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International Treaties Correos-Union Postal De Las Americas Y Espa?A-Envio Postal-Giro Postal-Encomienda Postal - Full Text Of The Norm


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Law 13.205


BUENOS AIRES, June 23, 1948

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.

ARTICLE 1. - Approve the following conventions: the provisions and agreements held at the Fifth Congress of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, meeting in Rio de Janeiro from 2 to 25 September last and subscribed ad referendum by the delegation of the Argentine Republic: -Convention, final protocol and executing regulations - Provisions relating to the air transport of postal shipments - Agreement relating to postal orders, final protocol and annexes -Agreements

ARTICLE 2. - Contact the Executive

WHOLE - CAMPORA - Real - Zavalla Carbó -

Annex A: Provisions and Agreements held at the Fifth Congress of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, meeting in Rio de Janeiro from 2 to 25 September 1946 and signed ad referendum by the delegation of the Argentine Republic-Convention, Final Protocol and Execution Regulations- Provisions relating to the air transport of postal shipments-Agreement relating to postal orders, Final Protocol and postal annexes-Agreement relating to encommissions

Postal Union of the Americas and Spain

ARTICLE 1 The contracting countries, according to the preceding declaration, constitute, under the name of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, a single postal territory.

Restricted Unions

ARTICLE 2 1. The contracting countries, either because of their border status or the intensity of their postal relations, may establish between them closer unions, in order to reduce tariffs or to make other improvements on any of the services referred to in this Convention or the special agreements concluded by this Congress. 2. In addition, and with regard to matters not covered by this Convention or the Universal Postal Union, the signatory countries may adopt, inter alia, the resolutions they deem appropriate by means of correspondence, or if necessary, by adjusting a special agreement, in accordance with the authorization entrusted to them by this article or its domestic legislation.

Free and free Transit

ARTICLE 3 1. The freeness of the territorial, river and maritime transit is absolute in the territory of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, consequently, the countries that integrate it are obliged to transport through their territories and to drive on the vessels of their registration or flag, without charge for the contracting countries, all the correspondence that they issue with any destination. 2. In cases of re-engineering, the contracting countries undertake to re-examine correspondence through the channels and channels used for their own shipments.

Union Agreements and Agreements

ARTICLE 4 1. The provisions of this Convention and its Rules of Implementation shall, in all circumstances, regulate correspondence services. 2. The other services shall be governed by the Agreements of this Union, by which they shall sign among themselves the countries or, in their absence, by those of the Universal Postal Union. 3. The denomination of correspondence objects applies to letters, simple postcards and with paid response, business papers, printed, impressions in relief for the use of the blind samples of merchandise, small packages and phenopostals.

4. The exchange of small packages and phenopostals will be limited to countries that agree to do so, either in their reciprocal relations or in one direction.


ARTICLE 5 1. The rate of internal service of each country shall be governed by the relations of the countries that constitute the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, except when such internal rate is higher than that applied to the correspondence for the countries of the Universal Postal Union, in which case the latter shall govern. 2. It will also govern the international rate when it comes to services that do not exist in the internal regime. 3. For small packages the rate determined by Article 6 of this Convention shall be governed. 4. The contracting parties may establish a right of storage on the forms, subject to agreement between the concerned administrations, when so agreed.

Small packages

ARTICLE 6 1. In the optional service of small packages covered by article 4 of this Convention, each shipment may not weigh more than one kilogram or contain objects whose commercial value, in the locality where it is delivered to the Mail, exceeds the value of 10 gold francs or their equivalence in the currency of the country of origin. 2. The administrations providing the service of small packages regulated by the Universal Convention shall not be obliged to observe, in their mutual relations, any provision in conflict with the respective provisions of the said Convention.

3. The small packages of any kind, exchanged between the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, bearing in mind that they are not affected to the payment of transit rights, shall be taxed in accordance with the rate adopted in each country for the entrustments of their internal service, and the Administrations may apply to those small packages the rates provided for by the Universal Postal Convention. 4. The destination administrations may submit small packages to customs control, in accordance with the provisions of their domestic legislation. 5. The administrations of the destination countries may receive from the recipients of small packages: (a) A quota of 40 cents of gold franc, maximum, for the operations, formalities and procedures inherent in the customs office (b) A quota, which will not exceed 15 cents of gold francs for the delivery of each object, which will be raised to 30 cents of gold franc, to the maximum, in the case of home delivery. 6. Where small packages are considered by the customs of the country of destination as exempt from payment of customs duties, the delivery fees provided for in paragraph (b) of this article shall not apply.

Cupons - answer

ARTICLE 7 1. In the regime of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain the price of sale to the public of the coupons - answer will be determined by the administrations concerned, but will not be less than the equivalent of 15 cents of gold franc in the currency of the country that makes the sale. 2. Each coupon is exchangeable in any of the countries that are members of the Union, for a stamp or stamp representing the franking of an ordinary letter of simple bearing, originating from that same country to another country of the Union. The validity period of coupons is unlimited. 3. The coupons - answer will be printed by the International Bureau of Montevideo and will be supplied to the Union administrations at cost. 4. In the accounts adjustments between the administrations, the value of the coupons - answer will be calculated at 15 cents of gold franc per unit. 5. When, in the relations between two administrations, the annual balance is not more than 10 francs, the debtor administration shall be exempt from any payment. 6. The administrations have the power not to deal with the sale of coupons - answer, being the redemption, however, mandatory. 7. When the liquidation of the accounts to which the exchange of coupons takes place - an américospañoles response is not directly carried out among the administrations concerned, the International Office of Montevideo will act as intermediary. In this case, it will formulate annually a state of debtor and creditor administrations, similar to the provisions of the Universal Postal Union.

Reissued or changed direction

ARTICLE 8 The provisions of the Universal Postal Union Convention and its Rules of Implementation, relating to requests for return, modification of direction and re-expedition, shall govern in the order of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain. Such requests will, however, be deemed to have been unexpected when the destination administration decides to pass the pieces to customs jurisdiction.

Certified correspondent. Responsibility

ARTICLE 9.- 1. The objects designated in Article 4 may be issued as certificates, by payment of a right equal to that established for the domestic service of the country of origin, unless it is higher than that applied under the Universal Postal Convention, in which case the latter shall govern. 2. The contracting administrations shall be responsible for the loss of any certified object, except in cases of force majeure. The sender shall have the right to compensation of 10 gold francs or their equivalent in the currency of the country that must be made effective, and may, however, claim less compensation.

3. The administrations shall be held responsible for the loss of certified objects whose content falls under the regime of the prohibitions of the Universal Postal Convention or is prohibited by the laws or regulations of the country of origin or destination, provided that such countries have given due knowledge on the usual basis. 4. A special category of certificates without the right to compensation applicable to correspondence objects referred to in article 4, paragraph 3, of this Convention is maintained on an optional basis. The administrations that put this service into effect are obliged to communicate it on the fastest track to the International Bureau, in order to bring it to the attention of others. The objects to which the reduced certification rights are applied will be singularized on the reverse with the reference "S.I." (without compensation), with the same annotation in the prescriptive lists, in the column of "Observations", as well as in the claims formulated to investigate their destination. 5. Administrations that generally adopt a reduced right of certification for all objects other than letters or postal cards shall not be obliged to observe the formalities established in the final part of the previous paragraph.


ARTICLE 10 The claim or request for a report in respect of any shipment shall give rise to the collection of a right equal to that which the contracting countries have established in their domestic regime, except where domestic law is superior to that established by the Universal Postal Convention, in which case it shall govern.

Shipments subject to customs intervention

ARTICLE 11 1. The application of the C-1 marvette, established by the Universal Postal Convention, is mandatory when it comes to correspondence pieces, the content of which is passive for payment of customs duties in the country of destination. The use of the C-2 statement is optional for precited shipments. 2. However, for open shipments, except for small packages, the use of one or the other of the formulas cited in the previous paragraph is not mandatory, without prejudice to the intervention of the customs of the country of destination.

Weight and dimensions

ARTICLE 12 1. The weight limits and the dimensions of the correspondence objects shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Convention, with the exception of the prints, the weight of which may reach 5 kilograms, or up to 10, in the case of one-volume works. However, weighted shipments of 5 and up to 10 kilograms will be accepted, even if they are not one-volume works, after agreement between the administrations concerned.

2. Roll-shaped shipments, provided that they are indivisible objects, can measure, added their length with the diameter of both bases, up to 120 centimeters, without the larger dimension being able to exceed 100 centimeters.

Porte franchise

ARTICLE 13 1. The contracting parties agree to grant the franchise of porte, in the internal service and in the américospañol service: a) To the correspondence concerning the postal service, changed between the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain:

between these administrations and the International Bureau of Montevideo between the same administrations and the Office of the Transboundaries of Panama between the latter and the International Bureau between the postal offices of the Iberian countries and between these Offices and the postal administrations of the countries (b) To the correspondence of the members of the Diplomatic Corps of the signatory countries (c) To the official correspondence that the Consuls and the Vice Consuls when they are in functions of consuls, send to their respective countries to which they change among themselves to the ones that direct the authorities of the country in which they are accredited and to the ones that cross with their respective Embassies and Lawses, provided that there is reciprocity 3. The official correspondence of the Central Governments of the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, which according to their internal laws circulates free of porte in their internal regime, will be accepted with equal franchise in the country of destination, without any tax on it, provided that a strict reciprocity is observed. 4. The correspondence of the National Commissions for Intellectual Cooperation established under the auspices of the Governments, in accordance with the existing Pan American and Universal Conventions, will also be carried out as a franchise. 5. The exchange of correspondence of the Diplomatic Corps, between the State Secretariats of the respective countries and their Embassies or Legations, shall be reciprocity between the contracting countries and shall be made uncovered or through diplomatic pouchs in accordance with Article 105 of the Rules of Implementation. These bags will enjoy franchise and all guarantees of official shipping. 6. The franchise covered by this article does not extend to air service or to other special services existing in the américospañol regime or within the contracting countries.

Reduced rates

ARTICLE 14 Shipments containing correspondence objects, with the exception of small packages, that exchange the addresses of the Schools of the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain or the students of them through their directors, shall enjoy a rate equal to 50% of the ordinary, provided that their weight does not exceed 1 kilogram and meet the other conditions corresponding to their postal classification.

Special services

ARTICLE 15 The High Contracting Parties may, on the basis of special agreements or correspondence, extend to the other countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain the postal services they provide or may, in the future, establish within their respective countries.

Service formulas sent by air mail

ARTICLE 16 1. The formulas provided for in the Regulations for the Implementation of the Universal Postal Convention for requests for the return of correspondence or change of address, as well as those relating to claims for any object of correspondence and request for reports may be directed by air. 2. To this end, the formulas C.11, C.12 and C.13 will be differentiated as follows: in blue colour, those that correspond to be directed by the airway and in pink, those that must be answered by the same way. 3. Aerial roaming will result in the perception of a supplementary right, which the person concerned must pay in the act of formalizing the management equivalent to the air carrier of a letter of 5 grams for the country of destination or the port of call for the response to be issued by the same way. These rights shall be entirely for the benefit of the Administration that perceives them.

Official language

ARTICLE 17 Spanish is adopted as an official language for matters relating to the post office. However, countries whose language is not the language may use their own.

Protection and exchange of postal officers

ARTICLE 18 1. The administrations of the contracting countries shall be obliged to lend themselves to each other, upon request, the cooperation required by their employees responsible for the transport of correspondence in transit through such countries. They will also provide all kinds of facilities to officials that one of those administrations agrees to send to any other, to carry out studies on the development and improvement of postal services. 2. The administrations, through the International Office of Montevideo, will agree on the exchange of staff among them. Notwithstanding the above, the Administrations may also agree to the dispatch of officials, for the purpose of learning or instruction, without the need for such exchange. 3. Once agreed between two or more Administrations, the unilateral exchange or dispatch of staff provided for in the previous paragraphs, they shall agree on the manner in which the corresponding costs should be borne and, where deemed necessary, on the initiative and through the International Office of Montevideo.

International Bureau of Transboundaries

ARTICLE 19 1. In the Republic of Panama, an International Bureau of Trans-shipments, to which it is appropriate to receive and re-expir all postal offices, originating from the Union Administrations that do not have their own services in the Isthmus, and which, bypassing it, give rise to trans-shipment operations. 2. The Office will operate in accordance with the Regulations established between the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and the Panama Postal Administration. 3. The reforms that should be introduced at any time in the Regulations referred to above shall be submitted by the administrations concerned for the consideration of the International Office of Montevideo, for the purpose of proposing to the Postal Administration of Panama. 4. The organization and operation of the International Bureau of Transboundaries is subject to the monitoring and control of the General Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs of Panama and the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain based in Montevideo, which is also responsible for acting as a mediator and adviser on any divergence arising between the Panama Postal Administration and the countries using the services of the aforementioned Office. 5. The staff assigned to the Office shall be appointed by the General Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs of Panama, and shall be unmovable in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Office. It will also have the same rights and obligations as the postal laws of the Republic of Panama have for the post office employees. 6. The costs that demand the support of this Office shall be borne by the countries that use its services, distributed in proportion to the number of their own bags that they exchange through it. The Panama Administration will advance the amounts necessary to keep the services of the Office regularly. Such amounts will be refunded quarterly by each concerned Administration, but payments that do not occur within six months, from the date on which the obligor receives the account made by the International Bureau of Transshipments, will accrue to that Administration an annual interest of 5 per cent.


ARTICLE 20 Any conflict or disagreement arising in the postal relations of the contracting countries shall be resolved by arbitral tribunal which shall be dealt with in the manner provided for by the existing Universal Postal Union Convention. The appointment of arbitrators shall be in the signatory countries, and the case may be, with the intervention of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain.

International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain

ARTICLE 21 1. With the name of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, it operates in Montevideo, under the high inspection of the General Directorate of Posts of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, a Central Office which serves as a body of relationship, information and consultation of the countries of the Union. 2. This Office will be responsible for: (a) collecting, coordinating, publishing and distributing data of all kinds that are of particular interest to the friendly postal service (b) To issue, at the express request of the parties concerned, their views on litigation issues (c) To issue, on its own initiative or at the request of any of the administrations of the signatory countries, their opinion in all matters of postal order that affect or relate to the general interests of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain (d) To make known requests for amendments to the Acts of the Congress that may be formulated and to notify the changes that are adopted (e) To report the results obtained from the relevant regulatory provisions and measures adopted by the Administrations in their internal service and communicated to them by them, for information purposes (f) The distribution of the postal maps and guides referred to it by the respective Administrations (g) To formulate the summary of the amphibious postal statistics, according to the data communicated to it annually by each Administration, for which it will send to the Administrations a form with the full and detailed requirement of the postal statistical data, in accordance with a scientific and rational plan (h) To publish a report on the fastest ways to transmit the correspondence from one to another of the contracting countries (i) To form a table containing in detail all maritime services dependent on the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, which may be used free of charge for the transport of their correspondence, under the conditions set out in article 3 (j) To publish the internal service portion rate for each of the countries concerned (k) To make the equivalence table in the corresponding currency in gold francs and in dollars l) To draft and circulate annually among the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain a report of the work carried out by m) To carry out the studies and work requested to it, in the interest of the contracting countries and in relation to the work of social, economic and artistic linkages, for which purpose the International Office will always be available to those countries, in order to provide them with all the special reports required on matters relating to the service of amicable mails(n) To intervene and collaborate in the organization and realization of the Congresses and Conferences of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain or) From the distribution, between the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, of the postal laws and regulations of each, having consequently those administrations, the obligation to provide to the aforementioned Office, twenty-five copies of the expressed laws and regulations p) To organize a special session, in charge of the collection of the seals that refer the Administrations in compliance with Article 113, paragraph l, paragraph k) of the Regulation qté To make the international postal badge of UPAE, consisting of a distinctive for personal use of the officials of the administrations attached to the Union (s) From the printing and supply of coupons answer provided for in Article 7, paragraph 3. The International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will also publish, in accordance with the data provided by the Administrations, an official compilation of all information relating to the implementation of the Convention and its Rules of Procedure in each country, which are of particular interest to the friendly postal service. The same Office will also publish similar compilations concerning the implementation of the entrustment agreements and postal orders. 4. The special expenses that demand the formation of the annual report and the table or information on postal communications of the contracting countries, and those that occur on the occasion of the meeting of Congress or Conferences, shall be borne by the administrations of such countries in accordance with the groups established in Article 110 of the Regulations of Implementation. The costs related to the holding of the Congresses and Conferences shall be fixed, on each occasion, by the General Directorate of Posts of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, in accordance with the International Office of Montevideo. 5. The Uruguay Post Office will monitor the costs of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and will make the advances it needs. 6. The amounts advanced by the Uruguayan Administration for advances, referred to in the previous paragraph, shall be paid by the debtor administrations as soon as possible and, no later than six months, from the date on which the country concerned receives the account formulated by the Uruguayan General Post Office. After that date, the amounts owed will accrue interest at 5 per cent per year, on the date of expiry of that period. 7. The contracting countries undertake to include in their budgets an annual amount intended to pay their dues on time.


ARTICLE 22 1. The Congresses will meet no later than two years after the celebration of each Universal Postal Congress. However, if the interval between the latter extends beyond 5 years, the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain can conclude through the International Office of Montevideo and unanimously of votes, an eventual meeting. 2. Each Congress shall set the place where the next meeting should be held.

Votes of the Congress

ARTICLE 23 The Contracting Countries shall inform the International Office of Montevideo, with three months in advance of the date of each Congress, the efforts made in order to give effect to their respective countries the votes and recommendations of the last Congress.

Proposals during the meeting interval

ARTICLE 24. This Convention may be amended at the time of the Congresses, following the procedure established in the current Universal Postal Union Convention. In order for them to have executive force, the modifications of articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29 and 30 two thirds of votes for articles 14 and 23, and a mere majority for others shall be obtained unanimously.

Modifications and amendments

ARTICLE 25 The modifications or resolutions adopted by the High Contracting Parties, even those of internal order that affect the international service, shall have executive force three months after the date on which they are communicated by the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain.

Implementation of the Universal Postal Convention and domestic legislation

ARTICLE 26 1. All matters relating to the exchange of correspondence between the contracting countries and which are not covered by this Convention shall be subject to the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Convention and its Regulations. What, in turn, is not reflected in the latter, will be the subject of special arrangements between the concerned administrations. 2. Likewise, the domestic legislation of those countries shall apply in all that has not been provided for by both Conventions.

Proposals for the Universal Congresses

ARTICLE 27 All the countries that form the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will communicate, through the International Office of Montevideo, the proposals they make for the Universal Postal Congresses, with six months in advance of the date on which they should be held.

Unit of Action in the Universal Postal Congresses

ARTICLE 28 The countries signatories to the Américoespañol Postal Convention, which have ratified it or put it in administrative force, are obliged to give instructions to their Delegates to the Universal Postal Congresses, so that they hold, unanimously and firmly, all the principles established in the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and to vote also in accordance with these postulates, except by providing only those countries so exclusively.

Previous conferences

ARTICLE 29 1. For the purposes of the previous article, the Delegates of the countries that make up the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain to the Universal Postal Congresses shall meet in the city designated as their headquarters, fifteen days before the date of the inauguration of the same, to hold a pre-Conference setting out the procedures for joint action to follow. 2. With due anticipation of the meeting of the Universal Congresses, the International Office of Montevideo will invite the signatory administrations to hold the pre-conference conference referred to in the previous paragraph, and the Director of the International Office of Montevideo, with the staff of the same as he deems necessary, must be present there.

New accessions

ARTICLE 30 In the event of further accession, the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, in agreement with the International Office of Montevideo and the Government of the country concerned, shall determine the group in which it must be included, for the purpose of the distribution of the expenses of the International Office.

Monitoring and duration of the Convention and deposit of ratifications

ARTICLE 31 1. This Convention shall begin to govern the first of January 1947 and shall remain in force without limitation of time, with each Contracting Party retaining the right to withdraw from this Union, by notice given by its Government to that of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, with one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications will be made in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Republic of the United States of Brazil, in the shortest possible time, proposing that it be before the validity of the Convention and Agreement to be referred to and of each of those shall be lifted the respective Act, whose copy shall be forwarded by the Government of the Republic of Brazil, by diplomatic means, to the Governments of the other signatory countries. 3. From the date on which the present Convention enters into force, the provisions of the Postal Convention of the Americas and Spain are repealed on 22 December 1936.

4. In the event that the Convention is not ratified by one or more of the contracting countries, it shall not be valid for those who have ratified it. 5. The Contracting Countries may expire the Convention and the Agreements, provisionally, by correspondence, giving notice of this to the respective administrations through the International Bureau, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the laws of each country, and after the approval of the National Congresses, it is confirmed by diplomatic means. In faith, the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the countries mentioned above, subscribe to this Convention in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, on 23 days of September 1946.




Annex B: Final Protocol to the Convention on the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain

I The United States reserves the right, on a temporary basis, to maintain its current rates for the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, which may be higher than those of its internal regime.

II With regard to article 28 of the Convention, Canada and the United States of America reserve full freedom of action at the Congresses of the Universal Postal Union.

III Canada makes a reservation that it cannot accept the provisions of paragraphs 1 (d) and (e) of article 13 and 3 and 4 of the same article.

IV The Republic of Panama makes a temporary reservation to article 3 of the Convention concerning ships that do not transport their own correspondence until it is in legal conditions that allow it to give effective compliance.

V Canada makes a reservation that the provisions of article 8 are not applicable to Canada.


By United States of America: JOHN J. GILLEN - EDWARD J. MAHONEY.



Annex C: Rules of implementation of the Agreement of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain

Exchange of offices

ARTICLE 101 1. The administrations of the contracting countries may be issued reciprocally, through one or more of them, both closed and uncovered correspondence, under the conditions set out in the Universal Postal Union Convention and Rules. 2. In cases of re-engineering, the contracting countries undertake to re-examine correspondence through the fastest routes and channels they use for their own shipments. Transport will be free of charge when it comes to services that depend on your Administration, but you will be able to receive the same amounts that you are required to pay when, for the further transport of closed offices, services of foreign administrations are required, to which the costs must be met. 3. Where the intermediary administrations dealing with the previous paragraph are to receive from those of origin for having used for the further transportation of services of foreign administrations, they shall make the accounts of these expenses without exceeding, in no case, the rights set out in the Universal Postal Union Convention and in accordance with the rules set out in its Rules of Implementation.

Internal rates and equivalencies

ARTICLE 102 The administrations shall communicate as soon as possible through the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, any modification of their internal rate, as well as the equivalence of such rate in gold francs.

Office Training - Empty Sacos

ARTICLE 103 1. Ships containing exchange correspondence between two countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain shall be made in accordance with the Regulations of Implementation of the Universal Postal Union Convention. 2. The bags used by the contracting administrations for the sending of the correspondence shall be returned empty by the offices of destining exchange to those of origin in the manner prescribed by the respective article of the Regulations. However, the Administrations may agree with the purpose of using them for the sending of their own correspondence.

Small packages

ARTICLE 104 1. The conditioning and packaging of small packages will be governed by the same provisions established for samples. In addition, the name and address of the senders should be included outside the site. 2. It will be allowed to include in these objects an open invoice, reduced to its constituent statements, or a simple copy of the envelope with indication of the address of the sender. 3. Packages, whether or not accompanied by customs declaration, must always carry the green label equal to the model "C-1" of the Regulations of Execution of the Universal Postal Union.

Diplomatic vessels

ARTICLE 105 1. The diplomatic bags exchanged by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain with their diplomatic representatives in other countries, pursuant to article 13 of the Convention, may not weigh more than 20 kilos, nor exceed the following limits of dimensions: long, wide and high, added, 140 centimeters, without the larger size exceeding 60 centimeters.

2. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic representatives will deposit these bags at the Post Office as certified. This office will note in the column "Observations" of the special certificate list the words "Council of diplomats" and the number of certificates, if any. 3. These bags will be provided with locks, locks and other means of security appropriate to the importance of these shipments 4. The diplomatic bags shall be issued by the same means as the Expediting Administration for the dispatch of their correspondence to the Administration of destination, announcing such shipment by means of a note in the notice sheet of the office containing them. 5. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties concerned, the diplomatic pouch will not be shipped in air franchise.

Diplomatic and consular responsibility

ARTICLE 106 The diplomatic and consular correspondence shall bear the following indications: the name of the Embassy, the Legation or Consulate of the sender and the very ostensible inscription of "Diplomatic Correspondence", or "Consular Correspondence", in addition to the statement "Free of porte", which shall be found below that inscription.

Statistics on transit rights

ARTICLE 107 As a result of the free traffic referred to in article 3 of the Convention, the administrations of the contracting countries shall not carry out any traffic rights statistics operation, in relation to those dispatches that only contain amphibious correspondence, provided that this correspondence is carried out without the mediation of countries or foreign services to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain.

Constitution of the International Bureau

ARTICLE 108 1. The Director of the International Bureau shall be appointed by the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, on the proposal of the General Directorate of Posts of Uruguay, and shall enjoy the monthly retribution of 900 pesos national Uruguayan currency. The Assistant Director-Secretary-General, the Secretariat Officer, the Officer-Translator and other staff of the Office shall be appointed, on the proposal of the Director of the International Bureau, by the Uruguay Post Office. In Uruguayan national currency, the monthly salary of the Assistant Director-Secretary-General is set at 700 pesos that of the Secretariat Officer, in 500 pesos that of the Officer-Translator, in 350 pesos that of two assistants, in 200 pesos each and that of a Porter, in 150 pesos. Such staff may only be removed from their positions with the intervention of the Uruguayan General Post Office and in accordance with the procedures governing fixed employees of the Directorate itself. 2. The Director of the International Bureau shall attend the Congresses and Conferences of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of articles 21 and 29 of the Convention and shall attend the meetings, and may take part in the discussions, without the right to vote. 3. The official language of the International Bureau is Spanish. However, countries whose language is not the language may use their own in their relations with it.

Retirements and pensions

The pensions and retirements of the staff of the International Office of Montevideo shall be paid exclusively from its own fund which, for that purpose, is intended by the Office and which is formed by the contribution of all the countries of the Union. The conditions and amount of such retirements and pensions shall be subject to Uruguayan legislation on the subject matter for its own staff and employees.

Accounts and expenditures of the International Bureau

ARTICLE 110 1. The costs of the International Bureau may not exceed the amount of 55,000 Uruguayan national currency per year, including the establishment of a staff retirement fund. 2. For the distribution of the Office ' s annual and extraordinary expenses, countries are divided into three groups, with the contribution of the first with eight units, the second with four and the third with two units. They belong to the first group: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Spain, the United States of America and Uruguay to the second group: Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, the United States of Venezuela, Mexico, Panama and Peru to the third group: Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic.

Information - Annex Modification Request

ARTICLE 111 The International Bureau will always be available to the contracting parties to provide them with as many special reports as may be required on matters relating to the service of Américospañol Posts and to give course to requests for modification or interpretation of the provisions governing the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, notifying the outcome of each management.


ARTICLE 112 1. The International Bureau of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will direct a special circular when an Administration requests the immediate publication of any changes it has introduced in its services, and will also circulate, free of charge among the administrations of the contracting countries and send to the International Bureau of Bern, the documents it publishes, having to forward to each Administration the number of copies corresponding to it, in proportion to the units with which it contributes.

Supplementary copies of documents requested by the Administrations shall be paid for at a cost price. 2. The International Bureau shall share among the contracting countries the proposals it receives, in accordance with article 27 of the Convention. To that end, all the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will make known, through the same Office and with due opportunity, as provided for in the Convention, the proposals they make for the Universal Congresses, so that such initiatives will be supported by all those countries.

Documents and reports to be forwarded to the Office of Internal Oversight Servicesa

ARTICLE 113 1. The International Office will serve as an intermediary for regular and general notifications that are exclusively relevant to the administrations of the contracting countries. Referred administrations shall send regular and timely to the International Bureau: (a) Postal legislation and subsequent amendments (b) The Postal Guide, whenever edited (c) Maps and guides of postal communications used for both internal and international service (d) A report on the fastest land and sea routes that can be used for the exchange of correspondence (e) The results of their annual postal statistics and the movement with the other americ-Spanish countries (f) The text of the proposals submitted for consideration by the Universal Postal Congresses (g) The data of any kind that are interested in the Spanish air postal service, each time they make any new provision (h) All reports requested by the International Bureau for the publications, memories and other matters of its competence, in such a way as to allow the execution of its functions in the shortest term (i) A table containing in detail all maritime services dependent on the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, which may be used free of charge by others for the transport of their correspondence (j) Variations in equivalences as soon as they occur (k) Three copies of the postal stamps they emit and the impressions-type of their franking machines, with a copy of the respective emission disposition. 2. Any further modification shall be communicated without delay.

Modifications at the interval of meetings of the Congresses

ARTICLE 114 1. At the time of the Congresses, the Administrations shall have the right to make proposals relating to these Regulations, following the procedure set out in the Universal Postal Union Convention. 2. In order for such propositions to have executive force, they must bring together two thirds of the votes cast.

Implementation of the Universal Postal Convention and the Domestic Legislation

ARTICLE 115 The provisions of the Regulations of the Universal Postal Union Convention shall apply in all that are not provided for in this Regulation regarding the exchange of correspondence between the contracting countries and, in their absence, the domestic legislation of those countries.

Monitoring and duration of the Regulations

ARTICLE 116 This Regulation shall begin to rule on the same date as the Convention to which it refers, and shall have the same duration as the Convention. In the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, twenty-five days from September 1946.


By United States of America: JOHN J. GILLEN - EDWARD J. MAHONEY.




Annex D: Air transportation arrangements for postal shipments

I Correspondence objects admitted to air transportation

1. The objects referred to in article 4 of the Convention, as well as postal orders, collections and subscriptions, shall be admitted on air transportation in whole or part of the route. In this case such shipments will be called "correspondence-avion". 2. The objects mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be certified or encumbered with reimbursement. 3. The exchange of letters and boxes with declared value and small packages will be limited to the relations between the administrations that agree to do so.

II Freedom of transit and air correspondence

1. All internal or international lines that directly or indirectly depend on an Administration and are used for the transport of correspondence shall be made available to others on the basis of uniform general rates and conditions for all administrations that use these services without participating in operating expenses. 2. The contracting parties undertake to direct, by the fastest airways they use for their own correspondence, that they receive from any of them for another country of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain or the Universal Postal Union. 3. With the exception of the express indication of the sender on the deck of the shipment, the correspondence that is admitted to the airway will circulate through this means throughout the territory of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, without its air route being limited or interrupted provided that there is established service and it ensures its fastest arrival at destination. The preceding rule shall not apply in cases of re-expedition to a new destination for which the provisions of the Universal Postal Union shall be governed.

4. Correspondence-fly sent by mistakes imputable to the postal service, will be mandatoryly forwarded by air by the Administration receiving it. The costs arising from this concept may be charged to the Administration of origin.

III. Responsibility

The contracting parties shall assume the same responsibility as those on the regular tracks in respect of objects directed by air.

IV Pertenence of air envelopes

Each Administration will retain for itself the totality of the air envelopes it perceives.

V Integration and maximum port

The rate of air correspondence shall be composed of the corresponding ordinary rate, according to the class and category of the objects, and of an overt that shall be set by the country of origin, whose value shall not exceed the actual expense in which the same incurs. This envelope may be rounded, if necessary, to multiples of 5.

VI Weight unit

1. For the application of air service fees, in all countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, it is established as a weight unit for the objects quoted in provision I, five grams or multiples of five grams. 2. However, countries that do not have the decimal metric system established may adopt the most approximate equivalence possible to 5 grams, in accordance with the weight system in force in their internal postal service.

VII Singularization of shipments

The objects that are to be studied by air will be singularized with a sign or blue print, which bears the mention: "POR AVION", "BY AIR MAIL", "PAR AVION" or similar. In addition, the bags or packages containing such correspondence should carry blue labels with the same reference, and if possible, be made in material of the same color.

VIII Representation of the franking

1. The franking of the air correspondence may be done by means of postal stamps, or be represented by impressions of stamping machines on the deck of the object or on a special label attached to it. It may also be done through a mention, in manuscripts, of the amount charged, provided that the latter is ratified by the seal of the sender office. 2. In epistolar correspondence related exclusively to official postal matters, which exchange the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, the air overtase may be represented by means of hand-written or hand-written annotation, indicating its amount. The same procedure will apply to correspondence that, referring exclusively to official and telegraphic matters, will be changed between the Postal and Telegraph Administrations that belong to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, in countries where the latter service is also administered by the Government. 3. This annotation will be on the back of each letter, having to be validated with the date stamp of the Post Office in which it is deposited.

IX franking insufficiency

No air course will be given to correspondence that has not fully satisfied the relevant envelope. However, the administrations of origin will have the power to issue this correspondence by air, when the amount paid represents at least 25 per cent of that envelope. The lack or insufficiency of regular and overtase franking will result in the imposition of the appropriate fine.

X Franchise

The franchise granted by the carriers for postal service correspondence should be uniform for all administrations, and the latter must not rate the porte-free correspondence under the agreed franchise on the basis of the current contracts. The benefits of the preceding paragraph shall be agreed as long as the contracts of the respective countries so permit.

XI Preferential treatment for eventualities

Correspondence of the international air service will receive ongoing preferential treatment and delivery in the country of destination, where, due to circumstances or force majeure, it cannot be carried in that country on the aircraft for which it should normally be shipped.

XII Customs procedures

International postal shipments to be delivered by air will be a matter of preferential attention for submission to customs review and other legal requirements that, for import and export, should be met in the Offices of Change.

XIII Delivery of air correspondence

The delivery of air correspondence shall be made to its recipients necessarily by the immediate delivery upon arrival at the final office.

XIV Acknowledgement

1. The certified air correspondence from which the shipper requests a receipt acknowledgment at the time of depositing it, must carry on the reverse the well-visible annotation "ACUSE DE RECIBO" or the printing of the "A.R." seal. The shipper will indicate on the outside its name and address, in Latin characters. 2. This correspondence will be accompanied by the A.R. formula that will join the piece, externally and safely. If such a formula does not arrive at the office, the latter will issue a new acknowledgement of receipt. The weight of the formula may be computed for the calculation of the air overtase. 3. The sending of the receipt to the sender of the air correspondence in question shall be carried out by air, with the administrations entitled to receive in their favour, from the sender, a small additional envelope, which shall be entirely available.

XV Bonus of transport costs

1. Each Administration that ensures the transport of correspondence by air, such as intermediary or destinate Administration, shall have the right to the bonus of the transportation costs, according to the gross weight of the shipments. 2. Transport prices for air correspondence shall be determined by each Administration on which the services used, per kilogram, depend, applying them proportionally to the fractions of kilogram, and prior agreement with the airlines concerned. 3. Except as set out in the above paragraphs, any of the administrations may agree with the international aircraft companies operating in their country, the direct payment to the same of the expenses that demand the conduct of their own offices throughout their journey, whatever the number of lines to be used for their arrival at destination, without it being necessary in each case to request the prior agreement of the same intermediary administrations, suffice to the effect the same notification.

4. The contracting administrations undertake to manage, in all possible cases, the contracting administrations reduce their transport rates to a minimum quota per kilometre or more favourable formulas, which are equal to all the countries of the Union, unless agreements are reached that establish reductions for long distances, scaling the transport prices for every 500 kilometres of route or that established by the contracting parties. This rate will be applied proportionally to the fractions of kilogram.

XVI Transport cost by air traffic correspondence

1. By the international air correspondence that operates in transit the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, the intermediary administrations will only charge to those of origin the actual cost corresponding to the transport of such shipments on the airlines through which they are reexploded, in the case of closed dispatches. 2. If, under special circumstances, arising from the high cost of transportation, a country may not be able to accept that principle, arrangements may be made between the administrations concerned with respect to the conditions of payment, without affecting the agreements in force until the expiration of those agreements. 3. The Administration that delivers to another, air mail in transit to the discovery, must pay the full transport rights for the entire subsequent air route.

To determine transport rights, the net weight of these shipments will be increased by 10 percent. 4. Expenditure resulting from the fulfilment of paragraph 3 of Regulation II shall be derived from the Administration of origin, except as provided in the following XVII or otherwise agreed. 5. Each country will indicate which offices are enabled for the transit of closed or uncovered offices. When these dispatches are delivered to an office in the intermediary country, not designated by the same country as a trans-shipment office for closed or uncovered dispatches, they shall be subject to the internal transport quota of the transit country, in addition to re-expedition fees for the destination country or for another intermediary country.

XVII Payments for domestic service

1. The administrations within their territory to conduct correspondence by airlines of regular service shall, for these purposes, re-expedite the correspondence-flight that they receive, for their service, from countries of the Américoespañola Union, without charge for the country of origin, provided that they do not have to make any payment for this concept. The administrations will manage from the respective companies that such transport takes place free of charge. 2. Each destination administration may require the others to form direct offices for their Offices of Change, when the volume of correspondence or other conveniences of the service advise.

XVIII Accounts.- Liquidation

Accounts resulting in the transportation costs of air correspondence shall be made by the creditor Administration to the debtor, on a monthly or on a quarterly basis, unless otherwise agreed. The debtor balances in gold francs or in dollars, as appropriate, shall be settled by the debtor Administration, the creditor, as requested by the latter and, no later than three months after the date of acceptance of the respective account.

XIX Offices of Change

Offices of Change will be considered in the international air postal service of the Americas and Spain, authorized to form and receive direct dispatches, all of which operate in regulatory landing sites of the posting aircraft. To that end, the signatory countries are obliged to notify themselves on the fastest track, the scales established within their territory.

XX Transboundary

The postal authorities of each country shall be entitled to intervene in the operations of the transfer of postal shipments, at the landing or watering sites, of airline connection.

XXI Restrictions on transit aircraft

The postal administrations of the contracting countries shall manage from their respective Governments that the restrictive provisions imposed on the aircraft in transit, in no case shall come to the extreme of preventing the receipt of the correspondence that those transport, either to the destination of the same country or to be reissued outside its territory, using to this effect the avenue agreed by the parties concerned.

XXII Information for distribution

The administrations linked by air service, within the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, are obliged to provide those of all countries with which they maintain exchange of correspondence, comprehensive and detailed information regarding each of the scale points in their territory, with expression of the localities by alphabetical order, for the correct formation of the dispatches, and in order to avoid delays harmful to correspondence, caused by errors of classification.

XXIII Direct Notifications between Administrations

Any significant alteration in the itinerary and scales of the international lines, which affect the conditions under which the delivery and receipt of the air correspondence is made, shall be communicated to the administrations concerned in advance not less than thirty days, by that of which the air transport company that performs the service depends directly or indirectly.

XXIV Communications to the International Office

1. The Administrations shall communicate to the International Office of Montevideo: (a) The excesses they have fixed according to the equivalent of their currency regarding the gold franc and the weight units they have adopted (b) Airlines that depend directly or indirectly on their Administration and which can be used for the transport of correspondence (c) Contributions that are required to pay, in accordance with current or future contracts, to transport companies (d) How they wish to settle air transportation costs (e) The full schedules and schedules of their internal or international network (f) Contracts they have entered into for the transport of air correspondence. Any further modification shall be notified promptly. 2. The International Office of Montevideo will transmit these information to the other administrations of the Union.

XXV Aeropostal Commendations

1. Prior to the agreement between the administrations concerned, the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will be able to establish the exchange of orders by air, setting the limits of weight and volume. 2. This service shall be called Aeropostal Commends, and shall apply to the same reduced rates of franking, which shall be equivalent to the express freights that the operating companies have in force, plus the territorial rights indicated by the administrations of origin and destination, which shall not exceed 50% of the amounts specified by the corresponding agreement, for the ordinary orders. 3. In all matters not provided for in these provisions, the provisions of the Agreement relating to ordinary orders shall apply to the service of aeropostal orders, the inclusion of any correspondence of a current and personal nature is prohibited, whether it circulates in open or closed wraps. 4. It is fixed as a unit of weight, for the purposes of the franking of the aeropostal encomiendas, that of 500 grams or fraction.

XXVI. Statistics

Administrations that use airways for the exchange of postal goods will semesterly transmit statistical data on the airway movement to the International Office of Montevideo.

XXVII Recruitment

Aeropostal contracts with a company may not restrict the rights of free concurrence to air transport with preference clauses.

XXVIII Pre-existing concessions and contracts

The administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain undertake to conform to the present provisions the pre-existing contracts and concessions, subject to renewal, which have been concluded with private air transport companies or those that will carry out in the future.

XXIX Implementation of the Universal Postal Convention

The provisions relating to the transport of correspondence and entrusted by air, annexed to the Universal Postal Union Convention, shall govern in all that is not expressly provided for in these clauses and in the Agreement of Commitments.

XXX Date and duration of the provisions adopted

1. The present provisions shall begin to govern on 1 January 1947 and shall remain in force, without limitation of time, with each of the High Contracting Parties reserved, the right to denounce them by notice given by their Government to that of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, with one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications will be made in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, in the shortest possible time. An Act relating to the deposit of ratifications by each country will be lifted and the Government of Brazil will send, through diplomatic channels, a copy of the Act to the Governments of the other signatory countries. 3. They are repealed from the date of entry into force of the present Regulations, those relating to the transport of correspondence by air, which is signed in Panama on 22 December 1936. 4. In the event that the present provisions are not ratified by one or some of the contracting countries, they shall not cease to be valid for the countries that have ratified them. 5. The contracting countries may, provisionally, ratify these correspondence provisions, giving notice to the respective administrations through the International Bureau, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the laws of each country and prior to the approval of the National Congresses, they are confirmed by diplomatic channels.

In faith of the resolved, the Plenipotentiaries of the governments listed below, subscribe to those present in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, at 25 days of September 1946. By Argentina: Oscar L. M. Nicolini, Carlos M. Lascano, Manuel Precedo, Domingo B. Canalle. By Bolivia: José Liévana Forrastal, Rafael Barrientos. By Brazil: Raúl de Albuquerque, Carlos Luis Taveira, Jaime Sloan Chermont, Aureo Maia, Jaime Díaz Franca, Joaquín Vianna, Julio Sánchez Pérez, Carlos F. de Figueiredo. For Canada: Walter James Turnbull, Col. Edward James Underwood, O.

B. E, Francis Everett Jollitfe, M. B. E. By Colombia: Luis García Cadena, Luis Jorge Garzón. By Costa Rica: Roberto Tinoco Gutiérrez. By Cuba: Gabriel Landa and Chao, Jesús Lago Lunar. By Chile: Luis Felipe Laso, Miguel A. Parra, Guillermo Jiménez Morgan. For Ecuador: Rafael Alvarado. By El Salvador: Colonel Carlos Mejía Osorio. Por España: Luis Rodríguez de Miguel, Elías Urdangarain Bernach Por Estados Unidos de Venezuela: Pablo Castro Becerra, Francisco Vélez Salas, Carlos Hartman. For Guatemala: Flavio Herrera. For Haiti: Luis Morais Junior. By Honduras: Marco Antonio Batres, Manuel Soto de Pontes Camara.

By Mexico: Antonio Villalobos, Didier Domínguez Valdés, Lauro F.

Ramírez Umaña. For Nicaragua: José Mercedes Palma. For Panama: Catalino Arrocha Graell, Julio Trelles, Roque Javier Laurenza. By Paraguay: Aníbal Ibarra G. By Peru: Germán Llosa Pardo, Ernesto Cáceres Boluarte. By Dominican Republic: Miguel Antonio Olavarrieta Pérez. By Uruguay: Enrique E. Buero, Miguel Aguerre Aristegui and César I.


ANNEX E: Recommendations relating to: free correspondence transport, freight reduction, postal stamps, preliminary draft regulations for the implementation of the Postal Commendation Agreement.

AGREEMENT: 1. To pay tribute to the memory of the illustrious Uruguayan Mr. Francisco García and Santos, promoter of the First Sud-American Postal Congress, and to point out, for the grateful and respectful remembrance of the new generations, the name of this true Citizen of America who, with a broad and generous vision, contributed to the improvement of communications systems, with the enhancement of continental solidarity and human progress 2. To have it placed in the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and in place of honor, the portrait of Mr. Francisco García and Santos, with an inscription that expresses and consecrates this tribute of the Fifth Postal Congress, held in Rio de Janeiro and 3. Ask the International Bureau to report to the Postal Administrations of the countries that are members of the Union and, at the same time, to the Sixth Congress on the implementation of this Agreement.

II. That each of the contracting countries should endeavour to maintain the privileges currently enjoyed by the ships of the other countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain that transport free of charge the correspondence, as well as to grant them in the future all the privileges they grant to the ships of any other country that perform such service.

III That, as advertisements are a useful and convenient means of dissemination, which facilitates the knowledge of peoples, shipments containing them should circulate through the international postal service without being subject to customs duties or to requirements that may limit their purposes.

IV That the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, if possible, establish an Information Office in their Postal Centres, with reading room, in which they are made available to the public, newspapers, books, magazines and publications in general of the different countries of the Union, sent free of charge by governments, publishing companies, or authors.

V That they manage, from the navigation companies of foreign countries to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain that transport their correspondence, the reduction of the current freights and that, in no case, they carry a greater sum of that which they perceive from the country of origin, except that by privilege of parcel or of other nature, such companies are obliged to free transport.

VI To establish the service of subscriptions to journals and periodicals, on analogous basis to those of the respective Universal Postal Union Agreement.

VII. In order to facilitate the work of the Offices of Change, the Administrations are responsible for strict compliance with Article 160, paragraph 2 of the Universal Postal Union Convention, which establishes the colour of the labels of the bags.

VIII All necessary measures are taken to improve the correspondence distribution service in their respective countries, so that the advances made in postal legislation are translated into positive benefits for the public.

IX That the administrations of the Union refer to the Pan American Union, in Washington D.C., accompanied by a copy of the decree authorizing the issue, three copies of each postal stamp issued by the respective countries.

X That the signatory countries should advocate that the reduction of air correspondence transport rates, which are being studied by the United States of America, should be as high as possible, so that, in the near future, the air transport service of correspondence will lose its current character and achieve, instead, its increased dissemination and use.

XI. That as a means of facilitating trade relations between the contracting countries, it would be desirable to repeal all requirements of a restriction on the effectiveness of such service and to eliminate the requirement of consular invoices and visas, as well as certificates of origin, for those in which the value does not exceed 150 francs or their equivalence.

XII That the International Office of Montevideo initiate the necessary procedures for each of the countries to prepare a draft regulations for the implementation of the Agreement on Postal Commencements in order to submit it to the next Congress of this Union.

XIII. That the contracting administrations shall, within the shortest time period, administer to the competent authorities of their respective countries the annulment of customs duties relating to the confiscated returns to origin, re-expelled to a third country, destroyed for any reason, or losses, expoliated or damaged in their service.

XIV. That the respective Governments authorize the issuance of stamps of mails to commemorate the holding of the Américospañoles Postal Congresses, choosing, in accordance with the International Office of Montevideo, allegorical designs of the meeting of the Congresses or the links of solidarity and fraternity that bind the countries of America and Spain.

XV That all the countries of the U.P.A.E., in the commemorative stamp of the Fifth Congress, pay tribute to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

XVI That the administrations make the greatest effort to ensure that the postal orders service is carried out among all countries, without exception, and at a maximum amount not less than 300 francs.

XVII It is suggested that the members of the U.P.A.E., undertake studies so that, when the next Congress of the Universal Postal Union of Paris is held, they can decide on the following topics (1) Establish appropriate means for the distribution of postal stamps, at reasonable prices, so that they are accessible to each collector in the member countries, so that they can also obtain emission units for their face value. (2) Relating the possibilities of each country, either by the establishment of a Philatelic Section that directs its operations with uniform methods, or by special appropriations to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain for the distribution among collectors. (3) Consideration of manufacturing processes that have in mind to prevent counterfeiting or imitation and at the same time result in more artistic emissions. (4) A general agreement that prevents emissions of a restrictive nature, which may be sold unlawfully by intermediaries, with prejudice to the collectors of the Union.

XVIII Which inspired by the immortal work carried out by the Adelantado Vasco Núñez de Balboa, discoverer of the Pacific Ocean, comparable only to that verified by the sublime visionary Christopher Columbus.

RESUELVAN: 1. Manage to the governments of the United States of North America and Panama, if necessary, the authorization to be erected in the territory of the Istmo, on the Pacific, a monumental beacon to the memory of Vasco Núñez de Balboa, requiring for this purpose the official and effective contest of all the ampañol governments to issue special seals de franqueo, whose product will be directed to Montevideo, 2. To ensure that the Office obtains, by diplomatic means, the Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of Panama, the designation of the representatives of an executive commission that understands in organizing a contest for the presentation of projects and their selection, administration of funds and construction of the work. 3. To build the lighthouse, the International Office informs the countries concerned, so that they agree on its opening.

XIX To resolve the issue of postcards of tourism, of moderate price, with views of the geographical beauties and the main cities of your country.

XX That the administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, in a manifestation of unrestricted solidarity with the Pan American Union whose performance is carried out in the sense of fostering, strengthening and strengthening, more and more, inter-American relations, in the identity of purposes and coincidence with the postulates of the Postal Américoespañola Union, receive with the greatest sympathy the suggestions that are presented to them by the prestigious The above-mentioned administrations will examine with all interest the matters presented to them, considering the possibility of transforming them if the case is the case, in common rules of service, whether during the holding of congresses, in the intervals of the meetings, as the Convention governing postal exchanges between the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain empowers.

Annex F: Agreement on postal orders

Object of the Agreement

ARTICLE 1 The change of postal orders between the contracting countries, whose administrations agree to perform this service, shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement.


ARTICLE 2 The amount of the spins will be expressed in the currency of the destination country. However, the administrations are empowered to agree on another currency, when it suits their interests.

Conditions for change of spins

ARTICLE 3 1. The exchange of postal orders between the contracting countries shall be carried out by means of lists under model A annex, which shall be directed to their destination by ordinary or air, as agreed by the concerned administrations. 2. An agreement may also be added, at the request of the sender of the rotation, to the aforementioned lists A una tira, or a particular communication addressed to the beneficiary, related to the respective title, be included in the list. 3. Each Administration shall designate its country offices to formulate such lists and send them to those other offices for the same purpose designated by the other Administrations. 4. In cases of force majeure that impede the direct exchange of rotations, the sending country, even without the request of the sender or the addressee, may direct them, subject to agreement between the concerned administrations and subject to the previous rules, to another different country, so that it, in turn, re-expects them to its destination by the way that makes possible their delivery.

Television cameras

ARTICLE 4 The provisions of this Agreement shall be extended to the service of telegraphic twists among those countries that agree to lend it. To that end, upon agreement with each other, they shall establish the regulatory conditions of the service itself.

Maximum emission limits

ARTICLE 5 The administrations of the contracting countries, which agree to provide this service, shall agree to set the maximum limit of the rotations that change between themselves, without it being less than 300 francs or the equivalence of this amount in the respective currency. However, the turnovers relating to the post office, issued with a franchise in application of the provisions of Article 9, may exceed the maximum set by each Administration.

Fees and fees

ARTICLE 6 1. The sender of any rotation issued in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall pay the rate established by the Administration of origin, in accordance with its regulations and the scale adopted and promulgated for its internal service. 2. When the rotations are carried out by air or by express, the Administrations may receive the special rights and aerial overtones established, which may not exceed those governing the letters.


ARTICLE 7 The contracting countries are authorized to allow in their territory and in accordance with their domestic legislation, the endorsement of the original turns of any country.


ARTICLE 8 The administrations shall be responsible to the senders, of the amounts that they are responsible for being invested in postal orders, until they are paid to the recipients or endosatarios.

Franquicia de derechos

ARTICLE 9. The shifts relating to service exchanged between the administrations or between the post offices dependent on each Administration, as well as those referred to the International Office of Montevideo and vice versa, shall be exempt from any right.

Waxing time of spins

ARTICLE 10 1. Unless otherwise agreed, any postal order will be payable in the country of destination within the twelve months of its issuance. 2. The amount of rotations that have not been paid within that period shall be credited to the Administration of origin, to which a formula D shall be sent for the purpose in detail of such rotations, so that it may proceed in accordance with its regulations.

Change of direction and return of turns

ARTICLE 11 1. When the sender wishes to correct an error in the addressee's address or request the refund of the amount of the change, he or she will address the administration of the country that has issued it.

2. Generally, a postal order will not be refunded without authorization from the Central Administration of the payer country. Such authorization shall be given through an independent communication, addressed to the Administration of origin, and the total amount of the returns authorized will be credited to the next account to be made.

Payment notice

ARTICLE 12 1. A return sender may obtain a notice of payment, by means of a right equivalent to that received by the origin administration in the form of notice of receipt of the certified correspondence. This right shall belong to the Administration of origin. 2. The destination administration shall extend the notice of payment in a form, in accordance with model F, and shall send it to the interested party, directly, or to the issuing administration for delivery to it.


ARTICLE 13 1. At the request of the sender or the recipient of the rotations, they may be repaid to another country, provided that there is a change in turn with the new destination country. 2. The re-expediting administration shall have the right to deduct from the amount of the rotation its dues in respect of the new rotations issued by it, in accordance with article 6. 3. In the event of re-expedition, the rotation will be considered as if it had been paid by the re-expediting Administration, which will include it in the account for such a concept, adding the word "Re-expedition".

Domestic legislation

ARTICLE 14 The postal orders that are changed between two countries shall be subject, as far as their issuance and payment is concerned, to the provisions in force in the countries of origin or destination, as appropriate, to the internal postal orders.


ARTICLE 15 1. Each Office of Change shall communicate to the Office of Correspondent Change on a daily basis, or on a mutually agreed basis, the amounts received in its country for payment in the other, using model A, annex. 2. Any postal order recorded on the lists will have a progressive number that will be called "international number", beginning on January 1 or July 1 of each year, as appropriate, with the number 1. The lists will also take an order number, starting with number 1, January 1 or July 1 of each year. When the number change occurs, the first list will also carry the last number of the previous series. 3. The Offices of Change will be charged receipt of each list by means of the first next list sent in the opposite direction. 4. Any missing list will be immediately claimed by the Office of Change to check the missing. The Office of Referring Change, in this case, shall, as soon as possible, send to the claimant a duplicate of the requested list, duly formalized. 5. The same procedure established in the previous pairs will be followed with the air-wheeled rotations, but using model A lists, characterized with blue membrete or label, for which independent numbering will take place.

Checking and rectification of lists

ARTICLE 16 1. The lists will be carefully reviewed by the Office of Disciplinary Change and corrected when they contain simple errors.

These corrections shall be informed by the Office of Change, upon receipt of the list in which they have been made. 2. When the lists contain other irregularities, the Bureau of Change shall request explanations from the sender, which shall report as soon as possible. In the meantime, the issue of the internal postal orders corresponding to the aforementioned irregular annotations will be suspended.

Payment of spins

ARTICLE 17 1. Upon receipt in an Office of Change of a list of rotations in accordance with Article 15, the Office shall proceed to make or order the payment to the recipients in the currency of the country of destination of the amounts that, in that currency or in another agreed, are listed in accordance with the regulations in force in each country for the payment of the international rotations.

2. In all cases, the Administration of destination shall endeavour to make payment to the beneficiaries without delay. If a month after the notice has been sent to the beneficiary, the payment shall not be made, the fact shall be communicated to the Administration of origin to inform the sender. 3. The duplicates of postal orders shall be issued only by the Administration of the issuing country, in accordance with its domestic legislation and upon verification that the rotation has neither been paid to the recipient nor reimbursed the shipper.

Accountability and liquidation

ARTICLE 18 1. Unless otherwise agreed, at the end of each quarter, the creditor shall make the respective account for the correspondent Administration, in which it is: (a) Totals of lists containing the details of the rotations issued in both countries during quarter (b) Totals of rotations that have been returned to senders (c) Totals of rotations that have expired during the quarter. 2. The existence of each Administration will be expressed in the currency of your country. The lower amount will be converted to the currency of the creditor country according to the average change of the quarter to the account.

3. This account, extended in double copy, will be sent by the Administration that has made it to the corresponding Administration. If the balance is in favour of this Administration, a letter will be paid in conjunction with the crediting country.

If the balance is in favour of the Administration that has made the account, the payment shall be made by the debtor Administration in the manner indicated in the preceding paragraph, upon receipt of the account. Models B, C, D and E, annexed to this Agreement, will be used for the formation of this quarterly account. 4. The Administrations may also be understood not to make conversions, but to make the liquidation unilaterally, that is, to pay each Administration to the other, the total amount of the spins paid on their own. In this case, each Administration will have to make a quarterly account.

Deletion of accounts by exchange of spins

ARTICLE 19 The administrations may, after mutual agreement, suppress the formation of accounts referred to in the previous article. In this case, they must commit to attach to each list of spins, model A, a check for the total amount of the same, applying the same procedure when the use of models C and D is indicated. The cheques, unless otherwise agreed, shall be issued in the currency of the creditor country and, under these conditions, the conversion shall be made for free change.

Advances on good account

ARTICLE 20 When it turns out that one Administration owes the other, on account of postal orders, a balance exceeding 25,000 gold francs, or the approximate equivalence of this amount in its own currency, the debtor Administration shall send to the creditor, as soon as possible and as advance in good account, an approximate amount to the balance of the quarterly settlement referred to in Article 18.

Suspension of service

ARTICLE 21 1. The administrations of the contracting countries may, in extraordinary circumstances, temporarily suspend the issuance of postal orders and adopt all those provisions which they deem appropriate, to safeguard their interests and avoid any agio that might be attempted by the turn-off service. 2. The Administration that adopts any of the measures referred to in the previous paragraph shall urgently communicate it to the administrations with whom the postal orders change.

Proposals during the meeting interval

ARTICLE 22 This Agreement may be amended at the interval between Congresses, following the procedure established by the Universal Postal Union Convention. In order for the modifications to be executive force, they must obtain: (a) Animity of suffrage if it is to introduce new provisions or to modify articles 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 (b) Two thirds of suffrage to modify the other articles.

Compliance and duration of the Agreement

ARTICLE 23 1. This Agreement shall begin to govern on 1 January 1947 and shall, in force without limitation of time, be reserved for each High Contracting Party the right to denounce it, by notice given by his Government to that of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, with one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications will be made in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, in the shortest possible time. A record concerning the deposit of ratifications of each country shall be lifted, and the Government of Brazil shall send a copy of the certificate to the Governments of the other signatory countries through diplomatic channels. 3. The provisions of the Postal Giros Agreement, signed in Panama on 22 December 1936, are repealed from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. 4. In the event that the Agreement is not ratified by one or more of the contracting countries, it shall not cease to be valid for those who have done so. 5. The contracting countries may provisionally ratify this Agreement by sending notice to the respective administrations through the International Bureau, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the laws of each country and after the approval of the National Congresses, it is confirmed by diplomatic channels.

In faith of which, the Plenipotentiaries of the listed countries subscribe to this Agreement in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, at 25 days of September, nine hundred and forty-six. By Argentina: Oscar L. M. Nicolini, Carlos M. Lascano, Manuel Precedo, Domingo B. Canalle. By Bolivia: José Liévana Forrastal, Rafael Barrientos. By Brazil: Raúl de Albuquerque, Carlos Luis Taveira, Jaime Sloan Chermont, Aureo Maia Jaime Días Franca, Joaquim Vianna, Julio Sánchez Pérez, Carlos F. de Figueiredo. By Colombia: Luis García Cadena, Luis Jorge Garzón. By Costa Rica: Roberto Tinoco Gutiérrez. By Cuba: Gabriel Landa and Chao, Jesús Lago Lunar. By Chile: Luis Felipe Laso, Miguel A. Parra, Guillermo Jiménez Morgan. For Ecuador: Rafael Alvarado. By El Salvador: Colonel Carlos Mejía Osorio. Por España: Luis Rodríguez de Miguel, Elías Urdangarain Bernach Por Estados Unidos de América: John J. Gillen, Edward J. Mahoney Por Estados Unidos de Venezuela: Pablo Castro Becerra, Francisco Vélez Salas, Carlos Hartmann. For Guatemala: Flavio Herrera. For Haiti: Luis Morais Junior. By Honduras: Marco Antonio Batres, Manuel Soto de Pontes Camara.

By Mexico: Antonio Villalobos, Didier Domínguez Valdés, Lauro F.

Ramírez Umaña. For Nicaragua: José Mercedes Palma. For Panama: Catalino Arrocha Graell, Julio Trelles, Roque Javier Laurenza. By Paraguay: Aníbal Ibarra G. By Peru: Germán Llosa Pardo, Ernesto Cáceres Boluarte. By Dominican Republic: Miguel Antonio Olavarrieta Pérez. By Uruguay: Enrique E. Buero, Miguel Aguerre Aristegui, César I.


Annex F: Final protocol to the agreement on postal orders

I The United States of America notes that it cannot accept the provisions of articles 9 and 12.

Rio de Janeiro, 25 September 1946. By Argentina: Oscar L. M. Nicolini, Carlos M. Lascano, Manuel Precedo, Domingo B. Canalle. By Bolivia: José Liévana Forrastal, Rafael Barrientos. By Brazil: Raúl de Albuquerque, Carlos Luis Taveira, Jaime Sloan Chermont, Aureo Maia, Jaime Días Franca, Joaquín Vianna, Julio Sánchez Pérez, Carlos F. de Figueiredo. By Colombia: Luis García Cadena, Luis Jorge Garzón. By Costa Rica: Roberto Tinoco Gutiérrez. By Cuba: Gabriel Landa and Chao, Jesús Lago Lunar. By Chile: Luis Felipe Laso, Miguel A. Parra, Guillermo Jiménez Morgan. For Ecuador: Rafael Alvarado. By El Salvador: Colonel Carlos Mejía Osorio. Por España: Luis Rodríguez de Miguel, Elias Urdangarain Bernach.

For the United States of America: John J. Gillen, Edward J. Mahoney By the United States of Venezuela: Pablo Castro Becerra, Francisco Vélez Salas, Carlos Hartmam. For Guatemala: Flavio Herrera. For Haiti: Luis Morais Junior. By Honduras: Marco Antonio Batres, Manuel Soto de Pontes Camara.

By Mexico: Antonio Villalobos, Didier Dominguez Valdés, Lauro F.

Ramirez Umaña. For Nicaragua: José Mercedes Palma. For Panama: Catalino Arrocha Graell, Julio Trelles, Roque Javier Laurenza. By Paraguay: Aníbal Ibarra G. By Peru: Germán Llosa Pardo, Ernesto Cáceres Boluarte. By Dominican Republic: Miguel Antonio Olavarrieta Pérez. By Uruguay: Enrique E. Buero, Miguel Aguerre Aristegui, César I.


Annex H: Agreement relating to postal orders

Object of the Agreement

ARTICLE 1 1. Under the denomination of "Post Commence" or the synonymous expressions "Post Package" and "Post Port", the countries listed may exchange this type of shipment. 2. The entrustments may be issued certified by payment, in addition to the franking, of the right of certification in force in the country of origin. 3. Postal orders may be issued with a statement of value or counter-reimbursement, when the member countries agree to adopt these forms of service in their reciprocal relations. The issuance of such shipments shall be made compulsory in containers of good conditions, duly closed.


ARTICLE 2 1. Freedom of transit is guaranteed in the territory of each of the contracting countries. Accordingly, the various administrations may use the mediation of one or more countries for the reciprocal change of commitments. 2. The entrustments will be issued in closed offices, or uncovered when the concerned administrations, through the fastest land and sea routes, use for their own shipments the countries involved in transport. 3. Referring administrations will be obliged to send a copy of the Road Map C.P. 12 or another similar to each of the intermediary administrations when transit is done in closed offices.

Weight and dimensions

ARTICLE 3 The maximum weight and the dimensions of the entrustments shall be those set forth in the relevant Agreement of the Universal Postal Union. However, the contracting administrations may, after the agreement of the intermediary countries, agree with other dimensions limits.

Fees and bonuses

ARTICLE 4 1. The rate of the encomiendas exchanged under this Agreement is formed only with the sum of territorial rights of origin, transit and destination. The case will be added to the maritime rights provided for in the current Agreement of the Universal Postal Union on the exchange of postal orders.

2. The territorial rights of origin, transit and destination are set for each country in gold francs or their equivalent as follows:

25 cents per entrusts up to 1 kilogram 40 cents per entrusts more than 1 and up to 3 kilograms 50 cents per entrusts more than 3 and up to 5 kilograms 100 cents per entrusts more than 5 and up to 10 kilograms 150 cents per entrusts more than 10 and up to 15 kilograms 200 cents per encomienda.

3. The administrations of origin and destination shall have the power to increase to double the rates applicable to the categories of 1, 3, 5 and 10 kilos, as well as to apply to each set of these weight limits an excess of 25 cents. Departure and arrival rates, relating to the allocations of 15 and 20 kilos, shall be set according to the criteria of each Administration. 4. The administrations that in the universal regime enjoy special authorizations to raise the rights set forth in the two previous paragraphs may also make use of such authorizations in the américoespañol regime. 5. The Administration of origin shall credit to each of the administrations involved in transport, including to that of destination, the corresponding rights under the provisions of the previous paragraph. 6. The International Office will edit and distribute the chart of territorial transit and departure and arrival rights for each Administration, which will be updated through supplements.

Cancellation of balances less than 50 francs

ARTICLE 5 When the annual balance does not exceed 50 gold francs in the payments for the commissioned service between two countries, the debtor administration shall be exempt from any payment, provided that it agrees with the creditor.

Customs clearance, delivery, storage and other duties

ARTICLE 6 1. The destination administrations may charge the recipients of the entrusted (a) A right of 50 cents of gold franc or its equivalence, to a maximum extent, for the operations, formalities, and procedures inherent in the customs clearance (b) A right equal to that established in its internal service up to a maximum of 40 cents of gold franc or its equivalence, by the conduction and delivery of each entrustee in the addressee's home. When the orders are not delivered to the addressee's home, the addressee must be notified of the arrival. The administrations whose internal regime requires it shall receive a special right for the delivery of such notice, which may not exceed the simple portion of an ordinary letter of service (c) A day-to-day right of storage, not exceeding that stated by the domestic legislation of each country, from the time prescribed in it, without in any case the total amount to be received may exceed 5 gold francs or their equivalence d) Tariff duties and all other non-postal rights established by domestic law (e) The corresponding amount under consular law, where no prior payment has been made by sender (f) The right to reimburse 30 cents of gold francs as a maximum, provided for in the relevant Universal Postal Union Agreement. This right shall be granted to the recipient or sender, as appropriate. 2. Commendations for members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps referred to in article 13 of the Convention shall be exempt from payment of the right of surrender, except for those addressed to the latter if they contain items subject to payment of customs duties.

Prohibition of other charges

ARTICLE 7 The provisions of this Agreement shall not be taxed with other postal rights than those established in the preceding articles. However, the administrations that agree with each other on the admission of claims against reimbursement or with declared value shall be authorized to receive the rights relating to this type of shipment.


ARTICLE 8 1. The administrations will be responsible for the loss, substration or breakdown of ordinary or certified orders. The sender shall, for this reason, be entitled to compensation equivalent to the actual amount of loss, subtraction or breakdown.

This compensation may not exceed: 10 gold francs per entrust to the weight of 1 kilogram 15 gold francs per entrustment of more than 1 and up to 3 kilograms 25 francs per entrustment of more than 3 and up to 5 kilograms 40 francs per entrustment of more than 5 and up to 10 kilograms 55 francs per entrustment of more than 10 and up to 15 kilograms 70 francs. 2. The compensation will be calculated according to the current price of the goods of the same class in the place and at the time when it is entrusted it is accepted for transport. 3. For the insured orders, exchanged among those administrations that agree to establish this modality of service, the compensation may not exceed the value statement. 4. In order to ensure that the responsibility of the Administrations can be properly determined, the offices of destinatarian change, provided that they acquire irregularities that require the lifting of records, should mention the conditions in which the encomiendas were received, especially as they relate the status of the closures and containers, which should be sent to the Administration of origin accompanied by a copy of the record and the bulletin of all the cases and the other containers raised to the effect.

Commendations pending delivery

ARTICLE 9 1. It is set within thirty days the time limit during which the Administration of destination shall maintain the orders at the disposal of the interested parties. This period, which will be counted from the day after the issuance of the notice of arrival, may, at the request of the addressee, be raised to three months, if the sender has also indicated in this regard in accordance with paragraph 2 (d) and when the Administration is not opposed to it. 2. The senders, by virtue of the provisions contained in the previous paragraph, shall be obliged to indicate in the issuance bulletin or in the customs declaration, as well as in the wrapping of the encomienda, how it is to proceed with the same in the event that it cannot be delivered, subject to one of the following modalities: (a) That it be returned to origin (b) To be delivered to another recipient (c) to be considered abandoned (d) to be kept available to the recipient, up to three months, under the conditions of paragraph 1. In the absence of indications and fall in regression, the commission will be returned immediately to origin.

Fraudatory statements

ARTICLE 10 1. In cases where it is ascertained that the senders of an entrust, by themselves or in agreement with the recipients, declare untrue the quality, weight or measure of the content or that, by any other means, try to defraud the tax interests of the country of destination, by eluding the payment of the import duties, concealing objects or declaring them in such a way that evidences the intention of deleting or reducing the amount of the shipment concerned. 2. The Administration decommissioning a commission, in accordance with the above authorization, shall notify the recipient and the Administration of origin.

Recommended for second recipients

ARTICLE 11 Senders of encomiendas directed to the care of banks or other entities, to deliver to second recipients, shall be obliged to appropriate in the labels, fajillas or wrappings of those, the exact name and address of the persons to whom these shipments are intended. However, the second recipient will be notified of the existence of such entrustments and the right set out in article 6, without claiming their surrender, but through a written authorization by the first recipient or the sender. The latter must, in this case, manage delivery through the Administration of origin.

Discontinued or returned

ARTICLE 12 1. The abandoned or returned orders cannot be delivered to their senders, shall be made available to the administrations of destination or origin, as appropriate, to proceed with such shipments in accordance with their domestic legislation. 2. Destiny administrations may, of course, return the orders that have been refused. 3. The administrations may charge for each entrustee who returns to origin as a recess, the following amounts: (a) The corresponding amount as a terminal right (b) The rights referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 4 (c) The rights owed in the country of destination for re-expenditures (d) The right referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of Article 6 (e) The right to repackage.

Proposals during the meeting interval

ARTICLE 13 This Agreement may be amended at the interval between the Congresses, following the procedure established in the current Universal Postal Union Convention. In order for the modifications to be executive force, they must obtain: (a) Animity of suffrages, if it is to introduce new provisions or to modify this article or articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (b) Two thirds of suffrages to modify the other provisions.

Unforeseen matters

ARTICLE 14 1. All matters not covered by this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Agreement and its Rules of Implementation. 2. However, the contracting administrations may set other details for the practice of the service, upon agreement. 3. The right of contracting countries to maintain the regulatory procedure adopted in order to comply with Conventions between them is recognized, provided that the procedure is not contrary to the provisions of this Agreement.

Compliance and duration of the Agreement

ARTICLE 15 1. The present Agreement shall commence on 1 January 1947 and shall remain in force without limitation of time, with each contracting party retaining the right to denounce it, by notice given by his Government to that of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, with one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications will be made in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Republic of the United States of Brazil, in the shortest possible time. An Act concerning the deposit of ratifications by each country will be lifted and a copy of the Act will be forwarded by the Government of Brazil to the Governments of the other signatory countries. 3. The provisions of the Agreement on Postal Commencements, which was signed in Panama on 22 December 1936, are repealed from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. 4. If the Agreement is not ratified by one or more of the contracting countries, it shall not cease to be valid for those who have done so. 5. The contracting countries may ratify this Agreement, provisionally, by correspondence, giving notice to the respective administrations through the International Bureau, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the laws of each country and after the approval of the National Congresses, it is confirmed by diplomatic channels.

In faith of which, the Plenipotentiaries of the countries listed, subscribe to this Agreement in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the United States of Brazil, on the twenty-five days of September, nine hundred and forty-six. By Argentina: Oscar L. M. Nicolini, Carlos M. Lascano. Manuel Precedo, Domingo B. Canalle. By Bolivia: José Liévana Forrastal, Rafael Barrientos. By Brazil: Raúl de Albuquerque, Carlos Luis Taveira, Jaime Sloan Chermont, Aureo Maia, Jaime Días Franca, Joaquím Vianna, Julio Sánchez Pérez, Carlos F. de Figueiredo. For Canada: Walter James Turnbull, Col. Eward James Underwood, O.

B. E, Francis Everett Joliffe, M. B. E. By Colombia: Luis García Cadena, Luis Jorge Garzón. By Costa Rica: Roberto Tinoco Gutiérrez. By Cuba: Gabriel Landa and Chao, Jesús Lago Lunar. By Chile: Luis Felipe Laso, Miguel A. Parra, Guillermo Jiménez Morgan. For Ecuador: Rafael Alvarado. By El Salvador: Colonel Carlos Mejía Osorio. Por España: Luis Rodriguez de Miguel, Elías Urdangarain Bernach Por Estados Unidos de América: John J. Guillen, Edward J. Mahoney.

For the United States of Venezuela: Pablo Castro Becerra, Francisco Vélez Salas, Carlos Hartmann. For Guatemala: Flavio Herrera. For Haiti: Luis Morais Junior. By Honduras: Marco Antonio Batres, Manuel Soto de Pontes Camara.

By Mexico: Antonio Villalobos, Didier Domínguez Valdés, Lauro F.

Ramírez Umaña. For Nicaragua: José Mercedes Palma. For Panama: Catalino Arrocha Graell, Julio Trelles, Roque Javier Laurenza. By Paraguay: Aníbal Ibarra G. By Peru: Germán Llosa Pardo, Ernesto Cáceres Boluarte. By Dominican Republic: Miguel Antonio Olavarrieta Pérez. By Uruguay: Enrique E. Buero, Miguel Aguerre Aristegui, César I.


Annex I: Final protocol to the agreement on postal orders

The United States of America is empowered to lift the territorial transit rights set out in Article 4 of the Agreement to the deferral and also to apply an excess of 25 cents per commission.