Key Benefits:
Law 13.229
BUENOS AIRES, 19 de Augst0, 1948
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.
ARTICLE 1. - Print for workers and workers from the basic learning and training cycle (Law 12,921, LXXVI and LXXVIII) the second learning cycle (technical improvement courses), with the following aims: (a) Provide the competent and specialized technical industry and facilitate workers ' access to higher living and working conditions and the training necessary for the performance of activities of greater responsibility in the technical order) To equip the worker with the fundamental knowledge necessary to further address the study of higher scientific and technical disciplines that will integrate the teaching plan of the National Workers University.
ARTICLE 2. - Conditions for admission to the second learning cycle (technical improvement courses):
(a) Have approved the basic cycle of studies in the following schools under the National Learning and Vocational Orientation Commission: factory schools, learning schools, half-shift schools (articles 17 and 10 of the LXXVI title, Act No. 12.921) and training courses (article 15 of the same title and law), or (b) Have completed similar courses in the schools referred to in Article 8 of Title LXXVI of Law 12.921, which have been approved and recognized by the National Learning and Vocational Orientation Commission, or (c) To have completed the corresponding courses in technical schools and of arts and crafts dependent on other official agencies, or (d) If it were workers who had completed technical studies abroad, they would have revalued the certification of such studies in accordance with the regulations to be issued.
ARTICLE 3. - They will be indispensable prerequisites for admission to these technical refresher courses: (a) To check the status of a worker through the workbook that institutes article 61, of the title LXXVI of Law 12 921, for minors, and in the fruitful form established by the Executive Power for adults (b) Proceed good conduct, honest consecration to work and respect for laws, through certificate issued by competent authority (c) Others establishing regulations to be issued.
ARTICLE 4. - The duration of these theoretical-practical courses, with preferably evening schedule, will be established by the relevant regulations.
ARTICLE 5. - The Executive Power, through the National Training and Vocational Guidance Commission, shall establish such technical institutes as may be necessary, so that workers who justify to possess the conditions and requirements set out in articles 2 and 3 may follow the technical development courses on an equal basis and throughout the territory of the Republic.
ARTICLE 6. - The workers who pass the final examinations of the discharge, will obtain the title of factory technicians, in each of the specialties.
ARTICLE 7. - Apart from the technical development courses that constitute its main purpose, the technical institutes mentioned above: (a) They will provide extension and specialization courses for the managers and teachers of the schools under the National Learning and Vocational Guidance Commission (b) They will constitute technological experimentation laboratories for the fight against scientific foundations that are invoked to cement the commercial prestige of products, machinery or other industrial elements c They will conduct refresher courses for graduates of technical schools of the country or abroad, and specialization courses for new studies and trades.
ARTICLE 8. - The Executive Branch, through the respective ministries, shall take the necessary measures to ensure that pupils belonging to this teaching cycle who are required to join the armed forces to provide military service are assigned, within the requirements of military instruction, to activities related to the studies carried out.
ARTICLE 9. - Trust the National Worker University as a higher technical education institution under the National Learning and Vocational Guidance Commission.
ARTICLE 10. - They will be their main purposes: (a) Comprehensive training of workers ' professionals aimed at meeting the needs of the national industry (b) Provide the technical teaching of a teaching body composed of elements formed in the workshop experience, intimately composed of problems affecting industrial work, and endowed with a special suitability c) To act as an advisory body in the drafting of the curricula and curricula of the lower institutes, in order to develop the teaching throughout the cycle with a sujección a una adecuada graduation and hierarchization of knowledge d) To advise in the organization, management and promotion of industry, with special consideration of national interests (e) To promote and facilitate research and experiences necessary for the improvement and increase of the national industry (f) Facilitate or promote through any other function of its nature to the full satisfaction of the proposed objectives (medium extension courses or fundamental technical culture, formation of research teams, etc.).
ARTICLE 11. - In order to enter the National Workers ' University, it is required to: (a) Accredit a factory technician ' s degree issued by the National Training and Vocational Guidance Commission (technical improvement courses) or graduate of State industrial schools (b) Check the other ends mentioned in Article 3 of this Law.
ARTICLE 12. Priority shall be accorded to graduates of the technical improvement course, and among them to those who have obtained the highest grades.
ARTICLE 13. - The full duration of university courses, whether continuing or not, shall be determined by the relevant regulations
ARTICLE 14. - Those who have approved the university courses within the respective curriculum shall be granted the title of factory engineer in the corresponding specialty.
ARTICLE 15. - To cover the expenses required by the installation of the National Workers University, for a single time, the sum of thirty million pesos, which will be taken from general incomes charged to this Law.
ARTICLE 16. - Until the special apprenticeship fund allocated to the budget of the National Learning and Professional Guidance Commission allows to meet all the expenses incurred in the full implementation of this law, please refer to this commission an annual grant of two million national currency ($ 2000000), which, while not included in the budget, will be taken from general incomes charged to the present.
ARTICLE 17. - The Executive Power will affect the installation of the National Workers University and technical institutes created by this law, the available tax grounds that are deemed appropriate for those purposes, and the same transfer will be carried out by the national administration's autocarchic agencies.
ARTICLE 18. Within ninety days of the promulgation of this Act, the Executive Power shall regulate the organization and functioning of the National Workers ' University and technical institutes established by it, as well as that of the schools corresponding to the basic learning cycle established by the LXXVI and LXXVIII degrees of Law 12.921.
ARTICLE 19. - Contact the executive branch.
WHOLE - CAMPORA - Zavalla Carbó.