Key Benefits:
DECRETO LEY 7.609/1957
BUENOS AIRES, July 5, 1957
The Interim President of the Argentine Nation,
Legislative Power, Decreta with Law Force:
ARTICLE 1. - Ratify the Cultural Convention between the Argentine Republic and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay signed in the city of Montevideo on the twenty-seventh of April, nine hundred and fifty-seven.
ARTICLE 2. - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship will propose the appointment of representatives of the Argentine Government in the commissions provided for in the convention.
ARTICLE 3. The State Department itself shall take the necessary measures to impose on the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay the provisions of the present decree and to agree on the exchange of instruments of ratification in accordance with article 20 of the Convention.
ARTICLE 4. - The present decree shall be endorsed by the Interim Vice-President of the Nation and the Ministers Secretary of State in the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Education and Justice, Aeronautics, War and Marina.
ARTICLE 5. - Please inform the Honorable Congress of the Nation in a timely manner, report, report to the General Directorate of the Official Gazette and archvese.
ARAMBURU-Rojas-Laferrére-Salas-Mc Loughlin-Majo-Hartung