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International Treaties Italia-Comercio - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: TRATADOS INTERNACIONALES ITALIA-COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 13.960


BUENOS AIRES, September 18, 1950

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.

Article 1.-Please approve the Protocol signed in Buenos Aires on 8 October 1949, additional to the Argentine Commercial and Financial Convention of 13 October 1947.

Art. 2.- Contact the Executive.

QUIJANO - Reales - CAMPORA - Zavalla Carbó.

Annex A: Protocol signed in Buenos Aires on October 8, 1949 additional to the Italian Commercial and Financial Convention of October 13, 1947.-

Art. 1. The High Contracting Parties, interpreting the spirit of cooperation that encourages their Governments, declare the purpose of narrowing by all means the economic links that bind their respective countries and foster the exchange of their products at the highest possible level, ensuring them permanent markets within their respective national needs.

I.-Replace arts. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 (excluding last paragraph), 14 (excluding last paragraph), 15, 16, and 18 to 30 inclusive, of the Commercial and Financial Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic signed on 13 October 1947, by the following clauses:

Art. 2.- The Argentine Government agrees to facilitate, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this field, the export to the Italian Republic of the Argentine goods detailed in Planilla A, and, for its part, the Government of the Italian Republic agrees to grant all the necessary facilities for the importation in the Italian Republic of such goods.

Art. 3.- The Italian Republic shall purchase and the Argentine Republic shall sell in accordance with the conditions and prices, which are jointly established, in addition to the amount already acquired and, in accordance with Plant A for the year 1949, the minimum annual amount of 500,000 tons of wheat during the successive years of this Convention, provided that in each of those years the exportable balance is not substantially reduced.

Art. 4.- The Government of the Italian Republic agrees to facilitate, within the limits of the powers normally exercised in this field, the exports to the Argentine Republic of the Italian goods detailed in Planilla B, and, for its part, the Argentine Government agrees to grant all the necessary facilities for the importation in the Argentine Republic of those goods.

Art. 5.- The Italian Government ensures that all Argentine products that are exported to Italy by application of this Convention will be destined to satisfy the domestic consumption of that country and the Argentine Government, for its part, ensures that all Italian products that are exported to Argentina by application of this Convention will be destined to satisfy their domestic consumption.

Art. 6.- In order to expand the commercial exchange of the products provided for in Tables A and B between the two countries, and to incorporate others into such trade, the High Contracting Parties shall consider with the greatest spirit of cooperation the possibility of granting export and import permits outside the provisions of the aforementioned tables.

Art. 7.- The forecasts set out in Schedules A and B annexed to this Convention shall enter into force within fifteen immediate days after signature and shall comprise a period of twelve months. With three months in advance of the expiration of each annual period of validity of the mentioned tables, the High Contracting Parties shall jointly determine the Argentine and Italian products that shall be the subject of special exchange between the two countries during the subsequent period of twelve months, until the conclusion of the Convention. If one month prior to the expiration of each annual period there is no agreement between the Parties, the Parties shall agree whether the timetables for the current period are extended.

Art. 8.- The contracting Governments shall be based in Buenos Aires on a Joint Advisory Committee, which shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the provisions contained in the Convention in order to ensure that the purposes provided for therein are met regularly by the Commission. It will be able to propose to both Governments the measures that tend to enhance the exchange between the two countries.

Art. 9.- The two Governments shall designate a Joint Commission to study the forms of direct and indirect action with which the Italian Government, in addition to an immigrant contribution, will participate technically and financially in the implementation of the colonization plan to be prepared and implemented by the Argentine Government, in relation to the commitments that the latter assumes for the location of the Italian settlers, on the basis of a programme of mutual cooperation.

Chapter on payment regime and financial provisions.

Art. 10.- All payments of any kind pertaining to direct operations between the Italian Republic and the Argentine Republic shall be made in United States dollars under the conditions provided for in this Convention and in accordance with the rules of change governing both countries.

Art. 11.- All payments referred to in art. 10 will be made by credit or debit, as appropriate from a US dollar account entitled "General Account CAI Dollars (Argentine Italian Convention)" that the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi, acting on behalf of the Italian Government, will open on behalf of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, which will act on behalf of the Argentine Government. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Argentina ' s payments in favour of Italy may also be made through banks or institutions authorized to operate in changes established in both countries. To this end the Italian Banks will open on behalf of their correspondents in Argentina "Special Accounts CAI dollars", which will be considered as sub-accounts of the "General Account CAI Dollars (Argentine Italian Convention)" referred to in the previous paragraph The payments of family aid remittances will continue to be made as until now, i.e. through the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi directly.

Art. 12.- The open account under the first paragraph of article. 11 may indistinctly yield credit or debtor up to the limit of 80 million dollars.

Art. 13.- The total balance that the "General Account CAI Dollars" referred to in Art. 11 will earn or pay interest at the rate of 2 1/2% per year for the amount exceeding 10 (ten) million dollars, which will be settled and accounted for in the precited account at the end of each calendar semester.

Art. 14.- At the expiration of this Convention, payments resulting in the liquidation of the obligations incurred prior to their expiry shall be made through the accounts referred to in article. 11 and in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, which shall remain in force for this purpose for a period of six months after the termination of the Convention. The Italian Ufficio dei Cambi and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic shall jointly agree on the procedure to be followed for the settlement of obligations arising from operations under this Convention which had not been liquidated within six months thereafter and whose expiry subsequently occurred within that period. The total balance at the end of the six-month period lays down the accounts referred to in art. 11 will be paid in goods which both Governments agree or, in common, in United States dollars, in currency or in any other way.

Art. 15.- The Italian Ufficio dei Cambi will telegraph to the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic the balance of the "General Account CAI dollars". For its part, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will notify the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi on a daily basis of the total amount of payment orders in CAI dollars issued by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, as well as the total amount of payment orders received from the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi and similar information will provide the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi to the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.

Art. 16.- For the purposes of the clauses set forth in this Convention, to convert the amounts into CAI dollars that are recorded to the debit or credit of the accounts referred to in Article. 11, the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic will apply the rules and exchange rates in their respective countries for the conversion of US dollars to Italian liras, Argentine pesos or other currencies or vice versa.

Art. 17.- The High Contracting Parties agree on: (a) To ensure that transfers of funds between Italy and Argentina and vice versa made pursuant to this Convention relate exclusively to direct transactions between the two Territories (b) to authorize current payments between Italy and Argentina in accordance with the provisions in force in each country in respect of changes at the time of the respective transfers (c) to be consulted in order to control the transfer of capital in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Art. 18. Payments under subparagraph (b) of the preceding article include: (a) Commercial payments, including payments for accessory expenses (race, river, land and air charges, insurance and others, brokerages, fees, port fees, miscellaneous fees, fees and similar expenses) (b) official payments, including consular charges (c) payments or reimbursements for maritime tickets and travel expenses of Italian or Argentine citizens on direct travel between Argentina and Italy

Art. 19.- The Italian Ufficio dei Cambi and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic shall establish the necessary technical modalities for the implementation of the provisions contained in this Convention.

Art. 20.- Goods originating from third countries, which have not been submitted to the processing process in one of the two countries and which one of the High Contracting Parties acquires in the other, may not be paid through the General Account or the Special Accounts created by this Convention, unless agreed in each case by the competent authorities of both countries.

Art. 21.- The High Contracting Parties shall revisit the provisions of this Convention, to make amendments to the case, if necessary, as a result of their accession to international monetary conventions.

Art. 22.- In order to facilitate the financing of imports in the Argentine Republic of Italian products, the Italian Ufficio dei Cambi may empower the Italian Banks to open documentary credits and, reciprocally, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic may allow the Argentine authorized institutions to open documentary credits to finance Argentine exports to Italy. These operations shall be carried out in accordance with banking practices and their reimbursement shall be made through the accounts referred to in the Article. 11.

II.- Expand art. 44 of the Convention of 13 October 1947, with the following clause: After 31 December 1951, the Convention shall be extended annually by tacit reconduction, provided that one of the High Contracting Parties does not report it three months in advance of the expiry of any year of its validity.

III.- The present Protocol shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedure of each High Contracting Party and the redemption of its ratifications shall be made in Rome as soon as possible. Without prejudice to its timely ratification and the provisions of article 7, this Protocol shall begin to govern provisionally the next day of its signature and shall rule until 31 December 1951, except as provided for in paragraph II. In faith of which two copies are signed in the Spanish and Italian languages, equally valid, in Buenos Aires, on the eight days of the month of October, a thousand nine hundred forty-nine.

By the Argentine Government: Hipólito J. Paz, Ramón A. Cereijo, Roberto A. Ares, Alfredo Gómez Morales and José Constantino Barro.

By the Italian government: Giustino Arpesani and Vittorio Ronchi.


(in thousands of dollars). I mean, I'm not... You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know... you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, like, like, you know, like, you know, you know, like, like, like, like, like, like, you know, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Fresh fruit..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


(in thousands of dollars). Electric... .....290 Automatic copper oils or greaseers.....5 Iron oils or greaseers (excluding Stauffer type, visible drops and vertical manuals........290 Leather straps (cardas) for the manufacture of fabrics and garrisons for cardas...................................................... Metal fabrics of industrial use...................................................... Special semi-finished steels.........................230 Nickel wire or alloy.......................................60 Iron in profiles for prefabricated houses.........................115 Semi-finished of duraluminium (sheets, strips, wires, etc...................................................................................................................... Wing of iron or steel without galvanizing up to the Nro 14.145 Wing of iron or galvanized steel up to the Nro 14....440.

Iron wire or steel with hoists............................175 Steel cylinder chains and silent..................585 pipes, elbows, junctions, etcetera, fresh iron or smoothing, including those of maleable iron......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mercury salts................................................20 Seeds for orchard and garden and corn fruits and flowers of herbalist................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Copper wire with aluminum or steel soul.........730 Iron wires, wires or wires, undergrounds, with inner lining of lead, iron armor or copper wire enamelled of less than 0.15 mm of diameter nicron or nicheline steel wire and extraflexible cables of copper, nude, of any thickness.................................................. Photo and cinematographs (excluding the 6 x 9 drawers)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Neutral tubes and glass articles for laboratories...230 Contadores o medidores de luz para current alternada...875 Watches for control of serenes, workers and employees....100 Glass for watches................................................................................................................

Film film printed............. .........350 Panchromatic Dry Plates............................................................150 Photographic Films in Rolls..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Comez stone.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cemento portland.................................................290 Stones of oil to sharpen.................................. I'm not... I'm not... ...................................................350 chestnut and oak shells, armed or unarmed.............525 Cork in bark or iron....................................350 Faesite (hards insulation for construction) 175 Cork discs for special covers and tapes for cider and champagne.................................... Rubber in probes, cannons, drainage tubes and Explorers, with or without insertion of fabric, of medicinal application. Means of medicinal application. Wears of rubber woven with nylon and silk of medicinal application and elastic stocks........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2915 Yarns of natural silk...............................875 yarns of dyed haired wool, of title superior to 54........

................................................585 Chopped Rayon yarn.................................350 Gyroon yarn......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Patent heel....................................350 hemp caps without renting...................................................... Elastic bandages of cotton and absorbable gauze..........440 Fabrics of natural silk..................................875 Fabrics of raw silk to industrialize.........................875 Fabrics of wool and mixture.................................585 Fabrics for cheese......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fabrics of linen................................................30 Fabrics of cotton....................................4370 Cotton and Mix....................................................................................................... 730 Automotives (80%) and spare parts for the same (20%)....4370 Diesel Trucks and trailers, common and for special uses....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Spare parts for chassis (except radiator caps and nafta tanks, flat elastics, wheel cups). Spare for on. Spare parts for motor (excluding twin and bench bearings, flexible conductors for naffta and oil, piston rings, fan belts). Spare parts for transmission (except brake belts, clutch discs). Motorcycles (80%) and spare parts for the same (20%)....1165 Bicycles (80%) and spare parts for the same (20%)....2330 Spare parts and accessories for bicycles and motorcycles.....350 Spare parts for motorcycles except covers and cameras of the following measures: 500x16 275x19 300x19 325x19 350x19 400x19 300x20. Spare parts for bicycles, except for decks and cameras, seat tubes, inflators and their connections, portainers, pedals, trouser clamps, bells, niples, levers and dishes. Cognac, in helmet and drums, of more than 50 centesimales..35 Fine wines........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Olive oil..........................................260 limons and oranges........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Nueces without peel........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tobacco or depalillado types: Virginia and Oriental.585 Artificial teeth..................................................................... Rabbit hair...........................................15... Bees queen......................................................20 Discos para fonograph..............................................................................350 Needles to sew headlights, bags, candles or mattresses......10 Needles for the loom (Languete only..........85... .....................................................................................................................145............................................................................................................................................................................................. Books magazines and teaching materials........................585 Articles of glass and glass..............................145 Loza for domestic use..........................................585 Mechanical toys......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Guns for hunting and sport. Silver, mother-of-pearl and coral worked in art objects, ornaments and alhajas. Office corners (such as abrushers, clutters, and perforators). Hand machines for chopping beef Metallic goods (broches, buckles, sheep, grills). Total...........................................134.840...