MINISTERY OF JUSTICE AND PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LEY No. 12.905 10 civil courts, for the capital and twenty secretariats, four civil and commercial prosecutors and two juvenile counselings for the ordinary justice of the capital
Article 1 - Refer to ten courts of first instance in the Civil, for the Capital of the Republic, and twenty secretariats, with the same number of employees and departure for office expenses as set out in the Budget Law for the current courts.
Art. 2 - Refer to four civil and commercial prosecutors and two juvenile counselings for the ordinary justice of the Federal Capital, with the same staff, salaries and expenses set out in the aforementioned Law for the existing ones.
Article 3 - Each court of first instance in the Civil of the Capital of the Republic shall, for the attention of matters to its office, have three secretaries.
Art. 4o - Four of the courts established by this law shall only understand successions and matters relating to family law that are excluded from the jurisdiction of the other civil courts of the Capital.
Article 5 - The Civil Appeals Chambers shall determine which of the four secretariats of each of the courts currently operating, shall be transferred to those established by article 1 of this Law, and shall also establish the manner in which the files are to be distributed and the judicial turns.
Article 6 - The amount necessary for the installation of the offices, as well as for the payment of salaries and expenses and location of buildings that demand the fulfillment of this Law, shall be taken from general rents, with charge to it, until it is included in the budget.
Art. 7 - Judges who are appointed to the courts established by article 1 and tax officers and juvenile advisers referred to in article 2 may not take an oath, nor may the staff of the secretariats and respective offices be appointed until their offices have been established and in a position to permit the functioning of those courts.
Article 8 - Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the 12th day of the month of December of the year a thousand nine hundred forty-six. - Fdo: J. H. QUIJANO - Alberto H. Reales - Ricardo C. Guardo. - Rafael V. González.