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Protection Of Disability Non-Videntes And Ambliopees - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: PROTECCION DE LA DISCAPACIDAD PERSONAS NO VIDENTES Y AMBLIOPES - Texto completo de la norma

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The State Takes Measures in Benefit of Non-Vident and Ambliope Persons

Act No. 13.926

Promulgated: September 5, 1950

Sanctioned: August 30, 1950

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, sanction with force


ARTICLE 1 - The establishments and units of the State where there are tasks that may be performed by the blind, shall admit personnel under these conditions in the proportion of one per hundred occupied persons. The degree of capacity or incapacity for certain work shall be established in each case, for the purposes of employment, by the Ministry of Labour and Security.

ARTICLE 2 - The national state and the municipality of the City of Buenos Aires will give preference to the blind and ambliopes for the granting of kiosks or sales posts of newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, treats, etc., within their respective jurisdictions.

ARTICLE 3 - Official banking institutions shall regulate the granting of credits for the installation or expansion of small shops referred to in the previous article, as well as small individual or collective workshops for specialty manufactures in which blind or ambliope were awarded.

ARTICLE 4° - The Executive Power, by regulating this law, will determine the extension of the legal working day of the blind or amblypse workers. It will also specify which industrial activities, due to their danger or inconvenience, are closed to these social recoveries.

The Executive Power is empowered to periodically introduce any necessary changes in the limitations to the work contained in this Article.

ARTICLE 5° - The executive branch shall manage the incorporation of the principles and norms of this law into local legislation by the provincial governments, in order to establish a uniform regime on the subject, throughout the territory of the Nation.

ARTICLE 6 This law is of public order and all legal and regulatory provisions that are contrary to its compliance are repealed.

ARTICLE 7° - Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the thirty days of the month of August of the Year of the Liberator General San Martín, a thousand nine hundred and fifty.


Alberto H. Reales L. Zaballa Carbó

- Registered under number 13.926 -

Year of the Liberator General San Martín