Article 1.- Revise the Supplementary Limits Convention with Brazil, signed in this Capital on December 27, 1927.
Art. 2.o- Contact the Executive.
Given in the meeting room of the Argentine Congress, in Buenos Aires, six days from the month of September of the year thousand nine hundred forty.
Gustavo Figueroa | Carlos González Bonorino |
Registered under number 12.639
Buenos Aires, September 12, 1940.
- 71,609.
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Supplementary Convention on
His Excellency Mr. President of the Argentine Nation and His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, in the wish to conclude a Convention supplementing the limits between the two countries, have appointed their plenipotentiaries:
His Excellency Mr. President of the Argentine Nation, his Minister Secretary of State at the Department of Justice and Public Instruction, internly in charge of the Portfolio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Dr. Antonio Sagarna;
His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, his Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in the Argentine Republic, Dr. José de Paula Rodrigues Alves;
Those who, having exhibited their full powers found in good and proper form, have agreed in the following articles:
From the line that links the Brazilian milestone of the Cuareim bar, and the Argentine milestone that is located almost to its front, on the right margin of Uruguay, milestones inaugurated both on April 4, 1901, the border between Brazil and the Argentine Republic, descends the Uruguay river, passing between its right margin and the Brazilian island of Cuareim, also called Brazilian island, and thus continues to find the normal line between the two rivers.
Technical commissioners appointed by the two governments will carry out the lifting of the section of the Uruguay River between the two lines above indicated and will establish a new Brazilian milestone in the southwest extremity of the island and another Argentine corresponding to it on the right bank of the river.
Article 1 of the Treaty on the Limits of 6 October 1898 is replaced by the following:
The dividing line between Brazil and the Argentine Republic, in the Uruguay River, begins in the normal line between the two margins of the same river and that passes a little to the flow of the southwest tip of the Brazilian island of Cuareim, also called the Brazilian island, continues to climb the river, through the middle of the marine channel of the same, between the right or Argentina and the western and northern margins of the island Cua This is followed by the Talweg of Uruguay, to the confluence of the Pepirí- guazú, as stipulated in article 1.o of the Treaty of 6 October 1898 and in accordance with the demarcation made from 1900 to 1904 as recorded by the minutes signed in Rio de Janeiro on 4 October 1910.
This Convention, through the necessary authorization of the Legislative Power of the two Republics, shall be ratified by the two Governments and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Rio de Janeiro or in the city of Buenos Aires as soon as possible.
In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries designated for this purpose sign and seal the present Supplementary Limits Convention, in two copies of the same tenor in the Spanish and Portuguese languages.
In Buenos Aires, Capital Federal of the Argentine Republic on the twenty-seventh day of the month of December of the year nine hundred and twenty-seven.