Key Benefits:
Law 27203
Legal Framework. Sanctioned: October 28, 2015 Enacted: November 18, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., are sanctioned by law:
Chapter I
Scope and definitions
ARTICLE 1-For the purposes of this law, an actor shall be considered to be an interpreter to any person who develops the tasks of interpretation of characters, fictitious situations or based on actual facts, or to replace, replace or imitate characters, as the one who performs interpretations of himself, through a libretto, book, script or ideas, in public or public performances, regardless of the format and means used to disseminate them, whatever the place and form in to do so. The persons in charge of the management, the pointers, as well as the assistants of any of them, corists and dance bodies, will also be subject to this law.
Article 2-For the purposes of this law: (a) Persons in charge of the address: persons who have as their function the staging of the spectacles, including the address of the subjects referred to in Article 1 of this law; (b) Apunators: persons responsible for reminding the actors directly or indirectly of their respective texts of the libretto; (c) Corists: those who sing, dance and act by forming a choir; (d) Dance bodies: people who dance performing a choreography in a group or soloist way.
Article 3-A natural or legal person who uses, with or without a profit, the services of individuals who are individualized in Article 1 of this Law shall be deemed to be a contractor.
ARTICLE 4 °-Persons under 16 (16) years may only make artistic representations within the framework of Convention 138 of the International Labour Organization, on minimum age of admission to employment, of the year 1973, approved by the law 24,650, which shall be subject to the
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prior authorisation of the administrative authority, who shall determine the form, time-limits and other conditions for granting them, without applying the provisions of this law to them.
Chapter II
Contract of employment
ARTICLE 5-The definition of the contract of employment of the persons covered by Article 1 of this Law and its minimum content shall be governed by the applicable collective labour agreements and the Employment Contract Regime adopted by law 20.744 (t.o. 1976) and its amendments and additions, resulting from the application of the rules of procedure laid down in that legal body, according to the models set out in the respective rules collective labour agreements.
ARTICLE 6-The contract of employment of the subjects covered by Article 1 of this Law shall be used in writing in accordance with the rules and provisions established and approved in the Collective Labour Convention applicable to each case and for every artistic work involving a new role or work.
Article 7 °-The contract of employment must be presented by the contraaor in the trade union association with trade union representing the subjects covered by the article 1 ° of this law, for their corresponding visa, knowledge and intervention, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable collective labour agreements. Failure to comply with the obligation to present the contractual instrument shall make the contractor liable for payment of a fine to be determined and collected by the implementing authority of this law, and which in no case may exceed the total amount of the contract.
ARTICLE 8 °-In no case may the intellectual property rights of the subjects included in Article 1 of this Law be understood as being included in the remuneration.
ARTICLE 9-The contract of employment of the subjects covered by Article 1 of this Law shall not be implied by the obligation to carry out advertising, except in cases where the object of the contract specifically consists of in an advertising contract or in the case of advertising interventions aimed at disseminating their specific professional activity.
Chapter III
Social security scheme
ARTICLE 10. -The interpreters-interpreters and other subjects defined in Article 1 of this Law shall be included in the Argentine Pension System (SIPA), in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 (a) of Law 24.241, amending and supplementing. They shall also be covered by the arrangements laid down in laws 19.032, 23,660, 23,661, 24.013, 24.557 and 24.714, and their respective amendments, or in which they replace them in the future. In all cases, it shall be within the scope defined in this law.
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ARTICLE 11. -The contributions and contributions required to the Argentine Pension System and the other social security subsystems provided for in the previous article will be calculated on the basis of the taxable remuneration payable in each calendar month, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Law 24.241, its amendments and additions. The rates of contribution shall be those laid down in the respective laws. Such quotations must be declared and entered by the contractors indicated in Article 3 ° before the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, an autarchic entity in the field of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, according to the general procedures in force. Empower the Secretariat of Social Security and the Federal Administration of Public Revenue to have alternative means of collection, being able to grant the trade union association with guild people the role of collection agent or a substitute for those obligations.
ARTICLE 12. -For the purposes of social security, the services of workers defined in Article 1 of this Law are classified as discontinuous and shall be governed by the provisions of Article 13. Discontinuous services shall be understood as those which, due to the particularities of the task, are provided in an alternate or intermittent manner throughout the calendar year, with one or more employers.
ARTICLE 13. -For the purposes of the accreditation of the years of services with contributions required by law 24.241, its modifications and complementary, to access the Universal Basic Provision, The Compensatory Provision, the Additional Provision for Permanent and the Advanced Age Provision, the services defined in Article 12 shall be computed as one (1) year of services with contributions provided that four (4) months of effective work or its equivalent to one hundred and twenty (120) effective days of work, continuous or discontinuous, during which remuneration has been paid and is have integrated the respective contributions, within the calendar year. When the accredited services are for a shorter period than the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, they will be added to the amount of the contributions made. For these purposes, the total amount of personal contribution made and divided by the amount of the monthly personal contribution corresponding to the minimum wage, vital and mobile in force at the time of the provision of services, will be taken. The value obtained transformed to months and days, shall indicate the period to be computed for the calculation of the pre-retirement contribution time to be considered. In cases where the allowance provided for in the second paragraph of this Article applies, the average remuneration for such periods shall be deemed to be the average of the remuneration subject to the law in force at the time of delivery. the acting task, which may not be less than the minimum, vital and mobile salary for all months considered. With regard to the determination of the right to withdrawal by invalidity and the death pension, where this allowance is applied, the provisions in force concerning workers carrying out discontinuous tasks shall be governed by the provisions in force. of the allowance provided for in the second paragraph of this Article. The National Executive Branch has the power to provide the way to finance health coverage for periods for which contributions and contributions are not paid due to the discontinuous nature of the employment contract.
ARTICLE 14. -The National Administration of Social Security should be empowered to lay down rules on the accreditation and computation of services.
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ARTICLE 15. -The national executive branch will determine the particularities under which the regime provided for by the Law on Risks of Work 24,557, its modifications and complementary, to the subjects covered by this law, will be applied in attention to the particular characteristics of the contracts covered by this rule. The Superintendence of Risks of Labor, an autarquic entity in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, together with the Superintendence of Insurance of the Nation, an autarquic entity in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy and Public finances, they will have to establish the parameters of coverage and quotation of differential aliquots that tend to the characteristics of the activity.
ARTICLE 16. -The persons covered by this Law shall be entitled to the family allowances provided for in Article 6 (2) of Law 24,714, their modifications and supplementary, under the conditions laid down for discontinuous workers.
ARTICLE 17. -the Secretariat of Social Security of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security should be empowered to lay down the additional rules to establish the procedures and requirements for access to the benefits established in the Family Allowances.
ARTICLE 18. -The services of the subjects referred to in Article 1 of this Law, borrowed prior to the date of their entry into force, shall be incorporated in the probative procedures laid down by the rules to be applied to such persons. effect. The debt for contributions and contributions attributable to such periods shall be determined by the competent authority, who shall establish the form and time limits for its cancellation. The debt for contributions may be subject to the granting of the benefit to a charge, which shall be deducted from the benefit obtained in monthly instalments, up to the limit laid down in Article 14 (d) of Law 24.241. For the purposes indicated, the interest and/or the accrued interest and the fines applied or which would have been applied for those periods shall be awarded.
ARTICLE 19. -The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security shall be the implementing authority of this Law.
ARTICLE 20. -This law shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 21. -Contact the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.
Date of publication: 26/11/2015
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