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Decrees - Laws Ratification - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: DECRETOS - LEYES RATIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Act No. 12.913

Buenos Aires, December 31, 1946




Article 1 - The following decrees shall continue in force of law, from the date on which they were published:

Decree 1.778/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, June 6, 1943.

Granting pensions to the right-holders of the deceased on 4 June 1943.

Published in the Official Gazette on 22/7/43.


Decree 1,837/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, September 15, 1943.

Approving the agreement with S.A. Pto. St. Nicholas on a land profile.

Published in the Official Gazette on 8/7/44.


Decree 3.434/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, July 26, 1943.

Ordering home update.

Published in the Official Gazette on 1/9/43.


Decree 4.104/43

Establishing the organization and preparation of the territorial anti-aircraft defence of the Nation.

Buenos Aires, June 30, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in Acuerda General de Ministers—


Article 1 — The Executive Power shall organize and prepare the territorial anti-aircraft defense of the Nation.

Art. 2° — Be sensitive to the use of land-based anti-aircraft defence, the set of passive and vigilance active measures and measures, taken from time of peace, aimed at preventing or hindering air attacks and reducing or annuling their effects on the people, property, resources, wealth, and production of the Nation.

Call the territorial active air defence, the set of military provisions and measures aimed at the rejection, weakening and tormenting of enemy aviation, in their incursions against the vital objectives of the interior of the country.

Call the territorial passive air defence, the general and non-aggressive measures, aimed at limiting the risks and reducing the effects of the enemy air attack on the population, property, wealth and sources of production in the interior of the country.

It calls for monitoring of land-based airfields, general and military forecasts and measures, based on observation bodies, installed from time of peace, with a mission to discover the air enemy and to alert the active and passive territorial defence.

Art. 3° — The Executive Power through the Ministry of War (inland commander), is responsible for the superior leadership, coordination, counter-reference and entry into action of the territorial anti-aircraft defence throughout the territory of the Nation.

The Ministry of Marine in the area of its jurisdiction will have the exclusive direction of the air defence in its coordination with the Ministry of War.

Art. 4° — The ministers of the Nation, governors of provinces and national territories, municipal mayors, heads of auto-archic entities, and in general, any person who exercises authority emanating from an official or private office, shall be responsible for the enforcement of the measures and forecasts of the passive air defence of the population, institutions, administrations, services and facilities under their authority or counter-lor.

Its action will be carried out on the basis of the requirements of this decree and the directives issued by the Executive Branch.

Art. 5° — The Executive Power is especially empowered to:

(a) To identify the necessary collaborative, advisory and enforcement agencies for the purposes of this decree and to make the corresponding appointments;

(b) To seek, directly, the collaboration of national, provincial or municipal divisions, officials or services and other entities or persons referred to in article 4 when they provide urgent reasons for advice on omitting current proceedings;

(c) Recruiting among the population not mobilized by the armed forces, including foreigners, personnel for the organization, exercise and operation of passive air defence;

(d) To convene the services of the territorial air defence at the time and for the duration to be determined in each case and to have and control the exercises, partial or general, of the country ' s air defence;

(e) To project the plan for the acquisition of weapons, materials and elements for the purpose of territorial air defence, to dispose of their manufacture in the country and also to expropriate existing ones:

The acquisition of materials will give preference to nationals, on equal terms, quality and price, computing in the latter, regarding foreign materials, the amount of customs duties and expenses;

(f) Control the manufacture, import and export and sale of materials, elements and tools for the defence of land air defence;

(g) Progressively develop a plan for the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure anti-aircraft-territorial defence;

(h) To carry out a plan to disseminate air hazards and to counteract their effects.

Article 6: The Executive Power shall, in whole or part of the territory of the Nation, provide, without distinction as to sex, the personal services it deems necessary for the preparation and realization of the territorial air defence.

These services shall be compensated in cases specified in the relevant regulations.

Foreign nationals may only be obliged to provide personal services in the territorial passive air defence, which must be determined by the regulation of the decree by the executive branch.

These services are exempted from the provision of those services which carry out public or private functions that are important to the community, and they must be determined by the regulation of the decree by the Executive Branch, which shall also provide for the passive defence measures that must be carried out despite this exception. Women under the age of twenty are also excluded from the provision of services, who may do so optionally.

Those who suffer accidents or contract diseases that are attributable to such services, and provided that their provision has been required by the competent authorities, shall be compensated subject to the requirements of Act No. 9.688 (Law of Responsibility for Accidents of Work) and rules on which the Executive Power establishes.

Art. 7° — Employers may not under any pretext fire or harm in any way the staff who fail to work in compliance with the obligations arising from this decree.

Nor may, in cases where the State fails to compensate for the provision of services in the territorial air defence, make discounts or deprive its salaries or wages to its employees or workers.

Offenders shall be liable to the penalties provided for in article 12.

Art. 8° — Without prejudice to the power conferred by article 2.512 of the Civil Code, the Executive Power may also provide, temporarily or definitively, any property in the country which, in its opinion, is necessary for the organization and conduct of the territorial air defence.

The corresponding compensation shall be made subject to the procedure established by law 189.

Art. 9° — All materials, tools and tools intended to be used in the territorial air defence shall conform to the requirements of the regulation of this decree.

Art. 10. - Any propaganda and disclosure activity on territorial air defence must be authorized especially by the Ministry of War.

Art. 11. - Any person who in any way finds out of data whose disclosure prejudices the security and efficiency of the territorial anti-aircraft defence is obliged to keep his secret, with those who violate him subject to the penalties set out in Title V, Chapter III, of the ordinary Criminal Code, or in Article 12 of this decree, as appropriate.

Art. 12. — Anyone who violates, obstructs or fails to provide the necessary cooperation in the fulfilment of the obligations resulting from this decree will be liable: the first time of a fine of a national currency (m$n. 1.) to a thousand national currency (m$n. 1,000).

In the event of repetition, a fine of a national currency (m$n. 1.) to five thousand pesos national currency (m$n. 5,000).

These fines shall be applied by the Executive Branch, with appeal to the only return effect, by the appropriate judge. Its amount will be regulated in accordance with the economic and intellectual capacity of the responsible and the damage that he would have foreseen to actually cause or cause.

Any person who reiterates for a third or more time the offence shall be punished by imprisonment for a month to two years following the ordinary procedure of the criminal trial.

The attempted violation of the provisions of this decree and the incitement to commit them shall also be repressed.

For offences committed by persons under the age of 18 years or incapable, their parents, guardians or guardians shall respond.

When those who violate the requirements of this decree, whether commercial or civil societies, associations, legal persons, etc., and cannot be determined by the offender, the directors, administrators or managers shall be personally responsible to those responsible for their compliance.

If the person sentenced to imprisonment was a public official or exercised any profession, art or trade, he would also be disqualified for the double time of the sentence.

For the purposes indicated, the Executive Branch is empowered to take all measures it deems necessary to prevent and monitor violations and to comply with this decree.

Art. 13. — For the purpose of the territorial anti-aircraft defence, the Executive Power may require, within a reasonable time, the necessary measures and forecasts.

To this end it may provide:

(a) Special equipment, instruction, preparation of the services and practice of the population in air defence exercises;

(b) The execution of works, installations and modifications in public and private property;

(c) The possession and preservation by the agencies, entities and population, of the elements, materials and works of territorial anti-aircraft defence that determine the regulation of this decree;

(d) The adoption of any other measures necessary to ensure the defence of the country ' s population and property in the event of air attacks.

The Executive Power shall set in each case responsibility and cost-sharing resulting from the measures set out in this Article.

Art. 14. — For the purposes of the organization, conduct and maintenance of the territorial air defence, the Executive Power shall establish the Territorial Anti-aircraft Defense Fund, which shall be placed in special account in the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, with a view to covering the costs of the forecasting and acquisition of anti-aircraft materials, equipment and armaments for the purposes of the territorial air defence.

The balance resulting from the end of a period shall be as follows:

The administration and investment of the Territorial Anti-aircraft Defense Fund will be carried out by a commission formed by the military inspector general, as president; by the air defence commander, as secretary, and by the commander of the interior, the Headquarters General of the Interior, the head of the Army General Staff and the Army Air Force Commander, the vocal comma, who will carry out their duties, without prejudice.

The Executive Branch regulates the functions of each member.

Art. 15. — The Land Defense Fund will be constituted:

1 For the production of the taxes to this decree;

2° For the production of the fines referred to in article 12 of this decree;

3° For donations made for the purposes of this decree;

4° For the annual abort established in the general budget of the Nation, for the term of ten years, for the purpose of making the pool of resources entering the defense fund, not less than forty million pesos national currency (m$n. 40,000) per year.

The extension of this contribution should be proposed by the executive branch in the last year of the fixed term, with the modifications in time and figures that the needs of the territorial air defence advise.

Art. 16. — Investments to be made with the territorial anti-aircraft defence fund shall be considered and approved by the Executive Branch, on the basis of the forecasts proposed by the Commission on Administration and Investment (article 14), in charge of accounting for them to the Congress, without prejudice to the corresponding intervention to the National Account.

Art. 17. — The Executive Power shall regulate the present decree, being empowered to implement the various aspects of the decree to the extent and opportunity that the needs impose.

Art. 18. - Any provision that opposes the implementation of this decree is repealed.
Transitional provision

Art. 19. — Given the current financial situation in the country and the difficulties in acquiring materials and elements, in the foreign market, during the first two years of this decree, the resources provided for in article 15 shall be limited to the annual minimum contribution of five million pesos, national (m$n. 50,000), which shall be taken from general incomes, with a charge to this general agreement.

This amount will be invested in the implementation of the most urgent anti-aircraft measures and forecasts, which can be carried out immediately.

Art. 20. - Communicate, publish, give yourself to the National Registry and archvese. RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — Jorge Antonio Santamarina — Alberto Gilbert — Segundo R. Storni — Ismael F. Galíndez — Benito Sueyro — Diego I. Mason — Elbio Carlos Anaya.


Decree 4.952/43

Replacement in the Code of Military Justice the term "general officer" by "high officer".

Buenos Aires, August 6, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Delete the regulation of the auxiliary bodies of the army (R. L. M. 4 (b), the second paragraph of the number 89.

Art. 2° — Buy with a key in the grid corresponding to the number 19 of the regulation of the auxiliary bodies of the army (R. L. M. 4 b), the charges of “general auditor, general prosecutor, lawyer and army auditor”, which may be indistinctly assimilated to the ranks of general brigade or colonel.

Art. 3° — Replace in the Military Justice Code (R.L.M. 2), the term “general officer” by “high officer”.

Art. 4° — Leave without effect any other statute of limitations contrary to the performance of this decree.

Art. 5° — The Ministry of War (I.G.E.) will proceed to make the corresponding corrections.

Art. 6° — Communicate, publish in Official Gazette, part two, give yourself to the National Registry and attach yourself to the Army General Inspectorate (E. M. G. E.).

RAMIREZ — Jorge Santamarina — Edelmiro J. Farrell — Segundo Storni — Benito Sueyro — Elbio Carlos Anaya — Ismael Galíndez — Diego I. Mason.


Decree 6.358/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, February 28, 1946.

Statute of the National Gendarmerie.

Published in the Official Gazette on 22/3/46.


Decree 8.521/43

Faculty to the General Directorate of Manufacturing, Military to dispense with the public auction.

Bs. Buenos Aires, September 15, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Please refer to the Ministry of War (General Directorate of Military Manufacturing), under the abnormal circumstances of the square, the required secret and the urgency in the initiation of the work relating to the execution of the “General Plan for the Obtaining of War Ammunition”, to dispense with the public auction on all the opportunities it deems necessary and in particular in cases where the promotion and development of civil society is intended. This authority shall also make use of raw materials from abroad or from limited national production, in accordance with the provisions of article 33 of law 428 and of the third and fourth of this decree, which, together with this article, shall mention whenever it makes use of the authorizations that are agreed upon by them.

Art. 2° — The Ministry of War (General Directorate of Military Manufacturing) will give extensive intervention in the implementation of the “general plan for obtaining war ammunition” to the private industry of the country, in order to increase its industrial potential for the purpose of national defence, discriminating on the values of the contracts it makes with it, the differences between the cost of acquisition in military establishments and the established capacity of the contracting country, imputing them as expansion of production.

Art. 3° — Please extend, exclusively for the purposes of compliance with the “general plan of obtaining war ammunition”, the powers granted by article 10 (a) of Act No. 12,709, to the sum of one hundred thousand pesos national currency (m$n. 100,000), which must be understood as the individual award limit and not as the amount of the preliminary act to the award.

Art. 4° — Expansion exclusively for the purposes of the fulfillment of the tion of war", the extension limit of article 11 of Law 12.709, to the sum of one million pesos national currency (m$n. 1,000,000).

Art. 4° — Expansion exclusively for the purposes of the fulfillment of the tion of war", the extension limit of article 11 of Law 12.709, to the sum of one million pesos national currency (m$n. 1,000,000).

Art. 5° — Take note of the General Account of the Nation and become arched in the Ministry of War.

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — Jorge A. Santamarina — Alberto Gilbert — Benito Sueyro — Elbio Carlos Anaya — Ismael F. Galíndez — Diego I. Mason.


Decree 9.469/43

Computering retired military services

Buenos Aires, September 21, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Determine computable, for the purpose of bonifying the respective pension, the Military Services provided by retired military personnel, after reaching the age limit the compulsory withdrawal, even those services that have been rendered prior to the date of this decree.

Art. 2° — Insert in the performance of Decree 27.039, dated 23 March 1939, by which the retirement pension of the second distinguished sergeant (R.A.) Angel F. Diana (C. 1.880, M. 275.851, D. M. 3, O. E. Sec. 2a, Cta. G. 61.014) was increased due to new military services.

Art. 3° — The Accounts of the Nation shall give the course corresponding to all those records in which the Executive Power has recognized the right to computation as set out in article 1 of this Decree, being insisted on the manner provided for in article 18 of Act 428, which had been observed by that distribution.

Art. 4° — Delete in law 9.675 of tables and promotions, number 60, subparagraph (s) 4th and 5th lines, the words “or the age limit for compulsory retirement”.

Art. 5° — The command-in-chief of the army (E. M. G. E.), will formulate the corrective sheets.

Art. 6° — Communicate, publish in the Military Bulletin 2nd part, give to the National Registry, go to the General Account of the Nation for its knowledge and other effects and refer to the Ministry of War (General Staff Directorate).

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — Jorge A. Santamarina — Alberto Gilbert — Elbio Carlos Anaya — Benito Sueyro — Diego I. Mason — Ismael F. Galíndez.


Decree 11.965/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, October 21, 1943.

Assuming the M. de Guerra will exercise the supervision of all the country's telecommunications networks.

Published in the Official Gazette on 4/11/43.


Decree 12.982/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, November 2, 1943.

Enlargement of Decree 3.434/43 on the updating of addresses.

Published in the Official Gazette on 20/11/43.


Decree 13.322/43

Authorizing the Directorate General of Administration to make an annual investment in the incorporation of the next year's class.

Buenos Aires, November 5, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Authorize the General Directorate of Administration of the Ministry of War to invest annually to the sum of twelve million pesos national currency ($ 12,000.000 m/n.), in the attention of the immediate expenses that originate the class incorporation of the following year.
This amount will be taken provisionally from general incomes, due to the General Account of the Nation debiting in order account to the Ministry of War, the sums that are delivered for the purposes set above, as advance to the respective headings that match the war budget of the following year for each concept.

Article 2 — Communicate, publish, take note of the Account of the Nation and go to the General Administration Directorate of the Ministry of War.

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — César Ameghino — Luis C. Perlinger — Juan Pistarini — Benito Sueyro — Diego I. Mason — Ricardo A. Vago — Segundo R. Storni.


Decree 14.609/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, November 22, 1943.

Fixing throughout the year the deadline for and quadrupled citizens' enrolment booklets.

Published in the Official Gazette on 6/12/43.


Decree 14.608/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, November 23, 1943.

Fixing new prices for double lap.

Published in the Official Gazette on 6/12/43.


Decree 15.062/43

By amending article 323 of the Code of Military Justice, concerning the retention of salaries of processed troops.

Bs. Buenos Aires, November 27, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Amendment to article 323 of the Code of Military Justice (R. L.M. 2), which is conceived in the following terms:

“To the defendants of the troop class they will be held half of the salary during the entire processing of the case, amount that will be returned to them, if appropriate, after the completion of the process.”

Art. 2° — Amendment of the Military Justice Regulation (R.L.M. 2) as follows:

“Indicted troop staff will be held half of the salary from the date the processing is available to the final decision of the case.”

Art. 3 — Communicate, publish in the Public Military Bulletin and take action by the Army Chief Command (the Army General Staff).

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — César Ameghino — Luis C. Perlinger — Alberto Gilbert — Gustavo Martínez Zuviría — Benito Sueyro — Ricardo A. Vago — Diego I. Mason.


Decree 15.737/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 6, 1943.

Disposing the non-appliance of house rentals in military neighborhoods.

Published in the Official Gazette on 4/2/44.


Decree 16,211/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 16, 1943.

Faculty to the Board of Trustees of the Fund for the Establishment of the Military Retirement and Pension Fund of the Army and the Navy to grant mortgage loans.

Published in the Official Gazette on 19/1/44.


Decree 16.627/43

Expanding powers granted to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

Buenos Aires, December 17, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Extend the powers granted by article 10 (a) of the Act 12,709 to the sum of m$n. 100,000 (a thousand pesos national currency), per individual award.

Art. 2°—Refer to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing, in addition to its powers under article 10 (a) of Law 12.709, the following:

(a) To enter into contracts for supplies of raw materials, herramental or elements of manufactures or facilities designed to meet the needs of the national defence, established by superiority as a matter of urgency and “secret”, through private tendering with public tendering formalities, in appropriate time, documenting the wide application of prices among properly trained producers, without any limitation as far as the amount is concerned;

(b) To acquire for contracts with direct representatives of foreign producers the raw materials, herramental or facilities that were necessary and that are not produced in the country, up to a maximum value of m$n. 1,000,000 (one million pesos national currency), by direct request for prices among which they may propose at the required time.

Art. 3°—Enlarge the powers granted by article 11 of the Act 12,709 to the amount of 1,000,000 m$n. (a million pesos national currency).

Art. 4° — The preceding provisions are of the character of transitory ones, imposed by the abnormal circumstances of the square, of the required secret and urgency to carry out the acquisitions, so their effects will only govern during the years 1943 and 1944, and may be extended if the situation that has caused them persists.

Art. 5° — Communicate, publish in the Reserved Military Bulletin, take note of the General Account of the Nation and archívese in the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — César Ameghino — Gustavo Martínez Zuviría — Diego I. Mason — Ricardo A. Vago — Benito Sueyro — Luis C. Perlinger — Alberto Gilbert.


Decree 17.160/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 23, 1943.

Assuming that the M. de Guerra will exercise for the purpose of national defense by controlling all collombophilic activity.

Published in the Official Gazette on 7/1/44.


Decree 17.273/43

Authorizing the General Directorate of Military Manufactures to commit acquisitions.

Bs. Buenos Aires, December 27, 1943.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Authorize the General Directorate of Military Manufactures to immediately commit or when it deems necessary, the acquisition of materials, raw materials, machinery, equipment and all other elements intended for compliance during the current year and following, of the General Plan of Obtaining War Ammunition established by Decree 8.520/43 in General Agreement of Ministers dated September 15, 1943.

Art. 2° — Take note of the General Account of the Nation and return to the Ministry of War for its purposes.

RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — César Ameghino — Gustavo Martinez Zuviría — Diego I. Mason — Benito Sueyro.


18.606/43. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 31, 1943.

Acknowledging the degree of Tte. Col. the warrior of Paraguay D. Nicanor Sagaste.

Published in the Official Gazette on 9/2/44.


Decree 4.154.44

Transferring to the War Ministry the land in which the General Sarmiento School of Poultry and Related Industries operated.

Buenos Aires, February 12, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Transfer to the Ministry of War, without charge, the fraction of land with everything that in it nailed and adhered to the soil, and in which the School of Poultry and Related Industries of General Sarmiento, created under the law 11.539 of general budget for the year 1929, located in the party General Sarmiento, province of Buenos Aires, in the corner Surrute of Campo de Ureste

Art. 2° — Once the new Congress of the Nation has been formed, please note the transfer provided by article 1 of this decree.

Art. 3° — The General Directorate of Engineers shall give the intervention that corresponds to the General Accounting and the Directorate of the Register of State Property.

Art. 4° — Communicate, grant the National Register v to the General Directorate of Engineers for its purposes. RAMIREZ — Edelmiro J. Farrell — César Ameghino — Luis C. Perlinger — Alberto Gilbert — Gustavo Martínez Zuviría — Benito Sueyro — Diego I. Mason — Juan Pistarini.


Decree 5.557/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 4, 1944.

By supplementing Decree 3.434/43, of updating of domiciles.

Published in the Official Gazette on 9/3/44.


Decree 7.5951/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 28, 1944.

Approving the constitution of the Sdad. Minera Argentina del Norte.

Published in the Official Gazette on 27/4/44.


Decree 7.926/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 29, 1944.

Prohibiting the use in private publications, of names and emblems of the Armed Forces.

Published in the Official Gazette on 17/4/44.


Decree 10.258/44

Prohibiting the export of beryllium ore

Buenos Aires, April 22, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — The export of beryllium ore in any of its forms or degrees of concentration is prohibited from the date of the regent decree.

Art. 2° — Authorize the export up to 200 tons of beryllium oxide of more than 98 %, within the maximum period of 30 (treinta) months from the date of this decree.

Art. 3° — In the period specified in the preceding article, the General Directorate of Military Manufactures is authorized to acquire the national production of beryllium oxide of more than 98 %, corresponding to the first year of operation of the factories intended for processing that are installed in the country, when the export prices are lower than the processing prices controlled by this great Deal, including a profit that cannot exceed 10%.

Art. 4° — The amount of the acquisitions referred to in Article 3 shall be charged to the funds allocated by Law 12,709.

Art. 5° — Communicate, posted in the Military Reserved Bulletin and deposit with the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

FARRELL — Juan Perón — Luis C. Perlinger — Diego I. Mason — Alberto Teisaire — César Ameghino — Juan Pistarini.


Decree 10.818/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, April 28, 1944.

Extending a year the military service of the applicants to Reserve Officer.

Published in the Official Gazette on 23/5/44.


Decree 11.032/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 3, 1944.

Ordering the marking of cement owned by the state.

Published in the Official Gazette on 2/6/44


Decree 13.243/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 23, 1944.

Expanding Article 2 of Decree 7595/44.

Published in the Official Gazette on 31/1/45.


Decree 13.889/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 30, 1944.

Complementing Decree 3.434/43 of updating of domiciles.

Published in the Official Gazette on 3/1/45


Decree 15.668/44

Complementing Decree 3.434/43 of updating of domiciles.

Buenos Aires, June 15, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation,


Article 1 — Extensive to the conscripts currently incorporated into the army and armed, the exemption prescribed by Article 4 of Decree 3.434/43 (Military Gazette 12,348, part one).

Article 2 — The relevant army and armed agencies (commands, institutes, large divisions, units, etc.), shall take the respective measures to be carried out in the enrollment books of those currently incorporated conscripts and who have not updated their domicile, a clear record on page 25 of the same (general annotations), conceived in the following terms: “Exceptive of actual domicile 5.

Art. 3° — This measure shall be independent, by the incorporated personnel concerned, of the obligation imposed by article 19 of Law 11.386.

Art. 4° — This decree will be endorsed by the state secretaries in the departments of the Interior, War and Marina.

Art. 5° — Communicate, publish in the Public Military Bulletin, give yourself to the National Registry and arch yourself at the General Command of the Interior (General Command of Military Regions).

FARRELL — Luis C. Perlinger — Juan Perón — Alberto Teisaire.


Decree 15.908/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, June 19, 1944.

Adding a final paragraph to article 39 of Law 9.675 on the Decommission of Reserve Officers.

Published in the Official Gazette on 4/7/44.


Decree 17.766/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, July 7, 1944.

Approving Sdad's sales ticket. Electro Metallurgical Argentina.

Published in the Official Gazette on 25/7/44.


Decree 18.957/44

Authorizing the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing to make a loan to the Mixed Society National Chemical Industries.

Buenos Aires, July 19, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Authorizes the General Directorate of Military Manufactures to make, under the conditions set forth below, a levy to the Mixed Society National Chemical Industries worth 4,000,000 m$n. (four million pesos national currency) in cash and/or titles of the Internal Argentine Credit, for the installation and completion of various industrial plants, the construction and acquisition of adequate and economic means of transport and the improvement and preservation of roads; the erection of buildings for the administration, health, police, etc., and of dwellings for employees and workers; the formation of a stock of implements and essential items.

Art. 2° — This loan must be guaranteed by issuing, by the Mixed Society National Chemical Industries, the total value of m$n, 4,000.000 (four million national currency) with floating guarantee on the entirety of its present and future asset, according to the prescribed by law 8.875, and that will be taken by the General Directorate of Military Manufacturings in the course of the loan and as it goes

Article 3 — The respective trust contract shall be concluded by the Joint National Chemical Industries Society with the trustee that the General Directorate of Military Manufactures determines and after it has been approved by this distribution, which shall be in accordance with the terms of Law 8.875.

Art. 4° — The erogations made by the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing on the basis of the authorisation granted by article 1 of this decree shall be charged to the funds of the credit, whose concession will be managed by the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing of the Bank of the Argentine Nation.

Art. 5° — Article 35 of the Law 12,709 states that this decree must be upheld by the Ministers Secretaries of State in the departments of War, Finance, Agriculture and Marine.

Article 6: Communicate, take note of the General Accounting of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing for its purposes.

FARRELL — Juan Perón — Diego I. Mason — Juan Pistarini – Alberto Teisaire — César Ameghino.


Decree 19.643/44. Bs. Buenos Aires, July 25, 1944.

Equipping the withdrawal of officers who are not entitled to a pension.

Published in the Official Gazette on 10/8/44


Decree 19.849/44

Authorizing the General Directorate of Military Manufactures to manage and conclude a loan in their favor.

Buenos Aires, July 25, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation,


Article 1 — Authorize the General Directorate of Military Manufactures to manage and conclude with the Bank of the Argentine Nation a credit in its favor for the amount of ten million pesos national currency (m$n. 10,000.000) and that will be served with its own resources.

Art. 2° — The present decree will be endorsed by the Ministers Secretaries of State in the departments of War and Treasury.

Article 3 - Communicate, take note of the General Account of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing for its purposes.

FARRELL — Juan Perón — César Ameghino.


Decree 22.174/44.

Bs. Buenos Aires, August 18, 1944.

Clarifying those who invise the character of warriors of Independence.

Published in the Official Gazette on 5/9/44.


Decree 22.919/44.

Bs. Buenos Aires, August 25, 1944.

Temporary suspension of the effects of art. 13 of Law 12,709.

Published in the Official Gazette on 12/9/44.


Decree 26.571/44

Extending the amount established in Decree 13.322/43

Buenos Aires, September 29, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Increase to twenty-four million pesos national currency (m$n. 24,000.000), the amount authorized to invest annually to the General Directorate of Administration of the Ministry of War by article 1 of Decree 13.322/43, issued in general agreement of ministers of 5 November 1943 and insisted by Decree 9.600/44 issued in agreement of ministers of 17 April 1944.

Article 2 — Communicate, publish, take note of the Account of the Nation and go to the General Administration Directorate of the Ministry of War.

FARRELL — Juan Perón — Alberto Teisaire — Diego I. Mason — Orlando L. Peluffo — César Ameghino — Juan Pistarini.


Decree 28.272/44

Permuting a land with the Argentine Central Railway

Buenos Aires, October 24, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Approve the permute agreement held on 29 September 1941 between the Government of the Nation and the company of the Argentine Central Railway, whose conformity to all its clauses provided the Executive Power by decree 102.936, in agreement of ministers dated 17 December of the same year, in order to rectify the southern boundary of the lands called "Chacras de Saavedra" property,

(a) The Government of the Nation transfers in ownership and domain to the aforementioned company of the Argentine Central Railway, five (5) field fractions, with a total area of m.2 9.836,26 (nine thousand eight hundred thirty-six square meters, twenty-six square meters), and this, in turn, transfers to it, in the same character, another five (5) fractions of the same area, demarcated, like the previous ones,

(b) The government of the Nation freely cedes to the Municipality of the party of General San Martín, province of Buenos Aires, for the opening of a street (prolongation of the street Ituzaingó), between the aforementioned properties of the Nation and the company of the Central Railway Argentino, the lands of the north side of the street projected, which reaches a total area of 7,664,89 m.2 (seven thousand six hundred and sixty square meters)

Art. 2° — Authorize the granting and acceptance of the translative deeds of dominion which must be made on the basis of the agreement concluded and which is approved by the present decree, which shall be extended by the General Script of the Government of the Nation.

Art. 3° - Designate the Chief of the “Properties” Division of the General Directorate of Engineers, so that, his name and representation of the Argentine National State, grant, accept and sign the translational deeds of dominion.

Art. 4° - At the same time, let the Honorable National Congress know of this approval.

Art. 5° - Contact the National Register and return to the General Directorate of Engineers of the Argentine Army for its purposes.

FERRELL. Juan Perón.—César Ameghino.—Alberto Teisaire. —Orlando L. Peluffo.—Etcheverry Boneo. Juan Pistarini.—Diego L Mesen.


Decree No. 29.375/44

Buenos Aires, October 26, 1944.

Army Organic Law Decree


(Published in “Official Gazette” on 20/11/44)

Decree No. 30.799/44

Buenos Aires, November 15, 1944.

Prohibiting the export of chromium minerals

(Published in the “Official Gazette” on 3/11/44.)


Decree No. 31.316/44

Authorizing the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing to conclude agreements without being subject to the public tendering regime.

Buenos Aires, November 20, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Authorize the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing to conclude, with the joint companies that integrate, direct industrial and commercial agreements on the acquisition and supply of raw materials to products in general that are necessary for the realization and completion of their respective work plans, without subject to the public tendering regime determined in Article 32 and its concordants of Law 428.

Article 2 — These conventions, which in each specific case shall be subject to the prior approval of the Executive Power, may not last longer than three years, and may be extended, by further approval of the Executive, if, in the opinion of the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing, the reasons for their conclusion remain.

Article 3: Communicate, publish, take note of the Account of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing for its purposes.

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—Rómulo Etcheverry Boneo. Juan Pistarini.—Alberto Teisaire.—Orlando Peluffo. - Caesar Ameghino.


DECRETO 34,178/44

On a permanent basis, Decree 16.627/43 on powers of the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

Buenos Aires, December 23, 1944.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Prohibit, on a permanent basis, the effects of Decree 16,627, issued in General Agreement of Ministers on 17 December 1943 (Reserved Military Bulletin No. 2.084). 2.084).

Art. 2° — The Honorable Congress of the Nation may be heard.

Art. 3° — Communicate, publish in the Military Reserved Bulletin, take note of the General Account of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufactures for its purposes.

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—César Ameghino.—Orlando Peluffo.—Rómulo Etcheverry Boneo. —John Pistarini.—Alberto Teisaire.


Decree 410/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, January 11, 1945.

Admitting birth registration in national territories without the formalities of art. 34 of Act No. 1,565.

Published in the Official Gazette on 31/1/45.


Decree 864/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, January 16, 1945.

Declaring amnesty of offenders to enrol.

Published in the Official Gazette on 31/1/45.


DECRETO 4.112/45

Approving contract with S.A. B. A.

Buenos Aires, February 23, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation,


Article 1 — Approve the contract between the General Directorate of Military Manufactures and the firm “S. A. B. A., Sociedad Anónima Comercial e Industrial Berilo Argentina”, by which the company acquires the beryllium oxide of more than 98 % that produces in its first year of operation, up to a maximum of 100 (cien) tons.

Art. 2° — The total amount resulting from the contract referred to in Article 1 shall be charged with the funds of Decree 9.146/44.

Art. 3° — Intervention to the Government of the Nation’s General Script.

Art. 4° — Communicate, take note of the General Accounting of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing for its purposes.

FARRELL.—Juan Perón.


DECEMBER 5,211/45

On board the Directorate of Viality of the Province of Buenos Aires, a strip of land.

Buenos Aires, March 5, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation.


Article 1 — Authorize to assign to the Directorate of Viality of the Province of Buenos Aires a strip of land of 1 hectare 28 areas 64,65 m.2 (one hectare, twenty-eight areas, sixty-four square meters, sixty-five square decimeters), part of the lands corresponding to the farms of Saavedra, assigned to the party of Vicente López, of that province plane,

Art. 2° — The expenses arising from the immediate paving and transfer of the fences, in order to place the same in their new location, will be exclusively accounted for by the aforementioned provincial road direction.

Art. 3° — The General Directorate of Engineers shall proceed to hand over the land whose assignment is authorized by the present decree, and the corresponding record is opened.

Art. 4° — You will notice this assignment to the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

Art. 5° — Contact, give yourself to the National Register and return to the General Directorate of Engineers for its purposes.

FARRELL.—Juan Perón.


Decree 5.563/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 10, 1945.

Complementing Decree 3.434/43 of updating of domiciles.

Published in the Official Gazette on 27/3/45.


DECEMBER 6.263/45

Hiding a field to the Directorate of Viality of the Province of San Juan.

Buenos Aires, March 22, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Authorize the Directorate of Viality of San Juan to transfer three meters the fence of the land of the regency 22nd of mountain infantry, on a front of 116 meters, on the occasion of the works of ensanche and pavimentation of the avenue Benavides, giving to that provincial direction of vialidad the corresponding land, which comprises a surface of 315,90 square meters

Art. 2° — The Provincial Road Authority of San Juan will have at its exclusive charge the expenses that originate on the occasion of the transfer of the fence and other works that derive from it.

Art. 3° — Facilitate the General Directorate of Engineers of the Ministry of War to temporarily deliver the reference field, opening the corresponding record.

Art. 4° — At the same time, let the Honorable National Congress of this assignment know.

Article 5: Communicate, register, and return to the General Directorate of Engineers of the Ministry of War for its purposes.

FARRELL. —John Perón,—Amaro Avalos. Juan Pistarini.—César Ameghino.—Gustavo Martínez Zuviría.—Alberto Teisaire.


DECEMBER 6.264/45

Adopting agreement on the transfer of property and buildings in the province of Mendoza in favor of the State.

Buenos Aires, March 22, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Approve the transaction agreement authorized by decree 142.032 of February 3, 1943, held, ad referendum, on April 14 of the same year, by which the province of Mendoza transferred the full and definitive domain to the Argentine National State of the properties and buildings of its property occupied by the regiment 16 of infantry Cazadores de los Andes and the group 1 of artillery of the mountain

Art. 2° — Authorizes the granting and acceptance of the translative deeds of dominion which must be made on the basis of the agreement concluded and which is approved by this decree, which shall be extended by a scribe of the city of Mendoza.

Art. 3° — Designate the chief of the Property Division of the General Directorate of Engineers, in the name and representation of the Argentine National State, to grant, accept and sign the translative deeds of dominion.

Art. 4° — On the date of the extension of the translative deeds of domain of the properties referred to in the agreement that by the present decree is approved, the amount of national currency 398.319,96 (three hundred ninety and eight thousand three hundred ten and nine pesos with ninety and six cents national currency), mentioned in article 3 of that, shall be entered into the province of Mendoza, in the province of To this end, the Ministry of Finance of the Nation will give the Bank of the Argentine Nation the necessary instructions.

Art. 5° — At the same time, let the Honorable Congress of the Nation know of this approval.

Article 6: Communicate, grant to the National Registry and, after the Ministry of Finance, return to the General Directorate of Engineers for its purposes.

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—César Ameghino.—Alberto Teisaire.—Rómulo Etcheverry Boneo. - Juan Pistarini. - Love Avalos.


Decree 7.365/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, April 4, 1945.

Declaring the military service performed by citizens who have fought against the axis.

Published in the Official Gazette on 16/4/45.


DECEMBER 8.417/45

Establishing rules for the prosecution of military offences in time of war.

Buenos Aires, April 18, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Offences subject to military jurisdiction, committed on 27 March 1946, shall be punished by the penalties provided for in the case of war under the Code of Military Justice.

Art. 2° — The prosecution of the offences determined by the preceding article shall be carried out by the Permanent Military Tribunals through the procedure established in Treaty II, Book II, of the Code of Military Justice, except the case, provided for in Article 38 of the same Code, or those in which the Executive Power, by the nature of the offence or where it has been committed, deems necessary the formation of special war councils, those in which shall act of law,

Article 3: Communicate, publish, report to the National Registry and file at the Ministry of War (Chief Command of the Army).

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—César Ameghino.—Alberto Teisaire. - Love Avalos. - Juan Pistarini.


Decree 12.488/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, June 7, 1945.

Establishing the adoption by Gno units of uniform fabrics.

Published in the Official Gazette on 23/6/45.

DECEMBER 13.829/45

Approving transfer of carbide factories

Buenos Aires, June 25, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation,


Article 1 - Approve the concerted operation between the General Directorate of Military Manufactures, the “Sociedad Mixta Aceros Especiales” and the firm “Industrias Thermo Eléctricas S. R. L.”, by which it will transfer to the mixed entity its calcium and electrode carbide factories.

Art. 2° — As a result of this transfer, a contribution of m$n will be recognized as “Electric Thermos S. R. L.” 800.000 (eight hundred thousand pesos national currency) to the “Sociedad Mixta Aeceros Especiales”, understanding this amount the value of the respective industrial facilities to be transferred and a compensation for the studies, jobs, experiences, etcetera, carried out by the first.

Art. 3° — The General Directorate of Military Manufacturing will contribute, at this time, with a contribution of m$n. 400.000 (four hundred thousand pesos national currency) to the “Sociedad Mixta Aceros Especiales”.

Art. 4° — The amount referred to in the previous article, be charged to chapter 4°, paragraph 1 of the budget of the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing for 1945.

Art. 5° — Annually, the General Directorate of Military Manufactures will form the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, through the Ministry of War, the amount of calcium carbide that the “Sociedad Mixta Aceros Especiales” will be able to obtain the respective year, so that the Ministry of Industry and Commerce promotes a concordant limitation of the import of this product.

If, in addition, other sources also nationals are obtained in the future calcium carbide, the limitation in the previous paragraph must be established with the new productions also being accounted for.

Article 6: The present decree shall be endorsed by the Ministers Secretaries of State and the Departments of Finance, Agriculture, War and Marina and the Secretary of Industry and Commerce.

Art. 7° — Communicate, take note of the General Account of the Nation and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufactures for its purposes.

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—Ceferino Alonso Irigoyen.—Amaro Avalos.—Alberto Teisaire. -July C. Checchi.


Decree 16.329/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, July 21, 1945.

Expanding Decree 864/45.

Published in the Official Gazette on 4/8/45.


Decree 17.631/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, August 2, 1945.

Complementing Decree 4.104/43.

Published in the Official Gazette on 4/9/45.


Decree 18.936/45. Buenos Aires, August 20, 1945.

Authorizing the use of decorations by citizens covered by Decree 7.365/45.

Published in the Official Gazette on 10/9/45.


Decree 19.285/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, s/ha.

Modifying the Army's decree Org.

Published in the Official Gazette on 11/9/45.


Decree 19.890/45. Buenos Aires, August 28, 1945.

Applying penalties during the state of war.

Published in the Official Gazette on 13/9/45.


DECEMBER 24,198/45

Amendment of articles 2 and 3 of Decree 10,258/44

Buenos Aires, October 5, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Amend Articles 2nd and 3rd of Decree 10,258 of 22 April 1944, and it is established that the material whose export and acquisition is authorized is “beryllium hydroxide” and not “beryllium oxide”.

Art. 2° — Communicate, publish in the Military Reserved Bulletin and arch yourself in the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

FARRELL. Juan Perón.—J. Hortensio Quijano. John I. Cooke.—Amaro Avalos. —Armando Antille.—Antonio J. Benítez.—Alberto Teisaire. - Juan Pistarini.


DECADE 29.246/45

Declaring sulfur production, industry of national interest

Buenos Aires, November 17, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation,


Article 1 — Determine the production of sulfur industry of national interest, for the purposes of the implementation of Decree 14.630/44 on the promotion and defence of the national industry.

Art. 2° — Be as a measure to promote sulphur production, to establish “import quotas” for a term of five years, from the date of this decree.

Art. 3° — From the date and until 31 December 1946, every consumer national distribution of sulfur is obliged to acquire, at a minimum, the national sulfur in the same amount as that of foreign origin and, from 1 January 1947, such an amount of sulfur of Argentine production that, in relation to its total consumption, is not less than the relationship between national production and the total consumption in the country.

Art. 4° — Semesterly and on the basis of the following data:

Report on probable national production by the Directorate-General for Military Manufacturing; Existing Stocks; Internal Sulphur Consumption; the Secretariat for Industry and Trade shall determine, by ministerial resolution, the import quotas and their distribution, and shall also establish the mandatory minimum consumption for the national distributions referred to in article 3 above, taking the necessary measures to avoid any speculation.

The distribution of sulphur import quotas will be made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade under the conditions established by the joint resolution of the ministries of Agriculture and Finance number 59. dated January 31, 1944.

Article 5: Communicate the Honorable Congress in a timely manner for its purposes.

Art. 6 - Place, give yourself to the National Register and return to the General Directorate of Military Manufactures for its purposes.

FARRELL.—José Humberto Sosa Molina,—Felipe Urdapilleta. "José Manuel Astigueta." Pedro Marotta.—Amaro Avalos. Juan I. Cooke.—Abelardo Pantin. - Juan Pistarini.


Decree 30.315/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, November 29, 1945.

Expanding article 108 of .ley 11.672 supplementary to the budget for the formation of funds for the military retirement and pensions.

Published in the Official Gazette on 22/12/45.


Decree 30.440/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 1, 1945.

Clarifying the scope of Decree No. 9:469/43.

Published in the Official Gazette on 22/12/45.


Decree 31.041/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, December 6, 1945.

Complementing Decree 13.829/45.

Published in the Official Gazette on 20/12/45.


DECEMBER 31.783/45

Approving the transfer of a land with the Sociedad Anónima Mattaldi Simón Ltda.

Buenos Aires, December 12, 1946.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Approve the agreement accepted by Decree 12,350 dated September 16, 1938, inserted in the Military Bulletin 10,923 1st part, ad referendum of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, by which the Anonymous Society Mattaldi Simón Limitada, according to the record of meeting number 393 of February 8, 1938, modified in part by the record numbers 396 and 397 of the 28th street

Art. 2° — Authorizes the granting and acceptance of the translative deeds of dominion and the constitution of bonds which must be made on the basis of the reference agreement and which is approved by this decree, which shall be extended by the general scribe of the government of the Nation.

Art. 3° — Designate the chief of the division “Properties” of the General Directorate of Engineers, so that in the name and representation of the Argentine national State, he may grant, accept and sign the respective scriptures.

Art. 4° — At the same time, let the Honorable National Congress know of this approval.

Art. 5° — Contact, give to the National Register and return to the General Directorate of Engineers for its purposes.

FARRELL.—José Humberto Sosa Molina.—Amaro Avalos.—Philipe Urdapilleta. -John I. Cooke. "José M. Astigueta.—Abelardo Pantin.—F. Pedro Marotta.—John Pistarini.


Decree 2.854/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, January 26, 1945.

Declaring that the civilian services of troop personnel shall be computed for the purpose of military withdrawal.

Published in the Official Gazette on 20/2/45.


Decree 5.185/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, February 21, 1946.

Complementing Decree 19.890/45.

Published in the Official Gazette on 20/3/46.


Decree 6.538/43. Buenos Aires, August 27, 1943.

Transferring a land of 3rd of February of the Cap. Federal to the City of Buenos Aires.

Published in the Official Gazette on 25/3/46.


Decree 6.670/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 8, 1946.

Declaring arrabe production of national interest.

Published in the Official Gazette on 23/3/46.


DECRETO 7.517/46

Authorizing the transfer of a field strip in the Guadalupe district in the Pcia. Santa Fe.

Buenos Aires, March 15, 1946.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 - Authorizes ad referendum of the Honorable National Congress the provisional transfer to the Directorate of Public Works of the province of Santa Fe, for the widening of Avenida General Paz of a strip of land of 3,60 meters (three meters with sixty centimeters) wide, for 862,30 meters (eight hundred sixty-two meters with thirty centimeters) of length, which makes a total surface of 3.104.28 (three thousand one hundred four square metres, twenty-eight square decimeters), part of the sitos lands in the Guadalupe district, municipality of the province of Santa Fe, city of the same name, property of the Argentine national state, by the Ministry of War, demarcated at the plane number 1.214 C., which runs on 16 sheets, of the present file.

Art. 2° — The Department of Public Works of the province of Santa Fe, will have its exclusive charge the expenses that originate with the transfer of wires, construction of access sewers, etc.

Art. 3° — The corresponding message and bill, by adopting this transfer and authorizing it to be sent to the Honorable National Congress, should be withdrawn to public writing.

Art. 4° — Faccinate the General Directorate of Engineers to temporarily deliver the reference field fraction by opening the corresponding record.

Art. 5° — Contact, give yourself to the National Register and go to the General Directorate of Engineers for its purposes.

FARRELL.—José Humberto Sosa Molina.


Decree 8.078/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, March 21, 1946.

Approving the Argentine Siderurgical Plan.

Published in the Official Gazette on 5/4/46.


Decree 11.393/46. Bs Aires, April 27, 1946.

Leaving without affection Article 3 of Law 12.286 which freed from customs law to calcium carbide.

Published in the Official Gazette on 27/6/46.


Decree 11.810/47. Bs. Buenos Aires, April 26, 1946.

By amending Article 9 of Law 12,709 of the Board of Directors in the General Directorate of Military Manufacturing.

Published in the Official Gazette on 7/6/46.


Decree 13.641. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 14, 1946.

Creating the Financial Aid Institute for Retirement and Military Pensions.

Published in the Official Gazette on 10/7/46.


Decree No. 13.798/46

Declaring General Juan Pistarini in retirement and promoting him to the highest immediate degree.

Buenos Aires, May 16, 1946.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers—


Article 1 — Determine in retirement status, at your request, to the General of Division Don Juan Pistarini (C. 1882, M. O. 800.115, D. M. 68, FCCRPM current account No. 22, R. P. C. A. N. number 667.899), with the rank of Army General and with the enjoyment of one hundred percent of the withdrawal corresponding to this degree.

Art. 2° - Such withdrawal with the immediate superior degree and with the benefit of the withdrawal corresponding to it, is granted as an exception and without having a precedent of any species.

Article 3 - Communicate, go to the General Account of the Nation for its purposes, publish in the Military Reserved Bulletin and add to the personal legajo of the expressed superior officer.

FARRELL.—José Humberto Sosa Molina.—Felipe Urdapilleta. "José Manuel Astigueta." Pedro Marotta.—Amaro Avalos. Juan I. Cooke.—Abelardo Pantin.


Decree No. 15.645/46

Authorizing the transfer of a land in Paraná to the Provincial Roads Directorate of Entre Ríos.

Buenos Aires, May 31, 1946.

The President of the Argentine Nation—


Article 1 — Authorize ad referendum of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, the transfer to the Provincial Directorate of Vialidad de Entre Ríos, for the construction of the Paraná-Diamante road, of a fraction of land, with a total area of approximately 6 hectares 5 areas-99 m.2 (six hectares, five areas, ninety-nine square meters), demarcated in the plane corresponding to the lands of the National Government

Art. 2° — All expenses motivated by this assignment, the transfer of wires and the construction of fences and gates in the new entrance to the El Paracao field will be paid to the General Directorate of Engineers of the Argentine Army, in compensation, the amount of three thousand nine hundred three pesos with eighty-seven cents national currency ($ 3.903.87 m/n).

Art. 3.° — Authorize the General Directorate of Engineers of the Argentine Army to provisionally hand over the fraction of the land that is transferred by this decree, the corresponding record is opened.

Art. 4° — Be it appropriate to the Honorable Congress of the Nation for the corresponding message and bill.

Article 5: The present decree shall be endorsed by the Secretaries of State in the Department of War and the Interior.

Article 6: Communicate, register and return to the General Directorate of Engineers of the Argentine Army for its purposes.

FARRELL.—José Humberto Sosa Molina.—Felipe Urdapilleta.

Decree 15.656/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 29, 1946.

Resume to the activity in his gradation of Colonel Don Juan Perón and promote to the highest immediate degree.

Published in the Official Gazette on 29/8/46.


Decree 15.957/46 Bs. Buenos Aires, June 1, 1946.

Complete Decree No. 11.965/43 on the supervision of telecommunications networks.

Published in the Official Gazette on 22/1/46.


Decree 15.584/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 21, 1946.

Amend Decree No. 29.375/44 Organic Law of the Army.

Published in the Official Gazette on 26/7/46.


Decree 13.941/46. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 31, 1944.

Check the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Published in the Official Gazette on 5/6/44.


Decree No. 15.035/45

By amending article 3 of Decree No. 13.941/44 on “organizational regulation for the government and administration of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia”.

Buenos Aires, June 26, 1945.

The President of the Argentine Nation, in General Agreement of Ministers, and the National Defence Council—


Article 1 - Amend Article 3 of Decree 13.941/44, which shall be conceived in the following terms:

“The Military Governor of Comodoro Rivadavia is the superior local authority and has, in this capacity, the duties and powers set out in article 7 of Law 1.332 for governors of national territories, except for the dependency relationship established in paragraph 13 thereof.

It also has the power to direct the appointment of municipal commissioners and justices of peace, even in the districts whose populations exceed 1,000 inhabitants. It designates, on the proposal of the respective municipal commissioners, the Promotion Commissions for the management of the localities whose population does not reach 1,000 inhabitants. He is the superior commander of all the land and air forces assigned to the area by the Ministry of War and, in his capacity as a military governor, is the head of the police forces existing there.

It depends directly on the Ministry of War and exercises superintendence over officials of the national administrative divisions operating in the military zone.

Article 2 — Add as a second paragraph of Article 4.

“The confections of the budgets for taxation and retributive rates of public services and the investment of resources, in the different municipalities within the military zone, shall not be subject to the regime of the Comptroller of the Courts of Accounts referred to in Decree 35.717/44 (Public Military Gazette No. 384), but to the system that determines the present regulation. ”

Art. 3° — Approve the “Organic Regulation for the Government and Administration of the Commodore Military Zone

Art. 4° — The aforementioned regulation will begin to govern within thirty days of its publication.

Art. 5° — The Ministry of War (Military Governor of Comodoro Rivadavia) will have the impression of the necessary copies.

Article 6: Please give due account to the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

Art. 7° — Communicate, publish, give to the National Registry and arch yourself at the Secretary of the National Defence Council.

FARREL.—Juan Perón.—Ceferino Alonso Irigoyen.—Antonio J. Benítez. "César Ameghino."—Amaro Avalos.— Alberto Teisaire.—Juan Pistarini.



Organizational regulation for government and administration




1 The inconveniences arising from the application of this regulation will be communicated by the governor to the Ministry of War, accompanied by the solution project that he deems most appropriate.

2° The existing legal provisions, relating to the government and administration of the national territories, are applicable in the military area of Comodoro Rivadavia, in any event that has not been specifically provided for in this regulation.

Article 1 Object of the establishment of the military zone:

To provide adequate local protection to the military zone at all times, in such a way as to maintain, without a solution of continuity, the exploitation of its oil fields. To ensure the functioning of public services and to protect all, the legal activities that take place there and to provide the necessary protection of the interests of the State and of individuals.

Art. 2° — Government:

He will be executed by a superior officer of the army in active service, who will be appointed by the executive branch of the Nation, on the proposal of the minister of war, and will serve as governor of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia. Insofar as reasons of service permit, it will remain in its functions for at least three years.

Article 3: Dependency relations:

In matters of a political and administrative nature, the governor is directly dependent on the Minister of War, who receives orders emanating from the executive branch of the Nation and to whom he raises requests and petitions concerning other ministries.

Art. 4° — Capital of the military zone: The city of Comodoro Rivadavia is constituted in the capital of the military zone.

Art. 5° — Residence of the authorities:

The authorities shall reside in the capital of the military zone.

Article 6 — Expenditure originated by the administration of the military zone:

(a) Exhibit F of the budget (War) shall be charged with the costs arising from the service of military personnel and units that are organically subordinated to the military governor of Comodoro Rivadavia.

(b) The salaries of the civilian personnel of the administration of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia, as well as the other expenses that originate the public service, shall be paid and charged as appropriate, in the same manner as that of the national territories.


Attributions and obligations of government, security and administration officials.

From the governor

Art. 7° — Within the emergency regime is the superior local authority responsible for respecting and ensuring compliance with the national Constitution, national laws, decrees, resolutions emanating from the executive branch of the Nation and “organic regulation for the government and administration of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia”.

Art. 8° — Within the military zone is the representative of the executive branch of the Nation.

Art. 9° — He is the commander of all the land, air, police and gendarmerie forces assigned to the military zone. In this capacity, it maintains with the superior authorities of the army the dependency relations established by the existing organization and regulation as they relate to the government, administration, discipline and instruction.

Art. 10. — Duties and powers:

1. The General Administration of the Military Zone is responsible;

2° It dictates the regulations, ordinances and provisions most convenient for the government, administration and promotion of the military zone, in all matters of its concern and does not escape the purpose of the laws of the Nation;

3° Proposes measures for the best perception of income;

4° Receives and distributes the allocations that the executive branch of the Nation assigns to the military zone and invests them subject to the law, taking into account in the appropriate manner and time frames;

5th See for the interests of the military zone in relation to its needs and those of the Nation;

6° Ensures the development of any lawful activity, as well as the development of any State or particular interest;

7th Fiscalizes the performance of contracts entered into by individuals with the executive branch of the Nation and the concessions and privileges that are agreed upon;

8° Ensures full effectiveness and regularity in the functioning of public services and encourages and guides them with a view to the general good;

9° Seek the progress and development of the moral, intellectual and physical education of the inhabitants of the military zone and proposes measures leading to meet those needs that cannot be met with the means and elements at their disposal.

10. Designate justices of peace, municipal commissioners and promotional commissions;

11. See that justice of peace may be swift, expeditious and source of harmony and harmony;

12. Provides legal judges and justices of peace with the assistance of the public force, provided that it is duly required by them; but neither judges, nor any authority, may, in their capacity as the representative of the Executive Branch of the Nation, perform any act which means, for their part, the exercise of judicial functions (article 95 of the National Constitution);

13. He'll tell the Ministry. War of all irregularities or non-compliance with the laws of the Nation that are not within its power to suppress, requesting under its responsibility the relevant investigations;

14. It is authorized to require, within forty-eight hours, the appearance of any civilian officer arriving in the military area to report on the reason for his presence therein. Where the staff member ' s fate is not capital, the telegraphic form may be accepted as a presentation. With regard to military personnel, he would adjust his procedure to the provisions in force in the Army, considering himself, for that purpose, as the head of garrison;

15. Name the civil employees of the administration of the military zone, whose number proposes the War Minister for approval;

16. It exercises superintendence over all employees of the divisions of the National Administration operating within the military zone, regardless of their position or hierarchy, with the exception of those belonging to the legal system, chambers, courts and other civil justice bodies governed by particular laws;

17. It monitors the maintenance of order, discipline of hygiene and morality of the units and employees of the military zone and of the National Administration, in the aspects that may affect the object of the creation of the military zone, ensuring compliance with the regulations or that those agencies and individuals are subject to such matters;

18. Conducts, where necessary, inspection visits to the agencies of the national administration that are permanently or temporarily in the military zone, and if the case requires it, undertakes or carries out, by its order, investigations aimed at verifying the good functioning of the various services, in such cases must inform the Minister of War of the reason for such action;

19. It may suspend, with or without pay, employees of the national administration regardless of their burden and category when it has checked, prior to information, irregularities in the service, noticeable inconduct, manifest incompetence and immorality. In such cases, he shall appoint a provisional replacement and shall report to the Minister of War for final resolution;

20. He is responsible for the distribution of the forces assigned to the Local Defence Group of the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia, for the purposes of internal order and military protection thereof;

21. Provides and adopts appropriate measures for the safety and protection of the oil fields, facilitating the forces, personnel and material means necessary to maintain, without a solution of continuity, its exploitation, production, storage, transport, etc., in accordance with the pace imposed by the national strategies and on the basis of the possibilities provided by the available means;

22. He's the president of the Territorial Anti-aircraft Defense Board;

23. He is responsible for the comprehensive preparation of the commands, troops, services, police, gendarmerie and personnel involved in the protection of the military zone;

24. The War Minister proposes the expropriation or acquisition of those lands or properties he deems necessary for the military defense of the area;

25. Subject to the consideration of the Minister of War, the basis for the promotion and development of any industry that has a bearing on the military defence of the area, and, where appropriate, the approval of the Executive Branch, shall hold the contracts and grant the relevant concessions, taking charge of its control and compliance and giving account to the Minister on the progress of them;

26. It will require, as it deems necessary, the collaboration of the national administration staff in the military zone, regardless of their position or category, for work related to the military protection of the area. If such collaboration violates the proper functioning of the administrative unit to which the staff members belong, it shall request the appropriate authorization through the Ministry of War;

27. It may require public, private companies, institutions, organizations, units of the national administration, etc., seats in the area, the data reserved or secrets it deems necessary for the execution of jobs, with a view to military defense, keeping them in such character;

28. Conducts studies and forecasts for the military protection of the zone according to the directives of the Ministry of War (command of the army);

29. Elevate annually to the Ministry of War (General Directorate of Army Instruction) a synthesis of the military instruction given to the forces at their command for the preparation of the military protection of the area;

30. He will lift the Ministry of War (command of the army), on December 31 of every year, the “Plan for the Protection of the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia”.

Art. 11. — Directly, without prejudice to the simultaneous knowledge of the War Minister, communications, arrangements or agreements with the governors of the national territories of Chubut and Santa Cruz, with a view to the military defense of the area.

Art. 12. — The communications addressed by the various ministries to the military governor and by him to them must be made through the Minister of War.

Art. 13. — Your opinion shall be required before any final resolution is adopted in the records relating to permits for the occupation of tax lands, concessions on the same lands, farms of forests, etc., within the limits of military rule.

Art. 14. — The governor shall intervene all documents of the national divisions of his jurisdiction, which according to the decrees of the respective ministries should be submitted to his knowledge or prior approval.

Art. 15. — Absent from its territory, it is automatically replaced by the head of the main floor, who will assume, during the absence of the owner, the duties and powers set out in article 10 of this regulation. The transitory nature of the functions, however, shall determine that only in cases of improper urgency makes use of the powers conferred in article 10, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, 10, 18, 27, 28, 32 and 33 of this regulation.

Art. 16. — He will rule on the salary and allocation set by the budget of the Ministry of War, according to his military hierarchy and will receive the representation expenses that, as a “governor of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia” he will remember.


Art. 17. — It is the superior local authority, after the governor, of whom it depends, with whom it collaborates directly and to whom it replaces in case of absence with the enjoyment of its own powers, rights and obligations.

Art. 18. — Duties and powers:

1 It endorses the acts of the governor, except those of a military nature and the investment of funds, and executes its orders and directives;

2° It does not intervene in administrative expenses originating from movements of funds;

3° In the eventual absence of the governor, he attends the office and replaces, in accordance with the directives he has received from it;

4° When the government interns, it cannot be absent without prior authorization from the Minister of War, who, in each case, shall determine the official to be responsible for the government;

5° He is responsible for non-compliance or breaches of duties and functions which are his own, without being excused from his performance by orders or instructions of the governor;

6° It chairs the meetings of the municipal commissioners and representatives of the promotional commissions to study measures, formulate proposals or highlight initiatives for the progress of the area, specifying their results to the governor for the purpose of their approval;

7° He is responsible to the governor, in accordance with the orders and directives issued by the governor, for the preparation of the “Instruction Plan for Commands, Troops, Services, Police Forces, Gendarmerie Forces and Civilian Personnel” (whose collaboration is deemed necessary for the military defense of the area), of the “Plan de defensa de la zona militar de Comodoro Rivadavia” and the “Plan de Distribution de las Fuerzas policial de la zona militar”;

8° It is responsible for the effective implementation of the mandated mission by the larger military area;

9th It has under its immediate direction and reliance on the chiefs of division or section of the larger plane of the military zone.

Art. 19. — It will remain at least two years in the exercise of its functions, being able to be replaced if it is deemed appropriate by the Minister of War.

Art. 20. - He will perform the salary and allocation fixed to him by the Ministry of War, according to his military hierarchy, and will receive representational expenses that, as head of the main plan (replacer of the military governor) are agreed upon.


Art. 21. — It depends directly on the military governor, who proposes his appointment to the War Minister.

Art. 22. — Duties and powers:

1 Directs the office of the governor under the superintendence of the governor;

2nd Collaborates with the governor in all matters related to income management, allocations and other resources;

3rd Collaborates with the governor in the drafting of the internal regulation of the civil offices of the administration of the military zone and duties and powers of their employees and monitors their strict compliance.

4th Keeps and keeps records of civil documents in the military zone and prepares every six months a memory of the acts and procedures of the governor, for the purpose of his elevation to the minister of war;

5th Adjusts its conduct to the orders, general rules and instructions given by the governor or who replaces it;

6° The head of the main plan interspersed with the government, with the exception of those of a military nature and the investment of funds.

Art. 23. — As a matter of service, he shall remain in office for at least three years and shall enjoy the allocation set by the budget.


Art. 24. — It depends directly on the military governor, who proposes his appointment to the War Minister.

Art. 25. - Duties and powers:

1 Collaborates with the military governor in all matters related to studies and constructions of public works, namely: roads and media; territorial and municipal roads; works that facilitate irrigation, channels, dredging, dams, etc.; works of sanitation, first aid rooms, police stations, prisons, municipal slaughterhouses, markets, etc.;

2° Proposes the best use of income, allocations, municipal taxes fines and donations to the public works fund;

3rd Adjust your conduct to the orders, general rules and instructions given by the governor:

Art. 26. — As long as the reasons for service permit, he shall remain in office for at least three years, and shall be allocated to the budget.


Art. 27. — It depends directly on the military governor, who proposes his appointment to the War Minister.

Art. 28. — Duties and powers:

1 Directs the administrative service of the military zone under the superintendence of the governor;

2° He is the governor's advisor for the proper investment of funds and other values by the governor;

3° It responds with the treasurer for the faithful compliance of the laws, provisions, etc., in force, on investment of funds and, in this virtue, observes any order that does not conform to them;

4° Where there are events involving irregularities in the administrative order, it shall give immediate written knowledge to the governor, advising the measures leading to suppress, avoid or remedy them;

5° All acts or resolutions requiring movement of funds shall be executed by express and written order of the governor.

6° Adjust your conduct to the orders, general rules and instructions given by the governor or who replaces it.

Art. 29. — As a matter of service, he shall remain in office for at least three years, and shall enjoy the allocation set by the Ministry of War budget, in accordance with his military hierarchy and situation of activity.


Art. 30. — It depends directly on the military governor, who proposes his appointment to the War Minister.

Art. 31. - Duties and powers.

1 He directs the police service of the military zone under the governor's superintendence.

2° He is the governor ' s adviser on the employment, distribution and instruction of the police forces and makes proposals for the best performance of his activities and those of his subordinates;

3. Exercises immediate superintendence over all police personnel;

4° In accordance with the orders of the governor, he distributes the forces in the places where they are to perform their duties;

5th Collaborates with the governor in the drafting of the “Internal Regulations of the Police Service of the Military Zone”, and monitors its strict compliance;

6° Proposes to the governor the agreements it deems necessary to hold with the governors of the neighbouring national territories in police matters;

7° In accordance with existing agreements with the governors of the neighbouring national territories, it collaborates with the police of those territories;

8th Judges the offences or infractions of edicts or police provisions, in accordance with article 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedures for the Federal Capital and national territories, which shall in turn determine the procedure to be followed in each case;

9° The judicial system is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedures; special laws in accordance with the regulations and administrative rules for the “Internal Regulations of the Police Service of the Military Zone”;

10. Any request for assistance to the police forces shall evacuate it for approval to the governor and shall proceed only on the initiative, when the time or circumstances compel him to do so, while taking the measures of the case to ensure the immediate knowledge of the local superior authority;

11. With the police forces at their orders, it provides the necessary collaboration to the units of the national administration or the Ministry of War with regard to enrolment, recruitment, census, counterclaim of patents and seals, marking of roads, bridges, etc. Such a proceeding will depend on the time required by him, the means available and approved by the governor, when it comes to tasks that require him by his intervention;

12. It may not give reports or data of a secret or reserved nature to other authorities than to the military governor, head of the main or authority designated by them;

13. Invest and report documented, as established, the funds allocated to it for expenditure;

14. Monthly lift to the governor the amount of the fines he has collected, duly documented;

15. Adjust your conduct to orders, general rules and instructions given by the governor or who replaces you.

Art. 32. — As long as the reasons for service permit, he shall remain in office for at least three years, and shall enjoy the allocation fixed by the budget.


Art. 33. It depends directly on the military governor in terms of his functions within the military zone and is governed by the instructions of the National Directorate of Public Health regarding the adoption of prophylactic measures — health and hygiene — and is incorporated into the Prophylactic and Vaccination Section of the national director.

Art. 34. — Duties and powers:

1 Provides advice to the governor in the professional matters that fall within his competence and issues legal medical reports that through the governorate are requested by the legal judges of the police authorities;

2° He gives account of his actions to the governor, making him aware of the sanitary provisions emanating from the authorized agencies;

3rd Exercises direct, technical and disciplinary authority, especially the staff who are subordinate to it;

4° It is the body through which the legal exercise of medicine and health police is monitored and compliance with all provisions on health facilities, pharmacies and drugstores;

5° Organizes the health statistics service based on own data and health parts that refer the medical services of the area, whether national, government or municipal;

6° Collect and collect data concerning the medical geography and climatology of the area;

7° It promotes health education of the population as well as the training of Samaritan or nurse services, as staff trained in emergency cases;

8° By means of propaganda within the area, it illustrates the people about the prophylactic measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases and the endemics in the area;

9th Provides this free medical assistance to the civilian staff of the governorate, arranges the medical leave of the staff directly subordinated to it and also performs the medical examination of aptitude to any civil servant or employee, as a precondition for appointment;

10. Provides free medical assistance to the staff of the maritime sub-prefecture, police, prisoners and indicted persons, using, if required, municipal hospital units or public assistance;

11. As a natural agent of the National Directorate of Public Health, it is responsible for monitoring compliance with all laws and regulations of a health nature and, in particular, those relating to antivarian vaccination (4,202), anti-tuberculosis struggles (12,317) and social prophylaxis (12,331);

12. Bimonthly lift the National Directorate of Public Health through the governor, the demographic reports and data of the area, as well as any other data required;

13. Refers, through the governor, the National Chemistry Office or the National Public Health Directorate, for further analysis, samples of food substances, consumption water, etc., as well as those agents producing diseases in animals and communicable to men;

14. On a regular basis, and within the urban centres, it conducts prolix inspections to water supply sources, sewage services, drainage, slaughterhouses, waste deposits and all those places whose characteristics may directly or indirectly affect the health condition of the population, and must report to the governor with the results obtained and propose the procedures that it deem appropriate to remedy the deficiencies it notes;

15. At least once a month it will be inspected to the factories, workshops, offices, etc., to monitor the health conditions in which the staff works, within the concepts established by preventive medicine, and to monitor the medical assistance provided therein, and to report to the governor with the results obtained and to propose the procedures he deems appropriate to remedy the deficiencies he notes;

16. As a natural agent of the National Directorate of Public Health, it will advise, among other measures, the forecasts to take with respect to crew members and passengers of ships that attract, in the ports of the military zone, both in the case of contagious diseases, and in the case of compulsory vaccination;

17. It inspects educational establishments from a hygienic medical point of view, observing the instructions of the head of the school section. Provides the relevant councils to improve the state of health of such establishments and communicates, through the governor, the National Public Health Directorate, the hygienic conditions thereof;

18. Annually, in the month of December, a report will be submitted to the governor containing the results obtained during the performance of his duties, in accordance with the obligations contained in the present regulation and with the orders and directives of the governor and will draw those conclusions that interest the National Directorate of Public Health for its elevation;

19. Adjust your conduct to orders, general rules and instructions given by the governor or who replaces you.

Art. 35. — As long as the reasons for service permit, he shall remain in office for at least three years, and shall enjoy the allocation fixed by the budget.


Art. 36. — The legal judge with jurisdiction in the military zone shall take into account, in the exercise of his or her functions, the provisions of this regulation.


Art. 37. — They are appointed directly by the military governor, and may be removed from office by the military governor when there are serious shortcomings in their performance, failure to perform or misconduct.

Art. 38. — In order to be appointed as a judge of peace, it is necessary to be a senior citizen, domiciled in the respective section, and to be able to read and write, not being able to be appointed for this position by the military on availability, nor by public employees.

Art. 39. — The powers of the justices of peace to know and resolve:

(a) In civil and commercial cases, when the value questioned does not exceed three hundred pesos, but not in the successor trials or creditor contests;

(b) In lawsuits for eviction, when there is no written contract, whatever the value of the demand;

(e) In the reconventional lawsuits, provided that their value does not exceed the amount set as the limit of their jurisdiction:

(d) When the parties recognize the existence of a contract and have issues relating to market transactions, on the delivery of livestock and fruits, on freight of ground transportation and on the accuracy of weights and measures.

Art. 40. — The procedure of the __________ shall be verbal and acted, and the rules of judgment prescribed by the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedures for the Federal Capital and national territories must be observed.

Art. 41. — When the value of the question does not reach twenty pesos, the judgments of the justices of the peace will be inapplicable the same as those that issue in correctional cases.

Art. 42. — Out of the cases referred to in article 41, the judgements of the justices of the peace shall be appealable within five useful days, without requiring the appearance of the parties, before the judge of the military zone, when the value questioned does not exceed one hundred pesos and freely in the other cases.

Art. 43. — They may be challenged for just cause and excused with the cases and in the manner prescribed by the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedures of the Federal Capital and national territories, with the knowledge of the matter, in this case, to the most immediate justice of the peace.

Art. 44. — They have the power to rectify and punish the wrongs against their authority and decorum, whether they are committed in the hearings or in the writings, and may issue notices and impose arrests up to 24 hours (they may be increased up to 48 hours in the event of recidivism) or fifty pesos, according to the cases, with appeal to the judge in charge to whom the relevant pieces will be raised.

Art. 45. — They are subject, on the basis of their primary functions, to In judicial superintendence which establishes the laws regarding administrative functions, their responsibility is direct with respect to the governor.

Art. 46. — Each court of peace shall have a secretary appointed by the military governor, on the proposal of the peace judge, who shall act in all decisions.

Art. 47. — Justices of peace, such as their secretaries, will reside in the department where they are required to provide their services and may not be absent without the authorization of the judge.

Art. 48. — The secretaries and other subordinates of the Court may be corrected, with notices, temporary suspension not exceeding ten days or fines not exceeding fifty pesos, for failure to perform their duties.

Art. 49. — Trimonthly they will go to the court of law a relationship containing the movement of their courts, in which they will detail the number of cases initiated, numbers of cases completed, orders and sentences handed down, and should, as far as the latter, express the matters in which they had relapsed.

Art. 50. — They will comply with the orders that will be conferred upon them by the legal judge.

Art. 51. — Upon receiving his office, they shall, before the judge of law, oath to perform faithfully the duties of his office.

Art. 52. — The seat and number of the justices of peace will be proposed by the military governor to the war minister, on the basis of a judge of peace per department, at least.
They will receive the salary that the budget points to them.

Art. 53. - The amount of fines received for criminal offences or offences shall be raised to the governorate.


Art. 54. — It has the powers and duties set out for the peace judges of the military area of Comodoro Rivadavia with the exception of the following provisions:

(a) He shall have the title of a lawyer, a scribe or a solicitor, issued by a national university and shall have exercised for at least two years one of the above-mentioned professions or judicial functions;

(b) He may not exercise his profession while in office;

(e) The legal judge with jurisdiction in the military area of Comodoro Rivadavia will form a list of five registration lawyers each year, including those who will have to act as alternate peace judges in cases of recusal, impediment, licences, absences or death of the justice of the peace.

(d) The peace judge of Comodoro Rivadavia may not be challenged without cause.


Art. 55. — They are the commune chiefs appointed by the military governor on whom they depend.

Art. 56. — They represent the municipality in its official relations and in the trials in which she is a party, and in these cases, they may appear by themselves or by a proxy.

Art. 57. — Duties and powers:

1 They have under their immediate direction municipal employees;

2° They appoint two employees who require the municipal service, giving account to the governor;

3° Project and dictate the necessary ordinances and provisions for the municipal government by providing timely what is necessary for its proper compliance;

49 They propose to the governor, for his approval, the "Regulation and internal provisions of the municipality":

59. Ensure that funds from the fines or municipal taxes enter the assets of the respective communes;

69 Elevan annually to the governor the memory of the administrative exercise.

Art. 58. - They exercise the caigo ad honorem, perceiving the viats that are thrust upon them.


Art. 59. — They are appointed by the military governor on whom they depend.

They are responsible for the edilicia functions, in the localities whose population does not reach a thousand inhabitants. They are appointed by the military governor, on the proposal of the municipal commissioner of the respective department (or section).

Art. 60. — Within their sphere of action they enjoy the same duties and powers as municipal commissioners.

Art. 61. — They must be made up of persons of recognized honour and suitability and, as far as possible, there must be representatives of all the local interests.


Agencies responsible for collaborating in government, security and administration


Art. 62. — Depends on the military governor and is made up of military personnel proposed or appointed by the War Minister.

Art. 63. — It is the body in the field of study and forecasts concerning the military protection of the area and the instruction and preparation of commands, troops, services, police and gendarmerie, under the authority of the governor.

Art. 64. — It operates under the immediate direction of the head of the main page and adjusts its proceeding to what is specified in the “Regulation of Higher Commands in Peace Time (R. R. M. 2a)”, chapters V and VI and the laws, decrees, regulations and provisions in force in the army.

Art. 65. — Normally it will be made up of a head of the main floor (coronel or lieutenant colonel, General Staff Officer).

A Chief of the Operations Division (he is a colonel or an elder, Chief of Staff or graduate of the War College).

An Operations Division assistant (major or captain, Senior Staff Officer or graduate of the War College).

A Chief of the Master Headquarters Division (major or captain, Chief of Staff or graduate of the War College).

A head of the Intendency Section (master's majority or mayor's captain).

A head of the Health Section (major surgeon or surgeon captain).

A chief of the Technical Division (major or captain, military engineer specialized in permanent fortification).

A Chief of the Division Mobilization and Statistics (May or Captain).

A head of the Information Division (capitán or lieutenant 1 specialized in information).

A head of the Central Division (major or captain).

An auditor (a major auditor).

A military investigating judge (major or captain).

A secretary of the military investigating judge (in Lieutenant 1 or Lieutenant).

A Chief of Services (capitán or lieutenant 1).

A command officer (under 1 or lieutenant).

It depends directly on the military governor.


Art. 66. — Depends on the military governor, who proposes the appointment of his staff to the War Minister.

Art. 67. — It is the body responsible for collaborating in studies and forecasts concerning the good march of the administration, civil security government of the military zone.

Art. 68. — Refer to this regulation and the “Internal regulation of the civil offices of the military zone and duties and powers of the officials and employees of the military zone” and normally act as the following officials:

A secretary of the military zone.

A secretary of public works.

A Chief of Administrative Service.

An accountant.

A treasurer.

A police chief.

A police secretary.

A doctor from the military zone.

A military officer.

A manager of the Press and Information Service.

Section manager (according to the number provided by the “Internal regulation of the offices of the military zone and duties and powers of the employees and officials of the military zone”).

Art. 69. — Normally for its operation, governance will include the following divisions:

Secretariat Division with:

(a) Dispatch;

(b) Table of Entry and Departures;

(c) Trademarks and Statistics;

(d) Civil Registry.

Division Secretary Public Works with:

(a) Dispatch;

(b) Studies and Projects and Archives;

(c) Constructions.

Division Press and Information with:

(a) Propaganda and Printing;

(b) Information.

Division Accounted with:

(a) Accounting;

(b) Treasury;

(c) Supplies.

Maestranza Division with:

(a) Workshops;

(b) Transport;

(c) Service staff.

Art. 70. — Officials and employees will be governed by this regulation and the “Regulation for Public Employees of the National Administration”.


Art. 71. — The governorate of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia, as an agency under the Ministry of War, is governed by the laws, decrees and provisions in force in the army, without prejudice to the fact that the specific instructions inherent in the military are fulfilled in respect of funds of other ministries.

Art. 72. — For the purposes of article 71, the governor has an administrative service, under the direction and responsibility of an army chief of inquiry as head of the army.

Art. 73. — The administrative service is responsible for:

1 Accounting of funds and species in the military zone and administrative relations with subordinate units and agencies;

2° The necessary insurance accounting, in order to ensure that no expenditure is committed without its intervention and without prior verification of the existence of funds for payment and its implementation;

3rd Execute the administrative acts ordered by the governor concerning the movement and management of funds and species in charge of the governorate and in accordance with the legal provisions;

4th Formulate the accounts of the funds received from them;

5th Intervention and monitoring of collections;

6° Intervene and dictate in tax projects, balances of municipalities and promotional commissions;

7 Formulate the calculations of resources, budgets of expenditures and salaries of the governorate;

8° To carry the general inventory of movable, immovable and semovient property of the State and of the governorate, intervening in any operation of charge or discharge in accordance with the provisions in force;

9th Process the records and documentation relating to funds and species and carry the necessary files;

10. Expedition and accountability of official transport orders.

Art. 74. — The administrative service shall be composed of a chief of administrative service, a person in charge of accounting (contender or national commercial expert), a treasurer and military and civilian personnel assigned to it.

Art. 75. — The military governor, with the advice of the head of the administrative service of the military zone, shall establish the organization and internal regime of that service.


Art. 76. — In the military zone a special fund will be formed for public works and whose investment the governor is responsible.

Art. 77. — The Civil Works Division of the military zone will meet the needs of a territorial nature in terms of: roads, bridges, construction of works that facilitate navigation and irrigation, building buildings, works of health, works of social character, etc., and contribution
to purely military defensive works of the area, after understanding with the Ministry of War.

Art. 78. — The works noted and those deriving from article 77 should not interfere with those of a national order by the executive branch, but instead tend to complement them. When the special circumstances so impose, the execution of works of the nature of which presupposes the interference indicated, shall be subject to the approval of the Ministry of War.

Art. 79. — Public works funds will be formed on the basis of the following resources:

(a) Individual donations;

(b) Fines collected by justices of the peace;

(c) Fines collected by the police;

(d) Income, resources, subsidies, etc., agreed to by the Executive.

Art. 80. — The resources set out in article 79 shall form the fund of Public Works, whose employment shall be provided by the governor, advised by the secretary of Public Works of the military zone.

Art. 81. — Public works that are in keeping with the military defense of the area and which escape civil use as a public service may be carried out with the resources set out in article 79, after reporting to the Minister of War for approval.

Art. 82. — The military governor will raise annually documented account of what he receives and invests in “Public Works Funds”.


Art. 83. — For the purpose of disseminating the knowledge of laws, decrees, ministerial and government resolutions, as well as propagating those ideas, knowledge or news that, because of their moral and utilitarian nature, promote the general good, the military zone will have the Press and Information Service whose general mission will be:

1 Develop by the press, radio, book, etc., the moral and patriotic propaganda that is deemed necessary as a complement to the spiritual education of the people:

2nd Edit and distribute the “Informative Bulletin of the Military Zone” with the material corresponding to the laws, decrees, resolutions whose publication is of general interest;

3° Prepare the daily radial synthesis, with the most important events, events or events in the military zone and the country that interest the general knowledge;

4° Organize the files, files, libraries, records, documentation, etc., that interest the administration of the military zone and the inhabitants thereof;

5th Keep up to date on news of greater interest to the military governor and senior military personnel;

6° Provide the press and radio broadcasters with the information authorized by the governor or who replaces him;

7th Manage and direct the official printing press;

8th Collaborate with the military governor in the drafting of the “Internal Regulation of the Press and Information Service of the Military Zone”.


Armed forces


Art. 84. — The military zone will have the troops assigned to it by the War Minister, as commands, troops and services of the Local Defense Group of the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Art. 85. The military personnel of the area shall adjust their proceeding to the laws, decrees, regulations and provisions in force in the army.

Art. 86. — Any command, troupe or service unit that does not belong to the Local Defense Group of the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia, which establishes its garrison within the military zone will maintain with respect to the military governor, the obligations that the regulation
of service in garrison (R. R. M. 36) points with respect to the garrison heads.


Art. 87. — Existing or established maritime forces in the military area continue to rely directly on the Ministry of Marine Affairs. Its commands, upon authorization of superiority, shall establish close contact with the military governor for the purpose of foreseeing the plans of cooperation regarding the military defense of the zone or alteration of public order.

Art. 88. — Existing maritime sub-prefectures or aids, or in the future established in the military zone, continue to rely directly on the General Maritime Prefecture in all matters concerning the police functions assigned to it by law 3,445, without prejudice to the cooperation that it should provide to the military governor.

Art. 89. — When ordered by the Ministry of Marine, the personnel and material dependent on the subprefecture of Comodoro Rivadavia will be, for the purposes of the military operations, subordinated to the command of the Local Defense Group of the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Art. 90. — Without the authorization of superiority, the police and security services of maritime subprefectures and aids should not be disturbed and the administrative unit will continue to subordinate to its natural superiors.


Art. 91. — The military zone will have the police personnel currently in the established jurisdiction and those assigned to it according to the needs, being replaced until they are replaced by the National Gendarmerie in police of the military area of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Art. 92. Except as determined by the internal administrative regulation of the police service of the military zone, staff will maintain the same situation as those of the police of the national territories.

Art. 93. — The distribution of police forces will be ordered by the military governor on the basis of a police station by department at least.



Art. 94. — According to the needs of the military defence of the area, internal security zones will be established as “proscribed areas” and “restricted areas”.

Art. 95. - Those areas where there are vital objectives for the exploitation, production, storage, shipping, etc., of the oil and whose operation and permanent security depend on the supply of this product for the needs of the Nation.

Art. 96. — Restricted areas will be considered where, by their objectives, nature of use, etc., they require at certain times or hours of the day, special security or a special transit regime.

Art. 97. — Security areas identified in articles 85 and 96 will also be established in places where any industry of a military nature or related to military needs is developed.

Art. 98. — The military governor, when he deems it necessary, shall advise for the determination of prohibited areas and restricted areas, with the technical authorities of the oil fields or of the military industries.

Art. 99. — Proceeding in prohibited areas and restricted areas shall be subject to regulation for the internal security of the military zone, whose draft wording is by the military governor, who shall submit it to the approval of the executive branch.


Art. 100. — In principle, transit in the military zone as access to it will be free in accordance with national laws, except in the “prohibited areas” or “restricted areas” where the relevant regulations will govern.

Art. 101. — When the military defence of the area so requires transit, it may be channelled, restricted or suppressed in a temporary or total manner; in all cases the military governor will give War Minister account of the measure taken with specification of the cases.

Art. 102. — For the eventuality referred to in article 101, the military governor will project the “Internal Transit Regulation of the Military Zone”, which, once approved by the Executive Branch, should be made known, as it is interested and deems appropriate, to the governors of the national territories, neighbors and inhabitants, for the purpose of their best compliance when the needs so require.


Art. 103. — As long as it does not prejudice the interests of the military defense of the area, the freedom of the press and oral expression will be exercised without limitations.

Art. 104. — The Division will be responsible for centralizing and censoring any information of a military nature, prior to its dissemination, by the Office of Information and the Press.

Art. 105. — When freedom of the press or speech is collated, in merit to military needs, the War Minister will be accounted for in the fastest way, specifying the causes for such action.

Art. 106. - The inhabitants of the military zone, as well as those who transit through it, shall be informed of their identity documents, which shall be displayed whenever the police or military authority so requires.

Art. 107. — Every person in the military zone shall fill, at the police station of the department where he resides, when he or she so orders, the control tab with the data required by the “Internal regulation on the control of persons in the military zone”.

Art. 108. — Any person who does not live in the military zone and who remains in it for more than forty-eight hours shall, within twenty-four hours of the time limit referred to above, report to the police station, subcommission or detachment closer to the place of his residence, for the purpose of filling the control tab with the data required by the “Internal regulation on the control of persons in the military zone”.

Art. 109. — Transit and permanence through and in the territory shall be carried out, except for the requirements set out in article 108, in the same manner as in the rest of the country, provided that measures of a military nature or with a view to the defence of the area, do not impose the adoption of another temper, which will be made known on occasion.

Art. 110. — The military governor shall submit to the Executive Branch the “Regulation on the Control of Persons in the Military Zone”, on the basis of articles 106, 107, 108 and 109.


Art. 111. — The governorate of the military zone will collaborate with the National Road Administration, General Directorate of Telecommunications and General Administration of State Railways in the maintenance, safety, operation and performance of the communication routes.

Art. 112. — The creation of new means and channels of communication within the military zone and which do not affect the provisions of the Executive Branch of the Nation through the dependent agencies shall be governed by the following criteria:

(a) The governorate of the military zone is authorized to establish in the territory, with its own funds, stations: radio and radioconversation and telephone or telegraphic lines, whether for military or civilian use, provided that they do not affect the provisions of the Ministry of War, in terms of military use, and of the General Directorate of Telecommunications, in terms of civil use;

(b) The governorate of the military zone is authorized to build in the territory, with its own funds, roads, works of art, etc., whether for military or civilian use, provided that they do not affect the provisions of the Ministry of War, in terms of military use and of the National Viality Administration, in terms of civil use;

(e) The construction or establishment of any means or means of communication by the governorate must be previously approved by the Ministry of War, for which the military governor will raise the relevant project;

(d) The Minister of War shall, when it so deems necessary, provide that the channels and means of communication established or built by the governorate of the military zone shall become dependent according to their use (military or civil), of the corresponding administrative divisions of the State.

Art. 113. — The control, maintenance, security, operation and performance of the roads and the media will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the “Internal Regulation for the Military Zone’s Ways and Media”, the draft of which will be submitted by the military governor, who will submit it to the approval of the War Minister. Such regulations should not affect regulations, ordinances, provisions of the National Road Administration, General Telecommunications Authority and General State Railway Administration.


Art. 114. — The military governor of Comodoro Rivadavia will project for the timely approval of the Executive in general agreement of Ministers and National Defence Council, the “Regulation on Special Duties and the Exercise of the Rights of the Civilian Population in the Military Zone.” Will the relations of dependency of the population be clearly fixed with the authority, ???TEXTO ILEGIBLE?? for the benefit of ???TEXTO ILEGIBLE???? National Defense” (article ???TEXTO ILEGIBLE???? subsection (a) and 3rd of the decree organic law of the army) in respect of civil service and any demands of the area, linked to the order.

It will be understood by civil services to provide in time of peace, those for:

(a) Ensure the operation of transport and telecommunications;

(b) Ensure the normal functioning of the oil fields and other industries in the area;

(c) Preparing air defence, red cross, etc;

(d) Ensure the functioning of all public services;

(e) Cooperation in firefighting and combating public calamities (castrophes, epidemics, floods, etc.).

The above-mentioned regulations shall establish penalties for offenders and the procedure for their application.

Art. 115. — Organizational regulation for the government and administration of the military zone of Comodoro Rivadavia will have the force of law until the appropriate approval of the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

Art. 116. - The military governor of Comodoro Rivadavia will promptly propose to the Executive Branch, through the War Minister, the following regulations:

1.a Internal regulation of the civil offices of the administration of the military zone and duties and powers of the employees thereof (art. 22, para. 3)

2.a Internal rules of the police service of the military zone (art. 31, para. 5);

3.a Internal rules of the press service and information of the military zone (art. 83, para. 8);

4.a Regulations for the internal security of the military zone (art. 99);

5.a Internal rules of transit in the military zone (art. 102);

6.a Internal regulation on the control of persons in the military zone (art. 107);

7.a Internal rules for the channels and means of communication of the military zone (art. 112);

8.a Regulations on special duties and the exercise of the rights of the civilian population in the military zone (art. 114).


Decree 11.890/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 29, 1945.

Believe the Mutuality for Civil Personnel of the Ministry of War.

Published in the Official Gazette on 16/7/45.


Decree 17.244/45. Bs. Buenos Aires, May 31, 1945.

Expand the Military Zone of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Published in the Official Gazette on 21/8/45.


Decree 12.519/46. Buenos Aires, May 3, 1946.

Complementary to Decree No. 11.890/45, establishing the Mutuality for Civil Personnel of the Ministry of War.

Published in the Official Gazette on 26/6/46


Decree 13.500/46. Buenos Aires, May 14, 1946.

Rectifying Decree No. 11.890/45, establishing the Mutuality for Civil Personnel of the Ministry of War.

Published in “Official Gazette” on 17/8/46


Art. 2.° — Amend articles 126 and 228 of Decree-Law 29.375/44, as follows:

Article 126. - It is an indispensable condition for ascending to the immediate higher degree, having in itself the minimum time of years of service set out in the following table:

For the minimum time count, for the purposes of promotion in general services, the already completed degree in the origin scale will be taken into account.

Art. 228. — In order to perform a gradual and rational standardization in the ranks of officers, as a result of the modification of the minimum times for promotion, the following shall be done as follows:

(a) combatants.

The new minimum times will govern for all the current promotions of lieutenants and subtenants, and those that continue to graduate from the Military College of the Nation. In 1946 they will be considered, for the promotion to the immediate higher degree, the subtenants and lieutenants who fulfill two or more years of seniority, on December 31 of the same year. Those who, as a result of such a situation, have remained in those degrees more years than those determined in the new scale of minimum times, will be compensated when they ascend to greater, at which time those years will be computed to complete the six established for the degree of captain. It should be understood that this bonus does not refer to fractions of time less than a year.

From the promotion of Lieutenants 1os. on 31 December 1946, the officers will continue to ascend according to the legal provisions, including minimum times, that govern prior to Decree 14.584/46 inserted in Public Military Bulletin 761. This exception refers only to articles 126; 189, paragraph 79 and 228, as amended by the aforementioned Decree 14.584/46.

(b) Military service providers.

The new minimum times will govern for the current medical lieutenants and auditors and for all the subtenants of the different specialties of the army services.

The remaining officers of the services that are not covered by the preceding paragraph shall continue to be promoted in accordance with the legal provisions governing prior to Decree 14.584/46 inserted in Public Military Bulletin 761. This exception refers only to article 126 as amended by the aforementioned Decree 14.584/46.

(c) Officers.

The minimum time required for the promotion of sub-officials specified in articles 168 and 169 shall be applied to the different degrees of arms and specialties of the army services, when the minimum strength determined for them has been achieved in article 96. Until that time, non-officials may ascend with the minimum time that for each degree determined by law 9.675 and its regulation, in the manner specified by the regulation of this law.

Art. 39 — Amend articles 2°, 8° 9, 20, 23, 25, 38, 59, 66, 95, 117, 118, 119, 120, 134 and 136 of Decree-Law 6.358/46, Statute of National Gendarmerie, which shall be drafted as follows:

Art. 29 — Complies with functions of:

(a) Security and judicial police:

1 Within the rural border areas of the national territories and in the riverways and lakes of jurisdiction nations, with the exception of places under military jurisdiction and the Rio de la Plata, from an imaginary line passing through the geographical points of latitude 34 degrees 30 minutes South and length 58 degrees, 28 minutes 8 West, and latitude 34 degrees, 9 minutes 3 South and longitude 58 degrees, 16 minutes 3 West;

2° Exclusively in the federal jurisdiction, within the “border security zones”, established in the provinces as prescribed by Decree 15.385/44;

3° In any part of the Nation, provided that they are required to assist the federal justice authorities in the exercise of their functions;

(b) Customs police throughout the territory of the Nation:

(c) Forest police at national sites;

The executive branch is empowered — if it deems it appropriate — to assign to the National Gendarmerie any other function of a police nature.

Article 8: National Gendarmerie is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of public order and security and for ensuring compliance with the laws of the Nation and other provisions in force. To this end, it shall mainly:

(a) To ensure the preservation of the powers of the Nation, the constitutional order and the free exercise of political institutions by monitoring and preventing any attack or subversive movement;

(b) To monitor the borders of the national territory in the areas specified in article 2;

(c) To engage in passive air defence and cooperate in counter-espionage, in accordance with the military authorities;

(d) Execute measures to prevent or investigate the crimes of competence of the judges of the Nation, for which the proceedings will be carried out to ensure their evidence and to discover the perpetrators and participants, giving them to justice. To that end, it shall have the duties and powers conferred upon the police by the Code of Criminal Procedures (Law 2.372) and other provisions in force;

(e) To comply with the resolutions and orders which, in the exercise of their functions and in accordance with the laws, are issued by the judges of the Nation;

(f) Perform the expertise requested by the courts of the Nation in criminal matters, provided that they can be performed in the laboratories or cabinets of Gendarmería Nacional or by expert of the same;

(g) Cooperate with national or provincial justice for the better performance of the jurisdictional function, when requested and made possible;

(h) Persecute and arrest the fugitives of the provincial justice and police, who escape or attempt to escape by locomotive or inter-jurisdictional transport using a route or a means of national transport and immediately make them available to the respective authorities;

(i) Ensuring the security of persons and things in inter-jurisdictional trade, as soon as it relates to crime prevention. To that end, the provisions of article 49 of Decree 33.265/44 shall be taken into account;

(j) Exercise of customs police functions within the territory of the Nation and forest police in places assigned to it by the Executive Branch;

(k) Comply with any other police function entrusted to it by the Executive Branch, as prescribed in Article 2°.

Art. 9 — Within areas of its jurisdiction in the territories, riverways and national lakes, it is particularly incumbent upon it:

(a) To implement measures to prevent and suppress any disturbance of public order, ensuring the tranquility and calm of the population and the security of persons and property;

(b) Ensure good customs as soon as they can be affected by acts of public scandal and suppress the prohibited game;

(c) Protecting persons and properties of imminent danger in cases of fire, flooding, other sinister explosions;

(d) Assisting incompetent persons, adopting emergency measures with abandoned or dangerous demented dementia and providing for minors in physical or moral danger in the manner in which laws and edicts establish;

(e) Collect and proceed with the lost things in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code;

(f) Ensuring property for disappearance, dementia or death of the owner, without known rights and giving immediate intervention to justice;

(g) To exercise the functions set out in Article 3, paragraph 6 and 9, of Law 3435 in the riverways and lakes specified in Article 2 of this statute, including in the authorized ports.

Art. 20. - Cooperation, reciprocity and supplementary action between National Gendarmerie and Federal Police, Maritime Prefecture, National Territory Police, Health Police, Migration Directorate General and any other similar national agency is mandatory, with the first of the above-mentioned institutions pre-eminence over the others in the places where they have assigned jurisdiction.

Art. 22. — The Directorate of National Gendarmerie shall be exercised by a superior officer of the army in activity with the post of general director, who shall be appointed by the Executive Branch, on the proposal of the Minister of War; the respective decree shall also be endorsed by the Minister of the Interior.

Its services shall be deemed to be rendered in the army under the conditions laid down in article 131, paragraph 4 of the decree Organic Law of the Army.

Art. 23. - Gendarmerie. National is organized in:

(a) A general address with a seat in the city of Buenos Aires which will have a subdirectory, of which will depend the Directorate of Instruction and the divisions and services necessary for the performance of the mandated functions;

(b) The number of area inspections, groupings and squadrons that correspond to the requirements resulting from the dislocation of their troops and the functions to be performed;

(c) A school for the training and development of officers and officers;

(d) A staff unit;

(e) Other agencies that the executive branch deems appropriate to create.

Art. 25. — For the purpose of acting as deputy director, the executive branch shall assign a senior officer or head of the army to Gendarmerie. He will also designate a head of the active army, a senior officer, to carry out the functions of the director of instruction and those set out in article 79.

Its services shall be deemed to be rendered in the army under the conditions laid down in article 131, paragraph 4 of the decree of the army.

In the event of the absence, licence or impediment of the Director-General shall be replaced by the deputy director and, failing that, by the director of instruction.

Art. 38. — The disciplinary powers referred to in the two preceding articles, as well as those of the Ministry of the Interior in the police force, shall be established in the relevant regulations.

Art. 59. — The Executive Power shall determine annually the number of candidates who may enter the National Gendarmerie School in order to regulate their progress in accordance with the organizational needs of the institution.

The minimum and maximum age for admission to such a school shall be 19 and 25 years, except for those who enter the school as non-official, who may do so until the age of 30 years.

It will be an indispensable condition for those who intend to enter after the call to compulsory military service to have fulfilled it.

Those who enter before such a call will not be summoned to ranks, if at the time of the call they will continue to provide services. In addition, if your stay in Gendarmería Nacional will reach a minimum of one year and obtain the “instrued waste” rating, you will be computed as the full period of the conscription service.

Art. 66. — Income to the gendarme category will be an indispensable requirement:

(a) To be native Argentine or by option;

(b) To have completed the full period of military instruction in the army, armed or aeronautical, or to provide equivalent services;

(c) To submit a certificate of good conduct issued by the relevant military authority;

(d) To submit a police certificate of good conduct;

(e) To adopt medical examination and physical conditions as specified in the respective regulations;

(f) Accredit good personal history;

(g) Not more than 27 years old;

(h) To have completed the primary education period.

Such a requirement shall be deemed satisfied, where the applicant has completed all courses in the national or provincial schools of the area of origin;

(i) To approve the evidence for which they are prescribed.

It may be entered into the specialties of investigations and communications and in the medical and other services at a minimum age of 19 years, that is, before the call to compulsory military service, in which case they shall be exempt from the requirements prescribed in subparagraphs (b) and (c) and shall not be summoned to ranks if they continue to serve on occasion. In addition, if your stay in the institution reaches a minimum of two years and obtains the “instrued waste” qualification, you will be instructed to perform the full period of the conscription service. They must be incorporated into the National Gendarmerie school, where they will undertake the full period of instruction.

Art. 95. — The Méritos Information Commission will be chaired by the general director of Gendarmería Nacional, composed of members, by the deputy director, the director of instruction and the area inspectors.

The head of the legal service, and of secretaries, of the personal division, shall serve as adviser.

When the staff of the auxiliary services is considered, the head of the respective service shall intervene as a vocal, the replacement of one of the area inspectors.

When the inspector commanders are to be considered, the commission will be integrated exclusively by the chairman of the commission and as a vowel by the deputy director and the director of instruction. When the head of the personal division is to be considered, an ad hoc secretary shall be appointed.

Art. 117. — Decommission of officers shall be disposed of by the Executive Branch, in accordance with article 3 (b) of this statute, in the following cases:

(a) At the request of the persons concerned, who may not leave office without surrendering to the person authorized to receive it.

The requested loss may be refused when the offender has not fulfilled the commitment of service signed prior to his promotion to alferity, state of war or siege, and may be refused when the applicant is charged, serving sentence or disciplinary sanction;

(b) When the staff “in commission” is not confirmed at the end of it, for not meeting the conditions required to obtain the degree effectively;

(c) For dismissal, as a principal or an accessory penalty, or for a sentence issued by the federal common courts, to penalties equivalent to those imposed in the military order;

(d) The loss of the right of exercise of Argentine citizenship;

(e) When they are declared inept for the exercise of their functions: by illness or accident produced outside of service and do not have ten years of service computed.

Art. 118. — The downsizing of officers and gendarmes will be arranged by the Director General of National Gendarmerie, in the following cases:

(a) At the request of the parties concerned at the end of their service commitment to the second paragraph of subparagraph (a) of the preceding article;

(b) For the non-renewal of their service commitment;

(c) By termination of service commitment, in cases, provided for in laws and regulations;

(d) Where, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Military Justice, it is appropriate to apply confinement or dismissal, as a principal or accessory punishment, or when convicted by the ordinary or federal courts, to penalties equivalent to those imposed in the military order as an accessory to dismissal;

(e) For the loss of rights of exercises of Argentine citizenship;

(f) When they are declared inept for the exercise of their functions by illness or accidents produced outside of service and do not have ten years of services computed.

Article 119. — Decommissioning officers for the cases referred to in article 117, subparagraphs (a) and (e), may be reinstated on an exceptional basis, provided that they apply within two years of their departure and meet the requirements prescribed.

Article 120. — Sub-offices and gendarmes for the reasons expressed in article 118, subparagraphs (a), (b) (c) and (f), may be dismissed again if they meet the conditions established by the Executive. Re-entry may be granted provided that no two years have elapsed since the date of its downturn.

Article 134. — The amount of withdrawal shall be proportional to the actual service time computed to the staff, with the exceptions prescribed by this statute in articles 74 and 121.

The proportional graduation of withdrawal is determined on the following scale:

No withdrawal may be less than one hundred pesos national currency ($ 100 m/n).

Article 136. - Staff who remain unused outside of service and have computerized ten or more years of service will be withdrawn by applying, for the purposes of their existence, the provisions of article 134. If it is not computed for ten years, it will be paid off on an average salary of one month (calculated according to the requirements of article 133) for each year of service. In the event that the offender ' s death does not charge the above-mentioned compensation, the award shall be paid, as the sole benefit, for his awards entitled to a pension.

Art. 4° — Add as articles 184, 185 and 186 of Decree Law 6.358/46. Status of National Gendarmerie:

Article 184. — For the purposes set out in article 2, Gendarmerie Nacional shall incorporate the customs police personnel in the conditions determined by which they are to be transferred, without charge, the assets of any kind affected to the service of the latter.

The executive branch is empowered to incorporate before 1 January 1947, the personnel and elements of the General Maritime Prefecture that agree with the ministries of War and Marina, as well as any other police agency, whose functions are assigned to the National Gendarmerie, as prescribed in Article 2°.

The vacancies produced in the tables of the institutions incorporated, will be gradually covered with personnel with gendarme status.

The relevant regulation shall establish under what conditions and requirements the members of the above-mentioned institutions may obtain — if they so wish — the status of gendarmes.

Article 185. - All provisions that are contrary to this law shall be repealed.

Article 186. - Contact the Executive.

Article 5: Replace the text of Decree 11.890/45, creating the Mutuality for Civil Personnel of the Minister of War and Decrees 12.519/46 and 13,500/46, supplementing the previous one, with the following single text.

Article 1 — Créase, with the designation of “Social Work of the Ministry of War”, a mutual entity directly dependent on the said State Department, whose purpose will be to implement a permanent and progressive plan of works aimed at the moral and material improvement of military and civilian personnel affected to their different services, without distinction of classes or categories.

Article 2 — They shall be affiliated with the said body:

In compulsory terms:

Military personnel in operation and the civilian in office.

On a voluntary basis:

(a) The dependants of the compulsory affiliate;

(b) Retirement military personnel, dependants and pensioners;

(c) Retired civilian personnel of the Ministry of War, their dependants and their pensioners;

(d) Affiliates who were discharged for reasons not attributable to the same and the dependants.

Art. 3° — The Executive Power shall regulate its functioning, setting the scope of the services to be provided, the contribution that corresponds to the State and the contributions of the participants, as well as the grouping in the said agency, for the best success of the management, of those official or private institutes that are devoted for purposes of mutuality, cooperative or provisioning within the Ministry of War.

Art. 6 — Approve the following secret laws:

Numbers 13.418/43, 3.410/44, 21.926/44, 16.065/43, 3.413/44, 5.539/46. 5.972/44. 6.132/44, 9,146/44, 34.829/44, 16,268/44. 16.269/44. 17.250/44, 10.654/44, 31.761/45, 33.143/45, 34.217/45, 9,330/43, 13.939/44, 15.385/44 and 15.386/44.

Art. 7° — Contact the Executive.


J. H. Quijano
Ricardo C. Guardo
S. A. Job
J. Zavalla Carbó

Buenos Aires, December 31, 1946.

- 12,913 —


Please follow the Law of the Nation, fill in, communicate, give to the National Register and archívese.

PERON. - Humberto Sosa Molina.