Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Institute as an annual competition the Social and Sports Programme "EVITA NATIONAL WORKERS" in the field of the Ministry of Social Development Ministry of Sport. ARTICLE 2 The Programme aims at promoting sports training activities in the provinces, their municipalities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which will be accompanied by other supplements that encourage culture and health; and will be held in sports initiation centres created or established within educational entities, community centres or clubs of national, provincial or municipal jurisdiction.It has specific objectives:
a. Consolidate instances of sporting skills that foster comprehensive training and allow for recreation and recreation of the population as a resource.
b. Promote sport as an educational, cultural, physical and moral factor of the population.
c. Promote the promotion of the values of physical and sport education and the implementation of the conditions that allow access to their practice.
d. Ensure adequate training and physical preparation and learning of sports, with priority attention to children and young people, promoting the development of appropriate sports practices and skills.
e. Contribute to national sports development, fostering their education from equal opportunities.
f. Ensure the development of activities that allow the practice of all types of sports in provincial or municipal areas.
g. Promote and promote inter-school competitions in different sports specialities.
Article 3 Please note that, within the framework of this Programme, a first phase will be carried out, including the local, regional and provincial bodies, within the scope of each Province or in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; and a second stage called "Final Nacional", to be developed alternatively in different jurisdictions of our country. ARTICLE 4 The provinces and municipalities that participate and, where appropriate, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, shall sign the corresponding agreements with the SECRETARIAT OF DEPORTE of the MINISTERY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, which shall establish the obligations of the parties in a framework of encouragement and promotion of the development of the person. To that end, they will receive economic support to cover transportation costs, arbitration costs, sporting materials, infrastructure utilization, medical assistance, insurance, technical logistics, dissemination and clothing, hospitality, food, communication, ceremonies, awards, recreation, security and other organizational expenses, subject to the control of meeting the objectives set out in the programme. ARTICLE 5o Trust in the Ministry of Social Development DeSecretariat of Sport una a specific budget line for this programme, with the mandate of the Chief of Staff of Ministers to carry out, in the use of their powers, the corresponding budgetary restructuring, to allocate within this year an amount of PESOS DIEZ MILLONES ($ 10,000.000).For the next budget periods, the Executive Power, in the Draft Law on the General Budget of Public Administration, shall calculate in a specific heading the expenditure corresponding to this Programme, which shall be adjusted every year to the respective economic requirements, all without prejudice to the contributions that may be made by other governmental agencies that adhere to this Programme.
JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.