Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: October 17, 1958
Promulgated: October 24, 1958
The Senate and Chamber of Dipuatdos of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force ofLEY:
ARTICLE 1 Paz Decláranse of national jurisdiction, and subject to the regulations that dictate the Executive Branch of the Nation, the public services of interconnected electricity that lend themselves to the Federal Capital and to the following parties of the Province of Buenos Aires: Almirante Brown, Avellaneda, Berisso, Brandsen, Cañuelas, Ensenada, Esteban Echeverría, Florencio Varela, Lanús ARTICLE 2 El The executive branch of the Nation must provide what is conducive to the comprehensive solution of the problems of electrification related to these services, formulating a program of works and of benefit that contemplate the general interests of the Nation and, consequently, the needs and rights of the municipalities concerned. ARTICLE 3° O Please approve the preliminary agreement signed by the Secretary of State for Energy and Fuel with the Argentine Electricity, Anonymous Society, and Electricity companies of the Province of Buenos Aires Limited on 11 September 1958, and authorize the conclusion of the final contract in it and the constitution of the new society. ARTICLE 4° O The new society will provide electricity services in the Federal Capital and in the following matches in the province of Buenos Aires: Admiral Brown, Avellaneda, Berisso, Brandsen, Cañuelas, Ensenada, Esteban Echeverría, Florencio Varela, Lanús, La Plata, Lomas de Zamora, Magdalena, Quilmes and San Vicente. The national state will take charge of the provision of electricity services in the parties of the same province that are mentioned below: Vicente López, General Las Heras, San Isidro, La Matanza, Tigre, General San Martín, Merlo, Morón, San Fernando, Moreno, Pilar, General Sarmiento, General Rodríguez and Marcos Paz. ARTICLE 5° O The provision of these services by the new society, as well as by the national State, shall be carried out with respect for local powers in all that is compatible with the technical and economic jurisdiction of the national State. The regulation to be issued by the executive branch of the Nation must recognize the percentage that, on gross entries, corresponds to each municipality. ARTICLE 6° O The executive branch of the Nation shall, in due course, agree with the municipalities concerned with the amounts corresponding to them for the application of the reversal clauses of the respective concessions. ARTICLE 7 s Grant the new society the right to free use on the grounds set out in Law 11.392. ARTICLE 8 . The acts aimed at the implementation and implementation of the agreement adopted as the constitution of the new society, the establishment of social capital, the rescue of private obligations and actions and the sale and transfer of goods to the national State are exempt from taxes. Without prejudice to this, the activities of the new society, as a borrower, of the public service, shall be in conformity with the tax provisions in force or that are dictated in the future. ARTICLE 9 todas Defrost all provisions that are contrary to those contained in this Law. ARTICLE 10 . Contact the executive branch.Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the seventeenth day of the month of October of the year, a thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.
Luis A. Viscay | Eduardo T. Oliver |