Law 27146
The Law of the Organization and Competition of Federal and Criminal Justice.
Sanctioned: June 10, 2015
Enacted: June 17, 2015
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc.
Title I
Chapter 1
General Principles
ARTICLE 1- Jurisdiction. It will be up to the courts established by this law and by the special jury trial law to be given to that effect, the judgment and decision of federal crimes and those ordinary crimes committed in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that have not been transferred to the local jurisdiction.
The jurisdictional function is inselectable. Judges and juries will be limited to resolving the controversy that the parties present for their knowledge and decision in the hearings.
Impartiality and independence. Judges in the development of judicial function should:
a) Maintain equivalent treatment with the parties, their representatives and lawyers.
b) Avoid behaviors that indicate favoritism, predisposition, or prejudice with respect to any of the parties.
(c) Ensure that people are treated in a dignified and equal manner.
(d) to exercise its functions free from interference.
e) Communicate to the Council of the Magistrate of the Nation any attempt to influence their decisions by political or economic powers, members of the Judiciary, Executive or Legislative, friendships or pressure groups of any nature, and request the necessary measures for its protection.
f) Avoid public outcry and fear of criticism in their decisions, and in no case should they act on the basis of considerations of popularity, notoriety or other improper motives.
(g) Avoid taking the position to promote or defend private interests, to transmit or to allow others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence.
ARTICLE 3- Essential conditions of jurisdiction. The judges must observe and guarantee throughout the process the strict observance of the principles of orality, advertising, equality between the parties, contradiction, inmediation, simplicity, deformalization, speed and concentration.
ARTICLE 4 °- Orality and advertising. Any procedural activity requiring a court decision shall be carried out at hearings.
The acts of the process shall be public with the conditions and exceptions provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation and in the special law of trial by juries.
The Judicial Office shall arbitrate the means necessary to facilitate the publicity, it shall have adequate hearing rooms for the entry of the public and the media and shall provide information about the events.
The judges shall express themselves in a clear and simple language, which is understandable by all those present, in particular the accused and the victim, and will urge the other interveners in the process to express themselves in the same way.
ARTICLE 5- Equality between the parties, contradiction and inmediation. The judges shall ensure the exercise of the right of the parties to expose their positions in the hearings and to contradict those of the counterparty. They may impose reasonable limits on the duration of such exposures.
The judges cannot supply the parties ' activity and must resolve exclusively on the basis of the claims and the evidence produced by them. In the hearings, they may exclusively ask questions of clarification from witnesses and experts.
ARTICLE 6- Simplicity, formalisation, speed and concentration. All procedural acts must be clear, concise and appropriate to ensure that they are obtained. Unnecessary formalities that dilate the process will be avoided. Judges should ensure that the processes are resolved within a reasonable time. They must avoid and, if necessary, sanction any kind of activity of the parties contrary to good faith or dilatory.
Similarly, they must seek the unified treatment of the questions submitted to them during the hearings, provided that it does not affect the rights of the parties, in order to concentrate the procedural activity on the smaller number of acts. possible.
ARTICLE 7- Motivation. Judges have an obligation to motivate their decisions in order to allow the reasons that are founded and the correct application of the law to be controlled. The fundamentals cannot be replaced by the simple relationship of documents, dogmatic claims, legal fictions, ritual expressions or moral appeals.
Final judgments should be based in writing with clear and simple language, without prejudice to their oral explanation in the hearings. Other decisions may be based orally, leaving sufficient records of them.
ARTICLE 8- Disciplinary powers of the judges. Judges must ensure the normal conduct of the hearings and the regularity of the dispute. To this end they will possess the power of the police and may require the help of the public force. In the event of repeated or serious non-compliance, the judges shall make the complaints to the relevant disciplinary bodies.
ARTICLE 9- Duty of cooperation. Public or private authorities and institutions have a duty to cooperate with the enforcement of the necessary measures in judicial proceedings and must comply with the provisions of the current judges, except for the exceptions provided for by law. In the event of non-compliance by a public authority, the judges may address their hierarchical superior in order to satisfy the injunction, without prejudice to the promotion of the corresponding administrative and criminal penalties. If the required is a private entity, the judges may urge compliance by fixing pecuniary conminations. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will regulate the units, values and scales of the pecuniary conminations.
ARTICLE 10.- Administrative activity. Judges should not perform administrative or resource management procedures or functions. The administrative functions and procedures necessary to optimize the activity of the judges will be in charge of the Judicial Office, which must guarantee quality standards in the management and efficiency of the judicial service.
The delegation of judicial tasks in the members of the Judicial Office is prohibited and constitutes a serious and causal lack of performance.
Chapter 2
ARTICLE 11- Federal criminal material competition. The Federal Criminal Justice will be exclusively competent to understand in the following crimes:
(a) the duties on the high seas or in the airspace, in accordance with the provisions of special laws.
b) Those committed in waters, islands, Argentine ports or maritime spaces subject to national jurisdiction.
c) Those committed in the territory of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or in the provinces, in violation of national laws, as are all those that offend the sovereignty and security of the Nation, or tend to defraud their income or obstruct and corrupt the good service of their employees, or violate, hinder or distort the correspondence of the post, or hinder or distort national elections, or represent the falsification of national documents, or national or national currency Bank notes authorized by the Congress of the Nation.
(d) Those of any species that are committed in places or establishments where the National Government has absolute and exclusive jurisdiction, with the exception of those who are subject to the ordinary jurisdiction of the judges in the penal and the judges in the penal of adolescents of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
(e) Those provided for in Articles 1414a, 142 b, 145 a, 145 b, 149 b (2), 170, 189a (1), (3) and (5), 212, 213 bis and 306 of the Penal Code. It shall also refer to offences aggravated under the terms of Article 4d of the Criminal Code.
(f) Those provided for in laws giving him such competence.
ARTICLE 12.- Federal material competition in the economic penalty. Federal Justice in the Economic Criminal Court will be competent, exclusively, to understand in the following crimes:
(a) Those provided for in law 24.769 and its amendments.
(b) Those provided for in the Customs Code (Law 22,415), and their amendments, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1027 of that legal body.
(c) Those provided for in laws giving him such competence.
ARTICLE 13.- National criminal material competition in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The National Criminal Justice will be competent to understand in the crimes committed in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that they are not of federal jurisdiction and that they have not yet been transferred to the jurisdiction of that city.
ARTICLE 14.- National criminal material competition of adolescents in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The National Criminal Justice of Adolescents will be competent to understand in the crimes committed in the area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, attributed to persons under eighteen (18) years of age at the moment of commission of the fact.
If, in the same event, the case results in greater and lesser charges, the National Criminal Justice of Adolescents will know in the case.
If the fact in which a minor is charged is a matter of material jurisdiction of the Federal Criminal Justice, it shall be known in the case.
If the fact in which a minor is charged is a matter of material jurisdiction of the Federal Justice in the Economic Criminal Court, it shall be known in the case.
Title II
Judicial bodies and territorial jurisdiction
Chapter 1
Federal Criminal Justice
ARTICLE 15.- Federal districts. For the purposes of the organization of the courts, the national territory shall be divided into the following Federal Districts:
a) Paraná (Province of Entre Ríos): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Paraná.
b) Rosario (province of Santa Fe): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Rosario.
c) Posadas (province of Misiones): includes the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Posadas.
(d) Resistance (Chaco Province): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Resistance.
e) Tucumán (province of Tucumán): includes the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Appeals Chamber of Tucumán.
f) Córdoba (province of Córdoba): includes the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Appeals Chamber of Cordoba.
g) Mendoza (province of Mendoza): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Mendoza.
h) General Roca (province of Río Negro): includes the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Appeals Chamber of General Roca.
(i) Comodoro Rivadavia (province of Chubut): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Appeals Chamber of Comodoro Rivadavia.
j) Bahía Blanca (province of Buenos Aires): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Appeals Chamber of Bahia Blanca.
k) San Martín (province of Buenos Aires): comprises the section corresponding to the Federal Appeals Chamber of San Martín.
l) La Plata (province of Buenos Aires): comprises the section corresponding to the competition of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of La Plata.
m) Mar del Plata (province of Buenos Aires): comprises the section corresponding to the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Mar del Plata.
n) Corrientes (province of Corrientes): comprises the section corresponding to the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Corrientes.
o) Salta (province of Salta): comprises the section corresponding to the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Salta.
p) Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: comprises the section corresponding to the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Penal City of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
ARTICLE 16.- Organs. The following are the legal bodies of the Federal Criminal Justice:
a) Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.
b) Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation.
c) Federal Chambers of District Appeals.
d) Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal Court.
e) Federal District Court Courts.
f) Federal Courts of Trial in the Economic Criminal.
g) Federal District Guarantees Courts.
h) Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal.
ARTICLE 17.- Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation knows in criminal matters within the framework of its constitutional powers and in accordance with the special laws.
In the case of original jurisdiction, one of its members shall exercise the function of guarantees and other functions of review, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 55 and 53 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation. The functions of the Court of Judgment shall be exercised by three other members, in accordance with the provisions of Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 18.- Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation. The Federal Criminal Court will have jurisdiction across the country. He will be competent to hear and decide on the review of the judicial decisions taken by the Federal Courts of Judgment of each district and the Federal Courts of Judgment in the Economic Criminal, in accordance with the functions provided for in the Article 53 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation. You will be able to review the decisions of the Appeals Chambers only in cases where there is a direct and immediate relationship with a sufficient federal question and your intervention is necessary as a higher court of the case.
In conflicts of competence and in the review of excuses and recusal, it shall act in a unipersonal manner.
The Federal Criminal Court may unify its case law in accordance with the rules laid down in its rules of procedure.
ARTICLE 19.- Federal Appeals Chambers. The Federal Appeals Chamber of each district shall know in the cases provided for in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Article 53 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation, in respect of the decisions taken by the Federal Courts of Guarantees of that District. He will also intervene as a reviewer of the decisions taken by the Federal Courts of Judgment of that district in respect of its function of execution.
In conflicts of competence and in the review of excuses and recusal, it shall act in a unipersonal manner.
ARTICLE 20.- Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal. In the Federal Judicial District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Economic Criminal Court will function, which will be known in the cases provided for in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Article 53 of the Criminal Procedure Code. the Nation, in respect of the decisions handed down by the Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal Court.
He will also intervene as a review body for the decisions taken by the Federal Courts of Judgment in the Economic Criminal Law with respect to its function of execution.
In conflicts of competence and in the review of excuses and recusal, it shall act in a unipersonal manner.
ARTICLE 21.- Federal District Trial Courts. The Federal Trial Courts of each district will serve trial and execution, as provided for in Articles 54 and 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 22.- Federal Trial Courts in the Economic Criminal. In the Federal Judicial District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Federal Trial Courts will operate in the Economic Criminal Court, which will serve trial and execution, as provided for in Articles 54 and 56 of the Penal Code. of the Nation.
ARTICLE 23.- Federal District Guarantees Courts. The Federal Courts of Guarantees of each district shall comply with the functions of guarantees provided for in Article 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 24.- Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal. In the Federal Judicial District of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Federal Courts of Guarantees in the Economic Criminal Law will operate, which will fulfill the functions of guarantees provided for in Article 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
Chapter 2
Criminal National Justice
ARTICLE 25.- Territorial division of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be a single district for the National Criminal Justice. It may be divided into constituencies.
ARTICLE 26.- Organs. The following are the legal bodies of the National Criminal Justice:
a) National Chamber of Criminal Cassation.
b) National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal.
c) National Courts of Judgment.
d) National Courts of Judgement of Adolescents.
(e) National Courts of Guarantees.
f) National Courts of Adolescents Guarantees.
(g) National Courts of Criminal Enforcement.
h) National Court in the Criminal Court.
ARTICLE 27.- National Chamber of Criminal Cassation. The National Chamber of Criminal Cassation will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. He will be competent to know and decide on the review of the judicial decisions taken by the National Courts of Judgement and the National Courts of Adolescents, in accordance with the provisions of Article 53 of the Penal Code. It will be able to review the decisions of the National Court of Appeals in the Criminal Court only in those cases where there is a direct and immediate relationship with a sufficient federal question and its intervention is necessary as a higher court of the cause.
In conflicts of competence and in the review of excuses and recusal, it shall act in a unipersonal manner.
The National Criminal Court may unify its case law in accordance with the rules laid down in its rules of procedure.
ARTICLE 28.- National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal. The National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal Court will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will know in the cases provided for in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Article 53 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation, in respect of the decisions taken by the National Courts of Guarantees, the National Courts of Adolescents and the National Courts of Criminal Enforcement.
In conflicts of competence and in the review of excuses and recusal, it shall act in a unipersonal manner.
ARTICLE 29.- National Trial Courts. The National Courts of Judgement will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will fulfill the functions provided for in Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 30.- National Adolescent Trial Courts. The National Courts of Adolescents will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will fulfill the functions provided for in Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 31.- National Courts of Guarantees. The National Courts of Guarantees shall have jurisdiction over the Constituency of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that is assigned to it rotationally and shall comply with the functions of guarantees provided for in Article 55 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation.
ARTICLE 32.- National Courts of Adolescents Guarantees. The National Courts of Adolescents Guarantees will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will fulfill the functions of guarantees provided for in Article 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 33.- Interdisciplinary team. The National Courts of Adolescent Trial and the National Courts of Adolescents Guarantees will have the assistance of an interdisciplinary team composed of professionals specialized in child-youth issues.
The equipment will operate under the orbit of the Judicial Office, and must carry out control of the measures of coercion and protection imposed during the development of the process.
ARTICLE 34.- National Courts of Criminal Enforcement. The National Criminal Enforcement Courts will have jurisdiction in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and will know in the execution of the judgments and judicial decisions provided for in Article 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
ARTICLE 35.- National Court in the Criminal Court. The National Court in the Criminal Court of Rogorias will know in the cases provided for in law 22,777 and in which they are assigned in the special laws.
Chapter 3
College of Judges
ARTICLE 36.- College of Judges. The College of Judges is a functional grouping of judges and organs with the assistance of a judicial office. Its operation will be governed by the principles of organizational flexibility and rotation of its members, according to the regulations that the plenary of each College will dictate to this effect.
The formation of the Judges ' Colleges will be in charge of the plenary of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation and of the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation, in respect of the judges and organs of federal and national justice, respectively.
ARTICLE 37.- President and Vice-President of the College. Functions. Each College shall annually elect a President and a Vice-Chair. They will have by function:
a) Carry out the protocolary representation of the College.
b) Coordinate the institutional activities of the College.
c) Coordinate the administrative functioning of the College with the Director of the Judicial Office.
(d) Confect an annual report on the management, results of the judicial activity and resources with which it is counted, which will be elevated to the respective Chamber of Cassation.
The President shall, at the same time, comply with his judicial duties, without prejudice to the time taken by the President.
Chapter 4
Working team
ARTICLE 38.- Work teams. The courts, trial courts and appellate chambers will be assisted by a team of technical, administrative and maestranza personnel, who will act under the technical direction of a judicial secretary.
The work team shall perform the following tasks:
(a) To provide legal and technical assistance to judges in their judicial role.
(b) to assist judges in the management control and compliance with the procedural time-limits.
(c) Facilitate coordination between the judge or tribunal and the management offices.
The work team shall in no case perform judicial functions entrusted to the judges or administrative functions entrusted to the Judicial Offices.
Title III
Judicial offices
ARTICLE 39.- Judicial offices. The Judicial Offices are the bodies responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks of criminal justice, so that the judges exercise the judicial function exclusively, transparently and efficiently.
ARTICLE 40.- Guiding principles for action. The Judicial Offices shall be governed by strict principles of speed, de-formalisation, efficiency, effectiveness, responsibility for the management of public resources, cooperation and coordination between the different areas of work and the parties involved. are involved in the process.
ARTICLE 41.- Functions in the management of the hearings. The Judicial Office shall assist the judges by carrying out the exclusive and exclusive functions provided for in Article 57 and concordant with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation. It will have functions:
a) Distribute in a reasonable, objective and equitable way the work of the judges.
(b) Attend the judges to the administrative tasks.
c) Provide information to people who are legitimately required to do so.
d) To materially support the judges and the parties during the hearings.
e) To fix the day and time of the hearings established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation and the special laws.
f) Manage the court's agenda.
g) Receive and record the requirements of the hearings.
(h) Custodian, initiate or maintain the chain of custody on the evidence presented in the office.
(i) Call on the procedural subjects.
j) Make the necessary communications, both internal and external.
(k) Confect a judicial folder, for each case, for the purposes of recording the jurisdictional decisions that are issued, under the criteria of deformalization.
l) Update the records of litigants, prosecutors and public defenders in the territorial constituency to facilitate communication.
(m) Register hearings, resolutions and judgments, and proceed with their protection.
(n) Receive the documentation that the parties accompany and submit, if appropriate, copies to the others.
(o) Organise all matters relating to the trial by juries, in accordance with the provisions laid down by the special law to be given for that purpose.
(p) Carry out the statistics on the functioning of criminal justice.
q) Register the complaints for delay of justice.
r) Designate a mediator enabled in the causes of private action.
(s) Check the satisfaction of the conciliation agreements.
t) Practice the settlement of process expenses and court fees.
(u) Maintain coordination and communication with the various State agencies involved in the criminal proceedings.
ARTICLE 42.- Case allocation and setting of hearings. Case allocation will be by draw.
During the preparatory stage, the assignment of a case to a magistrate will determine his intervention until the completion of the control of the charge. However, objective parameters for compensation of the work may be set.
The setting of shift frames shall be avoided, without prejudice to the provision of passive guards for emergency situations where the presence or intervention of a judge is required.
ARTICLE 43.- Functions in the execution of the penalty. With regard to the enforcement of penalties, judicial offices shall have the following functions:
a) Receive a copy of the sentence.
b) Forming, administering and managing the criminal execution folder.
(c) Communicate to the Directorate of Criminal Enforcement Control and Assistance the cases in which he/she must practice control and supervision.
d) Communicate to the parties the computation of the penalty and the reports of the Prison Service and the Directorate of Control and Assistance of Criminal Execution of non-private prisoners of liberty.
e) Request the reports and manage the procedure provided for in Article 332 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation.
f) Organize visits to the prison units of the judges with execution functions.
(g) Control the payment of the penalty.
h) Control and coordinate with public and private agencies the enforcement of disablement penalties.
(i) Communicate any failure of the sentenced person.
ARTICLE 44.- Address. Each Judicial Office shall be in charge of a Director, with the rank equivalent to Secretary Letrado or Director General of the Supreme Court, who shall have specific knowledge in the area of management and administration of judicial resources.
ARTICLE 45.- Organization. The Judicial Offices will be formed by the officials and employees necessary to fulfill their duties, who will only receive orders and directives from the Directors and their dependents.
The Judicial Offices shall be organised on the basis of the following functional coordination, without prejudice to the establishment of other areas of work in order to ensure the proper administration of the justice service of each body. judicial:
a) One of Administration and Logistics.
b) One of Attention to the Public.
c) One of Case Management.
d) A penalty execution for federal jurisdictions.
ARTICLE 46.- Location and functional dependency. Each District of Federal and National Justice will have the Judicial Offices necessary to guarantee the service of justice, as set out in the implementing rules.
If the territorial provision of the courts requires it, there will be subtracted from these Judicial Offices to guarantee their performance in the territory of that jurisdiction.
The Judicial Offices shall respond directly to the full court or the College to which they intervene, but shall be accountable only through its President, who shall act as interlocutor between the Director of the Judicial Office and the Judges of that Office. organ.
The national courts for criminal enforcement shall have a judicial office of their own, which shall be responsible for completing the duties provided for in Articles 41 and 43 of this Law in the field of national justice.
ARTICLE 47.- Institutional coordination. The Judicial Offices of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation and the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation will be responsible for the institutional coordination of all the Judicial Offices of the Federal and National Justice, respectively. They constitute coordination activities:
(a) Develop the operational regulation and the protocols for action.
b) Monitor the operational functioning of the judicial offices.
c) Generate regular meetings between the managers of the judicial offices or areas that intervene before each organ, in order to encourage the exchange of experiences.
d) Annual reports on the services provided by the judicial offices.
e) Establish monitoring processes in order to avoid the frustration of scheduled hearings.
f) Raise proposals to improve the performance of judicial offices.
(g) To bring to the attention of the president of the respective chamber the conflicts of administrative management that are generated in the courts.
h) Manage agreements with public and non-state public bodies to coordinate common actions.
(i) Draw up the annual budget of the judicial offices.
(j) Develop training plans for staff.
k) Generate channels of dialogue with all users of the justice service.
l) Design and coordinate communication strategies.
Title IV
Additional rules
Chapter 1
ARTICLE 48.- Powers of superintendence. The chambers provided for in this law will exercise their own superintendence, as well as those judicial bodies that arise from the laws and regulations. The plenary session of each of them will have to draw up their internal regulations in order to regulate and organise their operation, without affecting the powers provided for by the Judicial Office.
Chapter 2
Amendment of rules
ARTICLE 49.- Substitution. Replace Articles 5, 11, 19, 31, 32, and 49 of Decree-Law 1285/58, as ratified by Law 14.467, and its amendments to the following:
Article 5: To be Judge of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, of the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation, of the federal and national chambers of appeals and of the federal and national courts of judgment is required: to be a citizen of Argentina, a lawyer with a national validity, with six (6) years of exercise of the profession or judicial function requiring the indicated title and thirty (30) years of age.
Article 11: The judges of first instance, of Guarantees, of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, of the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation, of the federal and national chambers of appeals and of federal and national courts of judgment, shall be sent to their offices every working day, during the working hours of the Court.
The Supreme Court Judges will do so in the days and hours they set for the agreements and hearings.
Article 19: The disciplinary sanctions applied by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, by the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, by the National House of Cassation in the Criminal, by the federal and national appeals chambers and by the The Court of Justice will only be subject to review proceedings.
The penalties applied by the other national judges shall be appealed to the respective appeals chambers.
Resources must be deducted within three (3) days.
Article 31: The Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, the National Criminal Court, the federal trial courts, and the Federal Criminal Court of Appeals in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the national courts of trial, and the The National Chamber of Appeals in the Criminal, and the federal courts of trial in the economic criminal and the Federal Chamber in the Economic Criminal, will be integrated by lot among the other members of those; then likewise, with the judges of the another Chamber in the order precedence established and, finally also by lot, with the judges of first The House is dependent on the House to be integrated.
The system of integration previously established will apply for the national chambers of appeals in the federal civil and commercial, in the federal and federal administrative litigation of the social security of the Federal Capital.
It will also govern this system for the national chambers of appeals in the civil, commercial, and labor of the Federal Capital.
The federal appeals chambers with seat in the provinces will be integrated with the judge or judges of the section where the Court works.
In the case of recusal, excuse, license, vacancy or other impediment of the judges of the National Electoral Chamber, this will be integrated by lot among the members of the Federal Chamber of Appeals in the Penal of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The provisions of Decree 5046 of March 14, 1951 and its modifications to the magistrates that, for the reasons indicated, will be integrated by the National Electoral Chamber, will not apply.
Article 32: The national courts of the Federal Capital shall be composed of:
1. Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation.
2. Federal House of Cassation in the Federal Administrative Court.
3. Federal and National Chamber of Labor and Social Security.
4. Federal and National Chamber of Cassation in Civil and Commercial.
4 bis. National Chamber of Appeals in Consumer Relations.
5. National Chamber of Criminal Cassation.
6. Federal Capital Appeals Chambers:
a) National in the Civil and Commercial Federal.
b) National in the Federal Administrative Board.
c) Federal in the Penal City of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
d) National in the Civil.
e) National in the Commercial.
(f) National Labour Party.
(g) National Criminal Court.
(h) Federal National Social Security.
(i) National Electoral
(j) Federal in the Economic Criminal.
7. Courts of Judgment:
a) National Judgment.
b) Federal in the Economic Criminal.
c) National Adolescent Trial.
d) Federal of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
8. Judges of First Instance:
a) National in the Civil and Commercial Federal.
b) National in the Federal Administrative Board.
c) Federal Guarantees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
d) Nationals in the Civil.
(e) National in the Commercial.
(f) National Guarantees.
(g) National Adolescent Guarantees.
(h) Federal Guarantees in the Economic Criminal Court.
(i) National Labour Party.
(j) National Criminal Enforcement Officers.
(k) Federal Courts of First Instance of Social Security.
(l) Federal Courts of First Instance of Tax Executions.
(m) National Courts of First Instance in Consumer Relations.
Article 49: Federal courts with a seat in the provinces shall be composed of:
1) The Federal Appeals Chambers.
2) The Federal District Trial Courts.
3) The Federal Courts of First Instance and Federal Courts of Guarantees.
ARTICLE 50.- Effects on other rules. Let the rules which are contrary to this law be left without effect.
ARTICLE 51.- Entry into force. The provisions of this law shall apply in accordance with the progressive regime established by the Law on the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Nation.
ARTICLE 52.- Contact the national executive branch.
BELOVED BOUDOU. -JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. -Juan H. Estrada. -Lucas Chedrese.