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Animal Health Hydatidosis - Measures - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: SANIDAD ANIMAL HIDATIDOSIS - MEDIDAS - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Act No. 12.732

Assuming that the hidatosis of livestock is among the diseases that must be combated by the State.


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force


Article 1.- The hidatosis of livestock is among the diseases that must be combated by the State, in accordance with Act No. 3959 on animal health police.

Art. 2°- The executive branch shall organize a division of prophylaxis of hidatidosis, as a unit of the Directorate of Livestock in the Ministry of Agriculture, for the centralization of the preventive struggle referred to in article 1 of this Act.

Art. 3. Beware of the hidatosis between the diseases of man whose declaration is binding throughout the territory of the Nation, according to Law No. 12.317.

Art. 4°- The executive branch shall organize, as a unit of the National Department of Hygiene, in the Ministry of the Interior, a section of hydatosis for the realization of human prophylaxis and scientific research on this zoonosis and shall propose to the founding of antihydatidic dispensaries where necessary, and may nationalize, in addition to the existing in the Blue, the provincial or municipal centers or dispensaries that, to this effect, is appropriate to the advisory.

Art. 5°- In order to collaborate with the agencies referred to in articles 2 and 4 of this Act, the Executive shall designate an honorary advisory commission, composed of doctors and veterinarians of notorious competence in health and hydatosis police, as well as representatives of rural entities.

Art. 6°- The Executive Power will have the right to provide the necessary knowledge and instructions on anti-hydatidic prophylaxis, in the schools and colleges of its dependence, as well as in the conscript concentrations of the armed forces of the Nation.

Art. 7°- By regulating this law, the Executive Power shall formulate a national programme to combat hydatosis, with the invitation of the Advisory Commission referred to in article 5 of this Act.

Art. 8°- Expenditures for the execution of this Act shall be made from general rents with charge to the Act, until their inclusion in the general budget law.

Article 9: Communicate the Executive.

Given the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, to September 29, 1941.

Gustavo Figueroa
L. Zavalla Carbó

Registered under No. 12.732