Key Benefits:
Law Nro. 12,673 - Amnesty for Political or Military Offences
Act No. 12,673 -
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, meeting in Congress, etc., sanction with force of-
Article 1. - Grant broad amnesty to all those who had committed political crimes or related military crimes prior to the sanction of this Act, with political crimes.
Art. 2.o - The executive branch shall reinstate the Army and the Navy, in a situation of withdrawal, from the promulgation of this law, to the officers, sub-official and assimilated, who have the minimum of years of service in activity that determine the respective organic laws to enjoy that benefit. The Executive Branch shall assign those who do not have that minimum number of years of service as retirees, to service, in positions of activity, so that they may reach in them the time necessary to acquire the retirement pension.
Art. 3.o - Expenditures that demand compliance with this Act shall be made from general incomes charged to the Act, until they are included in the general budget law.
Art. 4.o - Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, on the five days of the month of June, nine hundred and forty-one.
Gustavo Figueroa L. Zavalla Carbó
Registered under the No. 12.673
Buenos Aires, June 19, 1941.
93.946. - 6855.
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