Key Benefits:
Expanded and new credits table incorporated
Item 2
Output Credits laws Total
of order Budget 12,576 and 12,815 Credit
and origin Definition of the work of the work or special I know
No. $ m/n $ m/n author
$ m/n
A-1o-2-77 Arzobispado de Buenos Aires
Minor Seminar annexed to the Se-
Metropolitan Mining
Buenos Aires. - Works, ins -
drilling, empowerment to-
such as the meeting room.... . 4.084,000 3.484,000 600,000
A-1o-2 Arzobispado de Buenos Aires
Major seminar. Faculty
Theology. - Extensions, re-
faction, works, installations
and empowerment.... 800.000 - 800.00
A-1o-2-8 National Congress. - Finish...
tion, transformation and conser-
the building; acquisition -
tion of elements and installation
for the perma commissions
nentes; modernization of the
lighting and installation
air conditioning in the re-
of sessions of the
Maras de Diputados y de Sena
swimmers. Works, installations
and empowerment. 6,000.000 5,100,000 900,000
A-1o-2 Biblio Protective Commission
Popular tecas. Callao 1542.
- Extensions, expropriation
lindera property, refraction,
construction and installations. . 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-1o-2 Hospital General de Mataderos
- Prior agreement with the League
Argentina de la Tuberculosis
for field transfer
the streets Piedrabuena, Ave -
nest Quirno Costa and roads
railroad. Prosecution
works, installations and habi-
... 10,000.000 - 10,000.000
A-1o-2 National Congress. - Wide.
expropriations; estu -
God and projects and initiation
deeds; refraction of proppie
acquired; works, ins-
settlements and empowerment. ... . 30,000.000 - 30,000.000
A-1o-2 Trade School No. 6, Amé-
rich. - Acquisition or expropriation
field; studies and
projects; initiation of works,
installations and empowerment. . 3,000.000 - 3,000.000
A-1o-2 National School of Fine Arts
- Acquisition or expropriation
field; studies and projects,
construction, installations, ha-
bilitation and acquisition of ele-
teaching... 8,000.000 - 5,000.000
A-1o-2 Posts and telecommunications. -
Asociación Mutualista de Previ-
sión Social. Sanatorio, Santa Fe
2630, medical offices partner-
technical units, cul-
turas y afines. Works, install-
tions and empowerment... 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
A-1o-2 Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano
- Monument Faro del Libertador
on the site outside Campo del
Plumerillo, in the province of
Mendoza, to open on 17th
August 1950; studies, concur-
so, works or installations. ... . 2,000.000 - 2,000.000
A-1o-2 Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano
- Monument that remembers the en-
historic quarter between Liber-
Tador with Colonel Olazábal, in
the proximity of the place denomi-
Nado the Historic Apple, in the
department of Tunuyán (Mendoza);
acquisition of 200 hectares
subject to expropriation
are declared to be of public utility;
contest, awards, execution
works and installations...... 800.000 - 800.000
-... -... -...
Total item 2.... 70.184,000 8.584,000 58.6 million
Item 3
Good men.
A-1o-3 Chivilcoy. - National School of
Trade. - Acquisition of terre-
no, studies, project and implementation
of works... 1,200,000 - 1,200,000
A-1o-3 White Bay. - Minor Seminar
the Diocese of the White Bay. -
Building the building. Works
and installations... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-1o-3 Pergamino. - Normal school. Ad-
field; studies and
projects, works and facilities. 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
A-1o-3 Pergamino. - School of Arts and
Offices of the Nation. - Acquisi...
field; studies, pro-
yects, works and installations. ... . 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
A-1o-3 Get out. - National College. -
Acquisition of land; studies.
Projects, works and facilities. . 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
A-1o-3 Chacabuco. - Normal school. -
Studies and projects; construction
tion, installations and enable-
... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-1o-3 Chacabuco. - National College. -
Studies and projects; construction
tion, installations and enable-
... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 3...... 8.7 million - 8.7 million
Item 5
A-1-5 Dean Funes - General Hospital
(capacity 150 beds) - Acqui-
field; studies and
projects, construction and
... 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
A-1-5 Cordoba. - Professional School
National Women. - Acquisi...
field, studies and pro-
yects, works, installations and
Entitlement......... 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 5... 8,000.000 - 8,000.000
Item 6
A-1o-6 Bella Vista. - National College.
Construction and installations... 500,000 - 500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 6...... 500,000 - 500,000
Item 8
A-1o-8 El Carmen. - Hygiene Center
Maternal and Child Health Pú-
blica de la Nación. Construction,
installations and empowerment. ... . 200,000 - 200,000
-... -... -...
Total item 8.... 200,000 - 200,000
Item 13
A-1o-13 Mercedes. - School of Arts and
Offices of the Nation. Acquisition
field, studies and projects.
Construction and facilities. ... . 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-1o-13 Just P. Darac. - School of Ar-
Tes and Offices of the Nation. Ad -
field, studies and
projects. Construction and installation
... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 13... . 3,000.000 - 3,000.000
Item 14
A-1o-14 Helvecia. - Mixed School
Regional office. Pavilion
for boarding school.
Construction, facilities,
empowerment and acquisition
tools, tools, semo-
and other elements
necessary... . 2.600,000 - 2.600,000
A-1o-14 Gálvez - National School
Trade. Acquisition of te-
rrenos, construction, installation
tions and empowerment.... . . 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-1o-14 Gomez's Cañada. - School
National Trade. Acqui-
field, studies,
projects, installation works
... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 14.... 5.6 million - 5.6 million
Item 15
A-1-15-13 Santiago del Estero. - Yeah.
minary Santa Catalina. -
Acquisition of properties
linderas. Works and installation-
... 500,000 - 500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 15.... 500,000 - 500,000
Item 16
A-1o-16-14 Tucumán. - Episcopal residence...
Copal. Acquisition of terre-
No, construction of the building
cio, installations and habi-
... 2,000.000 - 2,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 16.... 2,000.000 - 2,000.000
$ m/n
Item 2. - Federal Capital... 58.6 million
Item 3. - Buenos Aires... 8.7 million
Item 5. - Cordoba... 8,000.000
Item 6. - Corrientes... 500,000
Item 8. - Jujuy... 200,000
Item 13. - St. Louis...... 3,000.000
Item 14. - Santa Fe... 5.6 million
Item 15. - Santiago del Estero... 300,000
Item 16. - Tucumán... 2,000.000
Total, subsection 1... 86,9000,000
Extended and new credits incorporated
Item 3
Good men.
San Fernando. - Port of
Coastal defence
A-3o-3o-16 dredging, expropriations,
a-3o-3o-16 port and ac-
ceso; works and facilities. . 3.766,000 766,000 3,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 3.... 3.766,000 766,000 3,000.000
Item 6
A-3o6-10 Rio Corrientes. - Actuali-
zation of studies and pro-
yects, execution of works
channeling, deep-
zation, rectification, en-
Roadblock. Works com-
and addiction
for irrigation. Works and install-
... 4.984,000 3.484,000 1,500,000
A-2o-6 Goya. - New port.
river and dock on islands
The Ladies, in front of the line
downstream navigation
the mouth of the river San-
Ta Lucia, in the next-
des del kilometer 978; estu-
God and projects, execution
of works, terraplens, puen-
teas and sewers; works
and facilities... ... . 10,000.000 - 5,000.000
A-2o-6 Corner. - Outdoor port
and dock over the river Para-
studies and projects,
execution of works, terra-
plenes, bridges and sewer-
rillas; works and installation
... 10,000.000 - 3,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 6.... 24.981,000 3.484,000 9.5 million
Item 17
A-3o-17-2 Barranqueras.- Works portua-
A-3o-32 rias de acceso, expropricio-
B-3-4 nes, deposits, works and ins-
... 11.012,000 5.912,000 5,100,000
A-3o-17-5 Construction of cami-
resistance to Barran-
You want. Works in installation-
... 1.033,000 233,000 800.000
-... -... -...
Total item 17. 12.045,000 6.145,000 5.900.000
Item 22
A-3o-22-1 Posadas. - Port works
and expropriations... 7.545,000 2.545,000 3,000.000 -... -... -...
Total item 22. 7.545,000 2.545,000 3,000.000
$ m/n
Item 3. - Buenos Aires... 3,000.000
Item 6. - Currents... 9.5 million
Item 17. - Chaco... 5.900.000
Item 22. - Missions... 3,000.000
Total, paragraph 3... 21.400,000
INCISO 3o and 9th
Expanded and new credits table incorporated
Item 4
A-9o-34 The Boards. - Department.
of Ambato. coating and
protection of the rie-
go derived from the river La Sal-
via. Works and installations. . 150,000 150,000 20.000
Total item 4.... 150,000 150,000 20.000
Item 5
A-9o-5 Laguna Mar Chiquita. -
supply of a -
guas del río Dulce y bra-
zo del río Segundo, para
restore the primitive
level of its waters. You...
gave and initiation of works. . 250,000 - 250,000
A-9o-5 Soto's Dike. - Actuali-
zation of studies
made by the
Hydraulic tion of the
province of córdoba and e-
Helicing of works... 10,000.000 - 5,000.000
A-9o-5 Dique de la Viña. - Cana-
teachers and secondary schools
irrigation network. work in
... 10,000.000 - 5,000.000
A-9o-5 Dique de Cruz del Aje.-
Master channels and secun-
darios, irrigation network. O-
bras and installations... 5,000.000 - 3,000.000
A-9o-5 Anize. - Update
studies and projects
by the Directorate
of Hydraulic of the
Vinci of Cordoba, about
construction of reservoirs
water and irrigation.... 300,000 - 300,000
A-9o-5 Rio Fourth. - Update
studies and projects
by the Directorate
of Hydraulic of the Provin
cia de Córdoba, sobre cons-
truction of water reservoir
and irrigation....... 300,000 - 300,000
A-9o-5 Hydrological studies in the
Department Ischillín, pa-
ra the best
of the underground waters. . 200,000 - 200,000
A-9o-5 For studies and projects to
at the Am-
bul, department San Alber-
to... 200,000 - 200,000
A-9o-5 Construction of the dam and ca-
watering nales on the river
Piscohuasi, whose studies
They're finished by the Di-
Hydraulic Reception of the
Province of Córdoba... . 4,000.000 - 2,000.000
A-9o-5 Colonia Caroya. - Build-
tion of works for the
capture of the sub-water
of the river
Jesus Mary, to complete
the irrigation system
Colony Caroya... 3,000.000 - 2,000.000
A-3-5 Villa Quilino and Estación
Quilino. - Provision of a-
and improvement
of the irrigation system. Works
and installations... 600,000 - 600,000
A-3-5 Malagueño. - Provision of
drinking water. Works and ins-
... 2,000.000 - 2,000.000
A-3-5 General Cabrera. - You...
God and execution of works
water supply
drinking; works and installation
... 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
-... -... -...
Total item 5.... 36,850,000 - 21.850.000
Item 6
A-5o-6-13 Sao Tome. - Updated...
tion of studies, proyec-
cough and execution of works
water supply
studies. proyec
cough and execution of works
Cloacal drain.... . 8,000.000 4,000.000 4,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 6... 8,000.000 4,000.000 4,000.000
Item 7
A-3o-7 Nogoyá. - Sanitary works
From the Nation. Building for
offices, annexes and galpones
Works and installations... 800.000 - 800.000
-... -... -...
Total item 7... 800.000 - 800.000
Item 8
A-9o-8 El Carmen. - Say La Cié...
Naga. Hydroelectric plant
in the Big Jump of the Ca-
feeding nal. Works
and installations... 150,000 - 150,000
A-3o-8 El Carmen. - Enlargement and
improvement of service
drinking water... . 500.0000 - 500,000
A-3o-8 Saint Peter. - Provision of
drinking water. Works and ins-
... 3,000.000 - 3,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 8... 35,650,000 - 35,650,000
Item 9
A-3o-9 Nonogasta. - Captation and
water distribution. Works
and facilities... . 600,000 - 600,000
A-3o-9 Olta. - Captation and district
Water dive. Work and ins-
... 400,000 - 400,000
A-3o-9 Chañar. - Capture and dis-
Water tax. Works
Installations... 400,000 - 400,000
A-3o-9 Castro Barros. - Capture.
and water distribution. O-
bras and installations.... 300,000 - 300,000
A-3o-9 Tama. - Captation and district
Water dive. Works and ins-
... 300,000 - 300,000
A-3o-9 Malanzán. - Captation and dis-
Water tax. Works
installations... 300,000 - 300,000
A-3o-9 Ulapes. - Captation and dis-
Water dive. Works
installations... 300,000 - 300,000
A-3o-9 Chepes. - Captation and dis-
Water tax. Works
installations... 500,000 - 500,000
A-9o Studies in the Province of
La Rioja, aimed at de-
end the existence of
surface currents of
water whose flows can
to be used and established
budgets and types of o-
... 150,000 - 150,000
-... -... -...
Total item 9... 3.250.000 - 3.250.000
Item 10
A-3o-10 Malargüe. - Studies and ini-
works for the pro-
vision of drinking water, with
take in the creek Pincheira. 900,000 - 900,000
-... -... -...
Total item 10... 900,000 - 900,000
Item 13
A-9o-13 Studies to provide water
for irrigation to localities
de Lafinur, Santa Ana, Los
Cajones, Las Barrancas, Las Barrancas
Doves, Lomita match,
Junin Department... 50,000 - 50,000
A-9o-18-24 Contribution to the province
for construction of cana -
or dams
assistants in Quilmes, Can-
delaria, Lujan, Leandro N.
Alem and improvement of or -
existing irrigation bras.
Promotional works... 2,000.000 1,000,000 1,000,000
A-9o18-25 Contribution to the province
for the improvement of
irrigation works in Piedra
White, Merlo, Barranca Co-
lorada, Cerro de Oro, Car-
Pintry and the Molles. Cons-
truction of channels
riversiders and vertien-
tes, canals, reservoirs and re-
prey for the profit-
the flood waters
for rie-
hacien drink and go
das. Promotional work. ... . 2,000.000 1,000,000 1,000,000
-... -... -...
Total item 13... 4.050.000 2,000.000 2.050.000
Item 15
A-3o-15 Clodomira. - Studies and
execution of works for the
provision of drinking water,
with supply service
public and district network
... 800.000 - 800.000
A-3o-15 Sumampa. - Perforations,
tank, engine and building.
Provision of drinking water.
Works and installations. ... . 200,000 - 200,000
A-3o-15 The Hoods. - Works of
Water reservoir for irrigation
And complementary channels.
Works and installations. ... . 600,000 - 600,000
A-2o-15 Studies and execution
works to capture
underground flows,
drilling, construction
tion of southern tanks -
lianos and installations
provide water to ha-
Hundreds, in the departa-
Alberdi, Copo,
Jiménez, Mariano Moreno,
He'll kill and Pellegrini. Ex-
own, works, ins-
and enable-
... 500,000 - 500,000
A-3o-15 White Corral (Capital. -
Dam to provide water
and for farms
acquisition of land,
works and facilities. ... . 200,000 - 200,000
A-3o-15 Loreto. Enlargement be-
water supply
drinking. Works and installation-
... 300,000 - 300,000
-... -... -...
Total item 15... 2.600,000 - 2.600,000
Item 16
A-9o-16 Channels for channel-
Tafi creek lie,
until the colector channel
General Ber-
Nabé Aráoz, to destination
to the defence against
floods of the Ave-
nest Diagonal, which unites
the city of Tucumán with
Tafi Viejo's. You...
God, works and installs...
... 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
-... -... -...
Total item 16... 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
$ m/n
Item 4. - Catamarca... 20.000
Item 5. - Cordoba... 21.850.000
Item 6. - Corrientes... 4,000.000
Item 7. - Between Rios... 800.000
Item 8. - Jujuy... 35,650,000
Item 9. - La Rioja... 3.250.000
Item 10. - Mendoza... 900,000
Item 13. - St. Louis...... 2.050.000
Item 15. - Santiago del Estero... 2.600,000
Item 16. - Tucumán... 4,000.000
Total, paragraphs 3 and 9... . 43.120000
Extended and new credits that are incorporated into Table A
Item 2
A-6o-2 Aero Club Argentina. - Re-
known of public utility
ca. Construction of edifi-
cis and hangars. Works
installations... 800.000 - 800.000
A-6o-2 Aero Club Argentina. - Re-
known of public utility
ca. Construction of stem-
res, installations and adqui-
tooling; ad-
of material
flight and accessories.... . 800.000 - 800.000
-... -... -...
Total item 2... 1.600,000 - 1.600,000
Item 3
Good men.
A-6o-3 The Silver. - Aero Club.
Construction and installation
... 200,000 - 200,000
A-6o-3 Gonzalez Chaves. - Aero
Club González Chaves. Han...
gares, beacon, ta-
lleres. Works and installation-
... 150,000 - 150,000
-... -... -...
Total item 3... 350,000 - 350,000
Item 5
A-6o-5 Cordoba. - Aero Club. Han...
gares, landing field
workshops and annexes. Works
installations... 600,000 - 600,000
-... -... -...
Total item 5... 600,000 - 600,000
Item 6
A-6o-4 Bella Vista. - Aero Club.
acquisition of land. O
bras and installations
the aviation field. ... . 200,000 100,000 100,000
A-6o-5 Goya.- Aero Club. Acqui-
Field sition. Works
and facilities
Airfield... 250,000 150,000 100,000
A-6o-6-6 Ituzaingó. - Aero Club.
Acquisition of land.
works and installations
the aviation field. ... 200,000 100,000 100,000
A-6o-6-7 Free passage. -
Aero Club. Works and ins-
drilling in the field
of aviation and purchasing
tion of elements
infrastructure... 300,000 150,000 150,000
A-6o-6o Curuzú Cuatiá. - Aero
Club. Cancellation deu-
da compra inmue -
ble, construction of
buildings, hangars,
workshops, works and ins-
... . 100,000 - 100,000
A-6o-6-8 Sao Tome. - Aero
Club. Works and installation-
tions in the field
landing; construction
tion of hangars and ta-
llers; debt payment
by acquisition of mo-
tores, machines and he-
tool for ta-
mechanical ller; acquisition
works, facilities and
empowerment(1).... ... 400,000 200,000 200,000
A-6o-6o Alvear. - Aero Club.
Cancellation of debt
field, hangar and
workshops. Construction
facilities and acquisition
the mechanical workshop... 250,000 - 250,000
A-6o-6o The Cross. - Aero Club. -
Cancellation of debt
field, hangar and
workshops. Construction
and acquisitions
the mechanical workshop... 250,000 - 250,000
A-6o-6o Mercedes. - Aero Club. -
Cancellation of debt
field, hangar and
workshops. Construction
facilities and acquisition
the mechanical workshop... 250,000 - 250,000
A-6o-6o Sauce. -
Cancellation of debt
field, hangar and
workshops. Construction
facilities and acquisition
the mechanical workshop... 250,000 - 250,000
A-6o-6o Corner. - Aero Club. -
Cancellation of debt ad-
hangars and annexes. Works,
facilities and acquisition
tion of tools and
engines for the workshop
mechanical... 250,000 - 250,000
-... -... -...
Total item 6 2.700,000 700,000 2,000.000
Item 7
A-6o-7 Gualeguay. - Aero Club
Gualeguay. Acquisition
property, construction and
facilities of your de-
Air penances.
Works and installations. ... 100,000 - 100,000
A-6o-7 Nogoyá. - Aero Club No-
Goya. Hangar and track
Landing. Works and ins-
Talaciones.... 100,000 - 100,000
A-6o-7 Conception of Uruguay. -
Aero Club. Construction
hangars, workshops and ane-
xos. Works, installations
and empowerment.... 300,000 - 300,000
A-6o-7 Villaguay. - Aero Club.
Construction of hangars,
workshops and annexes. Works,
facilities and enable-
... 250,000 - 250,000
A-6o-7 Victoria. - Aero Club.
Construction of hangars,
workshops and annexes. Works,
facilities and enable-
... 200,000 - 200,000
A-6o-7 - Aero Club.
Construction of hangars,
workshops and annexes. Works,
facilities and enable-
... 300,000 - 300,000
A-6o-7 Diamond. - Aero Club.
Construction of hangars,
workshops and annexes. Works,
facilities and enable-
... 100,000 - 100,000
A-6o-7 San José de Feliciano. -
Aero Club. Construction
hangars, workshops and
Annexes. Works, installation...
and empowerment. ... . 100,000 - 100,000
A-6o-7 Gualeguaychú. - Aero Club.
Construction of hangars,
workshops and annexes. Works,
facilities and enable-
... 100,000 - 100,000
-... -... -...
Total item 7... 1.5 million - 1.5 million
Item 8
A-6o-8 Humahuaca - Ate field
rrizage. Acquisition of te-
lease, construction and ins-
... 300,000 - 300,000
-... -... -...
Total item 8... 300,000 - 300,000
Item 13
A-6oo3 Mercedes. - Aero Club
A-13o-66 Villa Mercedes. Cancel...
debt acquisition
field for airfield; me-
current rousing
facilities; hangars
and workshops, works and ins-
... 400,000 150,000 250,000
-... -... -...
Total item 13... 400,000 150,000 250,000
Item 14
A-6o-14 Fisherton. - Aero Club
Rosario. Expansion cam-
landing po and mejo-
tions. Works and installation-
... 400.0000 - 400,000
-... -... -...
Total item 14... 400,000 - 400,000
Item 15
A-6o-15 July Sun. - Aero Club
July Sun. Works com-
C-15o105 plementaries, installation
and empowerment.... 80,000 30,000 50,000
-... -... -...
Total item 15... 80,000 30,000 50,000
$ m/n
Item 2. - Federal Capital... 1.600,000
Item 3. - Buenos Aires... 350,000
Item 5. - Cordoba... 600,000
Item 6. - Corrientes... 2,000.000
Item 7. - Between Rios... 1.5 million
Item 8. - Jujuy... 300,000
Item 13. - St. Louis...... 250,000
Item 14. - Santa Fe... 400,000
Item 15. - Santiago del Estero... 50,000
Subparagraph 6... 7.1 million
(Enlargement and new credits plan incorporated)
Item 16
A-8o-16 Tucumán. - Station Cen-
Unique, ferroca-
rriles and their accesses. E-
and other
necessary facilities;
uprising of ac-
Tual stations, tracks
and others
the Railroads
State, former Central Cor-
Doba and Central Argenti-
No. Study, projects
and execution of works and
facilities. Wide-
tion to credit
Law 12.701.... - - 20,000.
A-8o-16 Tucumán - Tramo a Villa
Alberdi. Duplication
The tracks of the ferro branch
Viario. Works and installation-
... 20,000. - 20,000.
-... -... -...
Total item 16... 20,000. - 40,000.
$ m/n
Item 16. - Tucumán... 40,000.
Subparagraph 8... 40,000.
Expanded and new credits table incorporated
Item 29
A-10-29 I got in. - Hotel de Tu-
rismo Parque Balneario
Lake Melincué. Acquisi
tion of property, with-
form article 15
(Section 7 of the Law
12.815), text order
of Laws 12.576
and 12,815, or construction
tion building, system-
trim, for-
parks and playgrounds
annexed constructions.
Works, refraction, ins-
and enable-
... 4,000.000 - 2.500,000
A-10-29 Anta Salta. - Park
National Northwest
Argentine. Estancia El
King. Hotel of tourism.
Managed houses-
tion, rangers and
annexed constructions.
Inner roads and
Park formation.
Works, installations
and empowerment.... . 15,000.000 - 5,000.000
A-10-29 Morón. - Province of
Buenos Aires. Vivien...
economical data
workers and in locations.
Acquisition of terre-
no, constructions and
installations... . 4,000.000 - 4,000.000
A-10-29 Laboulaye. - Build-
tion of green housing
for workers and
At the location. Works
installations... . 500,000 - 500,000
A-10-29 General Lavalle - Cons-
truction of housing
for workers
and location. Works
installations... . 300,000 - 300,000
A-10-29 Province of Corrientes. -
Construction of houses e-
for workers and
At the location. Works and ins-
Capital... 800.000 - 800.000
Goya... 600,000 - 600,000
Mercedes... 500,000 - 500,000
Curuzú Cuatiá... 500,000 - 500,000
Esquina... 500,000 - 500,000
Sao Tome... 500,000 - 500,000
Free passage. ... 500,000 - 500,000
A-10-29 Department Rio Chico. -
Tucumán. Ecological housing
for workers and
location. Construction
installations... . 500,000 - 500,000
A-10-29 Famaillá. - Tucumán. -
Economic housing
for workers and in madness
tion. Acquisition of te-
rreno, constructions and
installations... 600,000 - 600,000
A-10-29 Conhelo. - The Pampa. -
Economic housing
for workers and in madness
tion. Acquisition of te-
rreno, constructions and
installations... 800.000 - 800.000
A-10-29 San Luis Province. -
B-10-29-16/23 Contribution to pro-
for the promotion of
constructions, installation
tions and empowerment
hotel and hostel
Directorate of Tourism
The Province... 1.510.000 1.310.000 200,000
A-10-29 Province of Santa Fe. -
Construction of houses e-
for workers in
Villa Constitución... ... 300,000 - 300,000
A-10-29 Entre Ríos Province. -
Construction of houses eco-
for workers:
Columbus... 300,000 - 300,000
Concordia... 300,000 - 300,000
Gualeguaychú... 300,000 - 300,000
Paraná... 300,000 - 300,000
Victoria... 300,000 - 300,000
Conception of Uruguay 300,000 - 300,000
A-10o-29 Conception. - Tucumán. -
Construction of fifty
economic and indivi-
dual. Works and installation -
... 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
A-10o-29 El Palmar. - Jujuy. - Ho-
hotline for served-
res from the State. Works
installations... 500,000 - 500,000
-... -... -...
Total item 29... 34.710,000 1.310.000 21.900.000
Item 30
A-10-30 Salta Province. -
Construction of a cir-
tourism in the
Calchaquíes Valleys, by
the crack of Escoipe,
Malcante-Pie section of the
It costs... 5,000.000 - 3,000.000
A-10-30 Road bridge over
the Bermejo River, next
to Elordy Station, in
the province of Salta.
Studies, projects and e-
Hiding of works... . 3,000.000 - 3,000.000
A-10-30 Road bridge over
the Great River, on the pro-
vince of Jujuy, front or
next to the Pal station
Palá, de los Ferrocarriles
of the State. Studies, pro-
and execution of works 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
A-10-30 Salta Province. - Ca-
mino de turismo, ciudad
Salta and department
Capital, rumbling with
National route number 9,
intersection of the road
for, the Quartet to Ju-
Juy for the broken
Chachapolla, passing by
the proximity of the
Y. P. F., has-
ta the monument to the
ral Güemes; fork
from distillery Y. P. F.,
to Bridge Cowboys and
National route number 9... 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
A-10-30 Jujuy Province. -
Construction of a puen-
you access reel
to the people of Tilcara,
One with the station
the Railroads of the Es-
on route number
9. Studies and projects;
construction and installation
... 500,000 - 500,000
A-10-30 San Luis. - Empalme of the
B-10-30-32 Provincial Route 28, from
Carpentry on the slope
of the Comechingones - Ca-
mino circuit of tourism to
in Cerro Aspero
(Córdoba) with the roads
General to Embalse Rio
Third and Fourth River... 4.000.0000 2,000.000 2,000.000
A-10-30 San Luis. - Circuit tron-
B-10-30-31 cal de turismo que una la
capital city, Four of
June, Volcano, dique Cruz
of Stone and stretch route nú-
I'm seven. Works and installation -
... 1.100.000 300,000 800.000
A-10-30 Tram link route nú-
mero 7 - city of San
Luis (calle Bolivar, ave-
Sucre nest, Espa Avenue...
ña, Lafinur Avenue and ca-
lle Junín. Paving
and installations... 1,200,000 - 1,200,000
A-10-30 Santiago del Estero. -
Bridge over the river Dul-
ce, Vereda voladiza para
pedestrians. Works and install-
... 350,000 - 350,000
A-10o-30 St. John. - Circuit circuit
tourism of Cañada Honda
a Retamito and Huanaca-
che a San Carlos (ruta
national 40 - length
16 and 13 kilometres,
....... 400,000 - 400,000
A-10o-30 Rio Fourth. - Pavimen-
access di -
straight from the city
Rio Fourth to Route 8.
Works and installations. ... . 200,000 - 200,000
-... -... -...
Total item 30... 18,250,000 2.300.000 13,950,000
$ m/n
Item 29. - Architectural works... 21.900.000
Item 30. - Roadworks... . 13,950,000
Total paragraph 10... 35.850.000
Subparagraph 1o - National Directorate of Architecture...... . 86,9000,000
Subparagraph 2nd - National Directorate of Navigation and Ports. . 21.400,000
3rd and 9th decisions General Administration of Works Sani-
Tarias de la Nación y Dirección Gene-
Water and Electrical Energy.... . 43.120000
Subparagraph 6th - Secretariat of Aeronautics............... 7.1 million
Subparagraph 8th - General Administration of Railways
State...... 40,000.
Subparagraph 10o - Several even contributions of presumptive laws
and special... 35.850.000
Total table A.... 234.370.000
Output Credit
Order and origin DEFINITION OF THE OBRA authorises
No. M$n.
Extended credit table
Item 2
"C"-2o-6 Villa Lugano. - Home of Orphan Girls of the Holy Family.
Calle Piedrabuena. Construction, installations and empowerment. . 150,000
"C"-2o-340 San José Institute. Gurruchaga Street 104. Cancellation of debt
constructions, school classrooms, laboratories,
refraction of the classrooms on the ground floor and construction of a sec-
sanitary tion. Different payment of materials and differences by
compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Sick Bay,
works and installations..................... 250,000
"C"-21-77 Colegio Santa Felisa. Herrera Street. Nursing, clinics
internal, continuation of works, installations and empowerment. . 150,000
"C"-2o-187 Villa Urquiza. - Poor Children's Home. Capdevila Street. Cons -
truction, installations and empowerment...................... 150,000
"C"-2o-73 Colegio Pío IX de Artes y Oficios de la Obra de Don Bosco.- Re-
faction of premises, expansion of workshops. Payment of differences
Law 12.921. Decree 33.302/45 and related; mate -
and continuation of works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-2o-49 Club Atletico Empleados del Congreso de la Nación. - Diffe payment...
maintenance of the cost of materials and of cashiers for compliance
Decree 33.302/45 and related, Law 12.921 and continuation of works and
installations.............................. 200,000
"C-2o-257 Salesian Cooperator. Social Aid Section. Hospital Sanatorio
Mexico 4050. - Construction, installations and... 150,000
"C"-2o-313 Ateneo de la Obra de Don Bosco, Colegio San Francisco de Sales. -
Swimming pool, covered gym, annexes. Construction
installations................................. 150,000
"C"-2o-325 Missionary Congregation of Christ the King. Calle Ancho-
rena 1553. - Mausoleum for women and women in the Cemetery
West. Cancellation of land acquisition debt, construction and
installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-1o-343 Parish of Our Lady of Carmen. Triumvirato and Cullen. -
For cancellation of debt for executed works, to be executed, payment
projection equipment and sound equipment and installations
tion; continuation of works, installations and empowerment.... 150,000
"C"-2o-130 Mercedes Pacheco manual home. Calle Anchorena. - Payment
difference by cost of materials and jornales per cumplimien-
to Law 12.921, Decree 33.302/45 and related. Nursing, sleeping -
rios, annexed units. Lifting of levies, works,
installations, installation and acquisition of ornaments.... . 300,000
"C"-2o-172 Society of San José. Home Luis María Saavedra. Street
from Tejar. - General refurbishment, reconstituted lax patio,
washed, drinkers, air extractors for the ballroom.
Works, installations and empowerment......................... 150,000
"C-2o-228 Institute of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. -
Construction, installations, general and appliances
cold camera...................................................................................................................................................... 300,000
"C"-2o-322 College of Religious of the Society of Mary. Céspe Street
des. - Buy property lindera, total cancellation or par -
mortgage debt or mortgage service;
installations, general and
cold camera appliances............ 300,000
"C"-2o-330 Professional School of Decorative Arts. Sagra Institute-
da Familia. Calle Anchorena 1533/43. - Classrooms, workshops, depending...
cias and annexes. Construction, facilities, general enabling
and cold camera appliances............................ 300,000
"C-2o328 Casa Santa Maria Micaela. Adoratrics. Slaves of the Most Holy
and Charity. - Construction, installations, empowerment and
acquisition of machines and other elements for teaching and tra-
......... 300,000
"C"-2o-329 Atheneo Obrero San Juan Evangelista. Work of Don Bosco. Barriada
from the Boca. Work, installations and empowerment................ 300,000
"C"-2o-544 Villa Lugano. - Home Cantina Maternal. Professional School
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. - Construction,
general installations and camera equipment
cold............................................................ 300,000
"C-2-101 Home School Workshop of the Sisters of Divine Providence,
Arias street. - Extensions, nursing, classrooms, bedrooms,
dining room and annexes. Works, installations and empowerment....... 200,000
"C2"-2o-37 Carmelite Association of Charity. Crámer 2370. - Spacious-
Nes. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-2o-308 Asociación La Educación Integral. Protector of the Preso and his fa-
miliares. Bedrooms, bathrooms, dining room, kitchen and annexes. Works
installations or acquisition of appropriate property.......... 250,000
"C"-2o-41 Centro Cultural Pro Escuela de Niñas Desamparadas, de Nuestra
Lady of the Valley. Cordoba 3399. Prosecution of works and installation-
... 200,000
"C"_2o-19 Asociación Argentina de Criadores de Aves, Conejos y Abejas.
Building construction, consisting of: social headquarters, classrooms
for teaching and exhibition halls, to be used
Ministry of Agriculture when deemed appropriate; payment
variances in material costs and for compliance
Decree 33.302/45 and related Law 12.921, payment of works executed-
You run, installations and... 200,000
"C"-2o-100 Osvaldo Magnasco Industrial School. - For partial payment or to-
such mortgage by acquisition and property, refractions. Wide-
tions of workshops and classrooms. Works, installations and enable-
... 200,000
"C-2o-262 Antonio Prévolo College for deaf mutes. Small Company
Maria. Works, installations and empowerment............... 250,000
"C-2o-218 Asociación de Tiro y Gimnasia del personal de los Ferrocarriles
of the State. Prosecution of works and installations and empowerment. 200,000
"C"-2o-272 Argentine Chamber of Mining. Mining School. Instituto téc-
Nico. Permanent museum, laboratory and annexed units. O-
.................. 300,000
"C"-2o-99 Free Sunday School Josefa Maria Roselle. Belgrano 1436,
of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy Association. Co-
Popular medor, annexed expansions. Works, installations and habi-
... 200,000
"C"-2o-212 1/2 Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Infant Garden and Workshops
Chicago 7355 Avenue. acquisition of lindera property; widening-
............ 300,000
"C"-2o-200 Home of Merciful Love. Home María Antonia School
Oviedo. Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Redeemer. Payment of works
executed; continuation of works. Works and installations.... 200,000
"C-2o-238 Archbishop of Good Air. Semina- Vacation Colony
Minor river. Extensions; works, installations, empowerment and
acquisitions according to more urgent needs.......... 300,000
"C"-2o-51 Club del Progreso, Calle Sarmiento 1334. Partial or
total mortgage tax. Works and installations.......... 200,000
"C"-2o-353 Colegio San Juan Evangelista. Work of Don Bosco. Olava Street.
486. Payment of works executed, to execute, refractions va-
............... 200,000
"C-2o-287 Mutuality of the Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction. Sa-
General Surgery and Institute of Diagnosis and Trafficking
lie for partners and families of the Capital and interior. Works,
installations and empowerment...................... 500,000
"C-2o-211 Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Popular School Avenida Emilio Cas-
tro and Carhué. Prosecution of works, installations and empowerment 150,000
"C"-2o-195 Home of old women. Conferences of the Ladies of Saint Vincent
Paul of the Holy Spirit. Cancellation of acquisition debt
Dad. Payment of work, installations and empowerment, executed and
..................................................................... 300,000
"C-2o-294 Conference of the Ladies of Saint Vincent of Paul of the Holy Spirit
Establishment of rests and recovery for the elderly and
both sexes. Cancellation of debt acquisition property, re-
faction, installation works and empowerment................... 300,000
"C"-2o-220 Regina Martyrum residence, Sarandí 65. Prosecution of works
and installations.................. 200,000
"C"-2o-290 Reverend Fathers Benedictines. Parish. St. Benedict Temple,
completion of works.................. 200,000
"C"-2o-12 Home San Ildefonso de las Hermanas Terciarias Franciscanas de
Charity. Prosecution of works and installations............ 300,000
"C"-2o-310 Asociación Mutual de Jubilados y Pensionados Civiles. Cancel...
debt acquisition property. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-2o-173 Society of the Army, Navy and Aeronautics.
Social pantheon construction in the Western cemetery... 100,000
"C-2o-178 Parroquia Mater Consolationis. Cannig 1047/49. Po University
pular, free dining and workshop school. Payment of works executed
to run and empower............... 100,000
"C"-2o-116 Home School Association of the Most Holy Trinity. Núñez 2543.
Cancellation tax. Works and installations............... 100,000
"C-2o-127 Parish Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. Bonpland 1975.
Social work, meeting room, library, doctor's office gra-
Tuito; works and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-2o-46 Police circle. Procurement of land and construction of e-
Diffice. Sports field and shooting and empowerment polygon. .. 200,000
"C"-2o-255 Federation of Catholic Employees Associations. F. A. C. E.
Home of the Employee without family. Construction and facilities. 500,000
"C"-2o-148 Mutuality Architecture. - External assistance consultants
Medical. Extensions, works and installations...................... 100,000
"C"-2o-338 Instituto Educacional Argentino Nuestra Señora de Luján, calle
Zamudio 5541. Psychophysical education. Construction and ins-
............................................................... 300,000
"C"-2o-49 Club Atletico Empleados del Congreso de la Nación. Deferred payment
Cost of materials and cashiers due to De-
creto 33.302/45 and related. Act No. 12.921 and continuation of works and
installations.............................. 200,000
Total item 2.... 10,950,000
Item 3
Good men.
"C"-329 San Fernando.- Hospital Petrona V. de Cordero. Works and installation-
... 150,000
"C"-335 San Isidro. - San José House for old women. Works, installations,
and empowerment................................................. 150,000
"C"-3-538 San Isidro. - Institute of Religious Culture. Reflection, wide-
... 150,000
"C"-3o-340 San Isidro. - Colegio Santa Isabel. Work of Don Bosco. Payment
works executed of construction, installations and empowerment.
Payment of projection and sound equipment, and installation
in the meeting room. Payment of Ma-Differences
terials and jornales for compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related. 150,000
"C"-3o-651 San Andrés (San Martín). - San Andrés Sports Club. Cancela-
mortgage debt, extensions, works and facilities. ... 100,000
"C"-3o-466 Burzaco. - Club Pucará. Cancellation of property acquisition debt,
construction and installations in your sports field. Works
installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-3o-234 Luján.- Hospital Nuestra Señora de Luján. Monoblock building,
for current and complementary services to be created, utili-
zation of the modern units for infectious. Works, ins-
............ 500,000
"C"-3o-54 Bolivar. - Church and parish house. Prosecution of works and ins-
............................................................... 100,000
"C"-3-542 The Silver. - Church and parish house Our Lady of Carmen.
Payment of works performed, to run and empower....... 300,000
"C"-3o-184 The Silver. - Home of Orphan Girls Mercedes Pacheco. Calle 41-
26-27. Construction, facilities and general and
cold camera appliances............ 200,000
"C"-3o-199 The Silver. - Peña de Bellas Artes de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-3o-178 The Silver. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. - Works by Don
Bosco. Free Primary School. Payment of differences in materials
and by compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Prose-
............... 150,000
"C"-3-512 The Silver. - Parish house and social works, San Ponciano. O-
bras and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-3-485 Vicente López. - Home. Azcuénaga 1852. Wide-
ciones, nursing, works, installations and empowerment.... . 150,000
"C"-3o-406 General Belgrano. - Jesus School of Nazareth Home. Sisters of
the Holy Family. Works, installations, general habilitation and
............ 200,000
"C"-3o-77 Bye. - Home of Orphans San José. Greater difference
costs of materials and compliance Decree 33.302/45; Act No. 12.921
Processing of works, installations and empowerment............. 200,000
"C"-3o-157 Midwest. - Santa Teresa House. Construction, facilities and
......................................................... 150,000
"C"-3o-117 General Rodriguez. - Home of the Sisters of Our Lady
of the Rosary. Construction, installations and... . 150,000
"C"-3o-625 Martinez. - San José home. Slaves of the Most Holy
Sacramento and Charity. Lift ceilings, construction of au-
for outdoors, meeting room, workshop room, dormi-
Bullshit, sanitary. Works, installations and... 200,000
"C"-3o-437 General Madariaga. - Instituto Hermanas de la Sagrada Familia
Jesus of Nazareth. Prosecution of works, installations and habili-
general and cold camera equipment............. 200,000
"C"-3o-682 Villa Progreso (San Martín) - Home Immaculate Concepción. Anchor...
You go from the Most Holy and Charity. Bedrooms, dining room, gallery,
workshops, health care, annexes and reception. Works, facilities and
......................................................... 200,000
"C"-3o-664 Tandil. - Villa Don Bosco. Salesian institution. House descan-
so and recovery for students from different schools. Cons-
truction and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-3o-676 Villa Bertharrán (Adrogué). - Sacred Heart College. Wide-
nes, refurbishments works and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-3o-187 The Silver. - Sisters of the Holy Family of Jesus of Nazareth.
Mother House. Prosecution of works, installations, ge-enablement
Neral and cold camera equipment......................... 200,000
"C"-3-495 Castelar. - Preventory of the Holy Family of Jesus of Nazareth
reth. Cancellation of property acquisition debt, bedrooms, come-
dor, nurse, clinics, workshops, works, facilities and
......................................................... 200,000
"C"-3o-307 Piñeyro (Avellaneda) - Cantina Maternal y Hogar. Street workshops
Giribone. Construction, installations and....... 150,000
"C"-3o-466 Bye. - College of the Heart of Mary. Refaction and widening
Nes. Works and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-3o-301 Pergamino. - Church and parish house. Reflection and extensions.
Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-3-483 Holy Places (San Martín) - Basilica of Our Lady of Lour-
des. Bell tower. Prosecution of works and installations. ... 200,000
"C"-3o-90 Claypole. - Little Argentine Cottolengo. Acquisition of property.
Extensions; construction of inner roads. Works and install-
... 500,000
"C"-3o-400 Villa Insuperable (Matanza) - Cantina Maternal y Hogar Taller.
Payment differentiates greater cost of materials. Compliance Decree
33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Prosecution of works, installation-
............... 150,000
"C"-3o-522 Mar del Plata. - Colony of Children of the Institute of Arts
and Offices of the Holy Family. Works, installations and enable-
... 150,000
"C"-3o-235/39 Lujan. - Institute of the Teaching of the Marist Brothers. Se-
free of charge of the San José School. Prosecution of o-
.................. 250,000
"C"-3o-370 Morón. - San José College. Expansions, bedrooms, nurse-
ria, gym, bathrooms and annexes. Construction, installations and ha-
... 250,000
"C"-3o-414 Villa Argentina (Avellaneda) - Salesian institution. Work of
Don Bosco. Oratory Festive. Night school for young people and
signboard, popular library, playroom, gym. Construc-
tion, installations, general habilitation and shell equipment
... 250,000
"C"-3o-177 The Silver. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Universi House
Lieutenant. Payment of differences in materials and compliance Decree
33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Prosecution of works, installation-
.................. 200,000
"C"-3o-435 The Silver. - San Miguel School of Arts and Crafts. Works by Don
Bosco. Extensions of workshops, works, facilities and enable-
... 250,000
"C"-3o-194 The Silver. - Institute of the Holy Family. 38-22-23.
Construction, installations, general and appliances
cold camera...................................................................................................................................................... 200,000
"C"-3o-415 Boulogne (San Isidro) - Casa Santa Rita. Trinitarian sisters.
Payment of works executed and to execute and enable.......... 150,000
"C"-3-599 General Rodriguez. - College and Annexes of the Louder Fathers.
Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-3o-428 San Miguel. - Company of Jesus. Colegio Máximo de San José. Pa...
bellion for classrooms and rooms for students. Faculta-
des of Philosophy and Pontifical Theology. Payment of works performed
and to run and installations.................. 200,000
"C"-3o-110 Casers. - Home Souls of Purgatory and Colegio Cristo Rey. Her-
nas Daughters of the Mercy of the Third Franciscan Order.
Aulas, bedrooms, nursing, annexes. Works executed. Prose-
......... 200,000
"C"-3o-31/32 White Bay. - School of Arts and Crafts La Piedad. School
Night for young workers. Payment of differences in wages and
for compliance with Decree 33.302/45 and related, Law 12.921; pro-
Secution of works and installations.................. 150,000
"C"-3-464 White Bay. - Don Bosco College. Reflection, extensions, works
installations and empowerment...................... 200,000
"C"-3o-663 Stroeder. - Colegio Cardenal Cagliero. Work of Don Bosco. School
primary, agricultural education, boarding school. Works and installations. 150,000
"C"-3o-501 Fortin Mercedes. - Pedro Luro. San Pedro College. Primary School
ria and normal of the Colorado area and regional Patagonian Musco.
Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-3o-473 Gonzalez Chaves. - College of the Immaculate Conception. Wide-
ciones, instalaciones y habilitación.................. 100,000
"C"-3-469 Gonzalez Chaves. - Bernardino Rivadavia Library. Extensions,
works and installations............... 80,000
"C"-3-491 Blue. - Blue Child Protective Society. Casa del Niño. Sa-
consulting, administration, kitchen, other units,
covered patio. Construction, installations and empowerment. ... . 250,000
"C"-3o-206 The Silver. - Italian Women's Society of Charity. School
Free home. Kilómetro 3, Camino General Belgrano. Nurse...
dining room, laundry room and annexes. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o-108 Olives. - Parroquial Temple. Mausoleo and Vicente López Museum
Plans. Payment of works performed, to run and installations. 250,000
"C"-3o-622 Lomas de Zamora. - Colombophile Society. Social headquarters. Cancel...
debt acquisition property. Attached facilities. Works
installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-3o-674 Victoria. - Victoria Club. Social and sports headquarters;
nes, hall of events and conferences; works and installations.... 150,000
"C"-3°-513 The Silver. - Evertoa Athletic Club. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Cancellation of debts for real estate acquisition, works and ins-
............................................................... 200,000
"C"-3-497 Chivilcoy. Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Reflections, am-
plications, works and installations..................... 100,000
"C"-3-436 Chivilcoy. - Our Lady of Carmen parish. Work, ins-
............... 100,000
"C"-3o-658 Villa Dichill (San Martín) - Güemes General School Home. Streets
Beruti and Gutierrez. Constructions and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o-353 San Miguel. - Santa Celina House. Ladies of the Workshop Association. La
Providence. Processing of works and installations................ 150,000
"C"-3o-500 Derqui. - Cardinal Copello. Enlargement, works
and installations.................. 150,000
"C"-3o-613 The Silver. - Development Centre 44, Southwest. Headquarters so-
cial. Payment of executed works, to be executed and
works.............................................................................. 160,000
"C"-3o-68 Captain Sarmiento. - St. Paul's College. Passionist parents. Pro-
Secution works and installations..................... 300,000
"C"-3o-410 Ramos Mejía. - San Miguel House. Oblates of Blessed Rendentor.
For existing building construction, empowerment and repair. 150,000
"C"-3o-326 San Andrés de Giles. - parish church. Construction and installation
... 150,000
"C"-3o-325 San Andrés de Giles. - Charity Hospital. - Expansion of works
installations and empowerment...................... 300,000
"C"-3o-321 San Andrés de Giles. - Municipal sports field. Works and ins-
... 150,000
"C"-3o-343 San Isidro. - Instituto Doctor Juan Segundo Fernández. School
of Arts and Crafts. Work of Don Bosco. Acquisition of machine-
rias and continuation of works and installations and empowerment. ... . 200,000
"C"-3o-366 Holy Places. - College of the Carmelite Sisters of the Ter-
Order of Charity. Construction... 100,000
"C"-3o-288 Olavarría. - Club Atletico Olavarría Students. Social Headquarters
and sports field. Works of extensions and installations. ... . 150,000
"C"-3-478 Olavarría. - Children's Home. - Construction, installations and ha-
... 150,000
"C"-3-479 Olavarría. - Federal Bull of Olavarría. Campo de Tiro. Works
installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-3-537 Tiger. - La Marina Regatta Club. Partial or total amortization
mortgage debt. Constructions and extensions of works in your
social and sports headquarters. Works and installations............ 300,000
"C"-3-518 Laprida. Payment of property acquisition debt;
constructions, extensions and installations.................. 300,000
"C"-3-519 Green Loma. - Atletico Los Marinos Club. Works and installations. 30,000
"C"-3o-190 1/2 The Silver. - Children's Hospital. Pavilion for the sick
children's lysis and a pharmacy site. Construction and installation
... 400,000
"C"-3o481 San Andrés de Giles. - School diner and maternal canteens.
Construction, installations and............ 200,000
"C"-3o-320 San Andrés de Giles. - Municipality. Home of Children and Elders.
Payment of executed works, to execute, enable and acquire
for the manual practices of pupils;
tion of works, installations and empowerment.................. 200,000
"C"-3-577 Bernal. - Our Lady of the Guard College. Work of Don
Bosco. Clothing, bedrooms, nursing, sanitary and annexes.
Works, installations and empowerment......................... 250,000
"C"-3o-480 Quilmes. - Immaculate College, Mitre 568.
nes, classrooms, bedrooms, nurse, dining room, kitchen, sanitary,
works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-3o-11 Avellaneda. - Maria Auxiliadora College. For payment of works and
installations executed and continuation of works and installations. 150,000
Total item 3...... 14.710.000
Item 4
"C"-4o-5 Andalgalá. - Professional School Home. Payment of greater differences
and for compliance Decree 33.302/45 and a-
Act No. 12,921. Works, installations and empowerment....... 200,000
"C"-4o-49 Huachaschi. - Andalgalá. Home School Farm. Payment of differences
higher cost of materials and for compliance Decree 33.302/45
and related, Law 12.921. Works, installations and... 200,000
"C"-4o-65 Santa Maria Home Free School. - Construction, installation;
well drilling and drinking water and irrigation facilities. . 200,000
"C"-4o-69 Saujil. - Professional School Home. I pay more differences cos-
to of materials and for compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related,
Law 12.921. Works, installations and installations
water supply and irrigation...................... 200,000
"C"-4o-87 Catamarca. - Ceramic School. Santa Rosa home. Defat payment
higher cost of materials and for compliance
c. 33.302/45 and related, Law 12.921. Wings, ovens, works, ins-
educational establishments, empowerment and implementations......... 300,000
... 1.100.000
Item 5
"C"-5o-306 Cordoba. - Colegio de la Sagrada Familia. Buchardo E. 260. am-
plications, refection, works and installations..................... 150,000
"C"-5-307 Cordoba. -Hogar Santa Madre Sacramento de la Asociación Protec-
Young Bull, Laprida Street. Bedrooms, infirmary, ta-
llers and annexes. General condition, works and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o-299 Sauce quarries. - Villa Allende. Poor Children's Home. O-
bra de Don Bosco. Construction. Facilities and empowerment. .. 150,000
"C"-5o-79 English Quarter. - Cordoba. parish church of the Holy Fami-
Lia. Prosecution of works and installations...................... 150,000
"C"-5o-26 Bell Ville. - Children's Home. Bedrooms, dining room, infirmary,
......... 150,000
"C"-5o-30 Calamuchita. - Third River reservoir. Colonia de Vacaciones del
Instituto de Artes y Oficios de la Sagrada Familia. Prosecution
............ 150,000
"C"-5o-15 Cordoba. - Home of the Holy Childhood. Conceptionist Sisters.
Cancellation debt acquisition washing machines. Enlargement, re-
............ 200,000
"C"-5o-264 Eucharistic Villa. - Camino San Carlos. Kilometer 5. Cordoba.
Home of Displaced Slave Adoratrics of the Blessed and of the
Charity. Clothing, nursing, bedrooms, sanitary, tanks
well drilling for drinking water. Cancellation of debt by ad
engines and accumulators for electric light and machines
for laundry. Works and installations... 300,000
"C"-5o-282 Almafuerte. - Club Sportivo Almafuerte. For payment of debt
real estate, construction, extensions and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o-272 Villa Maria. - Children's Board. Construction, spacious-
tions and installations........................... 100,000
"C"-5o-234 Villa Maria. - Female Child Protection Association,
Science and Solidarity. Room expansion and depen-building
Boys' hospital, Ricardo Gutiérrez. 50,000
"C"-5o-235 Villa Maria. - Bernardino Rivadavia Library. Institute of En-
Media and Popular University. Payment of mortgage debt; o-
bras, installations and empowerment, executed and to execute.... 300,000
"C"-5o-318 Axis Cross. - Independent Atletic Club. Construction, am-
installations........................... 100,000
"C"-5o-149 Oliva. - parish church and annexes. Prosecution of works and
installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-5o-245 Colonia Vignaud. - Brinkmann. Our Lady of the Rose Institute
Rio. Work of Don Bosco. Construction and installations...... 100,000
"C"-5-292 Bell Ville. - Home of minors Saint Vincent de Paul (Caballeros)
Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o-144 Molinari. - Preventory dear Girls María Atucha de Lava-
llol. Daughters of San Camilo. Prosecution of works and installations. 200,000
"C"-5o-254 Big Garden. - School of Mining Mechanics and des-house
of the students of the mining school, belonging to
the Argentine Chamber of Mining. Works and installations.... 200,000
"C"-5o-219 Molinari. - Dominican Apostolic School El Retiro. Construc-
... 250,000
"C"-5o-275 Ucacha. - Club Atlético Jorge Newbery. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-5o-214 Rio Fourth. - Federal Tyre. Prosecution of works and installation-
............................................................... 100,000
"C"-5o-197 Villa del Rosario. - College of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Repairs, extensions, works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-5o-304 Cordoba. - Club Atlético Talleres. Cancellation of mortgage debt
ria, works and installations........................ 100,000
"C"-5o-161 Rio Fourth. - Children's Home San Juan de la Cruz. Dormi-
toriums, infirmary, laundry room, meeting room and refreshments. O-
bras and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-5o-270 Villa Maria. - Popular Institute of Physical Education. Cancela-
debt acquisition and mortgage. Extensions, gymnast
Yeah, swimming pool and sports fields. Works and installation-
... 300,000
"C"-5o-314 Cosquin. - Nicolás Avellaneda Popular Library. Construction
and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-5o-353 Villa Maria. - Lieutenant Colonel Fray Luis Beltrán.
Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Construction, expansion
... 100,000
"C"-5o-345 Oliva. - United Youth Recreative and Cultural Society. Biblio-
popular teak. Payment of debt acquisition, construction and
installations.............................. 70,000
"C2-5o-62 Cordoba. - Pius X College of Arts and Crafts. Sports field,
works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-5o-249 Cordoba. - Vocational schools, medical dispensary and bibliothe-
ca, avenue Patria 282. Prosecution of works and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o-287 Arroyo Cabral. - Athletic Club and Library. Rivadavia. Cons-
truction, installation and empowerment.................. 100,000
"C"-5o-239 Almafuerte. - Club Almafuerte Nautico y de Pesca. Cancellation
debt acquisition, constructions, extensions and ins-
............................................................... 100,000
"C"-5-271 Villa Maria. - Instituto Secundario Bernardino Rivadavia. Can-
total or partial mortgage debt, or
bras and installations........................ 300,000
"C"-5o-251 Cordoba. - Instituto Incorporado José María Paz. For payment deu-
property acquisition, construction, extensions and
... 200,000
"C"-5o-140 Marcos Juarez. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Suitable.
............ 200,000
"C"-5o-218 Cordoba. - Home Workshop of the Franciscan Tertiary Sisters
of Charity. Humberto 1o 230. Prosecution of works and installation-
... 200,000
"C"-5o-168 Rio Fourth. - Orphans' home. Sociedad Damas de la Miseri-
Cordia. Reflection and extensions. works and installations.... . 100,000
"C"-5o-123 Laboulaye. - Charity Society. Hospital. Construction
of pavilions, works and installations..................... 150,000
Total item 5...... 6.020.000
Item 6
"C"-6o-121 Currents. - Juana Acosta de Chapo. Refac-
tion, extensions, works and installations........................ 150,000
"C"-6o-122 Currents. - Workers' Association. Maternal Home and Room
Infants. Reflection, extensions, works and installations and ha-
... 150,000
"C"-6o-117 Bella Vista. - Our Lady of Itatí College. Construction,
installations and empowerment...................... 100,000
"C"-6o-118 Bella Vista. - Harbour and related workers union. Cancel...
debt acquisition land. Construction and facilities. . 100,000
"C"-6o-88 Currents. - Current Tennis Club. Swimming biscuits, ves-
and annexes. Works, installations and empowerment....... 150,000
"C"-6o-123 Currents. - Company Workers of Construction and Annexes. Can-
debt acquisition land. Construction and installation
............................................................... 80,000
"C"-6o-127 Mercedes. - Union of Construction and Annexes. Cancellation
debt acquisition land, construction and installations.... . 80,000
"C"-6o-131 Saladas. - Workers' Union Miscellaneous Trades. Cancellation of debt
acquisition of land, construction and installations............ 80,000
"C"-6o-133 San Roque. - General San Martín Popular Library. Construc-
... 80,000
"C"-6o-36 Curuzú Cuatiá. - Temple and parish house. Cancellation of debt
property acquisition; repairs, extensions. Works
installations........................ 80,000
"C"-6o-45 Corner. - parish church. Prosecution of works and ins-
...................................................... 100,000
"C"-6o-49 Goya. - Sarmiento Popular Library. Prosecution of works and
installations........................ 200,000
"C"-6o-13 Currents. - Salesian School of Arts and Crafts. Prosecution
............ 150,000
"C"-6o-84 Currents. - Salesian College. Work of Don Bosco. Calle San
Juan. Construction, installations and......... 150,000
"C"-6o-71 Sao Tome. - St. John the Baptist Hospital. Herma Department-
nas and annexes. Payment of differences, material prices and cum-
Decree 33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Works, insta-
............... 150,000
"C"-6o-63 Free passage. - San José Hospital. Extensions, installation
tions and empowerment............ 150,000
"C"-6o-80 Free passage. - Home of the Child Jesus. Institute of Christ
Redeemer. Works, installations and empowerment................ 150,000
"C"-6o-128 Mount Caseros. - Interunion board. Social headquarters and ac- lounge
cough. Payment of works executed, to be executed, projector and equi-
po sonoro and installations, habilitation, continuation of works,
installations and empowerment...................... 100,000
"C"-6o-130 Free passage. - Interunion board. Social Headquarters. Payment
works executed, to be executed, projector and sound equipment
installations, installation, construction, installation
............... 100,000
"C"-6o-135 Sao Tome. - Social and Sports Club General San Martín. Headquarters
social and sports field; payment of works executed and to execute-
I know. Works, installations and empowerment (1).................. . 100,000
"C"-6o-135 Sao Tome. - Trade Union. Social Headquarters and Casa
Field Worker. Payment of works executed, to be executed,
projector and sound equipment and installations, habilitation, pro-
sequence of works, installations and empowerment............ 100,000
Total item 6...... 2.500,000
Item 7
"C"-7o-323 Gualeguay. - Gauleguay Student Club. Cancellation of debt
acquisition of land, construction swimming pool. Works
installations............................................................ 70,000
"C"-7o-84 Gualeguaychú. - Colegio Malvina Seguí de Chavarrino. Religious
Company of Mary. Expansions, repair, works and installation
............................................................... 130,000
"C"-7o-146 Paraná. - Escuela de Artes y Oficios Enrique Carbó. Works
installations and empowerment. Acquisition of land and works
in his field of sports.......................................... 100,000
"C"-7o-104 La Paz. - Church of Our Lady of Peace and parish house
Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-7o-119 Nogoyá. - Popular Library. Expansions; meeting room,
reading and annexed units. Works and installations....... 100,000
"C"-7o-151 Paraná. - Children's Hospital and Milk Gota. Pavilion for hos-
stoolization of pretuberculosis children, pa-
Ra the nuns. Works and installations............... 300,000
"C"-7o-135 Paraná. - Club Atletico Students. Cancellation of mortgage debt
ria, works and installations in your sports field.......... 100,000
Total item 7...... 970.000
Item 8
"C"-8o-20 San Francisco School of Arts and Crafts. For expansion, modi-
fications, repairs and acquisition of the property contiguo... . 150,000
"C"-8o-68 Palma Sola. - Santa Barbara. Popular Library. Acquisition of
land, construction and installations.................. 30,000
"C"-8o-69 Palma Sola. - Santa Barbara. First aid room. Acquisi
tion of land, construction, installations and empowerment. ... 30,000
"C"-8o-81 El Carmen. - Domingo T. Pérez Library. Construction and installation
... 30,000
"C"-8o-36 Perico station. - Church and parish house. Prosecution of o-
bras, ceiling, bell tower. Works and installations............ 80,000
"C"-8o-28 Jujuy. - Female Society of Mutual Relief. Cancellation deu-
gives property acquisition. Works and installations............ 50,000
"C"-8o-116 Villa Castañeda. - Social Sports Club Villa Castañeda. -
Extensions, works and installations............................... 50,000
"C"-8o-39 San Antonio. - Church and parish house. Clothing, works and
installations.............................. 100,000
Total item 8...... 520.000
Item 9
"C"-9o-10 Famatina. - parish church. Closure and/or restoration. O-
bras and installations(1)............................ 30,000
"C"-9o-29 Aimogasta. - parish church. Closure and/or restoration. O-
bras and installations(1)............................ 40.000
Total item 9.... 70,000
Item 10
"C"-10o-131 Mendoza. - Seminar. Works and installations............... 300,000
"C"-10o-120 San Rafael. - San Rafael Church and parish house. Works and ins-
............................................................... 100,000
"C"-10o-135 Mendoza. - Order of St. Augustine. Parish works. Construc-
... 150,000
"C"-10o-78 Mendoza. - San Luis Gonzaga School of Education Association
Child tion. Prosecution of works and installations......... 250,000
"C"-10o-67 Mendoza. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Prosecution
works and installations............... 150,000
"C"-10o-129 Tunuyán. - Church and parish house. Construction, works and
installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-10o-127 Tunuyán. - Club Sportivo Tunuyán. Payment of works performed
and continuation of works and installations......................... 150,000
Total item 10.... 1.300.000
Item 11
"C"-11-30 Jump. - Belgrano College. Payment of differences in materials and
for compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related Law 12.921.
Prosecution of works and installations........................... 200,000
"C"-11o-31 Jump. - Colegio de Artes y Oficios Salesianos "Angel Zerda". O-
sanitary bras, works and installations, workshops
and other units................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 200,000
"C"-11o-65 Jump. - Home School for Blinds. Construction, facilities
and empowerment............................................................. 200,000
"C"-11o-28 Jump. - Federal High School. Construction, facilities and
................................................... 100,000
"C"-11-71 Metan. - Metanense Football League. Sports field and annexes.
Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-11o-75 Jump. - Orphan and Poor Children's Home School. Sisters Ter...
... 100,000
"C"-11o-59 Oran. - San Antonio Free School of Arts and Crafts
Franciscan Fathers. Construction, installations and empowerment. 150,000
"C"-11o-59 Jump. - Instituto de Artes y Oficios de la Sagrada Familia. Ho-
Child's gar. Payment of material differences, variances
and compliance Decree 33.302/45; continuation of works
and installations and empowerment...................... 200,000
"C"-11o-59 Oran. - San Antonio Free School of Arts and Crafts
Franciscan Fathers. Works and installations................... 200,000
"C"-11o-35 Jump. - San Francisco Free School. Extensions, works
and installations................................. 200,000
"C"-11o-57 Tartagal. Provincial Commissariat of the Franciscan Missionaries.
Annexes. Termination of works and installations................... 150,000
"C"-11-23 Jump. - Good Shepherd Home. Extensions, works and installations. 200,000
"C"-11-7 Chicoana. - Church and parish house. Prosecution of works and
installations................................. 100,000
Total item 11...... 2.100.000
Item 12
"c"-12o-2 Caucete. - Doctor Cesar Aguilar Hospital. Construction of two
Surgery rooms. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-12o-20 St. John. - Franklin Society. Popular Library. Reconstruc-
social headquarters. Works and installations............... 400,000
"C"-12o-29 St. John. - Home and pensioner of Santa Rosa de Lima. Sisters
Dominicas de Santa Catalina de Siena. Reconstruction and wide-
tions. Works and installations........................... 200,000
"C"-12o-36 San Juan.- Home San Francisco, of the Fran-
Cyscans of Charity. Construction, facilities and enable-
... 300,000
"C"-12o-45 1/2 St. John. - Women's Society for Mutual Relief. Reconstruc-
social pantheon. Works and installations... 20.000
"C"-12o-67 St. John. - Inca Huasi basketball club. Works and facilities 50,000
"C"-12o-77 St. John. - Archbishop of San Juan. Contribution of the Nation to
the construction of the votive temple to rise at the summit
Valdivia hill. Construction and hydraulic works. Works
installations................................. 400,000
"C"-12o-26 St. John. - College of the Immaculate, of the Slaves of the Cora-
Jesus. Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-12o-57 The Puntilla. - San Martín. Salesian Night School
taria 114. Don Bosco. Works and installations... 100,000
Total item 12...... 1,8700,000
Item 13
"C"-13o-35 San Luis. - Diocesan Seminary. Acquisition of land, payment
and compliance with Decree 33.302/45 and
like this. Law 12.921. continuation of works and installations.... . 500,000
"C"-13o-15 San Luis. - Home Good Shepherd and Women's Correctional Prison.
Bedrooms, nurse, doctor's office, re-
and annexes. General repair, works and facilities and
................................................... 250,000
"C"-13o-32 San Luis. - Charity Hospital, Charity Society. Payment
difference of material price and compliance Decree 33.302
/45 and related Law 12.921. Acquisition of land and prose-
installations, installations and............... 250,000
"C"-13o-42 Santa Rosa. - Hospital of the San Vicen Charity Society
You get Paoul. Construction, installations and...... 250,000
"C"-13o-11 Mercedes. - Society of Ladies of Mercy. Children ' s Home
Expansion, completion of works and installations and empowerment. 150,000
"C"-13o-12 Mercedes. - Charity Society. San Roque Hospital. Payment
of works performed. Termination of works and facilities and ha-
... 150,000
"C"-13o-60 Carpentry. - Neighborhood Development Society. - Social Headquarters and bi-
blioteca. Conference room. Works and installations.... 150,000
"C"-13o-64 The Molles. - Neighborhood Development Society. Social Headquarters, Bible-
teak and conference room. Works and installations......... 150,000
"C"-13o-65 Lujan. - Hospital. Expansions, works and facilities and abilities
... 150,000
"C"-13o-63 The Molles. - Chapel and parish units. Prosecution
of works and installations.............................. 50,000
"C"-13o-62 Just P. Darak. - Independent recreational centre. works and ins-
... 50,000
"C"-13o-39 San Luis. - Protective Society of the Poor. Pabello...
Nes. Works and installations.............................. 150,000
Total item 13...... 2.250.000
Item 14
"C"-14o-243 San Cristobal. - San Cristóbal Foot-Ball Club. Works and installation-
................................................ 30,000
"C"-14o-42 Gálvez. Older and maternity homes
in the hospital grounds. Construction, installations... 300,000
"C"-14o-166 Santa Fe. - Salesian College of Arts and Crafts. Work of Don
Bosco. Extensions, works and installations...................... 100,000
"C"-14o-291 Rosario. Police Club. Cancellation of mortgage debt. Clothing
extensions, library, meeting room, installation payment
projection equipment and sound equipment, sports field; works
and installations................................. 150,000
"C"-14o-300 San Carlos Centro. - Sagra Conceptionist Slave School
do Heart of Jesus. Repair and expansion, works and installation
................................................ 100,000
"C"-14o-286 Rosario. - Mutual Police Box. Social Headquarters. Construction,
extensions, repair, acquisition of a lamp
a car for healing, an electric lift and four beds
orthopedics. Works and installations......... 200,000
"C"-14o-172 Santa Fe. - Hospital Italiano de Santa Fe y Colonias. Pavilion
for cancer. Consultants and annexes. Works and installations... 300,000
"C"-14o-75 Rosario. - Motherly homes. Construction in the Agricultural Home
Oliveros. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-14o-210 Rosario. - Our Lady of the Pilar Parish. Prosecution
works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-14o-212 Rosario. - Oblate Religious of the Blessed Redeemer. Home Re-
Free Young Abandoned Formation. Construction ins-
... 200,000
"C"-14o-107 Rosario. - Argentine Antituberculosis League. Construction and installation
...................................................... 200,000
"C"-14o-44 Helvecia. - Hospital. Charity Society. Works and installation-
... 300,000
"C"-14o-193 Venado Tuerto. - Sacred Heart College. Total cancellation
or partial mortgage and works.................................. 50,000
"C"-14o-162 Santa Fe. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Sisters
Slaves. Works... 50,000
"C"-14o-100 Rosario. - Hospicio de Orérfanos de la Sociedad de Damas de Ca-
rity. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o-159 Santa Fe. - Gymnastics Club and Scream. Works and installations. Can-
land acquisition and extensions. Works and ins-
... 150,000
"C"-14o-81 Rosario. - Child House. Processing and completion of works
Hall 1 and transformation for mothers department; co-
kitchen and annexes, heating in the building, elevators, water ca-
Central. Works, installations and...... 250,000
"C"-14o-90 Rosario. - Colegio San José de Artes y Oficios. Reconstruction
of the burned part. Expansions, nursing, refreshments
in the hall of acts and installation of air extractors. Works,
installations and empowerment.................. 300,000
"C"-14o-274 Humberto I. - Sociedad Argentino Foot-Ball Club. Social headquarters and cam-
sports po. Works and installations... 50,000
Total item 14...... 3.180,000
Item 15
"C"-15o-48 Santiago del Estero. - Sarmiento Library. E-reflections
......... 80,000
"C"-15o-42 Santiago del Estero. - House of Orphans of Saint Vincent de Paul
of the Sunday Sisters. Bedroom, classrooms, dining room, nursing,
Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-15o-35 Water Eye. - Church and parish house. Prosecution of Works and
installations.............................. 50,000
"C"-15o-91 Santiago del Estero. - Atlético Mitre Club. Sports field.
Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-15o-65 Santiago del Estero. - League of Magisterium. Master's house.
Completion of works....................................... 250,000
"C"-15o-53 Santiago del Estero. - College of Bethlehem. Slaves of the Heart
Jesus. Prosecution of works and installations................... 100,000
"C"-15o-77 Sumampa. - Historic Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Console
Sumampa. Termination of works and installations...... . 80,000
"C"-15o-81 Termas de Río Hondo. - Church of Our Lady of Perpetual So-
I run. Repair and expansions. Hall of events and conferences.
Cancellation of debt installation projection and equipment so-
noro, continuation of works, installations and empowerment.... 150,000
"C"-15o-129 Santiago del Estero. - Biblioteca Popular Juan Bautista Alberdi.
Construction and installations... 200,000
Total item 15.... 1.1 million
Item 16
"C"-16o-334 Monteros. - College of the Most Holy 100,000
"C"-16o-69 Tucumán.- Colegio y Hogar San José. Slavic Sisters of the Cora-
zon of Jesus (Argentinas) To buy land, constructions
and annexes. Works and installations...................... 150,000
"C"-16o-112 Tucumán. - Conciliar seminar. Bedrooms, cabinets. Prosecu...
............ 200,000
"C"-16o-63 Tucumán. - Sagrada Familia home, Laprida street. Payment
differences in material prices and compliance Decree
33.302/45 and related Law 12.921. Hall of events and conferences.
Works, installations and habilitation with sound and equipment
Projections. Prosecution of works............... 200,000
"C"-16o-23 Tucumán. - Christ the King Votive Temple. Prosecution of works and
installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-16o-202 Tucumán. - College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Fathers
Lourdists. Cancellation of mortgage debt. Reflections, works and
Installations................................................ 200,000
"C"-16o-6 Aguilares. - Professional school. Payment of cost differences
and compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related. Act No. 12.921
Processing of works and installations and............ 200,000
"C"-16o-7 Aguilares. - Poor Children's Home. Cost difference payment
and materials and compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related. Act No. 12.921
Processing of Works and installations and............ 200,000
"C"-16o-21 Famaillá. - Children's Home. - Construction, installations and ha-
... 200,000
"C"-16o-32 Marcos Paz. - Weak Children's Colony. Payment of difference
costs of materials and compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related.
Law 12.921. Prosecution of works and installations and 200,000
"C"-16o-60 Trinidad. - Children's Home. Mate-cost difference payment
and compliance Decree 33.302/45 and related. Law 12.921.
Processing of works and installations and............ 200,000
"C"-16o-104 Tucumán. - San Cayetano Agricultural House. - Instituto Concepcio-
nista. Aulas, dependencies, bedrooms, diners, kitchen, ba-
ños. Works and installations........................ 200,000
"C"-16o-136 Tucumán. - St. Peter Nolasco Parish. Construction church,
parish house and dependencies. Works and installations.... 200,000
"C2-16o-38 Monteros. - College of the Most Holy Rosary. Works and installations. 100,000
Total item 16.... 2.550.000
Item 17
"C"-17o-15 Presidency Roque Sáenz Peña. - Home of Our Lady of the Mi-
sericordia. Prosecution of works and installations............ 150,000
"C"-17o-11 Resistance. - Colegio Salesiano Don Bosco. Extensions, patio,
and annexes. Works, installations and... 150,000
"C"-17o-16 Castelli. - Our Lady of Mercy Home School. Pro-
Secution of works and installations.................. 150,000
Total item 17.... 450,000
Item 20
"C"-20o-13 Victorica. - Colegio Salesiano Obra de Don Bosco. Works and install-
...................................................... 150,000
"C"-20o-22 Trenel. - Church and parish of San Antonio. Salesian House. Works
and installations................................. 50,000
Total item 20...... 200,000
Item 23
"C"-23o-2 Junín de los Andes. - College. Work of Don Bosco. Internal and Ho-
Indian gar. Processing of works and installations................ 200,000
Total item 23... 200,000
Item 24
"C"-24o-18 Alejandro Stefanelli. - San Miguel College. Boarding and schooling
primary. Prosecution of works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-24o-4/5 Strong General Roca. - Colegio Salesiano Domingo Savio. Internal
secondary, social assistance, extensions, nursing and works
church. Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-24o-1 San Carlos de Bariloche. - Association of South Artists. House
study, rest and recovery. Exhibition hall, bi-
library and annexed units. Cancellation of debt acquisition in-
furniture. Construction and installations... 200,000
Total item 24... 600,000
Item 25
"C"-25o-16 Wish port. - Maria Auxiliadora College. Prosecution of works,
installations and empowerment.................. 100,000
"C"-25o-17 Puerto Santa Cruz. - Maria Auxiliadora College. Prosecution of o-
bras and installations.............................. 150,000
"C"-25o-18 Río Gallegos. - Maria Auxiliadora College. Prosecution of works,
installations and empowerment.................. 150,000
"C"-25o-19 Puerto San Julián. - Maria Auxiliadora College. Prosecution
......... 150,000
Total item 25...... 550,000
Item 26
"C"-26o-5 Rio Grande. - Maria Auxiliadora College. Cooperating Commission Sa-
Southern Patagonia. Construction and facilities. 150,000
"C"-26o-2 Rio Grande. - Salesian Agricultural School. Salesian Cooperative
na from Southern Patagonia. Prosecution of works, installation-
............... 150,000
"C"-26o-3 Ushuaia. - Work of Don Bosco. - Salesian Cooperative Commission.
College and chapel. Payment of differences for greater cost of matter-
Decree 33.302/45 and related, Law 12.921. Prose-
............... 100,000
Total item 26...... 400,000
$ m/n
Item 2. - Federal Capital... 10,950,000
Item 3. - Buenos Aires... 14.710.000
Item 4. - Catamarca... 1.100.000
Item 5. - Cordoba... 6.020.000
Item 6. - Corrientes... 2.500,000
Item 7. - Between Rios... 970.000
Item 8. - Jujuy... 520.000
Item 9. - La Rioja... 70,000
Item 10. - Mendoza... 1.300.000
Item 11. - Jump... 2.100.000
Item 12. - St. John...... 1,8700,000
Item 13. - St. Louis...... 2.250.000
Item 14. - Santa Fe... 3.180,000
Item 15. - Santiago del Estero... 1.1 million
Item 16. - Tucumán... 2.550.000
Item 17. - Chaco... 450,000
Item 20. - The Pampa... 200,000
Item 23. - Neuquén... 200,000
Item 24. - Río Negro......... 600,000
Item 25. - Santa Cruz... 550,000
Item 26. - Tierra del Fuego... 400,000
Total "C" table. 53.650.000
LAW 12,815
Change of legend and
Output Legend of the Work Output unification of crédi-
coughs that are authorized
Item 2
"A"-1o-2-8 National Congress.- Works by "A"-1o-2-8 National Congress. -
completion, transformation Termination, trans-
and empowerment of units training and concierge
the building;
acquisition of ele-
mentos y intalacio-
nes for the comi- for the comi-
permanent missions;
modernization of the
lighting and installation
in the re-
of sessions
the Chambers of Dipu-
and Senators .
Works, installations
and empowerment.
Item 3
Good men.
"A"-3-16 San Fernando.- Defense, dra- "A"-3o-16 San Fernando.- Puer-
"A"-3o-58-16 gado, aircraft allowance "A"-3o-58-16 to de cabotage. De-
and expropriations. coast, dra-
gado, expropriations,
harbour and
access. Works and ins-
Item 6
"A"-3o-6-10 Rio Corrientes. - Study. "A"-3o-6-10 Rio Corrientes.- Ac-
"A"-3o-5-10 for channeling, widening "A"-3o-5-10 tualization of estu-
of the route and works comple- God and projects, e-
clients. Section of works
channeling, profun-
dization, rectification
ción, ensanche de ru-
Tas, works complete...
tarias and addiction
for irrigation. Works
"A"-5o-6-13 Sao Tome. - Update "A"-5o-6-13 Sao Tome - Actuali-
studies and projects, co- study zation,
mienzo de ejecución, obras projects and implementation
supply of water pota- of works for
ble. water supply;
studies, projects and
execution of works
Disgusting cloacal.
"A"-6o-8 Sao Tome.- Aero Club. "A"-6o-8 Sao Tome - Aero
Works and installations in the Club. Works and install-
field and hangars, buying- lations in the field
tion of infra- landing. Cons-
structure and payment of debt, truction of hangars
acquisition engines, maqui- and workshops. Payment
and tools of the debt receivable
mechanical workshop. engines; machines
and tools for
mechanical workshop;
acquisition of herra-
lie; works, ins-
and skill-
Item 13
"A"-5o-13-24 Channel construction, em- "A"-3o-13-24 Contribution to the
bales or auxiliary dams province for the
in: Candelaria, Luján, Los construction of ca-
Corrales, Juan Gómez, Socos- nales, reservoirs or
cora and the Amíeva, and improvement auxiliary dams
irrigation works e- in Quines, Candela-
xistentes, conforme al régi- Laria, Lujan, Leandro
men from ANDA. N. Alem and bestamien-
to irrigation works
existing. Works by
"A"-5o-13-25 To improve the work "A"-5o-13-25 Contribution to the
Watering in Piedra Blanca, province for the me-
Merlo, Barranca Colorada, Fucking o-
Cerro de Oro, Carpintería, irrigation bras in Pie-
The Molles and Cutters. White dra, Merlo,
Drawer construction Colored stick,
of the streams and slopes; Cerro de Oro, Carpin-
channels, reservoirs and dams Theory and the Molles.
for use Cana-building
rainwater and rising; a-
for irrigation and drink rroyos and vertientes;
according to the régi- channels, reservoirs and
men from ANDA. dams to take advantage
rainfall and emerging
for irrigation and drink
of farms. Works
"C"-13o-66 Mercedes -Aero Club Villa Mer-
Blind. Cancellation of debt ad- "A"-6o-13 Mercedes - Aero Club
field for airfield Cancellation of debt
mo: improvement of current field sition for ae-
facilities, hangars and ta- drome; improvement
lleres; works and installations. ... 150,000 current installation-
nes, hangars and talle
res; Works and install-
Item 15
"A"-1o-15*-13 Santiago del Estero.- Semina- "A"-1-15-13 Santiago del Estero. -
Conciliar river. Repairs and repairs Seminar Santa Cata-
expansions. lina. Acquisition
lindera properties.
Works and installation-
Item 29
"B"-10o-29-16 San Francisco. - Department. "A"-10o-29 San Luis Province
Ayacucho... Contribution to the province
........................... 450,000 for building development hote-enablement
facilities and ho-
and hostesses of the
Directorate of Tourism
"B"-10o-29-17 Dique Cruz de Piedra... 200,000
"B"-10o-29-18 Dique Potrero de los Funes
(Capital Department).... . 200,000
"B"-10o-29-19 The Saladillo (departameno)
... 50,000
"B"-10o-29-20 The Zapallar (department)
... 80,000
"B"-10o-29-21 Luján (Department of
... 100,000
"B"-10o-29-22 Papagallos (department)
Junín... 80,000
"B"-10o-29-23 San Martín (department)
San Martín............. 150,000
Item 30
"B"-10o-30-31 Circuito troncal que une San "A"-10o-30 San Luis. - Circuit
Luis, Dique Cruz de Piedra and "B"-10o-30-31 troncal of tourism
that a city Ca-
pital, four Ju-
Nio, Volcano, Dique
Stone Cross and Tra-
mo route 7. Works
installations... .
...... 300,000
"B"-10o-30-32 Empalme of the provincial route "A"-10o-30 San Luis. - Pack.
258, from Carpintería to "B"-10o-30-32 of the provincial route
cost of the Comechingones, 28 from Carpintería
road to tourism circuit by the slope of the
in Cerro Aspero (Cór- Comechingones. Camino
doba) with which it binds tourism circuit
Rio Tercero... 2,000.000 in Cerro As-
but (Córdoba), with
the general paths
Rio Tercero
and Rio Cuarto...
... 2,000.000
Item 2
"C"-2o-340 San José Institute, Gurruchaga "C"-2o-340 San José Institute. Street
1040. Aulas, dining room and annexes. Gurruchaga 1040. Cancela-
Works and installations. debt for construction
nes executed,
classroom rehabilitation
ground floor and construction
of a health section.
Payment difference materials
and differences by cumpli-
Decree 33.302/45 and
Affinities Law 12.921; sick
ria. Works and installations.
"C"-2o-77 Colegio Santa Felisa. Street "C"-2o-77 Colegio Santa Felisa. Street
Herrera. Nursing and consul- Herrera. Nursing, consul
internal tories. Works and ins- internal tories. Prosecu...
settlements and empowerment. tion of works and installation
tions and empowerment.
"C"-2o-173 San José Society. - Stop. "C"-2o-173 Society of San José. Home
construction of their homes Luis María Saavedra. Street
and chapel in the Fede Capital Avenida del Tejar. Refec-
ral and interior of the country. general. Patio de la-
jas reconstructed, washed,
drinkers, extractors
air for the meeting room
Works and installations, ha-
"C-2o-228 Institute Sisters of the "C-2o-228 Institute Sisters of the Sa
Grada Family of Nazareth. Grada Family of Nazareth.
Real acquisition. Cons- Construction, facilities
truction and installations. and general and
Cold camera appliances.
"C"-2o-322 College of Religious "C"-2o-322 College of Religious
Mary's Company. of the Society of Mary.
Partial or total cancellation Céspedes Street. Acquisition
mortgage debt. Construc- estate lindera, cancela-
tion and facilities. total or partial debt
Mortgage. Prosecution
works, installations, habi-
general and apa-
Cold camera times.
"C"-2o-130 Professional School of Arts "C"-2o-330 Professional School of Ar-
Decorative. Institute of the Decorative tes. Institute
Sagrada Familia. Anchorena of the Holy Family. Ca-
1533/43. Classrooms, workshops, lle Anchorena 1533/43. Au-
annexe section, bedrooms, workshops, units
dining room and other annexes. Cons- and annexes. Construction,
truction, installations and ha- installations, habilitation
weakening. and equipment
Cold camera.
"C-2o-328 Escuela Hogar Adoratrices "C-2o-328 Casa Santa Maria Micaela.
Slaves of the Most Holy and Slave Adoratrics
Charity Republiquetas, Most holy and Charity.
Jaramillo, Andonaegui and Al- Construction, facilities
Tolaguirre. Construction empowerment and acquisition
and facilities. machines and other equipment
cough for teaching and working
jo at the workshops.
"C"-3-544 Villa Lugano. - Can- "C"-2o Villa Lugano. - Can-
Maternal bathtub. Pro- "C"-3-544 Maternal bathtub. Pro-
Fessional. Sisters of the Fessional. Sisters of the
Holy Family of Nazareth. Sagrada Familia de Nazareth
Cancellation of debt acquisition Cancellation of debt
property, construction and ins- tion property, construction
... 200,000 ...
...... 200,000
"C"-2o Villa Lugano. - Can- "C"-2o Villa Lugano. - Can-
"C"-3-544 Maternal bathtub. Pro- "C"-3-544 Maternal bathtub. Pro-
Fessional. Sisters of the Fessional. Sisters of the
Holy Family of Nazareth. Sagrada Familia de Nazareth
Cancellation of debt acquisition Construction, facilities
property, construction and ins- and general and
settlements. Cold camera appliances.
"C"-2o-37 Carmelites of Charity. Crá- "C"-2o-37 Carmelite Association of the
mer 2370. For payment of works Charity. Crámer 2370. Am-
executed. plications. Works and install-
"C"-2o-308 Association La Educación Inte "C"-2o-308 Asociación La Educación In-
gral. Protector of the Preso and Tegral. Pre-
your family. Bedrooms, so and his family. Dormi-
bathrooms, dining room, kitchens and ane- torios, bathrooms, dining room, co-
xos. Works and installations. coils and annexes. Works
facilities or acquisition
of appropriate property.
"C"-2o-19 Asociación Argentina de Cria- "C"-2o-19 Argentine Association
Aves, Rabbits and Abe- Bird breeders, Rabbits
Has. Building construction, and Bees. Construction
which will consist of: social headquarters, building, consisting of:
classrooms for teaching and classrooms social headquarters, classrooms for
for exhibitions. Act No. 12.921 signs and salons for ex-
Prosecution of works. Payment positions that will use
differences in compliance Ministry of Agriculture,
Decree 33.302/45 and related Laws when he judges it convinces...
12.921. Facilities and habi- te: payment of differences
Litation. maintenance and
33.302/45 and related Laws
12,921, axis payment-
cut, to run, ins-
settlements and empowerment.
"C"-2o-100 Osvaldo Industrial School "C"-2o-100 Osvaldo Industrial School
Magnasco. For full or Magnasco. Partial or
partial mortgage by ad- total mortgage debt
property and refec- acquisition of property,
tions. Expanding workshops, refreshments, extensions
works, installations and habi- of workshops and classrooms. Works,
Litation. facilities and enable-
"C"-2o-272 Argentine Chamber of Mining. "C"-2o-100 Argentine Chamber of Mining
Building construction, escue- Mining school. Insti-
mining, tec-institute technical tuto. Perma Museum
Nico. Permanent museum, labo- Nente, lab and depen-
ane- annexed complaints. Works, ins
xas. Works and installations. settlements and empowerment.
"C"-2o-99 Free School Josefa Maria "C"-2o-99 Free Sunday School
Rosello. Belgrano 1436 de la Josefa Maria Rosello. Bel-
Asociación Hijas de Nuestra grain 1436 of the Association
Lady of Mercy. The Daughters of Our Dream
Construction. ra of Mercy. Co-
popular medor, widening-
Nes, annexes. Works, insta-
lations and empowerment.
"C-2o-287 Mutuality of the Ministry of "C-2o-287 Mutuality of the Ministry
Justice and Instruction Públi- of Justice and Instruction
ca. Ge-Surgery Sanatorium Public. Ciru Sanatorium
neral and Institute of Diag- and Institute of the
Nose and Tramistno. Works Diagnosis and treatment
and facilities. for partners and family members
Capital and interior. O-
bras, installations and habi-
"C"-2o-173 Society of Mutual Relief "C"-2o-173 Society of Mutual Relief
Army and Navy. Cons- Army, Navy and Aero
social pantheon truction in the Nautical. Construction pan-
Western cemetery. social teon in the cemente-
West river.
Item 3
Good men.
"C2-3o-234 Lujan. - Hospital. Extensions. "C"-3o-234 Lujan. - Our Hospital
Mrs. Lujan. Building
monoblock for the servi-
current and complete cios -
to be created, uti-
the reliance on
modern belts for infec-
Husbands. Works, install-
tions, empowerment and
"C"-3o-54 Bolivar. - Parroquial Church. "C"-3o-54 Bolivar. - Church and house
Works. Parroquial. Prosecution
works and facilities.
"C"-3o-184 The Silver. - Professional School "C"-3o-184 The Silver. - Girls' Home
Orphan Girls. Construc- Orphans Mercedes Pacheco.
tion, installations and habili- 41-26-27. Construc-
tion. tion, installations and habi-
general and apa-
Cold camera times.
"C"-3o-178 The Silver. - Sacred College "C"-3o-178 The Silver. - School of the Sa-
Heart of Jesus. Work of Don Heart of Jesus. O-
Bosco. Gratui Primary School bra de Don Bosco. School
Ta. Work, installations, habili- free primary. Payment di-
tion. compliance
Decree 33.302/45 and related,
Law 12.921. Prosecution
works and facilities.
"C"-3o-406 General Belgrano. - Escue House. "C"-3o-406 General Belgrano. - Home
the Jesus of Nazareth. Sisters Jesus School of Nazareth.
of the Holy Family. Works e - Sisters of the Holy Fa-
facilities. milia. Works, installations
and general and
Cold camera appliances.
"C"-3o-625 Martinez. - San José home. Ado- "C"-3o-625 Martinez. - San José home.
Slaves of the Most Holy Slave Adoratrics
and Charity. Bedrooms, Most holy and Charity.
Nursing, health care and annexes. Lift ceilings, build-
classrooms for exter-
nas, Hall of acts, salon
for workshops, bedrooms,
sanitary. Works, install-
tions and empowerment.
"C"-3o-437 General Madariaga. Her- "C"-3o-437 General Madariaga. - Insti-
of the Holy Family Sisters of the Holy
Jesus of Nazareth. Acquisition Family of Jesus of Nazareth
Unbeatable. Works and installations. reth. Prosecution of works,
facilities and enable-
general and appliances
cold camera.
"C"-3-487 The Silver. - Sisters of the Sa- "C"-3-487 The Silver. -Brothers of the
Grade Family of Jesus of Nazareth Holy Family of Jesus
reth. Mother House. Payment of di- Nazareth. Mother House. Payment
compliance Decree of differences in matter
33.302/45 and related, Law 12.921. and for compliance
Prosecution of works and insta- creto 33.302/45 and related,
Lations. Law 12.921. Prosecution
works, installations, habi-
general and apa-
Cold camera times.
"C"-3o-522 Mar del Plata. - Colony of Ni- "C"-3o-522 Mar del Plata. - Cologne
of the Institute of Children under the Institute
Arts and Crafts of the Holy - of Arts and Crafts
Family. Works and installations. Sagrada Familia. Works,
facilities and enable-
"C"-3o-235 Lujan. - Institute of Education "C"-3o-235 Lujan. - Institute of Ense-
of the Marist Brothers. Semi- Brothers Ma-
free pensioner of the Escue- curls. Semi-pensioned gra-
San José. Meeting room school tuito San Jo-
and conferences. Works and install- I know. Prosecution of works,
tions. facilities and enable-
"C"-3o-370 Morón. - San José College. Am- "C"-3o-370 Morón. - San José College.
pliaciones, dormitorios, enfer- Extensions, bedrooms,
meria, gym, bathrooms and annexes. C- nursing, gym, bathrooms
Construction and facilities. and annexes. Construction,
facilities and enable-
"C"-3o-414 Villa Argentina (Avellaneda). - "C"-3o-414 Villa Argentina (Avellane)
Youth night school da). - Salesian institution-
and workers. Popular library, na. Work of Don Bosco. Ora-
and lounge, gym. festive torium. School noc-
Construction and facilities. turna para jóvenes y obre-
ros, popular library,
Act room, gym.
Construction, installation
general and
of cold camera appliances.
"C"-3o-194 The Silver. - Institute of the - "C"-3o-194 The Silver. - Institute of the
Sagrada Familia. Construction, Sagrada Familia. 38th Street
installations and empowerment. 22-23. Construction, install-
lations and ge-enablement
neral and ca-
Cold sea.
"C"-3o-31 White Bay. - College of Ar- "C"-3o-31 White Bay. - School of
Tes and Offices La Piedad. O- Arts and Crafts La Piedad.
bras de Don Bosco. Wide- Night school for young
tion works and installations. workers. Payment of diff
for the
Decree 33.302
/45 and related, Law 12.921;
continuation of works and ins-
"C"-3-464 White Bay. - Don College. "C"-3-464 White Bay. - Don College.
Bosco. Clothing, widening- Bosco. Primary and
Nes. Works, facilities and secondary with post-
Enabling. schoolchildren. Works, insta-
lations and empowerment.
"C"-3o-663 Stroeder. - Colegio Cardenal Ca- "C"-3o-663 Stroeder. - Carde College...
Glyro. Work of Don Bosco. Works Cagliero. Work of Don
and facilities. Bosco. Primary school,
agricultural education, inter-
Nado. Works and installation-
Nes. .
"C"-3-491 Blue. - Protective Society "C"-3-491 Blue. Protective Society
Blue boys. - Child House. Blue Boys. House of the
Enlargement, repair, installation Child. Rooms, offices,
tions and empowerment. administration, kitchens,
other dependencies, patio
covered. Construction,
facilities and enable-
"C"-3°-513 The Silver. - Ever- "C"-3°-513 The Silver. - Athletic Club
Ton. Social headquarters and field of Everton. Social headquarters and cam-
Portes. Construction and installation sports po. Cancellation
tions. in-
furniture, works and installation
"C"-3o-320 San Andrés de Giles. - Munici- "C"-3o-320 San Andrés de Giles. - Mu-
pality. Asylum of Children and An- Nicipality. Children ' s Asylum
Cianos. For payment of axis works- and Elders. Payment of works
cut, to run, enable- executed, to execute, ha-
and acquisition of elemen bilitation and acquisition
cough for manua- elements for the
Give them the inmates. The work pupi manuals
can be used by the the following works,
General Service facilities and enable-
Children of the Province. tion.
Prosecution of works.
"C"-3o-480 Quilmes. - College of the In- "C"-3o-480 Quilmes. - College of the
maculada, Mitre 568. Immaculate, Mitre Street
Works, installations and habi- 568. Extensions, classrooms,
Litation. bedrooms, nursing,
dining room, kitchen, saint
rios, works and installation
"C"-3o-68 Captain Sarmiento. - College. "C"-3o-68 Captain Sarmiento. - Cole...
Passionist parents. Wide- Saint Paul. Fathers Pa-
tions. Zionists. Prosecution
works and facilities.
"C"-3o-613 The Silver. - Development Centre, "C"-3o-613 The Silver. - Development Centre
Avenue 44. Southwest zone. Avenue 44. Southwest zone.
Social Headquarters. Construction. Social Headquarters. Payment of works
executed, to be executed and
continuation of works.
Item 5
"C"-5o-264 Eucharistic Villa. - Road "C"-5o-264 Eucharistic Villa. - Road
San Carlos. Kilometer 5. Ho- San Carlos. Kilómetro 5,
Desamparados gar. Adora- Cordoba. Home of Desampa-
Slaves of the Santi- chumps. Slave Adoratrics
Simo and Charity. Payment of the Blessed and of the Cari
debts for works executed, Dad. Clothing, nursing,
repairs on the channel bedrooms, sanitary,
water supply, for tanks, po-
sumo and for irrigation; zo for drinking water; can-
mo- debt for purchase
water pump tores engine and accumulators
for electric light. Works for electric light and ski-
and facilities. for laundry; works and
"C"-5o-307 Cordoba. - Home "C"-5o-307 Cordoba. - Santa Ma House
Holy Mother Sacramento, dre Sacramento de la Aso-
of the Protected Association Ciation Protector
ra de las Juventud. Belgra- Young, Laprida Street.
No. 692. Bedroom, sick- Bedrooms, nurse,
ria, workshops and annexes. O- workshops and annexes. Refec-
bras and installations. general, works and
"C"-5o-234 Villa Maria. - Association "C"-5o-234 Villa Maria. - Association
Female Protection of the Female Protection of the
Childhood, Science and Solida- Childhood, Science and Solida-
rity. Cancellation of debt rity. Room expansion and
acquisition of land. construction of dependency
cias of the Children’s Hospital
Ricardo Gutiérrez.
"C"-5o-235 Villa Maria. - Library "C"-5o-235 Villa Maria. - Library
Bernardino Rivadavia and his Bernardino Rivadavia. Ins-
Annexes. Instituto de ense- secondary and secondary education
mid-size. University Popular University. Payment
Popular. Payment of debt mortgage debt; works,
property; ampiac facilities and enable-
nes, installations, works tion, executed and executed-
and empowerment. tar.
"C"-5o-30 Calamuchita. - Rio reservoir "C"-5o-30 Calamuchita. - Rio reservoir
Third. Colonia de Vacacio- Third. Colonia de Vaca
of the Institute of Arts ciones del Instituto de Ar-
and Offices of the Holy Fa- of the Holy
milia. Prosecution of works Family. Prosecution of o-
and facilities. bras, installations and habi-
"C"-5o-45 Cordoba. - Home School "C"-5o-45 Cordoba. - Home of the San-
the Holy Childhood. Sisters Ta Childhood. Sisters with...
Conceptionists. Extension, ceptionists. Cancellation
repair, works, installation debt acquisition machines
tions and empowerment. Wash. Enlargement, refec-
tions, works, installation
and empowerment.
"C"-5o-214 Rio Fourth. - Federal Tyre. "C"-5o-214 Rio Fourth. - Federal Tyre.
Works. Prosecution of works and ins-
Item 6
"C"-6o-88 Currents. - Current "C"-6o-88 Currents. - Current
You have Club. Pileta de na- You have Club. Nata-piette
tation, wardrobe and annexes. tion, wardrobe and annexes.
Works, installations and ha- Works, installations and ha-
weakening. weakening.
"C"-6o-36 Curuzú Cuatiá. - Church pa- "C"-6o-36 Curuzú Cuatiá. - Temple and
Richial. Repairs. Parish house. Cancela-
debt acquisition pro-
pity. Repairs, am-
plications. Works and ins-
Item 8
"C2-8o-116 Villa Castaneda. - Club De- "C"-8o-116 Villa Castañeda. - Club De-
Social porn. Works and ins- portivo Social Villa Casta-
settlements. Baby. Extensions, Works and
Item 6
"C"-9o-10 Famatina. - Church. Finish... "C"-9o-10 Famatina. - Parro Church-
tion. quial. Closure and/or res-
Tauration. Works and install-
"C"-9o-29 For church refreshments "C"-9o-29 Aimogasta. - Church parrot...
of Aimogasta, department A- quial. Closure and/or res-
rauco. Tauration. Works and install-
Item 10
"C"-10o-129 Tunuyán. - parish church.- "C"-10o-129 Tunuyán. - Church and house
Reconstruction. parish. Construction,
works and facilities.
"C"-10o-92 Mendoza. - Argentine League with- "C"-10o-92 Mendoza. - Argentine League
tra la Tuberculosis. Acquisi against Tuberculosis. Am-
building and works. pliation. Works and installation-
Item 11
"C"-11o-31 Jump. - College of Arts and Ofi- "C"-11o-31 Jump. - College Arts
Salesian cios Angel Zerda. Dor- and Salesian Offices Angel
mitories, nursing, Sa-works Zerda. Health works. O-
projects and facilities bras and installations, habi-
and empowerment litigation of workshops and
more units.
"C"-11o-39 Jump. - Institute of Arts and O- "C"-11o-39 Jump. - Institute of Arts
Holy Family. and Offices of the Holy Fa-
Home of the Child. Works, insta- Mylia Casa del Niño. Payment
lations and empowerment. of differences in matter
I'm sorry.
for compliance Decre...
to 33.302/45;
works, installations and ha-
"C"-11-23 Jump. - Asylum Good Shepherd. - "C"-11-23 Jump. Home Good Shepherd.
Constructions. Extensions, works and ins-
Item 12
"C"-12o-29 St. John. - Home and Pensio- "C"-12o-29o St. John. - Home and Pensio-
born of Santa Rosa de Lima. born of Santa Rosa de Lima.
Works. Dominica Sisters of Santa
Catherine of Siena. Recons-
truction and expansions. O-
bras and extensions.
"C"-12o-67 St. John. - Inca Huasi. Bás- "C"-12o-67 St. John. - Basketball Club-
Quetbol Club. Works. Bol Inca Huasi. Works
"C"-12o-77 St. John. - Archdiocese of "C"-12o-77 St. John. - Archdiocese of
St. John. Contribution of St. John. Contribution of
the Nation to the construction the Nation to the erection of
from the votive temple to levan- from the votive temple to levan-
tarse at the top of the ce- tarse at the top of the ce-
rro de Valdivia. rro de Valdivia. Construc-
tion and hydraulic works.
Works and installations.
Item 13
"C"-13o-35 San Luis. - Dace seminar. "C"-13o-35 San Luis. - Seminary.
healthy. Acquisition of terre- Caesar. Acquisition of te-
No, Works and installations. Leaning. Different payment
and compliance
Decree 33.302/45 and related.
Law 12.921. Prosecution
Works and installations.
Item 14
"C"-14o-42 Gálvez. - Bene Society- "C"-14o-42 Gálvez. - Bene Society-
fiction. Elderly Asylum. fiction. Old-age home
Works. and maternity in the te-
Renos from the hospital. Cons-
truction, and installations.
"C"-14o-90 Rosario. - Colegio San José "C"-14o-90 Rosario. - Colegio San José
of Arts and Crafts. Inspec... of Arts and Crafts. Recons-
I would. Reconstruction of the truction of the incen part
burning part, widening- Diada. Expansions, enfer-
Nes and nursing. Works, pissed, soda
facilities and empowerment Hall of acts and installation
Sports field. Construc- tions of extractors
tion and facilities. air. Works, installations
and empowerment.
"C"-14o-291 Rosario. - Police club. "C"-14o-291 Rosario. - Police club.
Cancellation of mortgage debt Cancellation of mortgage debt
ria. Reflections, widening- ria. Clothing, widening-
Nes and library. Field tions, library, living room
sports and facilities. payment of equipment
projection and equipment so-
noro and installations; field
sports. Works and install-
"C"-14o-286 Rosario. - Mutual Box "C"-14o-286 Rosario. - Mutual Box
Police. Social Headquarters. Cons- Police. Social Headquarters. Cons-
truction and installations. traction, expansions, re-
fection, acquisition of a
Acialite lamp, a ca-
rice for cures, an as-
Electrical censorship and four
orthopedic beds. Works,
facilities and enable-
"C"-14o-81 Rosario. Casa del Niño. O- "C"-14o-81 Rosario. - Child House.
bras and pabe-building Prosecution and termination
2nd. of works in Hall 1,
transformation to stop
mother's heel; kitchen,
and annexes, heating in the
building, lift, water
Hot central. Works,
facilities and enable-
Item 15
"C"-15o-35 Water Eye. - Church. Works. "C"-15o-35 Water Eye. - Church and
parish house. Prosecu...
tion of works and installation
"C"-15o-77 Sumampa. - Prosecution of O- "C"-15o-77 Sumampa. - Sanctuary hysterized...
bras of the historical sanctuary. rich of Our Lady of
Sumampa Consolation.
Termination of Works and Ins-
"C"-15o-105 July Sun. - Aero Club Sol "C"-15o-105 July Sun. - Aero Club
July. Expansion of the July Sun. Works comple-
Landing track, workshop clients, facilities and
emergency annexed to the hangar. empowerment, weights 30,000
Works and facilities, $30,000
"C"-15o-48 Santiago del Estero. - Biblio- "C"-15o-48 Santiago del Estero. -
Teca Popular Sarmiento. Works Reflections of the building
and acquisition of furniture. and facilities.
"C"-15o-81 Termas de Río Hondo. - Stop. "C"-15o-81 Termas de Río Hondo. - I-
construction of a chapel. Church of Our Lady
of the Perpetual Help, house
parish and annexes. Refec-
tion and extensions. Lounge
of events and conferences.
Cancellation of debt installs
tion projection apparatus
and sound equipment. Prosecu...
tion of works, installation-
and empowerment.
Item 16
"C"-16o-32 Marcos Paz. - Cologne "C"-16o-32 Marcos Paz. - Cologne
Weak children. For works. Weak children. Payment of di-
ma-cost references
and compliance
creto 33.302/45 and related.
Law 12.921. Prosecution
works, installations and ha-
Item 23
"C"-23o-2 Junín de los Andes. - Cole... "C"-23o-2 Junín de los Andes. - Co-
gio Obra de Don Bosco in the Legio Obra de Don Bosco.
Northern Patagonia. O- Internal and Indigenous Home.
bras and installations. Prosecution of Works and Ins-
Item 24
"C"-24o-18 Alejandro Stefanelli. - Co- "C"-24o-18 Alejandro Stefanelli. - Co-
gio San Miguel. Construction Legio San Miguel. Internal
and facilities. and primary school. Prose-
Cution of Works and install-
"C"-24o-4 Strong General Roca. - Cole... "C"-24o-4 Strong General Roca. - Co-
gio Salesiano Domingo Savio. Legio Salesiano Domingo Sa-
Works. He saw. Secondary board,
social assistance, broad-based
tions, nursing and works
church. Works and installation-
Item 2
"C-2o-293 Club Atlético Em-
of the Congre-
so from the nation. -
Establishment of
rest and return
ration in the inte-
country rhyme. Ad-
facilities and ha-
weakening. 650,000
"C"-3-557 San Fernando. - Club. "C-2o-293 Help Directorate
Athletic Employees Social for the
Congress staff of the Hono-
Nation. Section Náu- rable Congress
tica. Cancellation the Nation.- This...
debt acquisition des-
field defence and recover
coasts and mooring. Sa- tion inside
lones, bedrooms and from the country. Acquisition
Annexes. Works and ins- property, works, ins-
settlements. 500,000 and skill-
Output Credit
Order and origin DEFINITION OF THE OBRA authorises
No. M$n.
Item 2
"B"-1o-2 National School of Commerce No. 5, José de San Martín. Acquisi
land, studies and projects; construction and installation
... 1,000,000
"B"-1o-2 Templete to contain the monument that keeps the remains of the gene-
ral Manuel Belgrano, at the court of the Santo Domingo church. O-
and installations.................................... 500,000
Total item 2...... 1,500,000
Item 3
Good men.
"B"-1o-3 Mercedes. - Maternal and Child Centre, with internal capacity-
60 beds. Construction and installations............ 1,000,000
"B"-1o-3 Bolivar. - Women's Professional School. Acquisition of terre-
No. Works and installations.............................. 800.000
"B"-1o-3 Bolivar. - Escuela de Artes y Oficios de la Nación. Acquisition
field, studies, projects. Construction and facilities. . 1,000,000
"B"-1o-3 The Silver. - National University of La Plata. Building
a dining room, student sanatorium, gym. Construction
installations.............................. 2,000.000
"B"-1o-3o Bolivar. - National College. Acquisition of land, studies,
projects, works and installations.............................. 1,000,000
"B"-1o-3 San Fernando. - National Professional School. Acquisition of
fields, studies and projects. Construction and installations... 1.800.000
"B"-1o-3 Mercedes. - Dispensary Antituberculosis with new internal room-
60 beds for both sexes and children. Works
installations.............................. 1,500,000
"B"-3o White Bay. - Anti-rabic Institute. Construction and installation
............................................................... 500,000
"B"-3o Blue. - Anti-rabic Institute. Construction and facilities. ... 500,000
"B"-5o St. Nicholas. - Anti-rabic Institute. Construction and installation
............................................................... 500,000
"B"-5o General Villegas. - Anti-rabic Institute. Construction and installation
... 500,000
Total item 3...... 11.1 million
Item 5
"B"-1o-5 San Francisco - San Martín National College. Acquisition of land,
studies and projects, construction and installations............... 2,000.000
"B"-1o-5 Laboulaye. School of Arts and Crafts. Construction and facilities 250,000
Total item 5...... 2.250.000
Item 8
"B"-1o-8 El Carmen. - Polyvalent dispenser. Construction and installation
................................................ 600,000
"B"-1o-8 El Carmen. - School of Arts and Crafts. Construction and installation
... 200,000
"B"-1o-8 Perico station. - General Hospital. Construction, facilities
and empowerment............................................................. 1,000,000
"B"-1o-8 Saint Peter. - Zone Hospital. Acquisition of land, works and
installations................................. 500,000
"B"-1o-8 She'll kill. - Home Child Protection School. Construction
and installations................................. 200,000
Total item 8.... 2.500,000
Item 14
"B"-1o-14 Hive. - Commission for Sanitary Station in connection with the
Vera regional hospital. Construction, facilities and habili-
... 100,000
"B"-1o-14 I deviate kilometer 366. - Commission pro Estación Sanitaria en cone-
xion with the regional hospital of Vera. Construction, installation
............... 100,000
"B"-1o-14 Toba. - Vera. Sanitary Station Commission in connection with the
Vera regional hospital. Construction, facilities and habili-
... 100,000
Total item 14...... 300,000
Item 17
"B"-1o-17 Resistance. - Court of law. Building and dependencies. Works
installations................................. 300,000
"B"-1o-17 Presidency Roque Sáenz Peña. - Court of law. Building and de-
penances. Works and installations.................. 300,000
Total item 17...... 600,000
Item 19
"B"-1o-19 Formosa. - Court of law. Building and depend
Cias. Construction and installations... 300,000
Total item 19...... 300,000
Item 29
"B"-1o-29 St. John. - Construction of the telegraphic circuit
lidades de Colonia Rodas, Médanos de Oro, Las Casuarinas, Santa
Rosa, Marayes, San Martín, Media Agua, Tudeún, Carpintería, Las
Chimbas, and Las Flores, and mixed office facilities in the
Same localities... 200,000
Total item 29...... 200,000
Item 2.- Federal Capital... 1,500,000
Item 3.- Buenos Aires... 11.1 million
Item 5.- Cordoba... 2.250.000
Item 8.- Jujuy... 2.500,000
Item 14.- Santa Fe... 300,000
Item 17.- Chaco... 600,000
Item 19.- Formosa... 300,000
Item 29.- Telegraphic lines... 200,000
Total paragraph 1... 18.750.000
INCIS 3o and 9th
Item 3
Good men.
"B"-3o-3 Three Arroyos. - Provision of drinking water, studies, project and
execution of desagüe cloacal works........................ 2,000.000
"B"-3o-3 Ramallo. - Drinking water supply. Works and installations.... . 1,000,000
-... Total item 3.... 3,000.000
Item 4
"B"-9o-4 The Gate. - Defense and coating of the irrigation channel
margin from the river Valle. Works and installations... 20.000
"B"-3o-4 Fiambalá. - Drinking water supply. Works and installations. ... 100,000
Total item 4.... 120.000
Item 5
"B"-3-5 The captive. - Fourth River. Provision of drinking water. Works
installations................................. 80,000
"B"-3-5 Colonel Moldes. - Drinking water supply. Studies and proyec-
cough. Works and installations.............................. 700,000
"B"-3-5 General Deheza. - Drinking water supply. Expansion of the network
Works and installations........................................... 50,000
"B"-3-5 Rio Segundo. - Drinking water supply. Studies and projects.
Works and installations................................. 1,200,000
"B"-3-5 Cosquin. - Provision of drinking water and chloracal drainage. Works
installations................................. 5,000.000
-... Total item 5.... 7.030.000
Item 8
"B"-9o-8 El Carmen Department. - Additional reservoir of the La Cié dam
naga, in Las Pircas, food channels and distribution network
tion. Studies and planning of hydraulic and hydroelectric works
................................................ 250,000
"B"-9o-8 Fraile Painted. - Ledesma Department. - Usine hydroelectric
ca. Studies, projects and works..................... 250,000
"B"-9o-8 Open Pampa. - Thermoelectric use. Building construction, install-
............ 250,000
"B"-9o-8 Santa Barbara Department. - Santa Rita Creek reservoir and
irrigation channels in the valley of Palma Sola. Studies and plans-
... 150,000
"B"-9o-8 Capital Department. - Embalse of the Chuquina streams, Al-
Mona and Paño and the use and distribution of their waters. You...
God and planning hydraulic and hydroelectric works.... 150,000
"B"-9o-8 Open Pampa. - Electrical usine. Works and installations... 250,000
Total item 8.... 1.300.000
Item 12
"B"-9o-12 Pedernal broke. - Rio Pedernal. Studies and projects
construction of reservoirs and complementary works in the course of the
River Pedernal.............................................................................. 500,000
"B"-9o-12 Fértil Valley. - Counting and packing. Studies and proyec-
cough, execution of Works and installations..................... 1,000,000
"B"-9o-12 Dike of reservoir in the brook of the Arrow. - Studies and proyec-
............ 2,000.000
"B"-9o-12 Hydroelectric use, usine, distribution network, works
supplements in the water jump in the channel that supplies
water to the department of Pocito, stretch between the limits of
Rawson and Pocito departments. Studies, projects and implementation
of works........................ 2,000.000
Total item 12...... 5,500,000
Item 3.- Buenos Aires... 3,000.000
Item 4.- Catamarca... 120.000
Item 5.- Cordoba... 7.030.000
Item 8.- Jujuy... 1.300.000
Item 12.- San Juan... 5,500,000
Total, paragraphs 3 and 9 16,950,000
Item 4
"B"-8o-4 Upgrade and completion of a railway line studies
which, starting from the most convenient place between the Al-
pasinche and Cerro Negro del ramal Mazán-Tinogasta, empalme con las las
lines of the province of Salta and pass through London, Bethlehem, Hualfin
and Santa Maria... 300,000
Total item 4...... 300,000
Item 13
"B"-8o-13 Prolongation to the city of San Luis from the railway line of Mi-
to Quines, according to studies carried out by the Ge-
... 18.000.000
Total item 3....... 18.000.000
Item 4.- Catamarca... 300,000
Item 13.- St. Louis... 18.000.000
Subparagraph 8... 18.300.000
Several, including Budget and Special Acts
Item 29
"B"-10-29 San Carlos de Bariloche (Black River) - Headquarters for the Society
Volunteer Firefighters to build on the man-
zana 28. Works and installations... 250,000
"B"-10o-29 Perico de San Antonio (Jujuy) - Hosteria. Construction and installation
the provisions of Law 12,699............ 100,000
Total item 29.... 350,000
Item 29.- Architectural works... . 350,000
Total paragraph 10... 350,000
Subparagraph 1o National Directorate of Architecture....... 18.750.000
3rd and 9th decisions General Administration of Healthy Works
of the Nation and General Directorate of Water and
Electrical energy... 16,950,000
Subparagraph 8th General Administration of Railways
from the state..................... 18.300.000
Subparagraph 10 Several, including contributions of presumptive laws
Post and special... 350,000
Total table B... 54.350,000
Item 2
"C"-2o Union Ferroviarioa. Hotel for railways. Cancellation of debt
property acquisition. Construction, facilities and enable-
... 900,000
"C"-2o Instituo del Buen Pastor. Our Lady of Lujan School Home.
Jujuy 2179. School premises. Living room, classrooms and dependencies.
Works and installations................................. 250,000
"C"-2o Instituto Ana María Javier. Calle Juan Bautista Alberdi. Acquisi
ownership. Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-2o Escuela Taller Dámasa Zelaya de Saavedra, de la Institución Reli-
Giful Missionaries of the Crusade of the Church. Construction, am-
Lies. Works and installations...................... 150,000
"C"-2o Asociación Femenina Unión y Labor. Cancellation of debt acquisition
property for your Marine Garden Sarmiento. Works, install-
tions and empowerment......................... 150,000
"C"-2o Home for Girls Jesus of Nazareth. Olleros Street. Cancellation
debt acquisition, refection, extensions, nursing,
kitchen, sanitary, works, installations and... 250,000
"C"-2o Parish of Santa Maria Magdalena de Betania. Cancellation of debt
acquisition of lindera property. Construction Social House of the Ba-
rrio. Works and installations........................ 250,000
"C"-2o Fundación Ayuda Social María Eva Duarte de Perón. Escue homes
the, transit house and eaters in the Federal Capital and captain-
les de provincia. Acquisition of properties, repair, construction
............... 900,000
"C"-2o Police Protective Association. To build a ca-
in the Churuca hospital... 200,000
"C"-2o Popular University. Library and sports field. Federation
of Catholic Workers Circles. Circle Federico Grote. Works
and installations................................. 250,000
"C"-2o Italian Society of Tyre to White. Expansion of the polygon;
expansions of the hypism sector and sanitary facilities
............................................................... 400,000
"C"-2o Argentine Federation of Tyre. Works and installations......... 150,000
"C"-2o Buenos Aires Críquet Club. Works and installations............ 150,000
"C"-2o Asociación de Fomento y Cultura Popular "25 de Mayo". Library
Popular. Cancellation of mortgage debt. Social headquarters and depend
Cias. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-2o Asociación Madres Argentinas. Colegio Virgen de Luján. Males,
Monteagudo 830. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-2o Popular University of Flores. Intendent Alvear Torcuato.
Lafuente Streets and Avenida Francisco Bilbao. Construction and ins-
... 250,000
"C"-2o Asociación Ayuda Mutua Residentes del Districto de Rodeiro. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-2o Club Social Deportivo Estación Alvarez Thomas. Works and installation-
... 100,000
"C"-2o General Güemes Resident Centre. Cancellation of debt
acquisition of property. Works and installations............... 150,000
"C"-2o Asociación Mutual de Personal de la Corporación Argentina de
Carnes Producers. - Cancellation of property acquisition debt,
Reflections, construction of external offices. Works
installations................................. 200,000
"C"-2o San Francisco Solano Parish. - Acts and court
......................................................... 40.000
"C"-2o Asociación Cultural y Deportiva Estrella. Cancellation of debt ad-
Field request. Construction of social headquarters. Works and installation-
... 100,000
"C"-2o General Urquiza Cultural Association. - Popular University and
Public Library. Cancellation of land and cons-
building construction............................................. 200,000
"C"-2o Club Deportivo y Social Villa Crespo. Juan B Avenue. Just 2050.
Cancellation of property acquisition debt and construction of its
social and sports penances. Works and installations... 350,000
"C"-2o Círculo Cultural y de Fomento Belisario Roldán de Versailles. -
Construction and installations... 300,000
"C"-2o Instituto Normal Santa Catalina. Work of Don Bosco. Pavilion
Ateneo Popular and playground. Works and installations.... 200,000
"C"-2o Asociación de Fomento y Cuerpo de Bomberos Volunteers y de Pri-
Meros Auxilios Rocha return. First aid room. Cons-
truction and installations........................ 150,000
"C"-2o Hospital Juan Salaberry. Monoblock-type pavilion. Works and ins-
... 100,000
"C"-2o New Chicago Social Club. Social headquarters and sports field. O-
bras and installations.............................. 20.000
"C"-2o Club Social y Deportivo Alberdi. Social headquarters and sports field.
Works and installations................................. 20.000
"C"-2o Ateneo Popular de Versailles. Dupuy 1450. Constructions in your
the property of Brussels street between those of Sao Tome and Marcos
Sastre. Works and installations........................... 300,000
"C"-2o Jaque Mate Chess Club. Social headquarters. Works and installations. 100,000
"C"-2o Santa Maria de los Angeles Temple. Prosecution of Works and install-
...................................................... 200,000
"C"-2o Association of Employees of the General Directorate of Customs
Capital. - Holiday and rest colony, located in Villa
Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba. Construction and installation
................................................ 350,000
"C"-2o Club Social y Deportivo Alcorta Juniors. Social headquarters and field of
porn. Cancellation debt acquisition property. Works and install-
...................................................... 100,000
"C"-2o Asociación del Personal de la Cámara Argentina de Minería. House
rest and recovery in the province of Córdoba. Cancel...
debt acquisition property. Repair and Enabling Works-
... 400,000
"C"-2o Federation of Catholic Teachers and Teachers. Home of the Magistrates
I'm afraid of teachers without family. Construction and installation
................................................ 500,000
"C"-2o Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts. Primary School. Campi-
Sweetheart and Diaz Vélez. Classrooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, annexes. O-
bras and installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-2o Parish of Santa Magdalena Sofia de Barat. Parish house.
Extensions, kindergarten, classrooms, annexes. Works and install-
...................................................... 200,000
"C"-2o Club Atlético Gimnasia de Coghlan. Calle Quesada 3718. Extension
completion and acquisition of elements for practice
of the sport...................................................... 50,000
"C"-2o Little Work of Divine Providence. Work of Don Orione. Orfe-
Linato and Hogar Infantil. acquisition of lindera property. Construction
tions, works and installations........................... 200,000
"C"-2o Popular Library Dawn. Cancellation of debt acquisition terre-
No. Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-2o Maria Potter Association. Nurses School. Acquisition of pro-
piety and construction. Works and installations............... 300,000
"C"-2o Association of Municipal Doctors of the Federal Capital. Headquarters so-
cial. Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Works and installation-
................................................ 150,000
"C"-2o Our Lady of the Valley Temple. Regular Canons Luteranen-
ses. Construction and installations... 300,000
"C"-2o Catamarca Association. Social Headquarters. Cancellation of debt acquisition
property. Repair and installations........................ 150,000
"C"-2o Asociación Mutualidad de Asistencia Médica Social entre el Perso-
of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation. Polyclinic Cen-
tral. Construction and installations... 300,000
"C"-2o Temple and parish house Virgin of Lujan. Works and installations. . 100,000
"C"-2o Bonaerense de Socorros.- Partial cancellation
or total of your mortgage debt..................... 40.000
"C"-2o Association of Culture and Morality, Cabildo 3670. Centro de Estu-
gave and Social Assistance. Construction and installations...... 100,000
"C"-2o Association of Graphic Reporters. Cancellation of debt acquisition
property. Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-2o Mutuality of Graduated Students of Fine Arts, City
Buenos Aires. Social Headquarters. Hall of events and exhibitions for
plastic arts. Library, classrooms, workshops and annex. Works and ins-
............................................................ 300,000
Item 2. - Federal Capital. ... . 11.720.000
Item 3
Good men.
"C"-3o Victoria. First Aids Room Colonel Domingo A. Mercante
Construction and installations... 250,000
"C"-3o The Silver. (Dique No. 1) - Development Centre and Popular Library
Mariano Moreno. Extensions, Works and installations............ 100,000
"C"-3o White Bay. Santa Teresita Parish. Construction of the i-
parish church. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o White Bay. - Our Lady of Lujan Parish. Construction
of the parish church. Works and installations............ 100,000
"C"-3o Gonzales Chávez. - Colegio Seminario del Obispado de Bahía Blan-
ca. Clothing, extensions, bathrooms and toilets. Works, install-
tions and empowerment......................... 100,000
"C"-3o Temperley. - College of Our Lady of the Garden. Enlargement
school premises and renovation of furniture. Works and installations. 350,000
"C"-3o White Bay. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sisters A-
slaves of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity.
Cancellation debt acquisition property. Works and installations. . 250,000
"C"-3o Get us in. - Church and parish house. Construction and installation
................................................ 100,000
"C"-3o Bahía Blanca (Villa Rosa) - San Antonio Parish. Construction
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-3o Lopez Lecube station. - Parroquial Church. Clothing and wide-
tions. Works and installations........................... 50,000
"C"-3o Veronica. - Church and parish house. Construction and installation
................................................ 100,000
"C"-3o Ayacucho. - Ayacuchense Milk Union. Social headquarters. Construc-
... 50,000
"C"-3o Gerli (Avellaneda) Popular League Against Tuberculosis Doctor
Gregorio Aráoz Alfaro. Construction of units and
Nes. Works and installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-3o The Silver. - Sarmiento Association. Popular Library. Aulas and sa-
Nes. Extensions, Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-3o Angel Etcheverry. Society for the Promotion of Neighborhood Union. Library
Manuel Belgrano. Medical consultant. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o The Silver. - Union of Workers and Employees of Distillery
And. P. F. Social Headquarters, library and sports field. Works
installations.............................. 300,000
"C"-3o San Justo. - Argentine Congregation of Domini Third Sisters
of the Most Holy Rosary. Pantheon of the congregation in the ce-
local mind. Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-3o Ferré Station (General Arenales). Salesian Agricultural School
Trinidad. Aulas, bedrooms and annexes. Construction and installation
................................................ 200,000
"C"-3o General Piran. Salesian Agricultural School. Work of Don Bosco. In-
classrooms, dining room, annexes, galpones, purchasing
Machinery supply, repairs. Works and installations.... 300,000
"C"-3o Haedo. - Elmira Paz de Gallo, Dominican Sisters. - Works
and installations................................. 150,000
"C"-3o Garin. - Garin Development Association. - Extensions in your se-
social. Works, installations and empowerment............... 90.000
"C"-3o Blue. Blue People's Library. Construction and installations... 300,000
"C."3o Lauquen train. - Santa Catalina House. Sister Rosarinas. Re-
............... 100,000
"C"-3o Chivilcoy. - Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano (filial). Contribution-
of the Nation to the erection of the monument to General Don José
San Martín. Works and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-3o Bolivar. Club Sportivo Pirovano. Social Headquarters, sports field,
expansion of your library. Works and installations.......... 90.000
"C"-3o Lujan. Argentine Club. Social Headquarters. Cancellation of debt acquisition
of land. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-3o St. Nicholas. Our Lady of Mercy College. Prosecu...
............... 100,000
"C"-3o The shells. Buenos Aires Rowing Club. Refection and am-
implementation at its headquarters and annex sito on the Sarmiento River.
Construction and installations... 250,000
"C"-3o Villa Rafo. Saenz Peña. Colegio Misiones San Francisco
Javier. Building expansions. Works and installations.... 200,000
"C"-3o Mercedes. Volunteer Fire Corps Society. Cancellation
debt for acquisition of property. Acquisition of bombs, auto-
pumps, hoses, motors and other elements to combat
Fires. Repair, expansion and empowerment............ 280,000
"C"-3o San Andrés de Giles. Federal Tyre. Extensions in the Polygon
from Tyre. Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-3o San Andrés de Giles. Club Almafuerte. Prosecution of Works and
installations................................. 200,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Club Atlético Ferrocarril Provincial. Social Headquarters and
Sports field. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Club Unión Vecinal (Civil Society) Works and installation
... 200,000
"C"-3o Mar del Plata. Corporación Pesquera de Ayuda Mutua. Constribu-
of the Nation to the erection of the stone monument with
source base "La Madre del Marino" to be located at the pier
fishermen. Works and installations.................. 70,000
"C"-3o Guerrico (Pergamino) Chapel and annexes. Construction, Works and Construction
installations.............................. 150,000
"C"-3o Florida (Vicente López). Club Social, Cultural and Sports Ge-
Neral Don José de San Martín. Avenida San Martín 2149. Payment
works, installations and empowerment executed and to execute.... 250,000
"C"-3o San Fernando. Equestration of the equestrian statue of General Don
José de San Martín, in the square of his name, illumination and mo-
dernization of it. Replica of the statue erected in the
San Martin Square, in the Federal Capital. Contribution of the Na-
............ 200,000
"C"-3o Hurlingham (Moron) Sports Club Hurlingham Defenders.
Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o The Silver. College Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Calle 6 No 1274.
General condition, extensions, classrooms, bedrooms, dining room, en-
Fermeria. Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-3o Florencio Varela. College of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Extensions.
Works and installations................................. 150,000
"C"-3o Vicente López. Maternity Santa Rosa. Extensions. Works and ins-
... 300,000
"C"-3o The Silver. San Roque Church. Works and installations.......... 150,000
"C"-3o Merlo. Argentine Club of Albatros Planners. Works and installation-
... 200,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Centro de Retirados de la Armada Nacional. Cancellation
total or partial mortgage debt. Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Verdi Music Library. Construction, facilities,
Enabling and acquiring elements of music............... 100,000
"C"-3o Spit. Sociedad Colombófila La Paloma Messenger Penguin. Cons-
truction and installations......................... 50,000
"C"-3o Berazategui. Collombophile Circle Berazategui. Construction
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-3o San Fernando. Sociedad Colombófila La Unión de San Fernando.
Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-3o Fortin Olavarría. Rivadavia. Temple and parish house. Works
installations................................. 150,000
"C"-3o Béccar. Club Social y Sociedad de Fomento de Béccar. Construc-
... 150,000
"C"-3o Chivilcoy. Municipal Home for Elders Colony. Prosecution
works and installations..................... 300,000
"C"-3o Colonel Suarez. San José College. Conceptionist Sisters. Re-
fection, extensions. Works and installations............... 150,000
"C"-3o Mar del Plata. Atlético River Plate Club. Cancellation of debt ad-
property valuation field sports, construction, pri-room
Mere help. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o William Hudson. Ateneo Estrada, from the Me-
Néndez and Pelayo. Works and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-3o San Isidro. Pedagogical Library Doctor Cosme Béccar, of the ma-
Gysterio de San Isidro. Social Pantheon in the local cemetery.
Works and installations................................. 80,000
"C"-3o Villa Turdera. Chicken sisters. Congregation of the Apostolate
Catholic. Home school. Construction and installations...... 200,000
"C"-3o White Bay. Cathedral Church. Prosecution of works and installation-
... 250,000
"C"-3o Lanús. Club Atletico 9 de Julio. Social Headquarters. Works and installation-
... 50,000
"C"-3o Lanús. Marplatense Athletic Club. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Works and installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-3o Bolivar. Club Buenos Aires. Cancellation of mortgage debt. Am-
implementation and renovation of its facilities. Works and installations. . 150,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Ateneo Popular Association and Bernardino Ri-
vadavia. Social headquarters and sports field. Construction, spacious-
... 200,000
"C"-3o Midwest. June four. Sociedad de Fomento Villa Atlánti-
da. Consultants and Popular Library The School. Works and install-
...................................................... 100,000
"C"-3o Merlo. Fortín José Hernández. Social headquarters, water field. Cancela-
debt acquisition property. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o The Palomar. Home Hispano Argentino de la Virgen del Pilar (Ho-
Gar of Elders). Prosecution of works... 200,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Curia Archbishop of La Plata for the Church in Ma-
nuel B. Gonnet. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o Munro. Church and parish house Santa Rosa de Lima. Construc-
... 200,000
"C"-3o Villa Moquehua. Chivilcoy. Parish house attached to the church.
Construction, installations and............ 80,000
"C"-3o Roque Pérez. Maternity Room. Construction, facilities and
................................................... 70,000
"C"-3o Lujan. Club de Regatas de Luján. For the continuation of works in his
social building and sports facilities................... 100,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Centro de Fomento Cultural y Deportivo Capital Chica.
Social Headquarters, construction and installations......................... 100,000
"C"-3o Sarandí. parish church. Works and installations.......... 100,000
"C"-3o Tiger. Union Personal Union of Sports and Civil Entities.
Rest house. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o Victoria. San José School of Arts and Crafts and Primary School
Colegio San José, from the Small Work of Divine Providence. O-
bras and installations.............................. 400,000
"C"-3o Villa Porvenir (Avellaneda) Hospital Vecinal. Prosecution of o-
..................... 500,000
"C"-3o General Madariaga. Hospital. Enlargement, refection. Works and ins-
... 150,000
"C"-3o White Bay. Immaculate College. Religious of the Company
of Mary. Extensions, refection. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o Ramallo. Club Atlético y Social Paraná. Acquisition of pa-
ra field of sports and construction of its social headquarters. Works
installations.................................... 100,000
"C"-3o Ramallo. Church and parish house. Reflections. Works and installation-
... 20.000
"C"-3o Villa Ramallo. Club Atletico y Social Los Andes. Depor-
tes and headquarters. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-3o Bolivar. Bernardino Rivadavia Popular Library. Cancellation
debt for works executed. Extensions. Works and installations. 60,000
"C"-3o Escalada Remedies. Melo Hospital. Termination of works, ins-
............ 300,000
"C"-3o The Silver. Yacht Club La Plata. Works and facilities, including
acquisition of ships and implements...................... 100,000
"C"-3o Three Arroyos. Sarmiento People's Library. Construction and ins-
... 100,000
"C"-3o Dolores. Argentine Federal Tyre. Works and installations.... 80,000
"C"-3o Aldo Bonzi. Colegio Hogar San José. Enlargement, refection. Works
and installations................................. 100,000
"C-3" Morón. Club Atletico Veteranos Unidos. Social headquarters. Works and ins-
... 60,000
Total item 3.... 13.230.000
Item 4
"C"-4o Catamarca. Club de Pelota Catamarca. Termination of Works and Ins-
... 150,000
"C"-4o Catamarca. Convent San Francisco. Monument of Fray Mamerto Es-
Who. Granite coating of the monument pedestal. Works. 30,000
"C"-4o Catamarca. Club. Typical General of Catamarca. Cancellation of debt
acquisition property for sports field, Works and installation-
............................................................ 200,000
"C"-4o Fray Mamerto Esquiú. Fe-
Chins. Repair works and installations......................... 100,000
Total item 4.... 480.000
Item 5
"C"-5o Alta Córdoba. Barrio Talleres Este. Pro Temple Commission. Church
and parish house. Works and installations... 20.000
"C"-5o Moldes. Belgrano Athletic Club. Social Headquarters. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Moldes. Church and parish house. Works and installations.... 50,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Instituto Incorporado Cristo Rey. Extension and reinforcement
ma of his educational building. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-5o Tancacha. Temple and parish house. Construction and facilities. 100,000
"C"-5o The Cianca. Church and parish house. Works and installations. ... 20.000
"C"-5o Viamonte. Viamonte Recreativo Club. Social Headquarters, library, sa-
the reading and other units and extensions in your field
sports. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o Alicia. Club Atletico Unión. Expansions at its social headquarters and
Sports field. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-5o Marcos Juárez. Colegio María Imaculada, Hermanas Concepcionis-
Tas. Wings and expansions. Works and installations............ 100,000
"C"-5o Sacanta. Sportivo Club Sacanta. Social Headquarters, sports field,
swimming pool, velodrome. Works and installations... 60,000
"C"-5o Colonia Caroya. Santa Angela Athletic Club. Social headquarters and field
sports. Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o Green Cañada. The Sacred Hearts Institute. Hall of acts,
museums and cabinets of chemistry and physics. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-5o Beautiful Valley. Temple and parish house. Works and installations. . 200,000
"C"-5o Embalse Río Tercero. Club Nautico Embalse. Works and installations. 50,000
"C"-5o Pascanas. Independent Football Club. Cancellation of debt
property. Works and installations...................... 100,000
"C"-5o Elena. Centro Deportivo y Recreativo Elenense. Cancellation of debt
property acquisition. Works and installations............... 50,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Riocuatrense Federation of Football. Cancellation of debt
property acquisition. Social Headquarters. Works and installations.... 100,000
"C"-5o Mina Clavero. Arroyo de los Patos. Argentine Congregation of Her-
Dominica handles of the Most Holy Rosary. Rest house. Build-
............ 200,000
"C"-5o Laborde. Club Atletico Olimpo. Social headquarters and sports field.
Cancellation of debts affecting your facilities. Works and ins-
... 90.000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Asociación Sportiva Audax Córdoba. Cancellation of debt ad-
property and works executed. Social headquarters and park re-
creative. Extensions. Works and installations............ 300,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Sports Club and Athens Library. Expansions
your library, party room, general refection, swimming pool
Gym. Works and installations............... 250,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Alberdi people. Faustino Popular Library
Sarmiento. Extensions. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Cripta to serve as a tomb to the diocesan bishops
Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Club Atlético Correos y Telecomunicaciones. Headquarters so-
cial. Sports field. Construction and installations...... 150,000
"C"-5o Villa del Rosario. Church, curia and parish hall. Works
installations................................. 80,000
"C"-5o La Paz. parish temple. Construction and installations... 90.000
"C"-5o The Fortin. parish church. General condition. Works and install-
...................................................... 30,000
"C"-5o Villa de Soto. Axis Cross. Club Atletico Juventud Unida. Headquarters
social and sports field. Works and installations... 60,000
"C"-5o Villa del Rosario. Youth Sport Club. Cancellation of debt
ownership. Social headquarters, sports field. Works and install-
...................................................... 50,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Union Workers Cerveceros de la Río Segundo. Headquarters
social, meeting room, reading room, library, office
doctors and other units. Works and installations.......... 100,000
"C"-5o Cintra. Club Atlético Eduardo A. Luro. Social headquarters and field of
Portes. Cancellation of land acquisition debt. Works and installation-
... 50,000
"C"-5o Dean Funes. Trade Employees Center. Social Headquarters. Cons-
truction and installations........................ 50,000
"C"-5o Rosario del Saladillo. Tulumba. Church. Reconstruction. Works
installations................................. 20.000
"C"-5o Oliva. Sociedad Española de Socorro Mutuos. To pay hi-
medical clinics and annexes. Extensions. Works
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-5o Gigena. Gigena Agrarian Youth Club. Social Headquarters. Can-
debt acquisition property. Works and installations.... . 50,000
"C"-5o Moldes. Club de la Juventud Agraria de Moldes. Social Headquarters. Can-
debt acquisition property. Works and installations.... . 50,000
"C"-5o Holmberg. Rio Fourth. Independent Atletic Club. Cancellation
debt acquisition, loan, extensions. Works
installations................................. 80,000
"C"-5o Elena. Rio Fourth. Church and parish house. Works and installation-
............................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Valle. Bedrooms, au-
The, the infirmary. Works and installations.................. 70,000
"C"-5o Río Cuarto (Barrio Alberdi). Institute of the Servants of Jesus
Sacramentate. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-5o San Francisco. Commission of tribute to Dr. Enrique Carrá. With...
Tribution of the Nation to the erection of the monument. Works and ins-
... 200,000
"C"-5o General Deheza. Home of Elders. Building construction. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-5o Uncle Pujio. Club Atletico Hipólito Yrigoyen. Works and installation-
................................................ 50,000
"C"-5o Moldes. Cosmopolitan Society of Charity. Hospital San Juan.
Works, installations and empowerment......................... 150,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Chapel of Our Lady of the Valley. Extensions.
Works and installations................................. 60,000
"C"-5o Villa Carlos Paz. Church and parish house. Prosecution of o-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Asociación de Pescadores y Cazadores Aficionados Cordo-
kisses. Extensions of its facilities at Lake San Roque.
Cancellation of property acquisition debt or property for headquarters
social in the capital city. Works and installations.......... 100,000
"C"-5o Sacanta (San Justo) - Parish House. Reflections, Works and Ins-
... 100,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Parque Infantil Sur y Norte. Repairs, wide-
tion, works, installations, mechanical equipment
and acquisition of instruments for the children's band... 50,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Club Atlético Central Argentino. Field
sports and playground. Hall of events at social headquarters. O-
bras and installations.................................... 200,000
"C"-5o Cross of the South Axis. Olayon Club. Social headquarters and sports field.
Cancellation of property acquisition debts. Works and installations. . 100,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Hípico Climbing Club. Social Headquarters. Cancela-
debt acquisition property. Construction and facilities. . 200,000
"C"-5o Sacanta. José María Paz Popular Library. Construction building
Works and installations........................................... 100,000
"C"-5o Cosquin. Independent Atletic Club. Cancellation of debt
ownership. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o Villa Maria. Federal Tyre Society. Tyre polygon. Wide-
Nes. Works and installations.............................. 300,000
"C"-5o Serrezuela. Church and parish house. Works and installations. ... 50,000
"C"-5o Cachiyuyo (Serrezuela) Oratory and annexed house. Construction and ins-
... 30,000
"C"-5o Ascasubi (Tercero Arriba) parish church. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Morrison. Club Union. Popular Library. Party hall, room
first aid and expansion. Construction and installation
................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Tancacha. Huracán Sports Club. Library, social headquarters and cam-
sports po. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-5o Almafuerte. Belgrano Athletic Club. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Extensions. Works
and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-5o Almafuerte. Sociedad Italiana de Socorro Mutuos Humberto 1o. Pa...
ra construction of your building. Extensions, médi-
adhesives and annexed units. Works and installations. . 100,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Centro de Empleados Públicos de la provincia de Córdoba.
Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Social, Sanitary and
Maternity. Construction and installations... 300,000
"C"-5o Villa Maria. Instituto de Servicios Pedagógicos Sociales. Cance-
mortgage debt. Social Headquarters, kindergarten and home
School. Construction and installations... 300,000
"C"-5o Córdoba (people General Paz) Biblioteca Vélez Sársfield. Wide-
tions. Works and installations........................... 100,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Jorge Newbery Library. Cancellation of debt
Real estate. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o The Playosa. Playosa Sportivo Club. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Acquisition of land. Construction and installations... 70,000
"C"-5o Huinca Renancó (General Roca) Biblioteca Popular Sarmiento. Am-
plications. Works and installations.................. 30,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Mariano Moreno Library. Extensions. Works and ins-
... 100,000
"C"-5o Rio Tercero. Biblioteca Justo José de Urquiza. Extensions. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-5o Rio Segundo. Faustino Sarmiento Sunday Library. Construction
and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-5o Ticino. Faustino Sarmiento Sunday Library. Construction and ins-
... 50,000
"C"-5o San Francisco. Cultural Center. Cancellation of debt acquisition in-
furniture. Extensions. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-5o Marcos Juárez. Athletic Club and Newell's Old Boys Library.
Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o Bulnes (Río Cuarto) Temple and parish house. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Villa del Dique (Calamuchita) Nuestra Señora de Pompeya Church.
Works and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Gremial Taxometer Workers Association. Headquarters
social. Cancellation debt acquisition property. Works and installation-
... 150,000
"C"-5o La Toma (Cruz del Aje) Club Sportivo Belgrano La Toma. Headquarters so-
and sports field. Cancellation of debt acquisition
Works and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-5o Tancacha. Centro Artística Recreativo Instituto Belgrano. Headquarters so-
cial. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o Rio Ceballos. Temple and parish house. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o Moldes (Río Cuarto) Belgrano Atlético Club. Social headquarters and field
sports. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-5o Villa San Pedro. San Alberto. parish church. Works and install-
...................................................... 90.000
"C"-5o Holmberg. Cancellation of debt
works performed. Prosecution of works at the social headquarters and field
of sports................................................ 100,000
"C"-5o Villa Dolores (San Javier). Club Social y Deportivo Comercio. Se-
social pool and swimming pool. Works and installations....... 100,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Club Deportivo y Cultural Banda Norte. Social headquarters,
library and other units. Cancellation of debt acquisition
property. Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Club Atlético Talleres. Debt cancellation works e-
............ 30,000
"C"-5o Axis Cross. Church and parish house. Extensions. Works
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-5o Villa Maria. Sport Social Club. Expansions, payment of o-
bras executed and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-5o Rio Tercero. parish church. Extensions. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
C"-5o Lions. San Roque Hospital. Charitable Society. Extensions. Payment
debt executed works, installations and empowerment......... 60,000
"C"-5o Cordoba. Casa del Canillita. Social and local school. Cance-
debt acquisition of property and property. Construction
installations................................. 200,000
"C"-5o Mount Buey. Instituto Secundario General José María Paz. Cance-
debt acquisition. Works and installations.... 150,000
"C"-5o Cabalango. Pro Temple Commission. San Cayetano Chapel. Prosecu...
............ 50,000
"C"-5o Rio Fourth. Biblioteca Popular Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Wide-
............... 50,000
Total item 5....... 10.020.000
Item 7
"C"-7o Galarza. Club Social de Galarza. Library. Conference room
cis, gym and sports patio. Construction and installation
................................................ 100,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Barrio San Agustín. Chapel and workshops of the Social Work
of the San Agustín district. Social Headquarters. Cancellation of debt
ownership. Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-7o Rosario de Tala. Tala's Athletic Club. Extensions at headquarters
social. Improvements in the field of sports, sanitary, in-
fantile. Works and installations........................... 100,000
"C"-7o Conception of Uruguay. Club Tomás de Rocamora. Cancellation deu-
gives property acquisition. Social headquarters, sports field. Cons-
truction and installations........................ 100,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Seminar. House of Rest. Extensions. Works and ins-
... 100,000
"C"-7o Nogoyá. - Social and Sports Club May 25. Children's park,
Sports field. Construction, installations and empowerment. .. 80,000
"C"-7o Gilbert. Church and parish house. Construction and installation
................................................ 50,000
"C"-7o Nogoyá. Club de Polo Los Guazanchos. Cancellation of debt
ground, building and facilities. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Football League Paranaense. Sports House. Construc-
... 150,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Club Atlético Palermo. Cancellation of debt acquisition
property, general condition, sports field. Works and installation-
... 150,000
"C"-7o Paraná. San Martin Hospital. Pavilion exclusively for
preventive and curative protection of children. Works and ins-
... 300,000
"C"-7o Bovril. Bovril Sports Club. Works and installations... 70,000
"C"-7o San Salvador. Elementary Popular Library. Construction and ins-
... 80,000
"C"-7o Victoria. Club Sportivo Victoria. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Construction and installations... 80,000
"C"-7o Gualeguaychú. Departmental League Soccer. Works and installation-
in your field of sports................................................. 20.000
"C"-7o Pueblo Nuevo (Gualeguaychú). Church and parish house. Works
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-7o Pueblo Nuevo (Gualeguaychú). Club Social y Deportivo Pueblo Nue-
You. Works and installations in your sports field............ 30,000
"C"-7o Gualeguaychú. Club Social y Deportivo 25 de Mayo. Depor-
Tes. Cancellation of land acquisition debt. Works and installation-
................................................ 30,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Athletic Echagüe Club. Cancellation of mortgage debt.
Social Headquarters. Sports field. Applications, works and installation
... 100,000
"C"-7o Conception of Uruguay. Yacht Club Entrerriano. Extensions, o-
bras and installations.............................. 150,000
"C"-7o Rosario de Tala. Sportivo Peñarol Center. Extensions in your se-
social and sports field. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Athletic Echagüe Club. Cancellation of mortgage debt, se-
social, sports field. Extensions. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Foot-ball Paranae League. Sports House. Construc-
... 200,000
"C"-7o Paraná. Club Atletico. Cancellation of property acquisition debt.
General condition. Sports field. Works and installations.... . 100,000
Total item 7 2.440.000
Item 8
"C"-8o Jujuy. Center of Nursing and Annexes. Social Headquarters. Construction
and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-8o Villa Cuyaya. Cuyaya Athletic Club. Social Headquarters, field of depor-
Tes. Works and installations.............................. 150,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. Municipal Public Bathroom. Drilling or watering,
tank and engine. Building construction, units, installation
............... 100,000
"C"-8o Humahuaca. Municipal Public Bathroom. Drilling or watering,
tank and engine. Building construction, units, installation
............... 100,000
"C"-8o Tilcara. José Antonio Terry Regional Painting Museum. Acquisi
building, extensions, teaching materials and others
samples. Works, installations and empowerment................ 100,000
"C"-8o Saint Peter. Municipal Public Bathroom. Drilling or watering,
tank and engine. Building construction, units, installation
............... 100,000
"C"-8o Perico station. Municipal Public Bathroom. Perforation or taking of
water, tank and engine. Building construction, units, ins-
............ 100,000
"C"-8o Perico station. Trade Union. Social headquarters and sa-
Dining room. Cancellation debt acquisition property. Works
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-8o Ingenio Ledesma. Union Union Workers of the Ledesma Engineering.
Social headquarters and hall of events. Public library. Cancellation
acquisition of land. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. National Charity Confederation. Circle of Damascus
Jujeñas (Jujuy member) Home for Ladies and Old Ladies
lack of resources. Works and installations... 150,000
"C"-8o Humahuaca. Old town. First Aid Room. Works and ins-
... 50,000
"C"-8o El Carmen. Club Sportivo Rivadavia. Social Headquarters and Library. O-
bras and installations.............................. 70,000
"C"-8o Humahuaca. Maternal and Child Center. Construction and installation
................................................ 70,000
"C"-8o The Quiaca. Sarmiento People's Library. Refection, expansion.
Works and installations................................. 70,000
"C"-8o Humahuaca. Belgrano Hospital. Departments for religious and ca-
Got it. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-8o El Carmen. Sports field and playground. Works
and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Barrio Four of June. Church and parish house. Works
and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o House for the Master. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. First aid room and hospitalization. Works
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. State Servants Association. Social Pantheon. Works
and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o Saint Peter. Faustino Sarmiento Sunday Library. Social Headquarters.
Works and installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o The Mendieta. Popular library. Building construction. Works
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-8o Open Pampa. First aid room. Works and installations. ... 30,000
"C"-8o Mina Zapala. Sports field. Works and installations....... 30,000
"C"-8o Huacalera. Sports field. Works and installations......... 30,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. Bartolome Mitre Popular Library. Ane-school workshop
xo. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-8o The Quiaca. Sports and playground. Works and install-
...................................................... 30,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Sociedad Obrera de Socorro Mutuos. Enlargement of your mau-
................................................ 30,000
"C"-8o Saint Peter. Children's park and sports field. Works and installation-
... 30,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. Children's park and sports field. Works and installation-
... 30,000
"C"-8o Rio Blanco. Temple, refection and ring wall. Works
installations................................. 90.000
"C"-8o Jujuy. To build a Roman theater and auditorium.... 200,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Traditional park. Acquisition of land and construction 100,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Catholic Cultural Association. Social Pantheon. Works
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-8o The Mendieta. School of Crafts. Construction and facilities. 80,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. School of Crafts. Construction and facilities. ... . 80,000
"C"-8o Open Pampa. Mariano Valle Library. Hall of acts. Construc-
... 60,000
"C"-8o Calilegua (Ledesma). Children's park and sports field. Works
installations................................. 30,000
"C"-8o Snow City (Jujuy). Children's park and sports field. O-
bras and installations.............................. 30,000
"C"-8o Valle Grande, Santa Ana. Popular library and workshop ane-
xas. Construction and installations... 30,000
"C"-8o Rinconada. C. Cicarelli Library. Acquisition of land and
construction... 30,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Mutuality of the Magisterium. Enlargement of the mausoleum. Works
and installations................................. 30,000
"C"-8o Rinconada. Federal Tyre and Sports Field. Construction and ins-
... 30,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. Center of Employees and Workers. Social headquarters. Works and ins-
... 30,000
"C"-8o Jujuy. High Horns. Social and sports club and library. Works
and installations................................. 30,000
"C"-8o Humahuaca. Federal Tyre. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-8o Tilcara. Federal Tyre. Works and installations............... 30,000
"C"-8o Perico station. Federal Tyre. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-8o Yuto. Sports field. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-8o The Quiaca. Sports field- Works and installations......... 30,000
"C"-8o Ledesma. Federal Tyre. Sports field. Works and installations. 30,000
"C"-8o Rinconada. St. John Church. Refection. Works... 20.000
"C"-8o Saint Peter. Asociación Obrera de Socorro Mutuos. Social Pantheon.
Works............ 20.000
"C"-8o Huacalera. parish church. Refection... 20.000
"C"-8o Villa Cuyaya. Popular library. Social Headquarters. Works and installation-
... 20.000
"C"-8o Perico station. First Aid Room. Extension. Works
installations................................. 20.000
Total item 8.... 3.280 000
Item 9
"C"-9o La Rioja. Universidad Popular de La Rioja. Cancellation of debt ad-
property. Construction, installation and empowerment. 200,000
"C"-9o La Rioja. Centro de Cultura Peronista El Velasco. Cancellation
debt acquisition property. Works and installations.......... 200,000
"C"-9o La Rioja. Club Deportivo San Vicente. Popular library. Cance-
debt acquisition property. Works and installations.... 80,000
"C"-9o Chilecito. Sarmiento Association. Paula Manual Arts School
Sarge. Cancellation of debt acquisition of proprietary
Dad. Works and installations.............................. 250,000
"C"-9o I ring. parish church. Closure and/or restoration. Works
and installations................................. 40.000
"C"-9o Ulapes. Parisian Church. Closure and/or restoration. Works
installations................................. 40.000
"C"-9o Villa Union. parish church. Closure and/or restoration. O-
bras and installations.............................. 60,000
"C"-9o Chilecito. parish church. Closure and/or restoration. O-
bras and installations.............................. 20.000
"C"-9o Malanzán. parish church. Closure and/or restoration. O-
bras and installations.............................. 20.000
"C"-9o La Rioja. Barrio Tiro Federal. Oratory Chapel. Construction
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-9o La Rioja. Inca Huasi Museum. Franciscan Community. Construction,
installations and empowerment.................. 200,000
"C"-9o La Rioja. Club Atlético Tiro Federal. Cancellation of debt
ownership. Works and installations... 200,000
Total item 9.... 1.3 million
Item 10
"C"-10o Mendoza. Board of Historical Studies of Mendoza. Headquarters of the
ma and public library. Construction and installations...... 300,000
"C"-10o Colonel Dorrego. Cool. Neighborhood Development Union. Headquarters so-
cial, sports facilities. Works, installations and enable-
... 150,000
"C"-10o Lujan. Commission Necinal Pro Restoration of the Sanctuary and Calva-
Carrodilla river. Contribution from the Nation. Works and install-
...................................................... 200,000
"C"-10o San José. Church and parish house. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-10o Tunuyán. Carlos Ponce Hospital. Maternity and widening room
Nes. Works and installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-10o Mendoza. Special Council of the Society of Ladies of San Vi-
Hundreds of Paul. Home of Elders and Devalides. Clothing, wide-
tions. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-10o Mendoza. College of Religious of the Society of Mary. Am-
plications, refection. Works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-10o Mendoza. Club. Jorge Newbery. Cancellation of debt acquisition pro-
pity. Social Headquarters, sports field and works and facilities. . 250,000
"C"-10o San Rafael. Church of the Immaculate Conception and Parish House
Works and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-10o San Rafael. Nihuil Nautical Club. Social headquarters and sports field
Construction and installations... 150,000
"C"-10o Cool. Club Unión Social y Deportiva Los Corralitos. Headquarters
social and sports field. Construction and installations.... 200,000
"C"-10o San Rafael. Planners Club. Cancellation of mortgage debt,
hangar construction and other facilities. Works and installation-
................................................ 150,000
Total item 10.... 2.300.000
Item 11
"C"-11o The Loma. Franciscan Mission. Agricultural School. Works and installation-
... 100,000
"C"-11o Tuyuntí. Franciscan Mission. Agricultural School. Works and installation-
... 100,000
"C"-11o Tolombón. Cafayate. Church and parish house. General condition
Works and installations................................. 30,000
"C"-11o Jump. Viajantes center. Social Headquarters. Works and installations. . 30,000
"C"-11o Pigs. Club Atlético Cerrillos. Extensions, works and install-
...................................................... 80,000
"C"-11o Carapari (Oran). School and annexes of the Franciscan Mission. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
Total item 11...... 440,000
Item 12
"C"-12o St. John. San Juan Medical Association. Social Headquarters. Construc-
... 250,000
"C"-12o Disposed. Temple and parish house. Reconstruction of which
was destroyed in January 1944. Works and installations... 600,000
"C"-12o St. John. Círculo de Periodistas de la provincia de San Juan.
Social headquarters. Construction and installations... 200,000
"C"-12o St. John. Association of Workers and State Employees. Headquarters so-
cial. Cancellation debt acquisition property. Construction
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-12o Saint Lucia. (San Juan) Rawson Society. Popular library.
Building construction. Works and installations............ 100,000
"C"-12o Albardón. San Martin People's Library. Works and installations. . 150,000
"C"-12o St. John. Club Sportivo Peñarol. Works and installations.... 100,000
"C"-12o San Juan Lawn Tenis Club. Works and installations............ 100,000
"C"-12o St. John. Independent Sport Club. Cancellation of debt
ground. Works and installations..................... 50,000
"C"-12o Conception. Bartolomé Mitre Public Library. Cancellation of debt
acquisition of land. Works and installations............... 100.00
"C"-12o Pocito. Club Sportivo R. Barceló. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-12o St. John. Rawson Athletic Club. Social headquarters and facilities
Portives. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-12o Villa San Agustín. Villa Fértil. Popular Sunday Faus Library
Tino Sarmiento. Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-12o St. John. Sociedad de Beneficencia del Hospital Español de San
Juan. Construction and installations... 600,000
"C"-12o St. John. Home School of the Holy Family of Sisters Do-
Argentina minicas. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-12o Villa del Carril (San Juan). Basketball Club Isca Yacú. Works
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-12o St. John. Federation of Catholic Teachers and Teachers. House of
rest in Barreal. Construction and installations......... 200,000
"C"-12o Conception. Club Sportivo Peñarol. Sports field. Works
installations................................. 100,000
"C"-12o Villa Krause. Club Atlético Boca Juniors. Social headquarters. Cancel...
debt acquisition property. Works and facilities deporti-
You're... 100,000
"C"-12o Trinidad. Joaquín V. González Popular Library. Social headquarters.
Acquisition of land. Works and installations............ 70,000
"C"-12o Chimbas. San Pedro Chapel. Construction and facilities. ... . 50,000
Total item 12...... 3.170.000
Item 13
"C"-13o Mercedes. Club Atletico Students. Social headquarters and field of
Portes. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-13o They'll conquer. Club Atlético Concarán. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Construction and installations... 60,000
"C"-13o Mercedes. Home of Menesterosos and Devalides. Association San Ca-
yetan. Construction and installations... 100,000
"C"-13o They'll conquer. Club Sportivo Dolores.(B.A.P.) Sports field. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-13o Mercedes. Centro de Maestros Láinez. Master's house. Construc-
... 200,000
"C"-13o Lujan. parish church. Restoration. Works and installations. 50,000
Total item 13...... 610.000
Item 14
"C"-14o Monje Station. Sociedad Recreativa Granadero. Social Headquarters. O-
bras and installations.............................. 50,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Club Atlético Rivadavia Juniors. Cancellation of debt ad-
property for its social headquarters. Works and installations. . 70,000
"C"-14o Sao Tome. Asociación Costurero Popular y Centro de Acción Pau-
the Albarracín de Sarmiento. Social headquarters and working rooms. O-
bras and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Club Sportivo de Bochas Barrio Sergeant Cabral. Headquarters
social. Library and sports field. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Don Bosco College. Bedrooms, infirmary, dining rooms,
classrooms, living room, bathrooms, kitchen and other facilities
internal and external services. Works, installations and ha-
... 600,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Gymnastics and Worm. Closure and extensions
premises and facilities. Works and installations... 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario Uría. Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Social Headquarters
Extensions. Works and installations..................... 150,000
"C"-14o Guadalupe. Club Atlético Guadalupe. Social headquarters and field of
Tes, expansions. Works and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Casa Adoratrices del Santísimo Sacramento y de la Cari-
Dad. Maipú 1175. General condition and expansion; deu-
da compra propiedad lindera, refection. Works and installation-
................................................ 300,000
"C"-14o Borghi. General Confederation of State Workers. Federa-
Borghi. Cancellation of property acquisition debt. Works and ins-
... 150,000
"C"-14o Perez. Club Atlético San Sebastián and Biblioteca Pública Juan B.
Alberdi. Social headquarters. Cancellation of mortgage debt, wide-ranging
construction and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Atlético Fortín Barracas. Social headquarters. Construc-
... 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Federal Tit. Club Atletico Aprendices. Construction
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-14o Wheelwright. Sociedad Hispano Argentina de Socorro Mutuos. Headquarters
social. Hall of acts. Construction and installations...... 50,000
"C"-14o Carcarañá. Club Atletico Campaña. Social Headquarters. Construction
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-14o Carcarañá. Club Atlético Carcarañá. Extensions, social headquarters.
Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Nicolás Avellaneda Popular Library. Social Headquarters.
Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o Fighiera. Sportivo Fighierense Athletic Club. Construction and ins-
... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Atlético Sparta. Construction and facilities. ... . 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Francisco de Godoy. Social headquarters and field of
Tes. Works and installations.............................. 100,000
"C"-14o San José de la Esquina. Athletic Centenary Club. Cancellation
debts for works carried out; swimming pool, pathi-
Naje, fencing room, ball fronton. Works and installations. 100,000
"C"-14o Hope. Catholic Circle of Workers. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-14o Clucellas. Florida Atletic Club. Construction and facilities. . 30,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Public Employees Association. Social Headquarters. Works
installations................................. 200,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Our Lady of La Salette Parish. Works and install-
...................................................... 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Sportivo España Chica. Social headquarters and facilities
sports. Works and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Football League Santafesina. Cancellation of debt
field sports field. Works and installations....... 30,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Club Atletico El Labrador. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-14o Firmat. Shooting polygon. Repair and extensions of your li-
Bullshit. .......................................... 150,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Catholic Social House. Construction and facilities. ... 200,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Union Workers and Employees Provin Administration
Santa Fe. Social headquarters. Cancellation of debt
ownership. Works and installations............... 200,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. The Gastronomic Home of the Society of Mozos de San-
Ta Fe. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-14o Ceres-Olympic B.B. Club Social and Sport Headquarters. Works and install-
...................................................... 100,000
"C"-14o Helvecia - Tiro Federal Argentino Social Headquarters and shooting range. Re-
fection, extensions. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-14o Bernardo de Irigoyen. Club Unión Deportiva y Cultural Bernardo
Irigoyen. Social headquarters and sports field. Works and installation-
................................................ 80,000
"C"-14o Gálvez. Ceci Básquetbol Club. Library and meeting room. Works
and installations................................. 70,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Athletic Club Admiral Brown. Social headquarters. Cancellation
debt acquisition property. Works and installations.......... 30,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Social y Deportivo El Luchador. Social headquarters. Works
and installations................................. 40.000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Home of Mendigos Saint Vincent de Paul. Reflections, am-
plications. Works, installations and empowerment................ 80,000
"C"-14o Laguna Paiva. Saver Cooperative Society (Civil Institution).
Social headquarters and telegraph school. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Club Atlético Juan José Paso (civil society). Headquarters so-
cial. Works and installations........................ 100,000
"C"-14o Sergeant Cabral. Santa Fe. San Roque Parish. Temple and depen-
Leaves. Works and installations..................... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Barrio Ludueña. Club Deportivo y Social Pavilion Argenti-
No. Payment of executed works, to be executed and facilities and habi-
... 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Sportivo España Chica. Social headquarters and facilities
sports. Works and installations.................. 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Atlético Plaza Jewell. Social Headquarters. Works and install-
...................................................... 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Cyclone Basketball Club. Social headquarters and sports field.
Works and installations................................. 100,000
"C"-14o Maciel. Club Alba Argentina. Social Headquarters. Construction and installation
... 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Atlético Olegario V. Andrade (civil society). Headquarters
social and sports units. Works and installations.... 100,000
"C"-14o Borghi. Civil Service Confederation of the Nation. Section
Borghi. Cancellation debt acquisition property, refurbishment. O-
bras and installations.............................. 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Federation of Catholic Workers Circles. Circle Ca-
Tolic of Rosario Workers. Partial or total debt cancellation
Mortgage; Social headquarters rehabilitation, building
for your atheists. Works and installations and empowerment....... 250,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Our Lady of the Guard Parish. Extension sa-
and other annexes. Works and installations.......... 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Arrilluga. Rioja 4034. Cancellation of mortgage debt
ria. Social headquarters construction, repairs. Works and installation-
................................................ 100,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Social Club and Sports Will. Social headquarters and field
sports. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Neri Football Club. 3rd of February 3262. Works
installations................................. 50,000
"C"-14o Reconquest. Contribution of the Nation to the erection of the Monu-
I'm sorry to the "Missioner" to push in the north end of the Boule-
vard Hippolyte Yrigoyen. Commission of homage chaired by the Ex-
Prime Minister of Justice and Public Instruction
the Nation and composed of the Director of the National Museum of Be-
llas Artes, a representative of the General Confederation of
Work and a student by the students of the National Academy
Fine arts, which he studied last year. Contest,
Awards. Works and installations..................... 200,000
"C"-14o Laguna Paiva. Sectional Union Ferroviaria. Social headquarters. Prosecu...
............... 30,000
"C"-14o Puerto San Martín. Church and parish house. Pro Tem Commission
Plo. Construction and installations... 50,000
"C"-14o Arroyo Seco. Arroyo Seco Atlantic Club. Social Headquarters. Construc-
... 100,000
"C"-14o Santa Fe. Ateneo Universitario de Santa Fe. Social headquarters and field
sports. Works and installations... 100,000
"C"-14o Villa Ana. Workers' Union Chebracho and Annexes Industry.
Social headquarters. Works and installations... 30,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Limited Worker Cooperative. Construction. Works and ins-
... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Centenary Club. Construction. Works and installations... 60,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Fisherton Atletic Club. Construction. Works and installation-
... 200,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Club Social y Deportivo Talleres. Construction. Works
installations................................. 150,000
"C"-14o Serondino. Church and parish house. Termination of works and ins-
... 150,000
"C"-14o Helvecia. Church and parish house. Reflections. Works and install-
...................................................... 50,000
"C"-14o Rosario. Siervas Sisters of Charity. Cancel...
mortgage debt, extensions. Works and installations.... . 80,000
"C"-14o Villa Ana. Commission pro Tiro Federal Argentino. Social headquarters and po-