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Organic Law Of Ministries Its Approval - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: LEY ORGANICA DE MINISTERIOS SU APROBACION - Texto completo de la norma

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LEY 14.439

Sanctioned: June 11 1958.

Promulgated: June 13 1958.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of law:


ARTICLE 1 - The business office of the Nation shall be in charge of the following secret ministers:

1o) From the Interior.

2nd) Foreign Affairs and Worship.

3rd) Economics.

4th) Education and Justice.

5th National Defence.

(6) Social Welfare and Public Health.

(7) Work and Social Security.

8th) Public Works and Services

ARTICLE 2 - The secret ministers have the essential role of intervening in the implementation of the national policy in the branch of their competence and promoting, developing, and monitoring its compliance. In particular, they shall have the following powers:

1 To represent politically and administratively before the Congress their respective departments and those who jointly or separately trust the executive branch for the purposes set out in Articles 63 and 92 of the National Constitution.

2o Refrender and legalize with its signature the acts of the president of the Nation.

3rd Prepare, subscribe and hold before Congress the bills that initiate the executive branch, and any act of the exclusive jurisdiction of the executive branch. Draft the annual memory to be raised to Congress within the first month of its sessions, and the messages and budget proposals of its Department and submit the investment account under the accounting law.

4th Intervention in the enactment and enforcement of laws.

5 to comply with and enforce the National Constitution, the laws and decrees that are determined accordingly, by taking such measures as they deem necessary, and can do so in a reserved manner when the general good and the nature of the matter require it.

6th Provide the President of the Nation with the reports required by him, in accordance with Article 86, paragraph 20, of the National Constitution.

7o Address the relations of the Executive Power with the other branches of the State, ensuring that the decisions and orders that they exceed in the use of their powers are adequately enforced.

8th To report on their own measures to the economic and administrative system of their departments; to exercise the direction and control of the activities of the agencies and units that are subordinate to them and to resolve the competition issues that may be promoted between them.

9th Intervene in the conduct of contracts on behalf of the State and in the defence of the rights of the State, in accordance with the laws.

10th Participate in the celebrations and executions of the instruments of an international nature that the Nation subscribes or accedes, when they affect or refer to matters of their office.

11th Promote, sponsor and undertake studies and research for the promotion and protection of national interests and the progress of the country in the area of its competence.

12th Organize and sustain archives, publications and collections; prepare the publication and dissemination of studies, reports, and statistics from their respective departments. Take the ministerial correspondence.

Article 3 - The resolutions issued by secret ministers shall be final in respect of the economic and administrative regime of their respective departments, except for the right of those concerned to deduct the resources legally appropriate.

ARTICLE 4 - The secret ministers shall meet in agreement as long as the president of the Nation requires, unless otherwise provided.

ARTICLE 5o - Agreements that should arise from the effects of joint decree or resolutions of the secret ministers shall be subscribed, first of all, by the one to whom the matter is made or by whom it has begun, and then by the others in the order of Article 1 of this law, and shall be executed by the secretary minister to whose department it is or by which the agreement itself is designated. The registration of the agreements and decrees shall be ordered by the executive branch of the Nation.

ARTICLE 6 - In the event of doubts about the ministry to which the matter is concerned, the matter will be dealt with by the person appointed by the President of the Nation. The matters originated in one ministry, but related to the specific functions assigned by this law to another, are within the competence of the latter.

ARTICLE 7 - The matters which, by their nature, have to be attributed and resolved by two or more departments will be upheld and legalized with the signature of all ministers secretaries who intervene in them.


ARTICLE 8 - For the purposes of Article 87 of the Constitution, and without limiting matters to be understood by the various departments, the general administration shall be distributed as follows:


Article 9 - The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for all matters of the internal political and public order, which are expressly enumerated and which later laws adjudge it, and in particular:

1st Government of the Capital of the Republic.

2nd Government and Promotion of the National Territory of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands.

3rd Relations with provincial governments in particular with governors as natural agents of the federal government.

4th Execution of electoral laws, registration and personal identification.

Fifth Call and Extension of Sessions of Congress.

6th Intervention of the Federal Government in the provinces.

7th Admission of new provinces, union or division of existing ones.

8th Amendment of the Constitution and Relations with the Conventions that meet.

9th Maintenance of the peace and good harmony of the province.

10th Limits between the provinces.

Eleventh state of siege and its political powers.

Twelfth General acts of a patriotic character; fairs; custody of national emblems and symbols and regulation of their use; authorization of the use of foreign emblems and symbols.

13th Emplacement, erection, and preservation of monuments determined by law.

14th Amnesty.

15th Migration and Population Census.

16th General Archive and graph of the Nation.

17th Assistance of the Nation and the provinces motivated by extraordinary or unforeseen events.

18th Regime of the interprovincial rivers and their tributaries, and navigation of the internal rivers of the Nation.

19th Nationality and rights and obligations of aliens.

20th Police Power, Internal Security and the Exercise of the respective Powers.

21st Press and Official Gazette. Publication of laws and decrees.

22nd Rule of constitutional rights and, in particular, of the meeting, petition and association, in accordance with the respective laws.

Foreign Affairs and Worship.

ARTICLE 10. - Competes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship to maintain the relations of the Nation with foreign States and entities of an international character and with regard to worship, and in particular:

1st Relations with foreign governments.

2nd Relations with international entities.

3rd Diplomatic and Consular Corps.

4th Treaties, conventions, conferences, congresses and meetings of an international character.

5th War State or other declarations authorized by international law.

6th Peace adjustments.

7th International Limits.

8th Extradition.

9th Asylum.

10th Introduction and transit of foreign forces.

11th Legalization of documents for and outside.

12th Archive for external relations, library, collections, treaty publications and geographical maps.

13th Publicity, dissemination of reports, books on statistics relating to the Nation abroad.

14th Relations with the Holy See of Rome.

15th Concordats.

16o Patronato, creation of archbishops and bishops, concerning church lobbyists, religious orders, seminars, centralization of administrative procedures and control in all proceedings before the public authority of the church. Persons and entities of the cult, as well as of religious associations, with knowledge and seen prior to the ordinary in each case.

Seventeenth Promotion and Sustaining of Religious Missions among Aboriginals as relevant to article 67, paragraph 15, of the National Constitution.

18th To advise in all matters concerning subsidies and subsidies for temples, their dependencies, on post- charitable institutions, provided they are religious and recognized as such within the archdiocese and dioceses. Ecclesiastical credentials.

19th Relations with all non-Catholic religious organizations operating in the country, to guarantee the free exercise of the cult and registration thereof.


ARTICLE 11. - The Ministry of Economy is responsible for the development of the economic activities of the Nation, formulating plans and coordinating the action of the secretariats of Agriculture and Livestock, Finance, Finance and Fuels, with respect to which it has the overall orientation, and in particular.

1 To perform methodically the analysis of the economic situation of the Nation and to propose to the executive branch the relevant measures.

2nd Coordinate economic plans with other government plans.

3. Gather the information and conduct the economic research and studies necessary for the formulation of the respective plans.

4th Verify compliance with existing economic plans and achievements.

5th Participate in international economic negotiations.

6th Coordinate according to the constitutional and legal order, the plans for the economic realization of the federal government with the plans of the provincial governments, and act in the same way in relation to the representative entities of the national economic activity.

7th Coordinate with the respective ministries and other state agencies the joint consideration of those economic achievements that are substantial to the national economy.

8th Convening and chairing the meetings of the secretaries of State of their jurisdiction for the study and the coordinated realization of the tasks as a whole.

Education and justice

12th. - Competes to the Ministry of Education and Justice all that is inherent in the education, instruction, science and culture, the structure, organization and functioning of the judiciary; the promotion of the reform and updating of the general legislation, and the legal functions of the executive branch; and in particular:

1st Pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational, training, university, university graduates and education in prison barracks and establishments.

2nd Fight against illiteracy.

3rd Physical Education.

4th Prophylaxis and hygiene of students: School attendance, cultural, moral and physical recreation, school tourism.

5th Medical and Assistance Regime of Educators and Educators in coordination with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Public Health.

6th Statute of the Teacher.

7th Protection and Promotion of Science and Arts, Development of Popular Culture.

8th Conservation, guidance and dissemination of scientific and artistic culture.

9th Promotion of scientific, technical and historical research.

10. Registration, conservation and defense of wealth and historical, artistic and cultural values.

11. Libraries, museums and observatories.

12. Study, teaching and dissemination of American culture and languages.

13. Relation to particular institutes of education and culture and their regulation and control.

14. Organization and regime of the Judiciary of the Nation, in all its jurisdictions and jurisdictions.

15. Organization, regime and direction of the representation and defence of the State in trial.

16. Organization of the Public Prosecutor ' s Office.

17. Creation and direction of national criminal and preventive and social re-education establishments and their care services in coordination with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Public Health.

18. Promotion of the reform of the legal regime for the enforcement of criminal sanctions and the Code of Criminal Enforcement.

19. pardon and commutation of penalties.

20. Concession and withdrawal of legal personality and monitoring of the functioning of legal persons.

21. Everything concerning the registration of the civil state in what the Nation is responsible for.

22. Organization, direction and control of the notarial regime.

23. Official edition of the laws of the Nation; compilation of constitutions, codes and foreign laws.

24. Judicial statistics and issuance of judgements.

25. Coordination, advice and unification of the legal activity of the executive branch.

26. Intervention in the regulation and control of professions directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence.

27. Defence of the rights of minors.

28. Registration of real estate and other real rights.

National Defence.

ARTICLE 13o. Compete to the Ministry of National Defence everything related to national defence in its integral nature, and for the purposes of the constitutional refreshment, the dispatch of matters pertaining to the secretariats of War, Marina, and Aeronautics, which will operate under the coordination of this ministry, and in particular:

1/ Coordinate, prepare, propose and advise the executive branch after the intervention of the relevant agencies, in the affairs of national defence, in all aspects of a whole and in those of a military nature that exceed the framework of action of each of the armed forces individually considered.

2nd Propose to the Executive and coordinate means to avoid overlap of activities, acquisitions, expenses and, in general, any other measures.

3rd Study the coordination of security measures in the interior of the country for wartime.

4th Convening and chairing the meetings of the secretaries of State in the military branches for the study and the coordinated realization of the tasks as a whole.

5th Coordinate industrial mobilization by the armed forces.

6th Promote scientific research linked to military needs and their experimentation; guide production and direct the acquisition of the raw materials, materials, elements and necessary effects that are common to the three weapons, as well as their homogenization.

7th Coordinate the measures of an integral nature for the case of internal shock.

8th Coordinate the measures that correspond to the civil agencies responsible for tasks related to national defence.

9th Propose to the Executive Branch, in accordance with the secretariats, the appointment of the senior posts of the joint agencies and agree with the secretariats on the remaining designations of military personnel for those agencies.

Social Welfare and Public Health

ARTICLE 14. - The Ministry of Social Welfare and Public Health is responsible for the prevention, development and care of the physical and mental health of the population, as well as scientific research and the conservation and conquest of factors contributing to social welfare. This ministry will also be responsible for any social service that the State provides or should provide to individuals, groups or communities; and in particular:

1o The integral assistance of individual and collective states of necessity.

2nd Create medical and hospital care services for the care of the sick.

3rd Arbitrate the necessary means for the development of preventive medicine throughout the country, in coordination with the provinces and municipalities.

4th Programme environmental health and take the necessary measures for its implementation.

5o Promote health education through primary, secondary or special schools to create health awareness among the population from childhood.

6th Comprehensive protection of mother and child in coordination with ministries of labour and social security and education and justice.

7th Arbitrate the necessary means to develop a plan to protect the health of workers in the field, trade and industry by coordinating with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security the control of their compliance.

8th Assistance and Prevention of Mental Illness; Rehabilitation and Reeducation of Mentally Illnesses and Physically Invalids and Infradoted Children.

9th Protection of Minority and Old Age.

10. The intensification of sports medicine.

11. Participation in urban planning to adapt rural and urban housing to the principles of hygiene and health essential to the integral development of the family.

12. The country ' s health defence at its borders, ports and airfields and medical control of immigrants, as well as the intensification of international health cooperation.

13. Joke control.

14. The structuring of the codes of health and prankology and the promotion of laws related to health protection, in coordination with provincial and municipal governments.

15. Control of everything related to the development and distribution of medicinal, biological, drug, dietary, insecticides, toilet, mineral waters, medicinal herbs and medically applied materials and instruments, in coordination with relevant ministries.

16. Regulation and control of the exercise of activities related to public health.

17. Intervention and control in the distribution of subsidies to public and private institutions active in the field of public health.

18. The medical care of educating in all cycles of education in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Justice.

19. Supervising, coordinating and rationalizing the medical aspects of social works, mutualities and similar organisms, which are dependent on national ministries and indigenous entities.

20. Technically advise in the rational organization of public health, provinces and municipalities to request it.

21. To promote credit assistance to private medical establishments, which conform to standards relating to compliance with the principles of preventive medicine, health education and environmental sanitation and mental hygiene and curative medicine where the State does not.

22. Promote in national universities the training of technicians specialized in public health; health doctors, engineers and dentists, health educators, nurses, social visitors, hospital administrators, statisticians, health inspectors and psychologists.

23. Promote the participation of the organized community in the implementation of national, provincial and municipal health plans.

Labour and Social Security

ARTICLE 15. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the comprehensive protection of workers; all that is inherent in labour relations; the legal regime of professional associations of workers and employers; the social security system, and in particular:

1 Promote labour and social security legislation and monitor compliance.

2nd Exercis the police of labour and hygiene, health and safety, in coordination with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Public Health.

3rd Compile, study, coordinate and publish all reports concerning labour relations and means of promoting the material, moral, intellectual and social prosperity of workers.

4th Encourage the training and vocational training of workers.

5o Seek the fullness of employment and raising the standard of living of the workers.

6th Coordinate supply and demand for work, internal and external migrations in relation to the need for labour and employment.

7th Promote the cultural and assistance works of the professional associations of workers and stimulate their plans for the construction of housing and the creation of cooperatives and mutualities.

8 Facilitate collective negotiations and address the collective conventions regime.

9th Mediate in collective labour conflicts that are committed to private establishments or enterprises or State agencies that provide public services, services of public interest or develop industrial or commercial activities.

10. Manage the welfare and social security regime.

11. To exercise control and superintendence of mutual associations.

12. Exercis the police of the river, sea and harbour work.

13. The above functions shall be exercised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, through its centralized administrative agencies and regional delegations throughout the territory of the Nation, to which effect it empowers the Executive Branch to agree with the provinces and promotes the agreement between them on the basis of legislation that coordinates and harmonizes, in accordance with the provisions of the National Constitution, their respective administrative powers of work and establishes a uniform application of social security.

Public works and services

ARTICLE 16. Compete to the Ministry of Public Works and Services all matters concerning the development, orientation and promotion of public works and public services of communications and transport in the territory of the Nation, formulating plans and coordinating the action of the State Secretariats for Public Works, Communications and Transport, with respect to which it has the general direction, and in particular:

1 Perform the planning and coordination of public works and services of communications, transport and sanitation.

2nd Coordinate public works and services plans with other government plans.

3. Gather the information and carry out the research and studies necessary for the formulation of the corresponding plans.

4th Verify compliance with existing plans in public works and services.

5th To advise the Executive on matters relating to its competence.

6o Promote industry, scientific and technical research; experimentation and coordination with technical education in the fields of their competence.

7o The study, project, construction and maintenance of public works that are not expressly entrusted to other bodies.

8th Convening and chairing the meetings of the secretaries of State of their jurisdiction for the study and the coordinated realization of the tasks as a whole.


ARTICLE 17. The following State secretariats shall operate within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy:

Agriculture and Livestock.

From the Treasury.



Industry and Mining.

Energy and Fuel.

The following State secretariats shall operate within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Defence:




The following State secretariats will operate within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Works and Services:

Public Works.



ARTICLE 18. - The secretaries of State shall have ministerial status and the powers and duties of the secret ministers under article 2 of this law in paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

The secretaries of State shall prepare the bills that initiate the executive branch and any act of the exclusive jurisdiction of the executive branch, in relation to the secretariats of the State in their charge; they shall draft the annual memory and the messages and budget proposals of their department, and shall submit the investment account under the accounting law that shall elevate the minister secretary of the branch and administer and dictate the orders of disposition of funds from the budget or of the special laws, and their decisions.

State secretaries will attend the agreements referred to in article 4o.


Agriculture and Livestock

ARTICLE 19. - Compete a la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería todo lo inherent al regime y promoción de la agricultura, cattle, forestry and fisheries de la Nación, y en particular:

1o The general regime of rural land, prone to its fair distribution, possession and use. Land reform.

2nd Planning, technical guidance and implementation of official colonization and intervention in private colonization.

3o Intervention in the system of rural leases and parking and the transformation of leases into owners.

4o The conservation, recovery and rational use of soil, and research, experimentation and technological advice.

5o The agrarian and social policy of production, through the establishment of basic prices, the control of the commercialization of products and their classification, characterization and certification of quality.

6th The coordination of production with primary marketing and industrialization. National Meat Board and Grain Regulatory Board.

7o Health protection and control of agricultural, livestock, forestry, fishing and poultry production.

8th The orientation and technical direction of agricultural education and the regulation and control of the exercise of professions directly linked to agrarian activities.

9th Mechanization of farms with intervention in the manufacture of agricultural machinery, fertilizers and pesticides; promotion of rural electrification and planning of water use for irrigation in coordination with provincial governments.

10. The conservation, recovery and comprehensive use of forests and increased forest heritage with a view to self-sustaining raw materials.

11. The administration of national parks and the conservation of natural flora and fauna.

12. The scarcity of rural immigration and the living conditions of rural workers in order to ensure decent conditions and access to land ownership.

13. Intervention in agrarian credit planning, orienting it to promotional functions; implementation of the country's ecological map and intervention in census and statistical surveying.

14. Defense, development and rational use of ctiological wealth.

15. Promoting, organizing and controlling agrarian cooperation, with a view to its full participation in the process of land distribution, machining and rural electrification, internal and external marketing of production and industrialization.

16. Organization of exhibitions, fairs and congresses; publications and other activities for the promotion of the branches of agricultural production in general.


ARTICLE 20. - Competes to the Treasury Secretariat everything inherent in the State ' s assets, resources and expenditures, in particular:

1st General Budget of the Nation and Investment Account.

2nd Treasury and payment regime of the Nation.

3rd Tax and Customs Policy and Regime.

4th Perception and distribution of the incomes of the Nation.

5th State property registry and State property management as soon as they do not correspond to other State agencies.

6th Coin and printing of tickets, stamps, stamps and tax papers.

7th Public Debt.

8th State supplies.

9th Administration and exploitation of lotteries, casinos and related activities.

10. Superintendence of accounting and control of any expenditure and investment ordered on the Treasury of the Nation.

11. Conducting studies and research to the best performance of your functions.

12. Civil Service Regime.


ARTICLE 21. - Competes to the Finance Secretariat all that is inherent in banking, monetary and credit policy, changes in the market for furniture and insurance and reassurance, and in particular:

1 Defense of the value of the coin.

2nd Monitoring of the Capital Movement.

3rd Direct the regulation of credit and means of payment.

4th Promote banking liquidity and the organization and operation of credit, due to production, marketing and consumption and savings.

5th Intervene in internal and external credit operations, public loans, on behalf of the Government of the Nation and other obligations with or without special guarantees.

6o Authorize bank interest rates and set the regime and exchange rates.

7th Rule and establish the market of movable values.

8th Conduct international financial and monetary policy, initiating, discussing, celebrating and executing it, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, such agreements, conventions and arrangements, and in particular those relating to international payments.

9th Contribute to the promotion of agricultural, mining and industrial production, the development and organization of trade, the agrarian reform plan and housing, in coordination with the relevant State secretariats.

10. Disseminate the rules and take the necessary measures to regulate, coordinate and monitor the action of the agencies of their dependence, and to provide for the conduct of studies and researches leading to the better performance of their functions.

11. Insurance and reinsurance control.


ARTICLE 22. - Competes to the Trade Secretariat all that is inherent in the promotion and implementation of the internal and external trade policy of the Nation and the organization and control of supply and trade, and in particular:

1o Start and discuss, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, international agreements, agreements or arrangements of a commercial nature.

2nd Conduct and control the acquisitions and sales in the external market and those of the domestic market that are carried out on the basis of external marketing, for reasons of defense of production or others of general interest.

3rd Perform all purchases abroad aimed at meeting the needs of the distributions of the State, except in the case of acquisitions that the executive branch decides to exclude from this regime.

4th To advise on the establishment of exchange rates, customs duties, tariffs and tariffs, transportation fees (terrestrial, maritime, fluvial and air), and to any other measure of economic policy linked to the subject matter of its competence.

5o Conduct the study of national and international markets, fairs and samples in the exchange of consumer goods, fruits of land and industrial production.

6th Study the international trade organization and related specialized agencies.

7th Study and publish international price indexes.

8o Contribute to the promotion of agricultural production and trade.

9th Conduct studies and research leading to the clarification of economic cycles and calculations and to the best performance of specific functions.

10. Implement the domestic market supply and trade policy necessary to ensure it.

11. Study and set the basis for the prices of abatement articles.

12. Promote the study and technological advice in all matters relating to their competence and the organization of regional technical centres and their use by individuals.

13. Intervene in the regulation and control of the exercise of professions directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence.

14. Rationalize the distribution of economic goods in the domestic market.

15. Weights and measures.

16. Identification of goods.

17. Repression of monopolies and truts.

18. Registration of cooperatives.

Industry and Mining

ARTICLE 23. - Compete to the Ministry of Industry and Mining all matters relating to the regime and promotion of industry and mining, as soon as this law is not attributed to the Ministry of Energy and Fuels, and in particular:

1. Organization and rationalization of industry.

2nd Control of industrial processing processes.

3rd Technological research and quality certifications.

4th Patents and Brands.

5th Promotion and organization of industrial and mining cooperation.

6th Promotion and organization of exhibitions, fairs, contests, publications and other activities aimed at the promotion of industrial and mining, both within and outside the Nation, in coordination with the respective entities.

7th Participation in the policy of change and credit, and in the setting of customs duties in terms of industrial and mining promotion and the respective supply.

8th Intervene in the preparation and implementation of immigration plans from an industrial and mining point of view.

9th Radication of industries.

10. Promotion of plans for the localization of industries linked to hydropower development.

11. An increase in scientific and technical research of an industrial and geological character and its coordination in the state and private order.

12. Organization and administration of State industrial enterprises assigned to their jurisdiction.

13. Fixing mining policy.

14. Study and assessment of mineral resources.

15. Promotion, organization and use of mining production.

16. Mineral exploration and exploitation regulations and technical and legal advice of the mining producer.

17. Geological and hydrological survey of the country in coordination with provincial governments.

Energy and Fuels

ARTICLE 21. - Competes the Energy and Fuel Secretariat as inherent in the use of energy sources and hydraulic resources, and in particular:

1o The Comptroller, for the purposes of the orientation of its activities, of the Petroliferous Fiscal Developments, State Gas, Solid Fuels and Minerals, Electrical Water and Energy, Atomic Energy and any other company that acts in the development, exploitation and marketing of sources, products and by-products of energy in the country.

2nd Arbitrary solutions within the economic and administrative system of energy should promote the development of energy sources and the consequent attention to general needs.

3rd Coordinate the activity of the administrative agencies and enterprises of the State, as soon as it is suitable for the greater effectiveness of the respective purposes.

4th Coordinate the action of the national State and that of the provinces in all matters concerning the exploitation of natural sources of energy, their transformation and employment.

5o The study, evaluation and rational use of energy sources and hydraulic resources and the regime of their exploitation.

6th Planning and organization of energy production and supply.

7o The production and supply of fuel and electricity.

8th Works and works linked to energy production and supply.

9th Planning and construction of hydraulic works for energy and irrigation, sanitation and defence in coordination with the Secretariat of Public Works.

10. The regime of public energy services.

11. The rationalization of the production and consumption of fuel and electricity.

12. The technical, legal, economic, administrative and financial control of public service providers linked to production and energy supply.

13. The import and export of fuels from natural sources of energy or industrial regime and even electrical energy.

14. Intervene in the conclusion of international treaties and conventions relating to fuel and energy.

15. Determination of the prices of solid and fluid fuels and their derivatives of electrical energy and any other form of energy, as well as the conditions of sale of the same.

16. The establishment of industries linked to the exploitation of natural sources of energy, their products and by-products.

17. To advise the executive branch on the granting and cancellation of the legal status of companies that are intended to exploit any form of energy, as well as on the modification of their statutes or increases or reductions of their capital.


ARTICLE 25. - Compete to War Secretary:

1o Regarding the acts of the President of the Nation that refer to the exercise of his constitutional powers related to the army.

2nd Intervene in the preparation of draft laws and decrees relating to national defence within the orbit of the executive branch in all matters within the competence or joint interest of the armed forces and in particular the army.

3rd Senior Directorate, organization, preparation and employment of the army.

4th Army Administration, Government, Justice and Discipline.

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of the army.

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communications of the army in the relevant aspects. For wartime, according to the preset coordination standards.

7th Propose to the Executive, through the Minister of National Defense:

(a) Army forces in time of peace and war;

(b) The distribution of army forces according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of superior commands and senior military posts;

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except those whose concession is directly appropriate, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th The designation of commands and posts whose appointment does not correspond to the Executive Branch, pursuant to paragraph 7 (c).

9th Execute the exercise plan for the internal shock case.

10. To direct, administer and develop the establishments of the army and to prepare their industrial mobilization and those for the production of particular materials and effects or of the predominant interest of the army assigned to it for wartime.

11. To advise the authorities responsible for the civil defence of the Nation in whatever its technical competence.

12. Participate in studies aimed at the development of transport and communications systems of interest to the army, and promote the development of those that suit their needs.

13. To have collaboration in meteorological work and in the interest of the army.

14. Conduct military studies and technical work related to geological, geodetic, topographical and cartographic problems in areas of national interest, and in coordination with other private and official entities, in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to it by existing legislation.

15. Promote the development of industries, research and experiments necessary for the production, development and development of materials, equipment and effects for land forces or their predominant interest.

16. To promote in the population activities aimed at maintaining or developing the necessary skills for the terrestrial war.

17. Military security police in your jurisdiction.

18. National Gendarmerie.

19. The other powers which correspond to the army under special laws or which by their terrestrial nature are directly or indirectly linked to it.


ARTICLE 26. - Compete to Marina Secretary:

1o Regarding the acts of the President of the Nation that refer to the exercise of his constitutional powers related to the national navy and as a representative of the State at sea for the purposes of navigation and defence.

2nd Intervene in the preparation of draft laws and decrees relating to national defence within the orbit of the executive branch, in all cases of the competence or joint interest of the armed forces and in particular of the national army.

3rd Senior Directorate, organization, preparation and employment of the national armed forces.

4th Administration, Government, Justice and Discipline of the National Armed Forces.

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of national armed forces.

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communications of the national armed forces in the relevant aspects. For wartime, according to the preset coordination standards.

7th Propose to the Executive, through the Minister of National Defense:

(a) The forces of the national armed forces in time of peace and war;

(b) The distribution of the forces of the national armed forces, according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of senior commands and senior positions of the national armed forces;

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except for those whose concession is directly applicable, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th The designation of commands and posts whose appointment does not correspond to the Executive Branch, pursuant to paragraph 7 (c).

9th Execute the plan for the national navy for the case of internal shock.

10. The development and maintenance of the means appropriate to the needs of the maritime war and the comprehensive exercise of naval power for the protection of Argentine citizens and interests in the sea and its coasts: the maritime defense of the Nation, the control of the maritime areas of interest and the collaboration in the operations of the other armed forces.

11. Explorations, works, studies and research on oceanography, hydrography, astronomy, meteorology, geography, magnetism, cartography and other marine sciences and the atmosphere of the coasts, islands and sea, and the maintenance, operation and administration of observatories, stations and services in the field; facilities and services of lighthouses, beacons and maritime signals; the issuance of hourly signals of the radio and localization system.

12. The security and judicial police service, exclusively and excluding, in the marine waters and their coasts and ports of the Nation.

13. The navigational security police service and administrative maritime jurisdiction; training, training and empowerment of merchant marine personnel, ship and boat regimes, registration and naval property; assistance and maritime rescue; police on compliance with international conventions on the navigation of fishing and maritime hunting laws.

14. The government, development and promotion of the industry, research and experimentation in the field of naval constructions, the management and administration of its shipyards, factories and other naval establishments and its coordination with the industrial activity of the country as well as technical advice and assistance to be requested by the other units of the State and individuals in the planning of naval constructions.

15. Reserves of the national navy.

16. Cooperation with the logistic support units of the national armed forces in the promotion of maritime and general interests.

17. The other powers corresponding to the national navy by virtue of special laws or by their naval nature are directly or indirectly linked to it.

18. Advice on the orientation and conduct of the atinent policy to the national merchant marine.

19. To advise the authorities responsible for the civil defence of the Nation in whatever its technical competence.

20. To participate in studies aimed at the development of transport and communications systems of interest to the national navy and to promote the development of those that suit their needs.

21. To promote in the population activities aimed at maintaining and developing the necessary skills for the maritime war.


ARTICLE 27. - Compete to the aeronautics secretary:

1o Regarding the acts of the President of the Nation in the exercise of his constitutional powers related to military aviation and as a representative of the State in space, for the purposes of navigation and defence.

2nd Intervene in the preparation of draft laws and decrees relating to national defence within the orbit of the Executive Power in all matters within the competence or joint interest of the armed forces and in particular military aeronautics.

3rd Senior Directorate, organization, preparation and employment of aeronautics.

4th Administration, Government, Justice and Discipline of Military Aircraft.

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of military aeronautics.

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communication in its aspects. For wartime, according to the preset coordination standards.

7th Propose to the Executive, through the Minister of National Defense:

(a) The forces of military aeronautics in times of peace and war;

(b) The distribution of military aircraft forces according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of senior commands and senior military aeronautics positions.

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except those whose concession is directly in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th The designation of commands and posts whose appointment does not correspond to the executive branch, in accordance with paragraph 7 (c).

9th Execute the plan for Aeronautics for internal shock.

10. To study, prepare and execute all activities, operations and offensive and defensive means, assets and liabilities related to the use of airspace, for the conduct of the strategic air war and as far as the national air defence is concerned; the preparation and direction of the passive and territorial air defence and the collaboration of the operations of the other armed forces.

11. To advise the authorities responsible for the civil defence of the Nation in whatever its technical competence.

12. Participate in studies for the development of transport and communications systems of interest to aeronautics, and promote the development of those that suit their needs.

13. To promote the integral development of aeronautics for the purposes of general welfare, progress and common defence.

14. Direct, administer and control civil and commercial aeronautics, promoting their development.

15. Promote industry, research and experimentation in aeronautics.

16. The exercise of police power in space circulation, the establishment and operation of communications, meteorology and other facilities and services for the support and protection of flight.

17. Authorize the realization of the infrastructure, its empowerment, registration and control.

18. Enabling, registering and controlling personnel and equipment for the overflight of Argentine territory, in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations.

19. Organize and carry out the search, assistance and rescue of endangered or injured aircraft, inspect theft of aerial accidents and officially investigate and determine their causes.

20. To advise on the types and characteristics of flight material that acquire national, provincial, municipal and private distributions for the attention of their needs in order to promote greater rationalization in materials.

21. Exercising the government, administration and aviation police in the areas occupied by the garrisons, air bases, airports, airfields and national aviation facilities under their jurisdiction.

22. To carry out and authorize the cartography and aeronautical publications for the navigation and safety of flight and to develop works, studies and research related to the sciences that make the use of space for the purposes of navigation and defense.

23. To promote in the population activities aimed at maintaining and developing abilities necessary for the air war.

24. The other powers that correspond to aeronautics under special laws or that by their nature are directly or indirectly linked to it.

Public Works

ARTICLE 28. - The study, project, direction and realization of national public works is composed of the Secretariat of Public Works, in particular:

1/ Construction and maintenance of national roads, bridges and all other road works that are carried out by the Government of the Nation, coordinating implementation plans with the Ministry of Transport and provincial and municipal governments.

2nd Housing Planning and Construction.

3rd Public buildings.

4th School and Hospital Building in coordination with the Ministries of Education and Justice and Social Welfare and Public Health, respectively.

5th Construction of tourism hotels, holiday colonies, urbanisation and social content.

6th Construction of silos and grain elevators, in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock.

7th Port constructions, navigable channels, subfluvial communications tunnels.

8th Balance and fluvial hydrography; dredging.

9th Shipyards and naval workshops for your needs.

10. Construction, administration and provision of sanitary works in the Capital of the Nation, in the national territory and in the provinces accepted by agreement to the federal regime of the matter.

11. Constructions for provinces affected by extraordinary events or provinces that receive help from the Nation.

12. Coordination and centralization of the topographical and cadastral work of the Federal Capital and the national territory and advice in the same way to the provinces and municipalities that request it.

13. Works to defend watercourses, flooding and unhealthy areas that are not related to energy plans.

14. Hiring, when it deems appropriate, service locations with the provinces or municipalities to perform works of their competence.

15. Intervene in the regulation and control of professions directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence.


ARTICLE 29. - Competes to the Secretariat of Communications all matters concerning the establishment, development, promotion, guidance and control of mail, telecommunications, broadcasting and television services in the territory of the Nation, except those for the specific purposes of security and defence, in accordance with the regulations issued by the Executive Branch, and in particular:

1o The establishment, administration and implementation of mail services in their internal and international relations.

2nd The establishment, administration and implementation of national-owned telecommunications systems.

3o The promotion, control, regulation, guidance and coordination of telecommunications services of national jurisdiction.

4o The study, project, construction and maintenance of the works and facilities required by its postal and telecommunications communications services, as well as the corresponding acquisitions of materials and elements.

5o The advice of the national institutions on the subjects of their specialization.

6th Participation in technical and administrative conferences and conferences on internal and international postal and telecommunications services and the formulation of plans and proposals for agreements and agreements to which the country is a party.

7o The determination of frequency bands for different radio communications services and the allocation of frequencies and licenses for the establishment of the respective stations.

8th Promote technical research for the progress and improvement of postal and telecommunications services and the promotion of the industries of the field.

9th The study and proposition of the tariff regime for services under its jurisdiction.

10. The conduct of official broadcasting and television services.

11. Control of broadcasting services and privately operated television.

12. The establishment of the tariff regime for national jurisdiction services.


ARTICLE 30. - Competes to the Transport Secretariat all matters concerning the promotion, administration, exploitation, coordination and control of public services of land, sea and river transport of a commercial nature, and in particular:

1o Transport policy matters in coordination with the relevant departments, depending on the interests involved.

2nd Plan, coordinate, implement, promote and develop technically, economically and financially transport systems, routes, stations and ports under their jurisdiction.

3o Fiscalize the services granted and authorized to individuals in the same branches.

4th Study, project, build and conserve the works and installations and acquire materials and implements for the services in charge of transport.

5th Coordinate investments in the different transport systems in your responsibility.

6th Fix the tariff regime of all your services.

7th Coordinate with the Public Works Secretariat the roadwork plan.

8th Promote and guide national and international tourism, in coordination with the provinces and relevant agencies.


ARTICLE 31. - During the performance of their posts, ministers secretaries, secretaries of State and subsecretaries may not be members of directors or boards of directors, administrative or local, or managers, securities, representatives, technical or legal advisers or sponsors, or employees of private companies that are governed by concessions granted by Congress, provincial legislatures or municipalities, nor provide professional sponsorship or exercise the profession to any court awards.

ARTICLE 32. - No Minister Secretary, Secretary of State or Undersecretary, may not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract or business with the Nation, the provinces, the municipalities or the local divisions. This inability also includes members of directories or of administrative or local commissions, managers, representatives, agents, sponsors, technical or legal advisers, or employees of companies, companies or individuals who have commercial relations with national or provincial powers or with the municipalities or auto-partitions, or who have to take action before any of these authorities, permanent or accidental actions in defence or representation of interests or commercial, industrial or public activities that may compromise.

ARTICLE 33. - Ministers secretaries, secretaries of State or undersecretaries, while remaining in office, may not exercise liberal professionals or develop any other private activity that has commercial links with the national, provincial or municipal State.

Transitional arrangements

ARTICLE 34. - The Executive Power will promote the creation of a national development planning and study body that will coordinate research by relevant agencies and advise government action.

ARTICLE 35. - The executive branch shall have the transfer of the relevant agencies and services to the respective ministerial jurisdictions established by this Act, in accordance with the specific nature of the functions and functions of those bodies.

Authorize the Executive Branch, for this only time, to carry out the credit restructurings of the general budget of the national administration that were necessary for the proper implementation of this law, for which purpose and for this exclusive purpose may:

To have changes in the designations of existing concepts, games and subheadings, to create new ones.

Restructuring, rebuilding, unfolding, suppressing, transferring and creating services.

Such modifications and those that would consequently have to be introduced in the relevant resource calculations may in no case lead to the incorporation of new amounts that increase the current level of the national general budget as a whole.

ARTICLE 36. - The deadline referred to in article 12 of the Accounting and Organization of the National Accounts Courts for the Executive Power to submit to Congress the draft general budget of the national administration for the period 1 November 1958 to 31 October 1959 was extended until 31 August 1958.

ARTICLE 37. - The Executive Power of the Nation shall regulate this law.

ARTICLE 38. - Defrost any other provision that is contrary to this law.

ARTICLE 39. - Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires to eleven days of June of the year, a thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.

Alejandro GOMEZ. - Federico F. MONJARDIN.

Luis A. Viscay. - Eduardo F. Oliver.

Registered under number 14.439.

Buenos Aires, June 13, 1958.


Please follow the National Law, fill in, report, publish, give to the General Directorate of the Official Gazette and Prints and archvese.

FRONDIZI. - Alfredo R. Vitolo.

DECRETO No. 1,500.