Key Benefits:
Law 13.483
BUENOS AIRES, September 29, 1948
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation,
in Congress, etc.
ARTICLE 1. The seamstresses that work for State distribution, whether in the workshops of the units or at home, and are covered by the retirement regimes established by Acts 4.349, their amendments, and 11,471, shall have the right to receive the maximum benefits that they agree upon when they were sixty years of age, at least fifteen years of service and did not receive from the State another retirement or pension.
*ARTICULO 2. - The provisions of this law are applicable to the workers of the seam currently occupied in or through the divisions of the national administration, or for those who have previously been, for which they must enter after this law, subject themselves to the conditions established by the legal provisions in force in order to enjoy the benefits of retirement.
ARTICLE 3. - The expenditure that demands compliance with the provisions of article 1 shall be met by the National Social Insurance Institute with funds from the box of Law 4.349, when the beneficiary was affiliated with the same, if not of general income, with charge to this law, until it is included in the national budget.
ARTICLE 4. - Contact the executive branch.
WHOLE - CAMPORA - Real - Zavalla Carbó