Law 27337
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Article 1-Amend the title of Chapter IV bis of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
ARTICLE 2 °-Incorporate Article 64 quinquies of Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 quinquies:
The mandatory nature of the discussions . Establish the mandatory public pre-electoral debates between candidates for President of the Nation, in order to make known and to debate before the electorate the electoral platforms of the parties, fronts or political groupings.
ARTICLE 3-Incorporate the article 64 sexies to Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 (e):
Scope of enforcement . The obligation laid down in the previous article includes all candidates whose political groupings exceed the voting floor established for the open, simultaneous and mandatory primary elections governed by Law 26,571.
ARTICLE 4 °-Incorporate Article 64 septies to Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 septies:
Failure . The National Electoral Chamber will summon those who are obliged to participate in the debate in the five (5) working days after their proclamation as candidates, once the primary elections are over, in order to determine their will to participation in the debate set by this law.
Those candidates who, by empire, are obliged to participate in the debates and do not comply with that obligation shall be punished with the non-granting of audiovisual advertising spaces, as set out in Chapter III (a) of Title III of Law 26.215, incorporated in Article 57 of Law 26,571. These spaces will be shared equally among the remaining candidates. Likewise, the physical space that Ie would have been assigned to the missing candidate will remain empty with the rest of the participants, in order to denote their absence.
ARTICLE 5-It incorporates Article 64 of the Chapter IV bis of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 octies:
Topics to be discussed . The National Electoral Chamber, with the advice of academic and civil society organizations committed to the promotion of democratic values, will convene candidates or representatives of political organizations. participants, to a hearing aimed at agreeing on the regulation of the conduct of the debates, the moderators of the debates and the topics to be addressed in each of them. In all cases, in the absence of agreement between the parties, the decision will fall on the National Electoral Chamber. The results of the hearing should be made public.
ARTICLE 6-Incorporate Article 64 nonies to Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 nonies:
Number of Debates and Dates. The topics mentioned in the previous article will be discussed in two (2) instances of debate, one of which will have to be held in the interior of the country, in the provincial capital that will be determined by the National Electoral Chamber. Debates will take place within twenty (20) and up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the election.
In case the presidential election is decided through the ballotage procedure, an additional debate will be held, with candidates accessing the defining election, which will take place within ten (10) days prior to the date of the election. of the election.
ARTICLE 7 °-Incorporate Article 64 decies to Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 decies:
Television signal emission . The mandatory presidential debate will be broadcast live by all media belonging to Radio and Television Argentina Sociedad del Estado (R.T.A. S.E.). The radio and television signals transmitted by R.T.A. S.E. will be made available to all public and private media in the country wishing to broadcast the debate simultaneously, free of charge.
The transmission must have accessibility mechanisms such as sign language, subtitled visible and hidden or those that could be implemented in the future.
During the transmission of the presidential debate, electoral publicity will be suspended in the audiovisual media services and public announcements of the acts of government.
The National Electoral Chamber will have the recording of the debate, which must be available on the official website of the National Electoral Justice network, in an accessible manner.
ARTICLE 8-Incorporate Article 64 unes to Chapter IV bis of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 undecies: The National Electoral Chamber shall make available coordination mechanisms and similar to those established in the previous articles in the event that there is a willingness to hold an electoral debate between the candidates for vice-presidents of the various presidential formulas.
ARTICLE 9-It incorporates Article 64k of Chapter IVa of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19,945 and its amendments, which shall be worded as follows:
Article 64 12th:
Application Authority The National Electoral Chamber will be the authority to implement this law, with the power to regulate all the complementary aspects inherent in the conduct of the debates.
ARTICLE 10. -Contact the national executive branch.
MARTA G. MICHELETTI. -EMILIO MONZO. -Eugenio Inchausti. -Juan P. Tunessi.