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Hydrocarbons Safety, Sinisters, Fuels And Others - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: HIDROCARBUROS SEGURIDAD, SINIESTROS, COMBUSTIBLES Y OTROS - Texto completo de la norma

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Facilities for Combustible Development and Generation of Electrical Energy Law No. 13.660

Sanctioned: September 30-1949

Promulgated: October 25-1949


The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, gathered in Congress, etc., sanction with force of LEY:

ARTICLE 1 . Since the promulgation of this law, installations for the processing, processing and storage of mineral, liquid or gaseous solid fuels must, throughout the territory of the Nation, conform to the standards and requirements established by the Executive Power to meet the safety and health of the populations, that of the aforementioned facilities, the normal supply of public and private services and the needs of the national defence.

The power-generating plants shall be governed by the rules and requirements established by the jurisdictional authority, and the authority must coordinate the provisions aimed at the safety of the populations, the facilities and the supply of services, with the rules dictated by the executive branch in keeping with the needs of the national defence.

ARTICLE 2 . For the purpose of coordinating the rules to which the constructions of all the facilities specified in article 1 should be adjusted and the extensions or modifications of the existing ones or those to be constructed, the Executive Power shall issue the relevant regulations with the intervention of the Secretariat of the National Defence Council, without prejudice to the requirements that may be issued by the local authorities in their respective jurisdictions, provided that they are not opposed to the requirements of the law.

Article 3 El The Executive Power is empowered to set the deadlines within which the facilities should be placed under the conditions that, according to Article 2 of the Convention, shall establish the relevant regulations and to consider and resolve the cases of exception that are submitted. Their decisions will be made available to the local authorities for compliance.

ARTICLE 4 . Since the enactment of this law, the construction of new oil distilleries, as well as the expansion or modification of existing ones, will be subject to the authorization of the Executive Branch, whatever its capacity. The construction, expansion or modification of gas production usins and fuel tanks (liquids, gaseous or solid minerals) will also be subject to the authorization of the Executive Branch, who will have the exceptions that are deemed relevant in consideration of their minor importance.

ARTICLE 5o . Any violation of this law and its regulations shall be punishable by fines of up to one hundred thousand pesos national currency (weights 100,000), which shall be applied by the executive branch, which may also provide for the closure of facilities that are in contravention of these provisions. The amounts originating in the application of such fines shall be entered into the National Energy Fund.

ARTICLE 6 . Disclaimer of public utility and subject to expropriation on behalf of the owners of the facilities, the grounds that the Executive Power considers necessary to place in the conditions that determine the regulations that are dictated under this law to the facilities for the development, transformation and storage of fuels and the generation of electricity, existing to date, as well as their extensions or modifications.

ARTICLE 7 . Contact the executive branch.

Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on September 30, nine hundred and forty-nine.


Alberto H. Reales

L. Zavalla Carbó

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