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International Treaties Extranjeros-Migrations - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: TRATADOS INTERNACIONALES EXTRANJEROS-MIGRACIONES - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 21.588


BUENOS AIRES, November 29, 1956

ARTICLE 1. - Ratify the Inter-American Convention on the Status of Foreigners, signed on February 20, 1928, at the Sixth American International Conference in Havana.

ARTICLE 2. - Deposite the corresponding instrument of ratification in the Pan American Union.

ARTICLE 3. - This decree-law shall be endorsed by the provisional Vice-President of the Nation and by the Ministers Secretary of State in the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Interior, Education and Justice, Army, Navy and Aeronautics.

ARTICLE 4. - Contact us, etc.

ARAMBURU - Rojas - Podesta Costa - Landaburu - Adrogué - Ossorio Arana - Hartung - Krause-

Annex A-Inter-American Convention on the Status of Foreigners Subscribed on February 20, 1928 at the Sixth American International Conference Meeting in Havana City

ARTICLE 1. States have the right to establish by law the conditions of entry and residence of aliens in their territories.

ARTICLE 2. Aliens are subject, both as nationals, to local jurisdiction and laws, noting the limitations provided for in the conventions and treaties.

ARTICLE 3. - Aliens may not be forced into military service: but domiciled persons, unless they prefer to leave the country, may be compensated, under the same conditions as nationals, to the police, fire or militia service for the protection of the locality of their homes against natural disasters or dangers that do not come from war.

ARTICLE 4. Aliens are obliged to ordinary or extraordinary contributions, as well as to forced loans, provided such measures reach the generality of the population.

ARTICLE 5. States must recognize domestic or transient aliens in their territory all the individual guarantees that they recognize in favour of their own nationals and the enjoyment of essential civil rights, without prejudice, as far as foreigners are concerned, of the legal requirements concerning the extension and modalities of the exercise of such rights and guarantees.

ARTICLE 6. - States may, on the basis of order or public security, expel the domiciled foreigner, resident or simply passing through their territory. States are obliged to receive nationals who, expelled from abroad, go to their territory.

ARTICLE 7. - Foreign nationals should not be involved in the political activities of the citizens of the country in which they are found if they do so, they shall be subject to the penalties provided for in local legislation.

ARTICLE 8. This Convention does not affect the commitments previously made by Contracting Parties under international agreements.

ARTICLE 9. - This Convention shall, after signature, be subject to ratifications by signatory States. The Government of Cuba is responsible for sending authentic certified copies to Governments for the purpose of ratification.

The instrument of ratification will be deposited in the archives of the Pan American Union in Washington, who will notify the signatory governments such ratification will be used as a redemption of ratifications. This Convention shall be open to accession by non-signatory States. In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries expressed sign the present Convention in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese, in the city of Havana, on February 20, 1928. United States Delegation Reserve. This Convention is signed by the delegation of the United States of America, making reference to article 3 of the Convention, which refers to the military service of aliens in the event of war.