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Amnistia - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: AMNISTIA - Texto completo de la norma

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LEY 14.436

Sanctioned: May 22-1958

Promulgated: May 22-1958.


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force

L E Y :

ARTICLE 1. - Grant broad and general amnesty for all related political, common or military crimes committed until the enactment of this Act. The benefits of amnesty include acts and events carried out for political or trade union purposes, or when it is determined that a persecutory intention of a political or trade union nature was covered in the form of a common crime process.

ARTICLE 2. - Because of the amnesty granted in the preceding article, no one may be interrogated, investigated, summoned to appear or disturbed in any way for accusations or suspicions of having committed one or more offences referred to in this Act.

ARTICLE 3o. - Defrost any provision establishing disqualifications for political or group reasons.

ARTICLE 4. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the twenty-two days of the month of May, nine hundred and fifty-eight.


Luis A. Viscay Eduardo T. Oliver

-Registered under number 14.436-

Buenos Aires, 22 May 1958


Please follow the law of the Nation, fill in, communicate, give to the General Directorate of the Official Bulletin and Prints and Archdiocese.

FRONDIZI. - Alfredo R. VĂ­tolo