PUBLIC WORKS LEY No. 14.578 Trust the special fund of Public Works and Services. Sanctioned: September 30, 1958
Promulgated: October 24, 1958
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc., sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 - Consider the Special Fund for Public Works and Services, which shall be formed by the provisions of article 4 and which shall affect the erogations arising from the laws expressly provided for, and shall operate as a special account B of the National General Budget Resource Plan.
ARTICLE 2 The works carried out with the resources of these funds shall be carried out by the agencies of the Nation which in each case corresponds or by those expressly determined by the respective law.
ARTICLE 3o - The laws affecting this fund may have the same by determining a lump sum or a preventive budget. In the latter case, the executive branch is authorized to update, at the same time, the final budget that allows the completion of the sanctioned work.
ARTICLE 4o - (Article repealed by Article 4 of the Act No. 17.794 B.O. 05/07/1968) ARTICLE 5o - The Executive Branch shall have the division of this special account by districts, in relation to the extent to which they are involved in the formation of the fund. In the event of the absence of laws that order jobs in any of them to the appropriate credit shall be made available to the respective provincial government for the execution of the works they propose and especially for the continuation of public works with the principle of execution.
ARTICLE 6 The National Benefit Lottery and Casinos will deposit monthly the amount of what this tax collected in the Banco de la Nación Argentina, in the special account "Special Funds of Works and Public Services".
ARTICLE 7o - Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, Buenos Aires, 30 September 1958.
Noé Jitrik Eduardo T. Oliver
-Registered under No. 14.578-