to national standards; (l) Carry out any other activity provided by the implementing authority in the field of disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research cardiovascular;

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(m) Promote the subscription of agreements at national or international level with governmental or private entities, for the exchange of research, fellows, residents and information applied to research, teaching and assistance to patients.

Article 3 °-The National Institute will coordinate its actions with those existing programs that at the time of the dictation of this law are related to its guidelines, activities and functions. The implementing authority shall establish the mechanisms for articulation with those programmes.

ARTICLE 4 °-The Institute shall be authorized to complete the actions referred to in Article 2 to develop agreements and agreements with national, provincial and municipal public bodies, private organizations, as well as foreign entities or international bodies.

ARTICLE 5-Director. The National Institute shall be in charge of a director with a seat at its headquarters. He himself will be appointed by the national executive branch on a proposal from the Ministry of Health. In order to cover the aforementioned position, it will be necessary to prove academic and professional trajectory in the management of the pathologies of the Institute.

ARTICLE 6-Functions of the Director. The duties and powers of the Director of the Institute shall be: (a) to represent the Institute within the framework of its substantive competence; (b) to direct and promote specialized studies and research and to provide for the dissemination of its results; To formulate, promote and promote all types of institutional relations and, where appropriate, to sign collaboration agreements with the institutions and organizations that are required for the achievement of their objectives; d) Chair the Committee of Experts.

ARTICLE 7 °-Committee of Experts. The National Institute will have a committee of experts, which will be composed of representatives of different universities, scientific entities, non-governmental organizations and institutions, ministerial programs and actors associated with the cardiovascular problems that the implementing authority considers necessary.

ARTICLE 8-Functions. The Committee of Experts shall be responsible for: (a) Assessor and issue opinion on scientific and technical matters; (b) Set priorities in the subject areas to be investigated; (c) Recommend policies to be pursued by the Institute.

Article 9 °-The implementing authority shall constitute a National Commission within the scope of the Federal Health Council composed of representatives of the provinces in order to contribute to the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the actions of the Institute at national level and in different jurisdictions.

ARTICLE 10. -The Ministry of Health of the Nation will be the enforcement authority of this law.

ARTICLE 11. -Headquarters. The Executive Branch will designate the physical space in which the Institute will function.

ARTICLE 12. -The expenses that demand the fulfillment of the present will be taken from the credits that annually establishes the general budget of the Nation for the Ministry of Health, which for

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each financial year shall calculate in a differentiated manner the corresponding item.

ARTICLE 13. -Contact the national executive branch.



BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.

Date of publication: 24/09/2015

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