Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc. Strongly sanctioned by law
ARTICLE 1 Without prejudice to the derogatory power of the national legislative branch, rooted in the national executive branch, beginning on 24 August 2009, for the period of one (1) year, and in accordance with the bases established by the national legislative branch, the entire legislative delegation on specific administrative matters or public emergency situations issued prior to the constitutional reform of 1994, which had not been exhausted by its implementation. The incumbent of the National Executive and the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers shall exercise exclusively the delegated powers, in accordance with article 100, paragraphs 4 and 12, of the National Constitution and Law 26.122. In each case, the legal rule in which the legislative delegation is framed should be cited, determining the number of laws and articles. ARTICLE 2 A special bicameral commission, consisting of eight (8) senators and eight (8) deputies, elected by the Honorable Houses of Senators and Deputies of the Nation, respecting the plurality of the political representation of each House whose president will be appointed on the proposal of the first parliamentary minority. Article 3 The commission will have as its mission and task to review, study, compile and analyse within the two hundred forty (240) days from the entry into force of this law, extended for thirty (30) days if necessary and thus decided by a majority the members of the special bicameral commission, the entire pre-existing delegate legislation according to the transitional provision of the National Constitution, with the purpose of making a report more appropriate, The report will be made available to all blocks.Among other points, the report should analyse:
(a) What are the laws that delegate authority;
(b) Which are in force;
(c) Which were modified, derogated or fulfilled;
(d) If the matter corresponds to the provisions of article 76 of the National Constitution.
ARTICLE 4 The commission shall issue its rules of procedure and establish its structure in accordance with the provisions of this Act. In the face of a lack of foresight in the internal rules and in all that is appropriate, the regulations of the Chambers of Senators and Deputies are supplemented by the rules of procedure of the Corps exercised by the Presidency at the time the subsidiary application is required. ARTICLE 5o In order to fulfil its role, the commission must form a technical-legal team with professionals of recognized prestige and legislative experience.The team must operate within the scope of the National Congress. The team will have to submit partial reports every month about the progress of the task, the plenary of each of the cameras and all the blocks, in digitalized support.
ARTICLE 6 The Commission shall be empowered to require information; consult the relevant standing commissions; make comments, proposals and recommendations as it deems relevant.The commission may require the advice of:
(a) The legal areas of the various ministries, secretariats, Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, AFIP, ANSES, autonomous and decentralized entities and any public agency, which at the request of the majority of the commission may propose a liaison adviser;
(b) Academics, technicians and software of research centres, universities and specialists in each field;
(c) The Commission of Jurists designated under Act No. 24,967; the Permanent Bicameral Commission established by Act No. 26,122, and to use as many other powers as set forth in this Act and its own rules of procedure.
ARTICLE 7 The legal services of the various agencies, the Procuration of the Treasury of the Nation and the Legal and Technical Secretariat of the Presidency of the Nation, shall make available to the commission, within two (2) months of the initiation of the task, a list with the laws of delegates prior to 1994 that in their opinion are relevant tools for the management of government.It will also have technical assistance from the Parliamentary Information Directorate and the Argentine Legal Information System.
ARTICLE 8 The presidents of each House shall provide this special bicameral commission with the infrastructure, administrative and technical staff, and the budgetary resources necessary for the implementation of this law. Article 9 This law will enter into force on 24 August 2009. ARTICLE 10. Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWENTY DAYS OF THE MONTH OF AUTHORITY OF THE YEAR.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Marta A. Luchetta. . Juan H. Estrada.