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Older Civil Code - Modification - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CODIGO CIVIL MAYORIA DE EDAD - MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
CODIGO CIVIL Law 26.579 Modification. Most of age. Sanctioned: December 2 of 2009 Enacted: December 21 of 2009

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

MAYORIA OF EDAD ARTICLE 1 Amend the Civil Code in Articles 126, 127, 128, 131 and 132 of Title IX, First Section of Book I; Article 166 subsection 5) and Article 168 of Chapter III of Title I, Second Section of Book I; Articles 275 and 306 subsection (2) of Title III, Second Section of Book II; Article 459 of Chapter XII, Second Section of Book I, which are drafted as follows:

Article 126: Minors are persons who have not attained the age of DIECIOCHO (18) years. .

Article 127: Impoverished minors who do not yet have the age of CATORCE (14) years completed, and adults who are of this age up to DIECIOCHO (18) years completed. .

Article 128: The inability of minors by the age of majority on the day of the DIECIOCHO (18) years.

A minor who has obtained a qualification for the exercise of a profession may exercise it on his own without the need for prior authorization, and freely administer and dispose of the assets he acquires with the proceeds of his work and be in civil or criminal proceedings for actions related to it. .

Article 131: Minors who contract marriage are emancipated and acquire civil capacity, with the limitations provided for in article 134.

If they had been married without authorization, they would not have until the age of majority the administration and disposition of the goods received or received free of charge, continuing with respect to them the current legal regime of minors. .

Article 132: The invalidity of marriage does not give effect to emancipation, except for the spouse of bad faith for those who cease from the day on which the sentence passes in authority of a judged thing.

If something was due to the minor with a clause of not being able to perceive it until the age of majority, emancipation does not alter the obligation or time of its enforceability. .

Article 166: These are impediments to marriage:

1. Consanguinity between ascendants and descendants without limitation.

2. Consanguinity between brothers or half brothers.

3. The link from full adoption, in the same cases as paragraphs 1, 2 and 4. The derivative of the simple adoption, between adopter and adopted, adopter and descendant or spouse of the adopted, adopted and spouse of the adopter, adoptive children of the same person, among themselves, and adopted and son of adopter. The impediments arising from the simple adoption will remain until the adoption is overturned or overturned.

4. Affinity in a straight line in all grades.

5. Have less DIECIOCHO (18) years.

6. The previous marriage, while remaining.

7. Have been the author, accomplice or instigator of the malicious murder of one of the spouses.

8. Permanent or transitory deprivation of reason, for any reason.

9. The deaf mute when the opponent does not know how to manifest his will unequivocally in writing or otherwise. .

Article 168: Minors may not marry with each other or with another older person without the consent of their parents, or of him who exercises parental authority, or without that of his guardian when none of them exercises it or, failing that, without that of the judge. .

Article 275: Minor children may not leave their parents ' house, or their parents ' house, without parental leave.

Nor can they exercise trade, profession or industry, or otherwise force their persons without parental authorization, except in articles 128 and 283. .

Article 306: Parental authority is over:

1. By the death of parents or children;

2. By profession of parents in monastic institutes;

3. By reaching the age of children;

4. For the legal emancipation of children without prejudice to the maintenance of the right to administer property acquired on a free basis, if the marriage was held without authorization;

5. By adoption of children, without prejudice to the possibility of restoring them in the event of revocation and invalidity of adoption. .

Article 459: At any time the Ministry of Minors or the minor himself, being a senior of DIECISEIS (16) years old, when there is doubt about the good administration of the guardian, for reasons that the judge has enough, may ask him to display the accounts of the guardianship. .

ARTICLE 2 . Defrost article 264 quater paragraph (2) of Title III, Section II of Book I of the Civil Code. Article 3 Add as second paragraph of Article 265 of Title III, Section II of Book I of the Civil Code, the following:

The obligation of parents to provide food to their children, with the scope set out in article 267, extends to the age of twenty-one, unless the older child or the father, if any, proves that he has sufficient resources to provide them for himself. .

ARTICLE 4 Articles 10, 11 and 12 of Chapter II, Title I, of Book I of the Trade Code are repealed. ARTICLE 5o Any legal provision establishing rights or obligations up to the age of majority must be understood until DIECIOCHO (18) years, except in the area of social security and insurance in which such benefits extend to VEINTIUN (21) years, unless the existing laws establish a different age. ARTICLE 6 Contact the Executive.



JOSE. J. B. PAMPURO. EDUARDO A. FELLNER. . Enrique Hidalgo. . Juan H. Estrada.