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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
COMPETENCE OF MINISTERIA LEY No. 13.529 Please note for each State Secretariat that divides the Office of Business of the Nation.

Sanctioned: July 7-1949.

Promulgated: July 8-1949.


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Nation assembled in Congress, strongly sanction LEY: ARTICLE 1 O The ministries of State secretariats in which the Office of the National Business is divided shall be the following: Foreign Affairs and Worship, the Interior, Justice, Education, Public Health, Communications, Political Affairs, Finance, Finance, Industry and Trade, Public Works, Agriculture and Livestock, Labour and Provision, Transport, National Defence, Army, Marina, Aeronautics and Technical Affairs.



ARTICLE 2 O It is within the competence of each Minister Secretary of State:

1o To represent politically, administratively and before Congress their respective department, or those which are jointly or separately entrusted by the Executive Branch for the purposes of the provisions of article 64, paragraph 2, of the National Constitution;

2o Refrender and legalize with his signature the acts of the president of the Nation, in the branch of his respective department;

3o ; Projecting and subscribing the messages and bills that the Executive Branch presents to Congress;

4o Prepare your department’s budget proposals;

5o Submit the investment account under the accounting law;

6th Drafting the annual memory that should elevate to the executive branch,

7th Intervene in the enactment, publication and enforcement of the laws, as well as to ensure compliance with the decrees and judgements relating to their office;

8th Solve for itself every administrative matter of your department, which does not require to be financed by the executive branch;

9th Direct, monitor and exercise superintendence of all activities, personnel and units of the department;

10. Intervene in the conduct of contracts on behalf of the State and the defence of the rights of the State, in accordance with the laws;

11. To study, promote and protect the interests and progress of the nation in the area concerned with it;

12. Receive, process and resolve, or bring to the resolution of the President of the Nation, as appropriate, any request addressed to him;

13. Assist meetings of the Senate or Chamber of Deputies for the purposes of articles 64 and 88 of the National Constitution;

14. Organize and sustain archives, libraries and collections and prepare the publication and dissemination of reports, books and data from their respective department;

15. To maintain, with the intervention of the Minister Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Worship, relations with similar agencies from foreign countries and international entities linked to the technical aspects of the specialty of each department.

Political leadership in the negotiation of covenants, conventions, protocols, treaties, agreements or any other international instrument is within the competence of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Worship. The other departments shall intervene and participate in the discussion, negotiation, celebration and implementation of the same, in the field of their powers.

ARTICLE 3o O Within the economic and administrative regime of the respective department, each Minister Secretary of State can dictate on its own, in addition to the measures of order, security, discipline or economy that correspond to it, instructions to seek the best enforcement of the laws, decrees or measures of government, which can address and force all its employees, to a particular category of employees or to a single employee, and can also make them reserved when the general good or the nature of the matter requires it. ARTICLE 4o O Ministers Secretary of State shall meet in agreement whenever the President of the Nation requires it, and such agreements shall be terminated on the basis that the same is available. ARTICLE 5o O Agreements to be effective of joint decrees or resolutions of the Ministers Secretaries of State, shall be subscribed first, by the one to whom the matter competes, or by whom it has begun, and immediately by the others in the order of article 1 of this law, and shall be executed by the Minister Secretary of State to whose department it corresponds, or by which it is designated, in the agreement itself. The registration of the agreements and decrees shall be ordered by the executive branch of the Nation. ARTICLE 6o O In cases of doubt about the Ministry of State to which a matter is concerned, the matter shall be dealt with by the Minister appointing the President of the Nation. ARTICLE 7o O The Executive Branch is empowered to coordinate the functions of the various ministries of State secretariats for the purposes of this Law. ARTICLE 8o O Matters originating in the other ministries of State secretariats, but relating to the specific functions assigned by this law to another, are within the competence of the latter. ARTICLE 9o O Matters that by their nature must be attributed and resolved by two or more departments will be upheld and legalized with the signature of all the ministers secretaries of State who intervene. ARTICLE 10 O The relations of the executive branch with the other constitutional powers of the nation shall be dealt with by the department whose competence is due to the relevant matter. ARTICLE 11 O The relations between the different departments of the executive branch and the commissions of the two chambers of the Congress shall be handled, personally and directly, by the ministers secretaries of State and the presidents of them.



ARTICLE 12. For the purposes of article 84 of the National Constitution, and without limiting the subjects of the competence of the respective departments, the general administration shall be dispatched in the form provided for in the following articles: EXTERNAL RELATIONS AND CULTO ARTICLE 13. It is within the competence of the Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship that is inherent in maintaining the relations of the Argentine Republic with foreign States and entities of an international character and in particular:

1 Relations with foreign Governments;

2nd Relations with current entities of an international, continental, regional or special character, and those emerging in the future;

3rd Conferences, Congresses and any meeting of an international, continental, regional or special nature;

4th Designation of the members of the representations for the functions provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3, and of any special mission to be carried out abroad, on the proposal of the department whose competence is the matter;

5th Instructions to which the special representations and missions referred to in paragraph 4 and determination on the completed mission shall be adjusted, subject to consideration of the report which must be submitted, in accordance with one and the other case, to the competent department;

6th Diplomatic and Consular Body, Argentinian and Foreign;

7th Treaties and any international instrument, at all stages of the negotiation to the conclusion, in accordance with article 2 of paragraph 15;

8th Declarations of the State of War or other Declarations authorized by international law;

9th Peace treaties and adjustments;

10. Introduction and transit of foreign forces;

11. International limits;

12. Extradition;

13. Legalization of documents for and outside;

14. Archive for external relations and cult, library, collections, official publication of treaties and geographical maps;

15. Publicity, dissemination of reports, books and data relating to the Nation abroad;

16. Save and apply the great stamp of the Nation in international documents;

17. Relations with the Holy See of Rome;

18. Concordats;

19. Patronate: the creation of archbishops and bishops; the relation to church lobbying; religious orders; seminars;

20. Promotion and support of religious missions among Aboriginals, their protection and conversion to Catholicism and safeguarding of the Catholic, Apostolic tradition; Roman;

21. To advise in all matters relating to subsidies and subsidies for temples, their dependencies, on charitable institutions, hospitals, orphan houses and charitable societies or corporations, provided they are religious and recognized as such within the archdiocese and dioceses. Ecclesiastical credentials;

22. Relations with all non-Catholic religious organizations operating in the country, in order to guarantee the free exercise of the cult, registering them to know their functioning, unifying the presentation of their actions to the public authority and advising, in each case, the units to be resolved.

INTERIOR ARTICLE 14. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of the Interior that is inherent in the internal political government, internal security and public order, and in particular;

1st Government of the capital of the Republic;

2nd Government and promotion of national territories;

3rd Political relations with the governments of the provinces, and especially with the governors as natural agents of the government of the Nation;

4th Execution of electoral laws, registration and personal identification;

Fifth Call and Extension of Sessions of Congress;

6th Intervention in the provinces;

7th Admission of new provinces, meeting or division of existing ones, according to the designation that as a result of article 13 of the National Constitution is issued;

8th Amendment of the Constitution and relations with the conventions that meet;

9th Maintenance of peace and good harmony among the provinces;

10. Amnesty;

11. Limits between provinces and provinces with national territories;

12. Police service and internal security;

13. State of siege or prevention and alarm; and exercise of the respective powers;

14. General acts of a patriotic character; fairs; guarding national emblems and symbols and regulating their use; authorizing the use of foreign emblems and symbols;

15. Emplacement, erection and preservation of monuments determined by law;

16. General system of civil service of the Nation;

17. General population regulations;

18. Assistance to the provinces motivated by extraordinary or unforeseen events;

19. Regime of the waters of the interprovincial rivers and their tributaries and navigation of the internal rivers of the Nation;

20. Press;

21. Regulation of constitutional rights of assembly, petition and association, in accordance with the respective laws;

22. Nationality and aliens;

23. Police and the exercise of the respective powers.

ARTICLE 15 JUSTICE. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Justice that is inherent in the structure, organization and functioning of the judiciary, promotion of the reform and updating of the legislation of the Nation, the functions of a legal nature of the executive branch, and in particular:

1. Organization and regime of the Judiciary of the Nation, in all its jurisdictions and jurisdictions;

2nd Promotion of the reform of the relevant legislation;

3rd Organization, regime and direction of the representation and defence of the State in trial;

4th Organization of the Public Prosecutor ' s Office;

5th Creation and management of national, penal and prevention establishments and their care services. Promotion of reform of the legal regime for the enforcement of criminal sanctions;

6th pardon and commutation of penalties;

7th Concession and withdrawal of legal personality and monitoring of the functioning of persons of ideal existence;

8th Organization and control of the registration of the civil state in the country ' s responsibility;

9th Organization, direction and control of the notarial regime;

10. Official edition of the laws of the Nation; compilation of constitutions, codes and foreign laws, for the purposes of authentication and publication of the Official Gazette and National Registration;

11. Judicial statistics and issuance of judgements;

12. General Archive of the Nation;

13. Coordination, advice and unification of the legal activity of the executive branch;

14. Intervention in the regulation and control of the exercise of professions directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence.

Article 16 It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Education that is inherent in education, instruction, science and culture and in particular;

1st Pre-school, secondary, vocational, handicrafts, training, university and university graduates and education in prison establishments, in accordance with the legislation, as a result of article 37, paragraph IV, of the National Constitution;

2nd Combating illiteracy;

3rd Medical and Assistance Regime of Educators and Educators;

4th Prophylaxis and hygiene of students; school attendance; cultural, moral and physical recreation; school, national and international tourism;

5th Comprehensive Physical Education;

6th Protection and Promotion of Sciences and Fine Arts;

7th Preservation, guidance and dissemination of scientific and artistic culture, through the respective academies, in accordance with the legislation that follows article 37, paragraph IV, of the Constitution;

8th To promote scientific, technical and historical research, in accordance with the legislation that follows article 37, paragraph IV, of the National Constitution;

9th Registration, conservation and defense of wealth and historical and artistic values. Institutes of folkloric and historical character;

10. Study, teaching and dissemination of American cultures and languages;

11. Relations with particular institutes of culture and teaching.

PUBLIC HEALTH ARTICLE 17. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Public Health that is inherent in public health, health, care and social of the Nation, and in particular:

1 Preservation, conservation and restitution of the health of the population;

2nd Prophylaxis and Treatment of Diseases;

3rd Hygiene Problems;

4th Sanitary defence of land, sea, river, lake and air borders and ports and international health cooperation;

5th Preventive Medicines;

6th Health and Brothologic Control of Food;

7th Comprehensive Medical Protection of Mother and Child;

8th Hygiene and Child Medicine;

9th Hygiene and Work Medicine;

10. Medical provision of accident, maternity, sick and old-age insurances that fall within the jurisdiction;

11. Rehabilitation and re-education of sick and invalid;

12. Hygiene of urban and rural housing;

13. Hygiene and medicine in sport;

14. Hygienic aspects of the supply of drinking water and the distribution of sewage networks;

15. Regulation and control of the exercise of activities related to public health, medical professions, auxiliary branches and pharmacies;

16. Control of the intinent to medicinal, biological, alkaloid, narcotic, dietary, insecticides and toilet products; drugs, mineral waters, medicinal and material herbs and instruments of medical application;

17. Establishment and management of public health and private control establishments;

18. Intervention and control in the distribution of subsidies to public or private entities engaged in hygiene, preventive or assistance activities;

19. Technical inspection and control of the functioning of institutes, sanatoriums and other health entities;

20. Health Demology of the Nation;

21. Hygienic population education;

22. Control of the application of medical knowledge;

COMMUNICATIONS ARTICLE 18 AR That's it. of the competence of the Ministry of the Secretariat of State of Communications that is inherent in the development, promotion, guidance and control of communications systems in the territory of the Nation, and in particular;

1st Administration and operation of postal and telecommunications services executed directly by the State;

2nd Coordination and supervision of telecommunications services of national jurisdiction;

3rd Administration and operation of services carried out and promoted by their agencies or units;

4th Mailing Services;

5th National Television Network;

6th National telegraphic communications systems;

7th National Telephone Communications Network;

8 telephone communications systems of national jurisdiction;

9th Radiocommunication Service;

10. Broadcasting and television service;

11. Cable, wired, wired, wireless or any means or telecommunications system, the spoken or written word, signals, sounds, figures, images or what may be transmitted or disseminated by such means, except for the specific purposes of security and defence, in accordance with the regulation issued by the Executive Branch.

POLITICAL MATTERS 19o OS That's it. of the competence of the Ministry of the Secretariat of State for Political Affairs, which is inherent in the direction, direction and control of the internal policy of the Nation, and the comparative study of that of other countries, and in particular;

1 Development of a general policy in the national order;

2nd National Doctrine, sense of the legal norm; definition and interpretation of ethics, human dignity, collaboration and social solidarity;

3rd Control and coordination of the internal policy of the State in its various activities to ensure unity of national conception and action;

4th Intervention, Study and Leadership of Government Political Activities and Relationships with Different Political Trends in the National Outlook;

5 Maintenance of national unity;

6th Improvement of the orientation and implementation of the national domestic policy;

7th Study of the political evolution of other countries in the doctrinal and legal order.

HACIENDA ARTICLE 20. It is within the competence of the Ministry of the Ministry of State of Finance that is inherent in the heritage, resources and expenses of the State, and in particular:

1st Tax and Customs Policy and Regime;

2nd Treasury; perception of the income and payment regime of the Nation;

3rd Public Debt;

4th General Budget of the Nation and Investment Account;

5th Administrative and financial control;

6th Register of Civil Service of the Nation;

7th Register of State Property;

8th Coin and printing of notes and values;

9th State supplies;

10. Insurance and reinsurance control;

11. Administrative system and financial control of social aid and State-appointed subsidies;

12. Studies and research leading to the best performance of their functions.

ECONOMY ARTICLE 21. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Economic Affairs that is inherent in the promotion, orientation and realization of the national economic policy, and in particular:

1. To initiate, discuss, celebrate and implement international agreements, agreements or arrangements of an economic nature, in accordance with the provisions of article 2 (para. 15);

2° To carry out and/or monitor the acquisitions and sales in the external market and those of the domestic market that are carried out on the basis of external marketing for reasons of defence of production or other of general interest, in accordance with the legislation that, as a result of article 40 of the National Constitution, is determined;

3. To make all purchases abroad aimed at meeting the needs of the distributions of the State, except in the case of acquisitions that the executive branch decides to exclude from this regime;

4th To advise on the establishment of exchange rates, tariffs and customs duties, transportation fees (terrestrial, maritime, river and air) and any other measure of economic policy related to the subject matter of their competence;

5th Intervention in the preparation and implementation of immigration plans;

6th Ephecfuar el estudio de los mercados, ferias y Samos nacionales e internacionales en lo relación al intercambio de los patrimonios de consumo, fruct, de la tierra y producción industrial;

7th Study the international trade organization and related specialized agencies:

8th Study and publish international price indexes;

9o To contribute to the promotion of agricultural production and trade;

10. Conduct studies and research leading to the clarification of economic cycles and calculations and to the best performance of the specified functions.

FINANCIAL ARTICLE 22. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Finance that is inherent in banking, monetary and credit policy: that of changes; that of the market of furniture and the market of insurance and reassurance, and in particular:

1 Act in defence of the value of the currency;

2nd Monitor the Capital Movement;

3rd Direct the regulation of credit and means of payment;

4th Promote banking liquidity and organization and operation of credit due to production, marketing, consumption and savings;

5o Intervene eh the internal and external credit operations, public loans on behalf of the Government of the Nation, and other obligations with or without special guarantees;

6th Authorizing bank interest rates;

7 Fix the regime and exchange rates;

8th Rule and stabilize the stock market;

9th Formulate and implement the international financial and monetary policy, initiating, discussing, celebrating and implementing such agreements, agreements or arrangements, and specifically those relating to international payments, in accordance with article 2 or 15;

10. To contribute to the promotion of agricultural and industrial production; to the development and organization of trade; to colonization and housing through its agencies;

11. Disseminate the rules and take the necessary measures to regulate, coordinate and monitor the action of the agencies of their dependence, and provide for general studies and those leading to the clarification of economic cycles and calculations;

INDUSTRIA AND TRADE It is within the competence of the Ministry of State for Industry and Trade that is inherent in the regime and promotion of industry and in the organization and control of supply and trade and in particular:

1st Energy in general; fuel, hydrology and hydraulic works for irrigation, defence and sanitation;

2nd Mines and Geology and Hydrogeology;

3rd Industrial Process Control;

4th Quality Certifications of Industrial Production;

5th Patents and Brands;

6th Weights and stocks;

7th Identification of Goods;

8th Monopolies;

9th Cooperatives;

10. Promotion and organization of the propaganda of Argentine production and exhibitions, fairs, contests, publications and other activities for the promotion of industrial and commercial development, both inside and outside the Nation, with the advice of the Department of Relations and Worship, in the latter case;

11. Advice on the establishment of customs duties in terms of industrial development and supply;

12. Participation in the selection of immigration from an industrial point of view;

13. Organization and administration of commercial State industrial entities;

14. Supply policy and commercial operations in the domestic market necessary to ensure it;

15. Study and pricing of abatement articles;

16. Study and technological advice in all matters relating to their competence, organization of regional technical centres and their use by individuals;

17. Intervention in the regulation and control of the exercise of professionals directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence;

18. Rationalization in the distribution of economic goods in the domestic market;

19. Study and research leading to the best performance of its functions.

ARTWORKS UNDER ARTICLE 24. It's competition. of the Ministry of State of Public Works and the inherent in the study, project and realization of public works that are not expressly entrusted by the Executive Branch to other departments, and in particular:

1 Construction of houses;

2nd Public Buildings;

3rd School buildings, with the advice of the Ministry of State of Education;

4th Tourism Hotels, Holiday Colonies and Urbanization Works;

5o National parks and works of social content;

6th Port constructions;

7th navigable channels and subfluvial communication tunnels;

8th fluvial limestone and hydrography, dredging;

9th Shipyards and naval workshops for their needs;

10. Construction, administration and provision of the service of sanitary works in the Capital of the Nation, in the national territories and in the provinces accepted by agreement to the federal regime of the matter;

11. National roads, bridges and all road works whose execution corresponds to the government of the Nation.

AGRICULTURA AND GANADERIA ARTICLE 25 O It is within the competence of the Ministry of the Ministry of the State of Agriculture and would earn what is inherent in the investigation, experimentation, guidance, promotion and control of the agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishing production of the Nation, and in particular:

1st Land and Social Policy of Production and Intervention in the Rural Leasing Regime;

2nd Conservation and wise use of soils;

3rd Protection, control and control against pests and diseases;

4th Conservation and control of the rational exploitation of natural flora and fauna;

5th Coordination of production with primary marketing and industrialization;

6th quality certifications of agricultural production;

7th Promote and organize agrarian cooperation;

8 Orient and impart teaching in the branches of production of their competence;

9th Participate in the official colonization; administer and dispose of tax land and forests in rural areas and guide and control private colonization;

10. To promote and organize exhibitions, fairs and competitions in the Nation; publications and other activities aimed at the promotion of the branches of production within its competence;

11. Intervene in the regulation and control of the exercise of professions directly linked to activities in the branches of their competence;

12. Study and technological advice on the subject of its competence, organization of regional technical centres and their use by individuals;

13. Perform production estimates and forecasts and studies and research that lead to better performance of assigned functions.

WORK AND PREVISION ARTICLE 26. It is within the competence of the Ministry of the Secretariat of the State of Labour and Security, which is inherent in the relations between capital and work and the legal and integral protection of work, and in particular:

1 Promote social legislation and monitor compliance;

2nd Maintain relationships with professional associations of employers and workers;

3rd Intervene in collective negotiations and mediate in labour conflicts;

4th Occupational Health Police;

5th Coordinate supply and demand for work;

6th Amparate workers in the enjoyment of their rights and seek the fullness of employment and raising standards of living;

7th Legally assist workers and exercise conciliatory authority in individual labour conflicts;

8th Social Insurance Scheme, Social Insurance and Mortgage Loans for the Acquisition and Construction of Property and Personal Loans by Foreclosure Boxes, subject to the financial plan adopted by the Executive Branch;

9th Fostering savings, mutualism and cooperation;

10. Promoting economic housing;

11. To guide and train workers professionally;

12. Promote the defence and enjoyment of the rights of the worker, the family, old age, women, minors, deprived and disabled, in accordance with article 37, paragraphs I, II, III, of the National Constitution;

13. Concession, control and withdrawal of the union personry;

14. Remuneration system.

ARTICLE 27. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Transport, which is inherent in the promotion, administration, exploitation, coordination and control of public services of land, air, sea and river transport of a commercial nature, and in particular:

1o Transport policy matters in coordination with relevant departments, depending on the interests they affect;

2nd Plan, coordinate, implement, promote and develop technically, economically and financially the transport systems, stations, ports and airports under their jurisdiction;

3o Fiscalize the services granted and/or authorized to individuals in the same branches, in accordance with the legislation which, as a result of article 40 of the National Constitution, is issued;

4th Study, project, build and conserve the works and installations and acquire materials and implements for the services in charge of transport;

5th Manage, exploit and control the transport systems of the domain of the Nation.

NATIONAL DEFENCE ARTICLE 28. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of National Defence:

1 Coordinate, prepare and propose to the Executive the national defence in all aspects of the whole that it may present, and especially the general plan and the military plan;

2nd Coordinate the action of the ministries of military State secretariats for the preparation and use of the armed forces as a whole, determine the doctrine for their strategic leadership and propose to the Executive the guidance that should be given to higher military instruction in a manner that responds to the needs of joint action;

3o Propose to the Executive the adoption of measures to avoid duplication or overlap of functions, missions, activities, acquisitions, expenses and in general any other kind of means or efforts;

4th Study to coordinate and provide the security of the interior in time of war;

5th Convening and chairing the meetings of the ministers secretaries of State in the military branches for the study and coordinated implementation of the tasks as a whole;

6th Raise to the Executive Branch the decisions taken in the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph;

7. To advise the Executive on matters relating to its competence;

8th Prepare forecasts and coordinate industrial mobilization by the armed forces;

9th Promote scientific research related to military needs and their experimentation; guide production; direct acquisition of raw materials; materials, elements and necessary effects that are common to the three armed forces, as well as their homogenization;

10. Propose the Executive and dispose of the permanent personnel of the armed forces who are destined to serve in the agencies in their direct office;

11. Coordinate all measures to be taken by the ministries of military State secretariats in the case of internal shock;

12. Coordinate the civil bodies of the Nation that are responsible for tasks related to national defence;

Article 29 It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of the Army:

1o Concerning the acts of the President of the Nation which refer to the exercise of his constitutional powers related to the forces of the army;

2nd Coordinate its action with the other armed forces and other activities of the Nation, in the form and by the procedure established in article 28 of this law. To that end, he may propose to the Minister Secretary of State of National Defence the convening of the meetings to which the provisions relate;

3rd Senior Directorate of the organization, preparation and employment of the army;

4th Army Administration, Government and Discipline;

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of army forces;

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communications in time of war in their respective aspects, in accordance with the previously approved coordination standards;

7th Propose to the Executive:

(a) Army forces in time of peace and war, in accordance with established coordination standards;

(b) The distribution of army forces, according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of the superior commands of the army;

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except for those whose concession is directly applicable, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th Execute the army plan for the case of internal shock.

30. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Marina:

1o Concerning the acts of the President of the Nation which refer to the exercise of his constitutional powers related to the maritime armed forces, and the navigable waters of the Nation, and as a representative of the State on the sea;

2nd Coordinate its action with the other armed forces and with the other activities of the country, in the form and by the procedure established in article 28 of this law. To that end, he may propose to the Minister Secretary of State of National Defence the convening of the meetings to which the provisions relate;

3rd Senior Directorate of the organization, preparation and employment of the Navy;

4th Marine Administration, Government and Discipline;

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of the armed forces of the Navy;

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communications in time of war in its aspects in accordance with the previously approved coordination standards;

7th Propose to the Executive:

(a) Marine forces in time of peace and war, in accordance with established coordination standards;

(b) The distribution of marine forces according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of the marine superior commands;

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except for those whose concession is directly applicable, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th Execute the marine plan for the case of internal shock;

9th Protection of Argentine citizens and interests at sea and their coasts, maritime defence of the Nation, its sovereignty and its flag, in accordance with international law and existing treaties.

10. Oceanography, hydrography and maritime cartography; maritime explorations; installation and maintenance of maritime beacons and signals and radio-electric systems of location and navigation; astronomical and naval meteorological observatories;

11. Security police in its jurisdiction; and safety of navigation in the seas, its coasts and ports open to navigation of overseas; and safety of navigation, exclusively, in the rivers, lakes, canals, its coasts and its ports. Control of shipwrecks, rescue, police intervention and statistics of maritime sinisters. National merchant registration, arching of ships and propulsive plants, empowerment of merchant marine staff, practical and baqueanos. Monitoring of the extraction of natural products from islands and sea coasts;

12. Police on the enforcement of maritime hunting and fishing laws on the maritime coast;

13. Advice and technical assistance to be requested by other State units and individuals in the planning of naval constructions.

AERONAUTICA ARTICULO 31. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State of Aeronautics:

1. With regard to the acts of the President of the Nation which relate to the exercise of its related constitutional powers, the Air Armed Forces and as a representative of the State in the airspace in which they are to act;

2nd Coordinate its action with the other armed forces and with the other activities of the country, in the form and by the procedure established is article 23 of this law. To that end, he may propose to the Minister Secretary of State of National Defence the convening of the meetings to which the provisions relate;

3rd Senior Directorate of the organization, preparation and use of the aeronautics;

4th Administration, Government and Discipline of Aeronautics;

5th Prepare and apply the doctrine for the use of the Air Armed Forces;

6th Prepare and execute the mobilization, supply, transport and communications in time of war on the corresponding aspects in accordance with the previously approved coordination standards;

7th Propose to the Executive:

(a) Aeronautics forces take time for peace and war, in accordance with established coordination standards;

(b) The distribution of aeronautical forces, according to the needs of the Nation;

(c) The appointment of superior aeronautics commands;

(d) The granting of degrees, rewards and honours, except for those whose concession is directly applicable, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

8th Execute the corresponding aeronautics plan for internal shock;

9th To promote the integral development of aeronautics for the purposes of general welfare, progress and common defence;

10. Conduct national defence studies in respect of aeronautics, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 and 3 of this article and the provisions contained in article 28 of this Act;

11. Direct, administer, and control civil aviation, driving its development;

12. Promoting industry, research and experimentation in aeronautics;

13. Conduct and manage infrostructure, telecommunications, meteorology and other services related to the exploitation and use of airspace and flight safety;

14. To advise on the types and characteristics of the flight material that acquire the national, provincial, municipal and private distributions for the care of their needs, in order to promote greater homogeneity in the materials;

15. Enabling, registering and monitoring the infrastructure, personnel and equipment for the overflight of Argentine territory, in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations;

16. Inspecting the dispossession of air accidents and investigating their causes;

17. Exercising the government, administration and aviation police in the areas occupied by the guarnicione air bases, airports, airfields and national aviation facilities under their jurisdiction,

TECHNICAL MATTERS ARTICLE 32. It is within the competence of the Ministry of State for Technical Affairs, which is inherent in the study and maintenance of high efficiency of government and State administration agencies, and in particular:

1 To study and propose a scientific organization of government and administration, in the form of ensuring the highest degree of organic-institutional stability and efficiency;

2° Propose the corresponding rationalization in order to obtain the highest simplicity and high degree of organic perfectibility in the departments of the State;

3rd Control and refinement of the technical functions of government and administration;

4th Consideration and study of general technical matters that interest the various activities of the Nation;

5th General Directorate of the Investigation of Technical Matters which, by its nature, it is appropriate to keep reserved or not to disclose;

6th Compile, systematize, direct and control the general census and permanent statistics of the Nation

7o Other matters that particularly include the Executive Power in its functions, which do not belong to the specific action of other departments.

ARTICLE 33. Transitory. The Executive Branch shall proceed to transfer to the jurisdiction of the ministries of State secretariats of this Law existing services that are specific to it for the functions or tasks that they have in its charge, with effect, for this one time, article 11 of Law 12.961, year 1947 (accounting). The executive branch is empowered to make changes to the implementation of this law in the budget allocations of such services. The specification of the current institutes, boards and units or agencies of any denomination transferred under this law to the respective ministries of State secretariats may not be endowed, after having coordinated the Executive Branch the functions or tasks of each department but through allocations included in the general budget law. The increased requirements for the organization of new services and which cannot be resolved with the existing credits will be covered by general income, incorporating the provision in the appropriate annex, and then be included in the general budget law. ARTICLE 34. Default of Act No. 3,727, 1898, and supplementary provisions opposing the present. ARTICLE 35. Contact the Executive.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires on the seven days of the month of July of the year a thousand nine hundred forty-nine.


Alberto H. Reales

L. Zavalla Carbó

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