Key Benefits:
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
Political partiesUNICO CHAPTER
ARTICLE 1 s Amend article 3 (b) of the Organic Law of the Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:(b) A stable organization and functioning regulated by the organic charter, in accordance with the internal democratic method, through periodic elections of pro-party authorities and agencies, in the manner established by each party, respecting the minimum percentage by sex established in Law 24.012 and its regulatory decrees.
ARTICLE 2 Amend article 7 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 7: In order for a political group to be able to recognize its legal-political personality, provisionally, it must apply to the competent judge, in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) Act of founding and constitution, accompanied by records, which credit the accession of a number of voters not less than four per thousand (4.3) of the total number of those registered in the register of voters of the corresponding district, up to the maximum of one million (1,000.000). This will agreement will be supplemented by a document containing the name, address and registration of the signatories;
(b) Name adopted by the assembly of foundation and constitution;
(c) Declaration of principles and program or bases of political action, sanctioned by the assembly of foundation and constitution;
(d) Organic charter sanctioned by the assembly of foundation and constitution;
(e) Act of designation of the promoters;
(f) Supportive office and a certificate of designation of the possessors.
During the duration of the provisional recognition, political parties will be considered in formation. They cannot file candidates for elective positions in primary elections or in national elections, nor are they entitled to regular or extraordinary public contributions.
Article 3 Incorporate as article 7o bis of the Organic Law of Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 7o bis: In order to obtain the final legal-political personality, the parties in formation must prove:
(a) Within one hundred and fifty (150) days, the affiliation of a number of voters not less than four per thousand (4 hours) of the total number of registered voters in the corresponding district, up to the maximum of one million (1,000.000), accompanied by a copy of the civic documents of the affiliates where the identity and domicile, certified by party authority;
(b) Within one hundred and eighty (180) days, having held the internal elections, to constitute the final authorities of the party;
(c) Within sixty (60) days of recognition, having submitted the books referred to in article 37 for the purposes of its rubric.
All proceedings before the federal courts with electoral competence until the final constitution of the party authorities shall be carried out by the promoters authorities, or by those who shall be jointly responsible for the veracity of the documents and presentations.
ARTICLE 4 Incorporate as article 7o ter of the Organic Law of Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 7o ter: To preserve the legal-political personhood, political parties must keep the minimum number of participants permanently. The Public Prosecutor ' s Office, on its own motion, or at the request of the federal court with electoral competence, shall verify compliance with this requirement in the second month of each year, and shall promote the declaration of expiry of the legal-political personry as appropriate.
Prior to the expiration statement, the competent judge shall terminate the required requirement, for the improbable period of ninety (90) days, under the expectation of deferring the registration party as well as its name and acronym.
The National Electoral Chamber will publish before 15 February of the following year at the annual closure, the minimum number of participants required for the maintenance of the legal-political personry of the district parties.
ARTICLE 5o Amend article 8 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 8: District parties recognized in five (5) or more districts with the same name, declaration of principles, program or bases of political action, organic letter, may apply for recognition as national parties to the federal court with electoral competence of the district of its foundation. Upon receipt of the recognition, the party must register in the corresponding registry, before the federal judges with electoral competence of the districts where it decides to act, for which purpose, in addition to the provisions of article 7o and 7o bis, it must comply with the following requirements:
(a) Testimony of the resolution recognizing it as a legal-political person;
(b) Declaration of principles, programme or bases of political action and national organic charter;
(c) Act of designation and election of national party authorities and district authorities;
(d) Central party office and act of designation of the securities.
In order to preserve the legal-political embodiment, national parties must permanently maintain the minimum number of districts established with legal-political embodiment.
The Public Prosecutor ' s Office shall verify compliance with this requirement in the second month of each year and shall promote the declaration of expiry of party legal entities where appropriate.
Prior to the expiration statement, the competent judge shall terminate the required requirement, for the improbable period of ninety (90) days, under the expectation of deferring the registration party as well as its name and acronym.
ARTICLE 6 Amend article 10 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 10: District and national political parties may form district or national alliances, respectively, of two (2) or more parties, in accordance with the provisions of their respective organizational letters, with the purpose of presenting candidates for elective public office.
Also, district parties that are not part of a national party can form an alliance with at least one (1) national political party.
Political parties that integrate the alliance must require their recognition, before the federal judge with electoral competence of the respective district or the Federal Capital, in the case of national alliances, up to sixty (60) days before the date of the primary, open, simultaneous and compulsory election, and must accompany:
(a) The agreement establishing the alliance, including the corresponding financial agreement;
(b) Electoral regulations;
(c) Approval by the governing bodies of each party, of the formation of the transitional alliance according to their organic letters;
(d) Central office and minutes of designation of the possessors;
(e) Constitution of the electoral board of the alliance;
(f) Agreement that arises how the contributions to the permanent fund will be distributed.
To continue to function, after the general election, together the parties that make up the alliance, they must form a confederation.
ARTICLE 7 Incorporate as article 10 bis of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 10 bis: District and national political parties may constitute district or national confederations respectively of two (2) or more parties to act permanently. The confederation subrogates the political and financial rights of the political parties.
For recognition, the following requirements must be submitted to the federal judge with electoral competence of the appropriate district, or the Federal Capital in the case of the national confederations:
(a) Agreement establishing and organic charter of the confederation;
(b) Name adopted;
(c) Declaration of principles and programme or bases of joint political action, sanctioned by the founding and constitution assembly;
(d) Act of appointment of the authorities;
(e) Domicil of the confederation and a record of the designation of the possessors;
(f) Books referred to in article 37, within two (2) months of obtaining recognition for the purposes of its rubric.
To participate in the general elections as a confederation, they must have requested their recognition before the federal judge with competent electoral competence up to sixty (60) days before the deadline for the respective primary elections.
ARTICLE 8 Incorporate as article 10 ter of the Organic Law of Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 10 ter: Any duly registered political party may merge with one or more political parties presenting to the federal court with electoral competence of the district of its foundation:
(a) The signed merger agreement to be supplemented by a document containing the name, address and registration of the signatories;
(b) Acts of the competent bodies of parties that merge from which the will of the merger arises;
(c) The remainder of the requirements set out in article 7 (b) to (f) of this Act;
(d) Completion of the publication of the merger agreement in the official newsletter of the founding district of the parties that merge, for three (3) days, and in which it is stated that, in the event of opposition, it must appear in the court with electoral competence of the foundation district within the twenty (20) days of the publication.
The competent federal electoral court will verify that the sum of the members of the parties that merge reaches the established minimum of four per thousand (4 H).
The political party resulting from the merger shall enjoy legal-political embodiment since its recognition by the competent federal electoral judge, and shall be constituted to any legal effect as the successor of the merged parties, both in their rights, and property obligations, without prejudice to the personal responsibility that corresponds to the authorities and other parties responsible for acts or acts prior to the merger.
They shall be considered affiliated with the new political party, all electors who, upon the date of the judicial resolution recognizing the merger, would have been members of any of the merged political parties, unless they have expressed opposition in the preceding period.
Article 9 Amend article 25 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 25: Membership is acquired on the basis of the resolution of the competent party agencies that approve the respective application, or automatically in the event that the party does not consider it within the fifteen (15) working days of having been submitted. The rejection ruling must be founded and appealed to the federal judge with the corresponding district's electoral competence. An affiliation sheet will be delivered to the interested party, another will be retained by the party and the remaining two (2) will be forwarded to the federal justice with electoral competence.
ARTICLE 10. Incorporate as article 25 bis of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 25 bis: Membership shall be waived by waiver, expulsion or violation of articles 21 and 24, and the communication for the federal judge with electoral competence must be issued.
ARTICLE 11. Incorporate as article 25 ter of the Organic Law of Political Parties, 23.298, the following:Article 25 ter: There can be no double affiliation. It is a condition for party membership to express prior renunciation of any previous affiliation.
ARTICLE 12. Incorporate as article 25 of the Organic Law of the Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 25 quater: Citizens may formalize their waiver by free telegram or personally to the corresponding district electoral secretariat. To this end, a free telegram service is established throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic for the sender, to effect the resignations of political parties. The expense required by this service will be charged, through the system without prior payment, to the account of the Ministry of the Interior. The federal court with electoral competence once notified of the waiver of an affiliation, shall terminate it and communicate it to the party to which it has resigned.
ARTICLE 13. Amend article 26 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 26: The registration of participants is public and is constituted by the updated system of the membership sheets referred to in the previous articles. Its organization and functioning corresponds to political parties and federal justice with electoral competence.
The electors have the right to know the situation regarding their affiliation. The National Electoral Chamber will set up a mechanism for voters to know their individual situation with regard to the same by restricting third-party access to this data.
ARTICLE 14. Amend article 29 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 29: The election of party authorities shall be carried out on a regular basis, in accordance with their organic letters, subsidiarily by the Organic Law of Political Parties or by electoral law. For the appointment of candidates to national elective positions, the system of open, simultaneous and compulsory primary elections will be applied throughout the territory of the Nation for the same day and for all political parties, in accordance with the provisions of the respective law.
ARTICLE 15. Amend article 33 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 33: They may not be held in primary elections or candidates in general elections for national elective public office, nor may they be appointed to serve as supporters:
(a) Those excluded from the electoral register as a result of existing legal provisions;
(b) Senior and junior personnel of the Armed Forces of the Nation in activity or in retirement, when they have been called to service;
(c) Senior and junior personnel of the security forces of the Nation and of the provinces, in activity or withdrawn called for service;
(d) The judges and permanent officials of the National Judiciary, provincial, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the courts of municipal faults;
(e) Those who hold managerial positions or are taken over by concessionaires of services and public works of the Nation, provinces, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, municipalities or autocarchic or decentralized entities or companies that exploit games of chance;
(f) Persons with indictment for genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, acts of unlawful repression constituting serious human rights violations, torture, enforced disappearance of persons, abduction of children and other serious human rights violations or whose criminal conduct is prescribed in the Rome Statute as crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, for acts committed between 24 March 1976 and 10 December 1983;
(g) Persons convicted of the crimes described in the preceding paragraph even if the court ruling is not subject to enforcement.
Political parties may not register candidates for elected public office for national elections in violation of the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 16. Amend article 50 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 50: These are causes of the political personality of the parties:
(a) Failure to hold internal party elections during the term of four (4) years;
(b) Failure to present two (2) consecutive national elections;
(c) Do not reach two (2) successive national elections two percent (2%) of the corresponding district electoral roll;
(d) Violation of the provisions of articles 7 (e) and 37, following judicial review;
(e) Do not maintain the minimum membership provided for in articles 7 and 7o ter;
(f) A national party is not composed of at least five (5) district parties with current status;
(g) Violation of article 33 (f) and (g) of this Act.
ARTICLE 17. Amend article 53 of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23.298, which reads as follows:Article 53: If the expiry of the legal-political personry of a party is declared, it may be requested again, from the date of its expiry and after the first national election, pursuant to Title II, after the intervention of the federal prosecutor.
The party extinct by a final sentence may not be recognized again with the same name, the same organic letter, declaration of principles, program or bases of political action, for the term of six (6) years, from the date of the judgment.
By the same time, federal courts with electoral competence in each district will not be able to register new parties composed of former members of the same declared caduco political party that represent more than fifty percent (50%) of the affiliations required for the constitution of the new party.
Open, simultaneous and compulsory primaryCHAPTER I
Political groups ARTICLE 18. Take political groupings into the political parties, confederations and alliances participating in the electoral process. Henceforth, primary elections are called open, simultaneous and compulsory primary elections. ARTICLE 19. All political groups shall proceed in a mandatory manner to select their candidates for national elective public office and of Mercosur parliamentarians through primary elections, simultaneously, throughout the national territory, in a single elective act, with a secret and compulsory vote, even in cases where a single list is presented.National electoral justice will understand in all matters related to electoral acts and procedures relating to such elections. The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will provide the necessary collaboration in the organization of the primary elections.
For the purposes of the open, simultaneous and compulsory primary elections, the federal courts with electoral competence shall exercise the functions conferred by the National Electoral Code on the National Electoral Boards in all that is not expressly contradicted by this Act.
The decisions of federal judges with electoral competence will be appealed to the National Electoral Chamber within twenty-four (24) hours of their notification, based on the same act. Against the decisions of the National Electoral Chamber, only an extraordinary remedy is deducted within forty-eight (48) hours of notification. Neither his interposition, nor his concession, shall suspend the performance of the sentence, except as provided.
The rules, procedures and sanctions set out in the National Electoral Code Act No. 19,945 and the Law on the Financing of the Political Parties, 26,215 shall apply in all that is not amended in this title.
ARTICLE 20. The call for primary elections will be held by the national executive branch at a time not less than the 1990s (90) days prior to its implementation.The elections provided for in the previous article should be held on the second Sunday of August of the year in which the general elections provided for in article 53 of the National Electoral Code are held.
ARTICLE 21. The designation of pre-candidates is exclusive to the political groups, having to respect the respective organic letters, the requirements set out in the National Constitution, the Organic Law of the Political Parties, 23.298, the National Electoral Code and the present law.Parties can regulate the participation of extra-partisan in their organic letters.
Each political grouping will determine the requirements to be precandidated by them.
The pre-candidates to senators, national deputies and parliamentarians of Mercosur shall be supported by a number of members not less than two per thousand (2 Yes) of the total number of those registered in the general register of each electoral district, up to a maximum of one million (1,000,000), or by a minimum number of members of the political group or parties that make up it, equivalent to two per cent (2%) of the registered party.
The pre-candidates to the president and vice president of the Nation shall be supported by a number of members not less than one per thousand (1 H.E.) of the total number of those registered in the general register, domiciled in at least five (5) districts, or at one percent (1%) of the list of members of the political group or of the sum of the candidates of the parties that make up it, in the case of the smaller ones, (5)
No affiliate can endorse more than one (1) list.
ARTICLE 22. The pre-candidates in the primary elections can only do so in those of one (1) political group, and for one (1) single category of elective positions.CHAPTER II
Elections ARTICLE 23. All voters must vote in the primary elections, according to the voter registration made by the national electoral justice system.The same pattern will be used for the primary elections as for the general election in which persons who are eighteen (18) years of age from the day of the general election.
The elector shall vote in the same place in the two elections, except for exceptional reasons or for force majeure, which shall be duly reported by the mass media.
ARTICLE 24. Electors must issue one (1) single vote for each category of charges to choose, and may choose different lists of different political groups.It shall be recorded in the civic document in accordance with article 95 of the National Electoral Code.
List submission and formalization ARTICLE 25. Up to fifty-five (55) days before the primary elections, political groups may request the federal court with electoral competence to allocate colors for the ballots to be used in the primary elections and the general election. The ballots of all the lists of the same grouping will have the same color that will not be repeated with that of other groups, except the target. Those who have not requested color should use in the ballots of all their lists the white color. In the case of national groupings, the federal court with electoral competence of the Federal Capital will allocate the colors that will be used by all district groups of each national grouping, communicating it to the district electoral courts so that these colors are not assigned to other groups. ARTICLE 26. The party electoral boards will also be integrated with one (1) representative of each official list.The lists of pre-candidates must be presented to the electoral board of each group up to fifty (50) days before the primary election for officialization. Lists must meet the following requirements:
(a) Number of pre-candidates equal to the number of incumbent and alternate positions to be selected, respecting the minimum percentage of pre-candidates of each sex in accordance with the provisions of Law 24.012 and its regulatory decree;
(b) Nomin of pre-candidates accompanied by records of acceptance of the application signed by the pre-candidate, indication of domicile, number of national identity documents, enrolment or civic notebook, and affidavit to meet the relevant constitutional and legal requirements;
(c) Designation of holder and financial-financial list holder, for the purposes set out in the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, and constitution of special address in the city seat of the electoral board of the group;
(d) Denomination of the list, by color and/or name, which may not contain the name of living persons, of the political group or of the parties that integrate it;
(e) Advances set out in article 21 of this Act;
(f) Affidavits of all pre-candidates of each list committing to respecting the electoral platform of the list;
(g) Programmatic platform and statement of the means by which it will be disseminated.
The lists may submit a copy of the documentation described above to the electoral justice system.
ARTICLE 27. The request for officialization, the electoral board of each group, will verify compliance with the conditions laid down in the National Constitution, the Law on Political Parties, the National Electoral Code, Law 24.012, the party ' s organic charter and, in the case of alliances, its electoral regulations. To this end, you may request the necessary information to the federal court with the district's electoral competence, which must evacuate it within 24 hours of its submission.Within forty-eight (48) hours of submission of requests for officialization, the party electoral board shall issue a well-founded decision on admission or rejection, and shall notify the lists submitted within 24 hours.
Any of the lists may request the revocation of the resolution, which must be submitted in writing and founded before the electoral board within 24 hours of notification. The electoral board must be issued within 24 hours of its presentation.
The request for revocation may be accompanied by a subsidiary appeal on the basis of the same grounds. In the face of the rejection of the revocation raised by the electoral board, the file will be lifted without further to the federal court with the corresponding district's electoral competence within 24 hours of the dictation of the confirmation resolution.
All notifications of the party electoral boards can be made indistinctly: in personal form before it, by notarial record, by telegram with certified copy and notice of delivery, by letter with notice of delivery, or by publication on the official website of each political group.
ARTICLE 28. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous article, the resolution of the electoral board of the group may be appealed by any of the lists of the group itself to the courts with electoral competence of the district corresponding within forty-eight (48) hours of being notified of the resolution, based on the same act.The courts shall be issued within a maximum period of seventy-two (72) hours.
The ruling of the judges of first instance may be appealed to the National Electoral Chamber within forty-eight (48) hours of notification of the ruling, based on the same act. The federal court with first-instance electoral jurisdiction must file with the National Electoral Chamber within 24 hours of appeal.
The Chamber shall be issued within a maximum period of seventy-two (72) hours from its receipt.
ARTICLE 29. Both the request for revocation and the remedies filed against resolutions rejecting the formalization of lists will be granted with suspensive effect. ARTICLE 30. The ruling on the formalization of the lists once it is firm will be communicated by the electoral board of the group, within 24 hours, to the federal court with corresponding electoral competence, which in turn will inform the Ministry of the Interior for the purposes of the allocation of contributions, advertising spaces and franchises corresponding.In the same time, it will inform the official lists that a representative should be appointed to join the party electoral board.
Electoral campaign ARTICLE 31. The electoral campaign of the primary elections begins thirty (30) days before the date of the Composition. Audiovisual electoral advertising can be held from the twenty (20) days prior to the date of the primary elections. In both cases they end forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of the election act. ARTICLE 32. The General Budget Act of the National Administration should provide for the year in which the primary elections are held an amount to be distributed among the political groups that submit candidatures equivalent to 50 per cent (50%) of which they will be required, for campaigning for the general elections.The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will grant each political group the resources that will allow it to print the equivalent of one (1) ballot per elector.
Both contributions shall be distributed to party groups in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties.
In turn, they will be distributed by the political group between the lists of officialized precandidates in equal parts.
The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will publish the contributions corresponding to each political grouping.
The political groupings forty (40) days before the primary elections will appoint one (1) financial-financial head to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior.
ARTICLE 33. The total expenditures of each political group for the primary elections cannot exceed 50 per cent (50%) of the campaign cost limit for the general elections.The lists of each of the political groupings will have the same cost limit, which as a whole will not be able to exceed the above set.
By the internal list that exceeds the above-mentioned expenditure limit, they shall be liable in solidarity and liable for a fine of up to the quadruple of the amount that has been exceeded, the pre-candidates and the designated financial-financial responsible.
ARTICLE 34. Political groupings and their internal lists may not engage privately, advertising on television or open sound broadcasting stations or by subscription for primary elections.If a political group engages publicity in television or radio broadcasting stations open or by subscription, it will be sanctioned with the loss of the right to receive contributions, subsidies and any annual public funding resource, for a period of one (1) to four (4) years, and the funds for the public financing of electoral campaigns for one (1) to two (2) elections of implementation in the corresponding general election.
If a broadcaster, whether televising or sounding, hires or broadcasts electoral advertising, in violation of this article, will be considered a serious offence, being liable to the penalties provided for in article 106 of Law 26.522, notifying the Federal Audiovisual Communication Services Authority for its purposes.
The pre-candidates and the financial-financial head of the internal list who hire advertising in violation of the first paragraph of this article shall be jointly responsible and liable for a fine up to the four-fold of the value of the procurement.
ARTICLE 35. The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will distribute by public drawings with subpoenas to the political groups participating in the primary elections, the spaces for electoral advertising in broadcasting stations, sound, open television and subscription, as provided for in the Law on the Financing of Political Parties.The political groups will in turn distribute such spaces in equal parts between the official internal lists.
ARTICLE 36. Twenty (20) days after the completion of the primary election, the economic-financial leader of each internal list that has participated in it, shall submit to the financial-financial head of the political group, a detailed final report on public and private contributions received with indication of origin, amount, name and number of civic documents of the donor, as well as the expenses incurred during the electoral campaign. The report should contain the provisions of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties for general campaigns.The non-submission of the report provided for in the preceding paragraph shall make the pre-candidates and the financial-financial responsible of the internal list passive, a fine equivalent to zero commas two per cent (0.2 per cent) of the total public funds received for each day of arrears in the presentation.
After the submission of the final report by the political grouping under the terms of the following article, the financial and economic responsible of the internal list shall submit the final report to the federal court with corresponding electoral competence, for its corresponding assessment and approval.
After ninety (90) days of the expiry of the deadline for the submission of the final report by the financial-financial head of the internal list to the political group, the federal judge with electoral competence may have the application of a fine to the pre-candidates and to the financial-financial responsible, in solidarity, up to the quadruple of the public funds received, and the disqualification of the candidates for up to two (2) elections.
ARTICLE 37. Thirty (30) days after the completion of the primary election, each political group that has participated in it must carry out and submit to the federal court with corresponding electoral competence, a detailed final report on public contributions received and private, discriminated against on an internal list with indication of origin and amount, as well as the expenses incurred by each list, during the election campaign. The report should contain the provisions for the general campaigns regulated by the Law on the Financing of the Political Parties, and shall be made on the basis of the information provided by the internal lists that comply with the provisions of the preceding article, in addition to those that have not done so.Failure to submit the final campaign report, at the established date, will enable the judge to apply a fine equivalent to zero to two per cent (0.2 per cent), of the total public funds corresponding to the political grouping in the next distribution of the permanent support fund, for each mora day in the presentation. After ninety (90) days, from the expiration of the period in question, the interim judge may order the precautionary suspension of all public contributions by notifying its resolution to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior.
Suffrage ballot ARTICLE 38. The suffrage ballots will have the characteristics set out in the National Electoral Code.They will be made and printed by each political group that participates in the primary elections, according to the ballot model presented by each internal list.
In addition to the requirements set out in the National Electoral Code, each section must contain at its top type and date of the choice, denomination and letter of the internal list.
Each internal list will present its model of ballot before the electoral board of the political group within three (3) days of the officialization of the pre-candidates, which must be formalized within twenty-four (24) hours of its presentation. The formalization of the electoral board of the political group shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, subject the formal approval of the courts with electoral competence of the appropriate district, the models of ballots of all the lists to be presented in the primary elections, in advance not less than thirty (30) days of the date of the primary elections.
Election and scrutiny ARTICLE 39. The location of the voting tables and the voting authorities shall be consistent for the primary elections and the general elections that take place in the same year, except for essential changes.The National Electoral Chamber will produce two (2) uniform models of scrutiny records, for the president and vice president categories, the first and deputy and senators the second, on which the federal courts with electoral competence will make the records to be used in the primary elections of their respective districts. They should distinguish sectors with the color assigned to each political group, subdivided in turn according to the internal lists that have been presented, with the results being assigned by list and by grouping for each category.
For the formation of the tables, the designation of their authorities, the compensation for the performance of the via, the conduct of the scrutiny and everything related to the organization of the primary elections, the relevant rules of the National Electoral Code will apply.
ARTICLE 40. As to the scrutiny procedure, in addition to the provisions of the National Electoral Code, it shall be taken into account that:(a) If an envelope contains two (2) or more official ballots corresponding to the same list and category, only one of them will be computed, the remaining ones destroyed;
(b) No votes shall be considered when they are found in the envelope two (2) or more ballots of different lists, in the same category, although they belong to the same political grouping.
ARTICLE 41. The internal lists of each recognized political group may appoint prosecutors to represent them at the voting tables. They may also designate general prosecutors by section who will have the same powers and will be able to act simultaneously with the prosecutor accredited to each table. Except as provided with reference to the Attorney General in no case shall simultaneous action be permitted at a table of more than one (1) prosecutor per internal list of each political group.Regarding the mission, requirements and granting of powers to prosecutors and general prosecutors shall be governed by the provisions of the National Electoral Code.
ARTICLE 42. Following the task of the provisional scrutiny by the board authorities will be recorded in the closing record, the time of completion of the composition, number of envelopes, total number of votes issued, and the number of suffrages for each internal list of each political group in letters and numbers.It must also contain:
(a) Amount, in letters and numbers, of total votes cast for each political group and those obtained by each of the internal lists by categories of charges, the number of invalid votes, as well as the appeals, contested and blank;
(b) The name of the president, the alternate and prosecutors for the lists that acted at the table with mention of those who were present in the minutes of the scrutiny or the reasons for their absence;
(c) The mention of the protests made by the prosecutors on the development of the election act and those that refer to scrutiny.
The scrutiny record must be signed by the officers and the prosecutors. If any of these were not present or there were no prosecutors appointed or refused to sign, the President shall record these facts. In addition to the record referred to and with the results extracted from it the president of the table will extend to the prosecutors who request it a certificate of scrutiny that will be subscribed by him, by the alternates and the prosecutors, being recorded circumstantial if someone refuses to sign it.
The prosecutor who is absent prior to the closure of the elections will indicate the time and reason for the withdrawal and in case of refusal to do so, this will be recorded by signing another of the prosecutors present or the electoral authority. It shall also be recorded in the event that it occurs.
ARTICLE 43. Once the closing record has been signed, the scrutiny records and the scrutiny certificates for the prosecutors, the chair of the board will communicate the result of the scrutiny of its table to the federal court with corresponding electoral competence and to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, by means of a telegram indicating the results of each internal list of each respective political group according to the model that makes the official mail.CHAPTER VII
Proclamation of candidates ARTICLE 44. The election of candidates for president and vice president of the Nation of each grouping will be made by means of formula in a direct and simple plurality of suffrages.The nominations to senators will be chosen by full list to simple plurality of votes. In the election of national deputies, and parliamentarians of Mercosur, each political group to integrate the final list will apply the system of the distribution of posts established by each party organic letter or the rules of the party alliance.
The federal courts with electoral competence of each district shall conduct the final scrutiny of the primary elections of the political groups of their district, and shall report the results:
(a) In the case of the President and Vice-President of the Nation, the National Electoral Chamber shall proceed to make the sum of the votes obtained throughout the national territory by the pre-candidates of each of the political groups, notifying them to the electoral boards of the national political groups;
(b) In the case of national senators and deputies, the electoral boards of the respective political groups, to conform to the winning list.
The electoral boards of the political groupings notified in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions shall make the proclamation of the elected candidates, and shall notify it in the case of the President and Vice-President of the Nation to the federal court with electoral competence of the Federal Capital, and in the case of national senators and deputies, to the federal courts with electoral competence of the respective districts.
The courts with electoral competence shall take account of the candidates thus proclaimed, on behalf of the political grouping and by the category in which they were elected. The political groupings may not intervene in the general elections under another modality that postulates those elected and the respective categories, in the primary election, except in case of resignation, death or disability.
ARTICLE 45. They can only participate in the general elections, the political groups that, for the election of senators, deputies of the Nation and parliamentarians of Mercosur, have obtained at least a total of votes, considering those of all their internal lists, equal to or greater than one and a half percent (1.5%) of the votes validly cast in the district concerned for the respective category.For the category of president and vice president, one and a half percent (1.5%) of the votes validly issued throughout the national territory will be understood.
ARTICLE 46. The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that adopt a system of primary, open, compulsory and simultaneous elections may, upon accession, simultaneously with the primary elections established in this law, under the same authorities of composition and scrutiny, in the manner that establishes the regulation, applying the provisions of Law 15.262.PART III
Financing of electoral campaignsUNICO CHAPTER
General provisions for campaign financing ARTICLE 47. Amend article 5 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 5: Public funding. The State contributes to the normal functioning of political parties recognized under the conditions laid down in this law.
With such contributions, the political parties may undertake the following activities:
(a) Institutional development;
(b) Training and political training;
(c) Primary and general election campaigns.
All political, institutional and administrative activities arising from the implementation of Act No. 23,298, this law and the party ' s organic charter, as well as the updating, systematization and dissemination of doctrine at the national or international levels, are defined as institutional development.
ARTICLE 48. Article 27 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, reads as follows:Article 27: Responsible. Prior to the start of the electoral campaign, political groups, who submit candidates for elected public office, must designate two (2) financial and financial officials, who comply with the requirements set out in article 18 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, who will be jointly responsible with the Treasurer, for complying with the applicable legal, regulatory and technical provisions. The designations should be communicated to the federal judge with corresponding electoral competence, and to the Ministry of the Interior.
ARTICLE 49. Amend article 29 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 29: Concrete constitution. Erogations that can only be made in cash, will be implemented through the constitution of a fixed fund. Each expenditure made using the fixed fund must be recorded in the following article and the supporting documentation of such expenditure.
ARTICLE 50. Amend the first paragraph of article 30 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 30: Constance of operation. Any expenditure incurred on the occasion of the electoral campaign, more than one thousand (1,000) electoral modules must be documented, without prejudice to the issuance of regular fiscal instruments, through a "constant of operation for electoral campaign", in which the following data should be recorded:
ARTICLE 51. Amend article 31 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215 and its amendments, which reads as follows:Article 31: Alliances. Political parties may form electoral alliances in accordance with article 10 of Law 23,298.
As the electoral campaign begins, electoral alliances in those districts where they submit candidatures to national elective public offices must designate two (2) campaigning economic-financial leaders, who comply with the requirements set out in article 27 of this law, who will be jointly responsible with the Treasurer for complying with the applicable legal provisions. The designations must be communicated to the federal judge with corresponding electoral competence.
ARTICLE 52. Amend article 34 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 34: Campaign sports. The National Administration ' s General Budget Act for the year in which national elections should be held should determine the amount to be distributed as an extraordinary contribution to electoral campaigns.
For the years in which presidential elections are to be held, the General Budget Act of the National Administration must provide for three (3) differentiated items: one (1) for the election of president, and the financing of the second electoral round according to the provisions of this law, the second for the election of national senators and the third for the election of national deputies. For the years in which only legislative elections are held, the National Administration General Budget Act should provide for the last two (2) items.
In the same way, in the above years, similar headings should be provided for the category of charges to be chosen for the extraordinary contribution of electoral campaigns for the primary elections, equivalent to 50 per cent (50%) of which is expected for the electoral campaigns of the general elections.
ARTICLE 53. Amend article 35 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 35: He's wearing boots. The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will grant political groups that can nominate economic resources that will allow them to print the equivalent of a ballot and a half (1.5) per registered elector in each district.
The national electoral justice will inform the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the number of official lists for the corresponding election which will make the corresponding distribution by electoral district and category.
ARTICLE 54. Amend article 36 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 36: Distribution of contributions. The funds for the contribution to the electoral campaign, both for the primary and general elections, will be distributed among the political groups that have formalized lists of candidates as follows:
Presidential elections:(a) Fifty per cent (50%) of the amount allocated by the budget in an equal manner between the lists submitted;
(b) Fifty per cent (50%) of the amount allocated by the budget will be distributed among the twenty-four (24) districts, in proportion to the total number of electors corresponding to each. This operation will be distributed to each political group in proportion to the number of votes the party had obtained in the previous general election for the same category. In the case of confederations or alliances, the sum of the votes obtained by the party members in the previous general election for the same category will be computed.
The political groups that participate in the second round will receive as contributions for the campaign a sum equivalent to thirty percent (30%) of the largest campaign contribution for the first round.
Elections of deputies:The total contributions will be distributed among the twenty-four (24) districts in proportion to the total number of electors for each. Effective such an operation, fifty percent (50%) of the resulting amount for each district, will be distributed equally between the lists presented and the remaining fifty percent (50%), will be distributed to each political party, confederation or alliance in proportion to the number of votes the party had obtained in the previous general election for the same category. In the case of confederations or alliances, the sum of the votes obtained by the party members in the previous general election for the same category will be computed.
Elections of senators:The total contributions will be distributed among the eight (8) districts in proportion to the total number of voters for each. Effective such an operation, fifty percent (50%) of the resulting amount for each district, will be distributed equally between the lists presented and the remaining fifty percent (50%), will be distributed to each political party, confederation or alliance in proportion to the number of votes the party had obtained in the previous general election for the same category. In the case of confederations or alliances, the sum of the votes obtained by the party members in the previous general election for the same category will be computed.
In the case of district groups without direct national reference, they will be given the full amount of contributions.
The same distribution criteria shall be applied for the primary elections between the political groups that are presented.
The Ministry of the Interior will publish the payroll and the amount of contributions in all respects.
The Ministry of the Interior will deposit the contributions at the start of the campaign once the lists have been formalized.
ARTICLE 55. Amend article 40 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 40: Fate remaining contributions. The remnants of the public funds granted as an extraordinary contribution to the electoral campaign may be retained by the parties exclusively to be used for training and political training, and this should be expressly reflected in the final campaign report. Otherwise, it must be replaced within the nineties (90) days of the election.
Contravention to this rule shall be punished in accordance with article 65.
The remnants of the contribution of ballots or the total, if the expenditure has not been credited to the final campaign report, shall be reintegrated by the political groups within the nineties (90) days of the election. The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior shall make up for the amount owed, the public contributions corresponding to the party.
Contravention to this rule shall be punished in accordance with article 62.
ARTICLE 56. Amend article 43 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 43: Spaces in television and audio broadcasting stations open or by subscription. The electoral advertising spaces in the sound, television or subscription broadcasting stations will be distributed exclusively by the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, for all political groups that official candidates for elective public office, for the dissemination of their campaign messages.
The political groups, as well as the candidates who are officialized by them, may at no time hire or acquire, by themselves or by third parties, spaces in any form of radio or television, for promotion for electoral purposes.
In addition, radio broadcasting stations, open television or subscription, may not issue electoral advertising other than that distributed and authorized by the Ministry of the Interior.
In the case of second round will be assigned to each of the formulas fifty percent (50%) of the spaces assigned to which more spaces would have received in the first round.
ARTICLE 57. Incorporate as Chapter III bis of Title III to the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, the following:CHAPTER III BIS
Electoral advertising in audiovisual communication servicesArticle 43 bis: The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior will distribute the electoral advertising spaces in the audiovisual communication services between the political groups that official pre-candidates for the primary elections and candidates for the general elections, for the transmission of their campaign messages. In relation to the sound broadcasting spaces, the messages will be issued by extension stations and modulated frequency stations.
Article 43 ter: In order to make the distribution of the electoral advertising spaces, in the audiovisual services, the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior must request the Federal Audiovisual Communication Services Authority, prior to the start of the corresponding electoral campaign, the list of the television and radio services authorized by the agency and its corresponding time of issuance, for the distribution of the guidelines. For the purposes of this law, it is understood as an electoral advertising space, to the amount of time allocated for the purpose of transmitting political advertising by the group.
Article 43 quater: According to the Audiovisual Communication Services Act 26.522, communication services are required to yield ten percent (10%) of the total programming time for election purposes.
Article 43 quinquies: In the event of a second electoral round by the election of president and vice president, the participating formulas will receive the equivalent of fifty percent (50%) of the spaces received by the political group that more spaces would have obtained in the first round.
Article 43 sexies: The number of broadcast spaces and spaces in the audiovisual media will be distributed both for the primary and general elections as follows:
(a) Fifty percent (50%) alike, among all political groups that officialize pre-candidates;
(b) Fifty per cent (50%) remaining among all political groups that official pre-candidacy, in proportion to the number of votes obtained in the previous general election for the national deputies category. If for any reason a political group does not advertise in the audiovisual services, it may not transfer under any concept, its minutes assigned to another candidate, or political grouping for use.
Article 43 septies: The distribution of the timetables and the means in which electoral advertising will be transmitted, shall be carried out by public lots, for the fair distribution. For this purpose, the transmission schedule will be between seven (7:00) hours and one (1:00) of the following day.
The present distribution should ensure that all political groups that formalize lists of candidates, rotation at all times and at least two (2) times per week in central hours in audiovisual communication services. Any request for change of the electoral advertising space, which will present the communication service and/or the political grouping, shall be decided by the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, within five (5) days of the submission of that request. The request shall not imply the possibility of suspending the transmission of the current pattern until the relevant agency is issued.
In cases where coverage of audio-visual communication services covers more than one district, the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior must ensure the equitable distribution of these spaces among the political groups competing in those districts.
Article 43 octies: The costs of the production of the messages for dissemination in the audiovisual communication services of the political groups, will be borne by their own resources.
Article 43 nonies: Subtitulation of the messages transmitted in the television spaces that are ceded under this law shall be mandatory for political groups.
ARTICLE 58. Incorporate as article 44 bis to chapter IV, of title III, of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, the following:Article 44 bis: Private financing. Private financing of the electoral campaign constitutes any contribution in money, or estimated in money, that a natural person makes to a political group, destined to finance electoral expenses.
Donations of natural persons should be made by bank transfer, cheque, cash, via the Internet, or any other means provided that the donor is identified. Such contributions should be supported by the corresponding vouchers. The final campaign report should report the identification of persons who have made contributions or donations.
Any donation or contribution to a political group by persons of ideal existence is prohibited.
ARTICLE 59. Incorporate as Chapter IV bis of Title III to the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, the following:CHAPTER IV bis
Surveys and opinion pollsArticle 44 ter: The National Electoral Chamber will create a Register of Survey and Opinion Survey Companies. Those companies that wish to make public by any means opinion polls, or to provide services to political groups, or to third parties, during the election campaign by any means of communication, must register in the same.
The registration must be opened with a priority not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the officialization of the lists of candidates. Such registration shall be renewed before each election act.
During the duration of the electoral campaign, and in view of each work carried out for a political group, or for third parties, the companies shall submit to the registry of the corresponding district, a report identifying the work performed, who performed the hiring, the amount billed for work performed, a technical detail on the scientific methodology used, the type of survey carried out, the size and characteristics of the sample used, selection procedure of the interviewees, the applicable statistical error and the date of the field work.
This report will be published on the official website of the national electoral justice for its public access by the citizenry.
Those companies that are not present during the period registered in the Register may not be able to disseminate by any means, polling or opinion polls during the electoral campaign period.
Article 44 quater: Eight (8) days before the general elections, no means of communication, whether audiovisual, broadcasting, graphics, Internet, or others, may publish results of polls or opinion polls, or electoral forecasts, or refer to their data.
Within the time frame that this law authorizes for the conduct of polling and opinion surveys, the mass media must cite the source of information, making known the technical detail of the work carried out.
ARTICLE 60. Amend article 45 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 45: Cost limit. In national elections, expenditures for the electoral campaign for each category of political grouping cannot exceed, the resulting amount by multiplying the number of eligible voters, by one (1) electoral module according to the value set out in the National Administration General Budget Act of the respective year. For the purpose of applying the provisions of this article, no district shall be deemed to have less than five hundred thousand (500,000) electors. The projected cost limit for the second round will be half as planned for the first round.
ARTICLE 61. Incorporate as article 45 bis of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, the following:Article 45 bis: Electoral expenditure. For the purposes of this law, any erogation made by a political group, carried out during the period established for the conduct of the electoral campaign, regardless of the date of payment of any electoral expenditure, and even if they are unpaid, is understood as an electoral expenditure for the financing of:
(a) Electoral advertising directed, directly or indirectly, to promote the vote for a particular political grouping, whatever place, form and means it uses;
(b) The polls or opinion polls on electoral or social matters that are carried out by candidates or political groups during the election campaign;
(c) Leasing of movable or immovable property for the operation of the campaign teams or the holding of electoral proselytism;
(d) The financing of the teams, offices and services of the same and their candidates;
(e) Recruitment of third-party candidates;
(f) Expenditures for the displacement of candidates, leaders of political groups and persons serving candidates, as well as for the transport of propaganda implements;
(g) Any other expense that does not relate to the permanent functioning of the party.
ARTICLE 62. Amend article 49 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 49: Advertising expenses. Field advertising expenses on the account of third parties are expressly prohibited.
For the recruitment of electoral advertising that is not covered by the prohibition of article 43, the participation of the economic-financial leaders of the political groupings shall be excluded, and the respective orders must be reflected in the final report.
ARTICLE 63. Article 48 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215. ARTICLE 64. Amend article 58 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 58: Final report. Ninety-nine (90) days after the election has been completed, the Treasurer and the financial and financial leaders of the campaign shall jointly submit to the federal justice with the corresponding district's electoral competence a detailed final report of the public and private contributions received, which must contain and clearly specify their nature, origin, name and document of the donor, destination and amount, as well as the total expenditures incurred for the purposes of the electoral campaign, The opening and closing date of the open bank account for the campaign for electoral alliances should also be indicated, and the corresponding supporting documentation should be made available.
ARTICLE 65. Incorporate as article 58 bis of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, the following:Article 58 bis: Cost book. In the final report referred to in the preceding article, at least the following items shall be set out:
(a) Management costs;
(b) Office and procurement costs;
(c) Investments in material for the public work of the political group including publications;
(d) Electoral advertising expenditures;
(e) Expenditures for polling or opinion surveys;
(f) Transport services;
(g) Judicial and accountability costs;
(h) Bone printing costs;
(i) Other properly substantiated costs.
ARTICLE 66. s Incorporate as subparagraphs (e) and (f) to article 62 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, the following:(e) Contract or acquire, by themselves or by third parties, spaces in any form of radio or television, for promotion for electoral purposes, in violation of article 43;
(f) Do not replace, within the 1990s (90) days of the electoral event, the remnants of the contribution of ballots or the total, if you have not credited the expense in the final campaign report.
ARTICLE 67. Amend article 66 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 66: A person who makes donations to political parties in violation of the prohibitions laid down in article 15 of the present Act shall be punished with a fine of equal to the contribution or donation and even the amount of such money.
It shall be punished with a fine of the same amount as the contribution or donation and even the decupation of that amount, the supporter who accepts or receives contributions or donations to political parties in violation of the prohibitions laid down in articles 15 and 16 of this Act.
They shall be punished with a fine of equal amount to the expense contracted and even the charge of that amount, directors and managers or media representatives who accept publicity in violation of the provisions of this law. The conduct will also be considered a serious and communicated fault for its treatment to the Federal Audiovisual Communication Services Authority established by Law 26.522.
Providers in general who violate the provisions of article 50 shall be punished with a fine of equal amount to the expense contracted and even the amount of that amount.
Individuals, as well as owners, directors and managers or representatives of legal persons who engage in the conduct set forth in this article, shall be liable to an accessory penalty of disqualification from six (6) months to ten (10) years, for the exercise of their rights to choose and be elected in elections to national public office, and for the election of political party authorities and for the exercise of public office and supporters.
ARTICLE 68. Amend article 67 of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, which reads as follows:Article 67: Failure to comply in time and form with the submission of the information provided for in articles 22, 23 and 58 shall enable the judge to apply an ex-temporaneous filing fine equivalent to zero commas two per cent (0.2 per cent), for each day of delay of the total public funds corresponding to the political group in the next distribution of the permanent support fund.
After ninety (90) days, after the expiration of the period in question, the interim judge may order the precautionary suspension of all public contributions by notifying its resolution to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior.
Failure to comply in time and form of the submission of the report provided for in article 54 shall enable the judge to apply a temporary filing fine equivalent to zero comma zero two per cent (0.02 per cent) for each day of delay of the total public funds corresponding to the political grouping in the next distribution of the permanent fund, up to a maximum of nine (9) days before the composition.
ARTICLE 69. Incorporate as article 67 bis of the Law. Financing of the political parties, 26,215, the following:Article 67 bis: They shall be punished by the prohibition of registration in the Register of Companies of Surveys and Surveys of Opinion for a period of two (2) to four (4) elections, the companies of surveys and opinion polls that do not comply with two (2) consecutive opportunities under article 44 ter of this Law.
ARTICLE 70. Incorporate as article 68 bis of the Political Parties Financing Act, 26,215, the following:Article 68 bis: Set the electoral module as a unit of monetary measure to determine the cost limits authorized by this law. The value of the electoral module will be determined annually in the General Budget of the Nation.
ARTICLE 71. Incorporate as article 71 bis of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties, 26,215, and its amendments, the following:Article 71 bis: Resolutions of the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior for both primary and general elections, on distribution or allocation to political groups of public contributions or electoral advertising spaces are appealed by groups in judicial headquarters directly to the National Electoral Chamber. The appeal shall be filed within forty-eight (48) hours duly established before the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, which shall refer it to the court within seventy-two (72) hours, with the record in which the appealing decision has been rendered and a response to the appellant's memorial. The Chamber may order the incorporation of other evidence and request additional clarification or clarification from the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior. After that, and after fiscal intervention, it will be resolved.
Modernization of the National Electoral CodeUNICO CHAPTER
ARTICLE 72. , Amend article 3 (a) of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:(a) Such demented in judgment;
ARTICLE 73. . Defrost article 3 (b) of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945. ARTICLE 74. Amend the name of Chapter II, Title I and Article 15 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, for the following:CHAPTER II
From the National Registry of ElectorsArticle 15: National Registry of Electors. The National Register of Electors is unique and contains the following subregisters:
1. Elections by district;
2. Disqualified and excluded voters;
3. Nationals resident abroad; and
4. Of citizens deprived of liberty.
The National Register of Electors consists of computerized records and printed documentary support. The computerized registration must contain, for each elector, the following data: surnames and names, sex, place and date of birth, domicile, profession, type and number of civic document, specifying which copy, date of identification and filiatory data. The status of absentee for enforced disappearance shall be disclosed in the appropriate cases. The application authority determines how the fingerprints, photography and signature of the voters are incorporated. Printed documentary support should also contain the data established for computerized registration, fingerprints and the original signature of the citizen, and photography.
It is up to the national electoral justice to update the profession of voters.
ARTICLE 75. Amend article 16 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945 to read as follows:Article 16: From electoral subregisters per district. The sub-registration of the district electors will be organized in each electoral secretariat, which will contain the data provided by the National Electoral Chamber, in accordance with the data contained in the National Registry of Electors.
ARTICLE 76. Amend article 17 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 17: Organization of the National Registry of Electors. The National Registry of Electors will be organized by the National Electoral Chamber, who will be the competent authority to arrange, prepare and update the data that make up it. This record will contain data from all voters in the country and must be organized by district.
The methods of updating that it establishes will include the modification of the register of the electors, the admission of claims filed by them or by the records obtained from control tasks, which will inform the National Register of Persons with the documentary evidence to prove the modification.
The National Register of Persons shall transmit to the National Registry of Electors electronically the data corresponding to the electors and future electors. Without prejudice to this, it must periodically transmit the documentary records that credit each computer seat, which will be held in custody in a single and centralized manner in the National Electoral Chamber.
These records will be used as a means of supplementary evidence in the event of a dispute over computer register seats.
The National Electoral Chamber may regulate the modalities under which the National Register of Persons shall transmit the information, as well as the appropriate mechanisms for its ongoing updating and control, as provided for in this Act, and in accordance with the possibility of having new technologies that may improve the registration system of voters.
The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are guaranteed free and permanent access to the information contained in the National Register of Elections for electoral purposes.
ARTICLE 77. Incorporate as article 17 bis of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, the following:Article 17 bis: Update. The updating and debugging of the records is permanent, and is intended to:
(a) Include the data of the new registered voters;
(b) Ensure that there is no more than one (1) valid registration for the same elector in the database;
(c) Depurate existing registers for change of address of voters;
(d) Update the profession of the electors;
(e) Exclude deceased voters.
ARTICLE 78. Amend article 22 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 22: Election failure. The National Registry of Persons shall issue monthly to the National Electoral Chamber, the number of the deceased electors, accompanied by the respective civic documents. Failure to do so shall send the data sheet or record of the testimony of witnesses or the certification provided for in article 46 of Law 17.671.
Once the information has been received, the corresponding registration will be ordered.
The documentary supports will be annulled immediately for subsequent destruction.
The nominee of the deceased electors will be published, for the period determined by the National Electoral Chamber, on the website of the national electoral justice at least one (1) time a year and, in all cases, ten (10) days before each election, in public act and in the presence of a (1) delegate of the National Registry of Persons, the civic documents of the deceased voters will be destroyed until the date of the closure of the movement of the high and low.
The death of the electors who have occurred abroad shall be credited with the communication to be made by the Argentine consulate of the place where it occurs, to the National Registry of Persons, and through it to the National Electoral Chamber.
ARTICLE 79. Amend article 24 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 24: Communication of offences or offences.Multiple inscriptions, errors or any anomaly in them, and offences or offences sanctioned by this law, shall be brought to the attention of the competent bodies and judges for their correction and trial.
The National Registry of Persons and the National Electoral Chamber shall semesterly send to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior the detailed statistics of the movement of high and lows recorded in all jurisdictions, as at 30 June and 31 December of each year.
ARTICLE 80. Modify chapter III of Title I of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:CHAPTER III
ProvisionalArticle 25: From the Provisional Pads. The National Registry of Electors and the subregistrations of electors in all districts are of a public nature, with the corresponding legal provisions of privacy, to be subject to correction by the citizens registered therein. The provisional registers are composed of the data of the subregisters of the electors per district, including the developments recorded up to one hundred and eighty (180) days before each general election, as well as the persons who meet eighteen (18) years of age from the same day of the composition. The provisional registers of voters shall contain the following data: number and class of civic documents, surname, name, sex and domicile of the registered persons. They must be sorted by district and section.
The electoral courts may require the collaboration of the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior for the printing of the provisional lists and shall supervise and inspect the entire printing process.
Article 26: Dissemination of provisional pads. The National Electoral Chamber shall have the publication of the provisional registers and residents abroad ten (10) days after the date of closure of the registration for each election, on its website and/or by other means it deems appropriate, with the corresponding legal provisions of privacy, to be subject to correction by the registered citizens. Publicity should be provided on the basis of any complaints and claims, as well as consultations to the provisional register.
Article 27: Pickup. Periods. Electors who for any reason did not appear in the provisional registers, or were mistakenly noted, shall have the right to claim before the electoral judge for a period of fifteen (15) days from the publication of the provisional registers, personally, by postal means free of charge, or by web. In the latter cases, the National Electoral Chamber should have the necessary mechanisms to verify the information subject to the claim.
Article 28: Elimination of electors. Procedure. In the same period, any elector or political party shall have the right to request, in the federal court with electoral competence, to remove or remove from the register the deceased citizens, those registered more than once or those who are covered by the inability established by this law. Subject to summary verification of the facts invoked and of the hearing to be granted to the contested citizen, in the event of their jurisdiction, the judges shall issue a ruling. If they made room for the claim, they will notify the National Electoral Chamber to have the annotation of the disqualification in the National Registry of Elections. As for the deceased or registered more than once, both computer records and paper supports will be removed.
The challenger may take notice of the subsequent proceedings and shall be notified in all cases of the final resolution, but shall not participate in the substance of the information that he or she shall deal with in the light of the tax agent.
ARTICLE 81. , Amend article 29 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 29: Final pattern. Prompt provisional registers shall constitute the final electoral roll for primary elections and general elections, which shall be printed thirty (30) days prior to the date of the primary election in accordance with the rules set out in article 31.
The register shall be ordered according to the territorial demarcations, the corresponding electoral tables and by alphabetical order by surname.
They shall consist of the definitive general pattern for the composition, the order number of the elector, the code of individualization used in the national identity document that allows the automated reading of each of the electors, the data that for the provisional registers requires this law and a space for the signature.
ARTICLE 82. Amend the first paragraph of article 30 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 30: Publication of the definitive patterns. The final general standards will be published on the official website of the national electoral justice and by other means deemed appropriate. The National Electoral Chamber shall have the impression and distribution of the copies of the pattern and copies in magnetic support of the same, for the primary and general elections, in which the data required by Article 25 will be included, for the provisional registers, the order number of the elector within each table, and a column for the signature of the elector.
ARTICLE 83. Incorporate as the last paragraph article 32 of the Code.The national electoral justice will distribute the final printed registers of voters deprived of their liberty to prisons where elections are held and electronically to diplomatic and consular representations abroad, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.
ARTICLE 84. Amend article 39 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 39: Territorial divisions. For electoral purposes, the Nation is divided into:
1. Districts. The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and each province constitute an electoral district.
2. Sections. That they'll be district subdivisions. Each of the parties, departments of the provinces, constitute an electoral section. Likewise every commune in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided will be a section. The sections will bear the name of the party or department of the province, or the denomination of the corresponding commune of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
3. Circuits, which will be subdivisions of the sections. The voters will be grouped because of the proximity of their homes, sufficing an electoral table to constitute a circuit.
4. The formation of the circuits will take particularly into account the roads, rivers, streams and communication paths between populations trying to abbreviate the distances between the domicile of the electors, and the places where the polling tables will operate.
Circuits will be numbered correlatively within the district.
The National Electoral Chamber will maintain a centralized record of the entire electoral divisions of the country.
ARTICLE 85. Amend article 40 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 40: Circuit limits. The limits of the circuits in each section shall be set according to the following procedure:
1. The federal court with electoral competence of each district, in accordance with the directives on the organization of the circuits issued by the National Electoral Chamber, will prepare a preliminary draft demarcation, of course, at the initiative of the provincial authorities or the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, giving intervention in the first case to the latter. The federal court with electoral competence will raise the preliminary draft and opinion of the local authorities to the National Electoral Chamber for referral to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior. The preliminary draft must have the technical characteristics of the regulation.
2. The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior shall receive the preliminary draft, notify the commencement of the proceedings to the political parties registered in the district concerned, consider the relevance of the latter, make a technical report descriptive of the proposed demarcation; publish it in the Official Gazette for two (2) days; if there were observations within the twenty (20) days of publication, consider them and, where appropriate, make a further consultation to the local electoral authorities and the National Justice.
3. Until the new demarcations of the circuits are approved by the Ministry of the Interior, the current divisions will be maintained.
4. The provincial authorities and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will send to the National Electoral Justice, in advance not less than one hundred and eighty (180) days to the date planned for the election and in the format and support established by the regulation, maps of each of the sections in which the district is divided, indicating in them the demographic groups of electoral population regarding the populated centers and the media. The number of electors forming each of these groupings will be recorded in a separate table.
ARTICLE 86. Amend article 41 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 41: Election tables. Each circuit will be divided into tables which will be constituted with up to three hundred fifty (350) registered voters, grouped in alphabetical order.
If such a group of electors is made, a fraction below sixty (60) will be incorporated into the table to be determined by the judge. If a fraction of sixty (60) or more remains, an electoral table will be formed. Electoral judges may constitute electoral tables, in those circuits whose population centers are separated by long distances or geographical accidents that hinder the concurrence of citizens to the commune, grouping citizens by considering the proximity of their homes and by alphabetical order.
Domiciled voters within each circuit will be sorted alphabetically. Once this operation has been carried out, they will be grouped into polling stations, in accordance with the provisions of this article.
ARTICLE 87. , Amend article 44, paragraph 2 (d), of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:(d) The organization and control of electoral faults, names, symbols, emblems and numbers of political parties and their affiliates in the relevant district.
ARTICLE 88. Amend article 60 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 60: Registration of candidates and request for the formalization of lists. Since the proclamation of candidates in the primary elections and up to fifty (50) days prior to the election, the parties shall register before the electoral judge the lists of the candidates proclaimed, who shall meet the conditions proper to the position for which they are no longer included in any of the legal inability.
In the case of the election of the president and vice president of the Nation, the presentation of the formulas of candidates will be made before the federal judge with electoral competence of the Federal Capital.
The lists to be submitted must have women at least thirty percent (30%) of candidates for the positions to be elected and in proportions with the possibility of being elected, in accordance with the provisions of Law 24.012 and its regulatory decrees. No lists that do not meet these requirements will be formalized. In the case of the national senatorial category to comply with such a minimum quota, the lists should be made up of two persons of different sex, for both incumbent and alternate candidates.
The political groupings that have reached the primary elections one and a half per cent (1.5 per cent) of the votes validly cast in the district in question must present a single list by category, not admitting the coexistence of lists even if they are identical between the alliances and the parties that integrate them. The political groupings will present, together with the request for the formalization of lists, complete filiation data of their candidates, the last electoral domicile and an affidavit signed individually by each of the candidates, where it is manifested not to be included in any of the inabilitys provided for in the National Constitution, in this Code, in the Organic Law of Political Parties and in the Law on the Financing of Political Parties. Candidates may be listed with the name or nickname with which they are known, provided that the variation of the list is not excessive or leads to confusion at the discretion of the judge. No list shall be formalized that does not meet these requirements, or that includes candidates who have not been elected in the primary elections by the same grouping and by the same category in which they are presented, except in the case of resignation, death or incapacity of the presidential candidate of the group according to the provisions of article 61.
ARTICLE 89. Amend the third paragraph of article 61 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:In the event of a waiver, death or incapacity, the presidential candidate will be replaced by the candidate for vice president. In the event of the Vice-President ' s vacance, the political group that has registered him must proceed to his replacement within three (3) days. Such a designation should be borne by a citizen who has participated in the primary elections as a pre-candidate of the vacancy list.
ARTICLE 90. Amend article 62 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 62: Time for presentation. Requirements. The recognized political groups that have proclaimed candidates will submit to the approval of the National Electoral Board, at least thirty (30) days before the election, in sufficient number, exact models of the ballots of suffrages intended to be used in the elections.
I. The ballots must have identical dimensions for all groups and be of paper of newspaper or common work of sixty (60) grams maximum, printed in colors. They will be twelve by nineteen centimeters (12 x 19 cm) for each category of candidates. The ballots will contain as many sections as categories of candidates, including the election, which will be separated from each other by means of black lines that enable the doubleness of the paper and the immediate separation by the elector or the officers responsible for scrutiny.
For a more notorious differentiation you can use different types in each section of the ballot that distinguishes candidates to vote.
II. The ballots will include the nominee of candidates and the designation of the political grouping. The category of charges will be printed in outstanding letters and five millimeters (5 mm). The acronym, monogram or logo, shield or symbol or emblem, photographs and identification number of the political group will also be admitted.
III. Copies of ballots to be officially issued to the National Electoral Board. Approved the models presented, each political group will deposit two (2) copies per table. The official ballots sent to the presidents of the board will be authenticated by the National Electoral Board, with a stamp that reads: "Officed by the Electoral Board of the Nation for the election of date...", and signed by the secretariat of the same.
ARTICLE 91. Amend article 64 bis of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 64 bis: Electoral campaign. The electoral campaign is the set of activities carried out by political groups, their candidates or third parties, through acts of mobilization, dissemination, publicity, consultation of opinion and communication, presentation of plans and projects, debates in order to capture the political will of the electorate, which should be developed in a climate of democratic tolerance. Academic activities, conferences, symposiums will not be considered as part of the electoral campaign.
The electoral campaign begins thirty-five (35) days before the date of the composition. The campaign ends forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of the composition.
It is absolutely forbidden to conduct electoral campaigns outside the time established by this article.
ARTICLE 92. Amend article 64 ter of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 64 ter: Media advertising. The issuance and publication of advertisements in television, radio and graphic media is prohibited in order to promote the capture of the suffrage for candidates for elective public office before the twenty-five (25) days prior to the date set for the composition.
The ban will include the propaganda paid for images and the names of candidates for national, executive and legislative elective positions, in the mass media (television, radio and Internet), by public, graphic media, mobile and fixed telephony, static advertising in sport or of any kind, as well as alusive advertising to political parties and their actions, before the twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the date set for the communicative advertising. The federal court with electoral competence may have the automatic termination of the notice issued when it is outside the time and powers regulated by law.
ARTICLE 93. Amend article 64 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 64 quater: Publicity of acts of government. During the electoral campaign, the publicity of government acts may not contain elements that promote; expressly the capture of suffrage for any of the candidates for national elective public office.
It is prohibited during the fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the holding of the primary, simultaneous and compulsory and the general election, the conduct of inaugural acts of public works, the launch or promotion of plans, projects or programmes of collective scope and, in general, the realization of any act of government that can promote the capture of suffrage in favor of any candidate for national elective public office.
ARTICLE 94. Amend article 66, paragraph 3 and 5, of the National Electoral Code Act 19,945, which read as follows:3. Voting envelopes. They must be opaque.
5. Boletas, in the event that political parties have supplied them to distribute them. The amount to be sent by table and the date of delivery by the parties for their purposes shall be established by the National Electoral Board in their respective districts, in accordance with the possibilities in consultation with the official post office. The National Electoral Board should also refer for its custody to the police authority of the suffrage ballots for all political parties, alliances or confederations that are presented to the election. These ballots will only be delivered to the board authorities that require them.
ARTICLE 95. Incorporate as article 66, paragraph 9, of the National Electoral Code Law 19,945, the following:9. Other elements available to the National Electoral Justice for the better development of the electoral event.
ARTICLE 96. Incorporate as the first paragraph of article 72 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, the following:Article 72: For the appointment of the board authorities, priority shall be given to citizens resulting from a random selection by computer means in which their degree of instruction and age must be taken into account, to electors who have been trained to that effect and then to those registered in the Public Registry of Postulants to Bureau Authorities.
ARTICLE 97. Amend article 74 of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 74: Suffrage from the officers at the table. The presidents and alternates to whom it is appropriate to vote at a table other than the one in which they perform their duties may do so in which they hold office. They shall bear in such conditions the table to which they belong.
ARTICLE 98. Amend the first paragraph of article 75 of the National Electoral Code Act 19.945, which reads as follows:Article 75: Designation of the authorities. The federal court with electoral competence shall appoint the presidents and alternates for each table, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the primary elections and must ratify such designation for the general elections.
ARTICLE 99. Incorporate as article 75 bis of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, the following:Article 75 bis: Registration of board authorities. National electoral justice will create a Public Registry of Postulants to Bureau Authorities in all districts, which will operate permanently. Those citizens who wish to register and comply with the requirements of article 73 may do so in the district ' s electoral courts in which they are registered, through the computer media provided by the electoral justice system or in the post offices where there will be forms for this purpose.
The electoral justice will conduct the training of board authorities, in a presenceal or virtual way, with the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior providing the necessary support.
ARTICLE 100. Amend article 82, paragraph 5, of the National Electoral Code Act 19.945, which reads as follows:5. To deposit, in the dark room, the official ballots of the parties referred by the board or to be handed over to the accredited prosecutors to the table, confronting in the presence of these each of the collections of ballots with the models that have been sent to it, making sure in this way that there is no alteration in the payroll of the candidates, nor deficiencies of other classes in them, ordering them by number from less to greater.
It is forbidden to place in the dark room posters, inscriptions, badges, indications or images that the law does not expressly authorize, or any element that implies a suggestion to the will of the elector outside the ballots approved by the electoral board.
ARTICLE 101. Incorporate as article 102 bis of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, the following:Article 102 bis: With the completion of the scrutiny task, and in the case of simultaneous elections for the election of the posts of president and vice president of the Nation and the election of national legislators, two (2) separate records shall be made, one for the category of president and vice president of the Nation, and another for the remaining categories.
ARTICLE 102. Incorporate as article 128 quater of the National Electoral Code Law 19.945, the following:Article 128 quater: Acts of electoral campaign. The political grouping, which carries out activities understood as electoral campaign acts beyond the time limit set forth in Article 64 bis of this Code, shall be sanctioned with the loss of the right to receive contributions, subsidies and any annual public funding resource, for a period of one (1) to four (4) years and the funds for campaign financing for one (1) to two (2) elections. The physical person who performs activities understood as electoral campaign acts outside the period established by this Code shall be liable to a fine of between ten thousand (100,000) and one hundred thousand (100,000) electoral modules, according to the value established annually in the General Budget of the National Administration.
ARTICLE 103. Please describe articles 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, paragraphs 4, 5, 6 of article 43, paragraph 2 of article 52, the last paragraph of article 58 and article 77 (3) of the National Electoral Code Act 19,945.PART V
Common provisions ARTICLE 104. Within ten (10) days of the convening of the primary elections, a Council for the Follow-up of the Primary and General Elections will be formed to act with the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, composed of the leaders of the national political groups participating in the electoral process. The Council shall function until the proclamation of the elected candidates.The National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior should report on a regular basis or when the Council requires it on the progress of procedures related to the financing of political campaigns, the allocation of media spaces, modalities and the dissemination of the provisional results count in both elections. District political groups that are not part of a national group that participates in the electoral process may appoint representatives to the Council.
ARTICLE 105. The implementing authority shall take appropriate measures to ensure accessibility, confidentiality and privacy for the exercise of the political rights of persons with disabilities. To this end, electoral procedures, facilities and materials will be adapted so that persons with disabilities can exercise their rights without discrimination and on an equal basis with others, both to be electors and to be candidates. ARTICLE 106. This law is of public order. National electoral justice will be heard in all matters relating to the implementation of this law.PART VI
Transitional provisions ARTICLE 107. The political parties of the district and national political parties with legal and political status shall have a deadline until 31 December 2011 for the purpose of complying with the provisions of articles 7o ter and 8o of the Organic Law of Political Parties, 23.298, according to the text of this Law.As of the date of entry into force of the present Act, the action and proceedings under way concerning article 50, subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) of the Organic Law on Political Parties, 23,298 shall be extinguished.
ARTICLE 108. Articles 2 and 3 of this Act shall enter into force on 31 December 2011. ARTICLE 109. Political groupings must adjust their organic letters and regulations to the provisions of this law within the one hundred and eighty (180) days of their validity, being from the expiry of that period, nullifies the provisions opposing this. ARTICLE 110. Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE TWO DAYS OF THE TWO YEAR TWO MIL NEW.
JULY C. C. COBOS. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.
POLITICAL PARTIES Decree 2004/2009 Obsérvase y Promúlgase la Ley No 26.571.Bs. As., 11/12/2009
VISTO the Draft Law on Democratization of Political Representation, Transparency and Electoral Equity, registered under No. 26.571, sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION on 2 December 2009, and
That the bill is intended to regulate the system of political parties, the designation of candidates for elective positions, electoral campaigns and the modernization of various aspects of electoral legislation.
That, in that order, conditions are established for the recognition and maintenance of the political legal personality of political parties at the federal level and the mode of appointment of candidates by political parties is determined through the system of open, simultaneous and compulsory primary elections.
That the rule in question regulates the financing of electoral campaigns, establishing a system of contributions for the printing of ballots, campaign contributions and the allocation of spaces in the audiovisual communication services exclusively by the National Electoral Directorate, also contemplating various aspects related to private contributions to electoral campaigns, the reports on the origin and destination of the funds for such activities and the renditions of accounts, with the corresponding conmintory and sanctioning measures.
It also establishes the modalities for the preparation, the national register of voters and the corresponding subregistrations by district, the development of the registers, the periodic review of the electoral cartography, the format of the ballots, the designation of the board authorities and other aspects related to the modernization of the electoral process.
That, finally, it enshrines security procedures such as direct recourse against the decisions of the National Electoral Directorate in the field of political campaigns and the creation of a Monitoring Council to learn in detail the steps taken by the National Electoral Directorate in the activities entrusted to it in relation to the electoral process.
That the contents of the same aim to improve the quality of political and electoral processes and should be considered to be linked to each other, in such a way that the feasibility of the procedures is related to the provisions for the constitution of political parties and the maintenance of their political legal entities.
(c) Article 107 of the Draft Law on Punishment states that the political parties of the district and nationals with a political legal person, shall have deadline until 31 December 2011 for the purpose of complying with the provisions of articles 7o ter and 8o of Law No. 23.298 , Organic Law of the Political Partiess, also providing that at the date of its entry into force shall be the action and the proceedings in force), concerning the extinction (b)
That article 108 of the draft sanctioned law provides that articles 2 and 3 of the Act amending article 7 and incorporates article 7o bis into the Organic Law of Political Parties No. 23,298, relating to the recognition of political legal personality to a political grouping and to the obtaining of the final political legal personality to the parties in formation, respectively, shall enter into force on 31 December 2011.
That the articles 107 and 108 referred to contradict the central objective of the law by deferring until the year 2012 the application of rules that are directly related to the improvement of political representation and are considered fundamental to order the universe of political actors, deferring the validity of the modifications introduced by this Bill to various articles of the Organic Law of the Political Parties, which are essential to the implementation of the political reform sanctioned and making this absolutely consistent way.
Accordingly, it is appropriate to observe articles 107 and 108 of the Bill registered under No. 26.571.
That the proposed measure does not alter the spirit or unity of the Project sanctioned by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION.
That Act No. 26.122, regulates the procedure and scope of the intervention of the NATIONAL HONORABLE CONGRESS in respect of the Decrees of Partial Promulgation of Laws issued by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, in accordance with article 80 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.
That the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER is empowered to dictate the present pursuant to article 80 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and in accordance with articles 2, 14, 19 and 20 of Act No. 26,122.
Article 1 Note articles 107 and 108 of the Bill registered under No. 26.571. Art. 2o With the salvedades set out in the previous article, please fill in, promute and teagase the National Bill registered under No. 26.571. Art. 3o Note the Permanent Bicameral Commission of the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION. Art. 4o Communicate, publish, give to the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION and archvese. . KIRCHNER FERNANDEZ. Aníbal D. Fernández. Aníbal F. Randazzo. . Jorge E. Taiana. . Nilda C. Garré. Amado Boudou. Debora A. Giorgi. . Julián A. Dominguez. . Julio M. De Vido. . Julio C. Alak. . Carlos A. Tomada. . Alicia M. Kirchner. . Alberto E. Sileoni. . José L. S. Baranao.