Key Benefits:
Act No. 13.577
Conserving its current denomination, it will constitute a unit of the Ministry of Public Works.
Sanctioned: September 29 - 1949
Promulgated: October 20 -1949
ARTICLE 1 - The current General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall constitute an institution under the Ministry of Public Works, which shall be governed by the provisions of this law, retaining its current denomination.
Object of the Institution
ARTICLE 2° - It corresponds to the study, project, construction, renovation, expansion and exploitation of the water supply and urban sanitation works in the Federal Capital and cities and towns of the Republic and the exploration, lighting and use of groundwater.
The Executive Power may authorize the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation to establish industries to extract or produce the raw material or the materials produced necessary for its services, or to participate in joint ventures, which pursue the same object.
Organization, powers, duties and authorities
ARTICLE 3° - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will operate with the autarchy that attributes it to this law, but the Executive Power will exercise over it the superintendence necessary for the proper counter-reliance of its functioning and may intervene when the demands of good service make it indispensable.
The superintendence provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be exercised without prejudice to the powers corresponding to the Accounting Authority of the Nation and the accounting law and other powers in force, except as soon as they have been amended by the present.
ARTICLE 4° - In order to comply with the purposes set out in Article 2 the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall have the following powers:
(a) Manage the property and facilities belonging to the institution under the conditions established by the Civil Code and with the responsibilities which it determines, by being able to represent it in trial, whether as a plaintiff or a defendant, and to carry out or hold judicial or extrajudicial arrangements, and take such measures as it deems necessary for the proper provision of the services in its charge, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to the regulations in force or subsequently approved by the Executive Branch;
(b) To enter into contracts for the sale or location of movable or immovable property, to accept donations, to enter into contracts for the acquisition of materials, the execution of works and the provision of services with or without public tendering, in accordance with the accounting and public works laws;
(c) To project annually the budget of expenditure and the calculation of resources of the institution, as well as the public work plan and the corresponding adjustments of all of them, for their elevation to the national executive branch;
(d) Propose to the Executive the setting of the fee for the collection of services provided by the institution;
(e) To promote to the provincial and municipal authorities the procedures for the acceptance of the cities and towns of the interior of the country to the regime of this law.
ARTICLE 5° - It will be headed by a Governing Council chaired by a general administrator and composed of the general directors: technical, commercial exploitation, finance and accounting, legal and personnel affairs and social assistance, appointed by the Executive.
The general, technical and commercial directors shall replace in this order the general administrator, in the event of his or her absence or temporary impossibility.
ARTICLE 6 The Governing Council is responsible for the resolution of the following matters:
(a) Adoption of the overall budget for expenditures and resources and annual memory;
(b) Approval of projects and works budgets and determination of the opportunity and form, by administration or contract, of implementation thereof;
(c) Approval of solicitation documents and specifications for tendering the construction of works and execution of works and services, and for the sale of materials, artifacts, machinery, etc., and their award and the award or direct purchase of them and all concerning the performance of the emerging contracts in cases where their amount exceeds twenty thousand pesos national currency ($ 20,000 m/n);
(d) Organization and distribution of the division units;
(e) Formulation of internal regulations and those for approval by the Executive;
(f) Identification of fees for the collection of services provided;
(g) Purchasing and locating properties, expropriations and servitudes;
(h) Acquisition of works and facilities for the provision of water and chloracal drainage;
(i) Preparation of the annual public work plan;
(j) Conduct of judicial or extrajudicial arrangements and transactions;
(k) Accept donations;
(l) Consideration of any other matter to be considered by the President.
The resolutions of the Governing Council shall be accepted by a majority of votes present, having the general double vote manager in the event of a tie. If the general administrator disagrees with what is resolved by the majority of the council, the matter will be brought to the executive branch, which will resolve in defining.
ARTICLE 7° - The General Administrator is responsible for the executive part of the division, exercises its legal and administrative representation and is responsible for resolving matters not reserved for the Governing Council.
ARTICLE 8° - The general administrator may delegate to the principal units of the administration the adoption of resolutions as far as the mere application of rules established by laws or regulations is concerned and do not compromise the property of the distribution.
Applicability of this Law and Convention Regime
ARTICLE 9 The provisions of this Act shall apply, since its promulgation, in the Federal Capital, national territories and populations of provinces in which Health Works of the Nation already provides the services referred to in Article 2.
ARTICLE 10. - The incorporation of new cities and towns of provinces into the regime established in this law shall be carried out by the following procedure: The legislatures shall sanction laws which declare on a general basis for all their territory or part thereof, the acceptance of the province and agree to the respective municipalities the power to receive in each particular case; once the expression of the will of the municipality is produced or of the authority that makes its own complementary powers, in the event that it does not exist
ARTICLE 11. - After the expiration of three years, on the date of the act which declares its acceptance of this law, without the beginning of the execution of the works, the respective municipality may desist from it, to which effect it shall dictate the corresponding ordinance and communicate it to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation.
If the project of the works is already made, the municipality shall refund its cost to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation in case it uses it for the construction of the works.
ARTICLE 12. - Pursuant to the procedure prescribed in article 10, the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation shall conduct the studies and formulate the respective project, which shall be approved in the manner provided for in article 6.
ARTICLE 13. - As long as the construction works have not been delivered to the provincial or municipal authorities by virtue of the provisions of articles 48 and 50, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will execute the works of expansion, renewal and improvement that the good service makes necessary.
ARTICLE 14. - From the date of the acceptance of cities and towns to the regime of this law, they cannot be granted in the same concessions for the provision of the water supply and sewage services that it contemplates, nor to be provided by provincial or municipal institutions; but in the places where a particular concession already existed, the subsistence of the same can be agreed with the provision that the Nation takes to its office, provided that the radio of action is not produced.
Financial system
ARTICLE 15. - Financial periods, Accountability and inspection of the accounting of the institution shall be subject to the provisions of the accounting law with the relevant intervention of the General Account of the Nation. Within the first semester of each year, the president will present to the executive branch the memory corresponding to the previous year.
ARTICLE 16. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall always have its deposits in the Central Bank of the Republic or in the establishment that it determines, in current or fixed-term account, and is authorized to acquire titles of the public debt of the Nation, with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance, or the Finance, provided that the operation is convenient to avoid loss of interest.
ARTICLE 17. It may not deviate from the expenditure authorizations contained in its approved general budget, by altering salaries in any way, directly or indirectly, without authorizations from the Executive in each case.
ARTICLE 18. For the expenses that demand the studies, projects, construction, renovation and expansion of the works, believe a total credit of $200,000.000 national currency per year, which will be considered to be included in Laws 12.576 and 12.815, to be treated with the production of the issue of titles. The tracing of such credit shall not be operated, with the annual surpluses to be cancelled.
The Executive Power, through the Departments of Public Works and Finance, will set an annual plan, which will, in particular, approve for the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, the sum to invest in the exercise. Once approved, the Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall be empowered to hire the construction of the works and the acquisition of materials and elements intended for them in accordance with the provisions of the accounting and public works laws. The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation may hire the execution of works and purchases of materials in amounts that exceed those assigned for the period, when it comes to work which requires more than one year, without exceeding the credits for those future years, but only the amount set out in the work plan may be invested annually.
The sums to which such objects are handed over to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall be credited to a special account, the Financier Service of these sums shall be carried out in the form that is later available.
ARTICLE 19. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will cover the costs of exploitation and financial services of the works built in the Federal Capital and in the cities and towns of provinces and national territories with the following resources:
(a) Transfers made by the National Real Estate Directorate under Act No. 12,022 or those supplementing or replacing them
(b) The collection by other concepts in the Federal Capital, and by all services provided in localities in accordance with the rates to be set by the National Executive, including office rights to establish the relevant regulations;
(c) The amount of fines and surcharges applicable in accordance with this Act and the regulations issued by the National Executive Branch;
(d) The contribution of general incomes to be fixed annually by the general budget of the Nation, such as compensation for free promotional fees or services in the localities referred to in Article 51;
(e) Donations and legacies.
If the amount of such resources did not cover the incomes of the period for exploitation costs, the deficit would be met from general income, as a non-refundable contribution. Reference will also be made to the General Administration for Healthy Works of the Nation for the financial services that it has ceased in the year for lack of funds.
ARTICLE 20. - the sum given to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation for the construction of works of health, fixed in the amount of $448,058,215,89 as at 31 December 1939, by Decree 75,517, dated 26 October 1940, and those that for the same purpose have received subsequently and received in the future, will accrue an interest equal to the less nominal of the titles of the national debt. The interests of these amounts will begin to run on 1 January of the year following that of their delivery.
For the capitals handed over for studies and construction of works, the return will begin to be computed and once the same works are put into operation; until that time, the aforementioned capitals will only accrue interest.
The debt of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation with the national government for services of amortization to unpaid interests and the amounts received to cover the operating deficits is cancelled. This debt cancellation shall be applied in relation to the global account established by article 18, but shall not have effect on the singular accounts referred to in article 48.
ARTICLE 21. - If in one year the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation covers the industrial expenses, the corresponding interests and the return account, the surplus shall be assigned in the year following the construction of new works or the renewal, expansion and improvement of the existing ones, for which the respective items shall be included in the corresponding plan.
Exploitation regime
ARTICLE 22. - If, on 1 January of each year, the general budget for expenditures and remedies of the General Administration for Health Works of the Nation is not mentioned, or the Executive Power has not agreed on the authorization provided for in article 16 of Act No. 12.961, it will be considered to be extended to the current year.
ARTICLE 23. - The express approval of its budget or the automatic extension provided for in the preceding article, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall be empowered to carry out the acquisition of materials and elements and to hold contracts requiring the exploitation of services under the accounting and public works laws.
ARTICLE 24. - In all districts with construction or exploitation, they shall govern the regulations and provisions that they have made for the health services of the city of Buenos Aires the Executive Branch or the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, as well as the legal or regulatory provisions concerning the industrial establishments. Any future amendments to the Congress of the Nation, the National Executive Branch or the General Administration of Health Work of the Nation, each in the area of its competence, shall be binding in all districts as soon as they are applicable in them.
ARTICLE 25. - At the request of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, public service companies, institutions or individuals that make use or occupy the soil or subsoil, shall remove their facilities when necessary for the construction or exploitation of the works provided for in this Law. The costs of such work shall be paid by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, unless the concessionaires have been forced to support them, because their respective concession contracts are established. The removal of the facilities of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will be costed by those who request it.
ARTICLE 26. - The supply of water and drainage chloracal services will be mandatory for any living property within the area where the water distribution pipes and sewers have been installed. Such services should also be provided to immovable persons who are not inhabited by persons who are used for stool.
ARTICLE 27. - The external houseworks will be constructed by the General Administration of Public Works of the Nation, and the internal works by the owners. The connections shall be costed by the said distribution, except for the exceptions established by the regulation.
ARTICLE 28. - Owners or holders will be required to install water and drain cloacal and maintain the facilities in good condition.
The work will be carried out with the intervention and approval of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation. Employees authorized to monitor and direct housework or inspect facilities shall have access to property with the limitations established by regulation. When resisting, the general administrator or the head of the local district will seek the assistance of the public force, which will be agreed by the police authorities.
ARTICLE 29. - From the date on which the construction of the works begins, it is prohibited to drill wells at any depth, without prior permission from the General Administration of Healthy Works of the Nation, within the served radio, or at a distance less than 500 meters from any water supply source.
The existing wells within the radius used for drinking water should be ceded under the inspection of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, once the provision of water is enabled. The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation may authorize the conservation of those wells whose water is used for irrigation or for industries outside the food of persons, when they do not constitute a danger to the underground pipes. The existing wells within a radius of 500 meters of water supply sources should be blinded if there is a danger of contamination.
ARTICLE 30. - In the event of non-compliance with the obligations set out in articles 28 and 29, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, it may proceed from office to the obstruction of the wells and to construct or repair the internal works, as well as to rebuild them if they had been mal executed by the owners or possessors and with the assistance of the public force, which will be provided in the form provided for in article 25.
ARTICLE 31. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation is authorized to take the necessary measures to heal the watercourses, if they may affect the health of the cities or towns in which they provide their services, and to prevent the direct or indirect contamination of the water supply sources they use, and is empowered to dispose of the closure of the industrial establishments whose owners did not comply with the provisions they order.
ARTICLE 32. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall monitor the dumping of residual liquids transported by vehicles in the localities where it provides services, subject to the regulations it dictates.
ARTICLE 33. - Both the provision of water to the population and the disapproval of the water served are intended for ordinary uses within the property, not including the use of water for irrigation, or for industries that do not produce food items, or the drainage of industrial establishments.
ARTICLE 34. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation is empowered to impose fines that do not exceed $1,000 to the owners who do not comply with the obligations set out in this Act or in the regulations for the construction and operation of the domicile works. These fines may be up to $10,000, in case of industrial establishments.
The amounts collected by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation in respect of fines shall be incorporated into its income, as compensation for the expenses arising from the duties of inspection and grief that this law places in its charge.
ARTICLE 35. - Any property located in the areas provided with services, even if there is no home facility, shall be obliged to pay the appropriate amounts according to the rates. This payment will also be obligatory for the properties that are unemployed.
The rates will be equal for all districts and will be subject to the reductions, increase and modifications approved by the National Executive.
ARTICLE 36. - All building properties owned by the Nation, the provinces or the municipalities will pay the services according to the rates. Water and sewer services shall not be charged when such property is lacking from the house.
Municipalities shall pay the running water used for irrigation and cleaning of streets, squares and public walks, according to the standard rate approved by the national executive branch.
ARTICLE 37. - The land owned by the Nation, the provinces and municipalities shall be exempt from the payment of the quotas for rainwater drain. They will also be exempt from the payment of water and sewage services when they lack the respective connections.
ARTICLE 38. - The amounts of the ballots for sanitary services and other accounts issued by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, whose payment is not made at the time established for that purpose, will be encumbered with a surcharge of 3% for each month of arrears, up to a maximum of 15%, after which they will be paid by way of apprehension with the surcharge of 15% on their amount. The values corresponding to the construction water service, instead of the previous progressive surcharge, will suffer a fixed surcharge of 25% on their amount.
The amounts collected in respect of surcharge shall be compensatory for the higher costs arising from the lack of perception, at the time, of the amount of the services.
The surcharges and interests set forth in this article shall not apply to the accounts for property, property of the Nation, provinces or municipalities.
ARTICLE 39. - The properties in which the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation has built works, as set out in article 46, on the account of the owners, and those who owe services, fines and any other amount in accordance with the provisions of this law, shall be affected to the payment of the debt until its cancellation. The provision for the above-mentioned works shall have the privilege set out in article 3,931 of the Civil Code; the provision for service and its surcharges shall have the provision set out in articles 3,879, paragraph 2 and 3,880, paragraph 5, of the same code. Both will deprive the mortgage credit after the constructions or the provision of the services, respectively.
Public scribes shall incorporate such certificate into the protocol in the event of writing, as well as the subsequent record of payment, if it is mandatory, as set out below.
ARTICLE 41. - Payment of services, surcharges and fines, dues in the case of construction of housework, shall be made indefectably and in its entirety in all types of writings within 10 days after their award.
For the unsuccessful contributions of the debt for constructions carried out in accordance with article 46, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation may, upon request of the interested parties, authorize the payment facilities granted to be maintained, in favour of the acquirer in case of transfer of domain, be of the same owner in case of the constitution of real rights.
ARTICLE 42. - The Register of the Property of the Federal Capital and National Territories, and those of the provinces, shall not inscribe titles of dominion, or of the constitution of real rights, without record, in the testimonies of the respective scriptures, of having paid the debt certified by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, or of having accepted the substitution of the debtor or the maintenance of the facilities if it is a debt not conquered according to works 46. The same requirement shall be required in the offices that order the registration of declarations of heirs, wills, cars or judgments that recognize, declare or transfer such rights.
ARTICLE 43. - In the cities and towns of provinces and national territories, a competent judge shall be competent to deal with claims arising from the amounts owed in accordance with this Act, the federal section judge or the appropriate court of law.
The General Administration of Health Works of the Nation or the person designated by it shall intervene in such trials as a representative of the Fisco.
ARTICLE 44. - The collection of the accounts shall be carried out by means of apprehension established by the national law of procedures, with sufficient title the certificate issued by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, designating the debtor properties, and expressing the debt resulting from their books.
In this trial, no other exceptions will be allowed than those of payment, prescription, falsehood of the title, lack of personry and defense of lack of action, and the first one must be tested with the corresponding receipts of payment.
The obligation to consolidate the results of ordinary trials shall not be carried out.
ARTICLE 45. - The facilities or properties owned or owned by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall be exempt from all taxes, rates, contribution of services and improvements, and from any other tax that have sanctioned or sanctioned the Nation, the provinces, its municipalities and the City of Buenos Aires.
Household construction scheme with benefit of payment for monthly contributions
ARTICLE 46. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will be able to build houseworks for the provision of water and chloracal drains at the request and on behalf of the owners, who will pay them in 60 equal monthly quotas, including interest of the 5% annual capitalized semesterly.
ARTICLE 47. - For the funds provided or that the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will henceforth be provided for the construction of housework in time, the return fee will not be computed. Such funds will be returned to the national treasury as they become unnecessary. In terms of interest, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will liquidate to the national government the sums it receives from the debtor owners.
Rescue regime for works
ARTICLE 48. - Once the cost of the works built in localities of the interior has been reinstated, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation will hand them over to the respective local authorities, at their request. In the absence of such a requirement, the exploitation of services shall continue to be carried out by the aforementioned national division, under the conditions set out in this Act.
For the purposes of this article, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall bear separate account by each city or town in which it administers works of health, shall credit in it the products of the exploitation and extraordinary amortizations that the local authorities make and debit industrial expenses, interests and returns fees. The cost of the construction works will be refunded when the annual surpluses of that account cover the totality of the invested capitals and the amounts used to address the operating deficit that had occurred.
The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall send to the request of part, to each province and municipality concerned, the balance corresponding to the state of the account expressed.
ARTICLE 49. - Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous article, the services of localities with common works with those of the Federal Capital shall not be redeemed, or that comprise in a single technical unit districts located in a federal territory and a province, or in two provinces, or at any point in the national territory and in a foreign state.
ARTICLE 50. - The districts or explorations, which correspond to different cities or towns, constitute by their characteristics a single system, and are not covered by any of the cases provided for in the previous article, may only be rescued after the cost of the whole of the works that form that system is reinstated.
Plan of constructions of a reduced character
ARTICLE 51. - In the localities in which, due to their low population or lack of contributive capacity or for other economic reasons, it is inconvenient to install the house service, the provision of drinking water, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, shall establish an interim service, based on public sinks, located in the sufficient number and form, for the free provision of water to the inhabitants of the town and may allocate the surplus of liquid that is produced.
In very special cases, of true exception, based on reasons of sanitary or economic order and when the flow of water permits, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, may grant connections for the house service of certain establishments, charging for the same payment as set the rate established by the executive branch.
ARTICLE 52. If drilled, the water that is obtained is not suitable for human consumption, but for other domestic uses, for the abbreviation of goods, the facilities will be delivered to the Directorate of Electrical Water and Energy or to the local authorities for further attention.
Special clauses
ARTICLE 53. - In order to determine the order of execution of studies and works in the localities of the interior of the country, the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation will take into account the number of inhabitants and their conditions of health, in order to request the advice of the Ministry of Public Health.
ARTICLE 54. - Where, for reasons of health, the supply of safe drinking water to population centres within irrigation areas served by works of the General Directorate of Water and Electrical Energy is necessary, the implementation of the respective facilities and their exploitation will be the responsibility of the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation.
ARTICLE 55. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation may agree with other divisions of the State, the provinces or the municipalities ad referendum of the National Executive, the installation of works for the provision of drinking water and cloacal disobedience in certain areas or populations, to meet mainly needs derived from industrial, railway, etc., to be carried out by the divisions benefited from the financing of the construction, the maintenance of the works.
ARTICLE 56. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall be exempt from any customs duties, basic or additional, by the importation of supplies, machinery, means of transport and any other material that is destined to the construction by administration or contract or to the exploitation of its works and services.
ARTICLE 57. - Fines incurred for failure to comply, in full or in part, with contracts entered into with the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation, as well as the deposits given in guarantee of the loss due to the same causes, shall be incorporated into their income.
ARTICLE 58. - The soil or subsoil of privately owned land and water supply sources, which are necessary for the execution of the works that are constructed or expanded under this law, is declared to be of public utility, throughout the territory of the Nation and the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation is authorized to expropriate it, in accordance with the law of the matter.
ARTICLE 59. - In the event of accommodation in accordance with article 10, the provinces and municipalities shall surrender to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, free of charge or taxation, the land and sources of water supply that belong to them and are necessary and shall constitute the bonds required for the construction, expansion and exploitation of the works.
ARTICLE 60. - Authorize the Executive Branch to transfer to the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, free of charge, the tax grounds that are necessary for the execution of the works provided for in this law, and grant equal authorization to transfer to the same destination the municipal lands of the Federal Capital.
ARTICLE 61. - The General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, at the request of the local authorities and with the authorization of the Executive Branch, may take its responsibility, as it has the necessary resources, the works or facilities for the provision of water and the municipal or private companies acting under concessions, to serve the cities and towns that are governed by this law.
In the event that the works or installations are of provincial or municipal property, they shall be delivered by their authorities without charge and their amount shall be credited to the district ' s property account to be formed for the exploitation of the same; however, both parties may agree that the Sanitary Works of the Nation shall take charge of the debt that the local authority has assumed to build the facilities that are transferred, provided that such facilities are not replenished and that their established form.
If the works or facilities were owned by private companies, the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation shall pay for them their physical value of use, provided that it is less than the cost of origin of the assets affected to the exploitation, less the sums that had been amortized during the period since the granting of the concession and the surpluses on a reasonable profit that will also be considered as the reintegration of the invested capital. In the event that the cost of origin determined in this form is less than the physical value of use, the amount of that determination shall be paid only.
Consider the physical value of use, the physical value of origin of the facilities and machinery diminished by the depreciation of their use, not counting those facilities and machinery that are not usable for the new services to be provided by the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation. The determination of these values shall be carried out by the aforementioned division and subject to the approval of the national executive branch.
The provinces and municipalities shall take in their exclusive charge the payment of any amount to be invested for the purchase, rescue or expropriation of such privately owned works and facilities as soon as the expressed physical value of use exceeds.
ARTICLE 62. - They will be preserved in the possession of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, the usins built and exploited by it for the exclusive supply of electricity to its own facilities; and it will be able to build new usins for the same purpose, when they do not exist in the localities where the production of sanitation works is available.
In cases where there is the possibility of the use of the energy that emanates from its specific facilities, the energy installations can be projected and carried out by the General Administration of Health Works of the Nation. The surplus of the energy generated, after satisfied the needs of its own, can be disposed of, having to do so with preference or exclusivity, according to the cases, to the Directorate of Electrical Water and Energy.
ARTICLE 63. - The national territories, any foundation of new population centres, shall be subject to the favourable opinion of the General Administration of Sanitary Works of the Nation, on the possibility of adequate supply of drinking water.
ARTICLE 64. - All legal or regulatory provisions are repealed insofar as they are opposed to this law, and in particular article 172 of Act No. 11.672, supplementary permanent budget, issue 1943.
Emergency provision
ARTICLE 65. - Declare facts with sufficient powers, as soon as they have not exceeded those granted by Law 8.889 to the extinct directory, the acts carried out by Sanitary Works of the Nation, or by the National Water Administration, with respect to the services and works that specifically fall within the authority of such distribution and that have been arranged by authorities and officials that under decrees of the National Executive branch replaced the directory, without prejudice to the responsibilities in which they may have instituted
ARTICLE 66. - Contact the Executive.
Give it to the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, twenty-nine September of nine hundred and forty-nine.
Alberto H. Reales L. Zaballa Carbó
- Registered under number 13.577 -