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Higher Education National University Of The West - Creation - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: EDUCACION SUPERIOR UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL OESTE - CREACION - Texto completo de la norma

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SUPERIOR EDUCATION Law 26.544 Believe the National University of the West. Sanctioned: November 11, 2009. Cast: December 3, 2009.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Créase the National University of the West, which will have its headquarters in the Merlo party, within the Education Region of the Conurbano Oeste of the Province of Buenos Aires; and it includes the parties of Ituzaingó, Merlo, Marcos Paz, Las Heras and their area of influence. ARTICLE 2 The establishment and organization of the National University of the West, is carried out under Act No. 24.521 and shall be governed for its constitution and organization until its final standardization as set out in articles 48 and 49 of that legal body, in its regulatory decree and concordant rules in force for national universities. Article 3 The academic offer of the National University of the West, attentive to the characteristics of the region, will promote careers aimed at economic and social development, with an emphasis on those related to the production of goods and services, as well as the environmental sciences. The harmonization and articulation of their careers with those already in place will be planned, avoiding the overlap of supply at both geographical and disciplinary levels, with those of universities already installed in the region. It will also constitute research and outreach programmes on the themes related to the social and economic development of the region, with a national and international perspective. ARTICLE 4 The national executive branch is authorized to manage and accept from the Government of the province of Buenos Aires, from the municipalities of the parties of Ituzaingó, Merlo, Marcos Paz, Las Heras and of natural or legal persons, public or private, cessions, donations or legacies of movable and immovable property, in order to comply with the provisions of this law, which will constitute the heritage of the National University of the West. ARTICLE 5o The National University of the West, through the Ministry of Education of the Nation, is empowered to enter into cooperation agreements for its financing and any other activities related to its purposes, with public and private bodies, nationally and internationally. ARTICLE 6 The National University of the West may promote the establishment of foundations, societies or associations, in order to support its work, facilitate relations with the environment, respond and promote the conditions necessary for the fulfilment of its aims and objectives. ARTICLE 7 The National Executive Branch shall designate a Rector Organizer for a period of up to four (4) years with the powers granted by the Higher Education Act to the governing bodies as a whole (Articles 52 to 57) to promote and conduct the process of formulating the institutional project and the provisional statute, which shall promptly submit to the consideration of the Ministry of Education of the Nation and to, in due instance, to formalize and summon the decree No. ARTICLE 8 The costs that demand the implementation of this law shall be met with the specific provision of credit for national universities determined by the Ministry of Education of the Nation until the inclusion of the National University of the West in the corresponding Budget Law. Article 9 In the event of the adoption of a Higher Education Act that replaces or modifies Law No. 24.521, the organization process of the National University of the West shall be in conformity with the specific provisions of the new legal rule. ARTICLE 10. Contact the Executive.



JOSE J. B. PAMPURO. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.