Key Benefits:
Sanctioned: August 25-1954
Promulgated: Sept. 24-1954
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, are strongly sanctioned by LEY:
ARTICLE 1 ∙ Amend the amendment to the Constitution of the International Labour Organization referred to in the instrument adopted on 25 July 1953 at the thirty-sixth meeting of the General Conference in Geneva. ARTICLE 2 Commune to the ExecutiveGiven in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the twenty-five days of the month of August of the year, a thousand nine hundred and fifty-four.
Alberto H. Reales | Eduardo T. Oliver |
Buenos Aires, September 24, 1954
Please fill in, report, post and give to the National Registry.
- Alexander B. Giavarini. - Jerome Rearing Decreasing No. 16.185