LEY 14.027 Promulgase the law that establishes obligations to owners or occupants of property bordering the borders. Sanctioned: 13/6/51
Promulgated: 4/7/51
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force
ARTICLE 1 — Owners or occupants of property bordering on the borders of the Nation shall permit the Federal Police, National Gendarmerie, Maritime Sub-prefecture, or the authorities determined by the National Security Zone Commission, the frank access to the international communication points existing in their respective properties, as well as the free movement of those along the border.
ARTICLE 2° — Owners or occupants of immovable property bordering the borders of the Nation shall consent to the installation in their immens of the detachments that the authorities mentioned in the previous article consider indispensable for the monitoring of the steps not authorized to international transit existing therein. The provisions of this article shall be understood without prejudice to any civil indemnities that may be in favour of individuals for damages.
ARTICLE 3°— Owners or occupants of the adjacent properties shall denounce to the nearest of the authorities mentioned in article 1 the non-enabled steps to international transit existing within or at the limit of their properties. The complaint shall be made within thirty days of the date of the promulgation of this law or, where appropriate, since the existence of the steps not authorized to international transit is known.
ARTICLE 4° — The persons referred to in the above articles shall also immediately report to the nearest national authority, any movement of persons, livestock, goods, etc., that is carried out towards or by border crossings not authorized within their respective properties. The failure to comply with the obligations set out in articles 3 and 4 of this law shall make a penalty of arrest for up to 30 days or a fine of one hundred to ten thousand pesos national currency, which shall be applied by the authorities which the National Security Areas Commission designates, in accordance with the procedure provided for in book IV, section 1, second title of the Code of Procedures in the Criminal and Correctional Court, with the appeal of the National Court.
ARTICLE 5° — Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, Buenos Aires, 13 June 1951.
Alberto H. Reales Rafael V. González
- Registered under number 14.027 -