Key Benefits:
LEY 14.395
Sanctioned: December 15, 1954
Promulgated: December 28, 1954
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with forceLEY:
ARTICLE 1 ▸ Note in the amounts indicated below, in accordance with the details contained in annexed tables, the General Budget for the Nation Central Administration and Decentralized Agencies shall govern for the years 1955 and 1956:
(a) Expenditure for general income resources
1. With the production of title negotiation
2. With special accounts resources
The Executive Power will introduce into the budgets set above for special account services, when the nature of the accounts admits it, an economy equal to fifteen percent (15%) on the total authorizations.
II. General services. (To finance with own resources; chapter I contributions - central administration and other income)ARTICLE 2 ∙ Delete in the amounts indicated below, in accordance with the details contained in annexed tables, the resources of the central administration and decentralized agencies for the financing of the budget to govern for the periods of 1955 and 1956 authorizing article 1 of this Act.
I. - CENTRAL A ADMINISTRATION) General income resources1. - Credit resources: produced from the negotiation of public debt securities
The resources of the auxiliary services of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation for the financing of the expenses of such services authorized by art. 1 (Chapter II-B) of this Law are integrated with the amounts transferred to it by the aforementioned agency, from its budgetary authorizations and plans of works, for the services provided to it.
ARTICLE 3 ∙ The resources provided for in article 2nd chap. II-A) of the present law, affected by the financing of the budgets for the National Institute of Social Security -secretariat and common services-, Social Medicine and Regional Delegations, and General Directorate of Personal Loans and with security right to govern during the periods of 1955 and 1956, shall be composed of the amounts that, from their own funds, must be carried out in each of these exercises by the agencies dependent on the aforementioned Institute:
_ARTICLE 4 ! Please refer to the Executive Power to issue titles of the public debt in the sufficient amount to meet in the periods of 1955 and 1956 the requirements set out in annex 18 . State Contributions and contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ARTICLE 5° Authorize the Executive Branch to issue public debt securities in the sufficient amount to meet the annual cost of the restoration and maintenance of tax buildings.
Exempt such authorization for identical work to be carried out in property of the leased State or to lease, for schools, after agreement with their respective owners, to approve in each case by the executive branch.
Note in the sum of thirty million pesos national currency ($ 30,000.000) for each of the years 1955 and 1956, the investment to be made by the concepts referred to in this article, of which twenty million pesos national currency ($ 20,000.000) should at least be allocated for school buildings.
ARTICLE 6 Note in the sum of a billion pesos national currency (weights 1,000,000.000) per year, the maximum limit referred to in art. 25 Accounting Act 12.961.
ARTICLE 7 The Executive Power is authorized to enter into general incomes up to the sum of two hundred million pesos national currency ($ 200,000.000) of the produced margin of exchange in each of the periods of 1955 and 1956 as well as to affect from that produced the resources that require the attention of the budgetary requirements of the special account "Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - Fight against the pests", according to the financial forecast contained in the calculation of the calculation.
The above-authorized impact may be adjusted in accordance with the potential of the fund, and the Executive Power is also empowered to effect the above-mentioned special account, advances in treasury with the appropriate refund with the exchange margin produced.
ARTICLE 8 ∙ From the tax produced under Act No. 12.143 (guided text 1952), after deduction of the corresponding participation in the provinces and municipalities of the City of Buenos Aires, please note the following amounts for the attention of the needs of the following services:
(a) National Universities: To finance their budgets in accordance with the forecast contained in the respective resource calculations of such agencies that includes the present law . $ 450,000.000
(b) Special Account "Ministerio de Hacienda - Pasividades": To finance the budget of this account, in accordance with the forecast contained in the respective calculation of resources that includes the present law ₡... $ 585,000.000.
Authorize the Executive Branch to apply this financial regime from 1954 and to readjust the amount of such deductions if the financial requirements of the respective services so require it, as well as to anticipate them with the resources of the General Treasury of the Nation, the amounts necessary for their normal disenfranchisement with the result of the impact of resources provided for in this article.
ARTICLE 9 ∙ Provide the Executive Branch with a view to making changes in the distribution of the amount of the savings provided for in this Act, as well as its release in accordance with financial possibilities, when reasons related to the standard of development of the services are required.
The executive branch is also authorized to carry out, within the totals provided for in this Act, the necessary restructures of credits when strictly unenforceable demands of the services are required. The Presidents of both Houses of the National Congress shall have the same authority with respect to the budgetary credits of their respective jurisdictions, and must notify the Executive Branch of any modifications available.
The Executive Power may also introduce into the special accounts budgets, by means of adjustment or restructuring of credits, the modifications, extensions and reductions that, in accordance with the needs of the services and within the financial possibilities thereof, are necessary for their normal development.
ARTICLE 10. ∙ Special account resources shall be entered into the General Treasury of the Nation. The Executive Power may, however, authorize the responsible agencies to administer such resources directly, provided that the nature of the respective service warrants the decentralization of funds from the General Treasury. In all such cases, a state will be forwarded monthly to the General Account of the Nation by indicating the income and income recorded.
The unencumbered special accounts resources at the end of the year shall be transferred to general income, except those that expressly determine their destination for other purposes under existing special provisions. The Executive Power may agree on the partial or total availability of such resources when the nature of the service warrants the reservation.
Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the resource tables and erogations corresponding to the cap. I - Central Administration, A) Expenditure to finance with general income resources of this Law, resources and erogations of special account services to the extent that the factors that have determined their financial and budgetary individuality are not present at the time.
ARTICLE 11. Authorize the Executive Branch to register, by opening the necessary special accounts that will incorporate into the budget approved by this law, the following erogations:
(a) Commissions to State agencies, to compensate for collection costs;
(b) Printing tax and postal values;
(c) Overtasy of air service and per cent to liquidate for the transport of entrustments to aircraft companies and foreign administrations.
For the purposes set forth above, the collection agencies shall deduct from the respective incomes, the amounts to be borne by the concepts authorized by this article, and their budgetary recording shall be made through the accounts available for opening.
The Executive Power shall set the supplementary rules that refer to the appropriate attention to the costs referred to in this Article, with the authority to extend the budgetary regime provided for in this Article to other similar erogations.
ARTICLE 12. ∙ Provide the Executive Branch with the resources accumulated in the special account "Ministry of Communications - Fund of Scale" to the extent permitted by the said fund, after the impact required by the application of the current Scale Scheme, in order to increase the budget of the General Directorate of Posts and Telecommunications. The funds used for this concept will be transferred to general income.
ARTICLE 13. The Executive Power shall set annually the proportion that of the resources corresponding to the "Learning Fund" created by Article 41 of Decree 14.538/44, Law 12.921, shall apply annually to the attention of the needs provided for in Article 25 and to the constitution of the reserve fund referred to in Article 42, both of which of this Decree. Any provision opposing the present is repealed.
ARTICLE 14. Extensive to the expenses of the 1953 and 1954 periods, the provisions of Law 13.654.
ARTICLE 15. ∙ Decentralized agencies and special accounts services in whose budgets include subsidy, grants, scholarships, accessions and the like may not be used without the prior authorization of the Executive Branch, agreed by decree issued with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance. The overall forecasts that exist for these purposes in the budgets of the aforementioned services can only be applied after distribution by decree of the Executive Branch, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance.
The Executive Power in duly justified special situations may authorize exceptions to the regime provided for in this article.
ARTICLE 16. The Ministry of Education may, after the authorization of the Executive Power given with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance, affect the teaching staff of the schools under the General Directorate of Primary Education, the number of positions strictly indispensable to the teachers who, while retaining their moral and intellectual abilities and having a minimum of 10 years of service, are declared auxiliary teachers according to the provisions in force, for being temporarily or definitively in a state of physical incapacity.
ARTICLE 17. Authorize the Executive Branch to incorporate into the budget for the periods of 1955 and 1956 that approves the present law, the credits necessary to continue or initiate in such exercises the fulfillment of special laws sanctioned during the years 1954 and 1955, except those that review the character of "for a single time", whose purpose has been satisfied, as well as those that are required to meet greater needs from promotions and increase vegetative regimes of primary education
The Executive Power is also empowered to introduce to annex 19 - Public Debt Service, changes and extensions that require the normal attention of interest services, amortizations and other expenditures relating to public debt during the period 1956 and, to the relevant annexes, the extensions that are necessary to meet the operating costs of the enabled services or which are enabled pursuant to Act No. 14.184.
The provisions of this article shall apply only in cases where the solution of the needs referred to therein cannot be addressed under the regime provided for in article 9 of this Act.
ARTICLE 18. Authorize the executive branch to continue the exchange operations carried out by the national Government in accordance with decrees 6375/45 (ratified by Law 13.030) and 14,066/46 and under the conditions established therein. The exchange will be held with titles of the Interno 3% Argentine Credit, at the same time, for which purpose the Executive Power is authorized to issue this kind of values in the amount necessary.
ARTICLE 19. (c) Article 19 of Law 14.158:
"c) In order to cancel the contributions of the National Provident Fund for Ferroviary Personnel, as at 31 December 1949, that the agencies of the National Transport Company (E. N.T.) had not entered the date of this Act. The resulting sums shall be returned to the National Treasury under the conditions set out in subparagraph (a) of this article."
The executive branch shall approve the ordering and adequacy of article 19, which is incorporated into Act No. 11.672, a permanent supplementary budget.
ARTICLE 20. In order to comply with article 15 of Act No. 13.229, the Executive Power is authorized to issue public debt securities in the amount equivalent to the investment provided for by that provision.
ARTICLE 21. The Executive Power is authorized to debit into account enterprises and decentralized entities since 1954, the amount that they have not entered in the exercise of the respective financial services set out in the annex to the public debt of the general budget of the Nation, corresponding to the amounts to be refunded to the National Treasury for advances made to finance their plans of works or acquisitions.
ARTICLE 22. As of 1 January 1955, all the resources of the comprehensive account Plan Quinquenal 1953/1957 (laws 14.184, objectives XXX E. 7; 14.280, art. 1; and 14,376), art. 3rd), included in the A-1, A-2 and B accounts, shall be entered by the total of their produced directly by the collecting agencies to the General Treasury of the Nation, and credited to the accounts. Please refer to the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Finance, to establish cases in which stockpiles not affected by immediate commitments should be transferred to the National Treasury as at 31 December 1954.
Where such resources constitute the normal and regular source of funding for the administrative or operating budget of the respective agencies, the percentage of the resource affected by the budget shall be excluded from the entry to the National Treasury, as determined by the Executive Branch, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance.
The provision of resources entered into the National Treasury shall be made in accordance with Act No. 12.961, by issuing orders for the delivery of funds or payment, special or integral, as appropriate, in response to the administrative decentralization of the implementing agency and the destinations to be given to them in accordance with the annual investment plans.
Please inform the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Finance, to establish the exceptions corresponding to this regime, taking into account the nature and destination of resources.
Maintain in force the organizational rules governing the decentralized administration of reference resources, in all that is not contrary to the provisions of this article. The executive branch through the Ministry of Finance shall issue the relevant regulations.
ARTICLE 23. The executive branch shall review the legal and administrative provisions in force, as soon as they authorize the ministries and other agencies of the State to carry out designations, promotions and remotions of staff by their sole authority, and shall set within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the promulgation of this law the regime to which such ministries and agencies shall conform in this respect, from that term any provision in force that is omitted.
ARTICLE 24. Authorize the Executive Branch to set a new scale of salaries and denomination of the jobs of public administration staff, in substitution of the one in force by art. 24 of Law 13.558.
ARTICLE 25. Sections 24 of Act No. 13,047 and 9 of Act No. 13,343 and authorise the Executive Branch to regulate the granting and perception of the State contribution to which these laws are concerned, and must meet the expenditure that originates with the provision provided for in annex 5, Ministry of Education, which is approved by this Act.
ARTICLE 26. ∙ Incorporate into Act No. 11.672, supplementary budget, articles 14, 15 and 22 of Act No. 14.158 and 10, 15, 16 and 21 of this Act.
ARTICLE 27. Authorize the Executive Branch to grant professional workers ' associations, with a trade union person, to acquire or promote the acquisition of State-owned enterprises subject to the Government of the administering Commission property 14.122, special loans for the financing of the respective purchasing operations, in accordance with the particular conditions that will be set, provided that such entities, by their structure and guidance, are in compliance with the aims of the Noes. 14.122 and 14.353.
The Executive Power shall carry out such credit operations as may be necessary to finance the loans set out in this Article.
ARTICLE 28. . Facultase the executive branch to increase up to six and a half percent (6.5%) of the product of the sale of sport tickets, the commission that is discounted at the Palermo Hippodrome to cover its expenses. The net remnant of the current discount of 23 per cent, after the commission in question has been deducted, will be distributed among the institutions participating in the production of the existing taxes on the bets in that racetrack, directly proportional to the percentages established by the respective laws.
ARTICLE 29. Commune to the executive branch.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress in Buenos Aires, 15 December 1954.
A. A. J. BENITEZAlberto H. Reales Eduardo T. Oliver
! Registered under No. 14.395 .